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Oe d 2007 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code ay Eee I RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POWER BOILERS ASME Boller and Pressure Vessol Committee ‘Subcommittee on Power Ce The American Society of Ts Py 2007 ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTIONS 1 Roles fr Consracion of Power Boilers Ho Matera Par A — Ferous Materia Specietons Part B — Nonferous Matera Specifications Part C— Specifies for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Fler Meals Part D — Properies (Customary) Part D— Properies (Mee), 1M Rules for Constuction of Nuclear Failiy Components ‘Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2 Division 1 Subsection NB — Class 1 Components Subsection NC — Class 2 Components Subsecon ND — Cass 3 Components Subsection NE — Class MC Components Subsection NF — Seppons Subsection NG — Core Suppor Stctres Subsection NH — Class! Componens in Elevated Temperature Service Appendices Division 2 — Code for Conescte Continents Division 3 — Containmets for Transporation and Storage of Spent Nuckar Fuel ‘and High Level Radicacive Material and Waste Rules for Consrction of Heating Boilers [Nondestructive Examination Recommended Rules forthe Care and Operation of Heating Boies Recommended Guideline forthe Cae of Power Boilers Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels Division 1 Division 2— Alteritive Rules Divison 3 — Alternative Rules for Conswucion of High Pressure Vessels Welding and Brenig Qualieaions Fiber Reinforced Pst Pressare Vessels Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nacear Power Pant Components Rule fr Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks gqs<2 hax ADDENDA, Coored-shet Addnda, which include aditons and revisions t individu Sections ofthe Code, republished. nally and wil be sent aslomaially to purchasers of the applicable Sections up tothe publietion ofthe 2010, (Code The 2007 Coa is available only in the loosest format; sccorinly, the Addenda willbe issued in te loowe lea, replcemen page forma. INTERPRETATIONS ASME issues writen replies to inguities concerning lucerprctation of tecical aspect ofthe Code. The Iner- pretaons for eich individ! Section will be published epartly and will beincioded spar of the update sevice {ot Section. Ineryetations of Section I, Divisions | ‘nd 2, wil be inloded withthe update service to Subsec- fon NCA. Interpretations ofthe Code ae disibuted annually in Joly withthe issuance of the edtion and subse- ‘quent addenda, Interpretations posted in January at srinwestols smc orginerpretations 2 inloed inthe July distibton. CODE CASES “The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Commitee meets re lacy to coesider proposed ations and revisions tothe Code and io formelate Cases toca the iatent of existing requirements or vide, when the need is wpe ues formate or constraction notcovered by exiting Code rules, Those Cases that have been afoped wil appear in the appropriate 2007 Cade Crses took: “Bolts and Pressure Vertels” and “Noclet Component.” Supple- ments will be sent automatically tothe purchases ofthe (Cade Cases books up tthe publication ofthe 2010 Code. CONTENTS Foreword w ‘Statements of Policy ear si Personne ix Preamble xa ‘Sunumary of Changes i i List of Chages in BC Onder avi PART PG GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION ' General 76.1 Scope : eae P62 Service Limitations. : 1 Po Referenced Standard. z 1 PG Units 1 Materials Pos General : : 2 Pos Pate 2 PG Forgings. oo Poe Castings 3 Po Pipes, Tubes, and Pressure Containing Pars 3 PG-10 ‘Matea eres With or Produced fo a Speciation Not Permit by This Section, and Material Not Fully Ientied 6 Po Miscellaneous Pressure Pars 1 PG ‘Water Love Intiestors and Connector Mater. 5 PG Sus. ° Powe Rives Sunes 8 General ° Fabrication by a Combination of Methods 0 Design Validation by Proof Test aay Cod Forming of Aoseiic Materls : 0 “Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 0 Loaaings : : u Sess Vales for Calculation emus. 2 (Quiy Factors for Stes! Castings... 0 2 Cylindsical Components UacerInernal Pressure 3 Welded Access or Inspection Openings Under Externsl Press... 6 Dishes Heads 16 Syed Dished Heads ese 8 UUnsayed Flat Heads and Cove. 6 Openings and Compensation 76-32 ‘Openings in Shels, Headers, and Heads P63 CCompetstion Require for Openings in Shes and Formed Heads. Pox Fhingedsn Openings ia Formed Heads PGs Compensation Required for Openings in Flat Unstayed Heads and Flt Sted ists PG-36 Limits of Metal Available fr Compensation PGT ‘Seengh of Compensation. PO38 Compenston for Meliple Openings. 76-39 ‘Mettods of Anschment of Pipe and Nozzle Ness ko Wesel Walls 7-0 ‘General Requirements for Fitings, Flanges, and Valves Po Norele Neck Thickness. Pow Inspection Openings PG-6 Sayed Surfaces Poa? Saybots PGs Location of Stybot PG Dimensions of Saybots Pos Ligaments PGS games PGs ‘oppor and Avachmet Laps ‘oiler Eternal Piping and Boller Proper Connections Poss Ontets and External Piping PGs ‘Appiation Requirement for the Boies Proper Design and Application Po-60 Requiretsents for Miscellaneous Pipe, Valves and Fitings PGI Feotwater Supply Safery Vatvesand Safety Rete Valves Pos? Biles Safty Valve Requtements Poe Supsteatr sad Rebesor Safer Valve Regiement PG. ‘Cetfcation of Capaity of Safety and Safety Relief Valves PG-70 Capacity of Salty Valves. : PG Mounting Pon Operation. PG-73 Minimam Requirement for Safty and Safty Relief Valves Fabrication 26-75 General 76-75, CCuting Plates and Otter Stock Po Pine Ientieaton : PGs Repais of Defects in Maes Po “Tle Holes and Eads PG-80 Pormisile Out Rounds of Cylindieal Shall PGs Tolerance for Formed Heads Pon Holes for Stays Inspection ani Tests 76-90 General PG91 (Quaiation of inspectors P63 Inspection and Repair of Fla Plt in Carer dont P69 Hydrostae Test, a 2s 8 2% 2» 3 3 3 FN 3 35 38 38 2 3 4 6 8 2 3 37 58 8 @ 2 e 6 68 e Bae Certification by Stamping and Data Reports PG-101 PG-106 P-105 PG-106, PG.107 PG-108 PG.109 Polo PGI PGAL PG.I13 Figures PG-28 PG31 P62 Poa P6332 P0333 Po38 Poa PG462 P6521 Pos22 P6323 Pasa Poss P3286 Pos. P6-5832 76-591 76-60 Rosa Pao 6-105. P6-1052 PG-1053 PG-105 6-105 eating Surface Computation General Cove Syma Stamps Stamping of Boilers Feld Assombly Stamping for Fee- Assembled Boiters, Samping of Pressure Piping. Stamping of Sefety Valves Location of Stanpings Manufacturers Data Report Fons. Master Data Report Form ‘Maximus Iternl Projection of Welded Accesso Inspection Openings Some Acceptable Types of Unstayed Flat Heads and Covers (Char Showing Limits of Sies of Openings With Inerem Compensation a Cylindrical Shes ‘Nomenclature and Formule: for Reinforced Openinas Some Representative Configurations Describing the Dimensions fh ad (Char. for Deteriing Valo of F Iosrations ofthe Rule Given in PG-384 Wilding End Transitions Maximum Envelope Acceptable Proportions fr Ends of Tough Stays Diagram for Determining the Etficiency of Longtail snd Disgons! Ligaments Between Openings in Cylindrical Shel, Example of Tobe Spaciag With Pic of Hoes Eqs! in Every Rom Example of Tobe Spacing With Pich of Holes Unequal in Every Second Example of Tbe Spacing With ich of Hoes Varying in Every Secon snd “Tint Rose Example of Tab Spacing With Tube Holes on Diagonal Lines Diapram fr Determining Equivalent Longitudinal Eien of Dagon ‘Lgumeuts Between Openings in Cylindal Shel {Code Jursdicionl Limits for Piping — Drom Type Hors Code Jurisdictional Limits foe Piping — Focedlow Steam Generar ‘With No Fixed Steam or Wateine ‘Typical Bole Bushings ‘Typical Anangement of Seam and Water Connections for a Wate Cola ‘Requirements for Pressure RelietForeed- Flow Steam Genertor Maximam Permissible Deviation From a Citelar Form efor Cylingrie Pants Under External Presse Official Sybls for Stamp to Denote The American Society of Mechanical Engines" Standard fo Boilers Official Symbol for Stamp to Deoote The American Society of Mesbaricl Engineers’ Standard for Assembly Official Synel for Stamp to Denote The American Soci of Msshaical Engineers’ Standard for Welded Pipi, Official Symbol for Stamp to Denote Te American Society of Meckaricl Engnges' Standard fer Safety Valves Form of Sumping (US. Cusomary) o o Post Cokt-Forming Stn Limits and Heat-Treateot Requirements Minimom Number af Teas Pee Connection Superhet Conection Factor, Ky (US. Custom) Superhet Conection Factor, Ke (SD. REQUIREMENTS FOR BOILERS FABRICATED BY WELDING Genel Genet General Design of Welded Toit. Heat Treament, Radiographic and Uhrsonie Eamiaton of Welded But Jin Head to-Fange Reguitements (Openings in or Adjacent to Welds Welded Connestions Minimom Requirement for Avachnent Weds, Weldedia Stays eects Welding Processes Welding Quliestion and Weld Records. : Base Metal Preparation Pipe or Tab Used as @ Alignment, Tabe and Pig Finished Longitiinal ang Cicada Joins Miscellaneous Welding Reguiements Prbeatng Regiments for Postweld Heat Treasment Repair of Defects CCirurferential Fits in Pipes, Tes nd Headers Joints in Valves and Oter Boller Appurtenances ‘Leading on Sacral Atachmens Inspection and Tests Pw put Pw pw Pw-50 Pw pws Pwsi pws General (Check of Welding Provedse (Check of Welder and Welding Operator Performance Qualifications. (eck of Heat Treatment Practice. ‘Qualiaton of Nondestructive Exanioaton Personnel “Acreptance Standards for Radiography ‘ceptanee Standards for Uiarone Examination ‘Tes Plates, Hydrostatic Tee 33 s 6 16 6 * n ® w® n 8 88 8 58 ° 0 0 1 1 31 11 102 03 04 106 106 106, 106 106 105, ww 107 110 Figures Pw Pwo2 pws PW.I6. Pw.i62 Pw.1944a) w-19Atb) Pw Pwa3.2 Pw pws32 W534) PW5330) ‘Tables Pw Pw Pw39 pws Pw. PART PR PART PB General Pa Materials PBs PBs PR Design Phe Pao PB.10 PBs PBs B16 PBT PBS PB.19 Fabrication PB.26 PB PB.29 PB30 PBL But Welding of Plats of Unga! Thickness Prohibited Welded Joint Examples of Weld Seengh Caculons Some: Accepable Types of Welded Nozvies and Other Connections to ‘Shell, Drums, and Headers Some Accepuble Forms of Wel or Lugs, Hanger, and Brackets oa ‘Shell, Droms, tnd Headers Some Accopuable Types of Diagonal Brees fr lnsaation by Welding ‘Unacceptable Types of Disgonal Braces for Installation by Welding. Method of Computation of atachmens to Tubes (Char fr Deaeminng Load Factor, Test Specimens From Longitudinal Welded Tex Plies ‘Method of Forming Longitudinal Test Plates. Deals of Tension Test Specimens Details of Bend Test Specimens Require Radiographic and Ubraonic Examination of Welded But ois, Alignment Tolerance of Sectioas to Be But Welded Mandatory Requirements for Postvelé Heat Tieatmont of Presse Par and Arackmens| Aliemate Posted Heat Treameot Regimens for Carbon and Low Alloy ‘Stel. “Tbe Attachment ‘Angle Design Factor, REQUIREMENTS FOR BOILERS FABRICATED BY RIVETING. REQUIREMENTS FOR BOILERS FABRICATED BY BRAZING: Genel General Brazing Filer Metals Fluxes and Atmospheres CGenerat Sengih of Bred Fonts Braz Jot Eleney : Applistion of Braxiag Filler Metal Pomisable Types of Joint Joint Clesrance Sint Brazing Procedure Openings Brazed Connections General (Qasifeation of Brazing Procedure. (Quaitcaton of Brazers and Brazing Operators. Cleaning of Surfaces wo Be Braves Clearance Between Surces to Be razed ” 2 86 a7 a 104 ns 108 108 10 m 101 105 12 13 ua ma 1d na ha us us us us us us us 6 us aT "7 pea Postrazing Operations... B33 Repair of Defective Brazing : Inspection and Tests Ps Genet PB. (Check of Brasing Procedure : PBs raze and Brazing Operator P49 Vigo! Examination. 5-30 Exemptions Marking and Reports PRst Figure PBS ‘Tables Pot PRG PART Pwr General pwri Matera pwrs Design pwrs pwrs wri Pwrll pwr Pwris Pwhid Pwris Figures Pwr-ll Pwrei2i PwrI22 ‘Table Pwrio General Some Ascepable Types of Beazed Joins Maximum Design Temperates [FC] for Brazing Filler Met Recomended lot Clerance at Brazing Temperate [REQUIREMENTS FOR WATERTUBE BOILERS Gener Genet General “Toes and Pipe ‘ ‘Tube Wall Thickness “Tube Connections Stayboling Box-Type Header. Staying Segment of Heads Fring Doors Access and Fring Doos. Examples of Accepiable Forms of Tube Anachment...... Box-Type Header Joint Method of Forming Watedeg Joins by Welding «0... Maximum Allowable Working Pressures for Seamless Steel and Eeetic Resistance Welded Steel Tubes or Nipples for Waterube Boies, Whe Expanded lto Drums or Headers, for Different Diameters and Gages “Tues Conforming tothe Reqakerens of Specifications SA-178 Gade A, SA-192, and SA-226| 7 117 mY m 8 ue 8 us 16 na 6 19 19 19 19 9 uy ug 3 1m 1m 1B m2 a 1m PART PFI REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRETUBE BOILERS. General PEE (Genera : : Materats PETS enerat Design Pers General . PTS “Thckness Requirements PrT-10 Shal Joins : Pert ‘Atachnent of Heads and Tubeshects Persia ‘Tues : Combustion Chambers PEE Combustion Chamber Tubeses.. : PET (General PEELS Pain Circular Furnaces : PETIT Ring Reinforced Type oon PEELS Conted Furnaces Prr9 Combined Pain Circuit and Corigated Type Per-20 Atwchment of Farace, fe PET cbores and Waterlgs : Stayed Surfaces pera General pers ‘Working Pesure for Staved Curved Safes Perot ‘Saying Hoszonal Rete Tube Boles Pers Saying Segments of Heads : PT-I6 ‘Area Supported by Say . on PET ‘Maximum Spacing PET Sybots and Stays PET Flexible Stabole ae PET-30 Crown Bars and Gder Sa. : PEEL Sty Taber ae PEI Swesses n Dingoal Stays : Doors and Openings Prr-40 Welded Door Openings. pera Openings ie Wrapper Sets ene pera Fueside Access Openings... pers, -Requremeats for Inspection Openings. : Pert Opening Between Boller and Safety Valve Domes PTAs Requirements for Domes Seting PTS “Medial of Suppor : : ne m4 14 14 14 135 m m im 138 19 129 10 130 2 m2 m2. m2 ba 1a 1a Bs Bs 136 136 136 136 136 136 Piping iting, and Appliances PETA? PETA PT PRrso PETS} igures Pera PEEIT2 PEELS PRT PET-20 Prr2t PEE-23 pers PET? PEED PFT Prris2 PART PEEL Pr PART PMB. General PMB PMB2 Materats PMB.s Design PBs PMB PMB-10 PMB-IL PMB-I2 PMB-I3 PMB PMB-Is PMB-I6 PMBAT PMB2 PART PEB General PER PEB2 ‘Water Level Indoors : eed Piping Blowott ping ‘Thickness of Fumaces and Tubes Under Exeral Pressure -Masimam Allowable Working Pressure Some Acceptable Fos of Tube Atachment on Free Boilers “Acceptable Type of Ring-Reinforced Furace Morison Furace {Connection Between Pain and Comgaied Furnace Welding Ogee Ring Some Acceptable Methods of Forming Wataeg Joins by Welding Sayed Weapper Shet of Locomouve-Type Bolle. Example of Stuying of Heads Adjacent Cylindial Furnaces Pitch of Stybots Adjacent to Upper Carats of Freboxes. “Measurement for Determining Svesses in Diagonal Stays Spacing and Weld Deals for Wall-Support Lugs Sein Parson Honzntal-Ret Tubular Boilers ‘Welded Bracket Comecton for Hodzenta- Ret Tubular Boles ‘OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FEEDWATER HEATER (WHEN LOCATED WITHIN SCOPE OF SECTION I RULES). REQUIREMENTS FOR MINIATURE BOILERS General Scope (Geserat General Welding ‘Washout Openings Feeder Supply Blowaft Water Gages. Fixtures and Ftings Safety Valves ‘Steam Stop Valves ‘Automatic Devices Hydrostatic Tests and laspection [REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRIC BOILERS. General Scope ro be 18 19 19 125 7 i 19 129 130 i 13 a Bs 138 28 1a a1 “a 12 1 1 13 3 ua ug 1B ua 13 18 M3 us us us Peps Materials PERS Design PRBS PEED PEB-I0 Pen PEB-I2 PEB-I3 PERI PEB-IS PED-I6 PERI? PEB-IS PEBAIS PART PVG General pve Matera PvG-s Design PvGs PvGo PVG: PvG-12 Figure PvG-12 PART PHRSG ‘Optional Requirements forthe Boller Pressure Ves General General Welding Inspection Openings Feedwater Supply Blowott Water Level indicators, Pressure Gages Safey Valves ‘Astorate Devices Hydrostatic Tes. Inspection and Stamping of Boilers “Manufacturers Data Report for Elects Boles REQUIREMENTS FOR ORGANIC FLUID VAPORIZERS (Genet General CGenerat General Requiemens (Gage Gases ‘ Drain Valves. Salty Vales Constant for Vapor Related to Ratio of Specific Hats ded REQUIREMENTS FOR HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATORS Gererat Scope Reqirmens for Supereater and Rebates Condcosnie Removal Conners Desuperheater Dea Peis Cenieaton| Some Accepuble Desuperheater Speaywater Protection Device “Amangemeats, MANDATORY APPENDICES 1 Submit of Technical Inguiies to the Boiler and Presure Vessel Comminee us us us ur 8 re 9 9. 19, 19, ry 19 150 isi 1s 151 151 131 153 132 ss 1 Standard Uaits for Use in Equations [NONMANDATORY APPENDIX A Explanation ofthe Code Cotsining Mate Not Mandatory Unless Specify Refered o inthe Rules ofthe Code Index ist 156 an FOREWORD ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers setup 2 ‘commie in 1911 forthe purpose of formulating standard fuls fo the constuction of seam boilers an oer pe Sure vessel, This commie is no ale the Boer and Pressure Vessel Commitee ‘The Commitee finetion it establish rls of salty, seltng ony t presse integrity, goveing the consic- Sion! of boilers oressure vessels, ranspor tanks and ‘clear comporens, nd inservice inspection fr peste fotegty of tucea components and tensor tak, and ‘oinierpe thse les when quesions arse egarking their Jntent This coe doesnot aires ober safe issues elt {ng theconsvucionobailes, pressre veel transport tanks and niclear component, andthe inservice inspection of miclesr components and tanspor tanks, The wer of the Cade sould fer to eter pertinent codes, standards, lus, regulations, or ther relevant documents. With few exceptions, the rubs dono, of prectiel neces, eect, thelietnoed andconsequences of detereraton inservice related to specifi ervice ids or exteral operating env ronments. Recognizing this, the Commits hs approved 2 wide varity of cnstructon resin this Section fo allow the ser ors des gosto eee ose whieh wil rowde 2 pressure vese ving a margin for deterioration in = ‘ee so a5 give a reasonably long. safe perid of we fulness. Accordingly, it isnot intended tha hs Secon beused asa designhandbosk rather engineering juement smust be employee inthe seloction of those ses of Code ‘ls sutble any specie service or need ‘This Code canainn mandnoryrequremen’, specie prohibitions, nd ronmandstory guidance for consrcton ctvites. Te Coe doesnot adress al aspects of tase fctivities and thee aspects which are not specially Addressed should vt be considered probed, The Code 's not handbook and canet replace education, expe ace, andthe we of engineering judgment. The pase fenginceingjudgen eters technical judgments made by knowledgeable designers experienced inte sppistion ofthe Code. Engscering judgments most be consistent ‘with Cade piles and such judgments must never be used to overfe mandaery requirements or speiie prohibitions ofthe Code ‘The Commitee recognizes that wols and tecbgues sed fr design and analysis chang a echoology prog resses and expects enginesr © us good jdgment inthe plain of these ool. The designer is responsible for complying with Code rules and denonstating compliance nit Code equations when Sach equations are mandatory “The Code nether requses nor praiis the use of comput. 5 forthe design ot analysis of components constructed tothe requirements ofthe Code. However, designers and ngincer using computer programs for design or analysis ‘us catoned that they ae responsible oral tehnteal Assumptions ineret inthe progans they se and they te responsible forthe aplication of these programs their ceien “The Code dors not Fully address tolerances. When Aimensions ses, or oterparanaes ae ot specified tit tolerances, the values ofthese eames ae consi: {red nominal and allowable termes or lca vriances maybe considered accepable wher based ov engineering Judgment and standard practices s determined bythe designer ‘The Boller and Presure Vesel commits dese with the care and inspection of bole and presse veel in service only to the exe of providing suggested aes of ood patce as an ai to ovner nd thir aspects "The ales esblshed by the Conmitee are nat o be imerpeeted as approving. recommenting, or endorsing sy proprietary or spcite design oa ting in ny way the Imanafactrer’ freedom to chose ny method of design ‘orany form ensrseton hat cantins othe Coders, ‘The Boiler and Pressire Vesel Connie mses gt lay to consider revision ofthe rls, new rls a dictated by technological development, Coie Cases, and requests for interpretations Only the Boiler and Pressure Vesel ‘Comite has the authority to provide offi imerprta- ‘ons his Code. Raguet for revision, new rales, Code ‘Cases, or ierpetatios shal be arsed the Secretary in wing and shal give fl purse onder to recive ‘consideration and acon (ce Manatry Appendix 2 ering preparation of technical ingisas). Proposed 2% Sion the Code resulting from ngres will be presente tothe Main Commitee for apropate sein, The acon ‘ofthe Main Commits becomes efeetve only ft son Fimaton by Jeter ballot ofthe Commitee and approval by ASME. Proposed sevisonstothe Cade spprovedy'the Comat tear svbmitedto the American Nasional Standards Inst {ote and published sp: tolsaame.or/escomnec/ 0 avite con tents from al iotereted persons. After he alloted time for public review an final approval by ASME, revisions ‘ue publsbedannualy in Addenda tothe Code. ‘Code Cates may te used i the constuction of compo ens to be stamped with the ASME Code symbol begin- ‘ing with the date o heir approval by ASME. ‘Aer Code revises ate aproved by ASME, thy may te wied beginning with the Ge of Ssuance shows 00 the Adéenés, Revisions, except for rvsions to materia specifications in Secon Pars AandB, become wands: tory six months afer such date of iesuance, except for boilers o presse vesale contracted for pio fo the end of the sicmoathpeiod. Revisions to material specifies: thas ate crignated 3 the American Society for Fesing tnd Materials (ASTM) and other recognized national intematonal organizations, and are usually adopted by ASME. However, the revisions my ot say not have ny effect on the sully of materi, prodced to eater ‘tons of seciicaions, for use in ASME consrcton "ASME material specications appeoved for use in each ‘onsruction Code ae listed in the Guidlines fr Accept Sle ASTM Eaton in Section Il, Pars And B. These Guidelines is, for each specieton, the Inet edition adopted by ASME. dearer andatereitons considered ty ASME tobe identical for ASME consracton "The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Comte in th form tesign and opertng presses considers materials com Struction, methods of fabection, ispecton, and safety evens ‘The Code Commitee does ot ule on wheter acompo- ent shale shall tbe constructed othe provisions of the Cole. The Scope of ech Section has been exabished to ientity the components and parameters considered by the Commits in ferulating the Code rls. ‘Quesons or isos regaring compliance of a specie ‘component withthe Code ules are to be dicted to the [ASME Conifcae Holder (Manufacture). Inguries eon Cernig te interretion ofthe Code aro be diccted to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Commitee ASME isto be notified should quests aise concersing Jmproper use of an ASME: Code symbol. "The specifications formers gies ln Secon Tare ideal withor silo hase of peiicaons published by ASTM, AWS, and cer recognized national rine tonal rganzatons, When references made ina ASME Iara specication tou non-ASME specfeation for ‘which a companion ASME speciinton exis the refer ce shall be interpreted applying ote ASME material ‘pecication, Not all matrals inciéed in the material specications in Section It have been aoptd for Code the, Usage ited to those mateialsand grades adopted byatleast one ofthe other Sections of ie Coe for apis tion under rls ofthat Secon ll mates llowed by ‘hese vrioneSesions and used for costuccon within tbe Scope of ther us shal be furnished in accoranee ‘ith ‘nae spevifeatons contained a Seton or referenced inthe Guidelines for Accopable ASTM Editinsin Seton TL, Pare & and B,excepe were thee provide in Code ‘Cass or inthe applieable Section of he Coe. Matera covered by these specications are acceptable for we 8 items covered by the Code Sections only 10 the dearee Inditedin the aplcable Secon. Macias for Ce use should preferably be ordered, produced aed dacumested ‘this eset Guideline for Acceptable ASTM Editions in Seston Il, Part A and Gaideie for Acceptable ASTM eins io Sesion I, Par Bist dons of ASME and year tes of specication tha meet ASME requreents Sand which ma) be used in Code cestuction, Material produced to an ascepablespeietion with requiements Feations fied io he Guideline for Accepable ASTM dons in Par Aor Par B may alo sen scordance with he above, provided the material mapufacureror ves fel matufazarer certifes with vide acceptable othe ‘Authorized Inspector thatthe comespondingrequzemen’s of speifistion lied ip the Guiine for Acceptable [ASTM Euions in Part Aor Par Bhavebeen met Material ‘reduced to an acceptable mater specification isnot Tite as to ounty of oxi ‘When seed by context i thie Seton, he singular shal be interpreted 3 the pla, an viee-vesa, ad the feminine, maicbine, o puter gender shall be weaed 35 such oer geoder as appropri STATEMENT OF POLICY ON THE USE OF CODE SYMBOLS AND CODE AUTHORIZATION IN ADVERTISING ASME hss ests procedures to authorize qualified organizations to perform various ates in acordance with te eqiremsts ofthe ASME Boller and Pesure essa Code Ii 8 am ofthe Society to provide recog tion of organizations so authorized. An organza hol ing authorization 1 perform various activites ia scotdance With he requements ofthe Code may tte this copoly in is advertsing Irate ‘Organisations that are authorized ose Code Symbols for marking ems or costuctons tha have been con sructed and inseced in compliance wit the ASME Boller fd Presre Vessel Cade ae nso Cette of Auto ati Is heaim ofthe Society wo maintain the stansing ‘ofthe Code Symbols forthe Benefit ofthe users, the enforcement juiitions, and the holders ofthe symbols ‘who comply witha quienes. ‘Based on these bjectives, the following policy has heen ‘esblished onthe sage in aversng of sills ofthe Symbols, Cerfcaes of Authorization, and reference 1 Code comtrstion ‘The American Society of Meshes Engineers docs tot “approve.” “eet.” "ate." oF endorse any item, constuction ost and here hal ‘eno ssemensorimplicton ha might so nist, An cegaizaton holding Code Syaboandoe a Cariet of “Asorzntion may sate in adverts iterate tht He, onsrations, or activities “are bei produced per. formed) or acts conducted in acordance with the requiremens ofthe ASME Boikr and Pressure Vessel Ce” or mee the euiemens ofthe ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code” ‘Te ASME Symbol sal te wsedonly for stamping and sameplates as spoil provided nthe Code, However facsimiles may be used for the purpose of fostering the se of such eonsroetion. Such usagernay be by an soci tion ora 3021, oF bya holder of «Code Symbol who ray ako use the fasile in averting to show that erly specie items will cary te yabo. Genera usage {s pemited only when all ofa manfacue's tems are consocted under the res. “The ASME lop, hich the clovercaf with the eters ASME within, shal mot be used by sy organization ater than ASME, STATEMENT OF POLICY ON THE USE OF ASME MARKING. TO IDENTIFY MANUFACTURED ITEMS ‘The ASME Boler and Presse Vessel Code provides ‘les for he coastcton of blr, presse vessels and ‘clear somponens This includes reguceent for maie= rials, design fabrication, examination, inspection, and Stamping. ems consuuced in accordance wit al of the ‘ppleabe rls ofthe Code are identified withthe ofa Cie Symbol Stanp decribed inthe governing Section of the Code, Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard” or any cer marking Incding “ASME” or the vaiows Code Symbols shall not be wsod oa ny tem that 6 not con: toc in accordance with al of te appseble neque tent ofthe Code. Tems shall not be desorbed on ASME Dats Report cms nor on similar forms reeriteto ASME tht fd to imply tht all Code requrenens have been met wen, in fact they have not been. Data Report Forms covering tems ly complying wth ASME resirements shoal notreferio ASME orth should elu dant all excep- tions to the ASME reqarement. PERSONNEL ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Subcommittees, Subgroups, and Working Groups ‘As of January 1, 2007 ‘iene chic Sdetones Satay sine Depa ear tt Oo Manber £6 too that EL bone EC Kamer Rh cep wet ne Chote Meco Ce reat Wve sore OF aed Cet 1. Macy, Chae WL tae Nain. Stn EA nee ei ate We Lach Ne eae Tene bi ewer Ae MARINE CONFERENCE GROUP HN tt cha Erte ‘ce chin 0. tieman = Newtundnd Tamer — Obie Snr Cac, ‘Sere eye tine Rabon — Michigan aes Googe I'S Acaoalrne”M Gen, ok [Ata Meeots pHa — Uh EAandewon™—iives LL Ha 1 Say de ad Bato Nara, 8.tien— boswase es Poe tad Bh sees — F pasnn — veg ode Msp Bak MStao Qua ana ‘limbs, Camas Ete one CF male — Ne rarer shal Po Cana — New ak CONFERENCE COMMITEE (CONT'D) 1.5 ck — nn Sores —Sidathenan CI erogen = Wconin CWsmingon— New ese See Vermont ee 0, Pat— South Oshte {FV PROIECTTIAM ON HYDROGEN TAMS. 14.0, Ra, One RC Bi, Conepondng E nC Ehonteg Secetry “Manto Pew 1 Ci, coneyong Bie exok ican, Carepondes Pe fm ‘ons en Ih rien Conepndng Tot enter NL Neha LE yen 1b. Bt Covering Menber resi Tt Copondig sos Member Peso 1 Spt compar ae cet Compondng Da ete Monte Ep Stat, Conepondg ETL Weta ne FR cme». Sahe, Compan Bs ue oie ie scam nro 0 94 : ie : ioe ee eee Ssbsroup om Dun 60 9. Si, Char LP ubiee hte ts 1b Fstien De sehee LPechape He sope Ceohorre: 1 Soe Stroup on Fabscton an ameaon C1 J. flow, Char 1 anen [tara area bli eae RE Netognin SW Creo wou ewes Rv ‘room Gal Rogen SC Re melanie TC cough etinvonk Seoety 1.1 Plow eo omens PO es Sv Toion Te Hane Voge wit bate Sbproup on Mat C9 bia connie he seta Sbgrup on Fig 80 er TC Mech Wea awe Hest covey Steam Generate Tak Group 660 Envome seeiy AL my EWwanieon| RD see Teta Pe sina Foran Bamps SuscoMMuTte ON MATERIAS C1) Jf te, Ch CL ttre ‘Mai tae hi PA taka N tate, Soren F hme BLE Aaa wee : HS aunts Shp [comer Le Rbetin Rehan Est tana falas Be thoes Bina EA No, Moneray Tate Keen Dette A Abe Leger Wb Den Pra Cn Strgon Sabri on Fer Speiction 5) E.G. Nsten, ch D.C. Re Kappler ice hae. Laver 5M Digan Wesabe i. Desde As ha [ects tps, BLS fowak Awe zouben Stary on neal Mate Spain CM) WM andy, ni 0.0. Hem chad ee char Mig RecCiapie eowy Helene Dic Agno RE Nong mo a 20 Senter DE Gabaoay ven legate Ssbarovp onNefeous ly (1D Racer See Pete D.C Agnes Patani Sse ia Rohe Espo EL es Reva Sar on Stength Fas Als 51D WR Abie Bien > falowey EW. Sindenan fcaid Be inegood Eten Toe sa Subgroup on Psi Popees CHD LF Gt Cur 2. lony oc Rem Sane Sabgoup on Sten of Wenn BC 8 S20) Le Th Oa Le Hey kit coian EW. tare Pb Fon Wil pate is Bre Pergo Satroapon Tones (C1 & SVN) 5 nt. i saben ei eote Trai [cameron hb ane Ble tan epi ‘pec! Working Group or Nene tere SCH) SR hon 1 Weape peta aes SUBCOMMITIEE ON NUCLEAS POWER CH) EM jome vee Char DF ane NN. Bene EA nie pees Wine eronbe 0.0. 9yomode CL Hotinen KOR chan eck NH Oh Doge Monorary Members CH) W.0-00y Chee on Caan tems fe Spent Fes and igor Waste opr Pekin SC HD ew, Sey Spo on Design Athen Son Kaen BN Be 1c neo Bit cate Fe eat Pete Ender 1 Corman Wen eter Gc tage Resting To Seon Trial TP tater orig ip en Sapper 860) CH Fi Be sce Sion OE Bia ie tan BN Nan Woning Grup on Cre Sopp Scare SCD) HD aaa} Wong Grup on Design NethodsleySC-0) PL Anioon Seoway WS par Mk Aang TF Mabe BLL ce Fo Seen Hs 1 Waking Grupo Dp of Dison 3 Comets Be sci Bees CS tem 1e mince Working Gro om ping 6-09 SCM Pci. ch OF tans Een omar, fence Felon So See Nose Ce tee Woking Group on Prati Meads in Design "seo sci) Tasman nym Sm como erate king Grp on Fumps SGD) 8 RE. comin ti Our WL ib thehiow Te Usreon DR tawe eae ‘orig roa on Yes SGD) SC HD eka WO Sore Wines Nerescysree Wong Gro on Vests 66D) akesng Sesame wor Special Woking Grupo itomentatects S01 th W. 2, Nowak Chit 5. Yass any Shee Ongoe ‘ahr on Gel Regent SC & 5C30 ‘en i Bae a ies oe ‘Sbgroup on Mata, Fabian and amin SC Vengo ePaper Siege St Spee Chrome wet pot Ee ceapee Teton tie a Seber on rere al Ebr Oia Sebo set ad agen ‘SCM Dsune and 8. ams, Onir aes cae Seay Rosia Shee Neon CN roy oat Ta sin Spel Wong Grupo Eig and Review 1) BC cldeet 0 Season Suboup or Graphite Core Component SC hve Foun Sou Jom AcLasue coNmurtes oN AE fd Mee Cir SUSCOMMITEE ON HEATINGHOILERS C1) 2. Mal Che es eta Seatac ce a anne be Eat hesape Bye Bi Aspe Ch bow 8B tagn Honan, St Nerte bo Menta Bi eis edo, Homey Subproup on Cae an Operation of Mtg ales SW) Sv vache, cai KM netage EL teen Pn KPH Subgroup 00 Carn ae SC Xs argu, chor fn sn 18 Caeine CP necgen 1A at ‘Sip on ata SC) ve TUsege WL tae es ir KM setae Pesinne sown Subgroup on Welded Bailes 810 Eaton bese Ent Boe 2A leas 1 Bay, cha 0.8 quam Floors Vee che Sater Sac Soom BH Clk. Honora SU Rton enter ita Meter PL bows ont edi, Honey A Gateay Sc, Honorary GW Hees hone Rw kre 1 Gc, Honorary peng Menta Subyoup on Goes eqiemeny enamel Quan ndings CY) B.D. Mecuire. Chr GW Henin Keay Toa perry Te acy Ne tanoa IP Swen Stroup on Sartac xainaton Methods CY) AS Bite, Char We ae Se aktn 1. Quatebau FL B00 EL sate Subgroup Volante Metds CV Mee, Chor RLV, Had Siskin Ra nar EE Obey aaa Bown Feng NY ion Fi Sater orig Crop Aco isons SMD CV Teaeoa TE Mig Weking Grow 0 alopapy SGD CW cammcer ht Cindy spies re ie i orig rope Utes SEND CY RW. se Cha RA Karat Eetayeock tere SUBCONAITIE ON PRESSURE VESSELS VD Sow sey Si) Pe Rj Soe oe eed Coe als i owt! Se toners Perciapie Cbs Neco Ese WS te ‘le Ce cer Psi sie aa fencer Up Shore EU thems, ony west ante strapon Des MHD Ssngroup on Facto an npn IN Rosey, Cha ban Eisen Veeco Lice 1 Oka 1 tone UF Combet KL rice Hk Cron Me Ree ‘Wate Oe Sey Diet BP Soe Stroup on Cal Regents SCV) 5c mabey cnr As ohm Bi Smtat Senay emo Rita isin Tr ce ose eee Soup on Het ace fe, pies Seen oie retance Tie hen Beng foci Ce cena eyaanr toca Sela pn STA eee, sony Fevan yup on ih treme Vos SCV J 8 Sine, Cha 1A SNsque Secrty | tate rama bre Bare BD on Pvc SC vce SiN hes Seas Panam Sttoup on aera Cv) Pecan Resuberin eee E tans Spec! Waning Croup oa Grape Fee Egsipmet Special Wenig Croup a0 High Presa Vn SE VD Tsk croup ea mpl Landed Ve VN REN Or Le Dill. a am ater kes” 2 Retaan eit Roger parece Tesi SUBCOMMITTEE ON WELDING 5 9 1. ein, car RD. Mein ‘aChSpmo ee Char BR New Hoenn Scoeay 4S Olver BLA tower Si Puce Re Brown 510 Ret theca MS Fi Gen ssn rsh Pe Van fos Watt RR Yous Scop on tracing 8 ML Pace, che AF Gaol CF compat 1 Swen we Cer ‘sirup on Geer eirements (SX) 8 RNa, Car Hoe PR bane Pe sus Mae 8 line ‘Stroup om Mater 6 D0 Ki anal 5.0 Reyntd Ue Comer Wel gers EM M1 Santa Coke Re Young Suberoup on Peomance Quan C10) 2A Been ch ete hewn eolasea FD eons ei ahem Subsroup on Pactire Qusieaton SC HY Scmee see Sao eon Pe set 50 Ret Te Went Nona ember $690 1. ead PL Conk Vice Chee ae seo ery Bik Pt FU Caner EN ey LA Teen Bi nen Eo tae ut ae Pazar” NUCLEAR INSERVICE INSPECTION SCXD cc Park cna We nae EW Sayre Ve Char Ryne 8 Lice ery 1 ope WW tami DA Sa Rc pol Pi saa 5.0, onw FC Samer Reo LE Shes RE compe EW todnonon EE Sore oe Doce Chie ote ES ios Gt aged ton tc VS Gang Osage Scantviccer CG ner Doom Fen Ee cmp Sacer Fe cape EA Yonsave onary Menor 5x cee 1 Hestop GF nadie FE Retaste Sabaroup 0 hon tnd SCX W.HBanin Che Koya See Senay Ua Scie Te sete fee kc toor SN reine WS Chang utente Wiking Groypon Haw Gatton SS) SX) Wi Bam Kaien Steal Eka Mt ao E Riga bk cam Peo Wong eo om Dpeating Ma Criteria 8) (CD Tl. Grebach, char pa AW tam wit Sener Working Groom Fp Faw Gato SG.) SCXD EA Wit ay RN ig Ye fami ete NGcare sara Soar ES Rae teens VA len bron q Cel Stem (SCXD troy on Nodracv eaten SCX) 1. Span le Cie NR seep EL Lager rie Feito DR codes Sted Poa Pi sea FE Botan chi Wosing Crop on enn! Quan and Suc, ‘ia So ty Care emintin SNOB SCN LR Cons Sectay 1 unten . aebouph © Spat 5.0. teoy ei Working Croup on rsa Testing CANES (SCXD Pieoupan sctiy JR Mensa 1} choca ‘ven cl Feoce BU nonin wnat ey sain Working Ceo roceure Cetin and Vlas amiton SENDEY SCXD oa” eee Sugroup on Repent Actes S-RRAVSC Eterm te Seomary SL eC Ea couch RR semen Ee ibe eS Wier king Grupo Dg and Programs S680 (SX 6. Bie RW. sere Sk far TP vam TM Cane A Yonehnne orig Croom Welding an Special Reps Proce scat ‘sete RE cual eo exe Sedan Slaw Porter Scat mc Pe osctvan Ra Heann be ees Surgeon Water Cone Syste (30 1M Ag Scere Oe tne Tat totean Wenn ha. Pests to Hie phen ‘Wrkng Giom on Consent SENCS EXD 1:6 sats, ch Hor Here ER tn Recon Se ag TN caer Het Sephes Wesking Gou 1Optintaton SAVES) (SX W. i Bond CE man Pesan Sone Woking Grp on plementation of tks camintin A.tevel ih Seetry DLN ard Ean aga Peer EA top ea € Canteens Mare Hoe Pe Sernen Be Groat Te venge Mii AS ie tent Wing Crop on tgetn of Sams and Compass iBewey see song Sects Ho's orig Crop on Genel Reiements Joe eS es Special Wenig Coup tings eve SX) EW Swayne, Chae Esser Speci! Working Gap Mat Lis Exelon (SX) TAL me, Ct Po. he BV. Bees Sery Tee 5D ome Ge tome Seda Wong Group on High Tenperatine, Gaon ‘hada Se Nor Pi semst Ex emg Ewronnyae Ro Semp cei” Mn Ma ae AF hee Cit Noche SA es Sbroup 0 Design nd Mats 8 x) 1.0, Ra Ole Nira ‘Srp oo icine a pecon SID eee C Neto ace Mm Mick Shroom Geer Request C9 Te cimen fern PRESSURE ESE ACCREDITATION SCOPVAD 2.0. Edwards, Vice Chur CE For, Alena ese ge P vst iL lenis, tense DE Tenner 1A, West Altera Ese Sheer | Pee, ey Eat coat Fb ase ne EA er AW Hip: Aten tka CAC Hee Ahenat Pein 2G ova Aree vaca E Rwhi rat Te auate HL We lente A Sobers 1 pp Sonar Constant sac onto eo ston oui) Bek Breach WW. Renard cpieart el heeee Sbgroup 0 Seated Temperate Design SC) Rtn, Chat TE Meee Fr cenena BLA Ose bis extn Prowse BCH Jon Ean Wor kowes AC Shon Slama BW Seeman spr ontatgue reg SLU) W.j-ODonml, chee. ons Sa Adame ation fe). Ga Nit Pico Giaaer Siren on Opening 0) 8 trae, Chi Patan R.A Semany Baer 6.6 Ganen Tape eu Te eat Wa, Cir LR rane 0 bie 1a 2 Guat 1 seule ehpalos Asan SAFETY ALE REQUIREMENTS SV) Sf tartan Osh. laa PA et ee Oe ASG Ro cy ‘wren EO: Bik saa boating bSvane Sse on Design 80 Clete aie Eh boating TR Tabay Subgroup on Genel Repirenents SCV) .8.Demichuel CharT. Fe Kea Bok fork Clee Biv are Sete By Ron CA Neamann Ne sunt Subproup on Testing SCV pee rome US Teal Nery Gre OME 185 Sat ele aes. Fj senegn, ie YS So Soon Dot PREAMBLE ‘This Code coves ues for constreton of power bil ers! cecil miniature bile, nahh emgers: ture water boiler to be used in stationary service and Includes hose pover boilers used in locomotive, portable, tnd action servic. Reference to a paragraph inloes al thespargraps and subvisions under that pursaph. “The Code doesnt consi rales to cover al details of design and consrtion. Where complete deals are not ven i nended thatthe mance, subject othe Scceptance of the Authorized Inspector, shall provide tails of design and constuction which wil be Sle as ‘othersne provided by the rales inthe Coe ‘The scope of jridicton of Section 1 aples tothe boiler proper and othe Boiler exer piping ‘Sopetieaters eaomizes ad ther peste ars on- rected directly to the Boer without intervening valves Stal be considere s pars ofthe Boller proper, nd their onsruction shal conform to Section Isle. Boiler extral piping shall be considered st piping which begins whe the oiler proper or separately ed ‘upshot emits at (a) he ist icufrens joint for welding end cone (©) the face ofthe fst flange in Bled Ranged connec (Ce) he fst dead joint in that type of connections and which exeadsup wand including the valve o valves required by hs Coe "ASME Code Certication (incting Data Forms and ‘Code Symbol Stanping, anor inspection by the Author. ize inspector, when requred by this Code is equied for the bier pope ad the blr externa piping ‘Constraton rules for materials, design, fabrication, installation, and sting of the oiler extemal piping se contained in ASME B31, Per Piping Piping beyond the vale or ales equired by Section is ot within the Scope of Section Ian i nt the ite that the Code Symbol Stamp be applied to such piping of any cher ping. "The material for frcd-cicaatin boilers, oilers with bo fted steam and water ine and high enperature water broilers hall eonform othe regent ofthe Code, ll her eequrment shall lio be met except where they felt to special features of construction made necessity im boilers of these types, nd to aersris that a i= fesly not needed often comneton With sch bes such as water gages and water columns Reheatrs receiving steam which bs pased do part ofaturbine or ther prime mover and separ re etm superbctes which ae aot itega withthe bolt sre considered fired presse veel thelr constuction Stall comply with Code regirements for sipereaes, including safety devices. Piping beeen he eeatr con. etons ad the urine eh prite movers aot wih the scope ofthe Code, "A posure vesel in which stan is gente by the (sigur gaseous) shal be ese as 2 red stam toile UUnzed presure vessels in which steam is generted shale clase as unire steam bore with the following exceptions (a) veses now a evaporators or best exchangers () sees in which steam i gered By the use of ‘eat esulng fom opecation of 3 ocesngsysem con taining a numberof presi vss sch as used la the ‘manufac of chemical an pelea prodcts ‘Unived seam boilers shal be conse under the ‘visions of Section I or Section VI “Expansion tanks connected to hg-iemperstue water tors without intervening valves sal be constricted £2 ‘he equtement of Section Tor Seton Vil. "A plessure vessel in which a opine ids vaporized bythe appieton of fest reson fom the combustion of ful (soi iid or gatens) hal be consrctedunder the provisions f Sesion 1, Ves in which vapor is generated incidental to the operation of a processing 9S ‘om, coating a numberof pressurvestls sch a8 sed in chemical and petioleum manufacure, ae not covered bythe rales of Seton SUMMARY OF CHANGES ‘The 207 Elton his Cae contains eins in adion tothe 200 Eden wish 200 anc 2006 Aden, ‘The evsiors ar dented wit the designation 07 inthe marin an ar decribed inthe Fomor, become ‘andor vic monte afer the pbleston dt the 2007 Edion To inake these rersone bel tk ‘manda dat, uth designation 200? Ebon in documesationreqied by ths Cade Hyou chose ot {0 voke these evsions belo thet mandstry date ue The designason “2004 Edon trgh the 2006 [Addenda is documention requ by th Code ‘The 8Cnunbes Ite below ae explained in more detail in “List of Change n 8C Orde flowing tis Summary of Changes. ‘Changs gen below ae Kei an the pages by 2 margin ne, 7, placed net othe aed ar, Page tocation Change 8c Number) 1 Pozi) Revised (60061218) a Po9. ‘Added SA-333 (01-19) 4 °o912 ede 02-215) Pco2 Revised 00.433) if Po97 eds 605.185) a Pon 1) Revs ile and fs paragraph i8cus.216) (2) Added G2? and PG 3 CO3218) 10 Powe Revised in sentry (8006-959) Poa Revised (C05:1407) " Tle PG-19 Two ens in the a eolrm wc oie 961499) 15 P2744, Note 6 Last row in inset table add (2CU5-185) » Pos (1) Revsed 8006-5) PEI trough POR eed Poa43 Paragaph designations conteced by eats (C0685) a Fg PG332 (1 thstations and fe) esd 805.1119) (2) Genera Note) added BC05-177) 30 Poss [ANS evised to red ASME 06.747) a Poss Last sentence added (805-1485) 2 Fg PG Degree signin Note cored to bea prc i Dy evate 0655) 4 Fg. PG583.1 Blowing and Mull Installation in bolded by rata C06. 748), “ Peso ed (2c03 214) Peso. Revived 6C02214) 46 Poss? eve 660-214) Po603.3 Revie 6009-214) P6036 Revs 8c03-214) P4037 Revised (8003-214) Pog 2 ” 7” a 2 2 95 8 1 130 ws 1. 18. 1 12 Poss Poses Po73.3.4b) Po73..4b00) °6-73.3.465) roris.4e ro7.a1 romas Inspection and ets P105.42%6) Po1082 ponaa7 Puasa able Pw Fig, wets pwaisa Fg Pres Table P39 ‘able P39 able P39 Table W339 Table PW.9 pwns Fig, Port fig, PFr21 praia a PRS 9a Table As ania (Change BC Number Spling of Ces caret by erat (8005-58 Revie 504526, 8006-748) Resa (BC05-1655) Revised (805-1655) Revised (20-1655) Added (805-1655) vised ints erty (BCO2580) Revie in its entry (BCO2-3500 PG-100 deleted (006-950) Revie 04-926) esd (2051354) Revised in its etsy (8CO6-1353) Reve (2005556) General Note eed (8C05.1248) Equations revised (805-556) Revie (8005-556) uration (2) eve (805-656) (0) Gael Note a1 aed 05-1248) 12) General Note (0112) ade (8005-652) General Noe aNeX3) added (C05 82) Genera Noe aie) aed (805.682) (0) Gane Note 95) added (805-582) (2) General Note a4 added (6C05-1600) No, 1 added (9CO5-185) Revie 6606.745) (np PTI.) added esr) (2 Lap sentence weve (2C041431) sation fe) added (86041431) Tie revised (8COS-1248) Flt and last sentences revised (BCOS-1248) Last sentence deleted (205-1288) Fit sentence revised (BCO#1792) ‘aed (8C04-1288) Fst veneered (2006-749) Revised (2006-1084) “wo value nthe fst number column cect by rata BC0655) Revie 8C06-1245) (0) 17 et deleted (8006-1345) av Page 195,196 185, 200 22 208,209 a a as ay an Form P2 om ASE om P2k Form A511 Form P28 Fem A352 Fem? Fenn A252 Fm P18 Fear A352 Fam Pt Fear A154 Fam A541 Four 246 Ferm A542 Fam A356 A360 Table 4260, Change BC Number) A170 deleted (8005-1345) New header aded (8006-570) 10) Lae entnce aed to number 5 (BC0570) (2) Namnber ade 06 370) 10) New header add 06-570 (2) Coie inal checkin aed to Caicateof Compliance af Compe Bole bax YBCO1192) 18) Nomar 32 add to Cenlest of Shop Ipecton of Completed Boer head vOCOs13921 1 tas semence added to number 5 606 12) Number 32 revised wBcO# 925 1B) Number 36 aed (806570) New hander added (8006-570) 1) Last sentence aed to numbers 6 ough & 12) Number #8 added 06570) ew headers ced 8606570) (Last sentence to number 5 added (C0670) (2) Nomber 36 addled (@0670" (0) New bead added (206570 (2) Frm PAM deleted by ena (BCO7-11) 1) Las sence ade to number (806270) (2) Number ade 06370) New hander added (8006:570) (1) Number 32 revised C0657 (2) arsaraph designation in umber 3 conte by ‘rai B05) (oy Number 33 ade 06570) New header added (8606-570) (0) Number 23 revise C06 570 (2) Number 24 aad C0670) [Number 17 eet 00818 in fit ine (8006-570) ue 18 eid (806-570) New header added (8006-570) (0) Number? reve 18608570) (2) Number 19 added 806570) Table 361 deleted (805-179 (0) 8163401998 reried to ead 81638-2008 ‘acns79) (2) 8311-2004 revise to read 34162006 C0609) {3/836 10-2000 revised fread 836 1062001 vacns-75) (4) Note 1 eee 8005-979) (5) Note deleted (806.1525) [NOTE Volume 57 of the interpretations to Section of he ASME Boer and Pressure Vessel Coe els he [ae page ft ction LUST OF CHANGES IN BC ORDER end tne VI, We ard MT a Gots S0 075, FO, WOT a To ‘into ducing aan rie et a ‘oa Po RSE Reavers fay Seam Centos hn roses. és oF TL ae oe aero pag 2 Pond rotdas te osbs a Patan) al “lh” peste to ety vae rene fens tntesanste poy rae he PGC 2) een rec wh ‘it enna pea a,c an a at rep ‘ee mnoed PDL and PTE. dt adap emai a be ate Tae Faery eatin ah rename een a of ann ote to PGA; "ae 2 up eb ee aia ym {clay lng ot ean be un airy te ‘ever aie ers Pho mare wa econo writer 634204, ane a mn Wt et Faves ious sree ante en ole seo le es, areca be ree ete on ule gen 203 Bese Pe21 51 wing Hymn af MPO, ad commis pre PG32.523,F652392.3 and ‘add nr een re oF HRSG Frag ces aid ry. ‘onvare eng o 7 oh emietr {tet rec mer tr, Shop mtr ea Fm PX (hen Get Ferm P42, PAS, PIR, P48, PAB, Pad 28, ld he wad i ‘eae ear "5 eared mr nay “ou” Soret ses ch rena an ia ‘id att ah Pal 34 PALS Feed hee" 29 ep) ate prot nt te af wh 29 a ese he eens wh ed i ie, Ura Tae 3c othe Se ae Dose arm Pace yet PART PG GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION GENERAL, PGA SCORE, ‘The reuremeas of Pa PG apply to power bolers and high pressure, hig-tmpeatre water blers and 0 parts td oppartenance hereto and shall be used in conunetion ‘ith the specie eirements nthe applicable Pat ofthis Section tat pena w the methods of consaction ued G2 SERVICE LIMITATIONS G21. The ales ofthis Section ae appiabe to the following service: (e} oilers in which seam or eter vapor is generated stapressueof mae tan 15 pig (10D KP fuse external voitelt (0) high-empearure water tilers inteded for ope ion at pressures exceeding 160 psig (1.1 MPa) andor temperatures excerding 250°F (120°C) PG-22 For savices below those specified in PO-21 st itended tha ales of Section IV apply; however, bolls for such sues may be consrced and stapes in accorance wi this Section provid all ppliable regiments ae ne PG-2.3 Coltpe hot water oilers where the water an ‘ash t steam when released ciety to the stnospbere through ancl operated ozzemay be exempted from the ls of ds Stcton provided he following conions (a) There sno drum, header, o ther steam spe. {b) No ses is pene within the cil fe) Tobing ouside diameter does not exceed | in 5 mm, {d) Pipe sie dues not exceed NPS % (ON 20, fe) Nomina wer opacity does otexceed 6 (23). ()) Water tenparature does na exec 30°F (175). fa) Adequate sey reli valves and contrls are pro- G3 REFERENCED STANDARDS Specific edions of standards refenced in this Section axe shown in A360. PG-4 UNITS Either US. Customary. St, of ary local customary ants nay be wed to demonstrat complance with ll ei {eas of ts ein fg materi, design fabicton amination inspection, testing. icon. and ove presse poten. In gener tn expcted that a single system of units shal bused forall pects of desir except wher unas ‘le ormprecial When sorponets are manufactured a esureis he pres sure determined by employing the allevable tes values, fesign res, and dimensions designed in this Secon ‘Wheneves the tnt aaximam allowable working res sore is sein tis Section ofthe Cole st refers gaze pressure, or the pessre above atmosphere. PG-2LL Nobile, except fore fw steam zener torvith oie steam and wate ine amet the special ‘provisions ofPG-67, sal e operate at presure higher than the maximum allowable workag pressure except ten the safety valve or sey elie valve or valves are tiscargng, t which time the maximum allowable work- ing post sill not be exceeded by more than 6. TABLE P6-19 POST COLD-FORMING STRAIN LIMITS AND HEAT-TREATWENT REQUIREMENTS Tim Was Linas iter gag Temper N9e__ enn fempertare Fee Deine $d Faring Seas tna Grams Tees Yueh a ns a ee 7% som Sst ore Sen dasa eee tase fern) toma ee os Bove ns oie Take) IRS a hos Sums 07s Ga) 3280 ns) 2am aso (ers) ane done st Sion Shist is Gan Yao teas) dsm dase ters) ue ano ol 321M Sar10y 2,000 540) 1.250475) ISH THoLe GN 1250 G67) 1H zon 1.0951 Sue imo Go io Ge lan lam ee basa feo ioe Gio ite so aw tie fore ew fGen Yano tea we haun femdom wee! {2 vn mew a rennet tegen ching ream et stn engrautrines 150% 1) Forse es PG-2L2 Inafced-fow steam generator wth fred steam and wateize its peemssibie wo design te presse part for diferent pressure levels lon the path of water ‘eam flow, Te maximum allowable working pressure of ny prt shall be oot les than tht required by the re ‘of PatPG forthe expected maxim stained conditions of pressure ag temperature to which hat pa i subjected except when one o more ofthe overpressure prteton ‘dvies covered by PO+67.4 is i operation. G22 LoApINGs G22. Sueses due to hydrostatic end shal betaken {nto account in determining the minimam thickness required unless noted otherwise Addition stentes ‘mposed by effects oer than sorting presi o tate head that nerease the avernge tes by moe than 10% oF the allowable working stess shall also be taken into account. These ees inlode the wight ofthe component and its coments andthe metiod of supe. PG-222 Loudig on suucturalatchments— refer to Pw, PG-23 STRESS VALUES FOR CALCULATION FORMULAS, PG-28.1 Tae maximum allowable stress values ia ‘Tables 1A and 1B of Seton Pat. ae the unit suesses to be used in the formulas ofthis Section to alate the ‘minum required thickness or the maximum allowable ‘working prestue ofthe pressure par (see Appendix | of Section, Pt). PG-232 The yield strength values for use i PFT-S1 nay be found in Tale Yt of Seton M, Pr D. PG-233 Wit te publication of the 2004 Edition, Section I Par D is pico ao separate plication. (Ope publication consis values ony in US. Customary ‘nis andthe ober contains values ony in Stuns. The {election ofthe verson to seis dopendent on the Set of its selected Tor ays PG-25 QUALITY FACTORS FOR STEEL CASTINGS, [Aqui factor se spsited below sal be applied to the allowable stresses forse! casting mates en in ‘Teble 1A of Section, Pat D. PG-2S1 A fuser not to exceed BOS sal be applied when a casting i spect only in accordance withthe ‘minim reqiemats of he specication forthe materi xcept the spec method of examination prescebed by te scleced specication ae followed, ths permiting thee ofthe appa igher factor inthis paragraph 6.252 A factor not to exceod 100 sal be applied ven the casing meets the reguitement of PG-2521 through PG.25.24 PG.252.1 Alltel castings sin, (14 mm) nomi- al toy thickness of less, other than tel anges and ‘ngs complying with ASME B16 and valves compl ing with ASME B16, shal be inspected as specified in PG-252.1.1througt PO-282.1 5 PG-25.214 All esc seas, incuding the jone- tins of al gts, es, and abrpt changes in section tection and weld preparations shal be adiogzaphed In ecowane vith Atle 2 of Section V, andthe rao rps sal eonform othe requirements of ASTM E46, ‘Standard Referens Raiogaps for Stel Castings Up © Din, (SI mm) ip Tlckness, or ASTM E 186, Standard Reference Radiogrinhs fr Heavy Walled (2.14% in (St mm to 114mm) Stee Castings, depending upon the ‘ection thickness, Tae maximum aecepabe sees level for 100% quality for sal be For ASTME 446 feasigs up 2n (51 mm thickness] ery Ln Inguieion Congy Lin Gomer | "The For ASTM E 186 [easing 2. w 4% in (SE ram to 1s mm) tices) Iga Cg Ses Lee PG-252.12 All surfaces of ach casting, incl ing machined gasket seating surfaces shall be examined iter est esment by the magetc pale method in [Secordance with PO-2521.21 or by he liquid penetont rend in cordance with PG-282.122, PG-252.12.1. "The ehnigoe for magnetic par. ticle examiaston shall be in sccordae with Arle 7 of Sesion V. Imperfection esusng magnet parce intica- tins excending degree of Type I cece 2 of Typ, fd depree 3 of Type, and exceeding dere tof Types Wand Vof ASTME 125, Standard Rteence Potgraphs for Magnte Pale Indiatons on Ferous Csi te sonaccepale PG-2521.22 The tecniqe for ligud peoe- ‘cant examination sallbe in sccardace with Article 6 fof Section V. Surface indications etemnines by lig Petra examination are wnaccepabe if they exceed the following () lees and bot ears 1) any group of more than i near indications other than thos (any ectanglarazaof Us in. % 6 in (G8 ram 150 mm) or les, or ay sicular aes having ‘ameter of)fn (89mm or less, se areas being ken inthe most uatavorabl lation eave othe esti ing evaluated (6) the linear indications more hin in (6 me) log for thicknasses upto in, (19 mm) aoasve, eee than fone of the thickness length or hikneses fom Gin wo 2% im (19 mum wo 57 mm), and ore thn in. (9 am) long for thicknesses ove fn (57 a) (Aligned ceptable indications separated fon one ates by 2 Aisiance equal to the length of the linger indication ae ‘scepable) (4) all incstions of solar imperections tat have any dimension exceeding Hin (Sr) PG-25213 Where more than one casting of & panculir desen prado, each of het ve catings ‘Shall be inspected 5 above. Where mere thn five easings fae beng produce, he examination shall be perfooned ‘onthe fit ve pls one atonal esting to represent cach five atdinal easing. If his adiorl easing proves be unacceptale, each ofthe semlning easing in the _roup sal be inset, PG-282.14 Any indicaonsinexcessofthemax- ‘imum permits it PG-282L.1 and PG-25212 shal be caus fo reectionuless the casting repaired by welng ier te Base meal bas been inspected fo ease thatthe Jimpertestion as been removed or reduced oan aocepabe size Th complete tepaishall be subject to enspecton bythe sme method ae was sod in he iil inspection ad the repaired casting stl be postweld Best ete, PG-252.15 Allweldiag shal be performed wing swoling procedures qualified in accordance wit Seton 1X. The procediequalifetion stall be perfomed on test. specimens of cast material of the same speclfsaion and subjected tothe same het treatment before and fier Welé- ingaswillbeaplisdtathe work. All elders and operators ‘evforming this velding shall also be qulied ia aco ance with Secs IX PG.2522 All sel castings having a body eeser than sin, (114mm) nominal thickness hall be inpted a5 spesied in PGIS.221 throvph PG-252.26. PG-25221 All surfaces ofeach eating inca jing machined gaset sein sufces, stall be examined ster heat weamant by the rng pale method fn ‘ecoedance with PO-232.1.21 oe ligidpenetrnt method in accordance wit PG-2521.22, G-252.22 All pats of castings sll be sb {ete to complete radiographic inspection in aeordance With Arle ? of Section V. and the ratiograpis stall conform tthe rajuierens of ASTM E 280, Standard ‘Reference Radoaeph for Heavy Wall [4 a1 12 in (114 min to 305 rm) Ste Castings. ‘The maximum aceptabe severity evel fora 100% gua iy fact shal be nett Cs Seve Lee PG-252.23 Anyindcaionsin excess of hema inwum pernied «PO.25.22.1 and PG-2522.2 ae wna ‘ipa, The eating maybe repaired by welding afer the ‘ase metal as been magnetic parle o dye pencwane inspected to nse hat he perfection hs een removed forded to an scepiabl se. 1PG-252.24 All weld reps of depth exceoting 1 in. (25mm) or 208 ofthe section hickness,hichever 4 less, shall be inspected by radepraphy in aeordance ith PG- and by magnet pail or ye penetrant ‘nspetion of the fnshed weld sce. All weld repay fof dep ess than 20% ofthe setonthckes. of {in (@5 mm), whichever es, andall veld epi of eetons ‘which canot be effectively adioraphed stall be exam: Jed by magnet pace or dye penta inspection of ‘he fist ayer, ofeach i. (6mm) hckness of deposted ‘veld meal and of the fished wd sacs, Magnetic aril or de ponent esing of ished weld utace Shall be dove alr posteld beat ween. PG-25225 When repair weling is done afer heat treatment of the casing, th ang shall Be posted hss wet PG-2522.6 All welding lb performed using welding procedures qualified in accordance wih Section IK. Te procedrequlifcation shal he performed on txt specimens of east material ofthe same specication sed Subjected othe same eat treatment before at ater weld {ngs willbe pied the work. A welders andeperstons evforming this welding sal also be qualied in accor ance ith Section IX 6252.3 ldeticton and Marking Ech cas dogo which a quay for ene han 8 ape thal be marked ih te name amar, here SBldetaton ofthe mantic adhe cst He {teaon, cud th cag qual ator snd maa desiepaton 72524 Perma peroonagatogphic mag orgraph shall be qullied in scordance with hee trmployers write practice SNT-TC-1A on CP-189 sl be tued at sudeline fr employer o eaablsh tie ‘ten pci for gulictin an cretion fie Phen ‘personnel have been certiied according to their comployer's writen practice based upon an etn of SRI-TCCIA er CP. 189 caer hn tet eeenced ‘A260. ther cerifcton sal be al or poring oosesrvtvecramiation regu! by is Seton ut their net schedledrecetstion Any recerieatios ‘eeuminaons, orn exannans sal be permed {0 the employer's writer pace ted onthe eton of SNITCLA or CPe89runed in 360 PG-27 CYLINDRICAL COMPONENTS UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE PG-274 General. Ulessthereciremens of A317 of Appendix Aare selected. the fomulis unde this paras PERITCIA mace ate pte be Ameen Say shall be used 1 deter the minimum required thickness forthe maximum allrble working presure of piping. tubes, drums, and hendes inaccordance With the app priate dimensional categories as given in PG-27.21 1P6-27.2.2 and PO-27 2.3 for emperaues not exceeding those given forthe srious mates sted in Tables 1A fang 1 of Secon 1, Par D- "Me clelned and order thickness of material must include the requirements of PG-16.2, PG-16.3, and 164 Sues casas most nee the loadings 35 eid in PG-22 anes the fora is noted eerie ‘When required by he provisions ofthis Coe, allowance mus be provide in miter thickness for heading abd ‘hinimam storia ability (see PWT-92 and PG-27.4, Notes 3 and 8). PG-27.2 Formule for Caleuttion PG-2721 Tubing — Up to and Including § in. (125 mm) Outside Diameter fe + 000sD +e 21-0010 = 26 pos [pata] See PO.274, Notes? 4,8 and 10. PG-272.L1 For tubes of the materials sed io its ie Table PTO may be wed in eu of the forma {or determining he winimum wal hickness of bes where ‘expanded io cum o eaders, provided the simu team wal uate docs nr ekceed 700% (0-0, PG-27212 The wall hichness of the ends of tutes senate o Beaders or drums esd nt be tnadegrester than fe run of the tube as determined by ‘is formal 6-27.21. The wall hicks of the ends of tues emit tobe aac hein nde i {sons of PWT ll be oot ess tan 7 determined by ths formula, pts 08/0 C20/n, whee » eas the umber of tai Fin pr mi). PG-2721A A tie in which fusible plug 19 be inaled shal be not les han 022 In. (3. mm in thickness a the plein oreo secure for fll teas forte pg (seal A-20. PG-AT2ALS Binstalic bes menting the eque- mens of PG-9t shal use aan ouside ameter D in the ‘Suton in PG-271 no ee than the clei ouside Gdamecr of the cow miter. The ouside diameter of the core tuts Be deine hy sbiracting the nn isha theca from fe outside dame terof te bimelstube, inluding the maximum ols (eran, The minimum required thickness shal ply ky the core mara 6-27.22 Piping, Drams, and Headers (based on song of weakest couse) ro. oe mEsneto SEaawete po 2860-01 sec) Dewe-O Ba-weo ‘See PG-27.4, Notes 1, 3 and 5 though 9 6.27.23 Thickness Greater Than One-Half the Inlde Radius of the Component. The maximum allow ale working pressure for parts of ballets of eylindial rows ection, signed for fmpertres pt that of sa Fat stam terial prs (108.°F S741°C) shall determined by the formulas in A, PG.27.3 Symbols. Symbols we nthe preceding for. nul are defined flows CC = minimum allowance for theaing and sacral ability see PG-77A, Note) D = oaside diameter of eine = eliciensy (see P27 4, Now 1) f= thickness factor for expanded rube ends (see PG-274, Noted) P= maximum allowable working pressure (see PG-21) = inside rats of einer 'S = maximum allowable sues valve atthe design Tempers of the metal, a sted inthe ables specie in PG-25 (ee PG-274, Now 2) 1 minimum resuiedtkness (see P27 4, Nowe » _y = temperature coefcent (88 26-274, Now 6) PG-27A Notes. Notes referenced he poceding fo rola as flows ote 1: = 1.00 for scales or welded eyiners the efficiency from PG52orPG-53 for igen eween openings Note 2 “The temperature of the metal o be ae in selecting the ‘value fortes shall not be less than the maxima expected ean Walltemperaure. i. Ge sum ofthe ouside fn itede tube surface temperatures divided by 2 For tubes tat donot absorb eat the maa temperature may te taken asthe texnpenture of the fd wit the cube butt less than he saturation tempera Note 3 "Any ave thickness represented by the general term CC may be considered w be applied on the outside, the inside orth este responsiblity 9 the esgne sing ‘hese formulas omake the appropriate selection of dime ter or rads fo corespond to the intended oeation and ‘magni ofthis aed thickness. Te presse: or ates related tem in te forma shoud be evalated wing the Gamer (or rads) and the vemsning hickaess which ‘wool existe “adie” thickness ad notbeen aplieg ‘ris imagined thave been entirely reeves, The values of C below do not inelode any allowance for corasion anor eosin, and addition) thickness shoul be provide where they are expected. Likewise this lloranee for twendng and minimum trucural stabiiys ‘ot intends to provide fo conditions of misapplied exe ‘al loads o foe mechani abuse otter at Cut Tied an er noe pe ‘Cin (9 soma amar SCL) 1 em oneal an ger Day oe (a) Stet or monfenous pipe lighter than Schedule 40 ‘of ASME B36.1IM, Welded std Seamless Wrought See Dip, shall ot be theaded (©) The values of Cstiplted above are such that he actual stress de iter pressre inthe wall fhe pipe iso greer thn the values of § given in Table TA of Section Il, Pat Da applicable in he formulas. (6) The depo thread hin. run) maybe determined from th formula # = OS (4 = 20/m), where mi the umber ead per inc C25 an) or fon the following (Pine pipe includes pipe joined by fared com- presion couplings, lp (Van Stone) jit, and by weg, fe, by any meted that doesnot reduce the wal kes of pipe athe oi ate 4 = 004(10 over a ength at east equa othe length of the er pus 1 in. (25 mm) fr ubes expanded into tbe sats, except 0 forutes expanded ino ube seas provided the thickner ofthe tbe ends overa length of he eat pls Ui (25 ram) snot ess than te following (2) 0095 in. (2.41 mm for tubes 1% in (62mm: O.D. and smaller () 0405 in. 67 mm) fr mabes above 1 in. (62 mmjOD. and yp*o 2 in (50mm) OD. inl {6 0120 in. (3.0 mm) for aes above 2 ia. (60:mjOD- and yp 3 in. (73 mm) OD. inl (4) 0435 in (43 man) for mbes above 3 in (76 mum) OLD. apd up to4 in (100 mm) OD. ino. {€) 0.150 in. (81 mm) for mbes above 4 in (200 mm) OD. and up te $ in (128 mm) OD. ina (for ubes strength. well to headers and drums ate 5 "While he thickness given by the formula theoretically tmple to tke care of bth basing presse and meal removed in threading, when sel pes threaded and used foc steam pessures of 280 ps (7 MPa) and over it tall be Seamless and ofa weight at leas equal to Schedule 80 in oder o furnish added mechiail sength Note 6 1y = 8 concen having values 3 follows exper P00) SS) (ts) 88) 0 60) Moir eat ah sak at ah a Values ofy between temperaurslsed may be dete mined by inrpolition. For nonferaus materials not sted, pana Note pipe is ordered by its nominal wall hickness as is customary in tide practice, the mapufaetrng tolerance fon wall thickness snst be lake nt account. Afr he minimum pipe wall thickness 1 deermind by the fr: rl, this minima thickness shal be nereased by a ‘mount suficiont wo provide the manufacturing wlrance allowed inthe applicable pipe specication, The next eay- ier commercial wal thikess aj then be seleced fom Standard thickness schedules as contained in ASME 36, 10M, The manufacturing toknces ar given inthe several pipe specifications listed it PGS, Nate #: ‘When computing the allowable aesure fora pipe of 2 eite minimum wall tikes, the value obi’ by the formulas may be rounded p othe nex higher unit of 10 psi (01 MPa), FG, PG-28 MAXIMUM INTERNAL PROJECTION OF WELDED ACCESS OR INSPECTION OPENINGS Note 9: Thside backing ssp, when used at anginal welded joints, shal be moved an the weld surface prepared for radiographic examinon at equired. Inside backing igs ‘nay rain at ccunereatal Welded seams of cylinders ‘provided sich consticton complies with requirements of Note 10: “The maximum allowable working pressure P need ot include the hyostaic bead loading, PG-2, when wed in his equation PG-28 WELDED ACCESS OR INSPECTION (OPENINGS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE, ‘The maximum allowable working pressre for welded sscessorinspectoncenigs, th nvatd projections sb jected to extemal prsure uch as manhole ce hanhole ‘ngs wit interaal covers), may be determined in eeor- ance withthe rls ef PC-27 when te fllowing require nena met, The lngh ofthe intel projection a the fing extending paste toe ofthe atachrent weld one fing. shall ot excee the ticknes of tering. The length ast the te ofthe wo is measired tthe lation of the Shores ing projection i the vessel (se Fig. PG-28). For ‘lipcl ngs th vale of D tobe usedinthe procedures of 'PG27 shal be deterred in accordance with the allo ing equation for lipical sings p-e where (9 = ouside major axis ofthe lips = outside minor ais of he elise ‘Tis provision doesnot apply to angen manholes cov red by PG-295, PG-209, and PG2B12 PG.29 DISHED HEADS PG-29. Thethicknes of ablnkunstyed dished head vit the presue n tbe concate side, whe tsa sezment ‘(sph bal be called by telling equation where = ras to which the head shed, measured on the conve sie of he head 'P = maximum allowable working pressure (hydro- state head loading ped ate included) eximom allowable woking ses, using values tiven i Table 1A of Secon I Pat D 1 minimum dhchnes of bead s 1PG-292 The rans to which a hed is dished sal bo ot rete than he ouside diameter ef Banged potion of the Read, Where so rath a used the Tonge sal be taken asthe vale of Lin the equation, PG-29.3 Wher ahead dished ta segment ofa sphere asa anole or access opening that exceeds in (130 mm) i any ciension, the thickness shal be lncoased by notes than ISS ofthe requ thickness fora blank head computed bythe above formula, bat in no ease les han i (3 mu) additional dhikaess over {blank head. Where such dished head has a fanged ‘pening soporte by anatsched ie an ness in tik nese oer that for «blank head isnot require. fore ‘han one manhole inserted in esd the thickness of Which is east by this cule the minimum distance betwen the openings shal beatles han one-fourth of the outside dametr ofthe bead. PG-294 Except a otherwise provided for in PO-293, 6-207, and PG2912 all openings which require ren forcement placdin a ead dished toasegmento sphere, orn an elipoutl hes, oe in a ful emispherial head, incading al ypesof manholes except thos ofthe integral angen type sale enforced in aecordance with he rues in PG, ‘Wen 0 ened the thickness of seh bead may be the sme fora bik unsaved bead PG.2955 Whe the ais Lto which the eas ised isles than $0% ef the diameter ofthe shel, the thickness ofa head wit a fanged-in manhole oping shall te at Teast hat found by making equal o 60% ofthe diameter the sel and wih the od thickness fr the mashol ‘This thickness sl be the minimum thickness of head witha angen anole opening fr any form of ead and the matimum allowable working tess shal nt exeoed he ‘ales given ia Tble 1A of Section Il, Pat D. PG-2946 No head, excep a fll hemispherca he shall eof lesser thickness than ta regi fora seam Jers shel of he sie diameter. 6.297 A bank head of 2 stiellipoial form in ‘which Ralf the minor axis or the depth ofthe heads a Jess gual 10 oa-quarer ofthe inside diameter of the ead shal be mad a eas as thick asthe required thickness ‘of seamless sil ofthe se diameter ae provided io 6.2722. It fingedin manhole tat meets the Cole quienes spliced in an elipsoidal head the hckness ofthe head shall be the sie ar fora bead dished to 3 egment of &splere (Gee PO.29.1 and P25) with & Gish adits cqulio eigen the dameter ofthe shell fad withthe add thickness forthe manhole as specied in PG-293, PG-298 Wher headsare made oan sppronimte lip sat shape, the inser seface of such beads man he ‘outside and bot side of tue ellipse dawn with the jor axis equal othe inside diameter ofthe head and ‘one-half the mines ais equa tothe depth ofthe hed. The ‘maximum variation fom this tue clipe stl not excod 130125 times the inside diameter othe ead. PG-29.9 Unsayed dished heat withthe pressure on the convex sie shall ne a maximum allowable working prestre equ to 605 of that forhende of he same dimen Slogs with the pressure oa the concave side ead thicknesses obtained by osing the formulas in PG-2811 for hemispherical heads and PG-20. fr blank Semielipsodal beds do not apply to beads with pressure on the convex sie PG-29.11 The thisknes of bnkcunstayed ule Spherial head withthe pressure onthe concave sie hall be ealeulated by the following equton: {= radius to which the hen as formed, measured fn the concave side ofthe head ‘aximam allowable working presire 'S = maximum allowable working sessing values en in Table 14 of Seen Il Part rinimom thickness of hes ‘Tre above equation shal ot be wed when he egured thoknes of te head ven Uy this emul exceeds 35.65 ‘ofthe ise radi, and instead, fe following equation Sal be wed Joni ul-emspesial hess including te jon to the shel hal be gover by snd mest the requirements for loagitdina joints in cylindric shel, excep that in 1 butelded jin ataching bead 1 a shell he mile Hines of te ple thicknesses need aa be in aligns. G.29:12 If» Bangs manhole that meets the Code requemens is placed in a fll-hnispheres hea, tbe thiknes ofthe Rea shall beth sane a fora head ised toa sepment of sphere (ee PG-21 ad F029), with 2 shad equal to elgbtaeuths Ne dametrof he hell {nd withthe aed thickness for he manhole ms specified inPO-293, 6.29.13 The comerratiss of m umiayed dished ead measured on the concave side of ts etd sal Beno est than the times the thickness ofthe materi nthe head bot no cine les than 6% ofthe diameter ofthe sel Inno case shall the tinnng-dowr duet he process of forming, ofthe knuckle portion of any ised hea con ‘ining ofa Segment ofa sphere excl by 8 part of & torus constituting the knuckle potion (torspherica) exceed 108 of the tickness required by the forma io 16-291, Other types of head shal have e hickoas er forming of not less an that que by the applicable uation, PG-0 STAYED DISHED HEADS G-301 When dithed head reo thickness less than called foe by P29 ey shal be stayed as flat sufices nO llowance being made in soch staying forthe holding power de tothe sper orm ules all of he following G-3O.L1 That they beat est orth as hick as called for by te sles for unstyed dished heads PG-30,L2- Tht they be atleast in. (22 mm) in thickness, PG-30.1.3 ‘Tht though-tays be used atached 10 the dished hed by eside aod inside us. PG3014 Tha the maximum allowable working pressure stall not exceed that ealealted by he ales fr tn nstayed dished bead plus th pressure comespording tothe senath ofthe says or races seared by the formu for braced or stayed safes given la POS, using 13 forthe value of PG-302 fa disht head concave wo pressures formed vith» Atened spot or surface, the clameter of the Hat Spot shall ot exceed tht allowable For Bit heads given te forma tp POs, using C = 0.28 PG31_—_UNSTAYED FLAT HEADS AND COVERS, PG-31 The minimum thickness of uastayed at heads. cover plies. and blind anges shall conform othe requirements given nhs paragraph. These requirement ‘Spply To both eel androncrelr heads and coves Some acceptable yes of fat heads and covers are shown ‘nF PG-1-Inhstigue the dimensonsof the welsare xchsive of extra mal requed for coroion allowance PG-3L2 ‘The notions sod inthis paragraph and ia Fig. POI are defied as follows (C = 8 fctr depending on te method of atachment ‘of bead anc on the shell, pipe. or Header dimen Sion, and ter tens as sted ia P31 4elom, flmensones, Te fatrs or welded over aso ince ftorof 0.667 that effectively nceass thesllowale tes for such constrtons 01.5, Tassos te rei een oe esas ase pone = long span of aoncicalarbeadsorcovers messed purpendicolar to sho span = damoter or short spa, meaued as indicated in Fig PO) i, = gasket moment am, eq whe eadil distance from the centr ie ofthe bos tothe ln of the _gssht reaction, a show in Fig. PG, ils fons () and perimeter of aoscicular bobed bead eased long the centers of he bot holes Teng of flange of ange hex. measured fom the taageac line of ucke 5 igicated in Fig. G31, iluseations (a) apd) the ratify dimensionless ‘masini allowable woking presire Inside corer rads ona beamed by fanging or forging aru allowable see vae, ps (kPa, sing ‘ales given in Table 1A of Section Tl. Part ‘imum egued thickness of fat ead or cover {ctu hcknossof the flange on 3 forged head, tthe lage end 8 ndcated a Fg. PG, ius tation cul thickness of fat head cover thickness required for presi of seamless shell, pipe or header Triimim epeifed thickness of shell pipe, oF reader thickness dough te wed joining te ee of & ad to the ini of = dram pip. oF beadet, 05 fndiatd in ig, PC 31 lurrto () tat dimension ofthe closte weld, indicated in Fig PO-31,illosraon () total bolt load, a5 fuer defsed in PG-31.32 factor for aonicalar heals snd covers that ‘spends on the ratio of shar span wo long spe, as piven in PG, dimensonless G13. The thickness of at unvayed sds, covers, ‘nd blind Masges shall conform to 038 ofthe following ‘hue requirements * PG-3134 Circular tnge of eras materials conforming to ANSI 8165-1981 shal be acceptable for the clometers and pressore—empeatue ratings in Table 2 ofthat Standard wen ofthe types stown in Fig. PO irons Gy and PG-31L.32 The minimum equie thickess of fat unstayed ical heas, covers, nd Wind Ranges shall be falelated bythe felling equation: ois o i cn may Se eco cin wen age Sree rane FIG, PCS]. SOME ACCEPTABLE TYPES OF UNSTAYED FLAT HEADS AND COVERS « o a a Le Soe i Hee ® Shoe Soon cones “ ae ‘Sater — at Biting Ace by | od fecna fp Nita monn Get “int Fgh aK Eo anagem Boece haa GSEWERAL NOTE: Me bw iat are ranma: oy. Oe ess Bt meet ernie of P63 wl ae except when the Rea, cover, o Mind flange is atached by bots aining an edge moment (Fi. PGI ilstraions {hand in which ce he thickness shal be alulted bythe following eguton: 13 [TOSI ° When using ea.) the thickness shal be caeulted for both design sonitions and gasket seating, and the ‘eater ofthe two vals sal eed For design cond ‘ons the value of P shall be the messmo allowable ‘working presre, he value of Sat design temperature Thal be used and W shall be the som of the ol loads Feud to resist the end presse Joad snd 10 maintain tightness ofthe gate." For gasket searing. P equals 2, the value of a mosphere tempeatre shall be used nd W all be the verge ofthe Yule bolt load and the load avaiable rm the bolt ree actually se 1.3.3. Fla unstayed heads, covers, oF blind ‘hangs may be squire, rectangular, elpical,cbroun, segmental, or oorwsenoncrculr. Tei require tik rest sll be calla by the following equation: 1 mere o where ‘wth the limitation at Z need not be greater han 2 Equation (3) does rot apy onary bass covers, or blind flanges stchoa by bats easing a bolt edge moment [Fig PGI illustrations () and (0) For nooe lar teade ofthis pe, the feguled thickness shall be Calouloed by the flowing equation: 1 a PI) SL) ° ‘When sing eq (the thickness shal be clelated in the same way 3 pied above fore 2) PG-314 For the pes of contain shown in Fi G31, the minimun vals of Cr be used in es. (1) through 3) and (5) a abe seen pin in chee tem et zat Fig. PG, esrtion (a): C = 0.1 for Hanged iclar nd nonin heads forged integral vith or batveled to the shell pipe or header, with an side comer radius roles than tes time he rquied head thickness, with special equreene with regard olegth ofl td tree the welding metal te requirements fo cicumts- {stil joints given in Part PW. (C = O10 for cicoar heads, whore the flange length for heads ofthe ove desig sno ls than ‘When C = 0.101 se, he slope ofthe apeed sections spall eo aester dan 13. Fig. PG-3,llation (by C = 017 for circlar and ont hads forged integral with or butweded othe ‘hel pipe or ead, where the comer ais the inside [sno ess than tie ies the thikners ofthe ange and ‘here he welding meer all he rquitenens for creamer al joints given in Pa PW Fig. PO-31 iluteationc):€ = 030forcielar Ranged ‘ples serened over the end ofthe sl pipe of header, With inside comer ria notes tan 3, in which the ‘design of he traded oat against ae by she tension, for compression, resulting fom the end force dus topes re is based ona factor of safety of atleast 4, ad the threaded parts ate a lest ar rong atthe deals Tor Sandud piping of the same diametr Seal welding may be used f desired Fig PO-3, illustration (9 € = (13 for ioegral at citularead when te dmenston a des nocexcevo {G00 mm the aio of thickness of then othe den- Sion ot ese than 0.05 nor restr than O28; the ead thkes sot es than the sel kes the inside omer rads snot les than 0.25% andthe constuction ‘sobaned by special ecniques of upeting and spinning the end ofthe sel pie, o header, Sich ae employed in closing header ends, Fig. POI, ilastrations (), (aad (1): © = 0330 bt at Hess than 120 foretell and C = 0.3 for nonce plates welded the nse of de, pipe of eae, and herve meeting the eulements forthe respective types of welded bor dns ncn pos- veld hea teatent when require forthe dru, but ot- tng radiographic examinatio, Ia value of ess than 1 is used in ealealting tthe shell thks fy shall be ‘tained slong» distance inwazdly fom the inside face Ofte hea el oat leat 2, df, The trot thickness ofthe fillet welds i stations () snd (0) ball be Tess 07, These ofthe weld, austin (g-1) ball ‘enot ss than ines the require thickness of asealss Shell oe les than 125 tines the minal sell chess but acd not be ees han the ead thickness: the weld shal be deposited welding proove withthe rot of he © ‘veld at he nner ace af the head as shown in the fire Fg. PGI, ilistation(g-2} C= 033 for ceaar Plates, welded one inside of drum, pipe or Dede, and. biherise mectingthe requirement forthe especie types Gf welded boiler drums includ postweld heat weaiment ‘shen required fer the drm, but omitingradogrephic fxamiztion, When the weld snot deposited athe iner face ofthe eade the hicknes ofthe hed tha remains ‘nee shall be in ation to the thickness of he bead falclated ger PGSI-32. The dram or header sal be Timed to NPS 3 les, {C = 0.33 fo-noociculr plates, welded tthe inside of a drum, pipe, or header, and etherwise meeting the requirements forthe respective (per of welded boiler runs including posteld heat westment when required forthe drum, but siting radiographic examination. The that thicknas ofthe filet wes in Fig 31, ilestations {e) and) sal be ar least 0, The sie ofthe Wed in iteration (1) sl bent et thin 2 mes he required hikes of a seamless shall nos less than 1.25 times the ‘omial sell hicness but need not be aeate than the ed thickness the weld sal be deposited in « welding ove With the rot ofthe Weld a he inner fce ofthe head as son inthe ie Fig. PO latration i) C = O33 but not ee tan (020 for craps welded tothe end ofthe dau, Pipe, or heer, wenn inside wel with minimum trot Thiekness of 0.2, 8 ued. The wih atthe otiom ofthe ‘welding eroove sal be at less than in. (2m) and. Theenposed edge rot es than, cin. 6mm), shicever ‘rsp les than L257 and the factor Cts take 6 033, Tig. P31 seston) nd ki: C = 0:3 foreicola snd soacirculz had td covers boltedo the sel age, or side plate a imticated inthe gues. Note that ey. (2) fr 5) sal be sed beease ofthe extra moment pplied tochecorerbytotoliag. When the cover plates grooved. fora peripheral gest as sown inillusttion kth net ove pat thicaess under the groove or Between the rove andthe outer edge ofthe cover plat shal be no tess than for crular beads nd covers, not es than for noncrelar heads and coves Fig. PGI. trans (m. (9) and (0): C = 0.3 fr a circlr plate imertd into the end of sel pipe, ot header and ed it place by positive mechanical icking arrangement and hen all possible means of fale ether by shear tension, compression, or radial deformation, including Haring. esulng from pressure ad diferent ‘heal expansion, are resisted ith «factor of safety of leant 4, Sel welding may be aif dese, Fig PG-3, illusion (py C = 0.28 for excl and roncrularcovers bled With «fice sek o shel anges, o side plates Fig PO-3, dlustaion (): C = 025 for crcl plates screed into the end ofa shel, pp. or header having inside chameter d not exceding 12 in 00 mam oF for heads having an itegral ange screved over the end of @ Sell, pipe or header having a nde ameter no exceeding 1? in (300 mm) and ven the design of the Threaded joint aginst faze by star tension, compres Sion, o radial deformation including faring, resulting From pressure and iferentl thermal expansion, based fo factor of safety of at least. Ia apere pipe ead is used the requirements of Table PG-39 shall be met Seal welding may be usd. if desire Fig. POL illsaton (C= 933 fr circular plates thving a dimension d not exceeding 18 in. (490 mm) inset ntothe shel pipe, orheade-andweldedas shown, and ecerwise meeting the reqaerent for welded boiler roms including postweld heat tsatment but omitting ‘adhogapic examination. The end of the shall pps, of ‘ade shall be crimped over at leas 30 deg, bu not more than 4 dep. The ennping may’ be doe cold nly when his operation will not injure te me. The thot ofthe eld shall be notes han the hicks ofthe Bat esd ‘oF the shell pipe or header. whichve spear. Fig. PG. lostation (5 C= 03 forcrulr bevel lates having ameter, dno exceeding 18, 480m) Inge into shell. pipe o hearth end of whichis ‘amped oer atleast 0 de, bus mote an 48 ds, and when the andercting for seating eaves at kas 805 ‘ofthe shell ches. The beveling shall be notes han 75% ofthe head thickness, The cimping shall be done whos teenie ckeunterene of he yinder is wiformly ‘eae tothe proper forging temperate for the material ted. Por this constuction, the raid shal ot ess ‘han the to P/S nr lees than 0.05 Te maximum allo ble working pressure fortis constacton shal not exceed 39/4 (P= 1255. OPENINGS AND COMPENSATION PG. OPENINGS IN SHELLS, HEADERS, AND HEADS PG-32.1 Scope PG-321.1 The ls for openings and compensation in PG-32 through PG-39 shall apply to al openings in ‘Spec Tyctuton peat oe ed ‘eve of esl ae Enel eh et ‘Sct sauces The cer sy hon sae et shells headers, ap heads excepts otherwise provided in P6293, PO-28.7 PG-20 12, PG-32.12, PO-R2 13. PG, and PTO, 'PG-32.1.2 Mutiple Openings. Opening in 2 de sit aterm och a tbe holes, maybe designed in acco tance wth thers for igen in PG52, provided the Aiametr ofthe largest hole nthe prop doesnot exceed ‘hat pormitedby the bast in Fig PGS Muhipl openings ‘hat are ot designed ligament shall comply with PO38, "The woaton wed in Fig. P32 i defined a follows: D = outer diameter ofthe shall 4 = maximum allowable diameter of openings ‘haximum allowable working resure tmaximom allowable sess value, taken from “Tables 14 tad IB of Section Part D 1 ecu shicoess of the shell Tas PG-32.13 Single Openings. Single openings are eine openings hat havea minimum center to-centt fixtancebetmeenadcent opening nt les than LoL, ‘where cpestee aces a fthnte = and where A.B = the ouside ameter of each opening respetively = the eutde diameter of the foned esd K = PbIs2 the distance between centers ofthe two openings imensred es the surface ofthe formed head the distance between center ofthe wo opeings ‘measured co the srface ofthe shell or Rear the masini allowable working pressure the maximum allowable sess vale, ake fom ‘ables 14 and 1B of Section I, Pari D ‘he omina thickness ofthe hea, shel, or header ‘he Liits ef compenstion paral othe vese tell determined i accordance with PG-36.2 G-32.11 OpeningsinShellsand Headers. No calculation nad be made t determine the availablity of Compensation fora single opening, not covered by PO-38 fr PO-57, in shells or headers when tie diameter of the fished opening. as defied in PO-33 3 doesnot exceed ‘one-fourth the ini ameter ofthe sll or header. and the damier of the shed opening doesnot exceed the Tnrger of 2% in. (mam) or that permite by Fig. PO-22 1PG-32.14 Openings in Formed Heads. No clea tion asd be made te determine the svallbly ef compen- sation fora single pening in formed beads unde the same eos stilt! for openings in sells and headers in Pe se PG-32,.21, provided the following adionalrequie- PG-324.441 ‘The openings sil be located om pletely within the center porn ofa dshod head bounded byte ange fine between he sphesially dished potion And the knuckle rads, ut ot clover than the thickness ‘ofthe bead tothe edge ofthis cee oto a angen Imanvay, Fora 2-1 liptodal had, he opening stall be Tocsted completely within the center sorbon of the head onde by scitleequl to S05 of the inside diameter. ut at closer than the tickness of be hea to the edge of his cee PG-321.42 Themasimam allowable dlameter of ay opening in formed bead xceptia a ful-bemispher- fal fed sll ao exoend that permitted in PO-3213.1 foc an equivalent shell The equvaet shell shal b of the sue materi a the esd ofthe sane outside ameter ‘the ouside dameter ofthe Rane othe ead: and be ‘Same maximum allowable working pessure asthe hed PG-32143 The maximum afowable diameter of any opening ina fl-Remisphercal hed hall omply Wit the eequrements in PG-32142 excapt that the vale of (gee ip PO.32.13 andthe char in Fig, PG sal be ‘neal te value give by the equton in PO-32 13. G-222 Shape of Openings 'PG-322.1 Openings in elinsea! portions of ves sels o in formes ads sal preferably be ce, lip ‘eal or obound ‘Wien te long dimension ofan eipcal or abound ‘opening excotde tice te shor dmersion, the compensa ton aoe the short dimension sl beneoased as neces sary o provide aginst exesive dition du ots 'PG-3222. Openings may beef other shapes than thous given in PG-3? 2.1, nal comes shal Be provided ‘vith a suible radius. When the openings are of sch proportions tit their renth canna be computed with [tsrance of acorcy, or when dot xs a5 othe safety ‘of s vessel with such openings the pat ofthe vessel ested shall be ejected to 8 prot bydestale test as presenbed in PG-100 1PG-323 Size of Openings 'PG-323.1.Properysinforced openings in cylin cal and spherical sells re at iit a8 to 826 and ‘ull comply with the provisions hat folow, and with the ‘idional provisions piven under PC-32.3.2, Marr amet forge in FG, PG-32_ CHART SHOWING LIMITS OF SIZES OF sium Pari ror 18 {p1 Fn are shen gor aratighe By ne prov PG an eng 8 2007 SECTION (OPENINGS WITH INHERENT COMPENSATION IN CYLINDRICAL SHELLS ie Ole of Opening Is Bi, (200 mm) a0, srr tetas De in) PG-82.32 Te es given herein for compensation apply 1 openings nc excedig th flowing dimension a) for vessels in 11 00 mm) diameters les, Js the vese ameter bot not ver 20 in (S00 eam) () for vessels orer 60 in. (1 500 mm) in diameter. the esl dlameter but a0t over 40 (1 000 mim) PG-32.3.3 Leer openings shouldbe given special coon and may te provided with compesstion im any ‘uae manner tha complies with he itt of the Coe fuls eis recommended tht the compensation provided be distbued closet the opening (A provision of about two-thirds ofthe reuited compensation within a diance fof one-fourth ofthe nozzle dameter on each sie of the finished opening suggested Special consideration should be given 1 the fabeication details used and the inspection employed on ertcal opeings: compensation ten maybe sdvanageusl absined by ue of a ticker Shall late fora veel cours or insted lcaly around the opening: welis maybe ground to concave contour a the isle comer ef he opening rounded to geneous radi 0 redoce ses concentions-Approprit proof Testing maybe advinbleiaexeme cases of are opeings ‘pproaching fll vessel diameter. openings of unusual shape. PG-3) COMPENSATION REQUIRED FOR OPENINGS IN SHELLS AND FORMED HEADS G33. Genera. The ules in hie subparagraph apply Teas covered by 29.3, PG.29.. and P2912: open ings in at beads covered by PG: and openings covered ssthin PG-32 2, FOS32131, and PG-32 1-4 Compensation shall be provided in such mount and istibtion that he equiemerts for are of compensation esatsed forall panes rough he center of he oping fd normal to the vessel surface, Fors ekeula oping ‘na clinical shel. the plane cotinng thease ofthe Shall the plane of peatst loading duet pes. PG-332 Area Required. The tal ess-sectonl aca ‘of compensation retired in any given plane fora vese “ander neal presste sal be ot ess than As defined in Fig P31 PG-83 Thenoation used inthis paragraph is defined ss follows f= diamotr ithe plane under consideration ofthe Sinished ening se Fig PG-332) the maximum deter f the reds inhe plane tinder consideration, inte Ashes opening, for Inside taped NPT ings outside ameter of eeinforcing element (The Scual sizeof reinforcing elrent may eeend the limits freinforcemen exablished by PG-36 however cred cennot be ken for any teil ‘use hese limits) Factor rom PG-3 an Fg. £G-33.3. which com pects fo the variation fa preeare sees 02 fret planes with esp tothe longitu tis of linda l= 0 for formed or fst heads. sxengh edition fc. tars than 1.0 (see Fig. PG.) ‘15; for nal wal inetd trough the vessel wal lesser of 5, 0°55, SH, ‘tance nove projects invard from the ouer Surface of the vse wall Exesion othe poste beyond the nie face of he vena wl ot limited however. for reinforcement calculations, ‘redial pot be taken formate outside the limits of reinforcement exalshed by PG-36) inside radius ofthe nozale ander consideration allowable stress ae in teson fom Tables 1A ‘nd 1B of Seton I, Pat C) ‘Mlowable sess in nozzle eS) allowable tess n reinforcing clement (plate) see $i thikness of the vesel wal 1, = thcknes of atached eafoing pd or eight of the largest 60 deg eg arl supported by the ‘bees and lying completely wun Me aes of it a reinforcement (se Fig. PG-332) 1 = nominal thickrese of porate wal rogvied thickness of 2 seamless shell or head Computed by the ules of the Code forthe desi rated presi, except when (a) the opening and i compensation are in 8 torisphereal esd and are eniely thin he Spherial portion: fs the Wiekness equzed for {Seamless hemispherical eu ofthe same radios that ofthe spherical porns () te opening ad its compensation sein an ellipsoidal bean which oneal ofthe minor fxs equal to one-fourth of the inside diameter Spd ar octed emily win scl he center (of whieh coincides with the center of the Head fn the darter of whch sequal 1 60% ofthe Shell inside duet, is the thickness required fora seamless hemisphoricaliead of aio to 90% ofthe side dame of te bal required hicks of seamles nozle wall: Found ‘bythe formula used for forthe shel amiting the facto The val of Suse in determining he 1G, P6331 NOMENCLATURE AND FORIULAS FOR REINFORCED OPENIDGS. bk mp Lr et = seredsure [let : “sateen woe | YT Sten ree n . gy {= My talMated = Rly tit ‘Arca valanieimoutwars: 4) DX. = ey = (WLsiha ay = (La sega nine GF «sa =m ae Saeed eae Rigg semana must oe mera, A Dac Aa= at se tte FER HOLL through PG-101.13, PGAOLLL Heating surface. 2s pat ofa eculating system in contact on one side with water or Wet ste beng sted and onthe ther sie wth gas or refacory tring coved shal ke wetsured on the ide receiving hed PG-IOL12 Feiler testing srfice and ober equiv lent sutace uisidethe furnace shall be measured circum ferenially plus any extended surface, PG-IOLL3 Watervall heating susfce and other cguivalnt surtave vita the Furnace shall be measured 3s. the projected tube area (Ginmeter > lengthy plus any extended surfie onthe Tumace side. In computing te ‘esting surtace forbs purpose, ony the es, Brose shall bests, andthe projected tea of bade nod to be considered, eicept tat for vertical fireube steam triers ont potion fhe he surface upto thee cf the gage elas 0 be computed PG-104 GENERAL GAOL The completedboiler unitinctdes al piping ad piping componens as defined in the Preamble ‘The Manufacturer sce Not (1) below} of ny complete boiler unit to he samped withthe Code symbol has the responsibility of arin through proper Coe ceteation that ll work eefamed by him or ees responsible to im complies with al eguirement ofthe Cove, neluding design, consicticn, mater, and workmanship. With the exception of fed insalled boiler exer piping, when ome prions of a complete boiler wnt ste supped by for Cade work is performed by oters no espesible 1 the Maoufactre, the Manofactarer has the duty of ‘obtuiing rom thee oer organizations thei roger Code ‘cecation, eoverng such portions of srork, When the Manufactorer furnishes a shop assembled boiler tht complete except for bales extemal piping, fd the boiler bas been heroic tested a te sop fn properly stamped wth he Mantasre's°S”symbal, the subsequent nsallon inthe he external piping titin te scope of Section Ie not by ie considered “el aeemby ofthe boiler [see Nate 2 blow ‘No Manfactue or asembler may aceptCode spon siblty for work that fls within the scope of he Coss, that is performed by workmen employed by any other cxgnization, except trough proper Cae cetfeton. The ‘respons st forth ren steely o Code compl- Shoe and are not tobe consrud a valving contractual ‘elton or legal Tibi. Sct fen etd «2 Weim eemalpi epeSctn os SSE nl ham i ‘ety Mca por Fr a pe PG-1042. Proper Code ceifcaton refers to the fur ishing of stamping and Dat epoess eden tex lish the following PG-1042. The organization tht pvfomed that portion of the work heli an appropriate Certiate of ‘utboraton PG-1042.2 By signing and famishiag the appo- rite dat repo, tha orzanztoncontfed compliance ‘vith Code rls for that portion of te work PG-104.2.3 By proper use ofthe Code symbol samp, tha orgniation deified she potions ofthe work ‘covered by is Data Report Form. PG-10424 By coutersigrame on the same Data Report qualified Inspector confimed hat portion ofthe ‘work compli! with applicable Code rs. PG-108 CODE SYMMOL STAMPS PG-105.1 Authorization, Except es permited in 6-108, no organization may asame responsi for Code constiton without having fis eed fom the ASME a Cerifate of Authorization to we one of the Fig. P6105. OFFICIAL svmsoLs FoR STAMPS ‘To DENOTE THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICA ENGINEERS STANDARD For BOILERS. ow © FIG, P6-1052 OFFICIAL SYMBOL FOR STAMP TO DENOTE THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS’ STANDARD FOR ASSEMBLY (SJ (} FIG, P6-1053 OFFICIAL SYINBOL FOR s"amp 70 DENOTE THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS’ STANDARD FOR WELDED PIPING FIG, P6-1054 OFFICIAL SYINBOL FOR STAMP TO DENOTE THE AMERICAN SOCIETY oF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS’ STANDARD FOR SAFETY VALVES Cade symbol sanpe shown ia Figs. POHOS.1 though PG-1O84. Thee ae st och Stamps, defined as follows {a} S—powerboier symbol amp se ig, PO-105.1) (0) M—miniaure baler symbel stamp (Se Fig. PG 108.1) (o) E— cette boiler symbol stamp (se Fig. PO 105.1) (Ed) A — boiler assembly symbol stamp (see Fg. PG 1082) {e) PP — peste piping symbol stamp (ee Fig, PO: 108.3) () ¥—safery valve symbol stamp (se Fi. PO-105.4) Stumps for pplvng the Code symbol shal be ones from the Society. Each bole, superheate, waters, economizer. of Boer panto which a Code sjabol st be applied shall be fabricated by a Manufacturer whois tm possession of sn appropiate Code symbol stamp. A Cemiate of Autorzton to use the Code sybal°S. SME" "A "PR" or V" stamp wil be raed bythe Society pursuant w the provision of these paragraph PG-1052 Appleation for Certificate of Authorza- fon. Any organizion desiring a Cera of Author. tion shall apply to the Boiler and Pressure Vesse] Commie ofthe Society, en forms issued bythe Soe specifying the stamp desired and the scope of Coe neti {estobe perfomed. Wheo an organiation ins to bald (Code items in plans in more than ce scopic aes, Separate applications fr each plat or singe application listing the adresses ofall sch plats may be sebrited ach aplication shal ident the Authorized lspecon Agency providing Code inspection teach plas separate CCeiteat of Authorization wl be prepared anda separate fee chaiged hy the Society for each plant ach pliant mus are that each Cerificate of Autho= ‘nton and each Code symbol samp area all ines the prope of the Soci. that they wil be used according to the rules and regulations ofthis Section of the Code nd that they wll be pomply reamed tothe Society "upon demand, or when the applicant sconinues he Code sctivtes covered by his cemfcat cr when the Crise fof Authorization has expired and mo new ceria has teen asd. The holder of «Code sembol samp sal ot allow ay eter organization seit Authorization fo use Code syabol stamps may be grime orwiheldby the Soi in te abelutedisrtion IW athorzation s granted, andthe proper amiss fee pid: a Cette of Authorization evidencing pemis= Sion to use any such symbol, expiing onthe ema fnnversary dt thereat, wl be fred to the apple ant, Each such cetfcate wil defy the Cade symbat tobe sed, and the pe of shop aor fel operations for which authorizations praned (st A370), The cet- ate will be signed by the Charman ofthe Bor and tin. Six months roe the date of expan of any sch cerifcte, the applicant must apply for a eneal of sich Shorzation andthe issuance of new crise. The Sosiety reserves the abot right cancel or elise 10 ene Such authorization returning ro vn esp for ‘he unexpired tem, PG-108.3 Agreement With Authorized Inspection Agency. Asa coniton of obtainieg and maintaining 3 (Ceiteate of Autorigation use Ue "S)"°M.""B." "A, oe "PP" Code symbol tans he Mnulacre oF Assen ber mst have in force al ines an inspection contact or agreement with an Authorized Inspection Agency a8 defined in PG-91 to provide inspection services. This Inspection contact is a witen agement between the ‘Manufacturer or Assembler andthe pectin gene that species the ems and conltons ude which the inspec tion services arto he fais ana ates the mit responsibites f the Mansfctreror Assemble andthe ‘Astorzed Inspectors. Te ceri holier sal notify ‘he Society whenever i agreement with st Authorid Inspection Agency is cancelled ot changed to another ‘Auuorzed Inspection Agency. Manutsceuers or asemblers of safety valves are not eqired to have am aspection agreement wit an Author: faod Inspection Agency. A Cerieate of Authorization tay beamed os manafatre or aserbler of safety valves to we the say valve sjnbol stamp providing Sich stamp spol nly to sey valves tat have ben ‘epi ceriid in accordance with the requiemeas of this Section G-10544 Quality Control System. Any Manufatue or Assemble holding or applying for a Cerificate of ‘Authorizations sete "."°M "EA "PPV ‘amp sal hve anédemonstat, agua eon system to establish tht all Code regrerents including materi, ‘design, fasication, examination (by the Manufacure ld inspection for olers and eller pats (bythe Authoe- ‘aod Inpeton willbe met The quality comrol sytem sll be in accordarce wit he requirements of A300. Before isbane or renewal fa Cerificate of Author tion for ase ofthe." °M." "ES "A." or "EP" saps, the Maoufacrer aces and organization ae subject tova jin review hy a repescatve of his inspection gency and un india! cried as an ASME desipnece ‘no selected by te concer legal jascion. When the juriegietion assumes responsiblity fr leading the review, it sll ba ceded that its representative has Inet ASME criteria, A writen description or checlis of ‘he goat ental stem which denies what documents and what procedure the Manuactrer wl use t produce {Cade item shall avaiable for review. The purpose of the review isto elute the applicant's quality contra ‘stim anditsimplomentaion, The aplcant shall emer ‘ae sficient nitive ad facut Functions of the ste to sow tat he has the knowledge and iy to prodace the Cos items covered by’ bis qty conta ‘stem, Faria facons may be demonsated sing fet work a mock-up, era combination ofthe two. A ‘vl repor tothe Society shal be made join bythe Jmsdicion and the lnpection agency employed by the ‘Manufacturer odo his Code inspection. This reports then reviewed by the Sobcommitee on Boiler and Pressure ‘VeselAcctediatc, which wil eles issue a Certicate of Authorization or notify the applicant of defeiencis revealed bythe review In soc case, the applicant will ‘be piven an cpporanity to explain of corset these de> ‘Ceca of Auhorlzaton willbe endorsed to incate the seope of activity authorized. Authorization include field operations if he revi team determines tat these operations are adeqstely described in he quality contol ‘anu, nd this derminton i accepted by the Sony. Before suace wr renewal of Cerise of Aura tion for use ofthe "V" stamp, the vale manufsctaer's for asamblers facies and organization ae subject 0 & review by at ASNE desigce. A writen description hecliet of the quality consol ystan, which identes the documents and procedures the marfature or asem- Her wll to prodice Code sft and safe oie valves, stall be avilable for review. The ASME designee shall tnakea writen porto the Society, tere the Sasori tee on Boiler and Presse Vesel Arseditation will act fom tas deserted above The Manufacturer may aan time make changes in tbe quality conto system concerning te ethos of achieving fests suber to seeptance bythe Authorized Inspector. For manufrs and assemblers of "V" stamped slo or safery rele valves, such acceptance shall be by the ‘ASME designee For those arse whore thre 9 jrsiton or where ajustiction dors not chose to sles an ASME designee to review a vessel or veel parts minuficare’ Tait, tat faction shall be perfomed by an ASME dsigse selected ASME Inether case, the SME designe shall ery i epesettve has met ASME teria, Where the [Medicom i the Manufacturer's ispectionegeacy the Jin review and joint op shall be made by the urs tion and another representtvedesigated by the Soces. PG-105.5 Code Construction Belore Reclp of Cer- tieate of Authorizaton, When usel to demonstrate his ‘quality control system, a Manufctrer may sat fabs ing Code items efor resp ofa Cerificate of Autor fio to use Code symbol stamp ander the following ‘onditon: (a) The fabiation doe withthe pricpuin ofthe Authorize Inspector andi subject his ecepane () The activity sll have hoe frTomod in confor mance withthe applica s accepted ality con yer, {c) The items amped withthe apropriat Code sy bol and ered onoe te applicant revives his Cerise ‘of Ahorztion from the Soci PG-105.6 Regulations on Use of Code Symbol ‘Stamps. The Boer and Pressure Vel Commies may ft anytime make sch regulon concerning the issuance land use of Code symbol smps as deems appropiate, ‘and all such regulations shall become binding upon the Tees of any valid Cereals of Authorization, PG-106 STAMPING OF BOILERS PG-106. The Manufacturer sal samp cach ber, supathester, watrval, or sel exmomizer construct in compliance with this Secon in the presence ofthe “Authored Inspector, afer the hydro es in he hop ofthe Manfactrer, except th ia cases where bole, supeesters,aterballs, tel econmiets ae no com plete and byéostaicliy etd bee shipment. proper $samping shall be apled st the shop andthe data epors required io PG-I12 and PGH113 sl be signed by the FIG. C:206.FORW OF STAMPING ‘ones by Ini nn i is wa i Ti an asi eH ‘ame or difereat aspects who sal ndcate the portions ofthe inspections made atthe shop and the ld, The stamping shall cows ofthe appropiate Code symbol ‘Shown in Fig PG-054, which sal be put on each piece of eauipmen’ lise above in th lostons speed in G11, except as provided in PC 1062 'PG-1062. When the waters bole i aang int rally with ecoromizer,saperkeater andlor water, the stamping fequred in PG106.1 for such ars a are fact by the Manofactsre ofthe boiler may be ct bined into a single stamping located as specified in 11.5. Kenting mark sale placed ov al beaders PG-1063 For fors@-ow stm geneitors with no fixed steam and Werle, emistingofeoops of presse ams or componets designed at several diferet levels ‘of maximum allonable working presses (PO-21), be ‘camping reqsedin PO-106. for sch part 8 ae frie ‘ted by the Manufacture ofthe Bile, shal be combined Inc a Single sanping In adtio, whichever Manfac- turer [80 PG-104 Now (1) has the responsibilty for serene of Coe erifestio fora completed bole un, That Manufacturer ball provide master stamping fr te ‘complete unit which shall sow the maximum allowable ‘working (minimer design pressure the pees ut Tet as. determined by the Manufacturer as stem 1064.1). In o case shal the maser stamping pes sure be more han the maximum allowable working pres Sure of ny par f the uit eluding the steam ping tbetwoen the eilecand the prime mover The maser stamp Ing stall be locate as reied in PG-111 52 PG-106.4 Io sition tothe symbol, the following toms sal aso bestamped with eters and figures a est. Sein (8mm) hist [a 4 mam) on inate oilers i cesta], anange 3 shown in Fig, PC-105, PG-1064.1 Toms on Boilers (a) Manufacturers serial number (@) ceited by (oame of Manutetes) {) maximum sllovable working pressire when built (cd) beating surface or power ip freee bles) {e) year bait (9) maxima designed seaming capacity (or, or high temperate water boilers, maxima designed out) tervals Superheaters, or (a) Manufactures sera number (©) ceited by Coa of Manufacture) () maximum allowable working presse when built (4) heating surface not required for integral superbe ers) (red absorton for an olbl economies) (c) forisolible or noninegralsepastely fred superbe rs hatin sree othe minim fey vale dechargs ‘opacity calculated from the maxanim expected heat sori (a8 determines hy the Minfacee) PG-1065 For bolles with no pessue retaining part larger than 16 in, (400 ram) O.D. oF for equipment operating at temperatures above SUP (825°C), 9 can, ‘tebed, or stamped metallic name may be used to provide the data requted By PC-10h instead of stamping ‘zcty on te peesureetaning mater Thi plate shall ‘be securey atched to the tem it dscrbes. Ite atch meas by welding, the welding shall net he eqirements ofthis Section. The Autiorized Taper Shall Wines the ‘samping of he Code symbol and vey that he nameplate has teen sachs 176-1066. Esch Manufactrershl fishin aon, metal pate oF plates on which the above dats ae eroduced forall he tems mnufucured by hi, except when the orginal stampings ae so oated on the com ese (or semble) boiler unc at all willbe reaciy Visible fom one place onthe operating loro plato. ‘These plates fused, shall be focated ax specified in PAILS All data on such adel pits, ineloding the Code symbol, shall be cas. ete, or stamped and ‘this marking need not be witnessed by an Authorized Inspects. The lees and gues on ese nameplates shall, ‘be ot les than in 4 hm) igh PG-1067 When te Monufstuer i an Enginering ‘Contactor [ee PG-104, Note (1), ether of the sequences Specified ia PG-1067.1 and PO-1067.2 may be selected forthe cencaion and stamping ofthe completed bole PG-106-7.1 Certification of Field Assembly Prior to Certieation of Engncering Cantractor a) The Engineering Constr sal prepace a Form PA Master Data Repor withthe Ceieaon of Eagi- oeing Contacte portion remainieg blak, Tais Maser Data Repo, including al associated Paral Data Reports shal be forward © te Assembler () Aer the resited inspections and the hydeostatc tert have been perermed the Assembler and his Autor fae laspctr shall ery the feld assembly porion of Form P-3A. The Asembler shall then forvard th com> pleted Form PA icuding all associated Paral Data Repos, tothe Engineering Contacte. fe) The Engineerng Contactor hall provide a metalic maser stamping plate or plates. The lets and Higures on this plate shall be wot les han Sin. 4 mem) igh. Tis plate shall nude, aon tothe Code symbol the fata required by PO-106. Such data, except the Code symbol, maybe eas ethed of samped on this plate The Code symbol shal stamped. The stamping ofthe maser anping plat shale in the presence ofthe Easiocesing CConzactor's Autorited Inspector after the Inspector has ‘examined the Design Specification for the complete boiler ‘it verifed the pate data andi satisfied tat the En ‘esing Contato ks provided forthe coastton of he compete boiler uni. The Engineering Conzetr and bis ‘Authorized laepctr shall then sign the Corieation of nginriag Contactor portion of Form PSA. {d) The Engineering Contractor shall provide the Assembler wih the master tampiog pate who shall afi. ittoa locaton on he boiler ae speied in PG-11.13, PG-1067.2 Cortiction of Engineering Contrae- tor Prior to Certication of Feld Assembly (a) The Enginesrng Cosco shal provide 2 metalic this plate sal be ot les than Sin. @ mm) bith Tis lite sll inl, nation to the Code syn al he fata roquired by P5-106. Such data, except the Code symbol may be es, etched. o stamped on this plate, The Code sybalsall be stmged. Te stamping of thease ‘stamping plate sal be in the presence of the Engineering Contact's Authorized lspzcor after the inspector bas ‘examined the Design Speciation forthe complet boiler Unis vere he pie da, andi ssf that the Ele tering Contractor as provided fer he construction of the complete boiler nit The Engineering Contractor and his ‘Authorized Inspect shall hen sign the Cention of Engineering Contractor portion of For P-3 sabe pres ence of and when athorzed by the Authodzed Inspector. {(b) The Engineering Coateactor shall provide the Assembler wit the master stamping late and Form P-3A Maser Dts Rep, inclaing all associsted Paral Dats Repors. (6) After the required inspections and the hydosutic tert have Been pevosmed, the Assembler shall affix the ‘master samping pla to the boiler ata location specie {i PG-111.13 the presence of and when authorized by is Autborized Inspector (d) The Assomblr and is Autodzed Inspector shall then sgn the Cerise of Field Assenbly portion of Form PLA. The Assembler stall then forvard the completed oom P-3A, inladng all associated Faia Data Repos, tothe Engineering Contacto. PG-1068 Stamping and Marking of Parts PGA1O68.1,Whenonly sparofthe boiler issupplied and the data ate recorded on Form Pt, Manufactre's arial Dats Report (ee PO-II22.9, the par shall be stamped with (a) ASME Code Symbol above th word “pt” (@) ceed by aane of Manatacure) (6) Manufactre's serial umber ofthe prt (a) yea bat Pans may be stamped with he ASME Code Symbol without being pressure tested price to shipment (see 6-112 for regiments for documettion abl samping of pressure pats that do nt conti pressure retaining veld 1PG-1068.2 I cw of soc stamping smal pars [S la, (128 mm) OLD. ander} say be marked with an idenatonacepabl othe Ispetor (ar coding, ‘ching. pin stencil, te) and traeable othe Fo P- Manafactare's Paral Data Report Such marking shall beof type tt wilemain ible orl he piste, ‘he Cove symbol samp is not gute. PG-10683. Manufacturers wits multiple lsaions, cach with is own Cette of Authorization, may wanster bor pan fom one lesion to another without Paral atu Reywrtn, provided the Quality Control System sites the mthod of datfction tense, sn Ycept of te pans. PG-1069_ No accesory opus of a boiler may be red “ASME” or "ASME Sid” eles 10 specified in the Code -PG-106.10 Shell pes, furnace sets, and ead shall have nsticson stamping in confrmance wih PGT. PG-1OG.1 ‘The American Society of Mechanical Eng eer” sandrd symbols and te boler balers stamps Shall aot be covered permanenty by insulting or her rae PG-106.12. Multiple Pressure Steam Generators con sisting of several sections of hea exchange surface designed for diferent peste eve. ay be considered fs asingle ole nthe Manufacturer stamping reqied by PG-106. combined ino single stamping povided PG-10612.1. The difereat cits ofthe boiler ae ot intended to be opersted separate or independent PG-106122. The extent snd design ofthe boiler eral piping oreachveit stall teesublishedinacoe- tance with POSES PG-106.12.3 The varios crete shal be separates ftom ech eter by providing «op valve and a check ‘ave inthe feedvater piping leading co each cium cordance with PO-58.3 3 PG-106124. Each crit sll be sven tye static tes comespmding to ts MAWP. a5 required by PG, PG-106125 Each circuit sal be stumped with the Informetion required by PG-105. The stamping sal be Tocated in aecodace with PG PG-106.12.6 The Manufacturer shall furnish, in ain, a single neal plate on which the above ata tuo reproduced for al ofthe ees, This ple shall be Tecate in accordance with PG-1UL.13. ll data on sch plates sal cas etched or sarge The Code sya hal be stamped wo this plate sed hl be witnessed by tm Authonzed Inoector, The ltr and figues on these ameplates sal fe no ess than yn, mm) igh PG-107 FIELD ASSEMBLY Code responsibity fora completed bller unt that fel assembled (erclading the shop assembled boiler with Feld installed piping, see PG-104, Note (21) may be asimed oly nde the following conions, PG-1O7. By the boiler Marufacurer (2 PO-104, Nove (provided PG-IOT.L1 Assembly work i porfrmed by work PG-IOT.12 Any work performed by aes such as retin of piping tht falls within he scope ofthe Cade |S handled by proper Code certian, PG107.13 ‘The completed bole uni is property stamped withthe Manufacue's"S" symbol nasondance sith FG-108.L PG-IOT.L4 ts Reports sr prepared in scordance with POAT 'PG-1072 only by the boiler Manufacturer andthe assembler responsble for performing the hyo test he completed te, signing af the Ceres of Ft Assembly Compliznce on the Master Duta Repo. and for providing the suplementl stamping in aecondance with G-1082, pronces PG-lO72.1 Assembly work is performed by work- ren employed by the assembler. PG-10722 The assembler uses his own property ali’ welding procedures, veldersandor welding pet PG107.23 Any work peformed inthe fk by ses, such a ren of bor external piping or part ” assembly ofthe bolle prope, hat alls within the scope ‘ofthe Code is handed by proper Code cetfcton (ol Code cenication of bol external piping installed yan ongnizaon other thin the bier Manaftrer or sembly sal be povided in accordance with PO-108. {b) Cade certification of work performed by an orni= zation respoosible for paral fed assembly of a boller ‘hal be provided as follows (1) The work performed sal te described ona Form .3Thefoam sallbe marked as notbeing the Maer Data Report Lines | trough Sof the frmshall becompleedby the assembler responsible fr paral eld asembly ofthe bile, excep thatthe words “pat Held sembly” are toe isered on Line 4 inset of the nit iensifeston and ID numbers. The poon of pail fed assembly ‘completed by thease and the etn ofthe stage ing required by PG-107.2.0613) shall be describ on Ue 15, Remarks, (2) The Cetieate of Field Assy Complianes on ‘he form shal be comple and sige bythe assembler. The Cenfiate of Feld Assembly Ispecon oa the form shale completed and signed by the sseblr's Astor: aed Inspect. (6) When suthoriza bythe Auborinad especie the assemblers Code symbol together wih the asemble's ‘tum or an accepthle abireviton, nd the words "paiat eld assembly” shall be stamped by he assembler on 2 moor pressure par assembled espa ofthe work covered bythe Coge ceriaton If ited space prevents this, the stamping shall be applied near the Manufacturer's PG-072A The compleed toler ni is property stomped with the Manufacturer's "5" symbol and the sssemblers Code symol in accodsce with PG-1082 PG-I072.5 Dasa Reports are repre in acordance with PG-1132 and such Data Repers clearly dete the ‘work completed by the Mansfactirr and the atemble. PG-I0S STAMPING FOR FIELD-ASSEMBLED BOILERS, ‘ild assembly of completed bole uit may be made by anyone posesing a valid Cert of Authorzaion fora power bole simp or an asanbly stamp provide responsibility i assumed in accordance with he reuite- ‘mens ofPG-107. Stamping for fii asembled eller units Shall be completed a speied in PC-1081 sn PG 108.2 PG-108.1. When esponsiliy fre completed bolle bit ansomed under PG-I071, ne addtional stamping beyond that fequied by PG-106 is necessary. PG-1082_ When esponsiliy fete completed bier unite asumed under PG-1072, the Manuf’ (see 6-104, Nowe (1) sping shal be supplemented with ‘he assembler «stamp, together withe name ofthe ass Der or an accept abireviaton. Tis supplementary ‘unpingsall be apled inthe Held on the boiler nese ‘he stamping called for by PG-106 when auberized by the fed Inspector er the required inspections and the yds est ofthe completed boiler un. This supe monary stamping tal sso be eprodoced on a ameplate ts regied by PG-IOG6 or PG-10617 and ached in & location mmedinls adjacent tothe master sampig ple, se rogues in POLIS. PG-109 STANPING OF PRESSURE PIPING 'PG-109.1 Bole extemal piping, as defined in he Pre- able, maybe fbrated by a manufacturer or than the Manufacture of te boler, provided thatthe manufactarer has teen sued « Ceifate of Authorization to we the S° on “PP” symbol stamp. Boiler exer piping may be incall by welding by a manufacturer o contractor ober than the Manufacturof the boiler, provi sich anor tization hasbeen ised a Ceteate of Authorization 10 te the "8," PP," oF "A symbol stamp. When bor xtra ping is ile by eld. the welding, lad ing the gualfction of welding procedures, welds, and ‘welding operators, shal be dane in ecordance wit he spplieable rules of ASME BSL. The welding shall te inspected by an Authorized Inspector t sch tapes of the wrkeas he omy lc. The organizations which faite rial och pping shal Furth proper code sertetion {G-1042 fort eluding « Manuaceurers Data Repor Form PAA ae requted by PG-11225 and PO-1123. PG-108.2. Welled boiler external piping included within the scope of tis Code, over NPS 2 (DN 50, shall estan with aCode symbol together withthe manufac turer sorcontaciors name snd serial ante. Such stan ing shall be onthe pipe vale. offing adjacent 1 he ‘welded joint fhe fom te bolle, For piping operating tiemperatres above 00°F (025°C) the symbel may Be “Sampod on a mamplt tats imemovably tached by welding, provided such welding is postweld heat weated, ‘or on louar mat band at lest. ¢6 rm) thick “Thisbnd round tho ppe shal be secre a soch a manner sto proven it fom slipping off during handing and insalation ‘Welded piping NPS 2 (DN 50) or less included within the cope of the Cide sal be make with an dete ton acceptable tc the Inspector and traceable tothe required Data Rep. Such marking sal eof a type hat ‘will remain vse ual the piping has bees installed. PG-109.3 A mnactrerin posession ofthe peste Piping symbol starp may (a) design and fbrcate welded piping. Such farce ‘ions shal be stamped and epored on Form P48, Man factre's Data Report for Fabricated ping, elle for inPG-11225 () fabricate ober prs of bors, such as sapeeater, ‘watervallo economiee headers, whee complete design Teienents are provided by others, Such pars shall be "aged or marked a reid by PC-1068 and epost fon a For Pit, Manufacurer’s Paral Data Repon, a ‘alld for in PG-I12 24 PG-109.4.Mssbancally assembled bier excernal pip ing which contains ao preisere bounlary welds does not, require taping anda sich maybe assembled by #20 Samp bolder Note tht the responsi Tar document tion and hydrostatic tein ofa mechanically assembled bres external piping must be assed by a holder of @ alld "8" "A." of 7" stag (Gee PO-11225) PG-10 ach safety valve salle panty marked wih the eguised data bythe Manvfacturer or Assembler (see PG-73.34) in sch a way thar the marking will ot be bliteraed in service The marking sal be placed onthe Valve or on a namepite securely fend to te valve “The Code "V" symbol sal be stamped on the valve or ramet by the Manufacturer or Asembler a aplca ble, The other required data ay Ye stamped, etched, impressed, or aston the valve ce panepnte The masking fe} tena or an aceabe abbreviation th Man ferrer and Assemble, a6 applica 1) Manufacturers design or pe number fe) NPS (DN) (he nominal pipe se ofthe valve let) (a) set pressure ps (MPa) (e) Capaciey (1) capacity IW (igh for saturated steam servoe in accordance with P93. 0 (2) capacity Iv (kgf) at _°F (°C) (Gor supetieated seam service in sordnce witb PG-68.7 {f year bu or alerntivey ceding may be marked onthe valve such hat the valve Manufacturer or Assembler an idenuty the year the valve was ssembled and ested {e) ASME symbol as shown in Fg. PG-1084 [STAMPING OF SAFETY VALVES PG-IN1 LOCATION OF STAMPINGS ‘Te locaton ofthe rogue stamp shal be as ised ‘below. These stampings shall beet ncoveredar anny removable mated cover may be provided oer the sta ing when a boiler i covered with lation, Jacked Io piping, boiler appliance. or oder obstretons stall intro ih reading ofthe stampirg PG-LLLL Horzona-etirn tubule toes — on te ‘ont hea above the central ov of tabs PG-L1L2 Horzonl-e bllers — oa the font ead shove the Hs PG-l1L3 Traian, parable, or stationary boilers of ‘he locomotive spe oF Star watertube Bails — onthe furnace end above the handle. Orontstion boilers of the locomesivetyfe — onthe let wrapper shee orwird ofthe rving whe. PGALLA Verve ree snd vera ahmed be bolts — on the sell above the fredoor and handhole opening GILLS Watertube Boers PG-ILLS.1 Drum type — on a bea of the stom let drum near nd above the mantle PG-IILS2 Forced-fow som gorertor ith no fixed steam and waterline — the matter stamping (PG: 106.3) shall be located on major pressure part Tocted near he sin operating Moor where ely vse ‘Tae Data Report Form shal secrd the location ofthe maser samping PG-AILS Seach marine boilers — on either side of the sell ear the nota water level line and 8 est 38 retical othe emt abeshee. PGALLT Ecos bole —on the fonhed, shove the center row of es PG-IILS Minature an eesre boilers — on some compicuois a uel place he ler pope oot ‘stamping plate atleast in. (12 mm thick, permanently Fated adhesives prohibited) io the boiler PG-lLLS On any ofthe above types whee there is not stint spac inthe place designated, and fr eter {ypes and now daigns —so a conspicuous place on he bor proper. TheData Report Form sal cord th oct Son of the require stamping PG-11L.10 Suyresters— on superester header ear the ome, Other ers shal cay Hentiying marke, PG-ILLIT Expomizers — at a handy osation on water inlet header or drums. Other heades shall ctty ienitying mars, PG-111.12 Wateryalls — on one end of a lower ‘ade. Other balers shal cary ientiVing marks. PG-IILI3. Wien required by PO-1066 nd PG-1067, the Manufacturer [ee PO-1O$, Noe (1) stall furnish 2 nameplate or pate on wich the appropriate Code Symbol nd design dua or the scope of his responsibilty are ‘Pemanently impited. The nameplate sal be secely sched tothe ee ofthe boiler, sing or casing. a ‘place reaily isle rom the operating Noro platform, PG-112 MANUFACTURERS DATA REPORT FORMS PG-IID Ten types of Manufete's Data Report Forms are shown inthe Appendix unler the heading “Data Report Foes and Guides tthe endo this Secon. These orns shal be sed by the Manuartes (ee POIO8, Note (] to econ all he items of a complete bier unit. in azcordance With che provisions of PO-1122. When the eifcaion of the complete boiler unit is eccomplised ‘by more than one Data Reporte prieipal Data Report (P2,P2A, Por.) shall be deignate asthe Maser Data Repon (see PG-113), For forced-fow stam generators with no xed stam and werline consisting Of groups of presare pats of omponeats designed at seta diferent posure evel, separate Manfactrers Data Repo sal leary defy the presure parts seach preate level and show the maximum allowable working pes. These several Data Repors shal beached» MasterData Report PG-13) ‘that shall lly ideiy each component 33 part ofthe complete uit PG-I12.2 Type of Data Report Forms. The 1ypes of Data Report Forms and the puposs for which they ae tobe usedarespeifedinPG-11221 though PG-11228, PG-1122.41 Form P.2, Manuacure’s Data Report for All Types of Boilers Excee Walerte and Ele, Shall be used 10 record all pes 3f boils ther than waterbe boiler units and pars there, whichare included tinder Form 3, PG-1122.14 Form P2A, Manufacturer's Data Repor for All Types of Elecie Bales, shall be used record all pes of electric Boles PG-1122.12 Form P28, Mopufurrer's Data Repor for Electric Superhsters ant Reheat, sll be sed 1g ocod alae supeshatrs snd vbeatars ested extemal fo the bor seting PG-I1222 Foon P3, Manucre's Daa Report for Waterube Boilers. Supesheats (except electc) Watervalls and Economizer, sabe ed to reson ll ‘of the ens comprising 1 waterube bal ‘The Form P- atl alo be used tw rcord a supebeater, ssnterallr economizer when the design of sich an tem incited by manufacturer ther han the boler Man facture or when such an item ste te aed 1 an existing boiler. The item shall be stamped wit the ASME "S symbol and the additional information. a applicable sown in PG-10612, Tem 10 on Form P-3 eal be wt to rend oer parte ‘connected at the openings ltd in te 11 sf sch parts tue fabricated of materials or by processes that eeuire Cove inspection. If such parts Rave noe been connected prior tothe rosa et otatn Shall e made under Item 10 reaing:"Nepars connected tothe openings listed ‘em LT excep a note.” PG-11223 Form P-3A, Engineerng-Contctor Data Report for a Complete Boiler Uni, shall be sed ‘when sich an organization assumes the Manufactures Coe responsibility a povided for by PC-103, Not (1 “hs fon shall be ed to ceri Coe responsibility for the design specieston of the complete toler unt, of hich the componens ate individually ceri by their Individual manufactrers in sccordance with the Code rules, This form al provides for Beldassombly cert PG-112.24 Form P-t, Manufacturer's Paial Data Repo, shal be sedi recor bole pas eguing inspec ‘ion nd stamping umes Section which ae furnished by ‘other than the Manlictrer responsible forthe completed boiler, supercar, watervall or ecopoizr. (a) Except ss prided ia PG-112.24(b) Foo P- shall ‘uaa nly to provide supporting dts or the information _Bven onthe Mister Data Report (see PG-113) of on the Form P-3 wed to rcnrdasupeteae,waterwall econo (8) When used record pans fished to the wer of sm existing bole replacement oe Ya pars. Form P- “Fi sfieent and ed oot support a Mase: Data Report, ‘A copy af the pars Manufoture's Form Pet shal be focwarded tothe purchaser fc) The pars manufactorer shall indieate under “rerarsteextet o wich he has performed the design funtion, When tn pte mutator performed only orion of the desig, he sal tae Which portion of the esgn be has evened. PG-I1225 FormP-tA,Mansfactre’s Dats Report for Fabricated Piping, shal Bo used fo recor all shop or fek-welded boiler extemal piping tht fll within the ope ofthis Sestin ba is ot farished bythe eller Manufacturer, Foes P-4B, Manufacturer's Data Report for Feldstallea Mechanically Astembles Piping, shall be sed to record ll feldsnstlled mechanical assembled triler external piping. Form P-4B shall be used ony for ig ht consis no jis rized or welded by the eld Insale, PG-11226 Fom P.5, Summary Data Repor for Press Stam Generators, may be used by the Manutac- tare see PO-10, Now (1)] 4 eco all ems of ek assembled process tam generators of the waste heat oF et recovery ype comprising one or more drums and fone oe more ara of ea exchange Surface designed for tieont pes level. All evehsoroponent tems stall be constricted tothe applicable ules of te Code and shall te cert by indi! Daa Report Fors executed by the component manifctrer and the Authoiod Inspect ‘When ote, the Surmary Data Report Form PS shall ist alee property exerted data rept arms or components ‘comprising the complete proois scan generator ad stall ‘each othe Manufacturer's Da Repo. PG-I12.27 When using pie version of a Dat Report Form, Form Ps, Manufactures Data Report Sup plemeatzy She shall be ued to r-od aditona data Iehee spice was insafcient ona Dat Report Form. This Manufacturers ata Report Sapplemeatry Sheet wll be tached tothe Manufacturer's bata Report Form where teed When sing an electronic version of a Data Repoet Form it nay be expanded to inl sll diol daa, ‘oe oem P-6 may be vsed in accordance With para. PG. 1226. PG-11228 Form P-7, Manufisurer’s Data Repo for Safety Valves, shall be used ores required safety ‘alves. Form 7 shal be used as opporing dal fo om 2, PS, or PA, Form P.7 isnot regued for balers ‘rtfed on Form P-28, ofr batts wth a single safety ‘alve when the safety valve ie et psu, and capi [la ep are inlaed interes Seton of Form, PoP. PG-1123. Manfacaers Data Reps ad all asoc- sted Pal Data Reps shall be farisbed to the pat- ‘hse, the inspection agency, nd the sate municipal. or provincial aston tthe ple of insulation Paral Data Report for peste pas requiring pectin under this ‘Seton, and wich af fished by er than the Mase facture having Code responsiblity othe bole or the Siperheater,waterwall, or economize, shal be exceed byte pare manuacorr and te Incr eee tit the regiements of dis Section [Except as provided in PG-L12-20) the Pana Data Reports sal be forwarded, in dope, t the Manutac- turer of he bolle othe supereser, watervall, or eon tnizar. These Panel Data Reports, gether wit is oF {nepecton sil the ial inspetor's autor wioess ‘he aplication ofthe Code symbol othe Beier or the Sspeheste,watervall, op economizer. The Parl Data Reports shal be atached othe asciated Form P.2. P- 24, P3, PSA, of PS by the Manure: having Code ‘esponsblty forthe oiler or the siperhester water, PG-1124_ 4.350 includes nonmandaory sudes wo ad in te completion and ceriiton ofthe Manufacturer's Data Report Fors PG-1125 Multiple Pressure Sean Gonerators shall be locumested a indested in PG-II2S1 and PG-11252. G12... Dua Repo: FormP3 or PAA shall be ed by the Manuoctuer ab the Mister Data Report ‘econ al fems comprising a mip presse steam ses trator ofthe wast beat or het reconery type The Maser Dats Report shall stall ofthe propery exectted ata report forms fr the tems comprising the complet steam ener unt PG282 Deer forms such as P,P, P,P, and P-7 sal be ued ss peesary to provide and umm ze supporting infrmation fr the Master Dts Repo. PG-12.6 Mapsfcsres’s Patil Data Report Form P 4 and stumping in acordance wth PG-106 ae neler ‘eid or protiie for presse pars tht donot cm tain pressure resting welds (eg, boiler furnace walls, floor panel asembies, ties with suport or hanger ls). However, the Manufsctrer stall cen ha the materi and conseucuon aia accordance with the regiments ofthis Seton PG-112.641 Cesticaion may be sopplie i the {orm of bills of terial snd ravings with sterner of compliance or Cerfete af Compliance fom the Maa facts, PG-112.62 “heCerifation sal sate what matr- ls were usd ining size (OD. and wall thickest) ‘nd which eon and addenda ofthe Cade wore ued 0 ‘construct the pats. PG-I1263 The pans shall be cea identied with ‘markings tractable the cetfcation. The markings may to inthe form of bel, ag, stmping, pan, or coded ‘entation PG-113__ MASTER DATA REPORT FORM PG-LI3.1 Tie Maser Dats Report (asng Manat fs DataRepor Ferns .2,P-2A,P-3,orP-34, as applica: be) shall be wed by the oiler Manufacturer (ee PG-104, ‘Note (1)) 1 fly coeament ll pars of complete boiler unit (excluding bler external piping: soe PO-I0S, Note (2) as having Coe cericaton in secordance with the Code requirements for design, construction, and work ‘mans. PG-IIR2. When sfel-asemble boiler its docu ‘meoted by Data Fors fom manufacturers ee than he ‘Manufacturer (se PO-08, Note (1) responsible forthe complete bor un tbe boiler Marufactrr shall com let the appiable Master Data Repo Fors by recording {he eqused data trom all supporting Data Repor Forms ‘har are required forthe complete boiler nit All Dla Fors shale securely atachd tote Master Data Report. ‘The Data Reports shall clerysepeate shop fariction from field assembly and inte ease of age unit supple. menial sheets may be wod to reeordthe information, The erifcate of shop inspection block and the eertete of eld assembly block shall clearly designate the items {0 be certified the Inspector nthe shop and thse to be Cerifed by the Inspector ia the fed. The cetfed Data Reports furished by the several marfactures shal be the Shap red Iaspecoe’s author ore he components fabricated bythe eter manufactures apd incloded in the coasration ofthe complete blr it PG-lIB.3 The boiler Manse [6 PO-104, Note (1) shal have the responsiblity or distbuting copies of ‘he compete Master Data Report Form (Data Report Form PD, P2A.P3.or P-3A, ay aplical) to the sspection gency andthe revied number of pope autores, The “Manufacturer's writen ua onl te shall inchode requirements for completion of Manufacturers Data epors. The Manufacturer shall inthe Manufstre’s Data Reports fora minimum of 5 years PG-1I34 When boiler extemal piping is furnished by an organization not contractual’ responsible to the Manafttorer [se P10, Note (), ee organization responsible forthe fabrication and inaliation of thispping ‘hall have the responsibilty for dstioung copies of Fort A to the inspection agency and pope autor, PART PW REQUIREMENTS FOR BOILERS FABRICATED BY WELDING GENERAL PW GENERAL [PWeLI Scope. The rls in Part PW ace splcable to bles and component prs threo cluding ping onsrct under fe provisions ofthis Section, tat ae fabricated by weldng snd shall be usd in conjunction vith Be general requirement in Part PO aswell with the specie regurmens inthe applicable Pas of hs ‘Section tht peril tothe typeof boiler under consider PWe12 Responsibility, Each Manafctrer’ (Cen ate of Autorznticn bolder is responsible forthe weléing ‘Soe by his rpaition and shall establish the proces fu condi the este required in Seaton IX to qualify the welling prosines Ie wes in the constuction of Re ‘relents ult under Seen T andthe performance et ‘of elder? who apply these precedes. Altermatvely. ‘AWS Standanl Weng Procedure Specification tat ave ‘eon accepted by Seton IX may be used fr Seton I constuction, provid the welding meet the eqiremens ‘ofthis Seton. A parca AWS Standard Welding Proce ‘re may comin a range fora welding variable where ony pac of the rage moss the requirements ofthis Sx tion Tis could apply to ave or mire welding variables. ‘The Section Lrequiemens alvays ake precedence Mant fectrers intending to use AWS Standard Welding Proce lures shall describe in their Quality Control System (4-302. contol nesses aked wo ast thatthe welding mest the requirements of this Section and Section (ther oceumences of the pirasequalied in seeordance with Secon IX i this Part shall be construed to peat tse of AWS Stanlad Welding Procedures accepted by Section IX and contol a described above, Sach weld ing wl otinay be done by employees of he Manufac- turer who accepts he esponsibility for Code constuction "aaj me em ad sal 6 ofthe boiler or part being welded. Alemaively. he Man facture may perform Cove welding using the services of Ingivdual welders who ae act i is employ provided all the folowing conditions ae met. PW-l21_ All Code comsreton shall etheespon- stil of the Manaacurer 'PW-I22 All welding shal be peformed in aeoe ance with Manufacturer's Welding Procedure Spocibea- tions that have Been qualified bythe Manufacturer in ‘sccordance withthe feguemens of Seton IX 'PW-1.23 All welders shall bequlifed by the Mas tacturer In accordance with ile requirements of {QW-301.2, Secton IX PW-l24 ‘The Manufacturers oat contl system shal elude a @ minimum | exclusive sminisraive and techni saperision of all Swedes by the Manufctrer PW-1.24.2. Evidence ofthe Manufacturer's subority to assign and remove welts a his discretion ‘without ivalvement of anyother onaizain. PW-124.3 A requremeat for Assignment of Welder ieaicaton symbols PW-1.2.44 Evidence thts progam has been accepted by the Manufacturer's Authorized Inspection [Agency which provides the inspection service. W125 The Manufacture hal be esposible for Code compliance of the weldment ling Cos Symbol Stamping and providiog Data Repon Forms proper exe ‘ed and courtersined by the Avborzed Inspector. WLS Welding Definitions. Fr some of the more common ters rele o welding ero QWIQB-452 of ‘Seaton MATERIALS, PwW.s GENERAL TPW-SA_ Material usd in weldl constr of pres sure parts hall conform one of he specifications given {in Seton I and shall be imited to those specially permite i Pars PO, PWT, and PFT ane for which alo be sues valves ue given in Tables 18 and 1Bof Seton 1, Pac. for Secon I ensriton and fc which weld Group Numbers ae asigned in Section IX. PW.S2 Curos ox alloy steel having a catbon content of moe than 0.38% shal othe used in welded comer tion ore shaped by oxygen cating or ther therm cut processes, PW-E3 Aust stainless seal materials joined by lectosiag welding sal be linia o SA-240 Grades 308 and 316, $A-182 Grades F304 and FSI6, and SA351 Grade CF 8 PW.E4 Welding electrodes and filer mea shall be selected to provide deposited weld metal of chemical con Poson and mechnial properties compatible withthe Ines to be joned andthe service conditions ante a, PW-55 Rimmed and sem/-lled sels shall not be Joined by the inert and eomtnoous dive fiction welding ees PW.56 For presue retaining welds in 2%CreIMo mses, her dan eicumferetl butelde lest than ‘or eqal © 3% in (89 mm) in ouside diameter, when ‘esign metal temperatures exceed BS0°F (455°C) the weld neal shall have seatbon content geste than 0.05%, DESIGN PWS GENERAL ‘Te ues inthe following paragraphs apply specially tothe design o bers and pans href that sre fabricated by welding an stall be sed in conjunction wth he geo ral reqsements fr design in Pat PO, a well a with ‘he specifi requizeents for design in he aplicale Pas ‘of this Secon Uat pean tthe type of oiler under ‘onsen, PW DESIGN OF WELDED JOINTS PW-9. Longitudinal circumferential nd eco ints ting the mater sed for run, hello oer presse pars, except as thervise provided in PO-31, PO-38, Wit, PWT-I1, and Pat PFT salle fll pene ‘but welds. The welds sould preferably be of the double ‘welded bt type, but may alo be of the single-weded but type wit the ler metal added fom one side only ‘when made to be the equivalent of the double welded “ut joint by providing meas for accomplishing complet penetration, FIG. PW9. BUTT WELDING OF PLATES OF ‘UNEQUAL THICKNESS. a fate cr EEE Teena nee “snc! PW.9.2 Welding Grooves. Te Simensons and shape ofthe edges to be joined by but welds stall be such 35 {0 permit complete fasion and compete jin penetration, PW-9.3 Joints Between Matera of Unequal Tick- ess Except as provided in PW-932, a tapered transition ction having length ct ess than tee times the efset between the adjining surfaces, os stow in i. P91 shall be povided at ons Retwcen materia ht erin thickese by more tia one fourth te thickness of the thinner material or by mor thn (3mm). The tas ‘on section maybe formed by ny process wil provide ‘uniform tape. The wed may be pty o ete) in he tapered section or adjacent itasintcaedin Fig. PW-9.1 “This paragraph so inended to sppy to join desi specially provide for elsewhere ie this Code a jis between tubes, Betwosn tubes and sears, and Between tes and obese PW-9341 Alignment of Shellsand Ves (Inelud- Ing Pipe or Tube Used a Shel In longi! sell, joins, the mal ies ofthe djing thieknesses shall ben alignment within the faboeaigolraces specified in PW38 Altrively the middle Hoes of plates of ditfring thickness may be offsets hat he indo outside dime tes of the taser and ticker porns ofthe sel form 1 continous surface, provided the folowing conditions (a) The ao of the thickness ofthe thicker plate othe thickness ofthe thinner plate shal xt exceed 21 (0) The main design epee sal ot exsed 150°F 00°C)

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