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Adapted from: Ann Algier, Everything You Need To Know About Learning A. Introduction Learning takes time !ery few people have photographi" memories Learning re#uires repetition$ meaningful repetition This is why a"tive study te"hni#ues are so vitally important The %re"ording disk% of the brain a""epts new material mu"h faster if it %hears,% %sees,% %feels,% %tastes,% and dete"ts motion &kineti" energy' during input or re"ording time Then too, the more times around the learning "ir"uit, the longer lasting the impression (f you are able to pla"e abstra"t ideas into diagrammati" form, you will remember the "on"ept B. Mnemonics )aterial that is diffi"ult to master "an be organi*ed by finding the key words in ea"h point, noting the first letter, and arranging the letters into a sense or nonsense word &the sillier, the better' E+amples: , -hat are the #ualities of a s"ientist. &mnemoni" answer: /(/01' / erserveran"e ( ntelligen"e / atien"e 0 riginality 1 uriosity 2 -hy did the 3 4 enter -orld -ar (. &mnemoni" answer: 4/5EN16' 4 ubmarines, 7ermans lifted restri"tions on use of / ropaganda, 8ritish "ontrol of 5 ussians overthrew the tsar E "onomi" ties of 3 4 with 8ritain and 9ran"e N eutrality, 7erman violations of 3 4 1 ultural ties with 8ritain 6 immerman telegram Note: in e+ample 2, the student has devised a mnemoni" based on key words (f you have a basi" understanding of ea"h point, you ought to be able to write a "omplete essay from the mnemoni" 4/5EN16 E+ample ,, however, represents the type of mnemoni" a student "ould use to learn a short list of items for an ob:e"tive test (f you need to memori*e a long list of items su"h as the states in the union, alphabeti*e and learn in small %"hunks % You "an always depend on the alphabet 8reak down a list, rearrange, put on a study "ard and master (n the e+ample of learning the states in the union, it is easier to remember that there are four states whose names begin with %A,% no %8s,% one %;,% et" , then to try to memori*e the list C. Study Cards (n printing study "ards, the student is using kineti" energy &energy in motion', thus making the impression stronger on the brain, and the student will be able to use the "ards for overlearning Another reason for having students make study "ards is that they are "onvenient to "arry and flip through for mastery 5eading the "ards silently, however, is too passive 7o over the "ards orally A student will not master the "ards by passively reading them Learning re#uires the e+penditure of energy The student must be a"tively engaged in produ"ing the sounds, using mus"les and burning energy to make the sound D. Memory , 7eneral points to "onsider a The student must fo"us his or her attention on whatever needs to be remembered (f you intend to remember something, you probably will b The student must be %sold% on the "ourse -hy is this sub:e"t worth knowing. 1orrelative reading may enhan"e the student<s interest 9or e+ample, histori"al novels are a marvelous way to learn history The greater the knowledge, the greater the interest " =elp the students "lassify and asso"iate )any authorities feel that you will master information faster if you learn in groups of seven or fewer at a time d =ave the students overlearn through repetition

Asso"iation is a key to memory: a You remember appro+imately ,> per"ent of what you read b You remember appro+imately 2> per"ent of what you hear " You remember appro+imately ?> per"ent of what you see d You remember appro+imately @> per"ent of what you hear and see together e You remember appro+imately A> per"ent of what you say &if you think as you are saying it' f You remember appro+imately B> per"ent of what you do

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Academic Skills Center, Dartmouth College 2001

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