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1. Monitor vital signs are: heart rate, blood pressure. 2. Evaluation of mental status, disorientation. 3.

Note the color, presence / quality of the pulse. 4. Auscultation of breath sounds and heart sounds. Listen to the murmur. 5. Maintain bedrest in a comfortable position during the acute period. 6. Provide adequate rest periods / adequate. Assess the form of self-care activities, if indicated. 7. Assess signs and symptoms of CHF.

Cardiogenic shock is the end stage left ventricular dysfunction or congestive heart failure, occurs when the left ventricle had extensive damage. Contractility of heart muscle loses strength, causing a decrease in cardiac output with inadequate tissue perfusion to vital organs (heart, brain, kidneys). The degree of shock is comparable with left ventricular dysfunction. Although cardiogenic shock is usually often occur as a complication of MI, but can also terajdi in cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism, cardiomyopathy, and dysrhythmias. (Brunner & Suddarth, 2001)


o confusion and anxiety due to decreased cerebral perfusion o sweating and cold extremities due to decreased blood pressure and cardiac output o tachycardia (rapid but weak heart beat) o oliguria (low urine output) due to decreased blood flow to the kidneys o fatigue due to hyperventilation as the lungs try to correct the worsening acid buildup in the blood o fluid in the lungs resulting from the insufficiency of the heart to pump the blood properly o coma may result if measures are not taken in time to stop the shock

Patient will maintain normal cardiac output and vital signs within acceptable limits, there will be no signs and symptoms of decreased cardiac output.

Impaired tissue perfusion related to inadequate cardiac output.

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