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BIBLE, onteyiung the Old Teffarmen | i | TO THE MOST ee AND MIGHTIE| Prince, [ames by the grace of God King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, ! Defender of the Faith, &c. THE TRANSLATORS OF THE BIBLE, wish Grace, Mercie, and Peace, through lesvs Curisr our Lorp. Reat and manifold were the blessings (most dread| Soueraigne) which Almighty Gop, the Fath of all Mercies, bestowed vpon vs the people aff @ ENGuAND, when first he sent your Maiesties Royall person to rule and raigne ouer us. For whereas it was the expectation of many, who| wished not well vnto our Sron, that vpon the| setting of that bright Occidentall Starre Queene Evizasets of most happy memory, 50! thicke and palpable cloudes of darkenesse would so haue ouershadowed this land, that men should haue bene in doubt which way they were to| walke, and that it should hardly be knowen, who was to direct the vnsetled State: the appearance of your MAuesTIE, as of the Suxze in his strength, ‘instantly dispelled those supposed and surmised mists, and gaue vnto alll that were well affected, exceeding cause of comfort; especially when we be-| held the gouernment established in your H1cuNesse, and your hope- full Seed, by an vndoubted Title, and this also accompanied with Peace! land tranquillitie, at home and abroad. But amongst all our Ioyes, there was no one that more filled our hearts, then the blessed continuance of the Preaching of Gops sacred word a- mongst vs, which is that inestimable treasure, which excelleth all the rich of theearth, because the fruit thereofextendethit selfe, not onely tothetime| spent in this transitory world, but directeth and disposeth men nto that: Eternall happinesse which is aboue in Heauen. Then, not tosuffer this to fall totheground, but rather to takeit vp, and ito continue it in thatstate, wherein the famous predecessour of your Hiex- ‘wns did leaue it; Nay, to goe forward with the confidence and reso-| lution The Epiftle lution of a man in maintaining the traeth of Cunisr, and propagating it| farre and neere, is that which hath so bound and firmely knit the hearts. fall your Marestizs loyall and Religious people vnto you, that your! very Name is precious among them, their eye doth behold you with] |comfort, and they blesse you in their hearts, as that sanctified person, whol |vnder Goo, is the immediate authour of their true happinesse. And this| their contentment doeth not diminish or decay, but euery day increaseth| land taketh strength, when they obserue that the zeale of your Maiestie to-| lwards the house of Gop, doth not slacke or goc backward, but is more aud] lmore kindled, manifesting it selfe abroad in the furthest parts of Christen. dome, by writing in defence of the Trueth, (which hath giuen such a blow |rnto that man of Sine, as will not be healed) and euery day at home, by| Religious and learned discourse, by frequenting the house of Gop, by, hearing the word preached, by cherishing the teachers therof, by caring! for the Church as a most tender and louing nourcing Father. ‘There are infinite arguments of this right Christian and Rel fection in your Maresti£: but none is more forcible to declare it to o-| thers, then the vehement and perpetuated desire of the accomplishing and| \publishing of this W orke, which now with all humilitie we present vnto| lyour Matesrie. For when your Highnesse had once out of deepe indg-| Iment apprehended, how conuenient it was, That out of the Originall s2- lcred tongues, together with comparing of the labours, both in our owne| land other forreigne Languages, of many worthy men who went before vs, there should be one more exact Translation of the holy Scriptures into the| English tongue; your Matestie did neuer desist, to vige and to excite! Ithose to whom it was commended, that the worke might be hastened, and| |that the businesse might be expedited in so decent a maner, as a matter of jsuch importance might iustly require. And now at last, by the Mercy of Gop, and the continuance of our La-| lbours, it being brought vnto such a conclusion, as that we haue great hope| that the Church of Hngland shall reape good fruit thereby; we hold it our \duety to offer it to your Matestis, not onely as to our King and Soue-| lraigne, but as to the principall moouer and A.utbor of the Worke. Hum-| \bly crauing of your most Sacred Maiestie, that since things of this quality| lhaue euer bene subiect tothe censures of ill meaning and discontented per-| lsons, it may receiue approbation and Patronage from so learned and iudi- |cious @ Prince as your Highnesse is, whose allowance and acceptance off yur Labours, shall more honour and incourage vs, then all the calumniati-} lons and hard interpretations of other men shall dismay vs. So that, ifon! ithe one side we shall be traduced by Popish persons at home or abroad, |who therefore will maligne vs, because we are poore Instruments to make| |Gons holy Trueth to be yet more and more knowen vnto the people, Iwhom they desire still to keepe in ignorance and darknesse : or if on the| other| Dedicatorie. other side, we shall be maligued by selfe-conceited brethren, who ranne) Itheir owne wayes, and give liking vnto nothing but what is framed by| Ithemselues,and hammered on their Anuile; we may rest secure, supported] lwithin by the trueth and innocencie of a good conscience, having walked| the wayes of simplicitie and integritie, as beforethe Lord; And sustained without, by the powerfull Protection of your Maiesties grace and fauow, lwhich will euer giue countenance to honest and Christian endeuours, a- lgainst bitter censures, and vncharitable imputations. ‘The Lono of Heauen and carth blesse your Maiestie with many and| Ihappy dayes, that as his Heauenly hand hath enriched your Highnesse| with many singular, and extraordinary Graces; so you may be the wonder of the world in this later age, for happinesse and true felicitie, to the honour of that Great Gop, and the good of his Church, through Insvs Cunist ‘our Lord and onely Sauiour. i (eo) qTHE THE TRANSLATORS TO THE READER. bot cold intertainment in the ward. Te is welcommed wi cion in stexd of love, and with emulation in stead of shankes: there be any hoe left for eal wo enter {and eauil.iie doe not nde a hole, will make one) it is sure ta bee misconstrued, and in danger| tobe condemned. ‘This wll exsily be ranted by as many a8 iow sory, or hawe any experience. For, was shere eder anything peo: iectedthat ssuoured any way of newnesse or renewingsbut thessme endured many 2 norm of ine-saying, or opposition? A man would thinke that Cullite, hte tome Lawes, learning and cloqnence Synods, and Chureh-maintenance,(that we speake of 20 more things of this Kinde) should te a safe 2a Sanctaary and lout of shot, 35 they tay, that no mam To the Reader. hough not im verte, yet in power: and by his power and wisdome he built Temple tothe Lown, och sone as was the glory ofthe land of Isacl, and the wonder of the whole work, Bot was that his magaifcence iked of by 311? We doubtofi. Otherwise, why doe they ly it in hie sonnes dish and all vato hin for easing ofthe borden, Make, say they th griewns erste of thy fae, end bi sre sob, lighlr. Belike he had charged them with ome lees, nd toubled them with some ci riagees Hereopon they esse wpa tagedie, and wishin thei heat the Temple hed neuer beoe built, So hard a thing it iso pleaeall, even when we please God best, and doe seeke wo approue our selues to euery ones conscience. he comected the Calender, and ordered the peeve according to the course of the Sunne: and yet thiswas imputed to him for nnnelte, snd arrogance, and procured tc him greatebloguie. So the fst |Christened Erperour( atthe lastwise hat openty professed the faith himselfe, 4nd allowed others 0 doe the like) for atrengthening the Empire his grat charges, and providing fr the Church, a he Aid ge for his labour the name Pupllr,2e wha would sxy,a wartfall Princ, that had neede of JGuardian,or overser. So the best Chrstened Emperour, forth lve tht he bere wnto peste, there by to enrich both himself znd his bier, snd because he did nat aetke watre ut find it, was adged tobe mn man at armes,¢ though in deed he excelled in fests of chimalrie, and shewed o moch whes| ne was prouoked) and condemned for giuinghimselfe to his ease, and to his pleasure. Tobe short the most learned Emperour of former times, (at che east the grestst politician) what thankshad he Este to promote the common good, whether it be by devising an I wee will descend to later times, wee shall fade many the like examples of such kind, o eather thing ov snes, or reisig that which hath Bene Iaboured by o eakind acceptance. The rst Romane Emperour did wener doc a more plessing deed to the learned, | ne thersdeseracth certainly much respect and eteeme but yet finde | nor more profitable to posterite, for conseruing the record of times intrue suppatation: then when == eovld ie vp she hecleno.nor dogge moove his tongue against the mosioners ofthem. For bythe orcurting off the uperuities ofthe aves and digesting them into some orderand method? This, Erste are distinguished from brit bem Ie withensaltie: By the secand, we are ridiedand re that be hath been Hated by some to bee an Epitomin, that one rhareatingwihed worthy whale trained from onragious behenionrand from doing of inirienmbether by Fodor by vilence: By solumes.obring bisabeidgement fun requer. This ithe meaare tat hath been vendredtOet the third, we ate enabled to informe and reforme others.by the light and feeling that we have ata lent Princes im former times even Cem Ba ferent, mal endre, Fr thir good decdes tobe el nd wato our sclues: Brief, bythe fonrth being bronght together toa patle fee to facewe soonet spoken of. Nether is there any likelbood, tht envie and maligitie died, and were buried withthe eompose out differences then hy writings which ae endlesse: And lastly that the Church be suff srcent. Xo, n9, the reproofe af Movs aketh hold of most ages: Yow are ren xp i or faders stead Newb 04 [Seay provided fri so agreeable to good rasan and conscitnce. that those mothers are holdento ascnmspiifitennt What tat stash estone? Serves aul tors vod Thee ramen] = be ese cre sat il th cildren astoone a they areborne.then thotenoursng aers nd mo rss | ing der the Senne ssith the Wiseman: and S. Stare, As Jour ftbers dds dee yor. This, and] Aor hers(wheresoeuer they be hat withdrew from them who hing vpontheit breasts (and pon whose orn more to this porpose, His Maes that now reigeth and log, and long my he reigne and his of | breasts again themselnes doe hang toreceine the Spiral and sincere mike of the word ively: gctinai [spring for ver, Hilfe and children, and childrens bdrm abe) knew fll well according othe bod and sepport for thir extatex.. Thus it ix apparenthat thee things which we speak afar SEVER _| singular wisedame guuen vo him by God, nd the rare earning snd experience that he bath aah of mont nectssry ve.andthereforthst dope, ether witha absuditic can spake aguost chem. ‘ed emoy namely tht whosocucrattemptcth anything forthe publike(=pecily i it pertine ta thour note of wickednese cam sparne agalnm them. : jon and othe opening and clearing ofthe word of Go) the same setethhimselfewpon ase ermtens |” Yet forall thatthe learned know that ceraine worthy men ane beat brongbt to vntimely desth abe glouted vpn by eueryeuil ese ye hecatethhimaelfe headlong rpon pikes, tobe gored by ewe State: |r none other fel, bat for seckiog to redace the Countrey-men to god order and discipline: nd ! ry sharp ongee. For he that medieth with mens Weligion in any par, medieth with thee costore,| be that in some Commoo-weales it wat made a xpi cimesonce to motion the making of new Law| say, with ther feehold: and though they finde no coment i tht which they have, yet they en or the abvogatng of 0 old,thougrh the amne were mont pernicinos: And that ceainesehich woold| rot abidevo heat ofaleving. Norwithscanding his Royall hest wat nat daunted or discouraged for const, {Be counted pillars ofthe Stateand paternes of Verrae and Prodesce,could not be braught for long tnisor that cology, but stood resclte,esastterimacorote end aarailenotesieto We ten én lt, me to gine way to good Letters and refined spech, but bare hemseles as averse fom thers, #5 sone sayth; he knew who hadchoren him to be Sooldcr, or thers Captine and being aaured| Jemeevin | 0M rocks or boxes of poison: And ourthly, that hee was no babe.but a grestclearke that gave tha the cause which he intended made much forthe glory of God, & the building wpa bis Church, BIT” rooreh (30d in writing to remaine to posteriie in passion persdoenture, bat yet he gave foonh.that ee had net seene any profit to come by any Syode, or meeting ofthe Clergie, but rather the con- teary: And tly against Chureh-maintenance and allowancei such sor,a5 the Embassadors and ingot Kings should be ernished,itis notnknowen what fiction or fable (20 it exteemed, and for no beter by the reporter himsele, though superstitions) was deuised he would not safer it tobe broken off for whatsoever spesches or practises. Ie dotheertinely belong ento Kings, yeait doth specially belong ent then, thane care of Religion, yes to know i atight, ya, to proteie it reslously, yea to promote it to the wtermost oftheir power. This i their glory before all eations which meane well, and this wll bring ta them a farre most excellent w eloryinthedsy oftheLordlesus. Forthe Scriptaresaithnotin sine, Them fb four me lhe, bie amely, that at such time a8 the professours and teachers of Chrisianite inthe Church of Rome, neither was ita vaine word that Eusebins delivered long agoe, that pitie towards God wasthe wes then straeCharch cere liberally endowed voyceforsoath was heard fom Reawenaying:. Now 5 Pon, and the onely seapon thit both prserued Cantentns pevon, and atenged him of hs poison powred down into the Church. Thus nt only a oftas we speske sone sith but anos Eoemien oftas we doany thing of ote or consequence, we sublectour seats oeoery ones censured KF Bot wow what pie without troeth? what tueth( what sting eth) without the word of God? she that seas orsed wpoatongoes: for trl to excapethe saath themitis imposible. Tn TORS | snae word af God (whereof we may be sore) without the Scripture? The Seriptnres we are comma an cncetshat this isthe lot and portion of th meaner sort oney,ondthat Princes are prised edo search. fobs 39 Ex 8.3. They se commended that starched stadia ther, Ac¢7 and sensi, |Bytheithigh estteheisdeciged, Aa Ube rrd dcurt nee ont eter gst isa Sama ny | Satay. Theyareeprovedthac were vasklul nthe, or slow o beleeue them, Ma.23.29. Lt. athe great Consmander charged is souldiersfaacertane belo trike st partof te emi. | a5, Taeyean makes wisevatostanion 2 Tim... twee ignorant they wil instructs ioxt of segseay [Ratatthe fice, Anda the King of Sri commanded hie chiee Captains fo fb nit th sews they wil bring eshome:ifoutof ode, they wlelorme ve, fim heuine, comforts i dll, or ereetsonoey asi te King ofliract:sivistoo ue.that Envieakethmostaitflly athe { quicken vs; fede iname vs. Tall ge: Toll lege, Take vp and ake panded the Scrip. | st facenecdm aes i Se fren them nthe deinst esd et gen bys prs eee oe emacs, _ [$85 de2des,and yet (or a5 worthy anacteas eur he did (even for bringing bake the Arke of God i Waiocnar sn the Scriptures, eee me, siththe same S. Auguiing i higband dine; ter i ceil] SA, truth and a dcr ine mest forthe refreshing and renewing of sent mindes end tracy w tempered, the | op i I wry im solemuitie) he was scorned and scoffed at hy bis one wife. Salzmon tas greater t The Translators To the Reader. Sec see sae egatag aos, Tom Paste ocd (oma mast nats be maddie, This moved 5 Hirome + mos lesacd fet ad ce bet is without controversies bis ager fay at eat efor to vderae te wana ofthe OM Tess, onto he very faba thenasaes; which be performed with htc eae of reat ahi oder ad fxhfanes, th hath ever band the Church eatin insdebyof special remembrance and thankeulacae. "Now tough the Church were thas furised with Gree and Lali Translations, ena bear et of Cun tet was geally embraced i he Empire (forthe lerned oo hte aS irons tine Costa fe sod his wite wre bth Eich ad about the ue ce the re ext partot the Secs) yer oral eh he ally eared were ot centent ohaue th Srp ia tke Language which thenelsvndesool, Gee and Laie (8 the god Lepr wee 8 utc tare wll heave, bt sequsated ter neignboors wih the tre tha God hd that heya might prosie for themseoes) bt alo fo the beboae and eiyngf the valearoed| eich bongsed sed ied ae Righteowsneseandhad aes oe ne awe at tey hy Po ie asin euler hr Conner, inom et ma aes ah Jorn dd shor ae heir conaeréon, ase Cnist apesling vo them in thir mother wage potty he aye of thei Miner only bts by she writen ond soe. any daub beet mite uampcoaghfemwiracicene ts Mirth ae Paige Sparc rw facie an sh Srp ig [eter ofany tia a et gs nt aby Ea ey ia )are fa. SoS Huromesn hs pace, "The sone Marne esse sme tat ete ie fed st on he tantatn ofthe etn es aus ocarfr be ounteyeen of Delma is: Which words otoaly Evans doth vaderstand mo parpors that 5, Marana ansted the Sep tothe Dalmation toga, bat so Sra Senn an Apna Car shat peak 00 more men wa tobe excpedsgnnt by them of Rat doe ngeotouly conse mach. 50,5 Cryatome ta sed nS Hirome itech eudence wih bi: Tr darie fm sah be) nt mc rt sth Patnopers i) eo yb he Srion gyto Indo Pra tpn and fi tents ng rks pp rated ahr arg oe radio tir) Php estes Chita. Tothis ay beadéed Tart sven to i, bth orange rad for ining. Hi ward be thee ary Comin it der i Same flo thaewor (the Apo and Drops) end te Heir ogo (he eames he Seip tein te Hast) terna et nln ie Langue ete Grats ba eof ie Ramses, ent xyprand Portail ations nd Arneson iytonndSemromain ond fyi ei hr Lengngs ta ony Nati ot Sobek ares repoed by Pose Deon sb iar (and before hes by Some to bate alate th Scriptres at the Gal oogu a Bishop ofS by Vaio hae tne them nto deahts,sbot the yer of or Land 737: Bad by Certs, have snd gest pr ofthe iat Senen:Efvard by Tv! to ace sige the Pench Pale, Beeb done he Hera soe the Yer 800: Rig ted bythe sida han ed th seat Sem Mesas by darted ged) fo tae tred she Seite ino [Sseunen + Fel, Bishop of Fate by Bas tenet suc cased stout that ime, the Govpls tobe srslated inte Duets een nthe Libary of Corben: Vali, by dines hea trned them hima orto Bae gen tem aed at Frmch abot the yee tio Chiles of that pe, sutnated Ta ws, thane cated them bested into Prac, aboot 30. eres se eld is time of which ances tere en opis yeccstan, ax winnie Berar, Much boo tht oe, oem in out King lard tes os te Fa ane she nt Em my Bg Be we yet be ere wit ier tanslted sti ey patent ape So the Sion tain ofthe New Testament sin act learned mens Lib, of Wings ssetng rts the Paster Arahat with many of degutnes Neb setng forth, So Pol aati te ‘steric saw theGorpet inthe Eton tng Andie Tava lege oer headin, which heteieh nage bene et rth by Pen rian characters: Sot, ose the Saiprares inthe mothersongue aot squint conc ately ae py ether by the Lol Cro et a Entnd or by the Loxd Radel in Poi, bythe Lad Vaan in he Expects | minion, but hath bene thought vpon and putin practise of old, even from the firs times ofthe con] rn any Nan: wo ot cue oer mo pele anc hn ws ens ears the sone! and te matctbes to beable sry wth te words othe Pas, ie Su es artes Mictosay ith te vords ofthe Pals Tow th Cheer of Roe would sc the lengths ee ste on towards her tsa tow eth Separates tongue, bur dedi ce bingo bald git swept pt ey must fst get Licence im writing Befoxcshey may ing of our smtetia oe “ae them, and to get tt, they must approve themselues to their Confessor that to be such as are. Have feegen inthe drege,yet sowred withthe Jeauen oftheir superstition. Howbeitit seemed too rruch to Clement the dt there should be any Licence gramted to have them in the vulgar tongue, ind theretre he ouerruleth and feustratetb the grant of Pi the fourth. So mack arg they afraid tebe light ot the Scripture, (LaefSeriperarum,s Tvtllen speaketh that they willnottmnst tbe people with it, no nota iv ser foorth by their owne sworne meD, no not with the Licenes oftheir eehe Bisbops ad Inguiseors.Yea.so-eawilling they areto commonest the Sripturestothe peo- Fer endertending im any sorathst they are wt ashamed to conese that wee freed them totam [7 ine ciate English against their wills, This seemeth to argue a bad cause ora bad conscience, both. Sure we are, thitit isnot he that hath good gold, satis afraid wo bring ito the tovcb-stone Bot he that hath the counterfeit The tne man shat shunneth the fight, but the males | nn ovr lot Bis decdes should be reproved: aither it the plaiue desing Sterchant that is wawilling | fou 2 tae the watghtso the meteyard brought in place, but he that veth deeit, But we wll let them Alone for this faultand retarne to translation. ‘Many ens mouths have bene open » good while (and yet are not stopped )with speeches abot tbe Travslaion so long in hand,or rather perosalsof Translations made before: and aske what mas re the reason what the necssitie of the employment: Hath the Church bene deceived, say theyll this while? Hith her wet bread bene mingled with lesven,her sluer withdrossr her wine with ¥=" ec ter mike with Pine? (Lactegrpom male niscter, saith Seve) We hoped that we bad bene fa | 5m. ac right way” that we had hed the Oracles of God delivered watav3, and that though all che world |*% fad cause tobe offended aud to compiaine, yet that we had none. Hath he nurse holden out the rests and neing but winde init? Hath the bead bene delivered by the fathers ofthe Church aed the same proved tobe lpidenyas Senera speaketh? What is tm handle the word of God de sEntulty ehisbe not? Thascertaine beticen. Also the adversaries of fadaband Hiermatem tke Senta in Netemiah, mocke,as we heare, both atthe worke and warkenen, saying Hat de ties eet Lewes. ell ty ade tle sons ble againe oa of tees of dat which are bern? lito thoy bidet fa fove foe vp, Ball ven benke dee ter sony wall. Was this Translation ood) foctoce> Why doc they now mend it? Was zt mot good? Why then was it obtraded tothe people? Yenc why did the Cathicks (meaning Popish Romeuisr)alwayes poe i feopande, fo refusing to] foe wheareit? Nay, iit must be translated into English Caholihs ace test wo doe its They have Feraing. and they know when thing i well, they can menu de tabuld. Wee will answere then both brits and the former, being brethren thus, with 5./feranc, Damsom eteres? Moni sc post priru sedi in dome Domini goad possess Ioramas. ‘That 3, Duc we contre tl sores bt aftr the endeasars of them Hl were fre x27 take Ue Bs pines wx can in Bb bows (Gud. As if be said, Being prowoked by the crample ofthe learned that ued before my time hae] though it my cucsie,toastay whether my talent i the knowledge of the rongues, may be profitable fa my measure wo Gass Church, lest | should seeme to have laboured fa them jn vaine and lest 1 shouldbe thought to glory in men (although ancient) above that which Wasi nent, Thus Sie rane may be thought to speake. “And tothe same effect say wee that we ate so fare off rom condemaing any oftheir labours that raueile before sin this hinde, either in this land or beymad sca, either in Wing Henry time, of King Exioads (if there were any translation , oF correction of a translation iw his time) ar Queene Elizibis of evertenoumed mersori, that we acknowledge shem to hae beeat raised xp of God, forthe boilding nd furnishing of his Chorch, and that they deseroe to be had of vs and of posterite in encrlasting remembrance. ‘The ludgement of Aritellis worthy and well knowen: If Timoltevs ed ot Bene wea ot Bod nach sce side: Bul if Frys Timetbeas bis aster) ba et bee, ed wat tod Timathees. ‘Therefore bleed be they, and mest honoured be heir mamse.that brake th ee aad glueth onset spon that which beipeth forward othe suing of soutes. Now what can bee ove susteabte thereto, then to deliver Gods booke vato Gods people fa tongue which they vm sa vent? ta | ake rors d man ad yetter Bec sd ten th raner(whase tongue is strange voto him.) Yet} au Tovall hat ss nothing is begun and pected at he same time, snd helater though are thought to} = be he wiser: 0, if we building vpon thie foundation that went Before ws, and being holpeu by thee tours dor eodeuour to make at better which they Tete good; noman, we ae sire hatheasse tomislkers; thes, ne pevswadeu sels if they were alivewould thanks ve. Thevintage af A onthat rake ve tonke: yee geaning of grapes of Epirain was not tobe despise. See Inge tte f cies, lor'the inget ler didnorsatife Niet. hd smitenthe ground thre times fad yer hee cence! ae Fropi or ising over thea, yisf wher. wee spake before, ants] "©"? ‘ed derstand? Since of an hidden treasure,and of sfountaine thats sealed, there is wo prof, as Plolamce| 5.1 Phiteelpb wrotetothe Rabbins or masiers of the fewes, as witnesseth Epplonias: and as. Augustine) 70, The Translators To the Reader. ted the Bible ascarefolly.ahd a shila s he could; and et be thought goad to goe over it againe il ig? Condemne i? Nayithey seed it, (a its apparent, and as Saint Hierome and most learned mt2 tine |andtbeit go te erolit withthe lemesobe lle era deyi8ea, thats, acsoratly done, ax Salat Hierame| doe confesse) which they wauld uot bate done,cor by their example of sing it, r0 grace and com Emtser)- |witnesseth. How many bookes of profane learaing have bene gone outr agsine and againe. by te| ruead itto the Church, iff had bene wa worthy the appelizion and nause ofthe word af God. Acé| Same translators, by others? Of ane ain the same booke of Arista Ethikes, there are extsot not whereas they vrge for their second defence of ther vilifying and abusing of the Englih Bibles.or so few a4 size or seven secerlltrpslations. Now if this cost may bee bestowed vpon the goord, I! some pieces theteot, which they meete wih, for that heretikes(forsooth) were the Authoursof the which aBordeth wea lle shade, aud which today fourisherh, but to meraw is cat dowue; what translations (hevetikes they eal vs by the same right that they call thenselues Cathoikes both ray we bestow nay what ought we aot to bestow vpou the Viae,thefralte whetenf maketh glad the ing wrong) wce marucile what divinite tught them 20. Wee ace sure Terillian was of another conscience of man and the stemme whercot abideth foreuer? An this isthe word of God. which we inde: Ex personis probes fem aw ex fie ertmas? Doc we trie steus faith by thet persons? we | atl re alte. Wal i le chef th wh, ith the Lad? Tent tenant vera margin ith should wie their persons hy their faith. AlcoS. angen wa of another inde: fr he ighng op |see Tevtalian,) if toy ofglste be ofthat reckoning with vt, how ought wee to valve the true pearle?| Jon certine rules rade by Tylunias« Doutist, fr the better vnderstinding of the word, was Hot Therefore fevwo manseye be euill because Ie Maierie is good: ucther let anybe grieued, hate shamed to make vse of them, yes to insert thea iat his owne booke, with gluing commendatin| ave sPrince shat seeketh the incceas ofthe spititual!wealthof lsrel (let Sanballats aud Tobias doe rathem so frre foorth as they were worthy to be commended, ais tobe eens ia S tucetin thi so.whch therefore doe beare ther (ust reproofe) but ft vs eather blesse God fram the ground of 027 ooke De dectcind Christina. Tw bethort,Origorand thewhote Church of God fr cerain hundced | foe Near, for working this religious care in him, to have the translations ofthe Bibi maturely conside eres, were afan other minde: for they were ao fare from treading vader foote, (mach more frm]? red of and examined, For by this meancs it commeth to passe that whatsoeuet is sound alreadie| barnisg )the Translation of guts Proselite, that isjone tha: had turned cw; of Syaamachws, and] (aud all i sound for substance, ia one ar ather of our editnns and the worst of ous fare beter then ‘Teedston, both Ebinies, that isos ile hevetkes, that thes ioyned thems together with the He Heir suteosike vulgar) the stare wll shine x gold more brightly being rbbed and polished; alo, i trove Original.and the Translation of the Scarfe (at hath bene befor signified out of [pipharie: Eny thing be halting, or superfluous, or not xo agreesble tothe origivall the sane may bee correeed sud set them forth openly tobe considered of and perused by all. But we weary the wsleartedyeho} and the trae stim place. And what can the King eoenmand o bee done, that wil bring him more ; need rot know 30 much and trouble the leraed,eho bnow it resds. Eroe honour then this? and wherein could whey that baue beene sta worke approue their duetic to { Yet before we end, we mort snrwere athird caull sad obiection of theirs agaiust vs, for altering the King, yea their abedieucetoGod,and love to his Sanus more, then by yeeling ther seruice and} and amending our Taanslations so oft; whereintraely they date havdly,and strangely with vs. For aMehat within them fr the furoithing ofthe worke? But besides al tht, chey were che principal owhom ever wat it imputed fora fault (by auch st were wise) to gor ouer tat which hee had done. otives of tani therefore ought least to quarrel it: forthe very Historical oeth that pon the t snd to amend it where he saw cause? Saint tuputine was not afeide to exhort S. Micromet Pali | Stan Eg mporuanate petitions ofthe Puritanes,2this Maiesties coming to this Crowne, the Conference at nadiaotreczutation; the tase S. Augustine was nat ashame to retacate, we might say evoke, mi ?=t¢A-e : Hampton Court hauing bene appoiited fr hearing their complaints: whew by free of reason they i ny things that ad pasted him,and detheuea glory that he sets his infirmities. Ife willbe sonnes| Faden were put fom all orher grounds, they had recourse athe lst 10 this shift, that they could not with ofthe Truet, we must consider whatit speaketh, and trample vpon our owne credit, yea, and vpow| ea es, good conscience subscribe ta the Connanion booke, since it maimuined che Bible as it was there| other mens tonifeither be any way au hiterance tot. This tothe cause then tothe persons we| translated which wat a they said, a mast corrupted translation, And ahovgi this was iadged | : sos, that ofall men they ought robee most silent inthiscase, For what cartes haethes aid what bc but a very poore and emptie shift, yet even hereupon did his Maestieheginue to bethinke hime ! one oftheir Seruice hookes, Ponesses and Breuisics, but also of self of the good that might eniue by2 new translation, amd presently after gaue order for this Trans their Lalne Translation? ‘The Service booke sopposed to be made by S. Amiresc(Oficiens Ambre laion whichis now preseuted vata thee. Thus much to satisie our srupoloas Brethren. ; siamaan) was 3 grezt while in specill vse and request: bot Pope Hadriem calling sCoancill with the] tei ‘Now io the ince we ausweres that wee doe not deny. nay wee ame and auo%, thatthe very tanec syde of Certs the Eruperourabolishe i, yes buen it and commanded the Seraice-booke of Saint} ”* eveanest eansetion ofthe Bible in English, eet forth by mien of ove profession for wee have sene Mie Grigori sniuerally 0 be vad. Well, Off cium Gregoriennn gs by this meanes to be in credit Fa serena art mer ee eet eerie Be ee acta eet reese eee nor pcttuenareso ly orphrase nor so eres or snse, cue where. For its contest : pte de Bn, ho aboot the yece of ovr Lor, ta77- Pope Nese thind removed ou of the un. | ongenreto ube thee Geyortoation of the este partys ara i eal 327 Pert si i harsher of Romey the more ancient Books (of Senice) aud booght ina sae te Miss of te Ue ei carmae nn fe fo ofeder warts. inan suaybecovsed 3 vetuoos man | Fries Minstenand commanded them t bee obseraed thre; inomich tha aboot av hundred moss [tough hr Rave vouse munystipain hile (elthere cre move verano it many nr of ! secre after, when the above nared adultes hapeved tote Rr, he fund ah the Boke 9 [fuze ako» comely man and Tovey though fee hrve some warts pon hs sd, yes, not ome Benew(ofthe new stampe) Nester wat there ts chopping aud changing in the more sncem ‘rakes spn his ace, bat tha shares, No cae therfore why the word wanted soul ve de \ ines ney but at of ter Pon Quits himsllecomteserhy tht cacy Bishopric amon ha Vedio be he word.or forbidden tobe corany, notwithstanding thal some onecetions a pclae kindof sericemost vite osha whichoters ad: hich mowed into abishal ater shes nay be noted inthe setiogfoorth oft. For whatever was perfect vader the Sanne, here A Brewarcs, though never s0 ancient, and pruiledged aud published by Bishops ia thee Dioces postes or Apostolike men, itis, nen indued with an extrsonlinary mexsare of Gods spititad ses and to exablish and ratifies onely which was of his owne seting foorth. inthe yeeter568, prviledged withthe pruiledge of ified not thei bawJ? The Rumanistestuerefore in 4 Now, when the father oftheir Church, who gladly would hale the sare of the duughter af his peo felasing to beargaad daring to burne the Word tanalated, dd an less then despite ve spt of plesofly aud slightly aad make the bestof i, fndeth 50 great le with then for their oes and graceeom won originally it proceeded. and wbore sense and meaningaas will 5 mans weakenese eriag: we hape the ehildcen haue no grest cause 1 aunt of heir siformitie. But the diference feould exible, it did express. Tudge ty an example wc eno. Pularh writeth, hat after that Rome] i tba appeareth beencene our Trerslationsand ou often corecting of them. isthe thing that wee bad beeue barat by the Galley, they fll oone to hulle it againe: bot doing iti hate, they id woe } are specially charged with; let vs see therefore whether thes themselues bee without fault his way, lessee suees;nor proportion the houses in such comely fashion. hal bene mos sgl aud cou (iFizbeto be counted flo corect) and whether the bee Git men rothrow stones 2¢°3: Ofer a, enieuts was Catfine therefore an honest man, oa good Patox that soughtto brig it x A godly Father inthe ivimitive time shewed himsclle grevtly moved, that one of neveangiencs as lespiicerov enero hoop hed zener helivieornane; andanotherteportcihthathewasmachsS3-| sed fortutaing Cecurbie (to which ceeding the people had beene wsed)into Hever. Now i thishap| pen inbertertines, and vpon so small eceasions, wee miph ustlyfeate hard censare, if generally wee ‘Should make vecball and vicecesery changing. Wemight aso be charged (by scofers) with some enequall dealing towards 2 pest numberof good English wordes, For as itis written of» cersine gest Philosopher, that he shout say.thv tose logs were happie that were made images tobe wor hipped; for thet fellowes == fed at shey , ly for Moche# Behinde the fire: 20 if wee show! sass t wereventacersine wotds Stand vp highet. have aplace in the Bible alwayes, and to others of lie quite, Get ye hence, be Renished for ever, wee might etaxed persduentare with’S lames is words namely, Tote frtiail nour stu and inde ofeil Dewglis.-Addehereanto,that niceness in wordes was eluayes counted the next sep 10 tiflug, andso was to bee catioas about name to: aso that we cannot follow better yaterne for location ther God himaele; therefore ee esse di ves words i bisholy wet. andindiferentlyforonething in mature: we, wee will not besupers it ove may vee the sme iberie in ovr Englishversions oot nf Hebrews & Grecke for that copie or re uate hath given vs. Lastly ,wee have on the one side avoided the scrupalostie of the Peizznes, fetes leaue the olde Ecclesgatieall words, and hetke them 1 exit as when they pat ewig fe sme, and Congreption send of Chr: 35 ssoon the other side we baceshuated the obs: heir Aimer Tike, Retinal Holaconts, Preece, Paste, and snumbe:of sack Tike, whersof their late Translation is full and that of parpose to darken the serce, that singe they must needs translate the Bible, yer by the language thereof st may bee kept from being vaderstood But we deste thatthe Scripeure may speake like slfe, as the language of Canaenthat stay be sndero0d cnen of the eey valgar ‘Many other things we anght give thee warring of (geatle Reader) wee had not exceeded. he| measure ofa Preface alteali. 1 rectaineth, that we commend thee to God , and to the Spirit of hs {grsceich i ble build ferdher then we cam aske of thinke. Fee remoueth the tates (ram: our eyes, the wail from our heart opening our wits that wee may enderstand bis word, ealsrging oot carts, yea correcting owrafections, that wemayloue it above gold and sluer, yea that we may love itto the end. Ye are brought vmo fountsines of lining water which yee digged uot: doe not cst ears into them with the Philistines neither peeferee broken pits before then: withthe wicked fewer JOxhers haue laboured, and you may euter into theitIbours; O reeeiue not so great things in waive, © despise not sa great slustion! Be not ike swine 1 treade vader foote so precions things nelthet yt lke dogs vo teare and abuse holy things. Say not to oar Sauios with the Gergeter, Depat out ether yer with Esa sel your birthright fora mece of potage. Tight became intathe world Joue not darkenesse more thea ight; if oode it clothing be ofr goe not naked starve mat your selues, Remember the advise of Navansene, [ta grieaus thing (or dangerous) 9 mefec # erent faire and tsecke to mabe market afleraards: als the encouragement ofS. Chr, Isbell ether pebe et eta is sober (nd wadelfl sould at anytime be neglected: Lastly sdmonit- fonandmenacing of S.Aepasine, Ty Ut dese Gad wil imsiting hem, ele Gail ling ve exnce of tem. Its 3 fztefllthing ofall ato the bands ofthe li the end when God hen ee streubuth out bishand andeaTleh, 1 answere,| Hee am 1; here we ate todoe thy wil,O God. The Lord worke care and conscience in vsto know him ad sere hit, that we reay be sckowledged of lim atthe appearing, of our Lord fess Cliist to wom with the holy Ghos.be al proyse nd thankesgiving. Ate ecercreccemerirrecemeereriec ot onrcoas enews nt e@s lanuary hath x00. dayes, Sunn fallech! it ravla| =| es February hath xxviij.dayes. = = a .Lefion. t. |erorit. raid. t ra “Fronas 1b 5 2 i fees Nee et q a — eee — oe ie [zeus (oe a ‘Solin Pilabas. Feet 1 ie ie a ee cece} hs ward. a t a 3 — fee i lo Ie [Sab Be ft "7 3 Deat.c titi le ra Pr i Ip Sara feel fa — a ee — ELI ie 2st . BL = Ee ( pp artes Gch) (nia) aa i frou i | a Morning | ¢Euening fallech! semig2.| B| Peer Prayer. [Deut.roy 2 Sunn TI [Tieton [a Talon [aon fepbel be| Fi on (ate pi Deut. 17. (Post. ple jot Fol eave. ? IE bp —$\e og |e FO] is ea fr Em 16 1D [pz.$20.| io if fC | Nome | e F ij i. ja it [bd Felco 30 a Sa, aoe i [a Es ie eae 3 eee Es Be eA © (| idus. i ie A Ds ae fet (ie (8 ig b> BL eDiwaro. D a feat Ww [5 ei SL ioe a a fo 16 [et BL a — le [ed — $34] — mene. oa fae ea a le ies) [oe id (Fie wat | oa — bs |g ‘Annon, of Mane. [eae 2. 7 fas | |b fro [sudo fangs [Aus :7 |B [bE i 1 i lic lb Sel i b> 5 aa le |i * C 3 | 5 ee Aprilbath xxx daycs. DRA LIRITS SERS ARES tifech 5. mits | 7] : a Suna trou} 5 lomning | ¢ Euening fallech, 6.mi.4s | B Prayer. Prayer. _}@_|Kalend 1 ee] cy arte Nowe fT ¢ foal’ 7 be gto a ie i Sata ain le | —_ — Hs ie f a c 1 2 oy “Bil S.Genrge. pet BL] ins [e be zie lb BL a ps iF jee BLT [29 |g \ett 1D 30 bay [HED Tet es May hath xxxj.dayes. ¢ The Moone xxx. rifeth “qmi.36, 3 = a) hour = € Morning ¢ Evening Yak mies 8 |e pate ayer. Ton | oa am ara a ae fe oh pie pea V4 le lait #20] ‘ear ii Fs fe e ee | cory - _ E_|S_[b lo Iss fo_{e_ [oat "4. Sing 1, fo 1¢.Rhing.2|bi0 ho ea a Pt a Se saat Ye i Oo 13g LC fe at ett i BL om ies — pat —— a — tr — is |e BL Funai. an (roe pp. 7 |p [ete set rb bebe ts le “BL ry iret. | “Seman, ed po |g (eit eu << —a——— 1 Pea — fea |b ied etirz: Ib i a [p [oe bee Bt a es |e bel sat pete... pam ae beat i s falb BL rn ie in ho Tad a ao hae _leitees. ale pace > et ew; lunehathx0x.dayes. 4 The Moone xxix, rifech mi. 34.) 53, - = Sunn be ans = q Morning | ¢ Evening fallech, 8.mi.26.| & Prayer. Prayer. TT fila. Te ry is. = Posie a T i i t sonore. ib tii [eet Tod Ma fo er | Alt a lentes [aos | Soli ti Bh Be nat ie i [rt Ba : fe Saar. fe | Fa ib Ib i ae p08 i fs 8. [prods 2 7K (D i ‘rifech Sel peo falleth| mid 2 5a Moming ¢ evening | cEene Abaco Pepe ripe y pele Gi rua ars Le ¢ Euening Prayer. rifech s.m36) = Moni (impo So io | RS Prayer. falleth 6.mi.2. | Leton, [tales | dais, | 3-Laioe le ic 1 ann meeps Capra e@s Odober hath xxxj.dayes. tifech 6.1.3) 2 | SeXRERRE CREE eRRRANGATNEAt Sunn fen gy ¢ Morning | ¢Euening 3 Faller Lean Prayer. Prayer. lions | = aon: | + Tellon._| = Lelfon. |__ it 5 (0b. bt |1-€op. 06. aS ip 7 e.€or 1. | cca Sow te bea ls JE Inn. s20.| "Faith. bee |e a i : tf tifech 7.00.34.) Suns from 3 fallech! 4.mi.26,] as ocean ny Cpr ction (meres fe rah ee OP “Grim dmc hj Copel tenn tewastom bot Aas rb i _— zy tt aS a a tt. I (pebsietr. ip [webs Ios tea I le "ore |pron20. —_ ening Prayer. = Laon. id alae ale: pieelele we whe 200,28, [Acts 6.7, [Ecce jeniely. (Menuet. leccte.c. ACS 25. |wBilb.n, |i Holws, jevent.30.| 2 [ee llacr. [2.Fetin. reba bBo Fg eee eget E lat F “ltt [Zine] ~faets-7._ gene. 23] Tata ae sect ne cb 278 = a Fel a : we é me | ie é A lis be | fe ree S to 88 | fe € 5 _ cy $ | tte é, a i < me | be 5 ane fa mol pe ‘e _. F mB 3° Go | z | ¢ Spt | e so | Be 2 ae | 2 a |S Bo mF « me | be & a 8 = |S , _ a Sia ; a Zo] = Bal % “Eset ucrpricesenmaeeer preset dC (ap Corto bcos parr ae shart artnet Schon Cconaeber tt ee evar beas geo = Te IE ect tae ae nh 6 pee ‘Cote ne PaSttoners Wt eats phe a Cath. west btmtre em hence ape 3 bares Sot 081 tere lt pose an Ephemera ce ened whet 39 tp pete ese ete ac fe per cil mene efi cr ey hires y Thevleolibet pad ae tty were eet rene Toads tno tosh atom ss eget oe merce Behn x maroc Se poguatarctctese cactaptr ramet = Faaiearbaat ioe eaten eaten eee ieeipn eee coenntecargemaneetsaDeacate or se ey a er ge a sp (Gtr 0 Cancer ws Dene e ch amgr cape ta ema mf Cpe ‘Sepa cer, flee acre eat Leahey esa ach eC pte ne a ee rb ef Aw | eA. G on | wan | atpetee, a lett rd Cn i reba erie a es eo, rot joe it |Apnte. a = |b ib ero. rebid = [erie Ie | apra eoe. i nt Ie ea |p a i =| Ibe It ea | Apa et, one ig | a. cet rtt ic Byrd sar. 28 oe ree apr. my [apa ne jee ie ee a ewe fe ly at rot inte ep icp i. tt iD {be je ey apna (i a ID oj | Apia. a = |b 0. Fatt, ems pear, oat te 8 SVEN LES ale “@z The Table and Kalender, exprefsing the order of Pfalmes and Leffons to be faidat Morning and Euening prayer throughout the yee except certain prope alts, asthe rules Ben wg Cocpandh ee The arder bow the Tyalter is appointed tobe read, JHePLiterfhall bee read theough once euery Moneth. And be- caufethat fore Monethsbelonger then fome other be itis thoughr good tomakethemcuenbydhsmeanes = Tocuery moneth fal be appointed (2s concerning ths purpofe) uf thie dayes. : oie “And becaufe fanuary and March havc oneday aboue the fyd] Mf umber and February, which 1 placedbetweene themboth , ath only evi ays Estrus fl bore he ofthe Men BLA (ot Laouaryand March one day sand fothe Ptr which fhallbc nF ebruarysmult begin at thelat day ot anuary,and end the fftday of March. ‘And whereas May.tuly, Aug, OBobec, and Decemiber have axxj.dayes spice: Iris ordered thacthe Pel flee teu day ad Monga were tea the day before that the Palecmay beginagaine dhefultday ofthenexe moneth ening. [Nowtoknow shat Pllmes fhallbe read cuery day: Looke nthe Kalender the number thats appointed forthe Pfalesand then in the ame number this able, and vpoa that number you thalfee what Panes hallbe yd at Morning and Euening prayer. ‘And where the Cxix Plame is diuided into 231 portions, and is ouerlang tobe read atone te: vis oxdered.hatat onetime fall not be read abou four or fie ofthe Lad portions 2s you thll pecceiue tobe noted inthis Table following. Andbeteisallotobee noted thatio ths Table and inallocher partsof che Seruice where soy! Palos are appointed, che numbers exprelled aftr the great Engldh Bibk, which from the Pte to the Cxvi Plime (following the diviflon of dhe Ficbrewes ) dost varie in numbers fom the] common Latine Tranflation. ‘The arder bow the rt of boly Scripture (befide the P falter) is appoined ro bee read, ‘He old Teltament & appointed for the fil Laloosat apd Luening prayer and thabereadchrough cvecy yeere once, except cetane Bookes and Chaps ‘ehichbe leat edifying.od mgbtbell be fpatedand therfore ar lef varead. Pence telat = in ran jouer or: rif Gofpels: eeepethe poclypeutofthe wha therebeoncly rine Lelloos spit vpoo ier proper estes, ‘Asda ow what ns bl be read eoery dy fade the day of Moocthin the Kaen beore dthreyetipeera tne Bodket sod Chaos fat Gale endfor Leos a Morning and Eoaing prayer : ‘And bareis tobe noted,thatwhenfoeucrtherebe any proper Pfiles or Lelfons appoited for the Suodayes,orfor any Feat ourable of mamoveable: chen the Pies and Lelfons appoisted athe Kalender habe oni or chain Yeanftnotealloshattbe Colle8 Epi appointed forthe Sunday bal rue a} tenes ae aoptne oor eatdachattapeee Whenthe epee erento ‘whichis ener Toor yee hea che Sunday lene thar yore the Pflees and Leflons which fru or th zx, day of Febraary, Clb or the dying, cxepibe Senay wi bath rope Leos oftheoldT inthe Table ‘Alfowherefocue the of any Leffon, Epil, ot Goel isnot exprelfed there yee mult eieperene fed bow fre allbe read thee fhll oureaderothecndeoftbe THe, (oft 38 theft Chapter ofSaint Matthew stead either fr ie qe lege ncaa ote te birt of eu Cha eas ones ae ss aed tue e&s Proper Leffons to bee read for he fill Leffons,both at Morning and Euening player, on the Sundayes throughout the yeere, and for fome ebfothe fecond Leffons. SVedayes of TMauens_ | ¢ Euenfong, ‘Advent, ianday, jLello. uatfedom. t me? Conro) after ete Bothua.t, q Leffons proper for Holy da Andrew. Sf eras the Apolllc, | Chriftras =c jiLflon. —— re tondayin Whoo Proper Pfalmeson certainedayes. feo Vani { Pas mag te Se SJE | | cay GO SS Ee aes Ee eel ‘ay. gras ie gens et} [ee i Sean§ eotiees RMB PRP AT EPA LA TATA MTR TATE LR TOT URE q Thetableforthe order of the Pfalmes, tobefaid at Morningand Euening prayer. Depesefhe | qPlabaestorMoming | q Palme for Eueing, loneth. prayer. Prayer, FoR coumpranee Epruagefima inquagefima ee § are ever. the feats| stbeerammnten maou oxo Jelus Chall. ae Sineaon of the bieffen ‘9 tBatthias "si ‘Die Hamann of uri en "eee enngat ne ‘pba am ‘Jasob the Ayo: Dithe Alcention ofoue Lavo Fetns| |Contt. Of of Saint oe Batiaty ‘Fobn| eC Sexagefime eae ww Osacone i Whittindey i after Ealter 4 vij ETinive Sunday J Ly i Thek tobeoblerued for Holy i dayes, and none other. pat is to fap aan foun-| | and in nc etbaN and Suet nope ? xy weekes, ‘ yj fS.prtee te, ate i . tome! 4 DE S.Pattherb the Apotte, ge. prchael tye Archangel, .Lunethe €uangeht. { ae Simon Fae fhe Apoaies, Bia Sambeeumg. Munday aid Lurhay it Calter SSD Enesishath Chapters 50; x Exodus 40} Leuiticus aT PY Numbers 36 Deuteronomie S$ Toshaa 24 Tudges a! Rat 4) 1.Samuet 31 2b a 25 Chronicles 29! 2.Chronicles: 36 Exah 10 ehewish 18 Ester 10 Tob 2 Pealmes 150 eters 31 SEsdras Eo Tobit it ED) Tudeth 16 ‘The rest of Esther 6 Wisedome 19 Ecclesiasticus sq Atthew hath Chap. 28 Marke 16 Luke a4 2% The Bookes called Apocrypha. TSay ste Rach Chagas 5 | _Baruchwiththe EpistieofTeremiah 6 a | ‘The Actes 26 paste to the Ro- 16 ‘L.Corinthians: 16 Bernama 13 : ations 6 lp a Hep ‘ppt i 51 Rev 1 Reuelati lq The names and order of all the Bookes of the Olde and New Testament, with the Number of their Chapters. Ecclesiastes hath Chapters ‘The song of Solomon 1. Teremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Toel Amox Obadiah Tonsh Micah Nahum Habakkuk ‘Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi | eRoeeuiscerbebatBad ‘The song of the three children. The story of Susanna. ‘The idole Bel and the ‘The prayer of Manasseh. 1.Maceal 16 2. Maccabees 15 4 The Bookes of the New Teftament. 3 6 4 38 Philemon 1 ‘To the Hebrewes 13, ‘The Epistle of Lames 5 LPeter 5 2Peter 3 LIohn 5 2Tohn 1 S.Tohn 1 Tude 1 22 ‘The creation i |+ firmament in the midst of the waters :| FIRST CHAP. L 1 The creation of Heauen and Earth, 3 ofthe Tight, 6 of the rmament, 9 of the erth se atid froun the water 11 and rade frit Rants ofthe Sune, Moone, and Stare, $0 of fah and fowl, 24 of beasts and cat {ally 96 of Main he In {0 the appoinanent of ‘of Ged. 20 Al-| IN *the beginning G God created the Q Heaven, and the| @ out forme, and| voyd,and darke-| SDS nosse seas Ypon| the face of the deepe: and the Spirit of God mooued vpon the face of the )"3 And God ea, *Let there be ight land there was light. "t And God saw the light, that it toa |: and God diuided tthe light from the darkenesse. & And God called the light, Day, land the darknesse he called Night: tand| the euening and the morning were the| first day. 6 And God said, * Let there be a] land Tet it diuide the waters from the] lwatcre. 7 And God made the firmament land diuided the waters, which zocre vn-| der the firmament, from the waters, which sere aboue the firmament: and it izas so. THE BOOKE OF MOSES, aalled GENESIS. 8 And God called the * firmament, IHeauen: and the euening and the mor- Ining were the second day. O°a And God said, * Let the water leider the heauen be gathered together| Jynto one place, and let the dry land ap-| are: and it was so. 10 And God called the drie land) IEarth, and the gathering together the waters called hee, Sens: snd God Jeaw that #£ zeas good. 11 And God said, Let the Earth brin oorth-t grace, the here yeetding seed land the fruit tree, yeelding fruit afer his lk inde, whose seed is in it selfe, vpon the| Jeartit: and it was 0. 12 And the earth brought foorth| rasse, and herbe yeelding seed after his| inde, and the tree yeelding fruit, whose} lseed reas in it selfe, after his kinde: and| [God saw that if 20a good. 13 And the evening and the morning] lwere the third day. 14 W And God said, Let there bee + Tights in the firmament of the heauen, to diuide +the day from the night: and| Net them be for signes and for seasons, land for dayes rnd jecres, 15 And Yet ther be for Hight i, the firmament of the heauen, to give light] Ispon the carth: and it was so. 1G And God made two great lights; the greater light + to rule the day, and| the eser light to raletheoight: emt the starres also. 17 And God set them in the firma, ment of the heauen, to giue light vpon| the carth : 18 And to * rule oucr the day, andl of the world. eames ast aa ct fictep ge [The creation of man. line. enue. the Ame ment of hee} + sate 19 + chan 1 cee ste ae Jane sccs. + chap a joucr the night, and to diuide the light from the darkenesse: and God saw To Aba the and the 19 And the evening and the morning| ree the fourth day. 20 And God said, * Let the water [tring foorth aboundantly the || mouing| Jereature that hath +life, and foule that Imay flie aboue the carth in the + open| firmament of heauen. 21 And God created great whales. land eucry liuing creature that moueth, which the waters brought forth aboun’ Jdanily after their kinde, and every win-| foule after his kinde and God sa®| that if eas 22 And God blessed them, saying, *Be viel, and multiply, and fil the wa ters in the Seas, and let foule multiply in the carth. 23 And the evening and the morning! were the Gift day. 24 And God ssid, Let the earth! ltring forth the liuing creature after his inde, cattell, and exeeping thing, and [beast of the earth after his kinde: and] it was 50 25 And God made the beast of the| Jearth after his kinde, and cattell after| their kinde, and euery thing that cree, lpeth epon the earth, after his kinde Jand God saw that if rear good. 20 4 And God wid, * Let re make Iman in our Image, after our likenesse: end. ict them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and oucr the foule of the| icy and ouer the cate, anil our al the earth, and ouer euery creeping thin, that erecpeth spon the earth S| 27 So God created man in his ownc| Himage, in the Image of God created] hee hin ; *male and female created hec| them 28 And God blessed them, and God| laaid vnto them, *Be fruitfull, and mul-| ltiply, and replenish the earth, and sub- Jdue it, and have dominion ouer the fish| lof the sea, and ouer the foule of the aire, Jand ouer euery living thing that tmoo, fueth vpon the earth. 29 9 And God sid, Behold 1 haue sn you cuery herbe tbearing scede,| ch Ze ypon the fae ofall the earth land euery trec, in the which i the fruit lofa tree ycelding seed, “to youit shall be for mest : 80 And to euery beast of the earth, [eh land to cucry fuule ofthe aire, and to eue Genefis. ry thing tat excepeth vpon the earth, The firft Sabbath] [wherein there ts life, haue piueneuery|\ He. a | 1¢ herbe for mest: and it was ao, | ‘SI And *God saw enery thing that|* Ries | Ihe had made: and behold, it ras very|' |good. And the evening and the mor-| ing were the sixth day. CHAP. IL 1The frst Sabbath. 4 The maner of the crs-| tion. The planting of the garlen of Pen to 'and the fuer thereof, 1? The tree of Knowlelge onely forbidden. t9. 20 The naming of the ereatures. 21'The making of ‘woman, end instution of Manage Hus the heauens and the| earth were finished, and| all the hoste of them. 2 *And on the seucath| day God ended his worke, which hee had made: And he rested on| the scuenth day from all his worke, which he had made. 8 And God blessed the seuenth day, land sanctified it: because thatin it he had| rested from all his worke, which God| Ht crested and made. seer 4. These are the generations of the) Iheauens, & of the earth, when they were| lcreated: in the day that the LORD| |God made the earth, and the heauens, 5 And euery plant of the field, before| he was in the earth, and euery herbe the ficld, before it grew: for tie LORD} IGod had not caused it to raine vpon the| learth, and there was not a man to till the ground. 6 il But there went up a mist from! the earth, ancl watered the whole face the ground. T And the LORD God formed man| H+ * of the dust of the ground, & brea thed into his nostrits the breath of land * man became a tiuing soule, 8G And the LORD God planted la garden Eastward in Eden; and there| Jhe put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground made the| LORD God to grow euery tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for| food: the tree of life also in the midst o Ithe garden, and the tree of knowledge| lof good and euill ‘And a river went out of Eden to} lwater the garden, and from thence it} Iwas parted, and’ became into foure heads. TL The name of the first is * Pison |" Feels that és it which compesseth the wliote|"™ land of Hauilah, where there is gold. 12 And [Mariage inftituted. 12 And the gold of that land is good There is Bdellium and the Onix stone. 18 And the name of the second river| fis Gihon: the same is it that compasseth {the whole land of + Ethiopi 14 And the name of th is Hiddekel: that is it which gocth |jto-| rardthe East of Assyria: and the fourth| hiuer is Euphrates. 15 And the LORD God tooke ifthe fman, and put him into the garden of F. |den, to dresce it, and to kecpe it 16 And the LORD God commar-| lded the man, saying, Of cuery tree ofthe jen thou mayest tfrcely cate. 17 But of the tree of the knowledge lof good and euill, chou shalt not eate lit: for in the day that thou eatest there- Jot, thou shalt surely die. 18 § And the LORD God sai It is not good that the man should be None: I will make hin * an helpe + mect Hor him. 19 And out of ¥ ground the LORD| |God formed euery beast of the ficld, and| leuery foule ofthe aire, and brought them| vnto || Adam, to see what he would call Ithem: and thatsoener Adam called| Jeuery liuing creature, that cas the name thereof 20 And Adam +gane names to all lcattell, and to the foule ofthe aire, and to leuery beast of the ficlde: but for Adam] tere was not found an helpe meet 21 Sail the LORD God caused ldcepe sleepe to fall vpon Adam, and ee ster: and he tooke one of hisvibs, and Jclosed vp the flesh in stead thereof. 22 And the rib which the LORD] |God had taken from man, tmade hee a| |woman, & brought her vnto the man, 93 And Adam said, This is now] bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh:| she shalbe called woman, because shee| lwas * taken out of ma 24 © Therefore shall a man leaue his| {father and his mother, and shal! cleaue| ‘nto his wife: and they shalbe one flesh 25 And they were both naked , the| Iman & his wife, and were not ashamed. CHAP. IIT 1 The serpent deceiucth Eve, 6 Mans shame | full fall, 9 God arraigneth them. 14 The serpent is cutend. 15 The ‘Seed 36 The punichinent of Mankind. 2 ‘Theit fest dating. "22 Their ening out Chap.ij. jw the serpent was more htillthen any beast of the ld, which the LORD] God had madc, and he said| Fento the woman, + Yea,| Ihath God said, Ye shall not eat of euery| tree of the garden? 2 And the woman ssid vnto the ser Ipent, Wee may cate of the fruite of the| trees of the garden : 3 But of the fruit of the tree, which] ls in the midst of the garden, God hath] said, ¥ eshalnoteateot it, ncither shall ye lest ye di 4 And the Serpent ssid ynto the lwoman, Ye shall not * surely die. 5 For God doeth know, that in the lday ye eate thereof, then your eyes shal lbce opened: and yee shall bee as Gods, lknowing good and cuill, G And when the oman saw, that the treezus good for food, and that ites H+pleasant to the eyes,and a treetobe de. lited to make one wise, she tooke of the Irie thereof, *and ‘lid eate, and gaue al-| Js snto her husband with her, and hee| did cate. 7 And the eyes of them both were lopencd, & they knew that they zeere na, ked, and they sewed figge leaues toge- ther, and made themselues || aprons. 8 And they heard the voyce of the LORD God, walking in the garden in the +coole of the day: and Adam and Ihis wife hid themselues from the pre- lence of the LORD God, amongst the trees of the garden. 9 And the LORD God calted| lvnto Adam, and said vnto him, Where| lart thou ? 10 And he said, I heard thy voice inl the garden : and 'T was afraid, because| 1 seas naked, and I hid my selfe, 11 And he said, Who told thee, that lthou ivast naked? iTast thou eaten of the| tree, whereof I commanded thee, that thou shouldest not eate ? 12 And the man said, The woman} |whom thou gauest /o dc with mee, shec| ue me of the tree, and I did eate. 13 And the LORD God said vnto| the woman, What is this that thou has Jdone? And the woman said, The Ser. nt beguiled me, and ¥ did eate. Pre RSE the LORD God end om ho the Serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou cré cursed aboue all cattel,and| lahore euery beast of the feld: vpon thy The fall of man, ese ay Paces, sade. [belly shale thou goc, and dust shalt chow cate, [The promifed feed. Genefis. Abel murthered. (The genealogie jeate, all the dayes of thy Hie. 15 And I will put enmitie betweene| thee and the wonjan, and betweene thy ced and hereced: itchal raise hy head | Jand. thou shalt bruise his heele. 16 Unto the ease aids Eval tly multiply thy sorowe and thy erection Ba aed show tha ‘aring| lforth children: and thy desire shall be jt] thy husband, and ee shall * rule over ee. 17 And vnto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened wnto the voyce thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, lwhich I commaunded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eate of it: cursed i the lground for thy sake: in sorow shalt thou| este of it all the dayen of thy life. 18 Thornes also and thistles shall it + bring forth to thee: and thou shalt eate the herbe of the field. 19 In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate bread, till thou returne ynto| ibe ground: for out of it want thou tx Jken, fordust thouart, and vnto dust shal thou returne. 20 And Adam called his wiues name| } Bue, because she mas the mother of al ing. 21 Unto Adam also, and to his wife, ldid the LORD God’ make coates Jskinnes, and cloathed them. 22 @ And the LORD God sid, Behold, the man is become as one of lu, to know good & euill. And now lest hee put foorth his hand, and take also thetree of life, and eate and live for euer:| 23 Therefore the LORD God Jsent him foorth from the garden of F-| lden, to till the ground, from whence he! was taken, 24 So he droue out the man: and hel placed at the East of the garden of E- » Cherubims, and a flaming sword, ch turned euery way, to keepe the| Iway of the tree of fife. CHAP. WIL The bird, rade, and religion of Cain and A bel. 6 The mcler of Nel 9 The eae of Gun ip Emch the fat ie is Le Rep ryt feo ries 3s The na $ Nd Adam knew Eue his wife, and shee conceiued, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten « man from| the LORD. 2 And she againe bare his brother pase, chat Cain t of the fruite Jof the ground, an offering vnto, the| LORD. 4 And Abel, he also brought of thel |t Abel, and Abel was a th ‘of she Jbut Cain was « tiller rine ground? ‘5 And tin processe of time it came to] thereof’: and the LORD had *respect |ruto Abel, snd to his offering. But vo Cain, and to ha offing| Ihe had not respect: and Cain was very Jrroth, and his countenance fel. 6 And the LORD said wnto Cain, Why art thou wroth? And why is thy |countenance fallen ? 7 Tf thou doe well, shalt thou not ibe accepted? and if thou doest not well Jsinne lieth at the doore: And [| nto thee| [shail be his desire, and thou shalt rule o} juer him. 8 And Cain talked with Abel his Jbrother: and it came to passe * when were in the field, that Cain rose vp} lagainst Abel his brother, and slew him. 9 @ And the LORD said vnto |Cain, Where ix Abel thy brother? And| hee said, I know not: Am I my bro, thers keeper ? )g20-And he said, What hast thou done? ie voyce of thy brothers + blood cryeth lmnto me, from the ground, 11. And now art thou cursed from the learth, which hath opened her mouth to| jreceie thy brothers blood from thy 12 When thon tillest the ground, it ant Renee yeld vate thee her strer + A fugitive and a vagabond [shalt thou be inthe earth. ne 13 And Cain said vnto the LORD,| Himy punishment is greater, then I cap| re. this day from the face of the earth, and| from thy face shall T be hid, and I shall be a fugitive, and s vagabond in the Jearth: and it shall come to passe, that levery one that findeth me, shall slay me. 15 And the LORD said vnto him, Therefore whosoeuer slayeth Cain, lrengeance shalbe taken on him seuen fold. And the LORD set « marke| lrpon Cain, lest any finding him, should IL him 16 4 And Cain went out fom the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the East of Eden, lfrstlings of his +Rocke, and of the fat|t Het woaalynto ty speech : for [IT haue sl “moy"|man to my wounding, and a yong man 14 Behold, thou hast driuen me outlé 17 And Cain knew his wife, and she| iconceiwed and bare +Enoch, and hee] builded a City, and called the name off the City, after the name of his sone, Enoch. 18 And vnto Enoch was borne 1 rad: and Trad begate Mehuisel, and [Mehuiael begate Methusael, and Me. thusael begate + Lamech. 19 4 And Lamech tooke vnto him| two wiues: the name of the one reas A-| Jdah, and the name of the other Zillah. 20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and] lof such as have cattell ‘21 And his brothers name was Ju- lbal: hice was the father of all such as] Ihanille the harpe and organ. 22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubsl- ICain, an + instructer of euery artificer in lbrasse and icon: and the sister of Tubal- [Cain reas Naamah. 23 And Lamech sayd vnto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Heare my| lvoyce, yee wines of Lamech, hearken| 4 to my |Jhurt 24° 1f Cain shall bee auenged seuen| fold, truely Lamech seuenty and seuen| folde. 25% And Adam knew his wife lgaine, and she bare a sonne, & called his| |name + Seth: For God, said she hath ap- pointed mee another seed in stead of A. bel, whom Cain slew. 96 And to Seth, to him also there| }ras borne a sonne, and he called his| Iname +Enos: then began men to [Ica }ypon the Name of the LORD. CHAP. Vv. The genealogie, age, and death of the Pati archs from Adams Ynto Nosh. 24 The god-| Tinesse and translation of Enoch. ERE nerations of Adam: Ja made he him. 2 *Male and female created hee} them, and blessed them, and called their| name Adam, in the day when they were created. 3° And Adam lined an hundred! land thirtie yeeres, and begate a sonne in| his omne likeness, after hs fmoge’ an called his name Seth. ‘4 And the dayes of Adam, after he| Chap.v. of the Patriarchs, &c. had begotten Seth, were eight hun ldred yeeres: and he begate sounes and] daughters. 5 And all the dayes that Adam I Jued, were nine hundred and thirti| 2 and he died, 6 And Seth liued an hundred and] fue yeeres: and begate +Enos. tr 7 And Seth Tiued, after he begat] HEnos, eight hundred and seuen yecres, land begate sonnes and daughters. 8 And all the dayes of Seth, were lnine hundredand twelue yeeres, and he| ied. 9.4 And Enos liued ninetie yeeres, jand begate +Cainan ese. 10 And Enos liued after hee begate| Csinan, eight hundred and fiene jeeres, and begate sonnes & daughters, Pat An all the dayes of Enos mee nine hundred & fiue yeres; and he died. 12 4 And Cainan lived seuentiel, ere. yeeres, and begate + Mahalaleel. 18 And Cainan liued after he begate| [Mahalalee!, cight hundred and fourte lyceres, & begate sonnes and daughters. It And al the dayes of Cainan were| nine hundred & ten yeres; and he died, 15 T And Mahalafeelliued sixtie and} fue yeercs, and begat + Jared te tee 16 And Mahalaleel lived after he bo lgate Jared, eight hundred and thirtie| lyeeres, and begate sonnes & daughters. 17 And all the dayes of Mahalaleel, Jrere cight hundred ninetic and fiue and he died. 18% And Jared tiued an hundred lsntie and two yeeres, & he begat Enoch, 19 And Jared lived after he begate| Enoch, eight hundred yeres, and begate omnes and daughters 20,And all the dayes of Sared wera lnine hundred sixtie and two yecres, and| he ‘21 And Enoch lined sixtie and fiue| lyeeres, and begate Methuselah. |icr. gf 22 And Enoch walked with God, after he begate Methuselah, three hun, Jared yeeres, and begate sonnes andl [daughters 23 And all the dayes of Enoch, were three hundred sistie and fiue yeeres. 24 And * Enoch walked with God | "Rech land he was not: for God tooke him, [ft'S 25 And Methusclsh lived an hun, ord ightie and seuenyeres and begs HLamech. 26 And Methuselah lived, after hee lvcgate+ Lamech, seuen hundred, eightie ‘and [Methufelah. Genefis. Noahs Arke. [Noah entreth Chap.vij.viij. into the Arke_ jand two yoeres, and begate sonncs and) [from the face of the earth: + both man} Hjem for thes, and for them, inde, & all the caitll after their Kinde; tera, land beast, and the creeping thing, and)” «Hest. | @@ © Thus did Noah; according to} [and cuery creeping. Shing thas creepeth| ‘And all the dayes of Methuselah] |the foutes ofthe sie: fort repenteth me Po" ll that God commanded him, 0 did he| |vpon the earth after his Kinde, and ene, Jwere nine hundred, sixtie and nine| {that I haue made them. ry foule after his kinde, every birde of] lyeeres, and he died. 8 But Nosh found grace in the CHAP. VIL ery + sort. ein sr. Now. fea loually. 23-% And Lamech lived an hun. red cightie and two yceres: and be- lgtte « sone. 29 And he called his name || Nosh,| saying: Tis same shall comfort vs, con-| leering our woorke and toyle of our hands, because of the ground, which the| JLORD hath cursed. ‘90 And Lamech lived, after hee be, Noah, five hundred ninetie and jeeres, and begate sonnes and! ldsughters. SI And all the dayes of Lamech| lwere eeuen hundred seuentic and sewen| lyeeres, and he died. 82 And Nosh was fiue hundred| olde: and Noalt begate Sem, fam, and Japhet CHAP. VI. h The wickednease of the world, mhich prowo-| ed Gods wrath, and easel the Flood. 6 ‘Nosh flndsth grace. 19 The ovder, forme} sd end of the Arke. NA itcame to passe, when| men began to multiply on] the face ofthe earth, and ters were borne vn to them 2 That the sonnes of God saw the ldaughters of men, that they were faire, land they took them wiues, of all whi they chose. 8 And the LORD said, My S| rit shall not alwayes strive with man ; for that hee also is flesh: yet his dayes jshalbe an hundred and twenty yeeres. 4 There were Giants in the earth in those daies: and also after that, when] the sonnes of God came in vnto the Jdsughters of men, & they bare children| to them: the same became mightie men,| Iehich were of old, men of renowme. 5 4 And God saw, that the wicked. Jee of tran was great in the cath, and lishat euery imagination of the thoughts} of bie "heart was oncly euil + cont| 6 “And it tepented the LORD! that he had made man on the earth, and| grieued him at his heart. .],7 And the LORD said, 1 will Jdestroy man, whom I have created | eyes of the LORD. 9 © These are the generations of perfect im hi 10 And Noah begate three sonnes 1 |Scm, Ham, and Japheth. 11’ The earth also was corrupt be, fore God: and the carth was filled with| violence. 12 And God looked ypon the earth, land beliold, it was corrupt: for all flesh had corrpted his way wpon the cath, 18 And God said vnto Noah, The Jend of all flesh is come before mee; for! Ithe earth is filled with violence through them ; and bebold, I will destroy them with the earth. 14 4 Make thee an Arke of Go| her-wood: + roomes shalt thou make fin the arke, and shalt pitch it within and| Jrithout with pitch. 15 And this s the fushion, which thou| Jshatt make it of: the length of the arke| |shalbe three hundred cubits, the breadth} lofit fifty cubits,and the height of it thir tie cubits. 16 A window shalt thou make to] the arke, and in a cubite shalt thou fi Inish it aboue; and the doore of the arke| Ishalt thou set in the side thereof: With Hower, second, and third stories shalt| thou make it. 17 And behold, I, euen L doe bring! ls flood of waters vpon the earth, to de-| Istroy all flesh, wherein is the breath life from wnder heauen, and cuery thing) that is in the earth shall die. 18 But with thee wil T establish my ICouenant : and thou shalt come into Arke, thou, and thy sonnes, and thy] if and chy sooner wines with thee, ind of euery liuing thing of all les, eno of every ard shat thew bring into the Arke, to keepe them aliue wit thee: they shall be male and female. 20 Of eles afer their kinde, and Jofcattel after their kinde: of euery cree- ping thing of the earth after his kinde,| ltwo of euery sort shall come vnto thee, to keepe them aliue. snerations, and Noah 21 And take thou ynto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt ge-| ther it to thee; and it shall be for food, Noah: * Noah was a iust man, and!* se cer aes nea for! rere e. tebe suer) et. 1 Noa, with hie familie, and the lining ereo-| tures, enter into the Arke. 17 The begin-| hing, iperease, and continuance of the Flot Na the * LORD saide| vynto Nosh, Come thou] and all thy house into the] Arke: for thee have 1] seene righteous before me,| in this generation, ‘2 Of euery cleane beast thou shalt ltake to thee t by scuens, the male and| his female: and of beastes that are not] Jcleane. Ly two, the male and his female. 3 Of forles also of the aire, by| Jscuens, the male & the female: to keepe| seed aliue vpon the face of all the earth. 4 For yet seuen dayes, and I cause it to rane vpon the earth, fort ldayes, and forty nights: and every bi lave ‘Slane’ att hase mde il T t destroy, fro off the face of the earth. 5 And Noah did according vnto all chat the LORD commanded him. G And Nosh was sie hundred! lyeeres old, when the flood of waters Iwas vpon the earth. 7 @ And Nosh went in, and dis Jsonnes, and his wife, and his sonnes Twiucs with hina, into the Arke, because lof the waters of the Flood. 8 OF cleane beasts, & of beasts lare not cleane, & of fowles, and of ry thing that ereepeth vpon the earth, 9 There went in two and two vn- to Neal: into the Atke, the male & the| female, as God had commanded Nosh. 10 And it came to passe [lafter seuen ldayes, that the waters of the Flood rere vpon the earth. 11 € In the size hundredth yeere of] Noahs life, in the second monethi, the se- luenteenth day of the moneth, the same| |day, were al the fountaines of the great |deepe broken vp, and the ||windowes Iheauen were opened. 12 And the raine was spon the| learth, fortie dayes, and fortic nights 18 In the selfe same day entred No- lsh, and Sem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sonnes of Noah, and Noahs wife,| land the three wiues of his sonnes with} them, into the Arke, 14 They, and euery beast after his 15 And they went in vnto Noah in- leo the Arke, two and two of all flesh, |wherein is the breath of life. 16 And they that went in, went in| lmate and female of all flesh, as God had| lcominaunded him: and the LORD] jshut him in. : 17 And the Flood was fortie dayes lvpon the earth, and the waters incres| lsed, and bare vp the Arke, and it was life vp aboue the earth. 18 ‘And the waters prevailed, and were encre atly vpon the earth :] and the Arke went vpon the face of the waters. ,12,-Aa the water preuated exces jingly vpon the earth, and all the high] ie, that sere vnder the wliole heauen, lwere couered. 20 Fifteene cubits vpward, did the lwaters preuaile; and the mountaincs were conered. 21 * And all flesh died, that mooued pet and of beast, and of every erering thing that creepeth vpon the earth and euery man, ‘22 All in whose nosethrils was the| I+ breath of life, of all that was in te| lary tand, died. 23 And euery living substance was] ldestrayed, which was vpon the face of] the ground, both man and cattell, and| the creeping things, and the foule of the heaven ; and they were destroyed from| the carth: and * Noah oncly remained| latiue, and they that acre with him in the Arke. 24 And the waters prevailed vpon| Ihe earth, an hundred and fifty dayes. CHAP. VIIL The waters 4The Aske resteh on ‘Ararat 1 Thermienandute dove. 13 Nea ‘emg commanded 18 goed forth of the EE See et Alar and of ‘sacnfice, 21 which God accept, an Dromiseh i cre te earth no tore.” PNA God remembred No- £& ah,and every liuing thing,| andall the cattell that was with him in the Arke: and God made a winde| lzpon the earth, both of fowle, & of eat-|" > Wiss 1. 1 tre bret ie sow P| he Arke refteth. to passe over the earth, and the water] ase Zine fountanes alan of the deep, jand the windowes of heaven were] stopped, anc the raine from heaven| }was restrained. ‘3 ‘And the waters returned from| 1 er |oftbecarth, tooninaliy; and afer the yeissant lend of the hundred and fiftie dayes, the| Jwaters were abated. 4 And the Arke rested in the se luenth moneth, on the seventeenth day| lof the moneth, vpon the mountaines of] JArarat. | |} Her.werg] 5 And the waters + decreased conti. \icfratng |nually vntill the tenth moneth: in the] tenth moneth, on the first day of the mo- Ineth, were the tops of the mountaines scene. 69 Andit came to 7 And he sent forth a Rauen, which| h teen, Jwent forth +to and fro, vntill the wa- jemre Jor’! ters were dried vp from off the earth. - 8 Also hee sent foorth a dove from| him, to see if the waters were abated| irom off the face of the ground. 9 But the doue found no rest for the] |sole of her foote, and she returned ynto| fhim into the Arke: for the waters were| ion the face of the whole earth. Then he| [put foorth his hand, and tooke her, and] |: 4et-e«1+ pulled her in vnto him, into the Arke| ‘ome 10 And hee stayed yet other scven| ldayes; and againe hee sent foorth: the| Jdoue out of the Arke. 11 And the doue came in to him in| the euening, and loe, in her mouth zas| ive Teafe pluckt off: So Noah! lknew that the waters were abated! From off the earth. 12 And hee stayed yet other seuen| Jdayes, and sent forth the dove, which re-| Jturned not againe vnto him any more. 13 4 Andit came to passe in the sixe| Jnundredth and one yeere, inthe First mo- Incth, the first day of the moneth, the| Hwaters were dryed vp from of" thel Jesrth: and Nosh remooued the coue| ring of the Arke, and looked, and be- hold, the face of the ground was dri. 14’ And in the second moneth, on the| seuen and twentieth day of the moneth, Iwas the earth dried. 15 4 And God spake vnto Nosh! saying, 16 Goe foorth of the Arke, thou, id thy wife, and thy sonnes, and thy| Genefis. rises wos al ee i 17 Bring foorth with thee i lai thing that 1 with thee, ofall flesh, cf frie and of cats, and ewe jing thing that creepeth vpon tI arth, at they may breed abundantly} lin the carth, and be fruitfull, and multi-) the earth. : 18 And Noah went foorth, and his jnonnes, and his , and his sonnes| Twiues with him: . 19 Euery beast, euery creeping thing, land every fowle, and whatsoeuer cree-| fpeth rpon the earth, after their thinds, went foorth out of the Arke. 20 4 And Nosh builded an Altar| lento the LORD, and tooke of euery| Icleane beast, and of euery cleane forte, land offred burnt offrings on the Altar, @ And the LORD smelled a) |t sweete ssuour, and the LORD said! lin bis heart, I will not agame curse the! Jground any more for mans sake; for the im agination of mans heart is euil fom Ihis youth: neither will I againe smite} lany tore euery thing liuing, as T haue done. 22 +While the earth remaineth, seed-| |time and haruest, and cold, and heat,| Jand Summer, and Winter, aud day| and night, sball not cease. CHAP. IX. 1 God blesseth Noah. 4 Blood and murder] ‘are forbidden. 9 Gods Couenane 13 ¥3-| ified by the Rainchow. 18 Noalt reple| nisheth the world, 20 planteth a Vineyard, 1 is drunken, and mocked of his sone | 25 Cureeth “Canaan, 26. Blesseth Sher, ‘21 prayeth for Laphet, 23 and dieth Nd God blessed Ne and his sonnes, and vnto them, * Bee fruitful] nish the earth. 2 And the feare of you, & the dread| lof you shall be vpon cuery beast of the| eit, and wpon cusy frie of te aire, ‘all that mooueth rpon the earth, | lyour hand are they deliuered. 3 Euery mouing thing that liveth, Jshalbe meat foryou: cucn as the *grcen lherbe haue T given you all shings. 4 * Dut flesh with the life thereof, jtohich is the blood thercof, shall you not|" leate 5 And surely your blood of your and multiply, and reple-fir: Noah facrificeth.] err stn low so lhe cor cmap. be Lew. fives! — + esa se [The Rainbow. - limage of God made he man, fines will I require: at the hand oF cue] ry beast will I require it, & at the hand| lof man, at the hand of euery mans bro- ther will I require the life of man. 6 * Who so sheddeth mans blood, by| Iman shall his blood be shed: * for in the T And you, be ye fruitfull, and mul, eipty, bring foorth aboundancly in the| Jearth, ana inultiply thercin, ‘8.9 And God spake vnto Noah, andl to his sonnes with him, saying: 9 And I, bebold, I establish my co. Juenant with you, and with your scede — 10 “And wit ing creature| thats with you, ofthe fowl, ofthe cat tell, and of euery beast of the earth with] lyou, from all that goe out of the Arke,| to euery beast of the earth. 11 And I wil establish my couensnt Iwith you, neither shal all esh be cut off lany more, by the waters of a flood, ne-| cher shall there any more be a flood to| ldestray the earth. 12 And God ssid, This is the token of the Couenant which, 1 make be tweene mee and you, and euery liuin Jereaare that is with you, for perpetual nerations. 18 I doe set my bow in the cloud, and! fit shall be for a token of a couenant, be ltweene me and the earth. 14 * And it shall come to passe, when 1 bring a cloud oucr the earth, that the| fbow shall be seene in the cloud. 15 And I will remember my couc, Inant, which is betweene mee and you, land euery living creature of all Aesh : land the waters shall no more become a| ood to destroy all flesh. 16 And the bow shalbe in the cloud j Jand i will looke vpon it, that I may! Jremember the everlasting couenant be-| jtreene God and euery liuing creature, fo al flesh thas és wpon te earth 17 And God said vnto Noab, This is the token of the covenant, which I haue established betweene mec and all Jesh, that ds vpon the earth 18'4 And the sonnes of Noah that fwent forth of the Arke, were Shem,| land Ham, and Taphet: and Ham is the father of | Canaan, 19 These are the three sonnes of No-| Jah: and of them was the whole carth| Jouerspreasl 20 And Noah began fo dee an hus- Chap.x. lbandman, and he planted a vineyard. ‘21 And he dranke of the wine, and Jwas drunken, and hee was vncouered| within his tent. 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, lsaw the nakednesse of his father, and] told his two brethren without. 23 And Shem and Iaphet tooke al lgarment, and layed i ypon both heir Ishoulders, and went backward, and co- lucred the nakednesse of their father, land their faces were backward, and they| Jsaw not their fathere nakednesse. 24 And Nosh awoke from his lwine, and knew what his yonger sonne had done vnto him. 25 And he ssid, Cursed bee Canaan: fa seruant of seruants shall hee be vato} his brethren 26 And hee sside, Blessed bee the] LORD God of Shem, and Cansan| Jshalbe | his seruant. 21 God shall lJenlarge Laphet land he shal dwel in the tents of Shem, land Canaan shalbe his seruant. 28 § And Noah liued after the flood, thrce hundred and fifty yeeres. 29 And all the dayes of Nosh were nine hundred & fifty yeeres, and he died, 1 The generations of Nosh. 2 The soanes aphet 6 The sounes of Harn. 8 Nimrod! Giefirs Monarch. 21 The eounes of Shem Ow these are the gene. rations of the sonnes Noah; Shem, Ham, and] Taphet: and’ ynto ‘them| were sonnes borne af ter the Flood. 2 *The sonnes of Japhet: Go lmer, and Magog, and M Juan, & Tubal, and Meshech, & Tiras. pases Seca of Gonters Ash cenas, and Rij ‘ogarmah. And the sone cf Tauan Elisha, land Tarchish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 5 By these were the Iles of the |Gentiles diuided in their lands, every| lone after his tongue: after their fam ies, in their nations. 6° * And the sonnes of Ham: Cush, land Misraim, and Phut, and Canaan. 7 And the sonnes of Cush, Seba, land Hauilah, and Sabtsh, and Ras, Imab, and Sabtecha: and the sonnes RRasmah: Sheba, and Dedan, 8 And Cush begat Nimrod : be be-| CHAP. X and Ta Noahs generations|| +1 com, fs lgan to be mighty one in the earth. 9 He was © mighty hunter befire thel sis The firft Monarch. Genefis. Babel builded, [The generations Chap.xij. of Terah. Abram] [tke LORD: wherefore it is side, [Euen sx Nimrod the mightie hunter| |before the LORD. 10 And the beginning of his king-| ldome was + Babel, and Erech, and Ac- Jcad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.| 11 Ont of that land jf went forth As] Jshur, and builded Nineueh, ind the ie tie Rehoboth, and Calah, 12 And Resen betweene Nineueb] land Calah: the same is « great cite. 13 And Misraim begat Ludim, and] 1, And ther dvaling sag. omy a, a8 goest vnto Sephar,| le mount of the East. = 81 These are the sonnes of Shem, af] Iter their families, after their tongues,| lin their lands after their nations. 82 These are the families of thel lronnes of Nosh after their generati-| lons, in their nations: and hy these were| the nations diuided in the earth after| the Flood. [and begate Arphasad two yoeres afta] |the Flood. = ‘11 And Shem lined, after he |Arphaxad, fiue hundred yeeres, and be-| lgate sonnes and daughters. ‘2 And Arphaxad lived fiue and thir. tie yeeres, and begate Salah. 18 And Ai lined, after he be gate Salah, foure hundred and three! lyeeres, and begate sonnes and daugh-| ters. 14 And Salah lived thirtie yeeres, jeonne, and Lot the conne of Haran hia] onnes sonne, and Sarai his daughter jin lawe, his soune Abrams wife, and] eh ons foorth with them from * Vr| \Canaan: and they came vato Haran, land dwelt there. 92 And the dayes of Terah, were| ltwo bundred and fiue yeres: and Te- ah died in Haran, CHAP. XIL 1¢ Chaldees, to goe into the land offt ec? JAnamim, and Lehabim, and Naph CHAP. XI land begate Eber. ltubim, : ° 15 And Salah lived, after hee begatel |; God callesh Abram, and bleseth him with a} 14 And Pathrusim, and Cashuhim| |1 One lenguage in the wold. The builog lEber, foure hundred and three yeeres,| ise of Chri” ¢ He departed with Lot (out of whome came’ Philistiim) and] | $040 3 oh cor uton ot Ne ner Jen Boats sonnes and daughters Krom Haran. He fourneyeh through Ce ICaphtorim. . tenet Torah the fatter af Abrara. 31 Te| +s.crmo. | 16 * Amd Eber Tiued foure and thirty| | ssn 7 which is promise’ bin it 6 Peet aesTe | 15 @ And Canaan begate + Sidon| | rah goeth from Vs to Haran. Cattes and * Peleg. 1. Beech hing his first borne, and Heth, ss 17 And Eber liued, after hee begate] | sister. 16 And the Jebusite, and the Emo, rite, and the Girgasite, 17 And the Hiuite, and the Arkite, Nd *the whole earth was|* Wis w.| Peleg, foure hundred and thirtie yeres,] | him, by plagues is Ow the * LORD had|" acer gare) 24 An |and the Sinite, 18 And the Aruadite, and the Ze- |marite, and the Hamathite : and after-| ward were the families of the Canas-| nites spread abroad, 19 And the border of the Canas| Inites, was from Sidon, as thou com-| tet. As-Jmest to Gerar, vnto + Gasa, as thou go Jest vnto Sodoma and Gomorah, and) |Admah, & Zeboim, euen vnto Lasha. 20 These are the sonnes of Ham, af-| ter their families, after their tongues, lin their countries, and in their nations.| lal! the children of Eber, the brother Hiaphet the elder, even to him were| |chiddren borne. 22 The *children of Shem: Elam, land Asshur, and+ Arphaxad, and Lud, jand Aram. 23 And the children of Aram: Vz, Jand Hul, and Gether, and Mash. hazed begate + Salsh,| land Salah wgne Boe 25 * And vato Eber were borne two] lsonnes: the name of one sas Peleg, for] lin his dayes was the earth diuided, and| his brothers name mae Joka on] ‘And Joktan begate Al LULU ferah, 21 ‘And Hadoram, and Vaal, andl Diktah, 28 And Obal, and Abimacl, and Sheba, 29 And Ophir, and Hauilsh, & Io, jbab: all these were the sonnes of Joktan.| 21 4 Ynto Shem also the father of] them thorowly. And they had bricke for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4 And they ssid; Goe to, let vs build lvs a city and a tower, whose top may| Jreach vnto heauen, and let vs make vs a Iname, lest me be scattered abroad vpor] the face of the whole earth, 5 And the LORD came downe| to ace the city and the tower, which thel [children of men builded. 6 And the LORD aid; Behold, the people is one, and they Aaue all one| language: and this they begin to doe | and 9m nothing. willbe retrained from them, which they haue imgined| to doe. 7 Goe to, let vs go downe, and there Jcsfound their language, thet they may] lnot wnderstand one anothers speech. 8 So the LORD scattered them labroad from thence, vpon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the] ICitie. 9 Therefore is the name of it called |+ Babel, because the LORD did there! land from thence did the LORD scat Iter them abroad vpon the face of all the earth. Shem. Shem ras an of one language, and of] Het. Jand begate sonnes and daughters. fone tspeach. 1 #ch wor 18 And Peleg lived thirtie yecres, 2 And it came to passe land begate Itev. as they iourneyed_ from 19 And Peleg liued, after hee begatel the East, that they found a plaine in the| Rea, two hundred and nine yeeres, and| liand of Shinar, and they dwelt there. lbegate sonnes and daughters. 3 And they sayd one to another ‘2D And Reu lived two and thirtie |Goe to, let vs make bricke, and +barne| ‘and * Serug. + toe. a.s|tie yeeres, and begs + yop. 14. tfand * lconfound the language of all the earth:|"* 10 $ * These are the generations off* ea yeres old, andl eres, PGi And Rea liued, after hee begate ISerug, two hundreth and seuen yeres, land begate sonnes and daughters. #2 And Serug lived thirtie yeeres, land begate Nahor. 23 And Serug liued, after he begate] INahor, two hundred yeeres, and begat] sonnes and daughters. 24 And Nahor lived nine and twen-] te * Terah. '25 And Nahor lined, after he begate Terah, an hundred & nineteene yeeres, land begate sonnes and daughters. ‘26 And Terah liued seuenty yeeres, te Abram, Nabor, & Haran} ‘21% Now these are the generat. lons of Terah: Terah ‘Abram, [Nahor, and Haran: Haran be/ Jgate Lot, i ‘28 And Haran died, before his father Terab in the land of his natiuity, in Vs] of the Chaldees. 29 And Abram and Nahor tooke| them wiues: the name of Abrams wife] jar Sarai, and the name of Nahor che father of Mileah, and the father scab. ‘30 But Serai was barren; she Aad} Jno childe. ; 81 And Terah tooke Abram his| wife, Micah, the daughter of Haran,| saidyntoA bram, Get thee ub of thy countrey, an from thykinred, and from thy fathers house, ynto al NH shew the. I make of thee » great] luation, and I wil hlesse thee, and make thy mame great; and thou salt bee 'S And I will blesse them that bless Ithee, and curse him, that curseth thee:| Blessed. LORD had spoken vnto him, andl [Lot went with him: And Abram asl lseuentie and fiue yeeres old when he de- parted out of Haran. — ‘6 And Abram tooke Sarai his wife] eae et ey hl gaurd their substance ey Jan the souls that they bad gotten i \Haran, and they to goe into] the land of Canssn: and into the land] lof Canaan they came. (canted Abram pansed through the ithe plaine of Moreh. And the Canss-| Inite was then in the land. 7 And the LORD appeared vn to Abram, and sei lpeared vnto him. '8 And he removed from thence vi] lto a mountaine, on the East of Beth-cl, land pitched his tent Aawing Beth-el on] [endin hee shale ais of he eh a ‘4 So Abram departed , ss thels* liand, vnto the place of Sichem, vato| , © Vato thy seed wills chan 1 give this land: and there builded hee] lan * altar vnto the LORD, who sp-|; cats eae Abram in Egypt. fhe West, and Hal on the East and] luhere hee builded an altar ynto the| LORD, and called vpon the Name| lof the LORD. tHe nes! 9 And Abram iourneyed, |lgoing on| fags at toward the South 10 9 And there was a famine in th hand, and Abram went downe into E| laypt, to soiourne there: for the famine [was gricuous in the land. II And it came to passe when ho was Joome necre to enter into Egypt, that he jssid vnto Sarai his wife, Behold now, It know that thou art 2 faire woman] to looke vpon. 12 Therefore it shall come to passe, Iwhen the Egyptians shall sec thee, that they shall say, This in his wife: and] they will kill me, but they will saue thee aliue. 18 Say, I pray thee, thou art my si. jeter, that it may be wel with me, for thy| eke: and my cout shal line, because 14 4 And it came to passe, that when| JAbram was come into Egypt, the F:-| lgyptians beheld the woman, that. shee Genefis. Nd Abram went vp oul of Egypt he and his wif and all that he had, and| Lot with him, into the| South. 2 And Abram was very rich in cat tell, in siluer, and in gold. 3’ And hee went on his iourneyes lftom the South, euen to Reth-el, ento Ithe place where his tent had bene at the beginning, betweene Bethel and Iai 4 Vnto the * place of the aliar, which] [Abram called on the Name of the| LORD. 5 @ And Lot also which went with] [Abram, had flocks and heards, & tents. 6 And the land was not’ able tol lbeare them, that they might dwell to gether: = thei aubseance was great so that they cout not dwell together. "TAnd there wat a stile beaweena the heardmen of Abrams cattell, and| the heardmen of Lots cattell: And the Canaanite, and the Periazite dvelled| tien in the Tand. 8 And Abram ssid vnto Lot, Let| Abram and Lot. IGods promife. Ihe had made there at the first: and there|”” [Northward , and Southward, and! [Bastward, and Westward. 15 Forall the land which thou seest, + to thee will I giue it, and to thy seede| for euer. 16 And I will make thy secde as the |dust of the earth: so that if a man can| {number the dust of the earth, then shall) thy seed also be numbred. 17 Arise, walke through the land, in| the length of it, and in the breadth of it; for 1 will giue it wnto thee. 18 Then Abram remoued his tent, land came and dwelt in the + plaine off |Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built} ithere an altar vnto the LORD. CHAP. XIIIL 1 The bate of foure Kings against fue. 1 Lot ie taken prisoner. 18 Abram rescueth| him. 18 Mlelehicnedck Blesseth Abram. 20 ‘Abram giveth him tithe. 22 Te rest of thel ‘polle,his partners hauing had their portions, Ine restored to the King of Sodom. Na it came to passe in the dayes of Amraphel Chap.xi jand the King of Admah, and the King] jof Zeboiim, and the King of Bela, (the| lsame in Zoar) and they loyned battell |with them, in the vale of Siddim, 9 With Chedorlaomer the King off |Elam oo Lr King tte jons, and Amray ‘ing of Shinar, | land Arioch Kng of Bilasar; foure Kings with fiue. 10 And the vale of Siddim was full| jof slime-pits: and the Kings of So-| ldome & Gomorrah fled, and fell there: land they that remained, fled to the| fmeunine ve all oh TL And they tooke all the goods |Sodome and Gomorrah, and all the Jrictuals, and went their’way. 12 And they tooke Lot, Abrams bro-| thers seme, (who delt in Sodome) jar 1is goods, and departed. 13 4 And there came one that had| lescaped , and told Abram the Hebrew,| Yor hee dwelt in the plaine of Marre |the Amorite, brother of Esheol, andbro-| Ither of Aner: and these were confede- jrate with Abram. ‘14 And when Abram heard that his| Melchizedek. ‘8 | of Shinar, Arioch King} |brother was taken captiue , he [j armed]! Or. lat of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer| {his trained seruants in his owne|{o" ser King of Elam, and Ti-| {house,three hundred and eighteene,and|*=! King of nations: Jpursued them vnto Dan. ‘hat these made warre with Te-| |" 15 Aud kee dinided himselfe against jwas very faire. there be no strife, I pray thee, betweene| 15 The Princes also of Pharaoh sav] |mee and thee, and betweene my heard, her, and commended her before I"hs-| |men and thy heardmen: for wee bee| eaoh: anc the woman was taken into| |t brethren. ft Hetr. men} tak Pharaohs house. 9 Is mot the whole Iand before|™™"™ 16 And he entreated Abram well for Iher sake: and he had sheepe, and oxen, Jand tice asses, and men seruants, and| maid scruants, and shee asses, and ca Imes. 17’ And the LORD plagued Phe oh & his house with great plagues, esse of Sera Abate 18 And Pharaoh called Abram, and laid, What is this that thou hast done| lynto me? Why diddest thou not tell me, that she was thy wife? 19 Why saidest thon, Shee is my si- ster? co I might haue taken her to mee| Ithee? Separate thy selfe, I pray thee, Heom mee: if thouxilt ‘ake the left hand, then I will goc to the right: or if thou! ldepart to the right hand, then I willl to the left. 10 And Lot lifted vp his eyes, and| beheld all the plaine of Tordane, that it fwas well watered cuery where’ before the Lord destroyed Sodome and Go, Imorah. cuen as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou commest vnto Zoar. 11 Then Lot chose him all the plaine| Jof Fordane: and Lot iourneyed East 5 ra. King of Sodome, and with Birsha| King of Gomorrah, Shinab King JAdmah, and Shemeber King of lboiim, and the King of Bela, which SAN hy ed together ‘All these were ioyn ther in| he vale of Sigaims which fr the sal Sea. 4 Trelue yesres they serued Che] Jdorlaomer, and in the thirteenth yeere they rebelled. 5 And in the fourteenth yeere came| IChedorlaomer, and the Kings that lwere with him, and smote the Repha- jims, in Ashteroth Kamaim, & the Zu, them, he and his servants hy night, and| ote thera, and pursued them vm Hobs, which is on the left hand of Da fmascus : 16 And bee brought backe all the ood and aac brought agnine bis to et Lot, and his goods, and the wo lmen also, and the people. 17 4 And the king of Sodome went] jout to mecte him, (after his returne from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, jand of the Kings that were with him)| st the valley of Saueh, which is th + Kings dale. 18 And * Melchiredek King of Se- to wife: now therfore behold, thy wife,| land they separated themselues the onc take Aer and goe thy way. from the other. or. the frims in Ham, and the Emims in [Sha-| flem brought foorth bread. ant 1 Abrara and Lot returve out of Egypt. 1 By| iangreement they part arunder. To Lot th wicked Sold 16 God renueth fe [romias te Abram He rou wo Te and thee buildeth an Altar. lexceedingly. 14 @ And the LORD said vnto) JAbram, after that Lot was separated| irom him, Lift vp now thine eyes, and] llooke from the place where thou art, North-| alt the countrey of the Amalekites, and] ltso the Amorites, that dwelt in Fiaze- lzon-tamar. 8 And there went out the King of] [Sodome, and the King of Gomorrah, 20 And Pharach comanded his men| | 12 Abram dwelled in the land of Ca, Paatie®*luch Kiriathaim jand he was the Pricst of the most high} concerning him: and they set him al lnaan, and Tot drelled in the cities of G And the Horites in their mount| |God. way, and his wife, and all that he had| |the plaine, and pitched his tent toward [oie |Seir, vnto |/ELParan, which in by the) | 19 And hee blessed him, and said [Sodome. Pern” |wildernesse. Blessed bee Abram of the most hi 18 But the men of Sodome were 7 And they returned, and came tol |God, CHAP. XIII wicked, and sinners before the LORD] En-mishpat, which is Kadesh, & smote| | 20’ And blessed bee the most cod, which hath delivered thine of lmies into thy hand: and hee gaue him] * tithes of | 21 And the King of Sodome said| lvnto Abram, yiue me the persons, andl take! Rem. tem. lees ‘”? the LORD, the moet high God, the pmacooour of heauen and earth, ‘23 That I wil not take from « threed| to a shoe latchet, and that I will) not take any thing that is thine, leet thou shouldest say, I haue made A, foram rich : "24 Save onely that which the lnen haue eaten, and the portion of the sion, saying; Feare not, Abram: 1am thy shield, hy exceeding * great reward. 2 And Abram aid, Lord GOD,| Jehat wilt thou giue me, seeing I goe| ichildlesse? and the steward of my bouse| jis this Eleser of Damascus. 3 And Abram said: Bebold, to mee| FE ,r—~CS out shalbe thine hire, “ Jand said, Looke now towards hes| juen, and tell the atarres, if thou be able| to number them. And hee sxid vato him, +S, aball thy wee be a] 6 And he *beleeued in the LORD; jand hee counted it to him for righte- Joumesse. ‘T And he said vnto him; I am the| LORD that brought thee out of Vr] lof the Caldees, to giue thee this land, "And be wi ¢ wsid, Lord GOD, where, by shal I know that I shall inherit it? ‘9 And he ssid vato him, Take me| goat of three yecres old, and « ramme| three yeeres old, and a turtle doue, ands yoDg pigeon. Genefis. ‘10 And he tooke ynto ‘all these,| ec dies them inthe mide and lay peece one against another: but the| lirds Giided be'not, 11 And when the fowles came| Jdowne vpon the carcases, Abram droue Cr an 12 And when the Sune was lng downe, 2 deepe sleepe fell ypon A. loe, an horrour of great] bras: anc 18 And he said vnto Abram, Know] ldarkenesse fell ypon him. lgez, in « fand that is not theirs, and shal lserue them, and they shall aflict them lfoure hundred yeeres. 14 And also that nation whom they shall serue, wil I indge: and afterward] tall they’ come out with great eub- | 15 And thou shalt goe to thy fathera i peces thou salt be buried in a goed 16 But in the fourth generation they Jshall come hither againe: for the iniqui-| i of the, Amorites isnot yet fll it came to passe that when the Sunne went downe, and it was ldarke, behold, a amoking furnace, and s| hose pi 18 In that same day the LORD| Jmade » couenant with Abram, saying |from the river of ‘wnto the great{tia" ine, the rue: Eunice: 19 “he Kenites, and the Kenisites Jand the Kedmoni i: 2% And the Hittites, and the Pe. fissites, and the Rephairme, 21 And the Amorites, and the Cs. Jnuanites, and the Girgashites, and the| Tebusites. CHAP. XVI. 1 Sani, being barren, gineth agar to Abram ‘Hagar being allied for deapising ber mi Serbetka ts eubea her sce, 11nd clea to sa fe, tad elle ‘her of her child. 15 Ishmael is borne. Ow Sarai Abrams wifel bare him no children: and she had an handmaide, an Egyptian, vhoee came "And Sarai eid unio Abram, Be, lhold now, the LORD hath restrai- Ined me from bearing: I pray thee go in| lvnuto my maid: it may bee that I may| + obtaine Abrams vifion| lofasurety, *that thy seed shalber stran-|*Aca7-«. lt burning lampe that passed 1 etree ype that betweene|t yer le Vato thy seed haue I ginen this land|* an eas feet Hagar fleeth. iseell+ dealt hardly with her, shee fled from| her face. fim acseland Abram called his sonnes name,| FF obiaine children by her: and Abram lhearkened to the voice of Sarai. 3 And Sarai Abrams, wie tooke| Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, after A. fram bad deelt ten yerres in the lan lof Canaan , and gave her to her hus, lband Abram, to be his wife. 4% And he went in ynto Hager, land she conceiued: And when shee saw] that shee had coneciued, her mistresse was despised in her eyes. And Sarai said vnto Abram, My| lwrong be vpon thee: I haue giuen my lmaid into thy bosome, and when shee| lsaw that she had conceiued, T was de- spised in her eyes: the LORD iudge| lbctweene me atid thee. But Alram said vnto Sarai, Be hold, thy maid isin thy hand; doc to her [tas it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai J {And the Angel of the LORD| found her by a fountaine of water, in| the witdernesse, by the fountaine, in the| way to Shur. ‘8 And he said, Hagar Sarais maid, lwhence camest thou? and whither wilt Ithou goe? And she said, I flee from the} face of my mistresse Sarai. ‘9 And the Angel of the LORD) Jasid vnto her, Returne to thy mistresse land submit thy selfe vnder her hands 10 And the Angel of the LORD| sid voto her, 1 will mlkpy hy sede lexceedingly, that it shall not benumbred| for multitude. ‘1 And the Angel of the LORD| lssid vnto her, Behold, thou art with| lchild, and shalt beare a sone, and shalt Jeall his name || Ishmael ; because the ICORD hath heard thy affliction. 12 And he will be a wilde man: ig hand will be against euery man, and e- Inery mans hand ageinst him: “fe shall [dwell inthe presence of all his brethren TS And chee called the name of the LORD that spake vnto her, Thou| [God seest me: for she said, Haue I also Inere looked after him that seeth me? 14 Wherefore the well was called, \* | Beer-labaitoi: Behold, It is be} twcene Cadesh and Bered. 1541 And Hagar bare Abram a sonne: which Hagar bare, Ishmacl. 16 And Abram was fourescore andl sixe yeeres old, when Hagar bare Ish-| Imael to Abra. ‘Chap.xvij. CHAP XVII. name ie changed, in token of « greater ble-| Ging. 10 Circumcision is instituted. 15 Se. Traiber name is changed, and she blessed. 17 Frases promied. 23 Abram ond Ishmae! 35.Nd when Abram was] Br ninetie yeres oldand nine, the LORD appeared| BA to Abram, and said vnto| him, I am the almightic fe before me, and be thou! thee exceedingly. (God talked with him, saying, of jImany nations. joe called Abram, but thy name # Jons haue I made thee. luitfill, and I will make nations Ithee, and Kings shall come out of thee. 7 And I wil leer thee, in chee, and to thy seed after thee. Sand {will thou art a stran; lnaan, for an ever 1 will be their God. 9 And God said vnto Abraham, Thou shalt keepe my coucnant there: Hore, thou, Itheir generations. mong you shall be circumcised. TL And ye shall circumcise the flesh of of the couenant betwixt me and you. iz borne in the house, or bough thy seed. Abraham] 1 God reneweth the Couenant. 5 Abrara his] fect. ‘And I wil make my couenant.be-| leweetne me and thee, and will multiply] 3 And Abram fell on his face, and| ‘4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a * father 5 Neither shall thy name any more|to I bee| [Abraham : *for a father of many nati-|* Roms 6 And I will make thee exceeding] establish my couenant Inetweene me and thee, and thy seede af ‘generations for an e- luerlasting couenant, to bee a God vnto giue vnto thee, and| to thy seed after thee, the land t wherein|} 2et.2f ay] all the land of Ca ting. possession, andl snd thy scede after thee, in TO This is my couenant, which yee} |shall keepe betweene me and you, and} thy seed after thee: “euery man-child »|* Acs7-8 lyour foreskinne: and it shal be a *tokea 12 And he that is teight dayes olde, J shaibe circumcised among you, euery lman child in your generations, he that|s taut? be within 2 Imoney of any stranger, which is not off 13 He that is borne in thy house, and| ue that is boughe with thy money, must chan. Heh mute lst ono [O€ Circumcifion. Genelis. Three Ai ngels. [Abraham prayeth Chap.xix. i needs be circumeised: and my covenant) Jchall be in your flesh, for an cucrlasting| Jcouensnt. 14 And the vncireumeised man-child, lwhote fieth of his foreskinne is not cir. |cumcised, that soule shall be cut off from| Ihis people: hee hath broken my couc- nant 15 @ And God said vito Abraham, |As for Sarsi thy wife, thou shalt not Jeall her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. 16 And I will blesse her, and give the « sonne also of her: yea wil blesse her, and iIshe shalbe a mother of nations: Kings of people shall be of her. 17 Then Abraham fell vpon_ his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, [Shall a child be borne vnto him that is lan hundred yeeres old)? and shat Sarabl that is ninetie yeeres old, beare? 18 And Abraham ssid vnto God, O| Ithat Ishmael might liue before thee 19 And God said, *Sarah thy wife lshall beare thee a sonne in deede, andl chou shalt call his name Isaac: and 1| will establish my couenant with him, lor an everlasting couenant, and with] hie sced after him. 20 And as for Ishmael, I hauel heard thee: behold, I haue blessed land will make him fruitfull, and multiplie him exceedingly : * Twelue| inces shall he beget, and I will make| jim a great nation. ray couenant wil T establish] jwith Isaac, which Sarah shall beare jynto thee, at this set time, in the next yeere 22 And he left off talking with him, land God went vp from Abraham, 23-4 And Abraham tooke Ishmael his sonne, and all that were borne in his house, and all thar were bought with his money, cuery male, among the men lof Abraltems house and crcummcied| Ithe Resh of their foreskinne, in the self. Jsame day, as God had said ento him. 24 And Abraham was ninety yecres Jold and nine, when he was circumcised| in the fesh of his foreskinne. 25 And Ishmael his sonne was thir- teene yeeres old, when he was circum-| Jcised in the flesh of his foreskénne. 26 In the selfe same day was A. lbraham circumcised, and Ishmact his| 27 And all the men of his house, Jborwe in the house, and bought with| fmoney of the stranger, were circumer led wth him. CHAP. XVIIL fais veproued for Ing hog ste sane Poe The aah or Sates re a Anthea Saba .LDLhLr heat of the day. z e lift vp his eyes and loo. ked, and loe, three men stood by him: land when he saw them, hee ranne to Imeete them from the tent doore, and lbowed himselfe toward the ground, 3 And said, My Lord, If now ¥ lhaue found fauour in thy sight, passe Inot away, I pray thee, fro thy seruant:| ‘4 Let a inle water, I pray you, be| lfetched, and wash your feete, and rest lyour selues vnder the tree: 5 And I will fetch a morsell of Jbread: and tcomfort ye your hearts, af ter that you shall passe on: for therefore! Hrare you come to your seruant. And| they said So doc, as thou hast said. 6 And Abraham hastened into the| ltent, vnto Sarah, & said; +Make ready| quickly three mesures of fine meals mead if, and make cakes vpon the| hearth. 1 And Abraham ranne vnto the Iheard, and fetcht a calfe, tender and| lgood, and gaue it vnto # yong man fd He hasted to drese ie 8 And he tooke butter, and milke, land the calfe which he had dressed, andi set it before them; and he stood by them| lynder the tree: and they did eate. 9.4 And they said ynto him, Where jis Sarah thy wife? And he said, Be hold, in the tent 10’ And he said, T will certainly re lturne vnto thee according to the time of fe; and loe, * Sarah thy wife shall the tent doore, which was behind him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old, and well stricken in age: and it cea, lsed to be with Sarah afler the maner lof women. 12 ‘Therefore Sarah laughed with, in her selfe, saying, After Tam waxed lold, shall I haue pleasure, my * lord be jing old also? Ihaue a sonne. And Sarah heard it in|.” Js Hebe tet tay Fede you ae paseed |e atte. so. fen + crane [Sas 5: grin 13 And the LORD said wnto A+ lbeaham, Wherefore did Sarah Iaugh,| lsaying: Shall I of a surety beare | lchilde, which am old ? 14 Is any thing too hard for thel LORD? At the time appointed will HT returne vnto thee, according to the| time of life, and Sarah shall haue a| 15. Then Sarah denied, saying, 1) lsughed not: for she was afraid. And| Ihe said, Nay, but thou diddest laugh 16 © And the men rose vp thence, and looked toward Sodome: land Abraham went with them, to Ibring them on the way. TP And the LORD said, Shalt 1 hide from Abraham that thing which] T doe : 18 Secing that Abraham shall sure-| hy become a great and mighty nation, Jand all the nations of the earth shall be * blessed in him ? 19 For I know him, that hee will command his children, and his house- hold after him, and they shall keepe the| Fray of the LORD, to doe iustice and] Hiudgement, that the LORD may| bring vpon’ Abraham, that which hee} hath 'spoken of him. 20 And the LORD said, Because the ery of Sodome and Gomorrah is| great, and because their sinne is very lgriewous: 21 1 will goe downe now, and see Jwhcther they haue donc ther ac. Jording to the ery of it, which is come lvnto me: and if'not, I will know. 22 And the men turned their faces lfom thence, and went toward So. Jdome: but Abraham stooil yet before| the LORD. 23 And Abraham drew neere, and laid, Wile tow also destroy the righ-| {cous with the wicked ? 24 Peraduenture there be fifly righ teous within the citie: wilt thou also de-| stroy, and not spare the place for the ff tie righteous, that are therein ? 25 That be farre from thee, to do af ter this maner, to slay the ‘righteous with the wicked, and that the ri Ishould be as the wicked, that from thee: Shall not the Tudge of all the carth doe right? 26 And the LORD said, If 1) find in Sodom fiftie righteous,” within} the citie, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. B And Absaham answered, and] sid, Hehold now, 1 haue taken Ime to speake vnto the LORD, which Jam but dust and ashes. 28 Peraduenture there shall lacke lfue of the fftie righteous: wilt thou de-| |troyall thecitieforlacke of fiue? And he| laid, If I find there fourtie and five, T will not destroy #. 29 And hee spake vnto him yet 2 lgaine, and said, Peraduenture there shall be fourtic found there: and he said, 1 will not doe it for fourties sake. 80 And he said vato him, Oh let not Jthe Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peraduenture there shall thirtie bee found there. And he said, I will not doe lit, if I find thirtie there. 31 And he said, Behold now, I haue| taken vpon mee’ to spenke vnto the| Lord: Peraduenture there shall. bee ltwenty found there. And he said, J will not destroy it for twenties sake. $2 And hee saide, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speake yet| Ibut chis once: Peraduenture ten shall be| found there. And he said, I will not de- Istroy it for tennes sake. 33 And the LORD went his way, lassoone as hee had left communing| lwith Abraham: and Abraham recur, Ined vnto his place. CHAP. XIX. 1 Lot entertaineth two Angels. $ The vici- ‘ous Sodomites are atriken with blindness. 12 Lot is went for safety ino the mountaines, 18 Hee obsaineth teste to goe into. Zoar 26 Sodome and Gomorrah are destroyed 126 Lots wife ira pillar of alt 30 Lox dwel| Ith in m cane. 31 The incestuous original ‘of Moab and: Ammon. gels to Sodome at even, and Lot sate in the gate of Sodome: and Lot seeing} them,rosepto meet them land he bowed himselfe with his face to} Iward the ground. 2 And he said, Beholde now my| Lords, turne in, I'pray you, into your lceruants hionse, and taric all night, and] f*weash your feete, and ye shall rise vp] learly and ge on your wayes. “And they| said, Nay: but we wil abide in the strcet att night, 3 And he pressed ypon them greatly, land they turned in vnto him, and en |tred into his house: and he made them| a feast for the Sodomites, Lots houfe befet. | ~Ta feast, and did bake valeauened bread, fas ‘1 But before they lay downe, sone Ht, ove Yen or pn We ve. jvnto him, Jame in to thee this night? bring them| they did eate. the men of the citie, ewen the men of So} ldo, the house round, botb| fold and yong, all the people from euery| lquarter. 5 And they called vnto Lot, and said| ere_are the men which! ‘nto vs, that we may know them. 6 And Lot went out at the doote rat gem, & shut che doore after in, nd taid, I pray you, brethren, ave not 90 wickedly.” Behold nor, I haue evo daugh- ters, which haue not knowen man ; let mee, 1 pray yoo bring them out vo jyou, and doe ye to them, as is good in| lyour eyes: onely vnto these men do no- thing: for therefore came they vnder the rv of my roof. 2 nth aid, Stand bake, And ‘aid againe, ‘This one fellow came| jin to soiourne, and he will needs bee a] Htudge: Now wil we desle worse wi thee, then with them. And they: ore vpon the man, cuen Lot, Incere to hreake the doore. 10 But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, Jand shut to the doore. 11 And they smote the men * thay lwere at the doore of the house, with [blindnes, both small and great: so that} they wearied themsclues to finde the \doore. came| 12 4 And the men said vnto Lot, [Hast thou here any berides? sonne i law, and thy sonnet, and chy daugh, ters, and whateocuer thou hast in the citie, bring them out of this place. 18 For we will destroy this place, be, Jcause the *crie of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD: and the] LORD hath sent vs to destroy it. 14 And Lot went out, and spake vn. to his sonnes in law, which married his ldaughters, and said, Vp, get yee out this place: for the LORD wil destroy] this citie: but hce seemed as one that) lmocked, vnto his sonnes in law. 18 {And when the morning arose, then the Angels hastened Lot, saying,| lAtse, take thy wife, & thy owo daugh tera, which tare here, lest thou be cousu-| ued in the lJiniquitie of the citie, 16 And * while he lingred, the men| lsd hold vpon his hand, and vpon the Genefis. jhand of his wife, and ypon the hand his two daughters, the LORD bein fmercifull voto him: and they brought] Jhim forth, and set him without the citie 174 Andiit came to passe, when th Ihad brought them forth abroad, that he said, for thy life, looke not behind] thee, neither stay thou in all the plaine:| Jescape to the mountaine, lest thou bee jconsumed. 18 And Lot said vnto them, Oh not| Iso, my Lord. 19 Beholde now, thy seruant bath] lfound. in thy sight, and thou hast] Imagnified thy mercy, which thou hast |shewed vnto me, in sauing my life, and| IT cannot escape to the mountaine, lest jsome euill take me, and I di 20 Behold now, this cite is neere to] [ace vmto. and a lithe one: Oh let me| lescape thither, (is it not a litle one?) and) my soule shal Tue. 21 Art hse vat hi, See, U hag laccepted + thee concerning this thing, that T wll not overthrow this ee, fr jthe which thou hast spoken. 22 Haste thee, escape thither: for 1 lcannot doe any thing till thou bee come| {thither : therefore the name of the citie| ras called Zoar 23 4 The sunne was trisen vpon| the earth, when Lot entred into Zoa @4 Then *the LORD rained jon Sodome & Gomorrah, brim-| [stone and fire, bom the LORD out| lof heauen. 25 And he ouerthrew those cities, an all che plaine, and all che inhabitants off Ithe cities, and that which grew vpon| the ground. 26 4 Bat his wife looked backe from] bein him, and she becase apillar of It. ‘27 4 And Abraham gate vp care nthe worn tthe pie, ere i stood before the LORD. 28 And he looked toward Sodome| land Gomorrah, & toward all the land! lof the plaine, and beheld, and oe, the| lsmoke of the countrey went ep as the| |smoke of a furnace. 29 % And it came to passe, when God laestroyed the cities of the plaine, that God remembred Abraham, and_sent| {Lot out of the midst of the ouerthrow,| Iwhen he ouerthrew the cities, in the| which Lot dwelt. 90 % And Lot went vp out of Zosr, land dele in the mountaine, and his Sodome burnt, F Visa! Lots inceft. jtwo daughters with him: for hee fen} lred to dwell in Zoar, and he dvelt in| Ja caue, he and his two daughters. 81 And the first borne saide wnto thel lyonger, Our father is old, and there is Jnot a man in the earth, to come in vnto| les, after the maner of all the earth. 32 Come, let vs make our father| lacinke wine, and we will lye with him, that we may preserue seed of our father 88 And they made thei fater drink| ¢ that night, & the first borne went| and lay with her father: and he per. lceiued not, when shee lay downe, nor] Iwhen she arose. 34 And it came to passe on the mor- ror, that the fist bore said vnto the jonger , Behold , esternight| eth my father: Lt vs make him drnke| ine this night also, and goe show in land lye with him, that we may preserue seed of our father. pee 35 And they made their fuer drink| Jwine that night also, and the yon, Jose, and lay with him: aid he perce! led not, when she ly downe, nor when she arose. 36 Thus were both the daughters lof Lot with childe by their father. 87 And the first borne bare a sonne, land called his name Moab: the sam the father of the Moabites vnto aay. 38 And the yonger, she also bare a] lconne, and called his name, Ben-ammi:| the same is the father of the children of] JAmmon, nto this day, CHAP. XX. 1 Abraham ssiourneth at Gersr, 2 dene iis'wife and lose her. 3 Abimelech sre proved forherin a dreame. 9 He rebuked Sen ae Ses ‘brahams prayer. 7 Nd Abraham iourneyed| from thenee, toward the] South - Countrey , andl Avelled “betreene Co| desh and Shur, and s0-| jiourned in Gerar. 2 And Abraham said of Sarah his| wife, She is my sister: And Abimelech King of Gerar sent, and tooke Sarah. 3 ‘But God came to Abimelech in a| ldreame by night, and said to him, Be-| hold, thou art bua dead man, for thewo| man which thou hast taken: for shee is} ta mans wife. Chap.xx. 4 Bat Abimelech bad not come Ineere her: and he said, LORD, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation? 5 Said he not vnto me, She ia my| ster? andshejeuen she herselfsa Hee lis my brother: in the lintegritie of fheart, and innocence of my hands haue T done this. 6 And Goa saide vnto him in a| lareame, Yea, T know that thou didst| this in the intepritie of thy heart: for { lalso withheld thee from sinning against Ime, therefore suffered I thee not to| jtouch her. 1 Now therefore restore the man| his wife: for he is a Prophet, and he shal lpray for thee, and thou shalt live: and i thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou, and all cha] lare thine. 8 Therefore Abimelech rose earely| lin the morning, and called all his ser luants, and told all these things in their| leares: and the men were sore afraid. 9 Then Abimelech called Abra ham, and said vnto him, What hast chou! ldone vnto ve? and what have T offen, ea thee that how hast brought on me, Jand on my kingdome « great sinne? tou hat Gope‘deode rots ice rt lought not to be done. 10 And Abimelech said vnto Abra. Iham, What sawest thou, that thou hast ldone this thing ? 1] And Abraham asid, Because 1 thought, Surely the feare of God is| Inot in this place: and they will slay mee| lor my wines sake. 12 And yet indeed shee is my sixt lshe isthe daughter of my father, hut not the daughter of my mother; and shee became my wife. 13 And it came to passe when God Jeaused me to wander from my fathers Ihouse, that I said vnto her, This is thy kindness which, chow shal chew ental lme; at eucry place whither wee sl Jcome, *say of me, He is my brother. 14 And Abimelech tooke cheepe and loxen, and men-seruants, and women-| lsruants, and gaue them vito Abra| Ihara, and restored him Sarah his wife. 15 And Abimelech said, Behold, my| Nand is before thee; dwel t where it ples lseth thee. 16 And mnto Sarah hee said, Be} hold, I haue given thy brother a thov-| and pices of sue: behold he fs to thee ls couering of the eyes, vnto all that are| Abraham in Gerar] scot with] {[faac is borne. Genefis. Hagar comforted] omen oa 0 jwith thee, and with all other: thus shee] cic: becouse of Sarah Abraham Iwite. CHAP, XXL } Yee ahora, He incre, ¢ Se lold age, at the set time, of which God| had epoken to him. $ And Abraham called the name of] his sonne, that was borne vato him,| jebom Sarah bare to him, Isaac. 4 And Abraham circumcised hig Jsonne Isaac, being eight dayes old, *as| |God had commanded him. 6 And Abréham was an_hundred| cold, when his sonne Tease was e vata him. 6 % And Sarsh ssid, God hath +o laugh, a0 that all chat heare, ch with me. 1 And she ssid, Who would haue| id vato Abraham, that Sarah should| fhaue giuen children sucke? for I haue borne Aim a sonne in his old age. 8 And the child grew, and was wea, lned: and Abraham made a great feast lthe same day that Teaac was weaned. 9 4 And Sarah saw the somne of [Hagar the Egyptian, which shee had! ergo vts_ABzim mocking T0 Wherfore she sid vnto Abrabam J*Case out this bond woman, and her| loonne: for the sonne of this bond wo-| Jman thal! not be heire with my sonne,| |cuen with Tana. 11 And the thing was very gricwous| fin Abrabame ight, becauos of bi lsonne. 12 4 And God ssid ynto Abraham, Let it not be grieuous in thy eight, be Jcause of the Isd, and because of Jwoman. In all that Sarah hath said [voto thee, hearken wnto her voice: f in Ysaac shall thy seed be called, 18 And also, of the sonne of the bond] lwoman will I'make » natioo, he is thy seed. 14 And Abraham rose vp earely in| the morning, and tooke bread, and a| [bottle of water, and gaue it vuto Ha {patting it on bet shoulder) and ik and ect er away: an sheo ldeparted, and w: in the wilder, Inesse of Beer-sheba. 16 And the water was spent in the bottle, and shee cast the child mnder one| lof the shrubs, 16 And he wet, and ate her domme jouer against Aim, a ay of, a8 it fee bow shot: che oy Let me not see the death of the child. And sbee leate ouer against him, and lift vp her voice, and wept. TT” And Gert heard tbe voice of the lad, and the Angel of God called to Ha, ‘oat of heanen, and said vnto her, That aileth thee, Hagar? feare not: for Goa hath heard the vice of che ade where he is. 18 Arise, if vp the lad, and hold jin thine hand: for I will make bim ¢ Rod God opened hi r) 19 An 1 eyes, an ste sae well of water, and sce went filled the bottle with water, and| the led drinke. And God was with the lad, snd| , and dwelt in the wildernesse, jand became an archer. 21 And hee dwelt in the wildernesse jof Paran: and his mother tooke him a] wife out of the land of Egypt. 22 T And it came to passe at that] time, that Abimelech and Phichol the |chiefe captaine of bis hoste spake vnto| Abraham, ssying, God is with thee in Jall that thou doest. 23 Now therefore sweare vnto mee here hy God, that thou wilt not + deale lfalsly with me, nor with my sonne, nor| |with my sonnes sonne: ut according to| Ithe kindnesse that I haue done vato Ithee, thou shalt doe nto me, and to the Nand wherein thou hast soioured. 24 And Abraham side, I wil lsweare. 25 And Abraham reproved Abime. Hech, because of a well of water, which |Abimelechs servants had violently 2 ken away. 26 And Abimelech saide, I wote jand ie not! (Abraham is tempted. tor, Tee inot who hath done this thing: neither| |didst thou tell me, neither yet heard I JoF it, but to day. 7 And Abraham cooke sheepe and| Joxen, and gave them vnto Abimelech ; land both of them made couenant. 23 And Abraliam set scuen evel liambea of the locke by themselues 29 And Abimelech ssid vnto Abre| Inam, What meane these scucn evel liambes, which thou bast set by them-| clues? ‘80 And he ssid, For these seuen ewe] lambe shalt thou take of my hand, tha] they may be a witnesse vnto me, that I Ihave digged this well 31 re be called that place, li Boer-sheba:: because there they sware| lboth of them. $2 Thus they made 2 coueuant at] [Beeer-sheba: then Abimelech rose vp, land Phichol the chiefe captaine of bis hoste, and they returned into the land| lof the Philistines. $3.4 And Abraham planted « jigroue| lin Beersheba, and called there on the} Name of the LORD, the euerla| sting God. "Angel sayeth him. 13 Teaue is wih s ramme.” 14 The Jehouah-jreh 18 Abrahara i] Nd it came to passe after] these things, that *God| did tempt Abraham, and] $y said vato him, Abraham And hee said, +Beholde,| cere Tam. 2 And he sud, Take now thy sonne, thine onely aonne Isaac, whom thou lo| luest, and get thee into the land of Mo righ’ and offer him there for a burat loffering vpon one of the Mountaines Jwhich I will tell thee of 34 And Abraham rose vp earel in the morning, and sadled burnt offering, and rose] vp, and went ynto the place of which |God had told him. Chap.xxij. place! lynto him : for now I know that thou| Ifaac fpared| 4 a on eae Cl a hit vp his eyes, and saw the + are off ye 5 And Abraham said vnto his yon, |men, Abide you here with the ase, an and the lad will goe yonder and wor, |ship, and come againe to you. and Abraham oe the cod a |the burnt offering, and layd it vpon I-| lane his sonne: and he tooke the fie | his hand, and a knife: and they went] |both of them ther. 7 And Issac spake vnto Abraham Ihis father, and said, My father: and he| said, + Here am I, my sonne. And hee|t er laid, Behold the fire and wood: but lehere isthe ilambe for a burnt offing?|! rte 8 And Abraham said, My sonne, |God will, ride himselfe a lambe for a} lournt fering: so they went both ol them : 9 And they came to the place which IGod had tolde him of, and Abraham built an Altar tbere, and layd the wood| jin order, and bound Isaac his sonne, jand *Iayde him on the Altar vpon the|* tem. wood. 10 And Abraham stretched foorth] his hand, and tooke the knife to slay his Jsonne. 11 And the Angel of the LORD| called vato him out of heauen, and said, [Abrsham, Abrabam. And he ssid, Here mo 1. 12 And he ssid, Lay not thine hand| lrpon the lad, neither do thou any thing lfearest God, sceing thou hast not with-| lhelde thy sounes thine onely sonne from mee. 18 And Abraham lifted rp his eyes, land looked, and beholde, behinde tim a Ramme caught in a thicket by his hornes: And Abraham went and tooke the Ramme, and offered him vp for a| lburnt offering, in the stead of his sonne. 14 And Abraham called the name of thas place ||Tehouah-ijrch, as it is said to this day, In the Mount of the| LORD it shalbe seene. 15 4 And the Angel of the LORD] called vnto Abraham out of heauen the lsecond time, 16 And said, * By my selfo have I] pat. leworne, saith the LORD, for because|tstuke Ithow hast done this thing, and hast not|t73 thheld thy sonne, thine onely sone, 17 That in blessing I will blesee thee, and in multiplying, 1 will mul siply| a wife for Ifaac. [Sarahs death. Genefis. Her burial, (Care to provide Chap.xxi 7 qeed aa the starres of the hea-| jeaying, if it be your mind that I should) [went to Mesopotamia, voto the aue| Lr [by y dead ott of my sighs are me CHAP. XXIII of Nahor. . Het. ope aca’ shore, andthy seed shall possesse the| {and entreat for me to Ephron the sonne| : 11 And he made his camels to kneel of his enemies. lof Zohar } Abraham eweareth his seruant. 10 The ex.) |downe without the citie, by » well + coap.u. | 18 ® And in thy seed shall all the nati-| | 9 That he ay ine me the cave of en ee ickah recta kins, 16 ful-| {Water at tbe time of the euening, euen! 3,000 8; - Jons of the earth be blessed, because thou| |Machpelah, which he hath, which is in his signe, 22 receiueth iewels, 23] [tbe time +that women goe out to draw|t Her. et Jecreers |hast obeyed my voice. the end of his feld: for +as much money} Het fat theweth her Litted, 25 and inaiteth’bim| |oater, lowe Rea 19 “So Abraham returned ynto his! jas it ie worth he shall giue it mee, for a|""7" home. 26 The seruaht Bleneth God. 2824-| | 12 And he said, O LORD, God of 4 lyong men, and they rose vp, and went} [possession of a burying place amongst Ee et a Sted Dedeetay-| [BY master Abraham, I pray thee send! , cSe Rebetah coment Ime good speed this day, and shew kind P10. And Ephron dwelt amongst the BP mas meth ber (7 o Tnesse ey master Abraham, 1S Behold, #T stand here by the welll" Vox Na Abraham was olde| lof waters and the daughters of the jtogether to Beer-sheba, and Abraham| lawelt at Beer-shebs. tb ‘20 $ Aud it came to pasce after these| [children of Heth. And Ephron the Hit} things, that it was told Abraham, say-| |tite answered Abraham in the taudi.|tHebecoes ling, Behold Milcah, shee hath also] lence of the children of Heth, euen of all] ety ome and + well stricken in age:| |men of the Citie come out to draw] lborne children vnto thy brother Ne-| |that went in at the gates of his citi, 7 ‘And the LORD had| |water: ; blessed Abrabam in all] | 14 And let it come to ‘that the} hor, saying, "Fi Hus his fist borne, and But his] |"11 Nay, my lord, heare mee: the fla things. | ; ldamsell to whom I my, Let Horother, and Kemuel the father of] |giue I thee, and the caue that is therein, 2 And Abraham said vato his eldest} |downe thy pitcher, I that T |Aram, IF gue it thee, in the presence of the Jervant of his house, that ruled ouer alll Imay drink and ehe shall eay, Drinke,| Be "And Chesed, and Hazo, and Pit-| |sornes of my people giue I it thee: bu. Joma, fiat he had, * Put, pray thee, thy| and T wll give ehy camel dinke alm! Jdash, and Tidlaph, and Bethuel. ry thy dead. : hand voder my thigh: let the same be shce that thou hast ap- caics, | 23° And Bethel bepate * Rebekah; | 12 And Abraham bowed downe ‘8 And I will make thee sweare by| [pointed for thy seruant Isaxc:. and| BoPAI lehese eight Milcah did beare to Nahor,| [himselfe before the people of the land. ike LORD the God of henuen, and| hereby shall I know that thou bas |Abrahams brother. 18 And he spake vnto Ephron in thel the God of the earth, that thou 'shalt| chewed kindoease vnto my master. ‘24 And his concubine whose name jaudience of the people of the land, say-| Inot take a wifo vnto my coune of the| | 16 9 And it came to passe before hee| |was Reumah, she bare also ‘I'ebah, and) |ing, But if thou wil giuc it, I pray thee, Jdsughters of the Canaanites amongst] |had done speaking, that behold, Rebe- JGaham, and ‘Thahash, and Maachah. | |heare mee: I will give thee money for whom T dwell. lish came Dut; who was borne to Re lle field: take it of me, and I will 4 But thow shalt go vato my conn.| |thucl, sonne of Mileah, the wife of Na-| CHAP. XXIIL Imy dead there. trey, and to my kinred, and take a wife| |hor Abrabams brother, with her pit-| 1 The ageand dents of Sarah. 9-The purchase| |"14 And Ephron answered Abra, lynto my sonne Isaac. Jcher vpon her shoulder. of Machpelah, 19 where Sarah was buried! |isin, saying vnto him, 5 And the seruant ssid vnto him,| | 16 And the dameell was tvery faire]? Atv. ood] [Na Sersh was an hun | 15° My lord, hearken vnto mee:, the] Peraduenture the woman will not bee| |to looke vpon, « virgine, neither had [tcc dredandseven andtwenty| [land is worth foure hundred shekels o riling t flow mee vato this land: jny man knowen her: and shes went yeeres olde: these werethe| |siluer: what is that betwixt mee and} Imust I needes bring thy sonne againe,| Jdbwoe tothe wel, and filled her pitcher,| UR Yceres ofthe life of Sarah.| |thee? bury therefore thy dead. [rato the land from whence thou cs| land came vp. @ And Sarah died in| | 16 And Abraham learkened vnto mest? 17 And the seruant ranne to meete Kiriath-arba, the same it Hebron in the] |Rphron, and Abraham weighed to 6 And Abraham said vato bim, Be| fher, and said, Let mee (I pray thee) lund of Canaan: And Abraham came| [phron the siluer, which he hed named, ware thou, that thou bring not myl |drioke a little water of thy pitcher. to mourne for Sarah, and to weepe for| |in the audience of the sonnes of Heth, Jsonne thither agai 18 And she esid, Drinke, my lord: and her foure hundred shel of sue, cura 7. The LORD God of heauen pitcher ‘3S And Abraham stood vp from| |moncy with the merchant. : Jehich tooke mee my fathers| |ypon her hand, and gaue him drinke. lbetore his dead, & spake vntothe sonnes| | 17° And the field of Ephron which rouse, and from the land of my kindred] | "1 ‘hen shee had done giuing| lof Heth, saying, jus in Machpelah, which mas before land whicb spake ynto me, and thet} she said, I will draw water ware vato me, saying, * Vnto thy seed| See ee send his} JAngel before thee, and thou shalt take a| | 20 And she hasted and emptied her 4 Tam a stranger and a soiourner| |Mamre, the fielde and the caue which lsith you: giue me a possession of a bu-| jas therein, and all the trees that were| place with you, that I may bury| {in the field, that were in all the borders] yin Iny derd out of my sight, round about, were made sure fwife vnto my sonne from thence. ‘rough, and ranne a1 '5 And the children of Heth answered| | 18 Vnto Abraham for « possession in 8 And if the woman wil not be ell to draw water, and| Abraham, saying vnto him, Ithe presence of the children of Heth, be- ting to follow thee, then thou shalt 6 Heare vs, my Lord, thou art a] [fore all that went in at the gates of | lcleare from this my othe: onely bring at her,| 1 tem. |t mightie Prince amongst vs: in thel |Citie . not my sonne thither againe. whether the| rea \choise of our hres bury dead:| | 19 And after this Abraham buried| 9 And the seruant put his hand vn-| his iourney pros none of vs sl hhold from tI Sarah his wife in the caue of the field| ider the thigh of A his master, lseputchre, but that thou mayest bury| [of Machpelah, before Mamre: the same! land sware to him concerning that] i ‘as the camels thy dead. is Hebron in the land of Canaan _ peat: ah : is the msn took 7 And Abraham stood vp and bow-| | 20 And the field, and the caue tha .nd the seruant tooke ten ca-| |x golden || eare-ring, of halfe a shekell! Or, inca led himselfe to the peo} ie ofthe land, c| |is therein, were made sure vato Abra. le imels, of the camels of his master, and| ‘bracelets for her handes,|feu" "| iuen to the children of Heth. lham, for a possession of a burying place,| And departed, (|\for all the goods of his ma-| i And hee communed ith them |by the sonnes of Heth, ster were in his hand) and he arose, and| ‘And ssid, Whose daughter art CHAP, thou 7 [Abrahams feruant, And said vato him, I am the} ldaughter of Bethuel the sonne of 88 But thou shalt goe vnto my fa Genefis. and Reb [thers house, andto my Linred, and take la wife vnto my sonne. 89 And I said vnto my master, Per, leducbture the woman will not followel Ime. 40 And hee sside mto me, The| LORD, before whom I walke, sill leend his. with thee, and prosper Ithy way: and thou shalt take a wife for] Imy sone, of my kinred, and of my fs. |thers house. 41 Then shalt thou bee cleare froro| this ry outhy when thoa comme to 9 kinred, not thee one, ipa abl be cere fm ny on. 42 And I came this day vnto the| jwell, and said, O LORD God of my| master Abrahata, if now thou doe pro ch I goe: by the well of] fwater ; and it shall come to passe, that] fehen ‘the virgine commeth foorth to rex water, and I ety to ber, Gine me it ce, a litle water of thy pitcher} tovdrakes i ‘44 And she say to me, Both drinke| thou, and I will also draw for thy lmels: let the same be the woman, who| the LORD hath appointed out for} lmy masters sonne. ‘And before I had done speaking! lin mine heart, behold, Rebekah came| forth, with her pitcher on her shoulder:| land she went downe vnto the well, and! ldrew water: and I said vato her, Let Jme drinke, I pray thee. ‘46 And she made haste, & let downe [her pitcher from her shoulder, and saide, Drinke, and I will give thy camels Jdrinke also: so I dranke, and she made lthe camels drinke also. ‘47 And I asked her, and said, Whose] her art thou? and she said, The |dsughter of Bethuel, Nahors sone, lwhom Milcah bare vato him: and Ij pt the earring neo her face, and th lets vpon her hands. ‘48 And I bowed downe my head, land the LORD, and bles. lsed the LORD God of my master |Abraham, which had led mee in the ight way to take my masters brothers |daughter voto bis sonne. 49 And now if you wil deale kindly| end crcl with my master, ell me: and if not, tell me, that I may turne to the lright hand, or to the left. ‘50 Then Laban and Bethvel sn, ekah. + vere 13, |swered and said, The thi tb} : ne Pe eal ort pra She becommeth ‘*Ishe shall goe. (from the LORD: we cannot Jynto thee bad or good. 51 Behold, Rebekah is before thee, take her, and goe, and let ber be thy ma, lsters sonnes wife, as the LORD hath| 52 And it came to passe, that when| Abrahams sruant heard their word Ihe worsbipped the LORD, bowing] himselfe to the earth, 33 And the seruant brought foorth| |tiewels of siluer, and iewels of gold,| land raiment, and’ gaue them to Rebe-| lkah: He gave also to her brother, and| to her mother precious things. ‘54 And they did eate and drinke, he Jand the men tbat were with him, and] taried all night, and they rose vp in thel lmorning, and he said, ® Send me away lvnto my master. 55 And her brother and her mother| lssid, Let the damsell abide with vs| 1a few dayes, at the Teast ten; after that, ‘56 And he said nto them, Hinder| Ime not, seeing the LORD hath pros- pered my way: send me away, that I ay go to my maser ‘And they said, Wee will call the| Damsell, and enquire at her mouth. 58 And they cafled Rebekah, and sai] lvato her, Wilt thou go with this man?| land she said, I will goe. 59 And they sent away Rebekah! their sister, and her nurse, and Abra, hams seruant, and his men. 60 And they blessed Rebekah, an: lssid vnto her, ‘Thou art our sister, thou the mother of thousands of milli Jona, and let thy seed possesse the gate of those which hate them. 61 4 And Rebekah arose, and her |damsels, & they rode vpon the camels, Jand followed the man: and the seruant tooke Rebekah, and went his way. 62 And Isaac came from the way| lof the *well Lahai-ri, for he dwelt in| the South countrey. |_ 68 And Issac went out, to iImeditatel in the feld, at the euemtide: and hee lif yp his eyes, and saw, and behold, the Jcamels were comming. 64 And Rebekah lif. vp ber eyes, land when sbe saw Isaac, sbe lighted off tbe camel. 65 For sbe had said vnto the seroant, What man is this that walketh in hel field to meet us? and the seruant had Chap.xxv. jtooke @ vaile and couered her self. CHAP. XXV 1 he sonnes of Abraham by Keturah, $ The ‘iaiion of his goode 7 Fi 9 His borall, ta The ia age od Seu| rations of Tab Je was Keturah. @ And shee bare him| Zimran, and Lokshan,| 3 Ad Toksban Sheba, and And *1. Vt ani Dedat And the wonnebat Data soe JAsshurim, and Letushim, and Leum| aim. 4 And the sonnes of Midian, E- wh, and Epher, and Hanoch, and A-| ida, and Eldaah:: all these were the| children of Keturah. 5% And Abraham gave all that he| had, wnto Isaac. 6 "But vnto the sonnes of the con-| Jcubines which Abraham had, Abra| Jham gaue gifts, and sent them away from Yeaac his conne (while he yet Ii, lued) Eastward, vnto the East country, "And these are the dayes of the lyeres of Abrahams life which he lived | es, hundred, chreescore & coe yeres ‘Then Abraham the aod died i» good of agey an old man an fll of yere, and was gathered le 9 And his sonnes/ Tease and Teh. Jmsel buried him in the caue of Mach, lpelah, in the field of Ephron the sone of Zohar the Hittive, whichis before farare; 10 *The field which Abraham pi [chased of the sonnes of Heth: there w JAbraham buried, and Sarah his wife. Tl And it came to passe after thel sid, It is my master: therefore shee| Jdeath of Abraham, that God blessed] jhis sonne Isaac, and Isaac dwelt) by the * well Lahai-roi 12 4 Nowles, wife to Ifaac. land Medan, and Midian, aud ody +1... + crap. 23 + Oto | Petr rR, 14 And Mishma, and Dumah, and| 15 Hadar, and T , Jet | ch tur, Na, ese are the sonnes of Tah , and these are their names, by thei lownes and by their castes: Ywelue Princes according to their nations. 117 And these are the yeeres ofthe life of Tchmecl; an hundred and thirty an yeeres: and he th ood dled, and vas: guberdl tae ea] le. 18 And they dwelt from Hauilah jynto Shur, that is befure Egypt, as| thou goest ‘towards Aur: and hee presence ofall hie breth 19 And these are the generation f Tease, Abrahams sonne: Abraham| te Teese. And Tease was fortie yeeres old] Inhen hee tooke Rebekah to wife, the [daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Pe, ldsn “Aram, the sister to Laban the Syrian. And Issse intreated the LO! fo hia wie, because she sas heres a the LORD was intrested of bi land Rebekah his wife conceived. | 22 And the children struggled ther within her; and she sard, If it js, why am T thue? and shee went tal league of the LORD. ‘And the LORD said mnto her, [Ere nation are in thy womb, and two manet of people shall be seperated from thy bowels: and the one people| halbe stronger then the other people land *the elder shall serue the yonger. 26 And when her dayes to be de, iwered were fulfilled, behold, there cer eines inher wombe. nd the first came out red, all o+ uer like an hairy garment: Ce 26 And after that came his brother Jout, and *bis hand tooke holde on I tus cles and his name’ was ead jacob: and ease was theeescore yerea oid when hee bare then 2 the Egyptian Sarabs band! lfelde: and Iscob ws Pore tt wo eine are the names 3 And Tesac loved Esa = Joonnes of Ishmael, by their names, ac-| did eate of his veniam bur kaka Sees 5, he oertone: The Sr loved doco, ly lebaioth, , and Ke-| | 29 4 And Tacob sod ane |dar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam, }Esau came from the Sela and nce a id less a canning hemtehr's nem of aa faint. 90 And Esau said to Iacob, Feed me, ero ahh that same red polls : for I am faint; therefo i 7 re. SEs erefore was isos And Iacob said, Sell me this hy birthright. 2) And iu said, Behold, I am + at] the point to die: and what profit ia tis Brtbrighe ict e ea 88 And Iacob said, Sweare to. mee this day: and he sware to him: and *be| sold his biethright vnto Tacab, 84 Then Tacob gaue Esau bread] land pottage of lentiles; and he did eat land drinke, and rose vp, and went his| [ray: thus Esau despised his birthright | CHAP. XXv 1 Kee because of famine ment to Gerar. 2G Inatagtth nd lowed in 7 Hee S| proued by Abimelech for denying his sie famine in] the land, besides the frst Bey famine that was inthe WS dayes of Abraham. And| Taaae went ynio Abime- ing of the Philistims, nto 2 And the LORD appeared vn, io him and ssid, Goe not cowne inta 3 dwell in the Iand which I st appt de in the land which I shall] 8 Soioumne in this land, and I wil be with thee, and will blesse thee: for Jrnto thee, and voto thy seed *I will» coup 1. give al these coumtreys, and T wil per. = forme the othe, which T ware vnto A-|" Jocaham thy father. <4 And I wil make thy seed to mul, ply a the wares of hensen, and wl [give vnto thy sced all these countreys Jand in thy Seed shall all the nations of the earth be ® blessed 5 Because that Abraham obeyed Jmy voyce, and kept my charge, my Com L Ifaac foiourneth i forbe fearedto say Heb fund. and + receiued in the same yeere an hun-| se ine Commandements, my Statutes andj Lawes. 4 And Isaac dwelt in Gerar. 7 And the men of the place agked| |kim of his wife: and he said, She is my , Sheismny wife; lest, said he, the men of the place should| ill me for Rebekah, because shee was {faire to looke vpon 8 And it came to passe when he had! bene there a long time, that Abimelech| lking of the Philistims looked out at a| yw, and saw, and behold, Isaac Iwas sporting with Rebekah his wife. 9 And Abimelech called Isaac and| [stid, Behold, of a suretie she is thy wife: land hhow saidst thou, She is my sister? JAnd Isaac said vnto him, Because [| said, Lest I die for her. 10 And Abimelech said, What is this thou hast done vnto vs? one of the peo- ple might lightly haue lien with thy Iwife, and thou shouldest haue brought ikinesse epon vs. [S11 And Abimelcch charged all his lpcople, saying, Hee that toucheth this lman or his wife, shall surely bee put to| Ideath, 12 Then Issac sowed in that land, Jared fold: & the LORD blessed him, 18 And the man waxed great, and| [+went forward, and grew vntill he be, lcame very great 14 For hie had possession of flocks, Jand possession of heards, and store of IIseruants, and the Philistims| Jenuied him. 15 For all the wels which his fathers lseruants had digged in the dayes of A. rebar his father, the Philisins had sapped them, & fled them with eat 16 And Abimelech said vnto Isaac, IGoe from vs: for thou art much migh-| tier then we. 17 % And Isaxe departed thence, land pitched his tent in the valley of Ge, rar, and dwelt ae a 18 And Isaac digged sgaine the els lof water, which tbey hed diged in the |dayes of Abraham his father: for the IPhilistims had stopped them after the Jdeath of Abraham, and he called their] Inames after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaacs seruants digged inl the valley, and found there a well off inging water. And the heardmen of Gerar did Chap: XXVj. at Beer-theba,] [aiue with Isaacs heardinen, saying, The water is gure: and hee called the lname of the well, Esek, because they|t Tit ix Jstroue with him. 21 And they digged another well, and| stroue for that also: and hee called the Iname of it, i!Sitnah, 22 And he remoued from thence, and| ldigged another well, and for that they stroue not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth: and he said, For now the]! Tn LORD hath made roome for vs, and] fre shall be fruitfull in the land. 23 And he went vp from thence to Beer-sheba. 24 And the LORD to him the same night, an the God of Abraham thy father: feare Inot, far I am with thee, and will blesse| tee, and multiply thy seede, for my ser-| luant Abrahams sake. 25 And he builded an altar there, and] called vpon the name of the LORD,| Jand pitched his tent there: and there [isancs seruants digged a well. 26 4 Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar, and Ahuzzath one of his friends, and Phichol the chiefe captaine| lof his armic. 27 And Issac saide vnto them, | Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate| Ime, and haue sent me aay from you 2 28 And they said, +We saw certainly hat the LORD was with thee: and| Iwee said, Let there be now an othe be lwixt vs, euen betwixt vs and thee, and| let vs make a couenant with thee, a atee mo Jas we hate not touched thee, and as we) Jhaue done ento thee nothing but good. land haue sent thee away : thou| lart now the blessed of the LORD. 80 And he made them a feast, and] Ithey did eate and drinke. 31 And they rose vp betimes in the lmorning, and sware one to another: land Isaac sent them away, and they Jdeparted from him in peace. ‘82 And it came to passe the same day, that Isaacs seruants came, and tolde him concerning the well which they had digged, and said vnto him, We haue| found water. fore the name of the cit lynto this day. 84% And Esau was forty yeeres lold, when he tooke to wife Tudith, the is I Beersheba a sir daughter of Beeri the Mitte, and| Bashe-| arr, secin| 29 +Thar thou wilt doc vs no ‘burt,|iysty7am| 83 And he called it ||Shebah: there-|! pst i.en lege Jrato Teage and to Rel CHAP. XXVIL. fau hunting, Genefis. Tacob is bleffed, [Efau mourneth. Chap.xxviij. Tacob is fent away,| [Bashemath the daughter of Elon the| | 13 And his mother said vito him,| ‘95 Let people serue thee, and nati.) )dominion , that thou shalt breake his} cana n. [Hittite snae| YOR me be ty curse, my sonne: only pe ree co thee: bet lord ouer| [yoke Rem of thy neck sa,| 95 were't a griefe of minde| Jobey my voice, and goe fetch me them. thy brethren, & let thy mothere connes| | 41.4 And Esau hated Lacob, because ghey a BS that he could not see, hi ES called Exan his eldest oon, dvnto him, My sone. And hee| 4 bere am I. be taid, Behold now, i am| 14 And bee went, and fetched, and] Prego tery il father loued. 7) 15 And Rebekah tooke +goodly ra fwere with her in the house, and put| them vpon Iacob her youger sonne! jal Aa shee put te cians of th of the goats vpon his hands, and| ie aera ¢ gaue meate, land the bread, which she had prepared, jinto the hand of her sonne Tacob 18 4 And he came vato bis father, land said, My father: And he said, Here Jam I: who art thou, my sonne? 19 And Iacob said vato his father, lment of her eldest sonne Esau, which|™™* lbow downe to thee: Cursed bee every| lone that curseth thee, and blessed be hee] that blesseth thee. ‘30 4 And it came to passe, as soone| las Isaac had made an ende of blessing| Hiscob, and Tacob was yet scarce gone| lout from the presence of Isase his fa, Ither, that Esau his brother came in| lfrom his hunting. ‘31 And hee also had made sauoury| Imeate, and brought it vnto his father, land said vnto his father, Let may father] larise, and eat of his sonnes venison, that] thy soule may blesse me. 3@ And Isaac his father said vntol him, Who art thou? and he said, I ar thy sonne, thy first borne Esau, ‘And Isaac +trembled very excee, e that| lof the Hlessing, wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The dayes of mourning for my father| are at htod; © then will ther Tacob. ‘42 And these words of Esau her el lder sonne were told to Rebekah : And| lahce sent and called Tacob her yon lsonne, and said vnto him, Behold, # brother Esau, as touching thee, doet lcomfort himselfe, purporing to kill thee 43 Now therefore my sonne, obey| ‘wice: and arise, flee thou to Laban} lmy brother, to Haran. 44 And him a few dayes, Jyntill thy brothers furie turne sway: ‘45 Vntill thy brothers anger turne| laway from thee, and hee forget that, ich thou bast done to him: chen i T slay my bro-| Obed re. 1ow not the day of my death. Ham Eatu, thy Grtt bore; I haue done! |dingly, and said, W ho? where i therefore take, I pray thee,] {according as thou badest mee: arise, 1 lrenife hath teak ind brought it me,] |will send, and fetch thee from thence: ak posta and thy bow] [pray the, ity and eate of my venison, frat [tat have caven of all before thou ea-| why should I be deprived also of you neo er aiid oy fe eae area ney |"S And make Loan ‘aid vato his sonne, lshalbe blessed. ‘46 And Rebekah said to Isaac, * |; con la T Tove, and bring [How is it that thou hast found it so ‘34 And when Essu heard the words| am weary of my life, because of the an it to mee, that I] jquickly, my cone? And he said, Be- lof his father, he cried with a great and| |daughters of Heth: If Iacob take a} etice Tie | 7 mle may bless thee) |Gause the LORD thy God brought} ceeding ine ey, an aid vote iJ of he augers of Heth, euch a lebr. bee yer, Blesse ‘me also, 0 these WI are of the ters: ‘6 And Hebeksh beard when fossc|| 21 And lease sxide wnto Tacob,| ene | hUrlh . Ur CL whe ig paai his onne: and Essu vent} (Come neere, I pray thee, that T '35 And hee said, ‘Thy brother came| to the felde to hunt for venison, and to| |feele thee, my soune, whether thou bee with subtilty, and hath taken amay thy| Vented spate rio Jol |S Daas eo ee essing. CHAP. XXVIIL seeks rate Je And Tacob went neere vato I, nd be said, Is not he rightly ne-| ee | {Bying, Behold, | heard} june his father: and hee felt him, and! rei |nct scab fre hath vupplented a vate thy bro-| jsaid, The voyce is Lacobs voyce, but the lehese two times: hee tooke away my| Jgoates, and I will make them sauoury| fines father, each as be loveth it bring i to thy fe ther, chat he may eat, and that he Yay blest thee, before hie death. 7 11 And Tacob said to Rebekah his| mother, Behold, Esau my brother is a| hairy man, and'I am x smooth man. 12 My’ father peraduenture will feele me, and I shall seeme to him as deceiver, and I shall bring a curse vpon| haa are the hands of Esau. ie discerned him not, because| lis Wands were hare, a0 bie brother HEsaus bands: So he blessed him. % And he ssid, Art chou my very| Jsonne Esau? and he ssid, I am. 25 And be said, Bring if neere to me, land I will eate of my sonnes venison, that my soule may blesse thee: and hee brought itneere to him, and he did eats and he brought him wine, & be drank (96 And his father Isaac saide vnto him, Come neere now, and kisse me, my| Jsonne. BT And hee came neere, and kissed fhim: and he smelled the smell of his rai- ment, and blessed him, and said, See, the| Jsmell of my sonne is as tbe smell of al lfeld, which the LORD hath blessed. Ime, and not a blessing. Jearth, and plenty of corne and wine. jgrnmerjand wine have I jisusteined him: and 28 Therefore *God giue thee of the|* Het. dew of heauen, and the fatnesve of the birthright, and bebold, now he hath ta- lken away my blessing: and hee said, [Hast thou not reserued a blessing, for| mee? ‘87 And Isase ansmered and saide lynto Esau, Behold, I haue made him thy lord, ad all his brethren haue I gi fue to him for servants: and with corne| lwhat sball I doe now vnto thee, my| lsonne? ‘88 And Esau said vnto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father?| biesse mee, euen mee also, © my father. [And Esau lift vp his voyce, *and wept, 89 And Isaac his father answered,| land said vnto him, Behold, * thy dwel| hing shall be [the fatnesse of the earth,| land of the dew of heauen from aboue. 40 And by thy sword shalt thou fiue, land shalt serue thy brother: and it shall Jcome to passe when thou shalt have the| Nd Isaac called Tacob, and blessed him, and char. hhim, and saide nto] jim, ‘Thou shalt not take’a wife, of the daugh-| ters 0 the house of Bethuel thy mothers’ fa.|"* ther, and take thee a wife from thence, lof the daughters of Laban thy mo hers brother. 8 And God Almighty bleste thee, land make thee fruitfull, and muliply| thee, that thou mayest be ta mul lof people : “#And give thee the blessing of A lbraham, to thee and to thy sede with] thee, tbat thou mayest inherit the lande |God gaue voto Abraham. Iese 29 Let| fanaan. ‘2 * Arise, goe to Padan Aram, to} ox. 1 det Hebron “| f |twherein thou art a stranger, which] oor of lfacobs di 3 dreame: Genefis. He meeteth| [with Rachel, Chap.xxix. and marieth her| 6 And Ieasc sent aws eng ihce wet vo Pan way _Tacoby [butte houne of God ands thegae een ea age, ee ey ig a woke Leah his daughter, \Laban, sonne of Bethuel the Syrian] d : e ‘and goe an jand brought her to him, snd he went i Eee a) janie ee A tee amt a ae : A TT a ave. that Ioana feral ey ole wre ae jena til they rolle the stone fren the] |danglier Leah, Zilpsh his aye, fe lhad Blessed Tacob, and veut him away| jtop of it powred oile vpon the fwelles mouth: then wee water the) ja handmayd. Ito Padan-Aram, to take him « wife| | 19 And bee |sheepe- 95 And it came to passe, that in the| from thence; and that as beblessed him, ind bee called the mame of that! O° And while hee yet spake with| |morning, behold it Leah: and he| gree, bis ,| [place + Bethel: bot thename of that crate lao Rachel came with her fathers [sid io SLatan, What is chs thou bast halt not ake & sapaca tential ies aio | cheepe: for she kept them. done vnto mee? did not I serue with| (Can ch obeyed nin 1 RBs il tev oa rl TOR ame tpn hey et ee eae? ieee ther, and his moth is fa-| keepe me in this way that T ‘| ese Bache! the ood che i | aoe ee aban ak hy and Bis mathe, and as gone tl [il gc me lend to ete a Bee anal febers bother td the shepe of Le 26 And Laban said, It must not bel ada Ara has the ko pit on, is motbers brother; that so done in our tcountrey, to give the wl 8 Ean ing ta the gh | "21 So that come apne to yf ae nie ren and rolled the stove from| |yonger, before the firs: borne. fe plekeed not Teaze bis] (thers bouse in peace then shall the the wels mouth, and watered the flocke| ‘Fuléll her weeke, and wee eae. ILORD be my Bar ‘ lof Laban his mothers brother. | [giue thee this also, for the seraice which) Do vent Bes, eatstehmael| | 22 Aud ths sone which I 11’ And Tacob Kissed Tlachel, and Fi} |thou shalt serue with mee, yet seuen © eng tzake io he wives hich efor pls, call be Gods nave set ted vp his voyce. and ther yeeres ; iad Mabalath the daughter of Ih lll chat thou shalt ge oe ody bis TONGS sald Machel, that hee| | 28 And Tacob did so,, and falfited acl Aaa sone the ero Ne} iy ge the nth vt hs | lea ia Gathors brother, aad that hee| |her weeke: and he gaue him Rachel his i be) wife. Deae \Wes Rebekahe sonne: and she ranne,| |daughter to wife also. cane |p cto foro emt eu from Jand told her father. 29 And Laban gave to Rachel his iss [Deseaticey snd went toward “Haran, CHAP. XXIX. "IS And ixcamo co passe, when Labao) [daughter, Bilhah A handmayd, to be| aa fen sera | tcc en He, 9 st Year the tidings ‘of Iacob his sisters| |her mayd. : pace and tatid there all nigh, because tegoheommeth oe wa of Hees sng, hat be sane to mecte Him, an | 80 And he, yen in ae, oe Ra| te sunne w © of the] | mecrtsneds Ban to tec eourastdh fy panne, tat he Jd Kised him, ebrought| che) and he loued also Rachel more then Ne wat place, and put them for| | Rachel. 23 He is deceined with Leah. I Inim to his house: and hee tolde Laban| |Leah, and ‘serued with him yet sewen} nes ad by dene “Hearst aio Racha and ror or all these thi lother yeeres. z TZ And he dreamed, and Ben's) Steer 54 Leal 5 ond Tudah 14-And said to him, Sorely|| $1.4 And when the LORD stm] ae eote eee es toe at my bone and my flesh: and) |that Leah was bated, hee opened Her acer stp on the arth, and the 2p Ce iauseeze abode with Thm the tspace of a moneth| |worabo: but Rachel was barren ne ea Teen eee Cane invo the =e rede vel Laban aid vito Tacob,| | S& And Leah conceived and bare s} he Angels of ig and de! luna fhe speoete of th a ARG, Eling brother, shouldea| Jonne, and shee called his name Rew aay cops [19 "nd behold, the LORD stood East, |) Heb ch thou therfore seat ‘me _ tell] ben: fe she said, Surely, the LORD)" “9 laboue it, i a 2 And he lool |me, what shall thy wages ked vpon my affliction; now] above i, and sad Tam the LORD] jteold « welln the fl, ‘ant hea ben 6 Avd Laban had two daughters:| |therefore 1 Weeband will loue me. God of ‘Abraham thy faces, and the) |weretireeflocksofshepe yin yin, ee and ofthe elder was Leah, and| | 93 And shee concciued againe, and! eerste hereon ‘thoul four “f that wel they sera fhe Hock | Nhe mame of the yonger was Rachel. | {bare 2 sonne, and side, Because thel : gine it, and to thy| land great stone'was vpon the wells i onal was vender eyed: but Ra] |LOWD hath heard thet I was he} T4 And thy seed shall be as the Jmouth. ™ lehel was beautiful and well favoured. | |ted, hee hath herefore ginen mee 1 Lene thy oe as the dust] | 3. And thither were all the fockes| Me "Amnd. lacob loved Rachel , andl jsonne also, and she called his mame Si-(,72r oe ee ae sae aprend i] [girierg2 and they rolled che stone roan Fas Liter thee seen yorer fr Heo _ tere broad “to the West and tothe East and] [the wels mouth watered the sheep, Rachel shy yonger daughter ‘34 ‘And shee conceiued againe, and Reetand in ipeecd th: and in} land put the stone againe vpon the wels MO And Lobes aid, itis better that| [bare » sonne, and said, Now ‘this tim ibe, and tn thy ee, eal all beam) Jmouth in his pace 1 wels 1 give 0 tes ‘fea that I should] [will my husband be ioyned ynto me,,be-| ry ne ‘sai 0 + abide with] ea borne e ag, And bela, Tam wih eee, ed reine, ene | ime her to another men tide wit ee was bi -— rtrts—SS heen ee ‘$0 And Tacob serued seuen yeeres| | 85 And 0 ogee this land: for 1 being thes murine into] | & And he said vnto them, Know ye| lar Rachel: and they seemed vnio hisn| |bare a sonne: and she exid, Now tite Spe i thee | [Laban the one of Noor? Ad iy ox ew dye, fr te Tove hee td [prac the LORD: terre she a fa 7 . ‘And he said vnto them, +13 21 4 And Iacob said vs ri . : error 38/3 An Jacob eraked out fDi foal? end the aris ec usd be gee cine me my wie for ny dayes — ad Piss ee ci T ece tas RD] old, Rachel his daughter commeth| filled) that I may goe in wnto ber CHAP. XXX. ale cee me ce a ee | ge eres 22 And Laban’ gathered together : 22 And heed ends, Hon) | 7 And Bee id, Lae, 43 ot igh, ae acinay bt he place, and mace a} {)Racheligriefeforberbarernessgiogn Ay El ? thins ooneother| |lay, neither fi time’ shat the eawelee™ feast. a hr ard rs a Zl se aa cae w psi she we) | Ba Neck Baht Genefis. Tofeph is borne] Iacob and Laban. Chap. xX. Jacobs feruice. sre ea i os, E Bor sie Toate farowre, cr compa. Bet. i rt i, isppe 1 sera inca Ca jar herene+lete daughters will call me blessed: and @ And Iscobs anger was kindled| cbel, and |, Am I in , who hath withheld from] thee the fruit of the wombe? $ And she said, Behold my mayde |Bilhah: goe in vnto her, and she shall) beare vpon my Knees, that I may also |thaue children by her. 4 And shee gave him Bilhah her| rife: and Iacob went in} Tacob sonne. 6 And Rachel ssid, God hath iudged| Ime, and hath also heard my voyce, and hath giuen me a sonne; therefore called she his name || Dan. 7 And Bilhah Rachels maya con-| ceived againe, and bare Iacob a second| [8 find Rachel sade, With le, With + great leasiings haue Twratled. with’ mo er and I have preusiled: and she cal led bis name j!* Naphtali. 9 When Leah saw that she had left bearing, shee tooke Zilpab her mayde, land gaue her Iacob to wife. 10 And Zitpsh Leabs mayde bare| Tacob # sonne. 11 And Leah said, A troupe com| meh and she called his name 1Gad pal 1s mayde bare Htacob a second sonne. ™ 18 And Lesh said, + ‘am I, for] she called his name | Asher. 14 4 And Reuben went in the da lor wheat harvest, & found Mandreles in the field, and brought them vato his Imother Leah. ‘Then Rachel saide to |Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy| sonnes Mandrakes. 15 And shee said vnto her, Is it al lsmall matter, that thou hast taken my! lbusband? and wouldst thou take away| Imy sonnes Mandrakes also? and Ra. Re ae ere fee sale rah to night, me thy sonnes Man-| | 26 And Iacob came out of the field fn the corning, and Leah went eat meet him, and said, ‘Thou must come in lynto mee: for surely I haue hired thee| lwith my sonnes Mandrakes. And hee| lay with her that night 7 And God heatkened vato Lesh,| jand she conceiued, and bare Jacob the| {ft sonne. 18 And Lesh said, God hath giuen| lmee my bire, because I haue gineu my Imayden to my buaband: and she called [his name |\Tssachar. Jbare Incob the sixth sonne. lborne him sixe sonnes: and shee called| |daughter, and called her name {| Dinah. [ 22% And God remembred Rachel, im. her wombe. \" '%3 And shee conceiued and bare 4 Jsonne, and said ; God hath taken away] sie’ to me another sone. ‘And it came to passe when Ra, Jchel had borne Toseph, that Iacob ssid| jvnto Laban, Send me away, that I lmay goe wnto mine owne place, and to wives and my chil- laren, for whom I haue serued thee, llet me goe: for thou knowest my seruice| |which I have done thee. 27 And Laban said ymto him, I] ray thee, if I have found fruour in| el ne eye tary: for I haue learned lexperience, that the LORD hat plese tue for thy sake. ind he said, Appoint me thy ws. igen and I will gine se : 29 And hee said vnto him, Thou] lknowest bow I have serued thee, and {how thy cattell was with me. ‘80 For it was little which thou hadst| lvnto «multitude; and the LORD Jhsth blessed thee tsince my comming land now when shall I prouide for|"?/" Imine owne house also? 81 And| 19 And Leab conceiued againe, and|4*""* his name ||* Zebulun, crane i, @1 And afterwardes shee bare alrcuuy” land God hearkened to ber, and opened| iat ic. ny reprolt + And shee called his name j{To-|spst\s, lseph, and saide, The LORD shall|““"*- before I came; and it is now tincreased|t Hie tre. Jeon forth sere, ot Bi And hee said, What shall T gine thee? and Iacob said, Thou shalt not] ye me any thing; if thou wilt doe this [thing for mee, I will againe feed and Ikeepe thy flocke. p ‘32 I wil passe through all thy focke| to day, remoouing from thence all the Jepectcd snd spotted eattll: and all the lbrowne cattell among the sheepe, and Ithe spotted and speckled among the] lgoates, and of such sbalbe my hire. ‘38 So shall my righteousnesse an lewere for mee tin time to come, when it Ishall come for my hire, before thy face: lenery one that is not speckled and spot- ted amongst the goates, and browne & Imongst the sheepe, that shalbe counted] lstollen with me. ‘$4 And Labsn saide, Beholde, 1 would it might bee according to thy| word. ‘35 And he remoued that day the hee| |goates that were ting-straked, and| spotted, and ll the shee goats that were] speckled and spotted, and every ane that} iad some white in it, and all the bro amongst the sheepe, and gaue them into} the hand of his sonnes. ‘36 And hee set three dayes iourney| lbetwixt. himselfe and Tacob: and Ia, lcob fed the rest of Labans flocks. ‘37% And Tacob tooke him rods lor greene poplar, and of the hasel and Jchesnut tree, and pilled white strakes in them, and’ made the white appesre| fshich was in the rods. 98 And he set the rods which he had iled, before the flockes in the gutters ifn the watering troughes when the Ifocks came to drinke, that they should Jconceive when they eame to drinke. "50 And the flockes, conceiued before| the rods, and brought forth cattell ring Jsraked, speckled and spotted. ‘40, And lacob did separate the| lambes, and set the faces of the flockes| ltoward the ring-straked , and all the| lbrowne in the flocke of Laban : and be| Iput his one flocks by themselues, and| [put them not vnto Labans cattell “41 And it came to passe wheasoeuer the stronger cattell did conceiue, that [Lacob layd the rods before the eyes of] lthe cattell in the gutters, that they lmight conceiue among the rods. ‘42 But when the cattcl were feeble, hee put them not in: so the feebler were| [Labans, and the stronger Lacobs. jeeruants, lmels, and lor our fal lory. Pe And 3 And |with thee. 4 And |ward mee G And 7 And mee, and lbare spect all the cat lcattell of to mee. “43. And the man increased exceeding. espe v speck iy, and had much cattell, and maya. eth'of die wrong, 34 Rachels police to BidE he images 36 lacobe cola of Wess as fhe covenant of Laban snd Toast a Gale Inance of Laban, and behold, it mas not| toward him +as before. land Leah, to the field vnto his flocke, "5 And ssid vnto them, I see your fa, lthers countenance, that father hath bene with me. Jpower 1 haue serued yous father. [bur God suffered him not to hurt me. 8 If hee said thus, ‘The speckled] shall be thy ‘ lring.straked shalbe thy hire, then bare} 9 Thus God hath taken away the| 10 And it came to passe at the time| lme in a dreame, saying, Iacob; And 1 ssid, Here am I. 12 And hee said, Lift vp now thine| leyes, and sce, all the rammes which ‘and men seruants, and ca-| ‘asses. all that was our fathers 5 and of that which was} ers, hath hee gotten all this} Tacob behelde the counte-| 1 weie at the LORD said vnto leltrgrh, lcob, Returne vnto the land of thy fs-|/ore. Ithers, and to thy kindred; and I wil bel Tacob sent and called Rachel is not, to ‘as before: but the God of my| yee know, that with all my yest tte hath deceived] changed my wages ten times wages, then all the eattell led: and if he said thus, The) tell ring-straked. your father, and giuen them! asthe catell conceived, that I life mine eyes and 33 Jbehold, the irammes which leaped vp-|t Or Aer the cattellaere ring.straked, speckled" fund grisled. 11 And the Angel of God spake vnto| mn the cattell are ring-straked, and gvnle: for T hane seen +2 Jacob fleeing, is Genefis. purfued by Laban] | [Their couenant. Chap.xxxij. Tacobs prayer] jall that ‘Goeth ynto thee. my sonnes and my daughters? thou “G1 Thus bave I bene twentie yeres) jtaried all night in the mount. -cuup.oe.| 18 I amp the God of Bethel, *where| |hast now done foolishly in ao doing. in thy house: I serued thee fourteene| | 55 And earely in the morning, Le. He" |ioa anndyntedst the pillar, ond where| | 29) It is in the power of my hand| ; lyeerea for thy two daughters, and sixe| |ban tose vp and kissed his sonnes, and thou vowédst a vow ynto mee: now s| lio dde you'hurt: but the God of your| lyeres for thy cattel; and thou hast chan-| |bia daughters, and blessed them: and| rie, get thee out from this land, and re| ged my wages ten times, Laban. deparied, and returned vato| turne wnto the land of thy kindred. 42 the God of my father, the| [his place. oe ed Reel eae answe/ oan God of Abraham, and the feare of I- i ; Is there yet || 30 And now though th ‘wouldest| |saac had bin with me, surely thou hadst} fay portion or inheritance for vs in our lncedes bee gone, because thou te lo ere me away now ceaptie? God hath CHAP. XXXIL . gets after shy fathers house Jeeene mine affliction, and the labour of] |1 lacobe vision at Mahanaim._ 9 fs meme 16 Are. we not counted of him stran-| fore hast thou stollen my Imy hands, & rebuked thee yesternight,| | Bsiu. 6 He is afraid of Psaus comming | ? for he hath sold ve, and hath quite| | $1 And lacob answered and ssid to| 43 @ And Laban answered and snid| | 9 He prayeth fon delueranee. 19 Use wt leuoured also our money. JLaban, Because I was afraid: for I lynto Iacob, These daughters are my] | Ss anciatIrenccl, where heciscaled feral 16 For all the riches which God hath jsaid, Peraduenture thou wouldest take} \daughters, and these children are my| | 31 He halteth. taken from our father, that is ours,! lby force thy daughters from me. Jhildren, and these eattell are my eat! . 7 ind our childrens: now then whatso-| | $2 With whomsceuer thou findest| feel, as that thon seest, is mine: and] F\See Nd Lacob went on his| lever God hath said vnto thee, doe. | |thy gods, let him not live: before our| what can I doe this day vnto these| ESS wey, and the Angels (17 4 Then Iacob rose vp, and set |brethren discerne thou what is thine| rn shters , or vnto their children| God met him, his tonnes and his wives vpon camels. | |wich me, and take it to thee: for Lacob fehich they haue borne? 2 And when Lacob] ‘18 And he caried away all his cattell,) |imew not that Rachel had stollen| 4+ Now therefore come thou, let| saw them, he said, This is| all his goods which he had gotten,| |them. lvs make s couenant, I and thou: and) |Gods hoste: and hee called the name of] the cattell of his getting, which hee bad} | $3 And Laban went into Iacobs| Net it be for a witnesse betweene me and| {that place ||Mahanaim. rate, Hen in, Padan Arar for to goe to T, jtent, and into Labs tent, and into th thee. $ And Iacob sent messengers hefore| 7.0%, Jsanc his father in the land of Canaan. | |two maid seruants tents: but he found| 45 And Iacob tooke a stone, and set} {him, to Esau his brother, mto the land| 19 And Laban went to sheare his| |them not. ‘Then went he out of Leahs| lit vp for a pillar. lof Seir, the tcountrey of Edom. baie, Fie |! Bee. 7 |sheepe: and Rachel ed stollen the +1-] ltent, and entred into Rachels tent 40 ‘And ‘Tacob saide ato his bre|| 4 And he commanded them, st. ame Images that were her fathers, $4 Now Rachel had taken the i. Ithren, Gather stones: and they tooke| jing, Thus shall ye speake vnto my lord| fee ae And Tacob stale away + yn! lmages, and put them in the camels fur. stones, and made an heape, and they| |Esau, Thy seruant Iacob saith thus, Per" rare to Laban the Syrian, in that he hniture, and eat vpon them: and La. ldid eate there vpon the beape. It haue scicurned with Laban, and told hhim not that he fled. (ban teearched all the tent, but found|t "br su. tools | 47 And Laban called it || fegar-| /stayed there vntill now. 21 So hee fled with all that hee had, leiem not. |Yineme. |Sahadutha: but Iacob called it Ga-|| 5 And I have oxen, and asses,| jand he rose vp and passed ouer the Ri-| | $5 And shee said to her father, Let it Need. lfockes, and men seruants and women| luer, and set his face toward the mount! {not displease my lord, that I ‘cannot| 48 And Laban said, This heape is] {seruants: and I haue sent to tell my| Gilead. lrise vp before thee; for the custome of la witnesse betweene mee and thee this| lord, that I may find grace in thy sigbt. 22 And it was tolde Laban on the| |women is vpon mee: and he searched, day. ‘Therefore was the name of it cal-| | 6 1 And the messengers returned [third day, that Iacob was fled. but found not the images. "| led Galeed, \to Lacob, saying, Wee came to thy bro-| 28 And hee tooke his hrethren with! | 36 % And Iacob was wroth, ani| |) tnatis, | 49 And ||Mizpah : for he said, ‘The| |ther Esau, and also he commeth to meet| him, and pursued after him seuen dayes| |chode with Lahan: and Iscob snewe| [4am |LORD watch betweene me and thee| |thee, and foure hundred men with him. jiourney, and they ouertooke him in the] |red and said to Laban, What is my tres | mee” when we are absent one from another. || 7 Then Iacob was greatl i mount Gilead, passe? what is my tithe, that thos heat ‘50 If thou shalt affict roy daugh-| |and distressed, and he diuided the people 24 And God came to Laban the! {so hotly pursued after me? lters, or if thou shalt take other wiues| {that was with him, and the flockes, and| {Syrian in a dreame by night, and saide| | $7 Whereas thou hast tsearched alll set eu beside my daughters,no man is with vs;| |herdes, and the camels into two bands, Jvato him, T'ake heed that thou speske| lmny stufe, what Itast thou foord of al See, God is witnesse betwixt mee and| | 8 And said, If Esau come to the one| Rete fremlnot to Iacob teither good or bad. thy houshold stuffe? set it here before| thee. jcompeny, and smite it, then the other| 35 X Then Laban ouertooke Ia lmybrethren, and thy brethren, that they 51 And Laban said to Tacob, Be-| company which is left, shall escape. b, Now Iacob had pitched his tent} |may indge betwixt ¥s both. lhold this heape, and bebold this pillar,| | 9 % And Lacob said, O God of my] in the mount: and Laban with his bre-|| $8 ‘This twentie yeeres have 1 which I haue cast betwixt me and thee.| [father Abraham, and God of my father| em pitched in the mount of Gilead. | lbene with thee: thy ewes and thy shee 52 This heape be witnesse, and this| |Isaac, the LORD which saidst ynto| 26 And Laban said to Tacob, What] |poates have not cast their yong, am pillar be witnesse, that I will not passe| me, *Returme vnto thy countrey, and]+ crap. 2. hast thou done, that thou hast stollen a-| |the rammes of thy flocke haue'l mel Jouer this heape to thee, and that thou} |to thy kinred, and I will deale well!" Jway vnawares to me, and caried away| leaten, [shale not passe ouer this heape, and this| with thee : lmy daughters, as captives taken with 89 That which was torne of beasts, I |pillar vnto.me, for harme. 10 +1 am not worthy of the least ofl ¥et,20=]| the sword?” lorought noe wnto thee: T bas the fate 53 The God of Abraham, and the| |all the mercies, and of all the trueth, i= 27 Wherefore didst thou flie away] jofits of my band didst theveer ieee peat. IGod of Nahor, the God of their fa-| |which thou hast shewed vnto tby ser-| diem tee seretly, and +steale away from me, and| [whether stollen by day, or stellog kg] ther, iudge betwixt vs. And Tacob| Juant: for with my staffe I ouer| ide a) eet 1 might haue| |night. * | |sware by the feare of his father Isaac. | |this losden, and now I am become| i with mirth, and with! | 40 Thus I was in} day, the hor. xived | 54 ‘Then Iacob lofted sacrifice vp-| |two bands. songs, with abret, and with harper | consumed meee ands yee room sta | on che mount, and called his brethren fo| | 11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the 328 And hast not suffered me to kisse| laud my sleep departed from mine oor} eae bread, and they did eat bread and} [hand of my brotter, from the hand of 41 Thus! | flacobs prefent. Genefis. He is named Ifrael] | [lacob Se eiChap zea! Dinah defiled. ; : ‘ a gos, for 7 ahldres| nmin amt ead ch wher iat nie} Tl owe] Jeane nee, tnd bel hei anq| ayes ed themselues. 18 And thou saidst, I will surely doe] | 27 And he aaid yato him, What il ‘ . hat meanest thou| |" Samay her, 19 The sounes of Leb ote thee good, and make thyseed asthe sand] |thy name? and he said, Iacob. } eipapet] 8 And he said, + W1 to marry be ee ee cee i id * Thy toe cusp. ss isxalby all this droae, which I met? And| | the contiton of Clreamcsion to the So ake hh canns Be numbed i] | nd be sd hy name eal bec ~ end, Pescara fndgracintbosg a ser a relay 18. Aad he lodged there that same! ince hast thou power with my ; || tee 7 the nighey and tooke of that which came| land fathers and hak preucie 9" And Ear mid, 1 hane enongh:|| safe vet die aso proc luo his hand, a present for Esau his| | 29 And Iacob asked him, and saide,| fase ic, (mY brother, + keepe that thou hast vntol | Simeon [brother : Tell me, I thee, thy name: and he! jthat is thine. | a i T4 ‘Leo hundred sheo goats, and] [rid Whersior te w toe tice shea To" And Iacob sside, Nay, I pray| Nid Dinah, ihe door tice: Hf now Thue found grace i by ight, then receiue my present at my| hen for Sserefive T hhaue seene thy wee 8 though et [Gods and sig war pleased with me. | [2 ‘And when Shechem th same of ‘Take, 1 » my Bl [Hamor the Hivite, prince of the coun- and in teaghe cl chess eae Goll freyate her be vote Te end aes i ‘with mee, and be-| |her, and +¢ r " r bean Tae onoueh 3 ‘3’ And bis soale claue ynto Dinah)" : the daughter of Inenb, and hee loved], "When Eaau my broth 12 And he sid, Let vs tke our tour [the damecl, nd epake *indly voto the. Fic enh ea my mee-| jynto this day: because hee touched Iney, and let vs goe, and I will goe am is teththee,andasketh thee, saying, Wbore| {hollow of Iacobs thigh, in the sinewe| love thee. 4 And Shechem vate 1 art chou and whither go thou nal [nal shraske 18. And hee said vnto him, My lordl |ther Hamor, saying, Get mee this da |twentie hee goata, two hundred ewes,| laske after my name? and he blessed him| and twentie raremes, there. ede, Thirtie Re with their] | 30 And ae called the name of the} ts, fortie kine, and ten bulles, twenty| |place {|Penie!: for I haue seene God face| 7 shee ashes, and ten foales. 7 to face, and my life is ied. ear 16 And hee deliuered them into the} | $1 And as he passed Ouer Penuel, the| hand of his seruants, euery drove by| Jeune rose vpon him, and he halted vp, ues, and said vnto his seruants| fon bis thigh, /Passe ouer before me, and put aspace be-| | 82 ‘Therefore the children of Israel! |twixt droue and droue. jeate not of the sinewe which shranke,| 17 And be commanded the formost,| |which is vpon the hollow of the thigh, dl i ‘hose are these before thee ? 18 Then thou shalt say, ‘They be thy| jseraant Incobs: itia a present sent vn bind vs. 19 And s0 commanded he the second, | id the third, and all that followed tbe| my lord Esau: nd beheld alo, be is be} CHAP. XXXII The kindness of scab and Esau at their mee fing, 17 Heeb cometh a Such 18 A limowetb, that the children are tender, fand the flockes and heards witb yong] lare with mee: and if men should o| fuer-drive them one day, all the flocke Ec ny lord pray th passe 1 Let ray thee, passe o| uct before bs vruant, and I wll lade sell to wil 5 hod igcob herd hat be had lflcd Dinah his daughter (now his| Jonnes were with his cattel in the eld) land Iacob helde his peace vntill they G4 And Hamor the father of She- a [droues, saying, On this maner ehal you} he will ‘tof me. i So went the present over before him: and himselfe lodged that night in the company. 22 Amd hee roe yp that night, and tooke his two wiues, and his two wo, ‘men seruants, and his eleuen sonnes, Jand passed over the foord Tabbok. 23 Andhe tooke them, and tsent them| 7" ower the brooke, and sent over that he 24 4 And Tacob was left alone: Jand there wrestled a man with him, vn, till the +breaking of the day. 25 And when he saw, that he preuai. ed not against him, he touched she bok low of this thigh: ‘and the hollow 2 And he put the handmaides, and| their chidren foremost, and Leah andl ber children after, and'Rachel and To} i ty me en nd hee ‘ouer before tt Jand bowed himselfe to the ground se} juen times, voeill lee came neere to his brother. 4 And Esau ran to meete him, and limbraced him, and fell on bis necke, anal kissed him, and they w 5 And he lift vp his eyes, and sawe| the women, and the children, and said, Jously giuen thy scruant. hen the han idens [lacobs thigh was out of ioynt, as hee| renied woh Kam ” came] Jncere; they and their children, and they bowed themselues. u 3 I He a [Who are those twith thee? And he said,|} 403.70 |The children which God hatb graci-|™*" a BB Na Iscob lifted vp his} It sek ocorlon sofily, according tas the cattell that| |chem went ont ato Iacob to com-| speake vnto Esau, when you find him. eyes, and looked, and be, Ae |goeth before me,andithe children be able {mune with him. 20 And say ye moreouer, Bebolde,| i, Exau came, andwith| |workesde- lto endure, vntill I come vnto my lord|| 7 And the sonnes of Iacob came| thy seruant Tacob is bebind vs: for he him foure bundreth men: ecco lento Seir. lout of the field when they heard it, and| said, I will appease him with the and hee divided the ebil, fascre’| "15 And Esau ssid, Let me now tleane| |the men were grieved: and they were jvent that before me, and alter-| dren vnto Leah, and vnto Rachel, and| L2e.S lwith thee some of tbe folke that are with] |very wroth, because hee bad wrought} ward I will see his face; peraduenture| |ynto the two handmaids. es wie. ltne: And hee said, +Whatnecdeth it? let| folly in Israel, in Tying with Tacobs Ime finde grace in the sight of my lord.| 16 9 So Baan returned that dy, on lhis way vnto Seir. TT Aad Teco iourneyed to Suc} Jcoth, and built him an house, and made| Iboothes for his cattell: therefore the| |name of the place is called [| Succoth. 18 Ard Iacob came to Shalem, a] citi of * Sbechem, which is in the land| lof Canaan, when he came from Padan} |Aram, and pitched his tent before the} Are tie. 19 And he bought a parcell of « field lwhere hee had his tent, at tbe| band of the hae * Hamor She jchems father, for an hundred |pieces of] "20 “And hee erected there an Altar, 7 Anal (aay . pod calcd it WEJ-Elohe- Israel. |daughter; which thing ought not to] be done. . 8 And Hamor communed with) them, saying, The soule of my sonne| Sbechem longeth for your daughter | IT pray you giue her him to wife. 3'Knd make ye meriages with ve end gine your daughters nto vs, and lake our danghters vnto yoo. 10 “And ye call de vith va, and the land shall be before you: dwell and} trade you therein, and get you posses sions therein, 1 And Shechem ssid vato her fs ther, and vnto her brethren, Let mee| finde grace in your eyes, and what yee jsball aay vnto me, I will give 12 Aake ms neuer 20 much dowrie} en git, and wil give scoring snap. 1 Hate. enh: [The Shechemites ee ahall say vato mee: but give me the I to wife. 18 And the eonnes of Iscob answe.| jred Sbechem, and Hamor his father ldeceitfully, and ssid, because he had de- fled Dinah their sister. 14 And they sside vnto them, Wee lcannot doe this thing, to give our sister to one that is vncircumcised : for that rere a reproch vnto vs. 15 But in this wil we, consent wm lyou: If ye will be as we be, that ever male of you be circumcised: 7 16 Then wil we giue our daughters jynto you, and we wil take your daugh-| tere to vs, and we will dwell with you, land we will become one people. 17 But if ye will not hearken vato] rst es circumcised, then will we tle jour daughter, and we will be gone. 18 And their words plessed Haro, land Sbechem Hamors sonne. 19 And the yong man deferred not lto doe the thing, because he had d in Tacobs danghter: and he was more honourable then all the house of his father. 20 4 And Hamor and Sheche Jsonne came vato the gate of their ci land communed with the men of their citie, saying : ‘21 These men are le with va, therefore let them dwel in the land, and| trade therein: for the land, behold, it i| lenge enough for them” let a take Itheir daughters to va for wites, and Het vs give them our daughters. 22 Onely herein will the men con- ben rota vt for ko del with vx to be lone people, if every male among vs bee [reumelel, as they are creumtlatd 23 Shall hot their cautell, and their Jsubetance, and every beast of theirs bee| lours ? onely let vs consent vato them, Jand they will dwell with ve. % And vato Hamor and vnto She, lchem his sonne, hearkened all that| Iwent out of the gate of his citie: and leuery male was circumcised, all that] went out of the gate of his citie. 25 % And it came to passe on the finde day when they were ore, tha two of the sonnes of Tacob, Simeon| tnd Leui, Dinabs brethren, tooke each Iman his sword and came vpon the citie boldly, and *slew all the males. 26 And they slew Hamor and She, Ichem his sonne, with the tedge of the| Jsward, and tooke Dinah out of She-| Genefis. ichema house, and went out 21 The sonnes of Iacob came vpon| the slaine, and spoiled the citie, because ithey had defiled their sister. 28 They tooke their sheepe, and! their oxen, and their asses, and that which was in the citie, and that wbich| jas in the field. 29 And all their wealth, and all theis little ones, and their wiues tooke they] |captiue, and spoiled even all that was in| [the house. 30 And Tacob said to Simeon and) Levi, Ye haue troubled me to make me} lto stinke among the inhabitants of the| lland, amongst the Canaanites, and the| Periasites: and I being few in num lber, they shall gather themselves toge- lther against me, and slay me, and I s] Ibe destroyed, I’ and my house. ‘SI And they said, Sbould hee desle| jwith our sister, as with an harlot? CHAP. XXXV. 1 God sendeth Iacob t Bethel. @ He purgeth This house of idols, 6 He buildeth an Ali at Bethel. ® Deborsh dieth at Allon Bachuth 9 God blesseth Tacob st Bethel. 16 Rachel ‘rageiledh of Beniamin, and dith in the way] ta Baar. 22 Reuben lieth with Bilas. 25] The somes, of lech 27 1b smth to Teeac at Hebron. 26°The age, deat, an] burial of na Teme. Nd God said vnto Iacob,| Arise, goe vp to Bethel,| and dwel there: and make| there an Altar vnto God, Jsaw th 2 Tacob said vnto his house hold, and to all that were with him, [Put away the strange gods that are 2 Imong you, aud bee cleane, and change 5" Aad Tet ve aree, and fod let ve arise, an to] Bethel, and will meke there an Al} tar vnto God, who answered me in the] [day of my distresse, and was witb tne in tbe way which I went. 4 And they gaue vnto Iscob all the strange gods which were in their! handy and al their eare-rings which leere in their cares, and Tacob kid therm lvnder the oke which was by She. Icbem. 5 And they iourneyed: and the ter- lrour of God was vpon the citics that} are fpoiled. that ay vnto thee,| pede Bom the ce of cu. 27. cto. were| Rachel dieth. [eters °F leq come to Ephrath; and Rachel tra-| snncef|ther called him || Beniamin. iwere round about them, and they didi Jnot pursue after the eonnes of Taco. 6 So Tacob came to Lus, which| lis in the land of Cansan (that is Bethel)) Ihee and all the people that mere with] im. 7 And hee built there an Alt, land *called the place /El- Bethel, because| there God appeared vnto him, hen he} Med from the face of his brother. But Deborah Rebekahs nurse |aied, and she was buried beneath Beth-| lel vnder an oke: and the name of i was Jealled {| Allon Baba ' 9° And God ay vnto Ia. cob againe, when he came out of Palan| JAram, and blessed him. 10 And God said vito him, ‘Chy| lname is Incob: thy name shall not bee Jealled any more Tacob, * but Israel sball bee thy names and hee called his) Iname Israel. 11 And God saide rato hit, I am] |God Almightie: be fruitfull and mult. ply: « nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and Kings shall come| lout of thy loynes. Te And the land which T gaue Abra, lham, and Isaac, to thee I will giu Jand to thy seed afer thee will I give the land. = 18 And God went vp from him, in] the piace where he talked with him. 14 And Jacob set vp a pillar in the] Iplace where he talked with him, even a pla of tone: and hee powred 8 drink loffering thereon, and he powred oile| thereon. 15 And Iacob called the name of] the place where God spake with him, Bethel. 16 % And they journeyed from| Bethel: and there was but a tlitle way} fueiled, and she had hard labour. 17 And it came to when shee| |was in hard labour, that the midwife] jsaid vnto ber, Feare not: thou shalt| haue this sonne also. 18 And it came to as her soule| Iwas in departing, (forsbe died) that she |called his name ||Ben-oni: but his fa-| 19 And Rachel died, and was buried] in the way to Ephrath, which is Beth.| cher 20 And Iacob set a pillar vpon her] Chap.xxxvj- GT And Tarael iourneyed and| spread /Edar. ple, lane juite = pha lgraue: that is the pillar of Rachels| |graue vnto this day.” 2 And it came jo jrael dwelt in that fwent & * lay with Bilbah bis fathers|> cus. o [Roncubine: and Tarae! heard it. Now|" the sonnes of Iacob were trelue. ‘93. ‘The sonncs of Leah: Reuben! acobs first bore, and Simeon, and Leui, and ludah, and Issachar, and] Zebulun. ‘24 ‘The sonnes of Rachel: Toseph, land Beniamin. 25 And the sonnes of Dilhah, Ra- lchels handmaid: Dan and Napheali. ‘26 And the sonnes of Zilpah, Le-| lahs handmaid: Gad, and Asher. These lare the sonnes of Tacob, I borne to him in Padan Aram. ST 41 And Tacob came vnto Isaac his father vnto Mamee, vnto the citic lof Arbah (which is Hebron) where A- lbraham aud Isaac soiourned. ‘23. And the dayes of Isaac were an] lhundred and fourescore yeeres. 199 And Isaac gaue vp the ghost and] ced and was * gathered ynto lsonnes Esau and Lacob buried him. 1 Eeaus three wines. 6 His remoui ‘Ser. 9 His sommes escended of his sonnes, 20 The sores and] kes of Seiz, 26 Anah finieth wlex 38 The ki descend tite, and Aholibamah the daughter of JAnah the daughter of Zibeon the Hi- 3 And Bashemath Ishmaels dgugh- ter, sister of Nebaioth. 4 And © Adah bare to Esau, Ebi +: and Bashemath bare Reuel. 5 And Abolibamah bare eush , land Laalam, and Korah sonnes of Esau, which were bore vate! him in the land of Canaan. 6 And Esau tooke his wiues, and Tfaac dieth.| is tent beyond the towre see when Ie} , that Reuben| were] [zohan = pee. ing old and full of dayes: and W CHAP. XXXVI. to mount| "The Dukes shich| of Edom. 40 The dukes dist of Esau. ‘Ow these are the genera tions of Esau, who is E-| dom. 2 Esau tooke his wives| of the daughters of Cana-| ‘dah the daughter of Elon the Hit, these are the! and his daughters, and all f his house, and his cat-)11etsoue rel [Efaus offipring. Genefis. Dukes, and Kings. lfofephs Chap.xxxvij. tok sete. 8 liom cee. laa" a1. ca. tell, and all his beasts, and all his sub, stance, which he hed got in the lande [Canaan : and went into the countrey| from the face of his brother Lacob. 1 For their riches ere, more then that they might ther : an he land moet they wes ay Jcould not beare them, because of their Jcattell 8 Thus dwelt Esau in * mount Se. lit: Eseu is Edom. 9 @ And these are the generations lof Exau, the father of + the Edomites in mount Sei 10 These are the names of Esaus| oonnes: * Eliphas the sonne of Adah| the wife of Esau, Revel the sonne Bashemath, the wife of Esau. 1 And the ones of Eliphaz were, |Teman, Omar, Zepho, and Gatam,| land Kena, 12 And Timna was concubine to HEliphax Esaus sonne, and shee bare to] Eliphaz Amalel Jof Adah Esaus wife. 18 And these are the sonnes of Reuel | |Nshath and Zerah, Shammah, and] + these were the sonnes of Ba, |shemath, Essus wife. 14 4 And these were the sonnes JAholibamah, the daughter of Anah,| Jdsughter of Zibeon Esaus wife: and] lshe tare to Esau, Ieush and Iaalam, land Korah. 15% These were dukes of the sonnes| jof Esau: the sonnes of Eliphar the first Jbome sonne of Esau, duke Teman, Jduke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Ke. Inaz, 16 Duke Korah, duke Gatam, and] lduke ae hese ae the dake that lcame of Eliphas, in the land of Edom :| | These mere the tonnes of Adah. 17 4 And these are the sonnes off JRevel Esaus sonne: duke Nahath,| jduke Zerah, duke Shammah , duke Misah. ‘These are the dukes that camel lof Reuel, in the land of Edom: these Jere the tonnes of Bushemath, Exaus wife. 18 And these are the sounes of .| Ibolibamah Esaus wife: duke Teush, duke Taalam, duke Korah: these mere the dukes that came of Aholibamah the| eaugheer of Anah Esaus wie 19 These are the sonnes of Esau, \(whois Edom) and these are theirdukes. 20 4 * These are the sonnes of Sei [the Horite, who inhabited the land, Lo fan, and Shobal, and Zibcon, and Ay leah 21 And Dishoo, and Exer, and Di, lshan: these are the dukes of the Horites lhe children of Seir in the lande of E-| dom. 22 And the children of Lotan, were Hori, and Hemam: and Lotans sister tear Tins. 23 And the children of Shobal mere these: Aluan, and Manahath, and E-| bal, Shepho, and Onam. ‘24 And these are the children of Zi, lbeon, both Aiah, and Anah: this za that ‘Anah that found the mules in the| Hwildernesse, as he fed the asses of Zibe- lon his father. 25 And the children of Anah sere thon, and Aholihamah the daughter of Anah. af aed these are the children of Di-| lshon: Hemdan and Eshban, & Ithran, land Cheran. 27 The children of Ezer are these Bithan and Zaauan, and Akan. 28 ‘The children of Dishan are these: Ws, and Aran. 29 ‘These are the dukes that came the Horites: duke Lotan, duke Sho- bal, duke Zibeon, duke Anh, Duke Dishon, duke Ezer, duke| n: these are the dukes hat came of among their dukes in the land of Seie. SI © And these are the kings that lreigned in the land of Edom, before Ithere reigned any king ouer the chil Jdren of Israel 82 And Bela the sonne of Beor| reigned in Edom: and the name of his litle mas Dinhabah. 3 And Bels ded , and Tobab the lsonne of Bozra reigned in his stead. 84 And Tobab died, and Husham Jof the land of Temani reigned in his stead. ‘$5 And Husham died, and Hadad the! lsonne of edad, (who smote Mid fin the field of Mosb,) reigned in his| stead: & the name of his citie was Auith. 36 And Hadad died, and Samlah| jof Masrekah, reigned in his stead. 87 And Samlsh died, and Saul off Rehoboth, By the tiuery reigned in hi st $8 And Saul died, and Baal-hanan| the sonne of Achbor reigned inhis stead, 99 And Baal-hanan the sonne Achbor| [Aches Siok aod Haar re eh | land + wherein his father ae was a stranger, in the 1+ or preter | coat of many [lcolours. ‘in his} and the name of his citie was Pav,| entire name pe Mea ster Ms |, the iter ees 40 And these are the names of the| aakes that came of Eaxo, according to ithetr families, after their places, by thei lnsmes: duke Timnah, duke Aluah, lduke Jetheth, 41 Duke Abolibamah, duke Elab,| Jduke Pinon, duke dom, sccordog | These be the dukes of i to their habitations, in the land of their] is Bean the father of # che CHAP. XXXVII. fe tne i hated of his brethren. § Hie tol Gren.‘ ca ede Hw ie Wa ‘teiven. tells brethrenconapre is death aici machi tote comeclten lectaed {Be blooe coat moureth for him. 80 Het i phar in Eaype Nd Iacob dwelt in the| Jand of Canam. 2 These are the gene rations of Iacob: Toseph being seuen-| teene yeeres old, was feeding the flocke| with bis brethren, and the lad was with the sonnes of Bilhab, and with the] lsonnes of Zilpah, his fathers wines: snd Toseph brought vato his father their euil Now Israel loued Yoseph more| then all his children, because he was the| loonne of his old age: and he made him| 4. And when his brethren saw that their father loued him more then all his lbrethren, they hated him, and could not ly voto him. ‘5 € And Ioseph dreamed a dreame, land he told it his brethren, and they ha, ted him yet the more. 6 And he ssid vnto them, Heare, I] pray you, this dreame which 1 have ied. 7 For beholde, wee were binding sheaves in the field, and loe, my jarose, and also stood vpright ; and be-| bold, your sheaues stood round about, : i i Ey E ff E a i FETE neal Ee Fee ied he itheir fathers flocke in Shechem. 18 And Tersel saide vnto loseph, !Doe not thy brethren feed the locke in \Shechem ? Come, and I will send thee lwato them: & he said to him, Here am I, 14 And he said to him, Goe, I pray| Ithee, tse whether it bee well with thy| lbrethren, and well with the lockes, and] lbring me word againe: #0 hee sent him) lont of the vale of Hebron, and he came| Ito Shechem. 15 4 And a certaine man found him, land behold , hee wan wandring in the lfcld, and the man asked him, saying, |What seekest thou? 16 And he said, I secke my brethren: lel me, T pray thee, where they fede jtheir flockes. 17 “And the man said, They are de- [parted hence: for I heard them say, Let jv goe to Dothan. And Toseph went| lafter his brethren, and found them in| Dothan. 18 And when they saw him 2 farre lof, euen before he came neere vnto Ichem, they conspired against him, to] slay him. 19 And they said one to another, Be, hold, this + dreamer commeth. 20 Come now therefore, and let vs] slay him, and cast him into ¢ome pit, and| jwe will say, Some euill beast hath de. luoured him: and we shall see what will Ibecome of his dreames. 21 And *Reuben beard it, and he de Let vs not kill him. i i Fee it liuered him out of their hands, and said;|"™ 22 Andl "25 ludahs marriage: ‘36 And the Medanites sold him into) ‘nto. Poti His inceft. Chap.xx: Jofeph in Egypt. inath, he and his friend Hirah the Adul-| |and shee said, Discerne, I thee, 1 an toler off amie hove are these, the signet, and brace 24 And they tooke him and cat him into a pit: and the pit mae emptie, there |mas no water in it. beavingepicery,& ule, and myrhe} \going to cary it downe to 126 And Tudah ‘ide ot Ris bre| thren, What profit is iif we lay ourbro ther, and eotocale his blood 27 Come, snd let vs sell him to the| HIshmeelites, and let not our hand bee| lvpoa him: for he is our brother, and our| Pea; and hie brethren, were conten en there passed by Midianites| jmerchant men, and they drew and lift lep Toseph out of the pit, and *sold Io * |eeph to the Inhmeelites for twentie pic. Joes of siluer: and they hrought Ioseph| Hint 2 And Reuben returned vato| the pit, and bebold, Toseph was not in the pit and be rent his clothes. 90 And hee returned vnto his bre-| Ithren and ssid, The childe is not, anc J ehither shall Y gos? And they Tosephs coat, and| killed « kid of the and diy oat inthe ood, ns Pe) 82 And they sent the coat of many co liours, and they brought it to their fx ther, and |, This haue we found :| lknow now whether it bee thy sonnes Jcoat or no, ‘88 And he knew if, and said, is my| Jronnes coat: am *euil beast hath deuou| red him ; Toseph is without doubt rent| in pieces. 34 And Iacob rent his clothes, and] Jput sackcloth vpon his loines, & mour-| Ined for his soune many 95 ‘And all his sonnes, and all bis| Jdaughters rose vp to comfort him: but he refused to be comforted: and he ssid, For I will goe downe into the graue| lynto my sonne, mourning; thus his fe. ther wept for him. a it, araohs, arid + eaptaine of the guard, cH A P. XXXVIIL famar. & The EAEEPS Na it came to passe at that Ei time, that Iudah went] Fsf downe from his brethren, $a and turned in to « cer! taine Adullamite, whose} lname was Hirah : % And Tudah saw there a daugh-| ter of a certaine Canaanite, whose land went in vnto her. 8 And she conceined & bare a sonne,| land he called his name Er. bare a sone, and shee called his name, lOnan. 5 And she yet againe conceiued and Inare a sonne, and called his name She- lah: and hee was at Chezib, when shee bare him. 6 And Tudeh tooke a wife for Es| lhis first borne, whose name was Ta, mar. 7 And * Er, Iudahs first borne was wicked in the sight of the LORD,| Jand the LORD slew him. | 8 And Tudah said vnto Onan, Goe| in vnto thy brothers wife, and marrie lher, and raise vp seed to thy brother. 9 And Onan knew that the sced lshould not be his; and it came to passe| lwhen hee went in vato his. brothers ify that hee eile it an the ground t that hee should giue seed to his brother. ® ier co ‘also. Then said Iudah to Tamar his| daughter in law, Remaine a widow at thy fathers house, til Shelah my sonne| Ibe growen: (for he said, Lest peraduen-| ture he die also as his hrethren did) and| {Tamar went and dwelt in her fathers| |house. ldaughter of Shuah Iudahs wi land Tudsh was comforted, and went 1 Yoda Er, hn begtcth Er, Onan, and Shelah 6 | jpame was *Shuah: and he tooke her,|" 1. 4 *And shee conceiued againe, and}: 10 And the thing which he did, +dis-|t ret. sous Jpleased the LORD: wherefore heels rar 12 4 And tin of time, the|t Hetr. The. a died etre lyp vato his sheepe-shearers to Tim, nath,| 18 And it was told Tamar, saying, [Behold, thy father in law goeth vp tol }Timmath to sheare his she 4 And shee put her widowes gar. ments off’ from her, and couered her| with a vail, and wrapped her selfe, andl Het ne_|sate in tan open place, which is by the Hers{er\way to Timnath: for shee save that] jnsm. |Shelah was growen, and she was not Igiuen vnto him to wife. 15 When Iudah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot: because she had co-| luered her face. 16 And hee turned vnto her by the lway, and said, Goe to, 1 pray thee, let Ime come in vnto thee: (for he knew not that she aus his daughter in law) and| {she said, What wilt thon giue mee, that thou mayest come in vnto me? 17 And hee said, I will send thee Ht. anid} kid from the flocke: and shee saide, thou giue mee a pledge, till thou} M78 And he said, Wh ledge chall 1 18 And he said, What ive thee? Andche said, Tn and| thy bracelets, and thy staffe, thine hand: and he gaue it her, & came| in vnto her, and she conceiued hy him. 19 And shee arose and went vay, and laid by her vaile from her, and purl lon the garments of her widowhood. 20 And Tudah sent the kidde by the| Hhand of his friend the Adullamite, to lreceiue his from the womans| hand: but he found her not. 21 ‘Then hee asked the men of that place, saying, Where is the harlot, that Iwas openly by the way side? And they| lsd, There was no harlot in this place 22 And he returned to Tudah, and! lsaid, T cannot finde her: and also the| lmen of the place said, ‘That there was Ino harlot in this place. 23 And Tudah said, Let her take it He. te. |t0 her, lest we thee shamed: behold, jena’ Joen chis Kidde, and thou hast not found 24 | And it came to passe abou! three moncths after, that it was tolde ludah, saying, Tamar thy daughter im lew hath played the hari, and also behold, she is with child by whoredom; land Tudah said, Bring her foorth, and| et her be burnt 25 When she was brought forth, she Jsent to her father in law, saying, By the} Iman whose these are, am I wi | lets, and staffe. 26 And Tudah acknowledged them, land said, She hath bin more righteous] then T: because that I gaue her not tol [Shelsh my sone? and he knew her «| lgaine no more. ‘27 G And it came to passe in the time} jof her trausile, thet beholde, twinnes were in her wombe. 88 And it came to passe when shee travailed, that eke one put out his hand,| land the midwife tooke and bound vpon| jhis hand a skatlet threed, saying, This Jeame out first. 29 And it came to pasoe as he drewe| Ibacke his hand, that behold, his brother leame out: and she said, How hast thou| Ibroken foorth ? this breach Bee rpon| ice: “Therefore his name was caled '* Phares. 80 And afterward came out_ his Jbrother that had the skarlet threed vp-ls.< jon his hand, and his name was called| Zarah, CHAP. XXXIX. 1 Toseph sduanced in Potphare house. 1 Hee — Goats wih him there Nd Toseph was brought| downe to Egypt, and Fo, tinh onOfer of Pi FY rach, captaine J AS an Egyptian, bought him| Fthe hand of the Ishmeclites, which lhad brought him downe thither. 2, Aud te LORD was with to and hee was a prosperous man, Jara hee was in the house ot his maste| the Egyptian. ‘3 And his master sawe that the LORD wes with him, and that the LORD made all that he did, to pro- sper in his hand, "4 And Toseph found grace in his| sight, and he serued him; and hee made| him ouerscer ouer his house, and all that he had he put into his hand. 5 And ic came to passe from the time| that hee had made him ouerseer in his house, and ouer all chat he had, that the| LORD blessed the Egyptians house for Yosephs sake: and the blessing of fhe LORD was spon all that he heal in the house, and in the feld. 6 And he left all that he had, in Io sephs| ood lofeph imprifoned, Thand: and be knew not ought denne the bread which be did ate jan vas 8 and] and loseph goodly person, 7 4 And it came to passe after these things, that hin masters wife cast her leres vpon Ioseph, and shee said, Lie| with me. 8 But he refused, and said ynto his| Imastera wife, Rehold, my master wot, teth not what is with mee in the house, land be hath committed all that he hath, to my hand. 9 ‘There is none in this Jhouse then I: neither hath hee kept [backe ny thing ffom me, but thee, be Jeause thou art his wife: how then cen I [doe this great wickednesse, and sinne «| H20 Andit came wo pase 10 And it came to passe as she spake| to Toueph day by days that hee icnie| Ined not vnto her, to lie by her, orto bee| with ber. jd And i came to passe about his lime, that Toseph went in to the house, to doe his busines, and there wan none| othe, men of the house there within, And shee caught him by his ment, saying, iewtth wes cad'be bis in her band, and fied, and| 13 And it came to pa And ame zt teae| fe getment in, hy hand, and was fed forth: 14 That she called nto the men of] her house, and spake vnto them, eay-| ling, See, he hath rhe in an Hebrew! jrato vm to mocke ve"*he came in wnto th me, and I cried with al 15 And it came to passe, when bi ead es Tid vp ny wa, ane }, that he left his garment with end led, and got Mot ‘And she laid his garment lber, vntill her lord come hiene. » |ding to these words, ssying, The He- lorew seruant which thew hase brought} |rnto vs, came in ynto me to mocke me 18 And it came to passe as I lift vp] Imy voice, and cried, that he left his gar| ment with me, ‘and fled ot is ind it came to passe when his ma, jster heard the words of his wife, which lshe epake vnto him, saying, After this Genefis. 17 And she spake vato him, sccor-| i S & Je i to prosper. these things , that Butler of the King of and his Baker, had| their lord’ the| d Pharaoh was wroth agains lwo of his officers, against the chiefe the Butlers, and against the chicfe the Bakers. lued them, and they continued a season] in warde. ‘of Egypt, which were bound in ‘he on | 6 And Ioseph came in vnto them in the morning, and looked pon them, mere sad. lh Heb, are lmaner did th; t to me 7 Lr CLC 20 And Tosephs master tooke him, or. ecko (He interpreteth lhe well with thee, and shew kindenesse 1 sege-mzlthere was of all maner of thake-meats actesg{for Pharaoh, and the birds did eat them| fem, Toe not interpretations belong to God ? tell me them, I pray you. "9 And the thiee Butler tld hs sme to Toseph, and said to him; In| lmy dreame, beholde, a vine was before| Ime > 10 And in the vine mere three bran-| ches, and twas as though it budded, and| hex Blase shot forth: and the chu lsters thereof hrought forth ripe grapes, Ti And. Pharsohe cup was in my hand, and I tooke the ‘and pres jsed them into Pharachs cup: and 1| |gaue the cup into Pharaohs 12 And Toseph sid nto him, Thi lis the interpretation oft: the three bran-| lches are three dayes, 13 Yee within three dayes shall Pha rach iJift vpthine head, and restore thee] lynto thy place, and thou shalt deliuer Pharaoke' cup ‘into hin hand, after the ltormer manner when thou wast his Butler. 14 But [Ithinke on me, when it shall IT pray thee, vnto mee, and make men-| lian of me mnto Pharaoh, and bring mel lout of this house. 15 For indeed I was stollen amay| lout of the land of the Hebrewes: and| here also, have I done noting, that they should put me into the dungeon. 18 When the chiefe Baker saw, tht Ihe interpretation was good, he said vn-| lio Toseph, Kako was in my dreame land behold, I had three jl white baskets| lon roy head. 17 And in the *ppermost basket Jout of the basket vpon my head. 18 And Toseph answered, and said, IThis is the interpretation thereof: the| lchree baskets are three dayes: 19 Yet within three dayes shall Pha-| rach iit vp thy head from off thee, and| [shall hang thee on a tree, and the birds shall eate thy flesh from off thee. 20 4 And it came to passe the third] |day, sohich reas Pharaohs birth day, that lhee made a feast vnto all his seruants: land he iilifted vp the head of the chiefe Butler, and of he chiefe Baker among| his seruants. ‘21 And he restored the chiefe Butler lynto his Butlership againe, and hee Jgeue the cup into Pharaohs hand. 22 But he hanged the chiefe Baker, |as Ioseph had interpreted to them. Chap.xlj. 23 Yet did not the chiefe Butler re- Imember Loseph, but forgate him. CHAP. XLL 1 Pharaohs two dren. 9 Toseph in Tan thes "58 Hee gusts Para an fall "$6 Tough is afuanced. 20 He be-| Feet Meta ea Bran Sethe N end of two ful yeeres, that} Pharaoh dreamed: and| Deholde, hee stood hy the riuer. Behold, there came xp out of] Ihe riuer seuen well fauoured Kine, and] fat fleshed, and they fed in a medow. 3 And behold, seuen other kine came| lwp after them out of the riue, ill fauow-| Jed and leane fleshed and stood by the - Ither kine, vpon the brinke of the river. 4, And the ill fauoured and leane| Ideshed kine, did eate vp the seuen well ffauoured and fat kine: So Pharaoh lawoke. 5 And bee slept and dreamed the se-| Jcond time: and beholde, seuen eares of] lcorne came ¥p vpon one stalke, tranke| land G And beholde, seuen thinne eares land blasted with the Eastwind, sprang] vp after them. 7 And the seuen thinne cares de-| luoured the seuen ranke and full eares: land Pharaoh awoke, and beliold, i] ras a dreame. 8 And it came to passe in the mor, lning, that his spirit was troubled, and Ihe sent and called for all the Magicians| lof Egypt, and all the wise men thereo| land ‘Pharaoh tolde them his dreame; Jbut there was none that could inter Jprete them vnto Pharaoh. 9 1 Then spake the chiefe Butler| lynto Pharaoh, saying, I doe remem. lbcr my faults this day. 10 Pharaoh was wroth with bie lseruants, and put mee in warde, in thel leapeaine of the guards house, Both mec, land the chiefe Baker. TL And we dreamed a dreame in one Inighe, I and he: we dreamed each man| cording to the interpretation of hi 12 And there was there with vs a yong} lman an Hebrew , seruant to the cap, taine of the guard: and wee told him, land he *interpreted to vs our dreames, to feuerall dreames. [Pharaohs dreames + Pet 10s ew pi rame tHe Het. come lstedracrd] + Or, emate + Ftete-matelled Loseph, and they one him he-| lperayitem|p, it could not bee knowen that the fe gach man according to his dream, he iin 18 And it came to passe, as he inter. Ipreted tolvs, 20 it was: imee he restored] Ynto mine office, and him he hanged. 14 €* Then Pharaoh sent and cal- stily out of the dungeon: -shaued| himselfe, and changed his raiment, and Jcame in ‘vnto Pharaoh. 15 And Pharaoh ssid vnto Joseph, {have dreamed a dreame, and there is none that can interpret it: and I hai Jheard say of thee, that thou canst vnder- stand & dreame, to interpret i, 16 And Toeeph answered Pharaoh, Teia not in me: God shall giue| Pharaoh an answere of 17 And Pharaoh ssid ynto Loseph ; In my dreame, behold, 1 stood vpon| Ithe banke of the riuer. 18 And behold, there came vp out off the riuer seuen kine, fat Aeshed and well favoured, and they fed in a medow. 19 And behold, seuen other kine came] yp after them, poore and very ill fauou. red, and Jeane fleshed, such as I never| [sa in all the land of Egypt for badnes| 20 And the leane, & the ill fxsoured| kine, did eate vp the first seuen fat kine 21 And when they had + eaten them| iad eaten them, but they were stil il | Juoured, as at the beginning: So I fawoke. an 22 And I saw in my dreame, and be, hold, seuen eares came vp in one stalke, full and good, 23 And behold, seven eares ||withe.| led, thin & blasted with the East wind, sprang vp after them. ‘24 And the thin eares deuoured the| lseuen good eares: and I told this vnto| the magicians, but there was none that lcould declare it to me. 25 4 And loseph said ynto Phare, Jolt, The dreame of Pharaoh is ones JGod hath shewed Pharaoh what he isl fabout to doe. 26 The seuen good kine are seuen jyeeres: and the seuen good eares are e_ luen yeeres: the dreame is one. 27 And the seuen thin and ill fauow, red kine that came vp after them, are se| luen yeeres: and the seuen emptie eares| blasted with the East wind, chail bee ee. Juen yeeres of famine. 8° This is the thing which have| lspoken vato Pharaoh: what God is «| Genefis. lof, of Rgypt. tie shall be yet: and the land lowing for it shalbe [bled vnto Pharaoh ded iat Row treba te it to passe. 93 Now the jouer the land of Fy lhe seuen plenteous yeeres, lo those good yeeres that come, and line, whic famine. _ 39 And Pharaoh said rise, as thou art ray people be ruled: onl aT he grener thea tho #1 An lfrom hi his necke. [he made him ruler ouer all the land Egypt. are interpreted, Jbout to doe, he sheweth vnto Pharach, 29 Behold, there come seuen yeeres plentie, throughout all the land| 80 And there shall arise after them,| Jseuen yeeres of famine, and all the plen- ten in the land of E-| mine shall consume the| 81 And the plentie shel not be knowen| Hin the land, by reason of that famine fol very tgrieuous. ‘$2 And for thas the dreame was dou. let Pharaoh looke| jouts man discreet and wise, and set him . 34 Let Pharaoh doe dhs, and let him| [appoint iloflicers ouer the iand, & take|t or. our. yp the Git part of the land of Egypt, in|**"* 35 And let them gather all the food l¥p corne vader the hand of Pharaoty| jand let them keepe food in the cities. ‘36 And tha: food shall be for ‘store to the land, agsnst the seven yeeresof fa ‘shall bee in the land of E-| lgypt that the land + perish not through|t eh nal 87 T And the thing was good in the es of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all ‘88 And Pharaoh said vnto his ser, luants, Can we find such a one, as this is, a man in whom the spirit of God is | vyato Toseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee jal this, there is none so discreete and| 40 *"Thou shalt be ouer my house, Jand according vnto thy word shall alilt in the throne} Pharaoh said vnto Ioseph,| /See, I haue set thee ouer all the land of] Egyp t. 42 And Pharaoh tooke off his ring| is hand, & put it vpon Tosephe| hand, and arayed him int sesune fine linnen, and put a gold chaine about} Ox, ste. 43 And he made him to ride in the| lsecond charet whiich he had: and they Jered before him, || Bow the nee: and)! Or en. 44 Ana| Iay| eer fake as [fofeph Nr, Prince ete, au fete [1 am Pharaoh, and without thee luo man lift vp his hand or foote, in all Phelan of eye Jname, Zaphnath-Paaneah , and hel \gaue him to wife Asenath the daughter lof Poti-pherah, (priest of On: and To lseph went out ouer all the lande of E-| ley) job king of Egypt) and Toseph went Jout from the Jwent thorowout all the land of Egypt the earth brought forth [was round about euery citie, lid he vp| the sand of the sea, very much, wntil hel -[Poti-pherah, Priest of On bare vnto] Thath made me forget all my toile, and| exalted. ‘44 And Pharaoh said vnto Tosephe| 45 And Pharach called Losephs| eae ae ‘old when he stood before Phara-| ce of Pharaoh, and| in the seuen plenteous 47 And yeres 48 And he gathered vp all the foode| ch were in the| the cities: the foode of the field which| in the same. 49 And Toseph gathered come Pl Heft numbring: for it was without] number. 50 * And vnto Toseph were borne] ltwo sonnes, before the of famine| leame: which Avenath ‘the danghter bina. "31 And Toseph called the name of the {frst borne|!Manasseh: for God, said Ace my fathers house. a Ine che meme of the second ca Hed he || Ephraim: for God hath caused| mee tobe frutfll in the land of my af ction. 53 And the ceuen yceres of plen- teousnesse, that was in the land of E- t, were ended. Joke Ata the sven yee of dem e to come according as Ie eit adhe dear vas Seal lands: but in all the land of Egypt there| ‘55 And when all the land of Egypt [was famished, the people cried to Pha-| jraoh for bread: and Pharaoh said vnto| lall the Egyptians, Goe vnto Toseph : Iwhat he saith to you, doe. 56 And the famine was ouer all the| lice of the earth; and Toseph opened all ++the storehouses, and solde vnto the E-| rptians: and the famine waxed sore in [Be land of Beype. Chap.xlij. 5T And all countreys came into E-| cause that the famine was so sore in alll lands. CHAP. XLIL. Lae end sw enone pare hie se acer fare, st rite shee Stet F ea cen eee Their relation to Tacob, Sra Baie are se Ow when * Incob_sax|- that there was come in E- expt, Tacab said ynto hi sonnes, Why doe ye looke one vpon an other? ZAnd hee said, Beholde, I haue heard that there is corne in Egypt: get lyou downe thither and buy for vs from| thence, that we may liue, and not die. 3% And Losephs ten brethren went Jdowne to buy corne in 4 Bot, Benienin, oerhe | bro} ther, Tacoh sent not with his brethren for he said, Lest peraduenture mischiefe| befall im. 5 And the sonnes of Isracl came tol Jbuy corne among those that came: for| the famine was in the land of Canaan. 6 And Toseph was the gouernour| yuer the land, and hee it as that sold to lll the people of the land: and losephs| Jbrethren came, & bowed downe them. lelues before him, with their faces to the learth.. 7 Ana Toseph saw his brethren and fe knew them, but made bimest [Whence come ye? And they said, From| the land of Canaan, to buy food. 8 And Toseph knew his hrethren, Mhut they knew not him. 9 And I ‘remetmbred the|- cn ldreames which hee dreamed of them, land eaid wnto them, Ye are sp the nakednes of the land 10 And they said vnto him, Nay, my lord, but to buy food are thy seruants| lcome. 11 We are all ote mans sonnes; we] are true men: thy seruants are no spies. 12 And he said mnto them, Nay: but to see the naktdnesse of the land, you lare come. 18 And they said, Thy seruancs ae twelue| His brethren, [epee Toseph for to Bay come, be Acts. nto them, and spake troughly|t str ere mca hem avd bee sate run dem Tofeph taiketh | wes. seune]your brother, and ye shalbe + kept in pi lbvdlue brethren, the eonnes of one man] in the land of Canaan: and behold, the] lyongest is this day with our father, and| fone is not. 14 And are said vnto them,| IThat is it that I spake vnto you, say-| ing, Ye are spies. 15 Hereby ye shall be proued: by the| life of Pharaoh ye shall not goe foorth| bene, excep yout yongest other come ther. 16 Send one of you, and let him fetch| son, that your wordes may be proved, frhether there be any trueth ia Jou: els by the life of Pharaoh surely ye are 17 And he + put them all together in howarde,threedayes 18 And Toseph said vnto them thel Ithird day, This doe, and line: for 1] \feare God. 19 If ye be true men, let one of your| lbrethren be bound in the house of your| prison: goe ye, carry come for the famine| four hous 20 But *bring your yongest brother| jynto mee, 20 al yout ‘wordes be ve, lrified, and yee shall not die: and they! ldid so. 21 @ And they said one to another, We are verily guiltie concerning out lbrother, in that we saw the anguish of his soule, when he besought vs, and we| jeould noc heare: therefore ie this di [stresse come vpon vs. 22 ee angwered them, say. ling, * Spake I not vnto you, saying, Dee not sine ‘against the childe, ad 9 lwould not heare? therefore behold al.| so, his blood is required. 3 And they knew not that Toseph] lynderstood them: for thee spake vnto] them by an interpreter. 24 And hee turned himselfe abou from them and wept, and returned to] lthem sgaine, and communed with] them, and tooke from them Simeon, land bound him before their eyes. 25 % Then Toseph commanded fill their sackes with corne, and to re- Istore every mans money into his sacke,| nd to giue them prouision forthe may, land thus did he vnto them. 26 And they laded their asses with] the core, and departed thence. 27 And as one of them opened hil sacke, to giue his asse prouender in the ‘inne, he espied his money: for behold, Genefi: it was in Tis sackes mouth. 28 Anil he said vnto his brethren, [My money is restored, and loe, i i even| fin ‘my sacke: and their heart + failed| jthem, and they were afraid, to an other, What is this that Jdone vnto vs? 29% And they came vnto Tacobl |their father, vnto the land of Canaan,| jand told him all that befell vnto then,| ing: 30 Fhe man ito isthe lord. of the land, spake +roughly to vs, and tooke| va for spies of the countrey. 31 And we said ynto him, We are| true men we are no spies. ‘92 We be twelue brethren, sonnes Jour father: one is not, and the yongest i thie day with our father ithe land lof Canaan. 93 And the man the lord of the coun.| trey said vnto vs, Hereby shall 1 know chat ye are true men: Teaue one of your| lorethren here with me, and take, for the famine of your housholds, and| be gone. 34 And bring your yongest brother] lwnto me: then shall I’ know that you larenospies, but that youuretrue men: so will I delive ‘85 § And it came to passe as they emptied ther sacks, chat behold, euery lmans bundle of money was in his sacke: Jand when both they and their father lsaw the hundels of money, they were afraid. 86 And lacob their father said vnto lthem, Me haue ye bereaued of my chi ldren: Toseph is not, and Simeon is Inot, and ye wil take Beniamin away: all these things are against me. 87 Anil Reuben spake vnto his fa ther, saying: Slay my two sonnes, if 1 bring him not to thee: deliver him into Imy hand, and 1 will bring him to thee ine. ‘And he said, My sonne shall not] downe with you, for his brother is [Sead, and he islet alone: i mischiee befall him by the way in the which yee gotten shall ye bring downe my gray aires with sorrow to the graue. CHAP. XLIIL 1 Tacob is hanlly perswaded to send Beniamin| TS loeph entertainesh bis brethren. $1 Hee maketh them a feast. with his brethren] set. sven [iors rebut Vaenes And] [Beniamin goeth + teh gro- ling, ‘The man did tsolemnly protest vn-| (ee to, saying, Ye shall not see my face,| |; F- © lexcept your * brother Be with you. ¢ If thou wilt send our brother with vs, we will goe downe and buy| thee food. : '5. But if thou wile not send him, we will not goe downe: for the man saide| |rnto vs, Ye shall not see my face, except| brother be with you. 6 And Israel said, Wherefore dealt 0 ill with me, as to tell theman whe-| Ither ye had yet a brother? i Hebastin| 7 And they said, The man t asked| Pett ©*-l0g straitly of our state, and of our kin ldred, saying, Is your father yet aliue 2 lhaue yee ? and we tolde| teh mowslhim according to the ttenour of these| Bator lwords: tCould we certainely knowe lnew? chat he would say, Bring your brother| Na the famine was sore in the land. 2 And it came to passe phen they had eaten Leek ow terri jht out of Egypt, their father lvato them, Goe againe, buy vs a little] |foode. 3 And Iudsh spake vnto him, say-| \downe? i @ And Iudsh said vnto Israel his lather, Send the lad with me, and wee| Iwill arise and go, that we may liue, and] fpot die,both we, and thou, and also our ictle ones. 9 I will be surety for fi Ihand shalt thou require him: lbring him not wnto thee, and set him be- lore thee, then let me beare the blame for| lever. 10 For except we had lingred, surely jnow wee had returned {jthis second] time. 11 And their father Tsrael said ynto them, If it must bee so now, doe this: take of che best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carie downe the man a Pre} sent, a litle balme, and a litle honie, spi ces, and myrrhe, nuts, and almonds. 12 And take double money in your lhand, and the money that was brought ine in the mouth of your ssckes: c= rie if againe in your hand, peraduenture jit was an oversight. 13 Take also your brother, and arise, Jgve againe vnto the man.” 14 And God Almightie give you] Imercie befare the man, that he may send| Chap-x i am 15 @ And the men tooke that Pre} sent, and they tooke double money in Itheir hand; and Beniamin, and rose vp, land went downe to Egypt, and stood| lbefore Toveph. . 16 And when Ioseph sawe Benia, min with them, hee said to the ruler off hhis house, Bring these men home, and| Jchall +dine with me at noone. TT And the man did as Toseph bade | land the man brought the men into Io house. "And the men were arid, beau] they were brought into Tosephs house, and they sud, of the money| that was returned in our sackes at the| Hirst time are we brought in, that heel nay sesh ocasion against and fl {ypon vs, and take vs for bondmen, and} Jour asses. 19. And they came neere to the ste ward of Tosephs house, and they com-| fmuned with him at the doore of the house, ‘20 And said, O Sir, *+we came in. laced downe at the first time to buy food. | 1 And it came to passe when wee sme to the Ire, that wee opened! os sackes. and behold, euery mans money cas in the mouth of his sacke, our mo y in fal weight: and we haue hrought it againe in our hand. 22 And other money baue wee brought downe in our handes to buy food we cannot tell who put our mo- luey in our sackes. '% Andhe exid, Peace be to you, feare lnot: your Ged, and the God of your fa the, hah giuen you treasure in you lackes: +1 had your money. And hee Ibrought Simeon out vnto them. ‘24 And the man brought the men| into Tosephs house, and *gaue chem wa-| ter, and they washed their feet, and he gate their asses provender. 25 And they made ready the Prevent lagainst Toseph came at noone: for they eerd that they should eate read there| 26 1 And when Toseph came home, they ought him the Present which] lwas in their hand, into the house, and] lbowed themselues to him to the earth. ‘21 And he asked them of their + we lfare, and said, +s your father well, the Jold man of whom ye spake? Is he yet jaway your other brother, and Benis-| with his brethren.| fmin: [If Ube bereaued of my children, [105 =F. Dbereaued, ede ltslay, and make ready: for these men} Bangs | seb rote Het peace jee lee laa laliue ? 28 Anal A cup put in Genefis. Beniamins facke] hor, makes ea 28 And they anewered, Thy seruant] lour father is in good health, hee is yet «| line: & they bowed downe their heads, 30 aed be Et phe egen, 29 And he lift vp his eyes, and save! his brother” Benlamin "has. mother! lsonne, and said, Ts this your yonger rother, of whom yee spake wato mer land he said, God be gracious vnto thee, Imy soune. ‘And Toseph made haste: for hi lbowels did yerne vpon his brother | end be sougtn whee to weep and hee lenteed into his chamber, & wept there. 81 And he wathed his face, and wen Jout, and refrained himselfe, and saide, Set'on bread. ‘82 And they eet on forhim by himeelf, Jand for them by themselues, and for the jane which did eate with foe eemectuce ‘because the might not eate bread lbrewes: for that 18 an abo the Egyptians. 89 And they sate before him, the fr lborne according to his birthright, and| the yongest according to his youth: and| the men marueiled one at another. 84 And hee tooke and sent measses voto them from before him: but Ben-| liaroine measse mas five times so much as lany of theirs: and they drunke, and| Htwere merry with him. CHAP. XLII Teeepba pie ren, 141 } Tee Eki eppleation te top EAE. Nd hee commaunded the] BAS + stewardof his houve, say-| ing, Fill the mens sackes| with food, as much as they| can carie, and put euery| lmans money in his escks mouth 2 And put my cup, the siluer cup, in| |the sackes mouth of the i nd he di ls And when th 4 when they were gone out locthe ci, and not yet fare of, Ta Jsaid vnto his steward, Vp, follow al Ithe men; and when thou doest ouer-| take them, say nto them, Wherefore| Ihaue ye rewarded euill for good? 5 Ta not this it, in which my lord! ldrinketh ? and wherehy indeed he [Idi- juineth? ye hane done euill in eo doing. 6 4 And he ouertooke them, andl lhe spake vnto them these same words. 7 And they asid vato him, Where, fore saith my lord these words?” God for lbid that thy seruants should doe accor-| lding to this thing. 8 Behold, the money which wee found) in our eackes, mouihes,_ wee t againe vnto thee, out of thel landsr Clanon how thes should wee eteale out of thy lords house, siluer or| ide ? 9 With whom socuer of thy seruants ‘be found, both let him die, and we also lwill be my’ lords bondmen. 10 And he said, Now also let it be ac lcording ynto your wordes- hee with| lwhom it is found, shall be my seruant: land ye shall be blamelesse. 11'‘Then they speedily tooke downe| leuery man his eacke to the ground, and| lopened euery man his sacke. 12 And he searched, and began at th leldest, and left at the ind the lcup was found in Beniamins sacke. 18 Then they rent their clothes, and| laded euery man his asse, and returned| to the citie 14 9 And Tudah and his brethren Jcame to Tosephs house: (for he was yet there) and they fell before him on the lground. 15 And Toseph said vnto them, W hat| laced is this that ye haue done? wote yel lnot, that euch a man as I can certaine, hy tidiuine 2 16 And Iudah ssid, What chall wee| Jeay vnto my lord? what chal we speake?| lor how shall we cleare our selues ? God| hath found out the iniquitie of thy ser juants: beholde, wee are my lords ser- luants, both we, and he also with whom lthe cup is found. 17 And he esid, God forbid that T lshould doe so: but the man in whose| Ihand the cup is found, he shal bemy ser- lusnt; and as for you, get you vp in peace| lynto your father. 18 Then Tudsh came neere vnto| him, and said, Oh my lord, let thy ser luant, I pray thee, speake a word in my) lords eares, & let not thine anger burn lagainst thy seruant : for thow art euen las Pharach. 19 My lord asked his seruants, say- ling, Haue ye a father, or a brother? ‘And we said ynto my lord, Wee Ihaue a father, an olde man, and childe| & of Chap.xlv. Tofeph is knowen,] [ludahs fupplication. = caap. «3. ous. + cmap. 5 tg fae come on my father? a little one; and his bro- ther is dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loueth him. 21 And thou saidst vnto thy eeruants Bring him downe vnto mee, that I| may set mine eyes vpon him. 22 And we said vnto my lord, The| liad cannot leaue his father: for if hee} Jshouldleaue his father, his father would] ie. 23 And thou saidst vnto thy seruants, + Except ldowne with you, you shall see my face| Ino more. ‘24 And it came to passe when wee! lcame vp vnto thy seruant my father, e| tl bit the words of my Tord ‘25 And our father said, Goe againe, land buy vs a little food. 26 And we saide, Wee cannot ldowne: if our yongest brother be with] vs, then will we goe downe: for meel may not see the mans face, except our] yengest brother be with ve 7 ‘And thy seruant my father sil jvato vs, Ye know that my wife hare me two sonnes. 98 And the one went out from me, land I said, *Surely he is tore in pie| lces: and I saw him not since. 29 And if ye take this also from me, land mischiefe befall him, ye shall bring} ldowne my gray haires with sorrow to| the graue 30° Now therefore when I come to] thy seruant my father, and the lad bee] aot with vos, (sccing that his Ite i lbound vp in the lads lite.) 81 Ie shall come to passe, when he| lsceth that the lad és not with vs, that he| will die, and thy seruants shall bri ldowne the gray haires of thy seruant Jour father with sorrow to the graue. ‘92 For thy seruant became surety for the lad vnto my father, saying, * If T lbring him not vnto thee, then I shall lbeare the blame to my father, for euer. ‘83 Now therefore, I pray’ thee, let thy seruast abide in stead of the led a lbondman to my lord, and let the lad goe| vp with his brethren, 34 For how shal Igoe wp to my fu ther, and the lad be not with mee, lest lperaduenture I see the euill that shall] fof his old CHAP. XLV. 1 toneph maketh himsclfe knowen to his bre-| dhren. 5 Hee comforith them in Gods] ur yongest brother come} |I them that atood by him:| and he cried, Cause euery| man to goe out from me:| Jand there stood no man with him, while] h made himselfe knowen vnto| [his thren. @ And he twept aloud: and the E-|s 22 dou ype. ‘and the house of Pharach}rvttwee| rd. [ene 3 And Toseph sid vnto his, bre| tiren, *1 am Toseph; Doeth my father|* aa 7. yet ue? and his brethren could not an.|** fswere him: far they were [[troubled at} or tr. Ihis presence. oe ‘4 And oseph said vnto his bre! ten, Come neere to me, pray you: Jand they came neere; and he eaid, I am| Troseph your brother, whom ye sold in- lo Egypt. 5 Now therefore bee, not grieved lrnor angry with your selues, that yee tr sald hither: ‘torGod dd sendime lore you, to preserue li lr 6 For these two yeeres hath the fan" mine bene in the land: and yet there ae| fue yeeres, in the which there shall nei Isher be eating nor haruest. 7 And God sent me before you, to Hh a posteritie inthe earth, eb to aeacyariiry tear luerance. '8 So now it was not you that sent Ime hither, but God: and he hath made| Ime a father to Pharaoh, and lord ofall This house, and a ruler'thronghout all the land of Egypt. 9 Haste you, and goe vp to my fa, ther, and say vnto him, ‘hus saith Jsonne Foseph; God hath made me lord] lof all Egypt; come downe vnto me, t not. 1710" And thou shalt dwell in the land lof Goshen, and thou shalt be neere vnto| Ime, thou, and thy children, and thy chil- ldrens children, and thy flockes, and thy| beards, and all that thou hast. 1 And there wil T nourish thee, (for yet there are five yeeres of famine) lest thou and thy houshold, and all that |thou hast, come to pouertie. 12 And behold, your eyes see, and the| leyes of my brother Beniamin, that i i] my! ’ bree eye i i ete peo Pe [Pharaoh well, and his seruants. Ime Gcr|the good of all the land of Egypt is thren, and wept vpon them: and afte| that, his brethren talked with bim. 16 1 And the fame thereof was lheard in Pharaohs house, saying, To he brethren are come: and it +pleased| 17 And Pharaoh said vnto Toseph,| say vo thy brethren, Ths doe ye fe your beats Fave the aed of Canaan, 87 7 18 And take your father, and your| |housholds, and come vnto mee: and I| wil give you the good of the land of E lexpe and ye shafea the fat ofthe land 19 Now thon art commanded, this| pearet ‘Take you ws out of the land’ of Egypt for your litle ones, andl lor your wis, and being your fether, land come. 20 Also tregard not your stuife: for a And the childs of Teac dd a wwe. them wagons, accor-| King to 1 commandement of Pha and gave them prouision for the| way. 2 To all of them he gave each man hanges of raiment: but to Beniamin| lhe gaue three hundred pieces of siluer, land fiue changes of raiment. 23 And to his father hee sent after thiymaner: om wes laden wih the things of Egypt, and ten shee| lasses laden with corne, and bread and] |meat for his father by the way. 24 So he sent his brethren away,| Jan they departed: and hee eid vn them, See that yee fall not out by the| bray. 25 4 And they went xp out of E| lgypt, and came into the land of Canaan| lynto Tacob their father, 26 And told aliue, and he is gouernow Re land of t. And + Iacobs heart] fainted, for he beleeued them not. 27 And they told him all the words| lof Toseph which hee had side wnt them: and when hee exw the wagons] Thence ee with hie company get in Sle water oft ely Sa went into "28 Joseph mecteth Lacobs ‘31 Hee inatructesh hia brethren how to an- ‘were to Pharsoh. Nd Israel tooke his] MF iourney with all chat hee had, and came to Beer, sheba, and offered sacri-| fices vnto the God of his| father Teaac. 2 And God the visions of the night, and said, In| Jcob, Iacob. And he said, Here am I. 3 And he said, I am God, the God| ce vnto Israel in| lof thy father, feare not to goe downe in-| to Egypt: for I will there make of thee| Js great nation. I will gor downe with thee into IEgypt: and I will also surely brin theerp againe: and Toeeph shall pat he hand vpon thine eyes. 5 And Iacob rose vp from Beer, lsheba: and the sonnes of Israel caried| [Iacob their father, and their litle ones, land their wiues, in the wagons which] Pharaoh had sent to cary him. 6 And they tooke their cattell, and| their which they had gotten in| ithe land of Canaan, and came into E-| Efe: 7 His sonnes, and his sonnes| jsonnes with him, his danghters, and| Ibis sonnes daughters, and all his seed] brought be with him into Egypt. 8 And “these are the names of the| lchildren of Israel, which came into E-| ppt, Taco and his sones: * Reuben [acobs first borne ; 9 And the somes of Reuben, Ha} och, end Phalla, and Hesron, and 10 1 * And the sonnes of Simeon: Hteraucl, and amin, and Ohad, andl Hlachin, and Zohar, and Shaul the| Jsonne of « Cansanitish woman. 11 4 And the sonnes of * Leui: Ger. Jshon, Kohath, and Merari 12° And the soanes of * Iudah Es ‘*Iacob, and all his seed with]: tox. 2, 1.7} [nome gre. ee es * tor, Prince Fomaai tloines, besides Tacobs sommes 15 ‘These bee the sonnes of Leah, lwhich she bare vnto Iacoh in Padan-| |Aram, with his daughter Dinah: all the soules of his sonnes and his daugh-| ers, were thirtie and three. 16 § And the sonnes of Gad: Zi. jaggi, Shuni, and Exbon, and Hi and Arodi, and Areli. 17 T* And the sonnes of Asher ‘These are the sonnes of Zilpsb,| lwhome Laban gaue to his| ldaughter: and these she bare vato Ia, Jcob, euen sixteene soules. 19 The sonnes of Rachel Tacobe] wife hh, and Beniamin. '20 And vnto Toseph in the lande| fanasseh and E-| lof Egypt, were bome im, *which Asenath the danghter| lof Poti-pherah || Priest of On hare vn-| to him. 21 4 * And the sonnes of Beniamin lwere Belah, and Becher, and Ashbel,| |Gera, and’Naaman, Ehi and Rosh, [Muppira, and Hppim, and Ard. 22 ‘These are the sonnes of Rachel lwhich were borne to Tacoh: all thel jsoules were fourteene. 23. And the sonnes of Dan: Hu, Jshim. 26 % And the sonnes of Naphtali: Mahseel, and Guni, and Teser, and| Shillem. 25 These are the sonnes of Bithab,| |which Laban gaue ynto Rachel hisl ldaughter, and she bare these vnto Ie| lcob: all the soules were seuen. 26 All the ® soules that came with Hacoh into Egypt, which came out Jwiues, all the soules were threescore and} lize. 2T And the sonnes of Ioseph, which] jwere borne him in » mere twol Jsoules: all the soules of the house of Ie lcoh, which came into Egypt, were threescore and ten. lacob being fent for Genefis. goeth to Egypt. llacobs off-fpring. Chap.xlvij. Tofeph eee him, [ony ith that speaketh pbich hed sent rie hit [Er, and Onan, and Shelah, and Phs-/ | 28 J And be sent Iudsh before ‘sand you shel tall my fa of all} rrr LL lrex, and Zerah: But Er & Onan died| |vnto Ic , to direct his face ynto Go-| ny glory in Rept and ofall thet yoo] |'28 And Iaeel ax, It is enough fn the land of Canaan. And the sonnes| |shen, and they came into the lande lhaue scene,and ye shall haste, and bring} |loeeph my sonne ia yet alive: I wil lof Phares, were Hezron, and Hamul. | |Goshen. | |downe my father hither. lgoe and ace him before I dic. 18-4 And the sonnes of Imachar:| | 29 And Ioseph made ready his dl 14 And he fel his brother Ben-| 'Tola, and Phnush, and Job, andi |ret, and went vp to meet Israel his fa-| iamine necke, and wept: and Benia| iShimron. |ther, to Goshen, and presented himoelf| min wept vpon his necke. cn4E aor 14 § * And the sonnes of Zehulun:| |ynto him: and he fell on his necke, and 15 Moreouer hee kissed.all his bre-| |1 tacob is comforted by God at Beetshebs. | [Sered, and Elon, and Iahleel. wept on his necke a while. 80 And Israel saide vnto Ioseph,] |Now let me die, since I haue seene thy| face, eee ea yet aa 81 And Ic said vnto his ren, | jand vnto iis thers house, I will goe| and shew Pharaoh, and ssy vnto| Ihim, My brethren, & my fathers which were in the land of Canaan, are| Jcome vnto me. 82 And the men are sheapheards, for] + their trade hath bene to feed cattell ft Bebe. Jen they have brought their lock, anda Itheir heards, and all that they haue. 33 And it shall come to Pe when| [Pharaoh shall eall you, and shall sxy, | What is your occupation ? ‘$4 That ye shall say, Thy seruants| itrade hath bene about cattell,, from our} lyouth euen vntill now, both we, and al Jo our fathers: that ye may dvell in the land of Goshen: for euery shepheard| is an abomipation vnto the Egyptians. CHAP. XLVI 1 Yueph preantth fixe of his brethren, 7 and TERS bore Phanch i Hoc Goeth the hak ad mariner” ae z and their heards, and all that they haue, are come out of the land| lof Canaan: and behold, they are in the| land of Goshen. 2 And hee tooke some of his |thren, euen five men, & presented them| lynto Pharaoh. 3 And Pherach exid ynto hit bre, lthren, What is your occupation: Ithey said vnto Pharaoh, ‘Thy seruants lare shepheards, both ‘wee and also] lour fathers. 4 The Tacob and Pharaoh. Gendlis. TandsTold] | [lacob bleh Chp.xlvij.__Tofephs fonnes © They ssid moreouer_vato Pha el: and I will gue you for your cat] ad mailed cxeseding. sl a Paden Rachel died by me nthe land” toh, Fer to soiourne in the land are| |tell, if money fale : uae, o [Ege pe nucrtonte yerea: wo tthe whole fof Canasa, inthe way, when yet thre lwe come} for thy seruants haue no pa-|| 17 And they brought their cattel vn-| ; Lasers [Pere rs “hundred fourtie| |mas but a little way to come nto E-| |sture for their flockes, for the famine is| |to foseph: and Toseph gaue them| i pga eens eater shrath: and I buried her there in the| sore in the land of Canaan: now there-| [bread in exchange for horses, and for the| Pane eee Ee ine drew nigh that Ie-| {way of Ephrath, the same is Beth fore we pray thee Lt thy seruants dell Boke, and forthe atl of the heard fee tet ge cea bal called Ws owes] lobe 7 jin the lan en. land for the asses, and the fed them with} Heb. ied part i behelde _Iosephs| ‘5. And Pharaoh spake mnto Toseph,| lbread, for all their eattel, for that yeere |" Honeph, and said vato him, If now I) 8° And Isael 5 in thy sight, © mi i these? eying Thy ther and thy brethren} | "18 When that yeore was ended they ho ee thee and Joie ty ea (9 Pent Dd fare come vnto thee. sme vnto him the second yeere 4e a * ‘The land of Egypt is before thee:|lsaid vato him, We will not ide 1 from end deale ey aad eee Pe cee peer mndkeacd, Bing in the best of the ed make thy father] |my lord, how that our money is spent, ee cae : Twill land brethren to dwell, in the lande of Goshen let them dwell: and if thou} Iknowest any man of actiuitie amongst them, then make them rulers ouer my| we b hr 7 And I brought in tacoh| his father, and set him before Pharaoh Imy lord also had our heards of cattelt | there is not ought left in the sight of my ford, but our bodies, and our lands. 19 Wherfore shail we die before thine| leyes, both we, and our land? buy vi land our land for bread, and we and our| Nand will be seruants vnto Pharaoh jand thou shalt carie mee out of Egypt,| and bury mein hee burying place: and jhe said, I will doe as thou said. 81 And he said, Sweare vnto mee:| land he sware vnto him. And * Israel} Ibowed himselfe vpon the beds head. But T'wil he with my fathers |them, I pray thee, vnto me, and hlesse the. 10 (Now the eyes of Israel were] tdimme forage,so that hecould not see,) land hee hrought them neere vnto him, land he kissed them, and imbraced them. IL And Israel said vnto Toseph, 1 eagee tate a 7 IGod hath shewed me also thy Cae ee 2 And Toseph brought them out s Tsshwith his soonesvnvabhissicke fer] |g,4~ peeere fae knees“ and hee bow 1S Posh utengtheneth hanaelie tw bleme| (om betweene his knees, 4 taob, drenginneh Kiecfe to Dee Jed himeelfe with his face to the earth. land acob blessed Pharaoh land giue vs seede that we may line and| '& And. Pharach seid vnto Tacoh,| [mos die. that the land be not Gesolate | 2c. rw |+ How old art thou? 20 And Toseph bought all the land las" 9 And acob said vnto Pharaoh,| lof Ey pt for Pharaoh for the Egypti-| Icey *|-'The dayes of the yeeres of my pil| lanseeld euery man his field, because the| ii ‘im ‘at his owne| | 13 And Loseph tooke them both, E-| - frimage ar an hundred & chiro yee |fimin reo ouer them: co the and Sige Et hig of be motes cae 2 [phraim im brs vight hand, toward Te] few oy ae the dayes of the| |became Pharaohs. Hee blesscth sim and Manaech, 17| lraels left hand, and Manasseh in his| |yeeres of my life bene, and haue not at-| | 21 And as for the ile, he removed] Hee: ponger "| left hand towards Israels right hand, ined vnto the dayes of the yecres ef] {them to cities from ane ead ofthe ber | S1'H propesets Der rerane to Conan [ef brought them neere vata him. the life of my fathers, in the dayes of] {dere of Egypt, euen to the other ende| Nd it came to passe after ["I6 ANT ered tretched out his Itheir pilgrimage. lchereof. nd Tacob blessed Pharaoh, and] | 2% Onely the land of the || Priests|!0r, Princes went aut from before Pharaoh. leoughe he not: for the priests had a por-| ‘And loseph placed his father, |tion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did| brethren, and geue them a leate their portion which Pharaoh gaue| session in the an the beat hem wherefore they solde not their| lof the land, in the jameses, as| |lands. Ihold, thy sonne Toseph commeth 'vntol |said, God before whom my fathers A-| Pharaoh had commanded. 23 Then Toseph said ynto the peo-| Ithee: oo Teel ace thened himselfe,| |braham and Isaac did wwalke, the God| 12 And Toseph nourished his father] |ple, Behold, T have bough you this| land sate vpor lwhich fedde mee all my life tong ¥nto| and his brethven, and all his fathere| |day, and your land for Pharach? Loc, 3 And Tacob saide vnto Toseph,| |this day, 32 -|houshold with bread, llaccording to thcir| |here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the| God Almightie appeared vntb mee ai| | 16 The Angel which redeemed mee] at in ant (on cau. |>Lsin the land of Canaan, and hlessed| |from all euil, besse the laddes, and let ‘£3-| 13 1 And there was no bread in alll | 24 And it shall come to passe in the| tea ce, lmy mame be named on them, and the| Fite lee and for the famine was very sore lncene that you shal iv he fare "s And said vnto me, Behold, I will name of my fathers Abraham and I lso that the land of Egypt and all the| |ynto Pharaoh, and foure parts shall be| lmake thee fruitful, and multiplie thee,| |saac, and let them grow tinto a multi-|, Net of land of Canaan fainted by reason of the pews owns, fr seed ofthe fed, and for jaa I will make of thee 2 multitude off rude in the midst of the earth. | fest jine. our food, and for them of your house-| Je, and will giue this land to thy| | 17 And when Toseph saw that his| 14 And Toseph gathered vp all the| holds, and for food for your hile ones Pefe cher thee, fran euerlasting pos| [father Iside his right hand. pon the these things, that one told| |right hand, and layd i vpon Ephraims| fooph, Behold, thy fe Natt tho wan the Jonge: and is left therigsicke: and he tooke| |hand ypon Manassehs head , guiding S with him his two sonnes,| [his hands wittingly: for Manasee fanassch and Ephraim. lias the first borne. 2 And one told Tacob, and ssid, Be} | 15 % And * he blessed Toseph and), et lmoney that was found in the land of] | 25 And they said, ‘Thou hast saucd| \eession. head of Ephraim, it displeased him: and| Egypt and in the and of Canaan, for| lour lies: lets find grace inthe sight off coup 0. |"S'4 And now thy * emo sonnes, E-| [he bed vp his fathers hand, to remoue the corne which they bought: and Io-| |my lord, and we will be Pharaohs ser-| hee rim and Manassch, which werel jit from Ephraims head, voto Manas-| jseph brought the money into Phara-| |uants, Kerns ncs chee n the land of Egypt.be-| |sehs head. jobs house. ¥ 26 And Toseph made it a law ouer| lfore I came vnto thee into Egypt, are| | 18 And Toseph saide vnto his fa 15 And when money failed in the land] |the land of wnto this day, that} lmine: as Reuben and Simeon, they| |ther, Not so my father: for this és the| jof Egypt, and in the land of Canaan,| |Pharaoh should haue the fift part: ex.| |shalbe mine. first borne; put thy right hand vpon his| jall the Egyptians came vnto Toceph,| |cept the land ofthe IIpriests onely, zich! Prax @ And thy issue which thou beget-| |head. {and said, Giue vs bread: for why should) became not Pharaohs |test after them, shall be tine and de 19 And his father refused, and said,| we die in thy presence? for the money] | 27 4 And Isracl dwelt in the land| faileth. lof Egypt in the countrey of Goshen.| 16 And Toteph seid, Give your cat| Jand they had possesions therein, and gren. lbe called after the name of their hre-| |1 know it, my sonne, I know it: he also] hthren in their inheritance. shal become people, and he als shall llacob bleffeth Genefis. his fonnes. [His death. Chap.I. His burial, Jbe great: but truely his yonger brother] | 10 The scepter shall not from) jwolfe: In the morning hee shall de+ |I pray you, in the eares of Pharaoh, sll be greater thea bes ant hie sode| |Tudah, nore Law-—giner Gem be] juoure the pray, and at night be shall d-| fsaying, | Her fu. |ohall become a +multitade of nations. | |tweene his feete, till Shiloh come | juide the 5 *My father made me sweare, say. jw" | 20 And be blessed them that day, eay-| Jand vnto him shall the gathering of the 28 4 All these are the twelue tribes which 1 ling, In thee shall Israel blesse, saying,| |people be: jof Israel, and this is it that their father| land of Ce| IGod make thee as Ephraim, and [Manassch : and he set Ephraim before| Manasseh. 21 And Israel saide vnto Toseph,| Bebold, I die: but God shall be wih ou againe vito: your fathers Moreouer I have giuen to thee| one pordon above thy brethren, which If tooke out of the band of the Amorite Jvith my evord, and with my bow. CHAP. XLIX. 1 Tacop eth bie wane o Blame he. 3 cites toot be bu. sb He died | Nd Tacob called vuto} Ex his sonnes, and said, Ga, SJ ther your selucs together, your selues together, and| Iheare ye sonines of Tacob, and hearken| 'vnto Israel your father. 3 4 Reuben, thou art my first borne, lmy might, and the beginning of m steogtty, tic excellence of dignie, andl the excellencie of power: 4 Vnstable as water, +thou shalt * |not excell, because thou ® wentest vp to thy fathers bed: then defiledst thou it} lI}He went vp to my couche ‘5 Simeon and Leui are brethren, lJinstruments of crueltie are in their he-| bitations. 6 O my soule, come not thou into] their secret: vnto their assembly mine fhonour be not thou vnited: for in their anger they low a man, and in their elf will they N\digged downe a wall. 7 Cursed be their anger, for it mas] IRerce: and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in'Iacob, and scat ter them in Israel. 8 % Tudab, thou art he whom thy| lbrethren shall praise: thy hand shall bein| the necke of thine enemies, thy fathers [children shall bow downe before thee. 9 Tudsh is a Lyons whelpe: from| the pray my sonne thou art gone ep: he| lstouped downe, hee couched as a Lyon, land as an old ‘Lyon: who shall rouse| that T il you that hich aball befall you in ea. thim yp? Tk Binding his foale vato the vine, lhe washed his ts iu wine, and| his clothes in the blood of grapes. 12 His eyes shall be red with wine] Jand his teeth white with mille. 18 ¥ Zebuhun shall dwell at the be, Juen of the sea, and hee shall be for an| |Hauen of ships: and his border shall be) lynto Zidon. T4 4 Issachar is a strong asse, couch- downe betweene two '5 And he saw that rest mas good, and] the land that if mos pleasant: and bowed! jhis shoulder to beare, and became a scr-| Te Ban eal 164 st iin his. le, as} lone 17 Dan shalbe a serpent hy the way,| |horse heeles, so that his rider shall falil’”*” backward. 18 T haue waited for thy ssluation, lo LORD. 19 4 Gad, « troupe shall ouercome| fhim: but he shall ouercome at the last. 20 4 Out of Asher his bread shall lat, and he shall yeeld royall dainties. 21 4 Naphtali is a hinde let loose: [He giueth goodly words. 22°4 Toseph is a fruitfall bough, Jeuen a fruitfull bough by a well, whose! |t branches runne ouer the wall. 23 The archers haue sorely grieued| Jhim, and shot at him, and hated him, ‘% But his bow abode in strength,| land eae ‘is ands were made strong, ands of the mighty God} lof Iacoh: from thence is Te ghae lheard, the stone of Israel, 1s be 25 Eu by the God of thy father |who shall thee, and by the Al-| Imightie, who shall blesse thee with ble | ings of heanen abou, blessings of he ldeepe tl ler, blessings of the| [breasts and of the wombe. mee eee of thy father baue} i 1¢ the blessings of my eels tetera 2 leuerlasting hils, they shall bee on the| head of oxen, and on the crowne of the im that was separate from his brethren. ‘27: Benjamin shall ravine as | wolfe: lan tadder in the path, that biteth the|) Heb. ene fuctehirs + caap. youn | a a leyptans mouraed for him threrseore |spake vntothem, and blessed them: eue lry one according to his blessing he bles- Jed them. ‘29 And hee charged them and said] lento them, I am to bee gathered vatol my people: *burie me with my fathers, in the caue that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite, ‘30 In the caue that is im the field [Machpelah, which is before Marare, in lhe land of Canaan, * which Abraham| Ibought with the field of Ephron the| Hiuite, for a possession of a burying) 81 (There they buried Abcaham and| Sarah his wife, there they buried I-| aac and Rebekah his wife, and there| T buried Leah. 82 The purchase of the field and the caue that is therein, was from the children of Heth. $3 And when Iacob had made an| lend of commanding his sonnes, he ge Ithered vp his feete into the bed, and| yeelded vp the ghost, and was gathered} Iynto his people. CHAP. L. 1 The mourning for lasob. 6 Te of Phat to gore bury Wn. 7 Tel Fanerall. 18 Teceph comfort his brethren ‘woo caued his pardon 2 Ths age 23 Hey Tea ihe thir) generation of hn tonnes. 24 Frey tturte. 25 He taketh an oath of them for his] bones. 25 He dieth, and is chested. 2 And Toseph com, manded his seruants the| ysicians to imbelme his father: and| the physicians imbalmed Israel. 3 And fortie dayes were fulfilled for Ihim, (for s0 are fulfilled the dayes of Ithose which are imhalmed) and # ten dayes. 4 And when the dayes of his mour- ining were past, Toseph spake vnto the| Ihouse of Pharaoh, saying, If now Ihaue found grace in your eyes, speake, E-| [sid Toseph will peradventre, i jaan, thee shalt thou bury me, “Now| therfore let me goe vp, I pray thee, and| bury my father, and Iw ‘come 2-| ne. "6 And Pharaoh ssid, Goe vp, anal lbury thy father, according as he made Peg And Toweph bur TA went vp to Ins father: and with hin went vp a the seruants of Pharaoh, the elders lhis house, and all the elders of the land] lof Egypt, '8 And all the house of foseph, and| his brethren, and his fathers house; loncly their litle ones, and their Aockes, land their heards, they left in the land of Goshen. ‘9 And there went vp with him both] lcharets and horsemen: and it was feat company. "5 ‘And they came to the threshing lRoore of Atad, which is beyond Tor- Jdan, and there they mourned with a] reat and very sore lamentation: and| lfc made a mourning for his father se} luen dayes. 11 And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites sawe the mour- lning in the Aoore of Atad, they saide, |This is a grieuous mourning to the E- espians; wherfore she name of t was lealled, Abel Mizraim, which is beyond Tordan. 12 And his sonnes did vnto him ac. lcording as he commanded them, 18 For *his sonnes caried him into the land of Canaan, and buried him in Ithe caue of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham * bought with the fl {for a possession of a buryir the Hittite, before Mamre. 14 % And Toseph returned into E- laypt, he and his brethren, and all that! went vp with him, to is father, after he had buried his father. 15 @ And when Tosephs brethren} lsaw that their father was dead, they vs, and will certainely requite vs all the jeuill which we did vnto him. 16 And they teont a mesenger vate Hloseph , saying, Thy father did com lmand before he died, saying, 17 So shall ye say vnto Loseph, For-| rat poe itn se. chr. Ine givesl lofephs kindneffe. Exodus. His age, and death, Pharaohs crueltie. Chap.jj. Mofes is found. igivey 1 pray thes now, the eresparse (burdens: And they built for Pharaohj jand when shee saw him that hee was a| hy ren, and their sine: for they| Ireasure-cities, Pithom and Raamses. | |goodly childe, shee * hid him three mo-|* Acs 7, did vnto thes enill: And now wee pray ie gpa 12+ Bu the mre they acted them, [nets _ te + forgive \g. jthe more multiplic f And when shee could not long juants of the God of thy father. And] |chil ‘generation eal they ve gue troane ot lide him, the tooke for him an arke of toeph wept» when they epake nto ehildrn ‘slo aS aeae| the sone 4* |chikdren of Terael. eng | PULmshes, ad daube it ith elie] i ianasseh were t brought vp wpon Io-|' chee. 18 And the Egyptians made the chil-| {and with pitch, and put the childe there 18 And hie brethren also went and| |sepbs knees. laren of leach to'terue with rigour. | linyand shcelayd it in the flags by the |fell downe before his face, and they said,| | %4 And loseph saide voto his bre-| 14 And they made their liues bitter,} juers brinke. [Behold, we Be thy seruants. lthren, *I die: and God will surely visi lnith hard bondage, in morter and in| |’ 4 And his sister stood afarre off, to camp on fa 12, ADA Toeeph snide wnto thet! lyon, end bring you out of this Land, vo lbricke, and in all maner of seruice in the| |wit what would be done to him. ‘~ |* Feare not: for am I in the place jto the land which hee sware to Abra-| ffielde: all their seruice wherein they] | 5 9 And the of Pharaoh! God ? | [haar to Isaac, and to Tacob, lmade them serue, waz with rigour. lcame downe to wash her selfe at the ri-| 20 But as for you, yee thought euilll | 25° And Ioseph tooke an othe of the 15-5 And the King of Egypt spake ler, and her maydens walled slog by lagainst me, bud God meantit vnto good,| |children of Ierael, saying, * God willl: Pxat 1s to the Hebrew midwiues, (of which the| |the iver side: and when shee saw the Imchgopleatoe nn = you, and ye shal carie vp my Jname of one was Shiphrah, and the| larke among the flags, she sent her maid| suc le aliue. ce. |name of the other Push. Ito fetch 1 Now therefore feare yee not: I|| 96 So Ioseph died, being an hun-| 3G died head, When ye do the office 6 And when she had opened it, she| jwill nourish you, and your litle ones.| |dred and ten yeeres old: they im-| Jof a midwife to the Hebrew. women,| |saw the childe- and beholde, the babe| [balmed him, and he was pat in « coffin, land see them vpon the stooles, if it be a] |wept. And she had compassion on him,| Egypt. lsonne, then ye shall kill him: but if it be} ‘said, This is one of the Hebrewes| Ja daughter, then shee shall ive. children. AY But Be abe fare God,| | 7 Then sia his Sie teens land did not as the King of Egypt com-| jhter, Shall I goe, I to thee| Imanded them, but saued the men chit See e che Hebrew-women, that she| laren aliue. lmay nurse the childe for thee? 18 And the King of Egype called for| | 8 And Pharaobs daughter said to lthe midwiues, & said vnto them, Why] |her, Goe: And the mayd went and cal-| led ‘the childs mother. Jued the men children aliue? 9 And Pharaohs daughter said vn-| Ss E Cc oO N D B oO 19 And the midwiues said nto Pha-| |to her, Take this child away, and nurse) Oo K E oO F rach, Because the Hebrew women are| jit for me, and I will giue tt shy wa-| oars Egyptian. women : ie they |ges. And the woman tooke the childe,| are liuely, and are delivered ere the mid and nursed it. Mofes, called Exodus. feives come in vato them. TO And the childe grew, and shee ee 20 ‘Thereire God dealt = ‘uh foroughe, him “ent Pharaohs daugb| the Hoynes of Tacob, were *seuan the midwives: and the people multi |ter, and he became her sonne. And a sie soules: for loseph was it Iplied and waxed very mighty. Jcalled his name ||Moses: And she said, |t That . ceeph was in Egy or S—rt——r—C—i—iC“‘<*isrss=SiC zsC“‘“scrrsS 'G Abd Toneph died, and all his tre Imidwives feared God, that hee made| | 11 And it came to pasce in those| thren, and all that generation. them houses. __| |dayes, hen Moses was that] 74." And the children of Terael|* Ace 7. ‘22 And Pharaoh charged all his} {he went out vnto his brethren, and loo- |were fruitful, and increased aboun-|'" pple, saying. Every sonne that is| ked on their burdens, and he spied an| ldantly , and multiplied, and waxed ex.| ere gee cast into the rues, and| Egyptian smiting an Hebrew , one off ling mighty, and the land was filled| Jeuery daughter ye shall saue aliue. Ihis brethren. 12 And he looked eee = that| Now there arose vp 2 new King) HAP. IL |way, and when he saw that there was} Faget, shich Knew not Toseph. y on ake cat na [P2 aM, be slew the Egyptian, and hid said ynto hia people, Be Monee is barnes a LAF tasght rp by] |himn im the sand. e of the children of Te] Bee. datzhver 11 He sayeth an 13 And when he went out the second| moe and mightier then we. teats He Sproucth an Hebrew. 13 He| [day, behold, two men of the Hebrewes 10 Come on, let vs deale wisely with] ‘eeth ito Midian. 21 Hee marrieth Zip-| |stroue together: And hee said to him! chem, leat they multiply, and it come to Pert he tml © bome. 23 God "| lihat did the wrong, Wherefore smitest| passe that when there flleth out any| 3 thou thy fellow ? ioyne also ynto our ene-| [. Nd there went °2 man ‘14 And he ‘Who made thee tal 4 i and fight against vs, and #o get} is sa the house of Leui, & woke! |Prince and s judge ouer vs? intendest| een oe eran Gans out of the land. i" towifea daughter of Leu |thou to kill meas thou billet the E 7 re they did set ouer them| '@ And the woman con-| |gyptian? And Moses feared, and savd, 5 And all the soules that came out! to them with their| ceived, and bare # sonne:| |Surely this thing is Anowen. an burdens: a ‘odus. The buth burning. (The Name of God. Chap. Moles his fignes. anes tor, Prine | ¥ebineu.Jdren of Israel, and God +thad respect| 17 And the shepheards came and] Jdroue them away: but Motes stood vp| land helped them, & watred their flocke. 18 And when’ they came to Reuell their father, le said, How is it that you| Jore,come, so soone 1 day? they said, An Egyptian deli cred ve out of the hand ef the shep| lheards, and also drew water enough fog an watered the locke ‘And he said vnto his daugh JAnd where is he? wh iat yee Phaue left the man ? Call may ete bread 21 And Mores was content to dwel with the man, and he gave Moses Zip-| lporah his daughter. ‘And she bare him a sonne, and he called his name * Gershom: for he said, T have ene a stranger in a strange lan 23-4 And it came to passe in lottime, chat the King of Egypt ded, and che children of Israel sighed by reason] lof the bondage, and they cried, and their lery came vp nto God, by reason of the| 24 And God heard their groning, . Jand God remembred his * Covenant lrith Abraham, with Isaac, and with Tacob. 25 And God looked vpon the chil, ynto them. CHAP. IIL ge hi tat cr to 9 Sebo sers EY Owe Moses kept the Waly flocke of Tethro his fa-| ther in law, the Priest of Wife Midian: and hee led the| h 3 i flocke to the backeside off te desert, came to the mountain fee to Horeb. mounuaine the Angel of the Lorp| lappeared rnto. kim in a flame of fire| jout of the midst of 'a bush, and he loo-| 3 = a I will nowel ftumne aside, and see this sight, | lehy the bush ia not burnt. . 4 And when the that he turned aside to see, God called! lynto him out of the midst of the bush, a said, pee ‘Moses. And he saide,| 5 And he said, Drawe not nigh hi lther: © Hfeete , for the place whereon thou stan, ldes, is holy ground. 6 “Morcoucr hee said, *1 am the|* Maus 27 |God of thy father, the God of Abra.[3.*"* |ham, the God of Isaac, and the God. [Iacob. And Moses hid Iwas afraid to looke vpon God. 7 4% And the Lonp said, I hauel Jsurely seene the affliction of my people| lwhich are in Egypt, and have heard| Itheir crie, 8 And Iam come downe to deliuer| tem out ofthe hand ofthe Ey Jand to bring them vp out of that land, fro 2 good land sna llande flowing with milke fynto the place of the Canaanites, and| the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the| Perizzites, and the Hiuites, ‘and the Tebusites. ‘9 Now therefore behold, the crie o the children of Israel is come vnto me:| land I hhaue also scene the oppression lwheremith the Egyptians oppresse 10 Come now therefore, and I will Head thee to Pharaoh, that they mayest bring forth my people the chil-| laren of Tera out of Feype 11 4 And Moses saide vnto God, Who am YT, that I should goe vnto| Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth] the children of Israel out of Egypt? 12 And he ssid, Certaincly with thee, and this shall be a token ¥n- to thee, that I haue sent thee: When thou hast brought foorth the people out| lot Exypt, ye shall serue God spon thie mountaine. 18 And Moses saide vnto God, Be- hold, sehen T come vnto the children| jof Israel, and shall say vnto them, The God of our fathers hath ven lme wnto you; and they shall say to me, Wat ie his mame? what shall Ts {ynto them ? Loxp sawe| ut off thy shooes from off thy] 1. face: for he| reason of their taske-ma, for'I know their sorrowes, land large, vnto a| 1d hony, will be 14 Anal = Chop. t. i ies Isetarty of Eeyp ill not et you goe, IIno no on, Eempe spoil [Ithe Egyptians. this] fked, and Behold, the bush burned with] Ta And God saide vnto Moses,) | ses departeth from letbre, 21 Gods mewsge| But! |fire, and the bush was not consumed. LAM THAT 1 AM: And he| | 1 Pbsroh, 2¢ Zipper circomeincth he Jeni, ‘Thus chalt thou say vnto the chil, laren of Israel, T AM hath sent me| jynto you. 15 And God said moreouer vnto Mo-| ses, ‘Thus shalt thou say vnto the chil. laren of Israel; ‘The Lonp God lyour fathers, the God of Abraliam, the [God of Isaac, and the God of Tacob] hath sent me vnto you: this is my name| for euer, and this is my memoriall vnto} all generations. 16 Goe and gather the Elders of Ie] lrael together, and say vato them, ‘The| oxy God of your fathers, thel God of Abrsham, of Teac, snd of Te lcob appeared vnto me, saying, I haue Jarely Visited you, and scene that which is done to you in Egypt. 7 And Nave ead, I will bring| lyou vp out of the affliction of Egypt, lynto the land of the Canaanites, and| the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the| Periazites, and the Hiuites, and the Te-| Ibusites, vnto a land flowing with mitke] land ltony. 18 And they shall hearken to thy| lvoyce: and thou shalt come, thou and| the ders of Tsael voto the Kin t, and you shall say vnto him, TE" ions “God of the Hebrews Inath met with va: and now let vs goe, |(wce beseech thee) three dayes iourney| finto the wildernes, that we may sacri fice to the Loxp our God. : 19 @ And I am sure that the King| lby a mightie hand. ‘20 And I will stretch out my hand, land smite Egypt with all my wonders Iwhich I will doc in the midst thereof: land after that he will let you goe. ‘21 And I will giue this people fe, luour in the sight of the Egyptians, andl it shall come to passe that when ye got, ye shall not goe empty : 22 * But every woman shal borrow] lof ber neighbour, anc of her that so-| ourneth in her house, iewels of siluer, land iewels of gold, and rayment and] lye shall put thom ypon your sonnes and| frpon your daughters, and yee shall CHAP. IIL turned into a Serpent. 6 His| “eprous. 10 He is Toalt to bee sent 14 Aaron fs appointed to assist him. 16 Mo-| Na Moses answered, and| said, But bebold, ‘they| will not beleeue mee, nor| BS hearken vnto my voice: BE for they will say, The Tot appearcl vnto thee, ‘2 And the Loxp said vnto him, |What is that in thine hand? and hee} said, “A rod. ‘5 And he said, Cast it on the ground JAnd he cast it on the ground, and it be- lcame a serpent: and Moses fied from| before it. ‘4 And the Lonp ssid ynto Mo, Jes, Put forth thine hand, and take it the tile: And he put foorth his hand, Jand caught it, and it became a rod in his} hand: 5 That they may beleeue that the| Lox God of their fathers, the God lof Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the] God of Tacob hath appeared vnto| thee. G 4 And the Lonp said further, Imore vnto him, Put now thine hand in. to thy bosome.” And he put his hand in. to his bosome: and when hee tooke it lout, behold, his hand was leprous as snowe. 7 And he said, Put thine hand into] thy bosome againe. And hee put his| hand into his bosome againe, and pluc- Iked it out of his bosome, and behold, i Jwas turned againe as his other flesh '8 And it sliall come to passe, if they] |wil not belecue thee, neither hearken to] the voice of the first signe, that they will Ibelecue the voice of the latter signe. {9 And it shall come to passe, if they Jwill not beleeue also these two signes,| Incither hearken nto thy voice, that| thou shalt take of the water of the ri.| lucr,and powre it vpon the drie land: andl the water which thou takest out of the lruer, + shall become blood vpon the di Hand. 10 4 And Moses saide vnto the Loxp, O my lord, I am not telo- |quent, neitherheretofore, nor tsince thou} Ihast spoken vnto thy sernant: but I am stow of speach, and of a slow tongue. 11 And the Lorp said vnto him, Who hath made mans mouth? or who] sketh the dumbe or deafe, or the sec. ing, ot ¥ blind? haue not Ethe Loxp?| h He, sal fond shat | tet. amen oor Pia sine [petra Per siete ed de. 12 Now! [Mofe: s and Aaron Exodus. goe to Pharaoh] He i ake jig we sath te foe ® with thy mouth, and teach thee it fet as: |what thoa shalt say. Ta Now therefore goe, and I will 18 And be ssid, O my Lord, send, 1] ay thee by the hand of him whom thou wilt send. 14 And the anger of the Lozo| was kindled against Moses, and hee lsaid, Ts not Aaron the Leuite thy bro. ther? I know that he can speake well, [And also behold, he commeth foorth to| Imeet thee: and when he seeth thee, hee will be glad in his heart. 15 And thou shalt speake vnto him, land put words in his mouth, and I be with thy mouth, & with his mouth,| land will teach you what ye shall doe. 1G ‘And he sha be thy spokesman vo tothe people: nnd he sll be, euen hee shall be to thee in stead of a mouth, and [*thou shalt be to him in stead of God. 17 And thon shale take this rod in| thine hand, wherewith thou shalt. doe! -. ined to Tethro his father in law, and sid vnto him, Let me goe, I pray thee, Jand returne vato my brethren, which| Jare in Egypt, and see whether they bee| alive. “And Tethro said to Moses, 19 And the Lorn said eto Moses| lin Midian, Goe, returne into Egypt | for all the men are dead which sought| thy lite 20 And Moses tooke his wife, and] fis sonnes, and set them vpon an asse, Jand he returned to the lanil of Egypt| JAnd Moses tooke the rod of God ‘in his hand. 21 And the Lorn ssid vnto Mo Jses, When thou goest to returne intol Egypt, eee that thou doe all ders hefore Pharaoh, which 1 Raue ut in thine hand: but I wil harden his art, that hee shall not let the people| lgce. 22 And thou shalt say vnto Phare| oh, ‘Thus saith the Lown, Tenet my sone, exen my first borne. ‘And Leay ynto thee, let my sonne| lgoe, that he may serue mee: and if thou| Fefase to let him goe, behold, T will slay thy tonne, enen ty frst borne, 24 9 And it came to passe by thel leay in the Inne, that the Lone me hima, and sought to kill him. ‘Then Zipporah tooke » sbarpe + Or. baie Istoue, and cut off the fureskinne ofher| [Surely bloody husband art thou to| 26 So he let him goe. then she ssid, A bloody hnsband thou arts Because the Circumcision. 2% And the Loxp said to Aa ron, Goe into the wildernesse to mecte Moses. And hee went and met him in the mount of God, and kissed bir 88 And Moses tolde Aaron all the Jwordes of the Lor, who had sent| |him, and all the sigues which hee had] [commanded him. 29 @ And Moses and Aaron went, tnd gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel 80 And Aaron spake all the wordes which the Loxp had spoken nto ows an did the signes in the sight the people 81 And the people belecued. And lwhen they heard that the Loo lhad visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked vpon their affiction, Ithen they bowed their heads and wor, shipped. CHAP. vy. } Phaoh chide Movs and Anon fort message. 5 He encreaseth the Tere ie is He hhh dir emp 3 oot ron 22 Meets complaingh wo Gol, Na afterward Moses and| B Aaron went in, and tolde| Pharaoh, Thus saith the| Lory God of “Tera 1 my people goe , that they may holde'a feast nto nese in te lwildernesse. 2 And Pharsoh said, Who is the Louw, that T should obey his voyce| to let Israel goe? I know not the! [Loup, neither will I let Israel goe. 8 And they ssid, *The God of the| Hebreres hath met with vs: tet ve » we pray thee, three dayes iourn Into the’ desert easels wisn [Lox our God, lest hee fall vpon va |with pestilence, or with the sword. 4 And the King of Egypt said wnto them, Wherfore doe ye, Moses and Aa.| ron, let the people Rom their workers leet you wnto your burdens. 5 And Pharaoh said, Behold, the peeple ofthe land now are many, & you make them rest from their burdens. 6 And Pharaoh commanded the same| Jronne, and tcast it at his feete, and said Wet, mow] Ifrael oppreffed. jsame day the taske-masters of the peo- ple, and their officers, saying < 7 Yee shall no more giue the straw to make bricke, as heretofore: them goe and gather straw for them-| selues. 8 And the tale of the brickes which they did make heretofore, you shall 12 So the people were scattered | load throughout al the land of Egypt, to gather stubble in stead of straw, 13 And the taske-masters hasted| lehem, saying ; Fulfil your workes, your| lr dayly ‘taskes, as when there wag era 14 And the ofcers of tte children o eracl, which Pharachs task-moster |had set ouer them, were beaten, and de-| lmanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfil-| ied your taske, in making bricke, both| lyesterday and to day, as heretofore? TS 4 "chen the obicers of the chil Jdren of Israel came and cryed wnto Pharaoh , saying, Wherefore dealest| thou thus with thy seruanua? 1G There is no straw giuen vnto thy! lseruants, and they to vs, Make! riche: and behold, thy teruants ae |beaten ; but the fault is in thine owne| Pathe id, eared yeare idle: therefore ye say, Let vs goe and doe sx Jcrifice to the Loxp. 18 Goe therefore now and worke | lor there shall no straw bee giuen you, Jyet shall ye deliuer the tale of brickes, 19 And the officers of the children off Hisracl did see that they were in euill lease, after it was said, Yee shall not mi nish’ ougit from your brickes of your ldayly taske. 20° And they met Moses and Az-| Chap.vyj. jeame foorth from Pharaoh. 21 And they said vnto them; ‘Thej [Loz looke vpon you, and iudge, be Jcanse you haue made our sauonr + to be| Jabhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh, and} lin the eyes of his seruants, to put | Jsword in their hand to slay vs. 22 And Moses returned vnto the| lta @D thou see what I will do RY to Pharaoh : for with strong hand shall hee let them goe, and with a strong hand shall Ihe driue them out of his land. @ And God spake vnto Moses, and| Jssid ynto him, I am the Loni 3 And I red vito a tues ord rate Tabs by Name Imighty , my| ume SENOVA to'T not kee to them. 4 And I haue also established my ICouenant with them, to give them the| hand of Canaan, the land of their pilgri. Image, wherein they were strangers. 5 And T have also heard the lning of the children of Israel, whom Ithe “Egyptians keepe in bondage: and IT haue remembred my Covenant. 6 Wherefore say vnto the children lof Israel, I am the Loxp, and Ij ll bring you out from vnder the bur. |dens of the Egyptians, and I will rid] lyou out of their bondage : and Jredeeme you with a stretched out arme, land with great iudgements. 7 And I will take you to mee for a » and I will be to you a God: and| ae iinow thet Tam the Lona your God, which bringeth you out) om vnder the burdens of the Egyp tians. 8 And I will brit ‘you in vato thel llande concerning 1 which I did| ron, who stood in the way, as they teweare| Fier Gods promife. lay vpon them: you shall not diminish| |Lono, and said, Lord, Wherefore Iht thereof: fortheybe idle; therefore] has thou so ull ented his people? ring, Let vs gue and sacrifice| |why is it that thou hast sent me? erty eee 3. For since T came to Pharaoh to I) Hes. tt | 9 + Let there more worke be layde| |speake in thy Name, he hath done euill} [Lt ei jeesert*lvpon the men, that they may labour| le, neither hast thou tdeli-lhect mot ue: |armer"” Itherein, and let them not regard vaine| iy people at all. ier words. 10,4 And the aakemaners of th CHAP. VL people went out, and their officers, « ar a they spake to the people, saying, Thus] |! God reauet! ls Name TE] ath Dharsoh Tad not ge fu Cre sage of Rew straw cine Moses and Atron, 11 Goe ye, get you straw where you| . lean find a ‘nod ought of your worke| Hen the Lonp said vn-| shall be diminished. to Moses, Now shalt [The rod a ferpent. Chap.viij. Bloody waters, /Mofes is fent Exodus. to king Pharaoh, Oe Tee Taal Ram mawag] ruts oF Eagpe pen er evens] live ive, [Faweare to giue it, to Abraham, to Isa-| jdaughter of Amminadab sister of Ne-| |7™”"4 lac, and to Iecob, and I will giue it you] |ashon to wife, and ahe bare him Nada] thei “nuers and pon thet} for an heritage, Iam the Loa land for cruel! bondage. 10 And the Tot spake ‘ato Mo, King of Egypte be tthe chines ing 0 tat he let the children} er Tal get os of ean Lox, saying, Behold, the children lof Teracl haue not hearkened vnto me how then shal Pharaoh heare me, who| Jam of vncircumcised lips? 18 And the Loxo spake vnto Moses land vnto Aaron, & gaue them a charge| rat the children of Israel» and eno Pharaoh King t, t0 bring t children of ferae! out of the land of E| Ps ‘True be the heads of their a 2]thers houses: *’The eonnes of Reuben| * "the first borne of Israel, Hanoch , and [Pallu, Heston, and Carmi: these Be the| families of Reuben. 15 * And the sonnes of Simeon : Ie Jmuel, and Yamin, and Ohed and I Jchin, and Zohar, and Shaul the sonne| lof a Canaanitish woman : these are the| lies of Simeon. 16 4 And these are the names of the| 2|* sonnes of Leui, according to their ge. Jnerations: Gershon and Kohath and] IMerari : and the yeeres of the life Levi, were an hundred, thirtie and se- 17 ‘The sonnes of Gershon: Libni 94 And spake vo vato the| children of Terael: but they hearkened| tse ert }aot vato Moses, for tanguish of spirit, 12 And Moses spake before the| Jand Abihu, Elessar and Ithamar. 24 And the sonnes of Korah, Asair | land Elkanah, and Abiasaph: these are| the families of the Kothites. 25 And Eleasar Aarons sonne tooke| hima one of the daughters of Putiel to lwife, and * she bare him Phinchas these are the heads of the fathers of the HLeuites, according to their famities. 26 These are that Aaron and Mo! lect, to whom the Lonp said, Brin jout the children of Israel from the I lof Egypt, according to their armies. ‘97 "These are they which spake 10 Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring out lthe children of Tarael from Egypt [These are that Moses end Aaron. 28-4 And it came to passe on the day] Imhen the Loan spake vnto. Mased in the land of Egypt, 29 That the Loxp spake vnto| Moses, saying, I am the Loxo: lepeake ‘thou vnto Pharaoh king of E-| eype al that Tsay voto thee "And Moses said before the Lozp, [Behold , I am of vncircumcised lips land how shall Pharaoh hearken vnto| Ime? CHAP. VII, + Mone is encouraged to go to Pharaoh. 7 Hi "s Hiayod i surnel into « Serpent. 11 sorcerer do the ike. 19 Pharsaha bear ishardcosd. 14 Goda to Pharaoh 3o'The uct i turned soto Mood. Nd the Loz said vn, Ex to Moses, See, I haue them. 6 And Moses and Aaron did as the Hox commanded them, #0 did they. [And Moses was fourescore yeres de, and Aaron fourescore and three Jyeercs old, when they spake nto Phe-| rack. 8 @ And the Loep spake nto Moses, and vato Aaron, saying: '9 When Pharaoh shall speake vnto jyou, saying, Shew a miracle for you:| Rthen thou shalt say vnto Aaron, Take| Ichy rod and cast it before Pharaoh, and| li shall become a serpent. 10 4 And Moses and Aaron went| lin vnto Pharaoh, and they did so as the [Lord had commanded: snd Aaron cast ldowne his rod before Phsraoh , and| before his ceruants, and it became a| lserpent.. Th ‘Then Pharaoh also called the| lwise men and the sorcerers; now the| [Magicians of E; ‘also did in| like maner with their enchantments. 12 For they cast downe euery man| lnis rod, and they became serpents: but VAtronn to evallowed ep thei rods 18 And hee hardened Pharachs| Iheart, that hee hearkened not vnto Ithem, as the Lono had said. 14% And the Loxp saide vnto] Moses, Pharaohs heart it hardened lhe refuseth to let the people goe. 16 Get thee ema Pharaoh in he lmorning, loe, he goeth out ynto the wa-| Iter, and thou shalt stand by the rivers [brinke, against hee come: and the rod| lehich was turned to a serpent, shalt Ithou take in thine hand. water, land that there may be blood through-| orale dof Hep, thin ec of wood, and in stone. 20 And Moses and Aaron did so, a lthe Lor commanded: and he *Tift|" lyp the rod and smote the waters that Jwere in the riuer, in the sight of Pha fraoh, and in the sight of his servants: jand all che * waters that were in the ri.|* juer, were turned. to blood. : 21 And the Gh that was in the riner \died: and the riuer stunke, and the E- gyptians could not drinke of the water| the riuer : and there was blood eh all the land of Egypt. 22 © And the Magicians of Egypt ldid co, with their enchantments: and| Pharaohs heart was bardened , lcher did he hearken vato them, ax the [Lorn had said. 93 And Pharach tumed and went jinto his house, neither did hee set his Iheart to this also. — 24 And all the Egyptians digged lround about the riuer for water to ldrinke: for they could not drinke of the| |water of the river. 25 And seuen dayes were fulfilled lafter that the Loup had smitten the friuer. Jponds, and vpon all their + pooles thas they CHAP. VIII h Frogges are sent. 8 Pharaoh wseth to Moses, | 2and Boss by prayer remoueth them a-| sway. 16 The dust is {armed into lice, which] the Magicians could not doe. 20 The| ine Beco ood ESS” land Shimi, according to their families ems. | 18 And *the sonnes of Kohath: Am, lh chree a lram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uz] 16 And thou shalt say ynto him, Ithe Loxp God of the Hebrewes hath sent me vnto thee, saying; Let my| ‘swarmes of fies. 25 Pharaoh inclineth to] AEF made thee a god to Phi OF ne ne Ate by tne + cnap..2| el. And the yeeres of the life of Ko hath, were an hundred thirtie and three| yeeres. 19 And the sonnes of Merari: Ma |hali and Mushi: these are the families Leui, according to their generations. 2 And * Amram tooke him Ioche-| bed his fathers sister to wife, and shee] bare him Aaron and Moses: and the| yeeres of the life of Amram were an| wundred, and thirtie and seuen yeeres| ‘21 @ And the sonnes of Izhar: Ko-| rah and Nepheg, and Zichr. 22 And the sonnes of Usriel: Mi |stael, and Elzaphan, and Zithri_ 23 And Aaron tooke him Elisheba| jon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, Jand my people the children of Tereel, lout of the land of Egypt, by great judg. Iments. that I am the ther shalbe th yet ual spe athe 1 lcommand thee, and Aeron thy brother Jshall speake vnto Pharaoh, that he send! Ithe children of Israel out of his land. 3 And I will harden Pharaohs! Ineart, and multiplie my signes and my| lwonders in the land of Egypt. 4 But Pharaoh shall not hearken lynto you, that I may lay my hand vp-| 5 -And the Egyptians shall knore oud, when I stretch] forth mine hand vpon Egypt, and bring| out ,, that they may serue mee in] FaotaiSerecsee: and bbolde, hither. thou wouldest not heare. . 17 Thus saith the Lorn, In this| ithou shalt know that I am the Loni behold, I will site with the rod thay is in my hand, vpon the waters which] lare in the river, and they ahalbe turned to b stood. 18 And the fish that is in the riues| |shall die, and the riuer shall stincke, and} the Egyptians shall loathe to drinke the wate ofthe rue 19 4 And jon spake vnto] Moses, Say vnto Hate ake thy] jrod, &'stretch out thine hand vpon the fe tole shen ge with 7 3 And the fs shall ring forth lrogges abundantly , which shall goe |vp and come into thine house, and in. lto thy bed-chamber, and vpon thy bed,| land into the house of thy seruants, and| mn thy people, and into thine ovens, aed into chy Hkteading troughs, 3 [Plagues of frogges, Sell cone a 11 And the frogs shall depart from] thee, and fom oases sod from yy seruanta , peopl ity‘ reine in the vines ely. 12 And Moses and Aaron went Pharaoh, and Moses cried va Ithe Loxo because of the frogs which Ihe had brought against PI a to the word of Moses: and the ldied out of the houses, out of and out of the felda. ‘them | iT i & # 6 And thered itn bea “ind the und 15 But wi Pharaoh there was that it, he hardned hi Jd heartened ‘not voto thems a th [Lox bad said. 16 4 And the Lop sside rato Moses, Say ynto Aaron, Stretch out) thy rod, and smite the dust of the land, ithat it may become lice, thorowout all] the land of Raye ees Lats lid so: for Aaron stret-| lched ‘out hie hand wich his rod, andl |smote the dust of the earth , and it be-| Exodus. came Hie, in man and in best: all the [dust of the land became lice th all the lend of a 18 And the did 0 ltheir enchantments to bring foorth lice, Jbus they could not: so there were lice! ‘mun and pon beast. 19 Then the Magicians said ynto Pharaoh; This is the finger of God. |And Pharaohs heart was hardned, he hearkened not vnto them, as the| [Lono had said 30 _T ht the Low, side vty loses, Rise vp early in the morning, land stand before Pharaoh: loc, he em lmeth forth to the water, and say vnta| is ‘Ths each the Loxp, Let my le goe, that they may serue me. 21 Eley if thou wilt vot let my and the houses of the E-| shall bee full of swarmes of] ‘22 And I will sever in that day the} liande of Goshen in which my people| |dwell, that no ewarmes of fies shall bel there, to the end thou maiest know that] I am the Lorn in the midst of the| 4 And the Leno did so: andl jinto the house of Pharaoh, and into hia|” ta houses, and into all the lande| + of 25 % And Pharaoh called for Mo| '26 And Moses said, It isnot m letde;eroe shana heen] nation of the to the Lono| jour God: Loe, we sacrifice the a [bominasion of the Egyptians beforel fir ee and will they not stone vs? 1 We will goe three dayes journey| linto the wilderness, and sacrifice to the [Loa our God, as * he shall com. mand va 88 And Pharaoh ssid, I wil let you! |goe thi may sacrifice to the Loro! lyour God, in the wildernes : onely yout lshall not goe very farre away: i for me. 29 And Moses said, Behold, I goe| one lof the murraine. Chap.ix. of lyce, of flyes, a r——C—C=CC y ph nt pe of 7 juants, and i ‘houses : 4 learth. 23 And I will put +2 diuision be-|y2tae ere] breene my and thy people: [Ito/tor? tere morrow is eigne be. morro I*there came a grieuous swarme of flies|* Wis. 1. Egypt: the iand was ljcorrupted by|t or, pease erate searme of a ce lout fom thee, and I will intreste the] [Lox that the swarmes of flies may! from Pharach, from his ser| juants, apd from his people to morrow:| lbut let not Pharaoh deale deceitfully| Jany more, in not letting the people goe| to sacrifice to the Loz. ‘80 And Moses went out from Phe raoh, and intreated the Loup: 31 And the Loxo did according tol lene word of Moses: and he remooued! the swarmes of flies from Pharaoh, [from his seruants, and from his people: there remained not one. 32 And Pharach hardened his heart Jat this time aloo, neither would hee let the people goe. CHAP. IX, 1 The murraine of beastn. 9 The plague of] ‘boyles, ad blsines 1S His mewage aboat ‘the halle, 22 The plague of haile, 27 Pha ‘aoh sueth to Moses, $5 bat yet is hardened. Hen the Lox said yato ‘Moses, Goe in vato Pha taob, and tell him, Thus saith the Loxp God of] 5 the Hebrewes, Let my| le goe, that they may serue me. Pe eee tho rece tot thm goo land wilt hold them still, 3 Bebold, the band of the Loan ia vpon thy cattell which is in the field, in the horses, vpon the asves, ypon| ¢ oxen, and ¥pon lthe sheepe: there shall be a very grieuous| hmurraine. 4 And the Loxp shall sever be| lrweene the cattel of Israel, and the cat tell of Egypt, and there shall nothi |dic of all that isthe childrens of Ierae 5 And the Loup appointed lime, sxying, To morrow the Lox] dog thts ching in the land. 6 And the Lonp did that thin jon the morrow; and all the cattell of E-| of Ierael died not one. 1 And Pharaoh sent, and bebokde,| there was not one of the cattell of the Teraclites dead. And the heart of Pha |raoh was hardened, and be did not let] the people goe. 3 T And the Lox. aside IMosea, and vato Aaron , Take to you) {handfuls of sshes of the fornace , and| Net Moses sprinkle it towards the hea/ Juen, in the sight of Pharaoh: lgzpt died, bor ofthe catell ofthe chil fs }man and vpon beast, throughout all thel lland of Egypt. 10 And they tooke ashes of the for Jnace, and stood before Pharaoh, and [Moses sprinkled it vp toward heaven; land it became a boile breaking forth with] blsines, vpon man and ypon beast. 11 And the Magicians could not] lstand before Moses, because of thel ile: forthe Deis eae wpon there icians, and rpon all the Egyptians. Sie And. the Lox hardened the lbeart of Pharaoh, and hee hearkened| lspoken vnto Moves. 18 4 And the Loxp aside vntd IMoves, Rise vp earely in the morning, land stand before Pharaoh, and say vnto| fhim, ‘Thus saith the Loup God the Hebrewes, Let my people goe, that lthey may serue me. 14 For I will at this time send all ly plagues vpon thine heart, and vpon| hy seus, nd vpon thy people that thou mayest knowe that there is Juone like me in all the earth, 15 For now I will stretch out my| fhand, that I may smite thee and thy ple, with pestilence, and thou shalt cut off from the earth. 16 And in 17 As yet exaltest thou thy selfe e, gest my people, thas chow wit not te em goe? 18 Behold, wo morrow about this lime, T wil cause it to raine a very grie/ luous baile, euch as hath not bene in E- |aypt, since the foundation thereof euen| yatill now. 19 Send therefore now, and. gather by catl, and all that thou has in the} 7 for’ ppon euery man and beast lehich shal be found inthe field, and shal Inot bee brought home, the haile shall Joome downe vpon them, and they shall die. 20 Hee that feared the word of the [Loup amongst the seruants of Pha-| lraoh, made his seruants and his cattll fle into the houses. 21 And he that + word of the Loxo, Jand his cattell in the field. not theft He, his. servants) 22 % And| Pharaoh obftinate, 9 And it shall become small dust iny jall the land of . » and shall bee a| hoyle breaking forth with blaines, vpoo| lnot vnto them, *as the Loxp had|; cup. « sender * this cone em. inl jhaue I traised 1» for to shewe it lthee my power, and that my name may|.e< sian" be throughout all the earth [The plague of haile. Ay Fi wet. ne. |Dot smitten: for they were tnot growen| $8 @ And the Lox saide ynto ingled with the haile, very grievous, ty here was none lke iS all the land of since it became a nation, 25 And the haile emote throughout lal che land of Egypt, all that was in the| ech, both man abl Uns: end the bal Jsmote every of + and foeake euery tree of the Geld. 26 Onely in the land of Goshea fehere the children of Israel sere, was there no baile. 21 4 And Pharaoh sent, and called| Hor Moses and Aaron, and said ynto them, I have sinned ‘this time: the} [Lop is righteous, and I and my| People are wicked Enueat the Loan (for itis} len at ‘no more + mi lr lyon goe, and ye shall stay no longer. 29° And Moses aside voto him As gos as 1am gone out of the ce, spread abrosd my hands vnto the| Loan, and the thander shall’ cea, neither shall there be mote baile:| that thou know how that the | * earth ithe Ds. 50 But as for thee and thy seruants, 1T know that ye will not yet feare the| Loa God. $1 And the and the was! nit: forthe beiey marin heer land the flaxe was bolled : $82 But the wheat and the rye were| rp. 88 And Moses went out of the city |from Pharaoh, and spread abroad his| lhunds vnto the Loap: and the chun, lders and baile ceased, and the raine was not powred vpon the earth, And when Pharaoh exw chat] ithe raine, and the haile and the thun-| lders were ceased, hee sinned yet more, Jend hardened his heart, he and his er: Juans Exodus. ‘86 And the heart of Pharaoh was| Ihardened, neither would he let the chi ldren of Israel gue, as the Loxp hed lspoken + by Moses. ie CHAP. X. t God threatneth to send locurte. 7 Phare, ‘nous bybisseruants, ncinedh let ef trelites gos. 12 The plague of the locusts | 1g Paseo soeth a Mose £1 The plague of dartenene. 24 Pharaoh raeth reo No 2 bat yeti hardened Nd the Loxo said vntol Moses, Goe in mito Pha-| ned his heart, and the] heart of his serdants, that FF mig shew theve my signer before @ And that thou mayest tell in the| leares of thy sonne, and of thy sonnes Jronne, what things 1 haue wrought in Eaypt and my signet which T hae e amongst them, that ye may know] how that Lam the Lorn. '$ And Moses and Aaron came in jynto Pharaoh , and saide roto him, |Thus saith the’ Loup God of the He beens, How long wit shou refuse t sae ty ge before mee? Let my people goe, that they may serve me. “t Bl if thou refine to et my people », bebold, to morrow will I. bring! ye * locusts into thy coast, |the earth, that one cannot be able to see| |the earth, and they shall eate the residue| lof that which is escaped , which remsi-| Jac ento you fom the fae, and shal leate every tree , whic yweth for you} lout of the field. = Z 6 And they shall fill thy houses, and| Ieuna fal the gypuns, hel a tians , which} |ncither thy fathers, nor thy fathers fa-| thers hau seene, ence the day that they Jwere vpon the earth, vnto this day,| JAnd he turaed himaelfe, and went out| \from Pharaoh. 7 And Pharaohs seruants said vn-| to him, How long shall this man be a| lmare vnto ve? Let the men goe , that| they may serue the Lorp their God: Knoves thou wot yet, that Faypt 8 And Moses and Aaron were| lbrought againe wnto Pharaoh : and he| jeaid vnto them, Goe, serue the Lozp| your! Locufts threatned, f [ rach: for *1 hate hard-|s chr « > it 18 5 And they shal? couer the tface offt ietr-eve. Hg we Inte. Se. lcouer Egypt. the herbes of the field, through all the| land of Egypt. + texte} 16 € Then Pharaoh tealled for Mo-| |r ca. ma. fuel the locusts and teast them into the rel [your God: bul t who are they that sball igoe? 9 And Moses said, We wil goe with] lour yong, and with our old , with ou fsonnes and with our daughters, with] Jour flockes and with our beards will re gee: for we must hold a feast nto the| Lop. 10 And he ssid vnto them; Let thel HLonp bee so with you, as I will let lyou goe, and your lile ones. ‘Looke to it, for euill is before you. ‘LL Not eo: goe now yee that are men, land serue the Loup, for that you did| Idesire: and they were driven out from Pharaohs presence. 12 @ And the Loxp said ynto Mo} lses , Stretch out thine hand ouer the| lland of Egypt for the locusta, that they| nay come vp wpon the land of Exye land cate every herbe of the land, cuen| all that the haile hath left. 18 And Moses stretched forth his rod] louer the land of | ‘and the Lox] brought an East wind vpon the land all that day, and all that night: and wben| lit was morning, the East wind brought) the locusts. 14 And the locusts went vp ouer all the land of Egypt, and rested in all the lcoasts of Egypt: very grievous were] Ithey: before them there were no such| locusts as they, neither after them shall] [be such. 15 For they couered the face of thel lwhole earth, 30 that the land was dark lned, and they did cate euery herbe of the| land, and all the fruit ofthe trees, which] the ile Ra left, and there remained not any greene thing in the trees, or in| ‘eld lees and Aaron in haste: and he said, 1| Ihaue sinned against the Loxo your] God, and against you. ‘IT Now therefore forgive, I pray} tivee, my sinne onely this once, and in-| leat the Lou your God, tha hee Imay take away from mee this death] lonely. 18 And he went out from Pharaoh, land intreated the Loxp. 19 And the Loxp turned a mighty] latrong West wind, which tooke away] jsea: there remained not one locust in all the coasts of Egypt. 20 But the Lono hardencd Pho| Chap xj fiohs fear, so that Bee would not Te che children of Israel goe. ‘@1 GY And the Lonp said vnto Mo} |ses, Stretch out thine hand toward] Iheaven, that there may be darkeneste louer the land of Egypt, teuen darkenes| Hc. ta which may be felt. 22 And Moses stretched foorth his| {hand toward heauen: and there was aj eke dvnese inal the lod of 2 ‘tree ages PS They vw aot one another, nei, lther rose any from his place for three] Iday it all the children of Israel] Wit.141 fhad light im their dwellin 24 4 And Pharaoh vate Mi lees, and ssid, Goe ye, seruc the Lox Jonely let your flockes and your herd be stayed let your lite ones also goe Iwith you. 25 "And Moses saide, Thou must lgiue + v8 also sacriGces, and burnt offe-|!ir3 j rings, that we may sacrifice vnto the| Loap our God. 26 Our cattell also shall goe with] vs: there shall not an hoofe bee left be, fhind: for thereof must we take to serue| the Lox our God: and we knowe| Juot with what wee must serue the| HLoxp, watill we come thither. 27% But the Loxp hardened] IPharaohs heart, and he would not let them goe. 28 And Pharaoh said vnto him, Get thee from me, take heed to thy selfe: ree Imy face no more: for in that day thou| Jseest my face, thou shalt die. 29 And Moses said, Thou hast epo- lken well, I will see thy face againe no] lmore. CHAP. XI. h Godsmessage tothe Israelites to borrow iew-| ‘la of theit neighbours, 4 Moscs thrcatneth| ‘Pharaoh with the death of the frst borne. Nd the Lop ssid vn to Moses, Yet will 1] bring one plague more vp-| on Pharsohs and wee Egypt, afterwards fet you goe hence: when hee shall let you goc, he shall surely thrust youout| hence altogether. ‘2 Speake now in the eares of the le, and let euery man borrore of] is neighbour, and euery woman Iher neighbour, * iewels of siluer, and]* C3 liewels of gold. ‘a 3 And the Lonp gave the people Fauowl Thicke darkenes, fou nan Mofes is angry. js eecen sc. 38. (fauour ia the eight of the Egypéiane, PMoreouer the man * Moses wat Jareat in the land of in the sigh of Pharaohs seruants, and in the sigh 4 And 5 And all the first borne in the lande| lof Egypt shall die, from the frst borne| Pharaoh, that sitteth pon” his throne, euen vnto the fist borne of the maid seruant that is behind the mill ‘any more. 7 But against any of the children Terae}, shal not a dog moue his tongue, lagainst man or beast: that ye may kooe| lhow that the Loxo doth put a diffe, rence betweene the Egyptians and Te 8 And all these thy seruants shall| lcome downe ynto me, and bow downc uct roto mey eying, Get thee fout, and all the people that + fellow’ thee; and after that T wil goe out: and went out from Pharaoh in +a great langer. 9 And the Loro sid ynto Mo, jsct, Pharaoh shall not hearken vnto lyou, that my wonders may be multi. [plied in the fand of 10 And Mecee and’ Karon did al these wonders before Pharaoh; and| tbe Lon hardened Pharach heart, joo that he would not let the children Harael goe out of his land. | CHAP. XII 1 The Beginning ofthe yere in The Patou! isin. thee the Passeouer. 15Valeanened bread. 29 The| fir borne are alain.‘ Po lrsclies oe driwen ous of the lande. 37 come “s Tie ordinance te Paseret fy Nd the Lozp spake vn-| o pacers! and Aaron the land of Egypt, en 2 This oe vnto you th inning monet shal be the Sn one of the yeere to you 8. Speake ye vnto all the Congre, tion of Tarad, eaying, Un the ton xy of this moneth they ahall take to] Exodus. | land when I see the blood, I will pasee| 5 Your lambe shall be without ble, ish, a male tof the first yeere: yee shall take it out from the shespe or Kom the 6 And ye shall it till the| lenrtcenth day of the sare monet land the whole assembly of the congre- \gation of Terael shall kill it tin the eve lning. ‘7 And they shall take of the blood|*=¥™ endstrke iten the twe aide and) Jon the -doore poste, of the houses| Iwherin they sball cue ‘8 And they shall eat the flesh in that Inight roste with fire, and vnleauened| loread, and with bitter herbee they shall Jeate it 9 Eate not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roste with fire: his| head, with his legs, and with the purte-| laance thereof. ‘ye shall let nothing of it re. vatill the morning : and that which remaincth of it vntill the mor, sing, shall burne wich fire 11°4 And thus chall ye eate it: with our loinc girded» your shove on lyour feet, and your etaffe in your hand:| land ye aballeate itm haste’ it i the [Lobe Passeouer. this oi lam tt . 18 And the blood shall be to you for | token vpon the houses where you are | Jouer you, and the plague shall not bee land of Egypt. 14 And chit day shall be vato you for a memoriall: and you shall keepe it a feast to the Loxp, throughont your| generations: you shal kepe i «en an ordinance for euer. 15 Seuen dayes shall ye este vnles, juened bread, euien the first day yee shall [put away Ieauen out of your houses: For] Ar fathers, a ilambe fort Or, Hidde. et, smn Jofarerre Bate tee Ineocee m You to it pon you tto destroy you, when I site| Hott sen is inftituted. jin them, snus that which euery tman| . Draw out and take you s i[lambe, sc [For whowoeuet eateth Teauened bread, from che first day vntil the seuenth day, that eouleaball be cutoff from Taral 16 And in the first day there shalbean| |holy conuocation, and in the seuenth| lday there shall be an holy conuocation| to you: no mimes of worke sbalbe done| lmust este, that onely may bee done lyou. 17 And yee hall oberue the fiat sateen i aoe thin slfe pel ue it your armies out lor de land of agp: dherefre shall. lobeerue this day in your generations, by an ordinance for cuer. 18 4 © In the first moncth, on thel |fourteenth day of the moneth at euen,| lye shall eate vnleauened bread vatill the ne and twentieth day of the moneth| let euen. 19 Seuen dayes shall there bee no lleauen found in your houses: for who-| Jsoewer eateth that which is leauened,| lewen that soule shall be cut off from the| lcongregation of Ieracl, whether he be} js stranger, or borne in’ the land. 20 Yee shall eate nothing Tesuened ; in all your habitations shall ye eate vn Neanened bread. 21 7 Then Moses called for all the] [Elders of Israel, and said nto them ; lcording to your families, and kill the [Passeouer. 82 *And ye hal take a hunch of by. lsope, and dip it in the Blood that is in the} lbasom, and strike the lintel and the two [side postes with the blood that isin the| fbason : and none of you shall goe out at |the doore of his house, wntill the mor- nin 28 For the Loa wil passe through lto smite the Egyptians: and when lsceth the blood vpon the Tintel, and on| the two side-postes, the Loxp willl Ipasse ouer the doote, and will not suffer Ithe destroyer to come in vito your [houses to smite ‘24 And ye shall obserue this thing ltor an ordinance to thee, and to thy| lsonnes for ever. 25 And it shall come to passe when! jee bee come to the land, which the on will giue you, according as he| hath promised, that ye shall keepe this seruice. + Seb 6 ‘26 * And it shall come to pasee, when! fpowrciléren hall say rato you, Wha Chap.xij. fmeane you by thia seruice ? ‘21 That ye shall say, Te is the sue lice of the Loxps Passeouer, whe] [passed ouer the houses of the children jof Terael in Egypt, when he smote the] ians , and. delivered our houses. JAnd the people bowed the head, and} |worshipped. ‘88 And the children of Israel wen Jeway, and did as the Lono had com-| jmanded Moses and Aaron, so did they, lmidnight the Lox smote all the first Iborne in the land of Egypt , *from the] frst borne of Pharaoh that sate on his throne , vnto the first borne of the eap-| tive that was in the tdungeon, and all the first borne of cattell. 90 And Pharaoh rose vp in the lnight, hee and all his seruants, and all lthe Egyptians ; and there was a great in Egypt: for there was not 2 house, ere there was not one dead. 31 And hee called for Moses and] [Aaron by night, and said, Rise vp, and] es yooh Fem amongat my peop th you and the children of Israel: nd gv, seae the Toxo, as ye baud 82 Alto take your flockes and your] theards, as ye haue said: and bee gone, end Bese me ale. ‘93 And the Egyptians were vrgent rpon the they might send] cout of the land in haste: for they] sid, We be all dead men. 84 And the tooke their lars twas lesen, thc Thnenlig then beeing bound vp in thei| ek ee cope peer 85 And the children of Terael did ac- lcording to the word of Moses: and they| lborrowed of the Egyptians 86 ‘And the Loan gaue the peop Itanour in the aight of the Egyptians, so that they Toot ca th ty las they required : and they spoiled the| res 37 ¥ And * the children of Tsrsel| Jabout size hundred thousand on foot] lehat were men, beside children. 88 And a tmixed multitude went +p} also with them, and flocks and heards,| Jeuen very much eattell 89 And they baked vnleauened cakes lof the dough, which they brought forth] ou of Bgept: frit wad not ancl 29: * And it came to passe that at{" Chap.» els off fsiluer, and iewels of gold, and raiment. {f? liourneyed from Rameses to Succoth,|* Firft-borne flaine, Win 1 Het hase Joke pi +, dough > Nam. 3. because| [The Pafleouer muft Exodus. be remembred, [A cloud and fire. Chap.xiiij. ‘Pharaoh purfueth, fbecause they were thrust out of Egypt,| Nd the Low: © T4 @ And it shalbe when thy sonne| Na the Loxp speke *] ‘could not tarry , neither hed O Mowe, cane ™| 1 (emi. [echeah thee tin time to come, saying, to Moves, sayings [prepared for themselues any victuall. 2 *Sanctifie vnto me|- 7 jnerre- | What-is this? that thou shalt say vnto| 2 Speake nto thel 40.4 Now the eoiourning of thel allche frst bore, shat 2 ea || him; By streogth of band the Loxp| children of Israel, that} Jchildren of Ierael, who dwelt in E- ‘euer openeth the wombe,|ie sam, lbrought vs out from Egypt, from the| jout from the land of 2 ‘This is] 45 A forreiner, and an hired servant] shall not eate thereof. 46 * In one house shall it be eaten,| thou shale not carie foorth ought of the| Mesh abroad out of the house, * neither| shall ye breake x bone thereof home-borne, and ynto the stranger| Ithat soiournetl mong, ses and Aaron, to did they. 51 And it came to passe the selfe same| lday, that the Loxo did bring the chil, 4 This day came yee out, in the| lteauened bread, and in the seventh: day} |shall be feast to the Lonp. ‘7 Unleauened bread shall be caten| Jseuen daycs: and there shall no leave |ned bread bee seene with thee: neither| lshalt there be leauen seene with thee in Lonp brought thee out of ‘ 10 Thou shalt therfore keeg tis o, shall bring thee into the land of the Ca-| Inaanites as he sware vnto thee, and to| thy fathers, and shall giue it thee: |C,'%, [gyPt» was * foure hundred and thirtie] Jamong the children of Ierael, both offisier'ss" Ihouse of bondage. Jess * [yeeres, Jman and of beast: it is mine. 15 And it came to passe when Pha 41 And it came to passe at the end of] | $ 1 And Moses ssid rato the peo| Iraoh would let vs goe, that the| [before it shall ye encampe by the sea. the foure hundred and thirtie yeeres,| |ple, Remember this day, in which yee| Lonp slew all the first borne in the| | $ For Pharaoh will say of the chil-| |euer the selfe same day it came to passe,| came out from t, out of the| liand of Egypt, both the first borne of] |dren of Israel, ‘They are intangled in| that all the ow ofthe Los went [house of tbndage fer by wrength of i wr Iman, and the frst borne ofbeast: There-||the land , the wildernesse hath shut mat from the land of fhand the Loa brought you out from|*™ lfore I sacrifice to the Lon ail that| |them in. zits, | 48 Ie is a tight to be much obser-| |this place: there shall no leauened bread| sneth the matrix, being males : but! | 4 And I will harden Pharaohs} |tfaatere: Jued vato the Loan, for bringing them |be eaten. ‘the first borne of my children I re-| |heart , that he shall follow after them | \deeme. 16 And it shall be for a token vpon| |that night of the Loxp to be obserued| |moneth Abib. oh, and vpon all his hoste, That the} lof all the children of Israel, in their ge-| | 5 4 And it shalbe when the Loxp| |thine hand, and for frontlets betweene| |Egyptians may know that I am the| Incrations. : shall bring thee into the land of the C2 thine eyes. “For by strength of hand the| |Loxp. And they did so. 43 4% And the Lozp saide vntol |naanites, and the Hittites, and the A- TLoxo brought vs foorth out of E-|| 5 % And it was told the King of E- Moses and Aaron, This is the ordi-| |morites, and the Hiuites, and the Iebu-| lgypt. eymesehat the people ind the heart| [nance of the Passeouer: there shall no| |sites, whicl he sware vnto thy fathers| ‘17 © And it came to passe when Pha Pharaoh and of his servants was| |stranger eate thereof. jto giue thee, a land flowing with mitke| |raoh had let the People gor that God] |turned against the le, and they said, 4¢ But ‘mans scruant that is| hony, that thou shalt keepe this ser- lled them not throug! way of the] |Why have wee done this, that we haue| |bought for money, when thou hast cir-| Juice in this moneth. and of the Philistines, although that] |let Israel goe from seruing va? jcurncised him, then shall he eate thereof| | 6 Seuen daycs thou shalt eate vn- jras neere : For God sade, Lest per 6 And hee made ready his charet, lnduenture the people repent they see warre, and they returne to E-| JOS But God ledde the people about chrough the way of the wildernesse Ithe Red.ses : and the children of Tsrsel Itham, in the edge of the wildernesse. @1 And *the Loxp went before| 50 ‘Thue did all the chidren of Ts} linanee'n tr season Rom vyeere to yere, lthem by day in a pillar of a cloud, to] Jand behold, the Egyptians march jracl: as the Lorp commanded Mo-|| 11 9% And it shalbe when the Lono| tead them the way, and by night in al |ter them, and they were sore afraid: pil of fire, to gue them yy day and night 22, land I will be honoured vpon Phare, land tooke his people with him. 7 And hee tooke sixe hundred cho, lsen cherets, and all the charets of E-| pt, and captaines ouer euery one of ther. 8 And the Loup hardened the 47 “All the Congregation of Israel] |all thy quarters. |went vp [harnessed out of the land of] |heart of Pharach King of Egypt, and] Heh. dori |ahall +keepe it. 8 yaa thou shalt shew thy sonne| Egy lhe ed after the children of Israel: |, 48 And when a stranger shall so-| jin that day,saying, Thisisdone because of ‘19 And Moses tooke the bones off |and the children of Israel went out| iiourne with thee, and will tthe} |that which the Loxo did vnto mee, ltoseph with him : for hee had straitly| |with an high hand. Passeouer to the Loxn, let all his| {when I came forth out of Egypt. Jsworne the children of Israel, saying:| | 9 Bue the * Egyptians pursued after|: ten. males be circumcised, and then let 9 And it shall bee for « signe ynto] ~ Gene. se. |* God will surely visite you, and ye shail] |them (all the horses and charets of Pha-|¢ 5, Jcome neere, and keepe thee, vpon thine hand, and for a memo-| (3-tes8-#"- Jeary vp my bones away hence with| |raoh, and his horsemen, and his army) jas one that is borne i I: rill’ betweene thine eyes, that the [you. : land ouertooke them encamping by the Ivncircumcised person shall eate thereof.| {Loans may be in thy. mouth ; Js wom. 3. | 20 4 And *they tooke their icurney| lsc» beside Pi-hahiroth before Baal.| 49 One Taw shall be to him that is| [for with a strong bande hath the . [from Succoth, and encamped in on. : (0 4 And when Pharaoh drew nigh, he dc of Erel it wp thei epee |the children of Iarael lit vp their eyes, Jand beholde, the Egyptians marched| lafier them, and they were sore afraid fe tooke mot amay te, ilar of dren of Teracl out of the land of Egypt,| | 1% *That thou shalt +set apart vnto|* chan. x. |+ nena.» |the cloud by day, ®nor the pillar of fire] |and the children of Israel cried out vn- [by their armies. the Loup all that openeth the matrix 242" ie by night, from before the people. jto the Lory. ae _ Sra that commeth of aft n ‘And they ssid eee Be] which } the males shalllfepcicouct| Jeause in Egypt, CHAP. XUL Sai all lioposicouer| CHAP. XIIE hat thew taken vs aay to ein te t The frat borne are sancti 13 And every firstling of an asse thou|1 7, kidie. instrue araclites in theie iour-| |*ildernesse? Wherefore hast thou dealt ‘rsnoral ofthe Pancrase & commended fokalt redeeme with © flambe: and if} Te a a Ica aber then. To] fehus with vs, to cary v8 foorth out of 11 The firatlings of beasts are set apart. 17] thou ‘The laracites poe out of Egypt, and cary Lo ‘bones come Ieaclites marmure. 15 Moses cor-| |Egy pt? forteth them. 15 God instructeth Moses} | 12 *Ts not this the word that weel* chap «. It not redeeme it » then thou| lshalt breake his necke, and all the first] them, 30 ‘el . 18 The cloud remoueth behinde the campe, |, i eels Ea “Gol gulteth them by spies of [borne of aan amongst thy children| The ieack maaan ibe Reker | {did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let v cloud, nd par of fee "Neale chou redeeine: 33 which drome te Egypane Hone, that we may serue the Egypt 14 § And! a +33 fraels fong of Chap.xv.xvj. thankefgiuing, Pharaoke charet and Kis Toste) | 19 For the Gorse of Pharaoh went in hath heenatintsthe wea: hichowencap| [ith hio charts und with hie hore] sine alo are drowned inthe red Set fen into the wea, and the Loxs] 5 The depts haae coucredthem:| [bought agin the wits of the Sea they sanke into the bottome ns a stone. | |ypon them But the children of lara © Thy right band, O. LosD,_ia| [went on drie land in the mide ofthe ea become orcas in power, thy right] | 20 9) And Miriam the he fea divided. Exodus. Pharaoh drowned] Eorit bad bene beste or vs toserue they [the pillar of re, and of the oud, aad |Egyptians, then that wee ahould die in| |troubled the hoste of the Fi the wildercsse. 25 And tooke of their charet 15S And Moses saide vnto the peo-| |whecles, that they draue them heauily:) or, made ple, Feare ye not, stand still, and see the| |So that the Egyptianis said, Let vs flee| they salustion of the Loxp, which he willl from the face of Israel for the Lonn| shew to you to day: ||for the Egyptians| {fghteth for them , against the Pi OL shed im pie-| |the sister of Aaron, tooke « timbrell in| *|ehom yebave eee todays yee se [oe 7 bel ee PT Ther hand, and all the women ment ou them sgaine no more for eucr. 26 9 And the Li saide nto} 7 And in the grestnesse of thine ex-| lafter her, with timbrels & with dances.| 14 The Loup shall fight for you,! |Moses, Stretch out thine hand over cellencie thou hast overthrowen them,|| 21 And Miriam answered them, end aes old your pce he Sea, tha the waters may come = hat oe vp gant the tho wnt} [Sng yet the Lon, for be hah 15% And the Loko sside nto] |gaine vpon the Egyptians, epon ther thy wrath, mich consumed them| fam; riously : the horse ani Moses, Wherefore crest cou vnto me||tharets, and vpot dhe hewn fap i rider hath he dhrowen into the ta. Speake vnto the children of Israel, | 27 And Moses stretched foorth his| jtiat they gue forward. }hautd oticr the sea, and the sea returned| 16 But Tift thou vp thy rodde, andl {to his strength when the morning ap- ftretch out thine hand over the Sea,| |pcared : and the Egyptians fled againet wit e of thy il 22 So Moses brought Israel from} pe iat Mt ze ti rt ithe floods stood vpright as au heape,| |wildernesse of Shur : and they went} the depths were congealed in the| [three dayes in the wildernesse , and jand diuide it: and the children of Israel} |1t : and the Lord touerthrew the Egyp-[ ner. heart found no water. shall gee on dry ground thorow te! fins in the midst of the sea. ©? fa or ke coca sid, 1 wil pursue) {394 Acd een they came to Ma, Imids of the Sea. 28 {And the waters returned, and co, I wil ouertake, I wil diuide the spoile:| |rah, they could not drinke of the waters 17, And 1, beholie, I will harden} Juered the charets, and the horsemen, the hearts of the Egyptians, and they] land all the hoste of Pharaoh that came hall follow them : and Tw 5 satisfied vpon them: I| lof Marah, for they were bitter: there-| fehidree’ ay ero Thine hand shall lfore the name of it wao called | Mare [tsb get mec] finto the sea after thein: there remained] hor, epee |IIdestroy them. 24 And the people murmured «/ honour vpon Pharaoh pon alll |not so much as *one of them. + est. 106. 10 Thou didst blow with thy wind,| |gainst Moses, saying , What shall wee| his hoste, vpon bis charcts, and vpon| |" 29 ‘But the children of Tersel wal.) ‘them, they sanke 2s lead] (Grinke ? his horsernce ked vpon drie land, in the midst of the _ ad 25 And he cried vnto the Loxp; 13 And the Egyptians shall know] |sea, and the waters were m nto} that am the Lono, when I hauel |them on their right hand, and on thetc Ne gotten me honour *haraoh, ¥p-| Heft sor Jom his charets, and vpon his horsemen| | 30 ‘Thus the Lon saucd Isrgel 19 © And the Angel of God which] that day out of the hand of the Egypt, rent before the campe of Isracl, remo] fans : and Istacl sawe the Egyptians| wed and went behind them, and the pil-| |dlead vpon the sea shore, lar of the cloud went from before thei ‘31 And Israel saw that great tworkels sete. ftce, and stood behinde them. lwhich the Loxo did vpon the Egyp-|'*™ 20 And it came betweene the campe] jtians : & the people feared the Lorp,| rf the Egyptians, aud the campe of Is-| Jand belcencd ‘the Losp, and his eo] is like voto thee, O Loap,| land the Loup shewed him a * tree,|+ nau aongs the guia? whe lke she [eich chen hee hed aut ina the we Jglorious in holinesse, fearefull in prai-| jters, the waters were made swecte :| ees, doing wonders! there he made a statute & an ordinance, 12 Thou stretehedst out thy right} Jand there he proued them, hand, the earth swallowed them. 26 And said, If thou wilt diligently 18 ‘Thou in thy mercie hast led forth| |hearken to the voice of the Lox thy| he people which thou hast redeemed | |God, and wilt doe that which is ight ast guided them in thy strength] jin his sight , and wi Si rae hy ‘bly babtation [Commanderents; and’ heepe ll ia 4" le shall heare, and be a-| |Statutes, I will put none of these dis-| lrael, and it was a cloud and darkenesse| fuaut Moses juries. | 14" 1¢ in-| Jeases pon thee, which I haue brought| Jo tem, butitgauelightby night to diese P Jistaner or alenses 24 "ee Hm] fetes ypon the, chich T heue bough fr tat the one came not nose the oer CHAP. Xv. 16 Then the dukes of Edom shal be| |Conn that healcth thee. all the nig : f Moses song. 2 ‘The people want water. 21 And Nose szeched out his} |! "The wate ot Maral ince Bee hand ouer the Sea, and the Loxo| | swectncth htm 2 At Elim ste incluc wo icaused the Sea to goe backe by a strong| id seuentie palroe trees. wsed : the mighty men of Moab| | 27 4 * And they came to Flim:|+ Nuns. feng ba abe hold pon them | [ehere mere ere ils oes a 3 inhabit shy rt and ten tray nant of Cases cal eh [spel there he mee Fast winde all tht night, and mad Hen sang * Moses and the} wit. . dread shall fall the Se ary Jad, and he waters ere childrens of Tract this «Nance, ie gcse of ins ae Cone avi 82 And © the children of Ysrael went! Bi sonB vnto the Loxn, they shalt be as sull as a stone, eill thy| : and spake, saying, T will into the midst of the Sea vpon the GH sig tnto the Lea: fe ground and the ‘waters wero x wall! Ihe hath triumphed gloriously. the hore pri them on their right hand, and on| land his rider hath he throwen ints the their Te. Sea, a ea dind the Egyitians pursued} {2 The Lonm is my strength and| nat gent in after tem, to the midst of] fsong, and he is become hy soluction he the Ses, cue ail Pharaohs horses, his] fis my God, and I will zrepare hi ay Icharets and his horsemen. tation, ‘my Cather wi 24 ‘And it came to paste chat in the fexalt him, Uther? Got and I wi eae watch the Loup looked vn-| | 8 The Loan és g man of warre: 4 Pha le passe ouer, O Lorn, till the| |1 The Ierselites come to Sin. 2 They mur-| Ferg ee er or Sree es = anba. Ie The err 17 ‘Thou shalt bring them in, and} | Fiyina’ as ites toe tu be oud oe Jplant them in the mountaine of thine| | Sabbath. ‘92 An Omer of 1 preseruc jinberitance, in the place, O Loan, febick thou hast made for thee to dvel jin, in the a ORD, which) thy ands haus coublane Ye The Lorp shal teigne for euer| jand ever. BE Nd they tooke their iour. ‘ney from Elim, and all the| tion of the chil dren of Heracl came vate] the wildernesse of Sin, which] fo the hoste of the Egyptians, through [the Lono is his Nant [Mu Hate Cos Fad the hole Congregetion the children of Israel murmured «| |gainst Moses and Aaron in the wilder | see. $ And the children of Iarsel saide| Ivnto them, Would to God wee had| ied by the Band of the Loxo in the land of Egypt, when wee sate by the lGesh pots, and when we did eate bresd| to the full: for ye haue brought vs forth| into this wildernesse, to kill this whole Jassembly with hunger. 41 ‘Then said. the Lox ent Moses, Behold, 1 will raine bread! from heauen for you : and the people Jshall goe out, and gather +a cercaine frate cuery day, that I may proue them, Jwhether they will walke in my Law, Jor no. 5 And it shall come to passe, that on te ict day» they shall that which they bringin, and it zhal be ence las much as they gather dayly. 6 And Moses and Aaron said mtd all the children of Yersel, At euen, then| ye shall know that the Loap’ hath| Brought you out fom the land oft erp ‘7 And in the morning, then ye chall te the glory of the Lous, for that be jeareth your murmurings against thel Lono And what are ee’ that yee Jmurmure against vs? 8 And Moses said, This shalbe when| jthe Loxo shal giue you in the eueni leah to eate, and in the morning bread] to the full : for that the Loxp hea-| jreth your murmurings which ye mur Jmure against him ; and what are wee ? ur murmurings are not against ¥ fcr agua the fons al 9 4 And Moses spake vnto Aaron,| [Say vnto alt the Congregation of the eldren of Isl, Cote’ near pelo the Lon: for hee bath heard you Jmurmurings. 10 And it came to passe as Aaron] fe rnto the whol on of] the children of Teac, that they looked howard the wi and the| |glory of the Lozp appeared in’ the] 11 And the Loap spake IMoees, saying, ee 12 T have ‘beard the ‘murmuringy bread : and ye shal know that Iam the| Loz your God. 18 And it came to passe, that at enen| }* the Quailes came vp, and couered the| lcampe: and in the morning the dew lay| round about the hoste. 14 And when the dewe that lay Iwas gone vp, behold, vpon the face of the wildernese there ly «small round thing, as small as che hoare frost on the| lgrounc 15 And when the children of Israel Jaw it, they said me: for to another, {It is wist not what it was y . 16 This is the thing which the| [Lon bath commanded? gather off jit euery man according to his eating : Jun Omer +for every man, according to Jeuery man for them which are in tents. 17 And the children of Israel did s0,| land gathered some more, some lesse. 18 And when they did mete it with] jan Omer, *he that gathered much, had| lnothing ouer, a litle, had no lacke: they gathered euc man according 1 his extag, | 19 ‘And Moses sside, Let no man lieane of it tll the marning. 20 Notwithstanding hearke_ Ined not vnto Moses, but some of them| Heft of it vntill the morning, and it bred| fwormes, and stanke : and Moses was| Jwroth with them. ‘21 And they gathered it euery mor. Ining , every man according to his ea ting: and when the Sunne waxed hot, it metted. pasoe that 22 T And it came to the sixt day they gathered twice ea Syme oes lan tulers of the Congregation Jeame and told Moces. 23 And he ssid vnto them, This is jthat which the Louo hath said, To lmorrow is the rest of the holy Sabbath Jynto the Loup: bake that which yoa will bake, to day, and seethe that ye will seethe, and that which remaineth ouer, lay vp for you to be kept vntill the mor. Ss ng. 2% And they laid it vp sill the mor. |the oumber of your t persons, take yooh is he that gathered|' cae. + ra levator. 25 And Moses sside, Eate that to] lday, for to day ia s Sabbath vnto thel Loup: to day yee shall not finde it in the field. 26 Sixe dayes ye shall gather it, but lon the seuenth day which is the Sabbath, in it there shall be none. 7 4 And it came to passe, that there| went out some of the people on the se-| juenth day for to gather, and they found] Jnone. 28 And the Loxp ssid vnto Mo| ies, Hor long refuse, yee wo Ree my [Commandements, and th 29 See, for that the Loup bath lgiuen you the Sabbath, therefore hee| lgiueth you on the sixt day the bread of] ro dey abide yee every man inhi place: let no man goe out of his place on the seuenth day. 30 So the people rested on the se, juenth day. 31 And the house of Israel called the| lname thercof Manna : and it was like| |Coriander seed, white : and the taste of lit was like wafers made with hony. 82 1 And Moses ssid, Thie is chel thing which the Loup commandeth ; Fill an Omer of it to bee kept for your that they may see. the| ‘wherewith I have fed you in the| fwildernease, when I brought you forth ffrom the Iand of Egypt. $3 And Moses tayd ynto Aaron, Take @ pot, and put an Omer full of] [Manns therein, and lay it vp before the| Lox, to be kept for your generati lous. $4 As the Lon commaunded| Moses, 20 Aaron layd it vp before the| [Testimonie, to be kept. 85 And the children of Israel did ext [Manns fortie yeeres, *vntill they came to a land inhabited : they did eate Man-| faa, vatill they came vnto the borders off the land of Canean. 96 Now an Omer is the tenth part lof an Ephah, CHAP. XVIL rmauring. Exodus. Quailes. Manna] [Manna referued. Chap.xvj. Murmuring| jwhich is betweene Elim and Sinai, on) [of the children of Terael 5; lning, as Moses bade : and it did not Bg Nd all the Congregation| I the fifteenth day of the second moneth| |them, saying, Ateuen ye. eat cinkes neither was there any worme| of the children of Israel] after their departing out of the land of] land in the morning ye shalbe filled with} Itherein. journeyed from the wi dernesse of Sin after their eye, according to the| Tement of the Loxp, and| pitched in Rephidim and there itched in Rephidim : eas no] i le to drinke. Frater for the 2 Wherefore the lwith Moses and said , that wee may drinke. ‘And Moses said Irato them, Why chide you with mee? Wherefore doe ye tempt the Loxn? 3 And the people thirsted there for lester, and the eople murmured 1 inst’ Moses, and said, Wherefore is| is that thou hast brought vs vp out lof Egypt, to kill vs and our children, land our eattell with thirst ? 4 And Moses cried mnto the Lona, laying, What shall T doe vnto this peo le? they be almost ready to stone me. 5 And the Loxp said ynto Mo. le, Goe on before the people, and take} with thee of the Elders of Israel : and} Ithy rod wherewith *thou smotest the| river, take in thine hand, anil goe. 6 *Behotd, I will stand before thee there, vpon the rocke in Horeb, and| thou shalt emite the rocke, and there| shall come water out of it, that the peo-| pe may drinke. And Moses did ein the sight of the Elders of Terael. 7 And hee called the name of the| place Massah , and || Meribeh, because] lof the chiding of the children of Israel, land because they tempted the Lonp,| lsaying, Is the Lon amongst vs, lor not? |rith Israel in Rephidim. 9 And Moses said vnto * Toshus, Choose vs out men, and goe out, fight) with Amalek : to morrow I will stand| Jon the top of the hill, with the rodde JGod in mine hand. 10 So Toshua did as Moses had} Jesid to him, and fought with Amalek: Jand Moses, Aaron, and Hur went vp| to the top of the hill. 11 And it came to passe when Moses| Iheld vp his hand, thet Israel prevai- ted : and when he let downe his hand, |Amalek preuailed. . 12 But Moses hands were heauie, land they tooke s stone, and put it vnder| him , and he eate thereon : and Aaron| land Hur stayed vp his hands, the one| le did chide|= ram. x. ue vs water|* 8.4 *Then came Amalek, & fought] ¢ jon the one side, and the other on the o-| ther| ning, Chap.xix. / peoples promife, [Mofes his fonnes. Exodus. Tethros counfell to FE Now therfore if ye will obey my]* Bes. -#) ther side, and his bandes were steady] [tome vpon them by the way, and Aow]i ta jouna frmtll the going downe of the Sunze. | |the Lorp delivered them. ae 18 And Toshua discomfited Ama-|| 9 And Iethro reioyced for all the| Nek, and his people, with the edge of thel ich the Lonp had done| ord. jo Teruel : wbom he had delivered out 14 And the Loxn ssid voto Mo lof the hand of the Egyptians. ses, Write this for a memoriall im al | 10 And lethro said, Blessed be the| of tennes. af in the sle at] jis mine. _ ee an eo all bee ha coe 1G Ana ye sball be vnto me a *king- ‘estes, and an holy nation, ya gee f Pte oa 2 8 e ie 3] 4 5| lbooke, and rehearse it in the eares off [Loan, who hath delivered teuery small matter they shal inde children of Israel. + tama \Fochua : or °I will veterly pot out thel lof the hand of the Egyptians, and ou eo shal it be easier for shyselfevnd& my _— and called for| Het lrmembrance of Amalck from vader! [ofthe hand of Pharaoh, who hath deh shall beare the burden with thes. | 1 3.00 oF the people, and layd be iThat 4, lheauen. Juered the fir der the hand| 93 If thon shalt doe this ag, ane ‘fe faces all these wordes which] irr towo : jolla iid thee 20, then thou shalt] [fore their i [Beiste [Ts And Moses built an Altsr, and| lof the Egyptisns- [God command thee 9 tT thie people| |the Lon commanded him. \. orere|called the name of it || IEHOVAH|| 11 Now I know that the Loxo| \bee able to endure, and all, 8 And *all the answered to-|* Chap. 24 Jasalck | Nissi. lis greater then all gui: * fr in thel*: shall also goe to thelr place ip Psvee. | "and said, All that the Lompifi-a'm= #4.) 16 For he said, |[Becsuse the Lozo] |thing wherein they dealt proudly , Aee|'%, 24 So Moses # Std id all] [bath spoken, we will doe. And Moses} liap:"lhath aworne that the Loup will Aaue} |rras aboue them. 7 reir ot ti eer ap returned the wordes of the people rnto n Amulel i nk IFO 5 er in| ORD. pe alek Geom generation) | O ske a ara ofteg ted ne ae tle men ot of ie Bem a amo. Mol lees for God : and Aaron came, and al Jot Heat, snd made Ge rater ls, Loe come vate thee in «ticks ; , Tulers of thousands, " a Sth Smt | eee roaras Sek i oa | eo Tape wa the, end beleee the fo 1 Moses entertaineth him.| | 13 4 And it came to passe on the mor-| ers of tennes. the it all| Jeuer : And Moses told the wordes ede connell is scoped at Tel Lye ther ee ee ae 26 And they iudged Ne at al] Jeuer« And Mee pou Shro depart, fe: ‘snd the people stood by Mees seasons: the hard causes they brought |the pesple trie tt TONS aside vnto Hen * Tethro the Priest off small matter cap the morning ynto the evening vnto Moses, but every Moses, Goe vnto the people, and san-| 7 A Midian, Moses father in| | 16 And. when’ Moses father in’ lnm ey iudged theme in ath Jaife them to day and to morrow, and law, heard of all that God] saw all that he did to the people, he said, 2 Lone et iige way into| et them wash their clothes. had done for Moves, and} |What is this thing that thou doest to| Haw depen ae ‘11 And be ready against the thirde| for Israel his people, andl |the people? Why sittest thou thy eelfe [his owne land. aay: for the third day the Ton willl pea had brought Laraell flone, and all che people stand by thee lcotne downe in the sight of all the peo-| out of : from’ morning vnto even? . XIX. fe, rpon mount Sinai % ‘Ther fethro Motes father in| |S And Moses aid vnto his father aoe Pt 'T2 And thou shalt sct bouneds vato} law tooke Zipporah Motes wife, after| lin law, Because th 1e people come vnto| Ih The people come to Sin. Goede rocege| | 0" Fly round about, saying, Take fhe had sent her backe, Ime to enquire of Godt by Mees yato the people oo oT SF seu (heed to your elues, thal ye gos not-rP 8 And her two sonnes, of which the| | 16 When they haue a matter, they| Sore are against the third) linto the mount, or touch the border of it: ;,c.2. |» name of the one was [| Gershom : for be] fcome vnto mee and I iudge betwees day, 18 The mountaine tus rot be We) lewhosoeuer toucheth the mount, shall Ir'rhetts, |esid, I haue bene an alien in a strange| |t one and another, and I doe make|t sa. 0 chel. 16 The fearefall presence of ‘surely put to death. 7 lao land. them know the statutes of God and hislps~ "| oe “15 There shall not a hand touch it HTtaity_| 4 And the name of the other mas HE-| |Lawes. * EC NV he third moneth when| |but he shall eurely be stoned or shot tho eke *ieter: or the God of m father, said he] 17 And oper in _ SDE the children of Tarae] row, whether tb beast ox rs, inal 7 jtsas mine hel i ‘me from| |ynto him, The thing that thou an Hue: when the jjtrumpet soundetl}1Or, Cornet the eword of. hn le not ' ing | ‘were gone forth out of the| [not Tiue = ‘And let Moves father in law] {18 4'Phow wit surely weare aay jt. re eame with his soones and his wife vn-| [both thou, and this people that is wigh to Moses into the wildernes, where he| |thee : for this thing in too hesuy for Jencamped at the moant of God. thee; ®thou art not able to performe it|* Devt Vite. vt Mowe, Thy! hy self alone st 7 cme myn i ied day: come nota thee, and thy wife, and ber two tonnes ill proc ake ceoraell ant’ Ged Shall nee, and there Israel camped befre]\ready agsinst the third day: come not her. tb thee: Be thou for the people Ite mount. 4 P964 Andi the third “T's And Moos went out to mecte| [Godward tat thaw mayer bring the + aconse| 3 And *Moses went vp vato God:| | 16.9 Andit came pital te rr) his father in law, and did obeysance,| |cansea nto God: 7 aa the Loxo called vato him out of} ay i ered lightrings, and a thicke| land kissed him: and they asked each o-| | 20 And thou shalt tesch them ordi. the mountaine, sayings Thus shat) ern vpon the monnt, and the voyce| h rick peace. |ther of their + welfare, and they came in.| |nances and lawes, and shalt shew themn| thon sy othe house of feat, and el cloud vpon the enna Ne Poet 7 to the tent. |the way wherein they must walke, and| Ithe children of Israel : . What all the people that was in’ the '@ And Moses told his father in law,||the worke that they mast doe. 4 *Ye have scene what I did vnfo| |Ottipe, trembled. ut thas the “Lon had dove vot) [$1 Moreoser thaw shalt. pride on fee Beytiane sod Hem Ai gob emta| | TT And. Moses brought footth cH reo to the Fgyptians for Is-| lof all the ‘able men, such as fear jes wings, and brought yo fe campe to meete with frst ee, ond al the ttauaile that hed| |God, men of trueth, hating covetone| ay selfe. lpeople out of the campe to mesie Sor nesse Si the same| |long, they shall come vp to the mount. gy Sie, Earn [ae en he Pt tee rai. the mount vnto the people, a | | —Lhrs—ses it the pene: and they vated thei ii we the desert off elothes. . inal, 2 a sad paced fa the wilder-| | 15 And hee said vato the people, Be| = Dest 9. 7 XXj- and ordinances. lawes, XX): The tenne Exodus. Commandements.} baie had ES ao foie eT Te ao and they stood at the nether part] [water vnder the earth. Moees drew ncere vnto the thicke| out ax the men seruanes eed alin ‘Thou shalt not bow downe thy A ae moses eT ed wan 8 If che ¢ please not ber master, who} Bie j;Dete | 18 And *mount Sinai was altoge| lselfe to them, nor serve them: For I the i 2 And the Loup said rato Mo) [hath betrothed her to himunliy heal if ther qn a smoke, hecause the Loxp| |ILoxp thy God am lous God, ¥i-| 4 lees, Thus thou shalt say vnto the chil |chall he let her be redeemed: a [descended vponit in fre: and the smoke| [sting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon| : area of Teach Yee hate sone that I] |vato 1 strange nation bev sball bane no |thereof ascended as the amoke of « fur-| |the ren rato the third and fourth] haue talked with you from hesnen. ota (PONE be hath dealt | fasce, and the whole mount quaked| vat hate me: fe shall not make with me wit] . fs And shewing mercy vnto thou-| eaves nether dal ye make nto you! | 9 And if he haue Dbesrothed her va-} 19 And when the voyce of the trum.| fsands of them that loue mee, and keepe| lgods of gold. Ito his sonne, he sball deale wi fpet sounded long, and waxed lover [my Commandements. 24 4 An Altar of earth thou shalt! |ter the maner of daughters, be land lowder, Moses spake, and God an| | 7 ‘Thou shalt net take the Namel = Mau 19 lmake vnto me, and shalt sacrifice there-| | 10 If he take him goother mi, lewered him by a voyce. lof the Loup thy God in vaine : forl!t SS Jon. thy burnt ‘efferings, and thy peace) |food, her rayment, and hex duty of ma 20 And Loxo came downe ithe Loxo will not holde him guilt, ings, thy sheepe, and thine oxen;| shall he not diminish. lypon mount Sinai, on the top of the] llesse, that taketh his Name in vaine na’ plndes where I record yl | 1 ‘And if he doe not thewe thee vata mount: and. the Lox a, Mose 2 Remember the Sabbath day, to [Name, I will come vnto thee, and Ij her, then shall she goe out free without to the ‘the mount, and Moses| it ye money. le Jat “D' Size dayes thalt thoi labour,)+ cous. s. somes {"B6°Atl Sof thou wilt make see an| {12 le that smiteth a man, o that} Let $1 Rod the Lone said vnto Mo-| Jand doe all thy worke: Ls sera Is: * Altar of stone, thou shalt not tbuild it| |he die, shalbe surely put to death. but les, Goe downe, +chargethe people, lest| |" 10 But the seuenth day is the Sab-['S 2 Fite bewen stone: fori thou li wp thy| | 18 And ifs man lye notin wait bat] [they breake thorow vnto the Lonn| jbath of the Loxp thy God: in it thou ltoole vpon it, thou hast polluted it. |God deliuer Aim into his hand, a. : to gaze, and many of them perish. jshalt not doe any worke, thou, nor thy| "26 Neither shalt thea goe B [will sgeciat thee # place whither hee| ‘And let the Priestes also which| leone, nor thy daughter, thy man ser Wooo ning Altar chat hy neked| [ital Rees = Jcome neere to the Lox, canctifeJuant,’ nor thy maydseraant, nor thy Fetes be eae dssroened (eee: 14 Bur if « man come presumpt | themselues, lest the Loxp breake| lcatell, nor thy stranger that i withio Jously vpon his neighbour to slay lfoorth vpon them. Ithy gates with guile, thou shalt take him from lane ae ‘aid vnto the Loan, th For *in sixe dayes the Lorn} «ene.2.2, CHAP. XX1 mine Altar, oS harrahs, e people cannot come vp to it] made heaven and earth, the sea, and all| 15 4 And nit father, Sinai: for thou chergedst vs, saying,| [that in them is, and rested the seuenth| 1 Lames for men seruants.|§ For the seruant| |o— his mother , shall bee surely put to| [Set bounds about the mount, and san-| |day: wherefore the Loxo blessed the| eee manslaughter. 16 For stes-| death. jctifie it. Sabbath day, and halowed it. ers of men. 17 For cursers of parents. 16| 16 9 And he that stealeth a man, and} 2% And the Lon said wnto him) | 12 4 * Honour thy father and thy/* beat s. For mniters, 22 For s burt by chance. 28] lectleth him, orif he be found in his hand, Away, get thee downe, and thou shalt] mother : that thy dayes may bee long! ls Pea 1 ‘or on exe that goareth. 35 For lhe shall surely be at to death Jame vp, thou, and Asron with thee he land, which the Lon thet secon 17 4 And *hee that ljcurseth his f-|s Let. bu let not the Priestes and the people! |God giueth thee Ow these are the Tudge-| |ther or bis mother, shall surely bee put} "ot" lbreake through, to come vp ynto the| | 13 ® Thou shalt not kill. I stacin. 5. ments which thou shalt| |to death. i Loan, lest hee breake foorth vpon| | 14 Thou sl it adultery. |"" ‘set before them. 18 4 And if men striue together, and}¥ oy rewt. them. 15 Thou shalt not steale. nr 2° If thou buy an He-| lone smite [another with a stone, or|/% 25 So Moses went downe vnto the| | 16 Thou shalt not beare false witnes lavarat 8 brew seruant, sixe yeeres| {with his fist, and he die not, but keepeth| Ipeople, and spake vnto them. lagainst thy neighbour. ioe ‘erue,and inthe seuenthhe shall] {his bed : 17 © Thou shalt not couet thy neigh-|* Ror. 2.7 ee out free for noth 19 If hee rise againe, and walke 2 CHAP. Xx. _ ee, wua|3 If he came in t by Kimself he shall {broad pon is tafe, then shal he In irs wife, nor his seruant,| |ais ex i : fhe were married, iat smote put Pe we dems i il fern maid san, aor too Neer Tae al cert | [ny rhe ot eran call ro Ndi tse. "34 OF bat eon [Bf 20, nor any thing that thy neigh, 't If hin master have given him a] feause him to be throughly healed. Golem eeendes Pours. |wife, and she haue borne him sonnes or| | 20 And if a man smite his séruant, 18 @ And * all the people saw the|* Hotes. ushters; the wife and her children! jor his mayd, with a rod, and hee die vn- thundrings, and the lightaings , and)" be her masters, and be sll go out| {dcr his Rand, hee thal bee surely + pul Hay, « [the noise of the trumy and the moun. ikea ge Boon hed: irene. Itaine. smoking : and when the people| ‘himselfe. shall plainely| |" 21 Notwithstandit raw it, they remooucd and shes ’5 And if the seruant + shall plainely 7 ee pm te Sasa ha eae | fe waney 19 And dl ide nto Moses, el nh ing hit If men striue, and hurt a wo-| pobeake, thou with vs, and wee wills Deo oo the Ledge hee Sn a man with cid, wo that her ult depen before me. feria: Diet Oot God epeake wie ty the date or nts the dose pot (fom ers and yet ue ischefe fillor 7 va, lest we die. 1edoore, oF vn , ! no mischicfe llor ;satiar | 4 * Thou shale ot make wnto thee] [80° And Mocs aud wnto the people Se ee eee aca] (ae ee ee et ee fm any on mage or any Hitenewe of Feare not : ee come to prooue| through ith ‘an aule, and he shall serue ee aden lang? t is in heaven aboue, orthat| |you, and that his feare may bee before! jim 7 isin the earth beneath, or that is inthe lyous faces, that ye inne ot 74 And if a man sell his daughter] |determine. ane 21 And and ordinances| [Divers lawes, Chap.xxiij. and ordinances. — i jn pieces, then Tet him [ia torne of beasts in the Geld: yee shall sn ha gana ety ernest se thal oft the dogs [= Lente. 6. os Start Bercy natn ft tot hand] | ‘* Sex fraiee, Imake good that which was tome. RS” flor hand, fote for fote, Fanman shalsteale an oxe, La 4 And if’ map borrore CHAP. XXII fe e lof his neighbour, and it be hurt, or die, 25 Burning for burning, wound for| reveot being not with it, he| |1 OF slander snd fale witneme. 3.6 Of instce| sand ip ra, a heey make geod || eck eerie, fo Ot eee 26 % And if a man smite the eye 15 But if the owner thereof be with] | TSoS.0‘airee feanee "19: Of the blood Isheepe, and kilt, orto, got sel it; he shall restore fu| oxen foran oxe, and “foure| \z2-Sem. 8 [his seruant, or the eye of his mayd, that] [329 E¥ cheepe for a sheepe. Ce al a i * If it bee| a "An Ange! it i pra Hee shall Yet him goe fice for| | 241? e thiefe bee. found. breaking te Be noe ee Let go ae || mek at ec i tey choy rc l~prand be smitten chat he di, there sbal 21 And if he smite out his man ser- Juants tooth, or his mayde seruants| ltoth, hee shal let him goe free for hia tooths sake. 28 4 If an oxe gore & man, of a w0- man, that chey die, then *the oxe shal be| surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be leaten : but the owner of the oxe shall be| tte. Ino blood be shed for hit 3 If the Sunne be risen vpon_ him, there shall be blood shed for him: for hee should make full restitution : if he haue| Jnothing, then he shall bee sold for his theft. 4 Tf the theft be certainely found| lin his hand aliue, whether it bee oxe or asse, ot sheepe, he shall restore double. twee 16 @ And * if a man entice a maide| fhe shall surely endow her to be his wife ‘17 If her father viterly refuse to| lgiue her vnto him, he shall + pay money laccording to the dowrie of virgins. 18 4 ‘Chou shalt not suffer a witch to liue. "19 1 Whosoeuer lieth with a beast, that is not betrothed, and lie with her,| i B report: put not thine hand| wrth the wicked to bee an ighteous witnesse. "Fee Thon. calm liollow a multitude to doe euill: neither halt thou tspeake in a cause, to decline!} re. ox. lafter many, to wrest i 2 '$ {Neither shalt thou countenance B Houshalt not [raise a false or. rect] 29 But if the oxe were wont to push| | 5 % If a man shall cause a field or| with his horne in time past, and it hath] |vineyard to be eaten , and shall put in testified to his owner, and he hath| {his Beast , and shall'feede in another| jaot kept him in, but that he hath killed] {mans field: of the best of his owne field, ls man or a woman; the oxe shall be sto-| jand of the best of his owne vineyard] Ined, and his owner also shall bee put to shall surely be put to death, 204 © Hee that sacrifceth vnto any saue vnto the Loxp opely, hee] Hea be weeny destroyed. ‘21 q °'Thou shalt neither vexe a} |sranger, nor oppresse him : for ye were pr nn nie awe : G If thou meete thine enemies] Joxe or his asse going astray, thou shalt} surely bring it backe to him _ ‘5 * If thou see the asse of him that] Shall he make restiution. Ba A) hateth thee, Tying vader his burden, jdeath. 6 4 If Sire breake out, and. catch a Ee een er ORE any wi |fand woul forbeare to helpe hi. oa | 30 If there be layed on him a summe| |thornes, x0 thatthe stacks of come, of + ee Oy fatherlense child. hou chale surely helpe with him. fetes fof money, then he shall giue for the ran-| the standing core, oF the field be consw- 35 If thou alfier them in any wise,|| 6 ‘Thou shalt not wrest the iudge [et =| Jaome of his life, whatsoeuer is layd vp-| |med therewith; hee that kindled the fr, lment of thy poore in his cause. 3 : atin vd they erie at all voto mee, I will Hens ty lon him. shall surely make restitution. ee rip "7 Keepe thee farre from s false mat-|ttper ‘$1 Whether hee haue gored a sonne,| | 7 4 If # man shal deliuer vnto bis| surely heare thei cre. axe hote,| |ter: ami the innocent. and righteoos|i sta Jor haue gored s dang according to! neighbour money or stuffe to keepe, and| eg oon "rou with the eword:| {slay thou not: for I will not iastifie thelite koye| hi judgement shail it bee done vnto| [it be stollen out of the mans house; if the| land your wines shall be widowes, and] wicked. ee thiefe be found, let him pay double. eten ‘And *thou shalt take no gift:|* ert 32 If the oxe shall push « man ser|| 8 If the thiefe be not found, then culdies Biel reat. ss. [25 of # If thou lend money to for the gift blindeth + the wise, and per-[i 5 juant, or a mayd seruant, hee shall giuel the master of the house shall be brought] eta 2 one che in poote by thee, [eros Bie onda of che righicous. lvato their master thirty shekels, and| |vato the Iudges, fo ace whether he haue [st Pr Vehalt not be to him ag an veurer, nei 9 @ Also thon shalt not A the oxe sbalbe stoned. lput his hande’vnto his neighbours Shalt chow lay vpoa him vaurie. leranger: for yee know the +heart of alt 7 wnt, ‘$8 4 And if's man shall open a pit, or| ls ‘96 If thow at all take dl neighbor lstranger, sceing yee were strangers in lif man shall digge a pit, and not couer| |" 9 For all maner of » whether| ee en a finer it| |the land of Egypt. jit, and an oxe or an asse fall therein: | |i be for oxe, for asse, for sheepe, for rai iene bY thet she sun goeth downe.| | 10 And *sixe yeres thou shalt sow thy|; Let. 2 84 The owner of the pit shall make| |ment, or for any maner of lost thin, MY Hor thet is his coueting onely, it] |land, and shalt gather in the fruites lie good, and giue money vnto the owner| |which another challengeth to be his: ia his raiment for his ekinne: wherein| |thereof: Jof them, and the dead beast shalbe his. | [cause of both parties shall come before| Jahal he sleepe? andit shal cometopasse,| | 11 But the seventh thou shalt] 85 "And if one mans oxe hurt an-| |the Tudges, and whome the Iudges| Hae ke chcth wnto mee, that 1 willl llet it rest, and lie till, that the poote o Jothers, chat be die, then they shall sell] |shall condesane, he shall pay double vn- Trecre : for Tam gracious. ldny people may eate, and what they| the line oxe, and diuide the money of it] {to his neighbour. sacusss| 28-4 © Thou shalt not reuile the| lleaue, the beasts of the field shall eate, the dead oxe also they shall diuide. | | 10 If a man deliuer vnto his neigh | or. use| Gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people.| |In like maner thou shalt deale with 96 Or if it bee knowen that the oxe hath veed to push in time past, and his Jowner hath not kept him in, hee shall Jsurely pay xe for oxe, and the dead shall Jbour an asse, or an oxe, or a shccpe, or lany beast to keepe, and it die, or be hurt, Jor driuen away, no man secing if, 11 Then shall an othe of the Loxa| vi ‘and with thy Jloliue yard. rie ye aye thon shal doe thy an lworke, and on the seuenth day thou(t Mihale rest: that thine oxe and thine assole 29 4 Thou shalt not delay 0 of eee iat ahd of Itliquors: *the first borne of thy some] eh Tame thow give ynto m [be his owne. lbe betweene them both, thst hee hatb| janie hae 30 Likewoe “Shalt thou do with thine| |may rest, and the sonne of thy hand. Inot put his hand vnto his neighbours| * loxen, and with thy sheepe: seven dayes| |mayd, & ihe erenger ay betel CHAP. XxIL + and the owner of it shall accept Ke chall be with his damme, on the eight] | 13 And ip all ool tee thereof, and he shall pot make i 12 And *if it be stollen from him, lchall make restitution vnto the owner|® thereof. lynta you, be circamspect: and make no| lmention of the names of her gots, ther let it be heard out of thy mouth. Jncither let it ato hy Jday thou shalt give it me. ‘31 4 And ye shall be oly men rato] = reas. |me: *neither shall ye eate any flesh that} 1s i [Three folemne fealts. Exodus. Gods promife, he people promile, ___ Chap.xxv. Free offerings! ior | 1484 © Three times thon shalt Keepe] [thou shale come, and Twill make all [dren of Ierael, which offered burnt . = feast, vnto te in the yeere, thine enemies turne their tbackes yntolt seh act loferings, and sacrificed peace offeringa| CHAP. KXV. ESSE: [dS 6 thou shalt keepe the feast of n-}|ehee. lof oxen, rnto the Loup. Nh What he Yeraclits rout oe forthe making! naene tread thou bal ete vale [x28 And 1 lend hornets beret. G And Monee tooke bale of the} |" of de Tabamade 0 Toe ferme of ned bread seuen daies, as Tcomman_||:hee, which shall drine out the Huite,|”™ [blood and put it in basons, and halfe off | Art a, c thee in the time appointed of the! [the Caummite, and the Hittite from be, tbe Hoo He epinkled oo the Alta. Fie SF he Si the ferltere seas. eee Abit: for in i toa camet out} lfore thee. 7 And he tooke the booke of the co-| | reer Su 78° 3 erecta [Fam Paypt: * and none shall sppeare| | 29 I will not drive them ont from luenant, and read in the audience of the| pS 16 And the nec r [before thee in one yeere, lest the land be-| + vere 3. ile: and they saide, * All that the] & Nd the Lozp spake vn- eats of thy: bree” cartes the Get} Jeome desolate, and the beast ofthe fel [comp bath eaid, will we doe, and be to Moses, saying, of thy Isbours, which thou hast! multiply against thee. lobedient. 2 ce vito the chil- lrpren im the feld: and the feast of inge-| | $0 By little and little 1 will driue 8 And Moses tooke the blood and ren of Tsracl, that they| hcring which isin the end of the jthem out from before thee, wntill thou leprinkled it on the people, and said, Be-| ‘tring mean jffering: *of tet. tee fyten thou hast gathered in thy Ie} |be increased and inberit the land . Pet.1. |bold * the blood of the Couenant which} jueth it willingly with "teeus TTT este St Ard I will set thy bounds from See the Loup hash made with you, cot hall take my ofeing. [Yee tice shen times in the yeere all thy] the Red sea , euen vnto the sea of the| ing all these words, is the offering which yel, = i ee fom the deser. wnt 34 then rent ep Moces and Ae itll ubcofthem; Gl ‘sod luce, a river : for I will deliuer the inhabi_| 4 Ibrasse. J saenet, shalt not offer the blood éf ants of the land into your hand : and| Iiepide otic ‘4 And blew, and purple, and scar kon eae, hoa ame, with leauened bread nei, thou ahale drive them out before thee. ‘10 And they saw the God of Teracl;| jlet, and fine ltinnen, and goats Aaire: | r,s. et erie cual arent OF tay Hsscriice re-| | $2 © Thou shalt make no couenant|* chap su land there was vnder his feet, as it were| | 5 And rammes skiones died red, ie the morning. |rith them, nor mith their gods. ye Sen ‘Paued worke of a Saphire stone, and| and badgers skinnes, and Shittim hand thou hae brn ae eats of thy} || $8 "They shall not dwell in chy land,” it were the body of heanen in bis| |wood : the Lonp thy God: vhou abel ne] [enicheZ ake the sine agai ina me: for clearenesse. Fite fir the ight, pes for aon [seethe kid in his mo il gods, *it Pes ‘And vpon the Nobles of the chil-| |ting oile, and for sweet incense Sahn ners mile] fea eae voto thee. "hs fen of Heel he tay not his hand ah| | TP One stones, and toner to be we Dew. js coap - frites, and the Hittites, and the Periz + Devt. 2. 20 @ * Behold, I send an Angel be fore thee to keepe thee in the re ae bring thee into the place which hau 21 Beware of him, and obey hie voice, provoke him not’ for he will not lon. your tran a: for ae i. a a int if thon shalt indeed obey his voice, and doe all that speaketh {I wil be an enemie vato thine enemies,| Jand {Ian aduersarie vato thine adveres ries. 23 *For mine Angel shall befor hee, and “bring thin eae tre Ae sites, and the Cansanites, the Hii land ‘the Tebusiter : and Twill cut them off 24 Thou shalt not bow downe to their gods, nor serue them, not doe after their workes: * but thou shalt vtterly Jouerthrowe them, and quite breake| |downe their image 25 And yee shall serue the Loo lyour God, and he shall blesse thy bread, jand thy water: and I will take sicknes| bray ffom the mids: ofthe. ‘1* There shall nothing cast their lyong, nor bee barren in thy land : the| Joumber of thy dayes T will full 27 I will send my feare before thee, jand will destroy all the people to whom| CHAP. XxXIIL 1 Moves is called vpinto the Mountaine, 3 The| ‘raple promise obedience. "4 Mowes bul| an Alar, and twelue pillars. 6 Hee| See date 9 The| Na hee stid vnto Mi Come vp rnto } Loxo| Bj thou, and Aaron, Nadab| and Abihu, and seuentie of the Elders of Israel | orship ye a farre off 2 And Moses alone shall come rere the Lox: Qt they aha not lcome nigh, neither shall the people sp with hie, al 3% And Moses came and told th peole althe words of the Lon, Jand all the iudgementa: and all the. ple answered with one voyce, and said 4 And Moses wrote all the words|# Jof the Loxo, and rose vp early in the Imorning, and builded an Altar vnder| the hill, and twelve pillar, according to] the twelue tribes of Israel, 5 And he sent yong men of the chil. aren! Pll the words which the La + cape se, will we doe mh ca loo they saw God, and did eate and! ke. 12 % Ad the Lorn sayd vnto] Moses, Come vp to me into the mount, land be there, and I will give thee Te bles of stone, and a Law, and Com-| fmandements ‘which I haue written] that thou mayest teach them. 18 And Moses rose vp, and his mi-| lnister Loshua: and Moses went vp in to the mount of God. 14 “And hee aide wato the Elder ary ye here for ve, vntill wee come 2. lgaine vnto you : and behold, Aaron| land Hur are with you - If any man| at |haue any matters to doe, let him come] lynto them . 15 And Moves went vp into the| Mount, and a cloud couered th Mount. 16 And the of the Loup a1 lbode vpon mount Sinai, and the cloud! evoered it size dayes: and the seventh lday hee called vnto Moves out of thel ides of the cloud ae of che ‘17 And the sight ono nar ike Sevourng Be on the| top of the mount, in the eyes of the chil jdren of Lsrael 18 And Moses went into the midet jof the cloud, and gate him vp into the| Jmount: and * Moses was in the mount] |forty dayes, and forty nights. lm the * Ephod, and in the *brest plate. |* 9 According to all that I shew thee, lafter the patterne of the Tabernacle, Jand the patterne of all the instruments thereof, euen so shall ye make i. 10 4 * And they chall make an Arke|+ lof Shittim wood: two cubites and a| Ihalfe ahalbe the length thereof, and s cu. bite and an halfe the breadth thereof, land a cubite & a balfe the height thereof| 11 And thou shalt ouerlay it. with] lpure gold, within and without shalt thou ouerlay it: and shalt make vpon it a crowne of gold round about. 12 And thou shalt cast foure rings of |gold for it, and pat them in the lcornera thereof, and two rings shal be in the one side of it, and two ringsin the ther side of i. 18 And thou shalt make staves shitim wood, and onelay chem with FS And thu sale put the sane in] to the rings, by the eides of the Arke, that the Arke may be borne with them, 15 The stauce shal be in the rings of the Arke: they shal not be taken from i] 16 And thou shalt put into the Arke lthe Testimonie which I chal! give] thee, 17 And| 8 And let them make mee # San-|‘ crap x. letuary, that I may dwell amongn|is them : ‘The RE 2 ig _ Jzeme >. laboue the Me + Caan. s. erciefeat, 17 od tea il wale ¢ Mere pare ; two cubites and al hatfechalbe the length thereof, and acu | bite afl « hale che breadih thereat (18 And thon shal make two Cheru-| bine of gold’: of been works shal make them, in the two endea ithe Mercie-seat. 19 And make one Cherub on the one| et athe ther Cher o he a euen lof the Mercie-eat shall yee Imake the Cherubims, on the tee i ibims, on two ends! 90 And the Cherubims shall stretch forth their winga on high, covering the Merde-eear Se hee” Sots ther faces shall lake one to another: t0-| toward the Mercie-seat shall jof the Cherubims be. 21 And thou shalt pat the Mercie, rr CL pat the’ Testimon phat Tahal ge chee," Temtimenil 22 And there I wil meet with thee, aad 1 will commune with thee, for ercie-eat, from *betweene ihe two Cheruhime which sre the Arke of the Testimonie, of “all things which T wil give thee in com [pengmdement vnto the children of Is-| 23.4 © Thou shalt also make » table lof Shittim ood : two cubites shall bee the thereof, and a cubite the| loredth thereof, and'a cubite and a halfe| the height thereof 24. And thou shalt ouerlay it with Pure gold, and make thereto » rowne of gold round abo. And thou shalt make ato it al border of an hand bredth round about, Jand thou ahalt make a golden crowne| to the border thereof round about. 26 And thou shalt make for it foure ine of gold end pat the rings in he foure comers that are on eure cn e fore feet ;27 Over against the border shall the for places of the ing be staues to beare 28 And thou shalt make the sta of, Shitim mood» aad ouerlay thers i rth gold, thes the table may Be borne 29 And thou shalt make the dishes Exodus. pon} Jding to the sixe branches that proceed ‘80 And thou shalt set vpon the lle Shew-bread before me away. | ldlesticke of pure gold : of beaten worke|"™ lal the candlesticke bee made; his shaft and his branches, hia bowles, hia lknops , and his flowers’ shall be of the| jsame. 32 And sixe branches shall come out] lof the sides of it: three branches of the| |candlesticke outof theone side, and three| [branches of the candlesticke out of the| jother si 33 Three bowles made like vnto aly fmonds, with # knop and 2 flower in| jone branch: and three bowles mad: Jsimonds in the other branch, with a| lknop and a flower : 20 i i lches Gat come oat af he candlestick. | 34 And in the candlesticke shall |foure bowles made like vnto almonds, Jwith their knope and their flowers. $5 And there shal be a knop vnder two] [branches of the same, and a vnder| two branches of the same, and a knop| jender two branches of the same, accor-| of he candice ‘Their knope and their branch lal! be of the snes allt shal bee oe beaten worke of | gold. ‘87 And thou thalt make the seuen| llampes thereof, that inst tit ee neo eee see a talent of | shall hi luake vy with all thor vein 40 And *looke that thou make them ac jafter their patterne, twhich was shew-|e>.* Jed thee in the mount. _ CHAP. XXVIL H The ten curtaines of the Tabernacle. 1 The] ‘leuen curtaines of goats baire. 16 The co ‘ering of Rammes 15 The boardal ei Taberacl, with thir socket an barres. le for the Arke. 36 ‘Ranging fo the doore- mm Oreouer thou chalt make the Tabernacle with ten| curtaines of fine rwined| and Candlefticke.| S81 4 * And thou shalt make a Can-|* cap. x. lamps thereof: and they chall light the} or, ane they Meh sels light ouer Het gs And the tongs thereof, and ne te [The Tabernacle ght and twenty cubite, and the bredth| fone curtain foure cubdte: and jone of the curtaines shall hane one mea-| sure. 3 ‘The fue curtaines shalbe coupled] liogether one to another: and other five |curtaines shalbe coupled one to another | 4 And thou sbslt make loopes off Ibtew vpon the edge of the one curtaine, he sclucdge in the coupling, an likewise shalt thou make in the veer. Imostedge of another curtaine, in the cou-| Ipling of the second. 5 Fiftie loopes shalt thou make in| the one curtaine, and fiftie loopes shalt thou make in the edge of the curtaine, that is in the coupling of the second, Ithat the loopes may take hold one of a, lnother. G And thou shalt make fiftic taches lof gold, and couple the curtaines toge- Ither with the taches: and it shall be one| tabernacle. 77 And thou shalt make eurtsine lof goats haire, to be a covering vpon t tabernacle: elouen eurtsines hat tho make. 8 The length of one curtaine shalbe thirtie cubites, and the bredth of one| lcurtaine foure cubites: and the eleuen| |shalbe all of one measure. 9 And thou shalt couple fiue cur, ltsines by themselues, and sixe curtaines| by themselues, and shale double the sixt| Jcurtaine in the forefront of the taber- Inacle. 10 And thou shalt make fitie loopes Jon the edge of the one curtaine, that is osama the comping sn Hoopes in of the curtaine whi lcoupleth the second. 11 And thou shale make fitic taches lof brasse and put the taches into thel jer floopes, and couple the jItent together, Ie |ebat it’ may be one. 12 And the remnant that remaineth| lof the curtaines of the tent, the halfe Jcurtaine that remaineth shail hang o- juer the backe side of the tabernacle. 18 Anda cubite on the one side, and al |1 0, ig melcubite on the other side tof that which] icrmewiicz. |remaineth in the length of the cur taines of the tent, it shall hang ouer the| sides of the tabernacle, on this side, and| Chapxxg. lfor the ‘Tabernacle of Shittim w tan 16 Ten abit shal be che |a board, and 2 cubite and an halfe shall} |be the breadth of one board. ze ome lboard set in order one against another: Jchus shalt thou make for all the boards| of the Tabernacle. 18 And thou shalt make the boards! lor the Tabernacle, twentie boards on| the Southside Southward. 19 And thon shalt make fourtie soc. keta of siluer, vnder the twenty board: two sockets Ynder one board for his Jtwo tenons, and two sockets vnder lanother basrd for his two tenons. 20 And for the second side of che Ta| bernacle on the Northside there shall be twentie boards, 21 And their fourtie sockets of siluer’ ltwo sockets vnder one board, and two] lsocketa vnder another board. 22 And for the sides of the Taber-| Inacle Westward thou shalt make sixe bourds. 23 And two boards shalt thou make] for the corners of the tabernacle in thel two sides. Ither beneath, and they shall be coupled ltogether aboue the head of it vnto une], ring: thus shall it bee for them both ; they shall be for the two corners. 26 And they shall be eight boards, land their sockets of siluer sixtcene soc- kets: two sockets vnder one board, and| two sockets vnder another board. 26 % And thou shalt make barres IShittim wood : fue for the boards off the one side of the Tabernacle, 27 And fue barres for the boards the other side of the Tabernacle, and| fiue barres for the boards of the side the Tabernacle for the two sides West lrard. 28 And the middle barre in the mids lof the boards, shall reach from ende to Jende. 29 And thou shalt ouertay the boards jwith gold, and make their rings Id for places for the barres: and thou| Jshatt ouerlay the barres with gold. and appertinances, ‘17 Two +tenons shall there be in one|t tb. tones ‘24 And they shall be + coupled toge-|t eb. sci linnen, and blew, and pur-| None | neTeoh 824 spoons {here and covery a le, sodeat idhGhe Ze fon that side to couer it 30 And thou shalt rere wp the Tey Jorden [thereof and bowles thereof, wer] [rubims of tcunning worke shalt thoulcnse 14 And thou shalt make a couering| \bernacle *according to the fashion ther-|+ crap. 15. JRae™ rch: of pure gold shalt thou make] Jake them. len for the tent of rammes skinnes died| fof, which was shewed thee in thelk ty. - % The length of one curtaine shalbeloee lred, and a covering aboue of badgers| |mount. fees Jekinnes. ght 31 4 And thou shale make a Vaile off blew shall diuide vnto you, betweene the ho, ly place and the most holy. 34 ‘And thou shalt pul the Merce the Testimony, 85 And thou shalt set the table with, tthe Vaile, and the candlesticke ouer lagainst the table, om the side of the T's. lbernacle toward ‘the South; and tbou shalt put the table on the North side. 36 And thou shalt make an Hangin, for the doore of the Tent, of blew, an Jpurple and scarlet, and fine twined lin, Inen, wrought with needle worke. ot hod, thou shalt, make, for the fanging fiue pillars of Shittim wood, end ouetiny them with god, and thes be of gold : and thou shalt cast fiue sockets of brasse for them. CHAP. XXVII. Nd thou shalt make «n| Altar of Shittim wood,| fiue cubits long, and fiue ee ‘broad : the Altar| thal be foure square, and| ght thereof shalbe three cubits 2 And thou shalt make the hornes| of it »pon the foure corners thereof. hia hornes shall be of the same: and thou! shale ouerlay it with brasse. 3 And thou shalt make his pannes| to receiue his ashes, and his shouels,| tc ie bason, and fis Besbhoaks, and is nes: 1e vessels thereof [thou halt make of brasse. 4 And thou shalt make for it « grate lof networke of brasse; lcompasse of the Altar beneath, that the| shalt thou make foure brasen rings in| fin all the seruice thereof, and all the 5 And thou shalt put it vnder the| |the Court, shalbe of brasce, 94 And thou shalt make the Court lof the Tabernacle for the Southside, [Southward : there shall be hangings| lor the Court, of fine twined linen lan hundred cubits long, for one aie | YO And the twenty pillars thereof, land their wenty sockets shall be of lorasee the hhookes of the’ pillars, and their filets shalbe of siluer, <1} And likewise fr the Northside i length , there sh ings of an] hundred cabits Tong, and his trenty liars, and their twenty sockets reese: the hookes of the pian and their fillets of siluer. 12 1 And for the breadth of the! ICourt, on the Westside shalbe hangings| of fty cubits : their pillars tenne, and] their sockets ten. 13 And the breadth of the Court on the Eastside Eastward, shall bee ffte TS The any side 14 The hangings of one side ofthe iq shalheffeene ubit: sheir play ree, and their sockets three. 15 And on the other side shalbe hang.| inge, fen cuit: ther pillar thre their sockets three. [lS And fr she gate of the Cour aan hanging of twenty cubits ol blew, and purple, and scarlet, and fine Jtrined linnen, ‘wrought with needle Jworke: and their pillars shail be foure, land their sockets foure, 17 All the pillars round about the |Court shaibe filletted with siluer: ther lhookes shalbe of siluer, and their sockets of basse. 18 The length of the Court shalbe lan hundred cubits, and the breadth +f) ed linnen, and their soc-| kets of brasse. 19 All the vessels of the Tabernacle| fpinnes thereof, and all the pinnes off 20% And thou shale command the children ltie euery where, and the height fiue eu!" bite of we > CHAP, XXVIIL H Aaron and his sonnes are set apart forthe] ‘Phests office. 2 Holy garments pa 6 The Ephod. 15 The S pretous since. ‘30 The Vi and Thunwntm. 31 The robe of the Epbos ‘ith pomegranates and” belles. 36" The| plate of the Miter. 39 The imbroidered| foate. 40 The garments for Aarons sonnes- SY, Nd take thou vnto thee| 3 Aaron thy brother, and| p KG i Sonne with hi, RE from among the chiladren| of Israel, that he may mi- Inister vnto me in the Priests office, euen Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, Jand Ithamar, Aarons sonnes. 2 And thon shalt make holy gar- lments for Aaron thy brother, for glory land for beauty. ‘3 And thou shalt speake vnto all that are wise hearted, whom T have filled with the spirit of wiscdome, that| Ithey may make Aarons garments to] Jconseerate him , that hee may minister} lynto me in the Priests office. 4 And these are the garments which ey shall makes breasplate, and an JEphod, and a robe, and a broidered| lcoat, a Miter, and a girdle : and they| Jshall make holy garments for Aaron| Ithy brother, and his sonnes, that hee| ay mister ento mee in the Priests 5 And they shall take gold, and! biew, and purple, and scarlet, and fne "nen. 6 And they shall make the Ephod| lof gold, of blew and of purple, ofiscarlet, land fine twined linnen, with cunning} lworke. 7 It shall have the two shoulder pieces thereof, ioyned at the two edges [vereof; and so i chal bee ioyned to ‘Exodus. burnt offering, Aarons garments, Chap.xxviij. and his fonnes| rs children of Israel, that dhey bring thee] |phod which le vpon it, hall bee of the xian’? Bee euen to the midst of the pe ete hve beatn fr the ight fame, accarding to the wake thee 6 And thou shalt make staues for | Her.te feause the lampe +to burne alwayes.” | Jeuen of gold, ind purple, an ‘32 And thou shalt hang it vpon| |the Altar, staucs of Shittim wood, and| pent | 21 In the Tabernacle of the Con-) |scarlet, and fine twined tinnen, foure pillare of Shittim wood, ouer-| louecay them with brasse. lgregation without the Vaile, which is|| 9 And thou shalt take two Onix| llayd with gold: their hookes shalbe 7 And the staues shalbe put into the| lbefore the Testimony, Aaron and his| |stones, and, ‘on them the names of| gold, vpon the foure sockcts of siluer. | |rings, and the staues shall be vpon the| i" Jconnes shall order it from euening tol }the children of Isract: ‘$3 4 And thou shalt hang vp the| |two sides of the Altar, to beare it. lmorning before the Lono: It shallj | 10 Sixe of their names on one stone, Vaile vnder the taches, that thou maist| | 8 Hollow with boards shalt thou| Jbe a statute for euer,-ynto their genera-| |and the other sixe tame ofthe resto |bcing in thither within the Vaile, the] {make it: as tit was chewed thee in the|1 Het, he lions, on the behalfe of the children of] |the other stone, according to their birth: JArke of the Testimony: and the Vaile| mount, so shall they make it. |acwed. Israel. 11 © With the worke of an engrauer|+ wisi 1 jin stone; Jke the engrauings of a signet" [shalt thou raue the two stones,| frith the names of the children of Te Iracl; thou shalt make them to be set in| Jouches of ‘12 And thou shalt put the two stones lspon the shoulders of the Ephod, for |stones of memorial vnto the children| jof Isracl. And Aaron shall beare their | Inames before the Loxo, vpon his| ltwo shoulders for » memoriall. 13 4 And thou shalt make ouches two chaines of 1d at the ends; of wreathen worke shalt thou Imake them, and fasten the #rcathen |chaines to the ouches. 15 § And thoa shalt make the brest- iplate of Iudgement, with cunning! Iworke, after the worke of the Ephod thou shalt make it: of gold, of blew, and} lof purple, and of scarlet, and of fine tw lnc Higncn shalt thou make i 16 Foure square it shall be ding dou_| loicd; a spanne shalfe the length thereof, land a span shalbe the breadth thereof. 17 And thou shalt tset in it settings } of stones; cuen foure rowes of stones frst rom shale a Sardis, « Topas land a Carbuncle : this shall be the first 18 And the second row shall be an E-| lmeraude, a Saphir, and a Dismond. 19 And the third row a Lygure, an} |Agate, and an Ametbi 90 And the fourth lan Onix, and a Tasper ingot inthe tiedodiage 21 And the stones shall bee with the] Inames of the children of Israel, twelue, laccording to their names, like the engra-| luings of'a signet: euery one with hi Iname shall they bee according to thel Iwelue tribes. 22 q And thow shalt make vpon thel Jbrestplate chaines at the ends, of wre then worke, of pare gold. ther. :jnme SG And the ilcurious girdle of the E-| i 23 And ‘thou shalt make vpon the} best is bor. air > Becton fst Aarons garments, [brestplate two rings of gold, and shali lput the two rings on the two endes of] the brest 2% And thou shale, put the two lwreathen chaines of gold in the two| lings, mich are on the ends of the bres 25 And the other two endes of the two wreathen chaines, thou shalt fasten| jin the ¢wo ouches, and put them on the| Ishoulder pieces of the Ephod before it. 26 4 And thou shalt make two rings lof gold, and thou shalt put them vpon| the to ends of the breastplate, in the lborder thereof, which is in the side the Ephod inward. 27 And two other rings of gold thou| Ishalt make, and shalt them on the| |two sides of the Ey vnderneath to-| jrards the forepart thereof, ouer 2 lgainst the other coupling thereof, aboue| ithe curious girdle of the Ephod. 23 And they shall bind the brestplate| by the rings thereof, vnto the rings o ie Ephod with a lace of blewe, that it may be aboue the curious girdle of the| |Ephod, and that the breastplate be not| loosed from the Ephod 29 And Aaron shal beare the names| jof the children of Israel in the breast-| plate of iudgement, vpon his heart, when hee goeth in vnto the holy place for & memorial! before the Lox con tinually. $0 4 And thou shalt putin the breast-| late of iudgement, the Vrim and the| wummim, and they shall bee. ypon |Aarons heart, when he goeth in the Loxo: and Aaron shall beare| ithe ‘indgement of the children of Israel| ypon his heart, before the Loxo con-| finually. 31 4 And thou shalt make the robe lof the Ephod all of blew. 82 And there thall bee an hole in the top of it, in the mide thereof: it shall Jhave a binding of wouen worke, round| abou the hole of iran wore the ta lof an i that it be not rent. 88 9 And beneath vpon the ifhemme| fof it thou shalt make pomegranates off blew , and of purple, and of scarlet, round abou the hemme thereof, and] belles of gold betweene them round =| S4A bell and sate ree Exodus. iinister: and his sound shall be heard] then he goeth in wnto the holy place be- fore the and when he commeth| jout, that he die not. ‘36 4 And thou shalt make » plate of| [pure gold, and graue pon it ike the en-| of a signet, HOLINES| [fo THE LORD. 57 And thou shalt put it on a blewe lace, that it may ma the miter: vp- lon the forefront of the miter it shall te ‘$8 And it shall be vpon Aarons fore-| Ihead, that Aaron may beare the iniqui- lie of the holy things, which the chit fern of Teal hal flow, in all their} ly gifts: and it shall be alwayes in Shad te they may be accepted |before the Lorn. 99 % And thou shalt embroider thel fcoat of fine linnen, and thou shale make| the miter of fine Hinnen, and thou shalt lake the girdle of needle worke. 40 4 And for Aarons sonnes thou| lshalt make coats, and thou shalt makel lfor them girdles, and bonnets shalt thou make for them, for glory and. for Ibeautie. 41 And thou shalt put them ypon| JAaron thy brother, and his sonnes| Iwith him: and shalt annoint them, and| office. 4% And thou shalt make them lin, fnen breeches, to couer +their nakednes,|1 ffrom the loines euen vnto the thighes they shall reach. q 43 And they shall be vpon Aston, |& vpon his sounes, when they come in| Jynto the Tabernacle of the Ci tion, or when they come neere vnto tel Altar to ministerin the holy place, that they beare not iniquitie,and die. Jt shall \ée a statute for euer ynto him and bis lseede after him. CHAP. XXIx. 1 The sscrifce and ceremonies of consocrating| the Pres 38 The contiall burst af Eelren of reek” STH SOE Pi Nd this is the thing that] thou shalt doe vnto them, to hallow them, to mini, $3 ster vnto me in the Priests office: * Take one yong|+ fe, and two rammes without Hteonsecrate them, and sanctifie them,|: a. ax [that they may minister vnto mee in the|"*" Amt. and his sonnes, esi... 2 And vnleauened bread, and cakes volea-| teat 3.3 Teoma sine Be mie tae fJerate Aaron and his sonnes. hious girdle of the , 6 And thou shalt put tbe Miter vp lon his head, and put the holy Crowne| the Miter. . ‘Then shalt thou take the annoin- ing * oyle, and powre it vpon his head, ‘annoint him, 8 And thou shalt bring bis sonnes, land put coats vpon them. 9 And thou shalt gird them with |girdles, (Aaron and his sonnes) and| }# pat the bonnets on them : and the| lpricets office shall be theirs for a perpe- ftuall statute: and thou shalt +*conse- 10 And thou shalt cause a bullocke to| [bee brought before the Tabernacle of ltbe ition : and * Aaron sad] Ibis sonnes shall put their hands vpon| |the head of the bullocke. ‘Tl And thou shalt kill the bullocke be- lfore the Lonn, the doore of the| |Tabernacle of the tion. 32 And thou shalt ake of the blood lof the bullocke, and put i e| hornes of the altar with thy finger, and] all the blood beside the bottome] lof the Altar. 13 And *thou shalt take all the fat| lchat couereth the inwards, and |/the| jeaule thad iz aboue the liuer, and the two! Ikidnels, and the fat thst i vpon them, land burne them vpon the altar. ‘4 But the flesh of the bullocke, and] bis skinne, and his halt ‘thou| lburne with’ fre without the campe, itis ja sine offering. 15 © Thou shalt also take one ram, Jand Aaron and his sonnes shall put their hands vpon the head of the ram. 16 And thou shalt slay the ramme, Jand thou shalt take his blood, and sprin-| de é¢ round about vpon the altar. Chap.xxix. with] land bia |pieces, and wash the inwards of hit ‘and pat them vnto his pie-| Jces, and vnto his head. 18 And thou shalt burne the whole lramme vpon the Altar: it iz a burat of/| lreing vnto the Lonp: It ir a sweet) ean, an offering made by fre vat |the Wo ind thou shalt take the other| \famme : and Aaron and his sonne lsball put their hands vpon the head the rarme. 20 ‘Then shalt thou kill the ramme, land take of his blood, and put it rpon| Ithe tip of the right eare of Aaron, and| Ivpon the tip of the right eare of his| jsonnes, and vpon the thumbe of their right hand, and vpon the great toe of] |their right foot, and sprinckle the blood] lypon the Altar round about 21_And thou shalt take of the blood| Ithas is vpon the Altar, and of the anoin-| jking oyle, and eprinkle it vpon Aaron,| nd vpon his garments, and vpon his| Jeonnes, and vpon the garments of his| lsonnes with him: and hee shall be hal- llowed, and his garments, snd his} lsonnes, and his sonnes garments with| him. oe eee eee ee lthe fat and the rumpe, and 1 Jcouereth the inwards, & the caule aboue| lthe liuer, and the two kidneis, and lfat that is vpon them, and the right| Ishoulder, for it 4¢ a ram of consecration:| 3 And one losfe of bread, and one] lcake of oyled bread, and one wafer ont] jof the basket of the vnleauened bread, | that is before the Lorn. 2% And thou shalt put all in th Inande of Aaron, and in the hands his sonnes, and shalt ||waue them for a| |waue-offering before the Loxn. 25 And thou shalt receive them their hands, and burne them vpon the /Altar for a burnt offering, for a sweet| jsauour before the Loxp: it és an offe-| lring made by fire vnto the Lonp. 26 And thou shalt take the brest lthe ramme of Aarons consecrations, end rave it for.» wannaferng before the Lon, and it y ‘$7 And thou shalt ‘sanctie! the bres lof the waue-offering, and the shoulder| of che heaue offering, which is waved, land which is hesued of the ramme| lof the consecration, euen of that which] lis for Aaron, and of tbat which és for his| 17 And thou shalt cut the ramme in] %8 And! of the Priefts, 1 Or, opm. tors shake afro. {The confecration Exodus. of the Priefts. Ranfome of foules. Chap XXX. + Nam. 28, L $B And it shalbe Aarons, and hig children of Israel : for it is an heaue of | ing: and it chall be an heaue offering| Rei atte dce acs ce of their ings, eaen their| effering voto the Lend. 29 4 And the holy garments of Aa Jron shall be his sonnes after him, to bee| janoynted therein, and to be consecrated} |Con, tion, before the Loxn,| ia Jwhere I wil mcete you, to speake there| kee te ‘30 And +that sonne that ie Priest in} |ynto thee. his stead, shal put them on seuen dayes,| ten be'comtteth tno the Tabernacle lof the Congregation to minister in the| holy pce 81 4 And thou shalt take the ramme| of the consecration, and seethe his flesh) in the holy place. 82 And Aaron and his sonnes shall ‘of the ramme, and the| the basket, by the doore ef, the Tabernacle of the Copregation| ‘33 And they shall eate those things, frhierewith the atonement was mate, fa conscerate and to eactfethem: bu la stranger shall not eate thereof; because] they a b boty. a 34 And if ought of the flesh of the| lconsecrations, oF of the bread remaine| lynto the morning, ten thou shalt lburne the remainder with fire: it shall Jnot be eaten, because itis holy. 85 And thus shalt thou doe vnto AAs, ron, and to his sonnes, according to all things which I have commaunded| thee: scuen dayes shalt thou consecrate| them. 36 And thou shalt offer euery day a] bullocke fora sinne offering, for atone, ment: and thou shalt clense the Altar, fwhen thou hast made an atonement| Hor it, and thou shalt anoynt it, to ean-| Jeti it. 87 Seuen dayes thou shalt make an| Jatonement for the Altar, and sanctifeit: Jand it shalbe an Altar most holy: what-| lsoeuer toucheth the Altar, chalbe holy. 88 Now this is that which thou! shalt offer vpon the Altar; *two lambs lof the first yere, day by day continually. 29, 1B one lambe thow shalt. of morning : and the of thou shale of ateuen ne And with the one Iambe a tent |deale of flowre mingled with the ‘out per of a Hin of beaten oyle: and the by a statute for ever, from the| “41 And the other lambe thou shalt] loffer at Even, and shalt doe thereto, ac. jcording to the meat offering of the mor-| laing, and according to the drinke of| fering thereof, for = sweet savour, an eterng made by fire voto the Lox] 42 This shalbe a continuall burnt of fering throughout your generations,| lat the doore of the Tabernacle of the] 43 And there I will mect with the| lshalbe sanctified by my glory. MH And T will anche he Taber| jnacle of the Congregation, and the Al-| tar : I will sanctifie also both Aaron land his sonnes, to minister to me in the| [Priests office. 45° And *1 will dwell amongst the children of Isracl, and will be thei |Goa. 44 Avid they shall know that I ara the Loxn their God, that broughe| them foorth out of the iand of Egypt, Ithat T may dwell amongst them = I lam the Lono their God. CHAP. XXX. hi The Altar of incense. 11 The ransome forks, 11 The Brnsen Inu." 22°The bo 4 groyming le Ss The comin Nd thou shalt make an] Altar to burne incense vp Kee on: of Shittim wood] =i 2 A cubite shall bee the| length thereof, and eubite the breadth thereof, (foure square shall it bec) and| two lite shatbe the eight thereo: the |horncs thereof shalbe of the same. STAnd hea shal ena wil [pure | the tt f, and the tsides| fhereo? round re Jcrowne of gold round about. 4 And two golden rings shalt thou Imake to it vnder the crowne of it, by the two teomers thereof, sides of it shalt thou make it : and they| lshalbe for places for the staues to beare| lit withall. 5 And thou shalt make the staves jof Shittim wood, and ouerlay them] wth part of an Hin of wis "| ——™rmrt—~— ith gold. 6 And thou shalt put it before the| Vaile, lchildren of Israel : and il¢he Tabernacle} or, tes. and the hornes|wgo™' lthereof: and thou shalt make vnto i a Fk ow mn the twat sd. rate seer. om fo, ae mi fe lesen Se Vaile, that t by the Arke of the Testi lmonie' bh luer the Testimonie where I will meet} with thee. lt sweet incense euery morning kmsc0/-lacesseth the lamps he shal burn it "Band when Aaron j[lighteth the lamnpea tat euen, be shall burne incense nit, Ion; Ithereom, nor burnt sacrifice, nor meate| loftering, neither shall ye powre drinke| lffering thereon. lyeere, with the blood of the sinne offe- ing of atonement: once in the yeere| shalt [throughout your generations: before the Mercie-seat that is, 0 ni yn shall burne thereon 7 And Aaro hereon cense| tuall incense before the| reghout your gener "9 Ye shall offer no strange incense 10 And Aaron shall make an atone- ment vpon the homes of it once in a hee make atonement vpon it,| Iholy vnto the Loap. 11 4 And the Lonn spake vnto| Moses, sayi 2 * When thou takes the summe lhe children of Terael, after ttheir num. lber, then shall they give cucry man a) rancome for his soule vnto the Loxo,| fwhen thou numbrest them, that there| Ibe no plague amongst them, when thou frumbrest hem. 18 This they shall gue, euery one jehat eae "thera that are fnumbred: halfe a shekel after the shekel| lof the Sanctuary: A shekel is twenty| : an halfe shekel shall be the off Iring of the Loxp. ‘14 Euery one that passeth among| lew that ae numbred from tent lyeeres old and sboue, ring vnto the Lonn. 15 The rich shal not tive more an the pore shall not gi then halfe la shekel, when they giue an offering vn to the Loxp, to make an atonement] for your soules. ‘And thou shalt take the stone, ment money of the children of Isteel, land shalt appoint it for the seruice of the| |Tabernacle of the Congregation, that] lit may be a memoriall vnto the children} jof Israel before the Lon, to make| Jan atonement for your eoules. J1-@ And the Lonn epske vntol Moses, sayi 18 Thou shalt also make a Lauer off reach withall, and thou shale put it be- lrweene the Tabernacle of the Congre- |gstion, and the altar, and thou shalt put! water therein. 19 For Asron and his sonnes shall [wash their hands and their feet thereat 20 When they goe into the Taber Jace of the Congregation, they shall wash with water, that they die not: oF} Jwhen they come neere to the altar to| fninister, to burne offering made by Fire lynto the Loo. ‘21 So they shall wash their handes| land their feet, that they die not: and it lshall be s statute for euertothem, even to) him and w his seed throughout their ge- nerations. ‘92% Moreouer the Lon spake| nto Moses, saying, — ‘23 Take thou also vnto thee princi, pall spices, of pure myrrhe five hundred] thekels, and of sweet cinamon halfe so] Imuch, even two hundred and fifty she Jkels, and of sweet calemus two hundred! land fiftie shekels, ‘24 And of Cassia fiue hundred shekels lafter the shekel of the Sanctuary, and| lf oyle oliue an * Hin. ‘25 And thou shalt make it an oyle of Iholy oyntment, an oyntment com-| Fie: it shalbe an holy anointing oyle. 26 And thou shalt anoint the Te lbernacle of the Congregation there-| Jwith, and the Arke of the Testimo-| nie ‘FT And the Table and all his vessels, land the Candlesticke, and his vessels, Jand the Altar of incense : 28 And the Altar of burnt offering! |wich all his vessels, and the Laver and| his foot. ‘29 And thou shalt sanctifie them, that lchey may bee most holy: whatsoever} jtoucheth them, shall be holy. 30 And thou shalt anoint Aaron| Jand his sonnes, and consecrate them, chat they ray minister vnto mec in the| eats office. 31 And thou shalt speake vnto the| children of Isracl. saying, This shall lbee an holy anointing vile ynto mee, throughout your ions. '32 Upon mans flesh shall x not bee wwred, neither shall ye make any other ike it, after the composition of it: it is Iholy, and it shall be holy vnto you. 88) Whosoeuer compoundeth any lbrasse , and his foote also of brasse, to| like it, or whosoeuer puttteth any of it pon! Anointing oyle.| Jpound after the arte of the Apotheca-|t ox. pe Bezaleel and jvpon a stranger, shall euen be cut off esate |from his. le. a ye [Moses Take vnto thee «meete spices State and’ Quiche and’ Gaibesum these aweeie spices with pure frankin, ene, of eachshal therebe a like weighe| 35 And thou shalt make it a fume, Nhecare,#temperd togeter, pare an '36 And thou shat beat some of it very evall, and put of it before the testimony, in the tabernacle of the Congregation, Iwhere I will meet with thee : it shalbe| jynto you most holy. $7 And as for the perfume which thou shalt make, you shall not make to] lyour selues, according to the compositi on thercot i hal be wnto hee holy for the Loxo. ‘98 Whosoeuer shall make like vnto chat, to smell thereto, shall euen bee cut] lof from his people. CHAP. XXX 1 Bezalee! and Abolisb are called and mal] meet for the warke ofthe Tabernacle. 12The| Na the Loxp spake vn, RE to Moses, saying, 2 See, I haue called by name, Besaleet the *sonne of Vii, the sonnel lof Hur, of the tribe of Indah : 3 And I haue filled him with thel ISpivit of God, in wisedome, and in vn derstanding, and in knowledge, and in| all raancr of workemanship, Exodus. the Loxp ssid yntol a confection after the arte of the Apo| ‘9 Ad the Altar of burnt offering, |with all his furniture, and the Lauer| land his foote: 10 And the clothes of seruice, and tbe| Ihdly garments for Aaron the Priest, and the garments of bis sonnes, tom Inister in the Priests office : 11 And the anointing oyle, and sweey lincense for the Holy place: according to| all that I haue commanded thee, shall they doe. 12 © And the Lonp spake vnto] Moses, saying, 33 Speake thou, vit, the eh ren of Israel, saying, Verely my Sab, bathe ye shall keepe' forts signe be} tweene me and you, throughout you| lgenerations, thai ye may know that 1] lam the Lonn, that doth sanetifie you, 14 * ¥ce shall eepe the Sabl therefore: for itis holy vnto you: Euery lone that defileth it, shall surely be put to ldcath: for whosoeuer doth any worke| therein, that soule shall be cut off from| Jamongst his people 15 Sixe dayes may worke bee done, but in the seuenth is the Sabbath of res, Jany worke in the Sabbath day, he shall" wurely be put to death, 16 Wherefore the children of Israel] shall keepe the Sabbath, to obserue the| [Sabbath throughout their generat-| lons, for a perpetuall covenant. 17 It is @ signe betweene me and the| children of Israel for ever Jearth, and on the scuenth day he rested, land was refreshed. 18 41 And he gaue vnto Moses, shen| Aholiab called, hs cua. 20. H+ holy to the Lono: whosoever doth wet kai for *in sixe|* Gen. 1. Jdayes the Lox made heauen and|** + Dew. ».2| Jbring them ynto me. \golden earerings. \Eerea, end brought them vnto Aaron. tite: |hand, and fashioned it with » grauing ‘al the people brake off the} | 14 Saee darctings, which were in their 4 © And hee received dhem at their hoole, after hee had made it « molten| calfe : and they said, These be thy gods, aac, whieh brought thee ep out lof the land of Egypt. '5 And when Aaron saw it, he built| | 16 Jan altar before it, and Aaron made pro- lelamation, and said, To morrow % 2) feast wo the Lon. the at, 6 And they rose vp early on the mor. row, and offered burnt oferings, and [brought peace offerings : and the *peo-| ple sate downe vo eats and to drinke,|| 18 md to play. . a a Te The Toxo ssid. wat ‘alfe, and haue worshipped it, an¢ Kane tacifced ‘thereunto, and wel These bee thy gods, O Israel, which| Ihane brought thee vp out of the land off 20 rit it for euer. leuill which he thought to doe vnto his| 4 And Moses tarned, snd went} ldowne from the Mount, and the tvo| \ Tables of the Testimony were in bis} hand > ith their sides; on the one side, and on| |the other were tt lof God: and the writing was the wri-|'" ing of G ~~ ing of God, granen ssid vnto lwarre in the the voy _ thee downe : for thy me : buf the noyse of them that) Tea ey mnt ot PEG Ns ame, en tigen of ae Jesh came nigh vato the camps that he They hau tae te ih arate te be a te ce pale oct of Tech heen» molten Tables vot of his hands, and. brake| them beneath the mount. JA ground i to powder, and strave ‘And the Loup repented of the) the Tables were written on| written. “And the * Tables were the worke)* cap. 2. the Tables. yua beard the| ple ax they shouted, hee} foses, There is a noise of| ‘And of th "And he said, Zt isnot the voyce of| that shout for mastery, neitheris i ce of them that cry for tbeing o-| #"And be tooke the Calfe which]; pet » hhed made, and burnt i in the fre, 8 And the ble, and his furniture, land the pure Mesticke, with all his| furniture, and the Altar of incense : come dorne out of the| ‘mount, the people gathe-| red themselues. together] vntol : watertand made the chil 4 To devise cunning workes, to| {hee hed made an end of commuuing| gree. aid vate Mo [i vPon tbe ieioke fit. lworke in golde, and in siluer, avd in| with him mount Sinai, * twol* Deut.» And the Loxp ‘be|| 21 And Moses said nto Aaron, brasse, ables of "estima ale of stone cap = jes * hae scene shin people, pa BV did his people vate thee, thal 5 And in cutting wi fi i—* a tab cates on oa] pete vo Po rete ert Urb mom fworke in all maner of workemanshi may wae i Sagi isi ce inl CHAP. XXXIL jar that T may consume them : and I] 38 hod Aarons Loot wa him, Awriab the some of Ahisamac i Jel mae of the grat pation | i poo « that they are set on mis. lof the tribe of Dan, and in the hearts ase | = . lof all that are wise hearted I haue put| nae. ae [his God, and said, Loxn, why doeth| Jchict hey said vnto me, Make va Iwisedome, that they may make all tha feesso'@e [thy wrath waxe hot agains &hy peoples | cas which aball goe before vs : for as Teco, that they ay Aroyeth he calle StAstons excuefrbee etic tho hat rong forth out of} gn hich shall ge before fro T Tho Tabernacle of the Congre-| | Sif, 2 Mawes causeth the 1dolatr to bee tbe land of ith, great power| hr teat of the land of Egypt, we wot] enon, and the Anke ofthe Tentimeny, pea jn i _ Egp Jee bat is become of his Jand the Mercie-seat that is thereupon,| Nd when the le saw) > mn. 14 * 7 sechis I said vnto them, Whoso-| teen} all the furniture of the Tabernacle: hat” Mosee delayed to fa" Jana epeake and sny, For minchiete di he} | 2% Ant lbeing them out, to alay them in the] Peers aver, B vo consume them from! loft ithe face of the earth ? ‘Turne from thy| [into lever hath any gold, let them breake it So ue it mee : then I cast it the Brest there came out this Cale pages Andee | Mofes prayer: He Exodus. talketh with God] | [God not feene. Chap.xxxiiij. Two new Tables, ‘25 4 And when Moses saw that the] Nd the Loan said vn 12 4 And Moses saide vnto they |S ‘Nd the Loxp ssid vn] Ipeople were naked, (for Aaron hed Loxp, See, thou sayest vnto mee, to Moses, “Hew thee two Des. 18 them naked vnto their shame, a| IBring vp this people, and thou bast not] B55 Tables of stone, like vnto|"" fecsater|oanen # this enemies) peop! et mee know whome thou wilt gend| the Grst : and I will write| Frwier 26 ‘Then Moses stood in the gate of] sought vp oat ofthe lan] with me. Yet thou hast said, I knowe| BG vpon these Tables , the| "the campe, and saide, Who is on the| of Egypt, vnto the land which T sware thee by name, and thou hast also found were in the first Tables! HLoxne side? Jet him ‘come vnto mee| |rato Abraham, to Teac, & to Tacob, Jerace in my right. which thou brakest. . }And all the sonnes of Leui gathered] {saying, * Vato thy seed will 1 give it 18 Now therefore, I pray thee, If] | @ And be ready in the morning, and| {themselues together vnto him. 2 * And I will send an Angel be-| II haue found grace in thy sight, shewe| |come vp in the morning vnto mount| 27 And hee said ynto them, Thus} |fore thee, and I will drive out the Ca Ime now thy way that I may know] Sinai, and present thy selfe there to me,| rith the Loxo God of Israel, Put] lnsanite, the Amorite, and the Hinive| thee, that I may find grace in thy sight:| jin the top of the mount, ok lenery man his eword by his side, and go [and the Periezite, the Hivite, and the land consider that this nation is thy| | 3 And no man shall * come vp with/* chap. thee, either let any man bee seene| in and out from gate to gate through.| |Lebusite: ont the campe, and slay euery man his! | 3 Vio « land flowing with milke Srt—tr——TC—is=iC LL her, end euery man hie compani| land hony : For will not goe spin the rrr Sr—s—S Jon, and every man his neighbour. | {midst of thee: for thownss Cncfeoce a cuan, 15 And he said vate him, If thy pre-| mount 38 And the children of Leu did ac [people lest Iconmame thee inthe eon fs lence goe not with mer, carie ve not vpl | 4 41 And be hewed two Tables of] cording, to the word of Moses: andl |'4'4" And when the people hee hence. FI Iason, like vnto the fst, and Moses ree 16 For wherein shall it bee knowen| |vp earcly in the morting, and went there fell of the people that da these euill tidings, they mourned : and| three thousand men. no man did put an tins his ornaments, jhere, that I and thy people haue found| |vp *nto mount Sinai, as the Loxp| Siaastal, | 29 For Moses had said, +Consecrate| | 5 For the Lox had seve sna lgrace in thy sight? isi not in that thou| {had commanded him, and tooke in his| mcrat, |Your sclues to day to the Loxp, euen| |Moses, Say vnto the children of Ic} lgoest with vs? So shall we be separa.| {hand the two tables of etone. [isp ae""feuery man vpon his sonne, and ypon| [rael, Y ‘astiffenecked people: I will ted, 1 and thy from all the peo-| | 5 And the Lozp descended in the| JcenPate,| his Grother, that he may bestow vpon| come vp into the midst of thee in ame! ple ‘hat are tye ti {face of the earth. | |cloud, and stood with him there, and| east |you a blessing this day. ment, & consume thee: Therefore now 17 And the Loxp ssid vnto Mo, {proclaimed the Name of the Loxn, [irene] 90 And it came to passe on the mor-| |put off thy ornaments from thee, that} lses, 1 will doe this thing also that thou] | 6 And the Loxp passed by be/ keegaett| tom, that Moses said vnto the people, |I may know what to doe vmve ‘thee.| |hast spoken : for thou hast found grace] [fore him, and proclaimed, The Loup,| “| Yehave sinned great sinne: And now|| 6 And the children of Ioreel avy lin my sight, and I know thee by name |The Lon God, mercifull and gre [tera |f mil goe ep vaio the Lox: per| hemelucs of their memes be 18/And he mid Thesec he, he] eons long surg and banda Jaduenture I shall make an atonement] (mount Horcb, Ime thy glory. |ecdnesse and tructl for Pour sine, 7 And Moses tooke the Taber, 19 And he said, I will make all mallet Keeping mercie for thousands, sro Lind, Moses returned wnto the! [nacle, & pitched it without the camps |goodnesse passe before thee, and I willl forgiving iniquitie and transgression| Lonp, and said, Oh, this people haue| |farre off from the campe, and called it laime the name of the Lonp be-| jand sinne, and that will by no meanes| sinned & great sinne, and haue made Ithe Tabernacle of the Congregation : j;fen-» fore thee: ®and will bee gracious to} |cleerethe guiltic,* visiting theiniquitieof]> Exod. 2 them pods of gold. JAnd it came to passe, that eusry one [*” febiom T wil be gracious, and wil shew |the father vpon he children, and vponlicea = 32 ¥et now, if thou wilt forgiue their] |which sought’ the Loans wen? ore Imercic on whom I will shew mercie. | {the childrens children, vnto the third] 20 And he said, Thou canst not see| and to the fourth generation. sinne: and if not, blot me, I pray thee,| |ynto the ‘Tabernacle of the Can 8 And Moses made haste, and bor-| Jout of thy Hooke, which thou hast| |tion, whicl without the cam ny = for shall no man see mee, een gee ms oot he camp eye ire in arm 8 And Mos a i nt SF find the Lox said ynto Mo [went out vmto the Tabernacle ws all 21 And the Lon» said, Beholde,| |shipped. iat, W hosoeuce hath sinned against me,| the people rose vp, and stood Gir it lthere is a place by mee, and thou shalt| | 9 And he said, If now 1 haue found him will T blot out of my Desks Jt his tent doore, and looked after Me| stand por, a rocl pace in hy Sight, O Lard, et my Lor 34 Therefore now Bee, jleade the| lees, vatill he was gone into the Ta: 22 And it shall come to passe, while] |F pray thee, goe amongst vs, (for it is a people vnto the place of which T haue| |bernacle. fay glory passeth by, that T ill put [efnecked people ) and pardon ou Noted ea Bebold, mie Angeli | 9 And it came to passe as Moses en. thee in a clift of the rocke, and rilegee faiaute, and our sion, and take vs for| shall gue. thee; Neuerthelesse in] jtred into the Tabernacl thee with ray hand, while I passe by. | |thine inheritance. he day when I visit, I will visit thee] pillar descended, and sor avy ged 23 And I wiltake away mine hend,| | 10° And be ead, Behold, © makel+ ese fsinne vpon them. Jof the Tabernacle, and the Lord talked| land thou shalt see my backe parts: but] |a couenant: before all thy people, I will 85 And the Lona pl 1ed_ the} {wich Moses. lmy face shall not be scene. ldoe marueiles, such as haue not beene| people, because they made the Calfe,| |" 10 And all the people saw the cloud; |done in all the earth, nor in any nation:| which Aaron made. pillar stand at the ‘Ts | land all the people amongst which thou| 7 _ CHAP. XXXII. er shall se the worke of the Toe CHAP. Xxx Pe enery mann his ten door. : {The Tables are rect 5 The Name of hl | Ft s teble thing chat I will doe 1 The Lard refuseth to gow a he had promised les fae to face geeks hace : tore Fin tes loved mui resacsen | 11 Obserue thou that which I com Bare PPh ihe peonle turmure Hh friend, And he ene Tee Tat} writ them, repeating ceruine duets of Uc| mand thee this day: Bebold, 1 driuel a sbemscle is remoned out) [tt 7 againe into) first Table. 2 Moses after fourtie dayes in| |o4t before thee the Amorite, and the Cr. BURG? Tipton lea fm! [the campe, but his erent Terhun th Be Moeni cometh downe, wih Be To ore ae ie ara the Pee | rrr—=“NCi rl Matha rede, oe net abd ecoseeth | fie yand the Hiuite, and the etl le. * Take 12 1 Andl ry Age ih doles: Exodus. Mofes face thineth. Free gifts ~_ Chap.xxxv. are offered. jeanne: | 22° ‘to thy selfs, lest thou land thou shalt bring vate the kx [that yee should doe them. jof his sonnes to minister in the Priests bs Jmake conenant with the inhabitants| |the Lorn thy God© ‘Thou ohele acl 27 Size days chal worke be done ice, Jof the land whither thou goest, lest it] lseethe a *id in his mothers ngregat 7 a rilke, lbut on the seventh day there shall be || 20 § And all the Congregation of Jbe for a snare in the midat of thee. jyou an tholy day, a th of rest to| |the children of Israel departed from/ 18 But ye shall destroy their altars,] lees, Write thou ® these ue-lbreake thor $i 7 * these words : the Lona: whosoeuer docth workel {the presence of Moses. func eltveake their timages, and cut downe) |the’ tenour of these wordes T heal therein, shall be put to death. 21 And they came euery one whooe| ade a couenant i 3 Ye shall kindle no fire throughout| Iheart stirred him vp, one| Jebom his spirit made willing, and they forought the Lonps offering to. the| Jrorke of the Tabernacle of the Coo-| tion, and forall bis seruice, and for oly garments, 12 And dey came both men and vo imen, as many as were willing hearted, | 14 For thou shalt worship no other| |Teracl : for the Loap, whose name . . it Hey ea Stclooe Gol | feono fy apes tay "eh he ce 15 Lest thou make 2 covenant with| he dd nether ote ri the inhabitants of the land, and they| lier: and he wrote vpon the ‘Tables the| lena ing after their gods, and doe| |words of the couenant, the ten t Com |t tr. lyour habitations vpon the Sabbath] da Ts And Moses spake voto all the Congregation of the children of Israe!, sayings Tie ie the thing, which the| tbe [Lonp commanded, saying, 5 Take ye from amongst you an of is chen. 0, jmandements. frome” King. + chap. 53. er #3515 [but on the seuenth day thou shalt rest lsscrifice vuto their gods, and one call} thee, and thou eate of his sacrifice, 16’ And thou take of * their daugh.| ters vnto thy sonnes, and their daugh- ters goe a whoring after their ded thee in the time of the moneth ‘appeare before me * empty. 81 4 *Size dayea thon shale werke, lyeere 25 *Thou shalt not offer the blood Jof my sacrifice with leauen, neither ahi Heft vnto the morni end oeeke th wee gee lny m Moses hand, when hee camel the sncrifice ofthe feast of Pesseouer bel ff 29 4 And it came to passe when Moses, came downe from mount. Si lnsi (with the two Tables of ‘Testimo} from the mount) that Moses) ‘81 And Moses called vnto them, and| ron and all the rulers of the Con-| gation returned vnto him, and Mo| ‘sith them, the Loan to with him, h coke the vale ff, vail he came out;| JAnd hee came out and spak CHAP. XXxyv. 1 The Sabba i ih 4 The five git for the Te jem as + char 2. jensen. ling vnto the Lox: * Whosoeuer is oes wilig heart let him bring an fering of the Loup, gold, and sil fuer, and brasse, = 6 And blew, and purple, and sear, her their ' : ist not chat the akin of his face shone, let, and fine nmen, and goats Aaire, | [found blew, and purple, and cearlet, and pa, Ti Hat mae ihe no mae} [the the sale wih bin. 7. And rammes’ skinnes died ved [fne Tinned goats Baie, ane pee ‘when Aaron and all te badgers skinnes, and Shittim wood,| [skinnes of rammes, and ” badgers some | 28 4 The feast of «valeauened bread Hiren of Tara] saw Moses aad) '8 And oyle for the light, and spices| [skinnes, brought them. etalt thou Keepe = Seuen dayes thou| jukinne of his face shone, tnd they were lor snoynting oyle, and for the teet| | 24 Eaery one that did offer en of, teste vnleauened bread, as I com.| |afraid to come nigh him. incense [fering of siluer and brasse, brought the| 9 And Onix stones, and stones to Jbe set for the Ephod, and for the brest-| se 10 And cuery wise hearted among] you, shall come and make all that the| xD hath commanded : lcommandement all that’ the Load |rcuo.x | 11 *The Tabernacle, his tent, and| bad spoken wth him in mount Si : his covering, his taches, & his Barres, llet, and of fine linnen. nd fill Moses bad done speaking his pillars, and his sockets: ‘26 And all the women whose heart with them, he put *a vaile on his face |*. cue. 12 The ‘“Arke and the staves thereof, |stirred them vp in wisedome, spunne| 34 But when Moses went in before|!™ ich the Mercy seat and the Valeo] loons aie, i the couering:: 18 ‘The ‘able and his staues, and| all his vessels, and the Shewbread, 14 The Candlesticke also for’ the light, and his furniture, and his lamps, ektrhe oyle for the light, 18 are incense Capa Jstaues, and the anoynting oyle, eweet Incense, and the hanging forthe ldoore, at the entring in of the Tsber-| Inacle : 16 *'The Altar of burnt offerin sith hie trasen grate, his staves, and| lall his vessels, che Lauer and his foot: 18 The pinnes of the Tabernacle Jand the pinnes of the Court, and ther| leoards: 19 The cloathes of sersice to doe sr luicein the holy place, che holy garment lfor Aaron the Priest, and the garmenta| land brought bracelets, and eareri land rings, & tablets, all iewels of gold: land every man that offered, ofered an| offering of gold vnto the Loan. 23 And every man with whom was Lonps offering: and "every man| rth whom ‘was, found. Skitiin wood| Hor any worke of the seruice, brought i 25 And all the women that were) lwise hearted, did spin with their hands, land brought that which they had spun,| [both of blew, and of purple, and of ecar-| [stones , and stones to be set for the E-| Jphod, and for the brestplate : jand for the anoynting oyle, and for the) lsweet incense. 29 ‘The children of Teast trought ls wii ing vnto the Lonp,| acy i ‘and Soman, hose hen lmade them willing to bring for all me-| Inet of worke, which the Loxo had| lcommanded to be made by the hands of} [Moses. 30 I And Moses said vnto the chil ldren of Israel, See, °the Lox hath Hudah. 81 And he hath filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisedome, in vnder- jstanding, and in knowledge, and in all lmaner of workemanshi 82 And to deuise curious workes, wl rorkel 28 And * spice and oyle for the lights Cur. . The readincase of the people 17 The hangings of the Court, his| + coap. a1. {2 offer,” 90 Besaied and Abolish ake el pillars, and their sockets, and the han-| |called by name Besaleel the sonne off” |ging for the doore of the Court: IVri, the sonne of Hur, of the tribe off The people liberal. Exodus. Curtaines, boards.| | [fhe Vaile. Chap.xxxvij The Arke. orke in gold, & im slucr, anda brass] rod © ocr nets ine ead = = | 33 Andin the cating fstenentosel| [Se san te rele ee ese aeat eis, snd ih rendu os Weal one) [ 38 And he te ples of ohh Gey |them, and in caruing of wood, to makel ng 7 22 One board hed two tenons, ¢-| land their fillets with gold : but their Jany maner of cunning worke. Et And he luth pos in fs ears cha lhe may teach, both he and Aholiab the| jronne of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan,| 85 Them hath hee filled with wise, |dome of heart, to worke all manner off ¢ ingrauer, a e cur. Jworke, of the ingrauer, and of the ing, norkeman, and of the enbroide| lew, and in purple, in scarlet Jand in five linnen, and of the weauer| Jewen of them thet doe any worke, and| of those that deuise cunning worke. CHAP. XXXVI. Hen wrought Besaleel| tod aol and every| wise hearted man, in| whome the Lox” put wisedome and vndersten.| 16 10 Know how to worke all mane ae the seruice of the Sanctu-| ary, it to all that the Lx ig ca vad And Moses called Bezalee! JAholib, and every wiee hearted mar | ata eve Ned fwisedome, euen euery one whose heart stirred him vp to come vnto the worke| |to doe it. 3 And they receiued of Moses all the Joftering which the children of Terael hed brought, for the works of the er juice of the Sanctuarie, to make it with | Ja And they broughe yet vnto him fe] 4 And al the wise men that wrought Jal the worke of the Sanctuary, came {every man from his worke which they| ade. And they spake ynto Moses, ing. 7 For the atuffe they had was cut] lScient for all the worke to make it, and| loo much. 87% And tise hearted lamong them that wrought the work Jof the Tabernacle, made ten curtaines, Jof fine twined linnen, and blew, and| purple, snd scarlet : ‘wich Cherubims lof cunning worke made he them. 3 The length of one curtine wa twentie & eight cubites, and the bread jof one curtaine foure cubites: the cur. tsines mere all of one cise. 10 And be coupled the fue curtaines Jone rnto another : and the other Gue| lcurtaines he coupled one vnto another | 11 And he made loopes of blew, on| the edge of one curtaine, from the sel. luedge in the coupling: likewise hee| rade in the wtermost side of another Jcurtaine, in the coupling of the second. 12 Fie looper asec one we |tsine, and fftie loopes made hee in the ledge of the curtaine which mar in the Jcoupling of the second: the loopes held| Jone curtaine to another. 18 And he made fiftie taches of gold, end coupled the curtaines one wnto nother with the taches. So it became| Jone tabernacle ‘And be made curtaines of goats lAaire, for the tent ouer the Tabernacle: Jeleuen curtaines he made them. 15 The length of one curtaine was Ithirtie cubites, and foure cubites was the breadth of one curtaine: the eleuen| Jeurtaines were of one cite. 16 And he coupled fue curtaines by| itheraselues, and sixe curtaines by them_| 17 And he made 6Aie loopes pon} the vetermost edge of the curtaine in the ling, and loopes made he ap of the curtaine, which cob} ‘made fiftie taches of ko couple the tent ogee hat gh one e-chap 8 0 ewin| 29 And they were tcoupled beneath] iid be make for all the boards of the ta lbernacle. ‘93 And he made boards for the Ts-| lbernacle : twentie boards for the| [South side, Southward. 24 And fourtie sockets of siluer hee| lmade vnder the twentie boards: two} leockets vader one board for his two te, lnons, and two sockets ynder another| Jboard, for his two tenons. ‘25 And for the other side of the Ts- Jbernacle mich iz toward the Notth cor. Jner, he made twentie boards. 26 And their fourtie sockets of luer : two sockets ynder one board, and| |two sockets vnder another board. 1 And for the sides of the Taber-| |nacle Westward, he made sixe boards. 28 And two boards made he for the| lcorners of the Tabernacle, in the two lsides. land coupled together at the head there-| lof, to one ring: thus hee did to both o them in both the corners. 30 And there were eight boards, and] |their sockets were sixteen socketa of si luer : vnider teuery board two sockets. 31 @ And he made *barres of Shit] lkim wood: fiue for the boards of the| jone side of the Tabernacle, 82 And fue barres for the boards of] the other side of the Tabernacle, and| lfue barres for the boards of the Te-| |bernacle for the sides Westward. ‘83 And he made the middle barre to Jshoot thorow the boards from the one| lend to the other. 84 And he ouerlaid the boards with] 1d, and made their rings of golde to fe pisces for the barres, and overlaid the with gold. 35 @ And he made « Vaile of blew,] land purple, and scarlet, and fine twined| fiinnen : with Cherubims msde he it leunning worke. distant one from another : thus] |fine sockets were of brasse. I The Ark. 6 The Mercie set with Cher lof gold to it round about. CHAP. XXXVII. bina, 10°The Table with his vemels. 17 The (Cendlesticke with his lampeand instruments 25 The Altar of incense. 29 The anointing ‘oyle and sweet incense. Na Besaleel made * thel* cup. 6 Arke of Shittim wood :|'* two cubites and a halfe ‘was the length of it, and| a cubite and a halfe thel of f, and a cubite and « half 1¢ height of it. 2 And he ouerlaid it with pure gold] thin & without, and made # crowne| ‘Sv And bee cast for it foure rings off lgold, to Be act by the foure corners of it Jeuen two rings vpon the one side of it, land two rings vpon the other side of it, 4 And he made stauet of Shittim |vood, and ouerlaid them with gold. 5 And hee put the staucs into the| hings, by the sides of the Arke, to beare the Arke. 6 4 And be made the * Mercie seat|+ chp. Jof pure gold: two cuhites and an halfe|'” has the length thereof, and one cubite| land an halfe the breadth thereof. 7 And he made two Cherubims of] lgold, beaten out of one piece made hee| them, on the two endes of the Mercie lseate: 8 One Cherub jlon the end on thia|t or, wtf lside, and another Cherub llon the ofher|fe." lend, on that side: out of the Mercie seat] Jmade hee the Cherubims on the two I'9° Ad the Cherabi spread 9 And a ims oun] their wings on high, and couered with {their wings oner the Mercie seat with| their faces one to another: euen to the| IMercie seat ward were the faces of the \Cherubims. HRIing: The people bring much more| | 19 And he made a couerin 36 And he made thereunto foure pil-| | 10 And hee made the Table of] ten ough (rib vera ofthe wont tent of rammes thinnest eae as ae and re ree foe EiG [otitan nena S'twe cabltss wert frbich onD commaunded tol le couering of badgers skinnes sbooe them with golde: their hookes mere af] length thereof; and x cubite the breadth] 6 And Me that. jgold : and he cast for them foure sockets] |thereof, and s cobite and a halfe the| land th cea gaue commandement,| | 20 4 And hee made boards for thel lof siluer. yeightathereof. err enue it t0 bee proclaimed] |Tabernacle of ‘Shittim wood, stan , metr.te | 87% And hee made an hanging for| | 1 And he ouerlaid it with pure gold,| her eine eee came, saying, Let nei-| |ding 5. leeicere |the Tabernacle doore of blew and pur.| [and made thereunto a crowne of gold Ror woman make any more! | 21 ‘The length of a board was ten| freste‘eor-Ipte, and scarlet, and fine twined linnen,| |round about. [tof needle worke, 18 Also he made thereunto a border of] = —- cubites, peierer. * an [The Candlefticke, ‘Exodus. Altar, brafen Laver, (Court, and fumme Chap.xxxix. of the offerings. jan handbresdth, round about : snd] jit: i ~ 10 Their ‘were twenty, and) | 24 AU the that was i Prades crovne if gla fr the boca] [ound shouts th Tome oreo it a tree Rocket trentc: the ce aonte Gall the worke af the thereof rotind about. 27 And he made two rings of golal ; er tbe pillar, aod their fillets were of||boly place, even the gold of the ofring, 13 And hee cast for it foure rings of] [for it rnder the erowne thereof, by the t lsiluer. jwai twentie and nine talente, snd se- ed, and put the rings pon the Fore ftxo corer of It, vpon the ‘two sides] i WL AAndfortheNorheide he hangine Jace Bundred Cala shekels, comers that were in the foure hereof , it lwere an hundred cubites, their il a e Sanctuary. thereof |? veere twentie, and theit sockets of "95 And the ailuer of them that were 14 Oper nnn he baer woe he ‘28 And he made the staues of Shit lrwentie the geo he as pare ot ane ods Couns, seven places staues, to beare| jtim wood , it |their fillets of siluer. Tun sd the Table ao {gold — T2 And for the West side were hang.| banded and threenore mreand fen the 15 An staues of Shit-| |" 29 4 And he made *the holy anoyn-|+ cua. 2. inge of fftie cubites, their pillare ten, |kels, after the shekel of the | tim wood, and ouerlayed them with] jting oy! aaa aoe ines fea i ee heir socketa ten the hookes of the| | 26.8 Bekah for teuery man, that is,|1He- Fecion 7, offering baken |Jin a panne, it shall bee of], one a fine fowre vnlesuened” ‘mingled with|Zer finnes of ignorance] (Meat offering. ‘Leuiticus. x i Pence offering Na the Loup opake va-| [wood with re: there the aches are[i Ha, | ° pe TT No meat offering, which ye cball|eweet saaoar 5 igri te oss. hal wai 6 P his wee ith leanea: For ye shall ame no le-| lice of peace offering emis the Love | ,torlany hony, in any offering of the| lhe of che amore bong any ering: of the flocke, male or female, he shall Jpowred out, shall he be burnt. cs. Speake nto thel | 13 7 And if the whole C x ‘of Israel, say-| lof Tarael sinne through ignorance, *and|; chavs offer it withous blemish. i sonle shall sinne| [the thing be hid from the eyes of the as. 18 1 AAs for the oblation of the fist! | 7 If hee offer a lambe for bis of Gh ignorance puss any of the) lsembly, and they haat done somerhat fruits , Yee shall offer them vato the |fering, then shall he offer it before che Jemmandements, of the Lox (con [again any of the Commandments of Loum, but they shall not +be burnt| |Loup. Jcerning things which ought not to bee| |the Lox, con things | whic! jon the Altar for « sweet sauour. 8 And be shall lay his hand |done) and shall do against any of them: |should not be done, and are guiltie: 4S. And euery oblation of thy meat| the head of his offering, and bill ive 5 UF the Priest that is anonted, doe | 14 When the sinne which they have |z,Marte ». joffering * shalt thou season salt; jfore the Tabernacle of the Cor inne according to the sinne of the peo-| {sinned against it, is knowen, then ¢ |" _aeither shalt thou suffer the salt of the] |tion: ‘Aud Aarons tonnes “nan sprite Pi. then let bim bring for his sinne| Congregation. chal offer « yong bul |Couenant of thy God to bee lacking! |the blood thereof, round about pon] Iwhich he hath sinned, a yong bullocke| |locke for the sinne, and hring | im before! from thy meat with all thine| |the Altar. |without hlemich, vnto the Loo for| |the Tabernacle of the Congregation. ot ‘shalt offer salt. 9 And he shall offer of the sacrifice [2 sinne offering. 15 And the Elders of the Congrega-| J4 And if thou offer a mest offering! lof the peace offering, an offering made| 4 And hee shall bring the bullocke| |tion shall lay their hands vpon the head of thy fir fruits vato the Lon | [by fire wnto the Loxp: the fat there voto the doore of the Tabernacle of the| Jof the bullocke, before the Loup: and} thou shale offer for the meat offering off lof and the whole Tumpe, it shall he take| [Congregation before the Loup, and| {the bullocke shall be killed before the| Ithy first fruits, greene eares of come| Joff hard by the backe bone: and the fat| jshall lay his hand vpon the bullockes| |Lozp. A Ae |dried by the fire, euen come beatenout of| fthat couereth the inwards, and all the| jhead, and kill the bullocke before the| | 16 And the Priest that is anointed,| full eares. {fat that i¢ vpon the inwards, [Loxp. shall bring of the bullockes blood to the| 15 And thoa shale put oyle vpon it | 10 And the two kidueys, and the fat '5 And the Priest that is ancinted,| |Tabemacle of the Congregation. jand lay frankincense theron; itis ameat| [that is pon them, which is hy the| jchall take of the bullocks blood, and| | 17 And the Priest shall dip his finger! loffering. . (fankes, and the eaule aboue the liner, Jbring it to the Tabernacle of the Con-| jin some of the blood, and sprinkle i¢ se-| secar'ceine Prien shall bure the me- |with the kidney, it shall he ake way lgregation. luen times before the Lono, cuen be- Jmoriall of it, part of the beaten corne! |" 11 And the Priest shall burne it vpon| 6 And the Priest shall dip his finger| |fore the vaile. thereof, and part of the oyle thereof |the Altar: ic is the food of the offering! in the blood, and sprinkle of the blood| | 18 And he shal put some of the blood| with all the frankincense thereof : i¢ is| |made by fire nto the Loan. jeeuen times before the Loxp, before| [vpon the hornes of the altar, which és yagreTing made by Gre wnto the! | 12 4 And if his offering be a goat| the Vaile of the Sanctuary. |before the Lon, that is in the ‘Taber-| Loan, then he shall offer it before the Loup, 7 And the Priest shall put some of] [nacle of the Congregation , and shall| 18 And he shall lay his hand the blood vpoa the hornes of the Altar| |powre out all the blood st the bottome| CHAP. In. the head of it, and kill before the re jof sweet incense before. the LoxD,| lof the altar of the burt offring, which| LAST uezing of bee, 6 of the} lernacle of the Congregations we inc rich is in the Tabernacle of the Con-| ir af the doore of the Tabernacle of the| Sacks, 7 dither alate, 12.cr ago forests of ate Congregat inckle. the| + chaps, snd shal powre *all the blood| |Congregation. : EEPE ait hisoblation be a | [blood thereof wpon the ian 4 Jof the bullocke at the bottome of the} | 19 And he shall take all his fat from| E& crifice of peace offering, iff labour. 7 Jaltar of the. burnt offerinig, which is at} |him, and burne it vpon the altar. hee offer it of the herd,| | 14 And he shall offer thereof his of, Ithe doore of the Tabernacle of the Con.| | 20 And he shall do with the bullocke| whether it be a male or fe-| Ifering, euen an offering made by Gre wn Jgregation. jas he did with the bullocke for a sinne of male, he shal offerit with-! to the Lox; the fat that, conercth 8 And he shall take off from it alll |fring, so shall he do with this: And the| before the Loup. the inwards, and al the fat that is vpon the fat of the bullocke for the sinne offe-| |Priest shall make an atonement for| 2 Aud he shall lay his hand vpon} |the inwards. Iring: the fat that couereth the inwards,| |them, and it shall be forgiuen them. {the head of his offering, and kil it at the| | 15 And the two kidneys, and the fat land all the fat that is vpom the in-|| 21 And he shall carie foorth the bul-| {doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre-| |that is ‘pon them, which is by the| jwards, locke without the campe, and burne| lgstion: and Aarons sonnes the Priests] |fancks, and the caule aboue the lice? 9 And the two kidneis, and the fat| [him as he burned the first bullocke: it i jshall sprinckle the blood vpon the Al-| [with the kidneys, it shall he take away. Ithat is vpon them, which. is by the| |a sinne offering for the Congregation. tar round about. 16 And the Priest shall burne they, ffankes, and the caule aboue the liver| | 224 When a ruler hach sinned and] J And he shall offer of the sacrifice! |ypon the Altar: ite the feat of the of | jrith the kidneis, it shall he take away,| |done somewhat through ignorance 2-| jof the pesce offering, an offering made| lfering made by fire, for a sweet sauour:| 10 As it was taken off from the bul-| |gaiust any of the Commandements off atte fby fre vnto the Lovo; “the far thal {© Alfuhe see oe aaa bo, locke of the sactifice of peace oferings:| {the Loxo his God, concerning. things| *Or.euer. feouereth the inwards, and all the fat{ | 17 Z¢ shall be a Perpetual statute for|"* jind the Priest shall burne them vpon| |which should not be done, and is guilty; {that is vpon the inwards. your generations, throughout all your the altar of the burnt offering. 23 Or if his sinne wherein hee hath| 4 And the two kidneys, and the fat| |dwellinge, that ye eat neither fat, nor). crap. jsrackie | 11 * And the skinne of the bullocke,| |sinned, come to his knowledge: he shall {that is on them, which is by the flanks:| |* blood. 2 ns" land all his flesh ; with his head, and| his offering, a kid of the goates,| bor, acd, Jand the ||caule sboue the liuer with the| frith his legs. and his inwards, and his} le without hlemish. laters elkidneys, it aball he take away, doung, 24 And hee shall lay his hand vpon| Kerartuc| '5"And “Aarons tonnes a2 burl CHAP. IIL sar. r» |_12 Buen the whole bullocke shall he] |the heed of the goate, and kill iin the the Akar pon the bart acc | an neo stor oe [eats Jere forth tithout the camp, vote [place where they Hil the bumt of em rBom ee wood chat is on the |" Fa cy ing of gman, 9 te re u |# cleane place, where the ashes are| jring before the Loan, it i inne of| re: isan ofering made by Gre of || Se Rate Seer inC chee fe" lpowred out, ad * burne him on the| (fring. 25 And| And —_ Sinne of ignorance. Leuiticus. A rafh vow.] | inne of ignorance. Chap.vj. Diuers offerings. '®5 And the Priest shall take of they |ferings made by fre wnto the Loan, i [Alkar, and the rest of the blood shall be eat blood of the sinne offering with his fin-| |and the Priest shall make an atonement| Jwrung out at the bottome of the alter:| oe . ', and put if the hornes of the! [for his sinne that he hath committed,| lit ia @ sinne ring. 1 The trexpasns offering for sinmes done wit /Altar of burnt offring, and shall powre| land it shalbe forgiuen him. 10 And hee sball offer the second for! | sngly, 2 The Law ates | Jout his blood at the bottome of the Al-| | froneat [a burnt offering, according to the ima] | 16nd of Se meat ong, 18 Toes "26 and he shal fume al hf _ : refer bi forks aione which be had | 1a ert Sane org ind be all hia fat z i o [ment for him for his inne, w! the Alara the fat ofthe asics of |! Wsibtsaneh i onaing is knowl eianed, and it shall be forgiuen him. mgNd the Loxo spate| Pe etiing ind the Pet al ‘making an cath. 6 His trespass offcring,| 11 ¥ But if hee be not able to bring| ‘nto Moses, saying, Jmake an atonement for him, as concer-| ‘the Gocke, 7 of foules, 1 or of fowre.| jrwo turtle doues, or two yong Pige 2 If a eoule sine, and} ning his sinne, and it shall be forgiven] | {40h ‘respeese offering in meriledge, 17} lons; then he that sinned, shall for| |i commit a trespesse against| ee ea Ibis offing the tenth part of an Ej Sa the Loxo, and lie vnto| [:.ticrw | £7 9 And if tany one of the tcom-| Nd if » soule sinne, and] lof fine flowre for a sinne offering : hee| his neighbour in that which was deli-| "rier. peo.|™00 people sinne through ignorance,| heare the voyce of swea-| lshall put no oyle vpon it, neither shall |uered him to keepe, or in | fellowship, Hr 7 32 while he: doeth somewhat. ageine: any] ring, and is'@ Ihe put any frankincense thereon: for it|\or in a thing taken. +violence,| of the commandements of the Lox, whether he hi lis « sinne offering. lor hath deceined hie neigh! Jconcerning things which ought not to| knowen of it, if he doe not| 12 Then hee bring it to the| | 3 Or haue found that be done, and be guiltie: vite it, then he shall beare his iniquity, [Priest , and the Priest shall take his] |lost, and lieth it, and *swea-|+ Xam. 4. 28 Or if his sinne which he hath sin.| | @ Or if « soule touch any vncleane| "Cus. 2.1 handfull of it, *ewen a memoriall there-| |reth felely: in any of all these that a] Ined come to his knowledge, then bee! |thing, whether it be a carcese of an vn-| Cana. lof and bore it on the star, *according| {man doth, sinning’ therein Jshall bring his offering, a kidde of the| |cteane beast, or a carcase of wncleane cat, * Ito the offerings made by fire ynto the| | 4 Then it shall be, because he hath] {gosts, a female without blemish, for his |tell, or the carcase of vneleane creeping| [Louo: it is a sinne offering. Jsinned, and is guiltie, that bee shall re-| Jsinne which he hath sinned. things, and if it be hidden from him, he| 13 And the Priest shall make an at-| |store that which he tooke violently | 29 And he shall Iay his hand vpou| also shall be vneleane, and guil lonement for him ss touching his sinne| |way, or the thing which he hath deceit-| the head of the sinne offering, and slay| | 3 Or if he touch the vncleannesse of tat he hath sinned in one of hese, andl |fully gotten, or that which was dele eer ane im the place of the burnt| |man, whatsoeuer yncleannesse it bel lit shall be forgiuen him: andthe remnant] res him to keep, or she lov thing which 4 : chat a man shalbe defiled withall, and it Jshall be che Priests, as a meat offering. | |be found : . 130 And the Priest shall take of the] |be hid from him, when he knoweth of} 14 4 And the’ Lono spake vato| | 5 Or all that about which hee hat [blood thereof with his finger, and put! [it, then he shalbe guilty. Me it |sworne falsly: hee shall euen * restore it}? hv. + it ypon the hornes of the Altar of burat| | ‘& Or if soule fweaze, pronouncin 1B Tea Doule commit a trespass, and Jin the principall, and sball adde the 6" Joffering , and shall powre out all the| |with his lips to do euill, or to do jh ignorance , in the holy lpart more thereto, and give it vnto him| f blood ‘thereof at the bottome of ehe| |whatsoeuer it be that @’man shall iP things of the Loup; then Bee shall [to whom it apperteineth, jin the day oft. 0,74 0 " Inounce with an oath, and it be hid from| i his ito the Lonp,| jhis offering ewe | 31 And *he shall take away all the} him, when he knoweth o/s then ‘he bring for his resp te ae ete |G Ac bee ahall bring his trenpessefietes fat thereof, as the fat is taken away! (shalbe guilty in one of these. lfockes, with thy estimation by shekels| offering vnto the Lox, a rammetremue from off the sacrifice of peace offeri 'B And it shalbe when he shalbe gui lof siluer, after the shekel of the Sanc-| |without blemish out of the *flocke, with’ © . and the Priest shall burne if vpon the| jie in one of thece things, that he leuarie, for a ‘offering. thy estimation, for a treepasce offering! JraFsod 2. Altar, for # * sweet sauour nto the| |confesse that hee hath sinned in that| 16 And hee shall make amends for| |vnto the Priest. |Lonp, and the Priest shall make an| thing. |the harme that he hath done in the holy] | 7 And the Priest shall make an at-| [atonement for him, and it shall be for-| | 6 And he shall bring his trespasse lubing, and shall adde tbe fift part there-| lonement, for him, before the Loxo:| igiuen him. 7 joffering vmto the Lorp for his sinne| to, and giue it vnto the Priest: and the| jand it shall bee forgiuen him, for any| G2 And if he bring a lambe for asinne| Iwhich lie hath sinned, a female from Priest aball make an atonement for him thing of all that he hath done, in tres joffering, he shall bring it a female with4 Ithe locke, a Iambe, of a kidde of che| Iwith the ramme of the trespasse offe-| |passing therein. Coan i tes, for a sinne offering : And the ring, and it shall be forgiven him. & & And the Lozp spake vnto 125, And jhe shall lay his hand vpon| |Priest shal make an atonement for him| -cue.u2) 17 € And if *soule sine, and com.| |Moses, sayin ‘ fe freeones acne fering. and lay reneerning is ine. lmit any of these things which are for-| 9 Command Aaron and his soones, iy for sinne oflerng, inthe place where) | 7 And if thee be notable to bring a}; so, nw lbidden to be done by the commaunde-| leaying, This is the law of the burnt of DL lambe, then he shall bring for his tres Asx orm! Iments of the Loun, he. wir| fage (It isthe burat offing, Ibeeause| or jor e| bea Aru, the Priest shall take of the} [passe which hee hath committed , twolsemacce it mot, yet is hee guiltie, and shall beare| of the burning vpon the Altar all nighe|""™¥- lood of the sinne offering with his fin-| {turtle doues, or two yong pigeons yn-|”*“™ his iniquitie. Jrmto the morning , and the fire of the| ieaees ut it wpon the hornes of the! Jto the Loup: one for a sirine offting,| ‘18 And he chall bring a ramme with-| [altar shall be burning in it) Het ofring, and shall powre| land the other for a burnt offering. Jout blemish out of the locke, with thy| | 10 And the Priest shal put on his lin.| ort All che blood thereof at the bottome| | 8 And he shall bring them vivo the| lestimation, for a trespasse offering vato| |nen garment, & his linnen breeches shal] of the Altar. Priest, who shall offer that which is fo Ithe Priest: and the Priest shall make an| |he put vpon his fiesh, and take vp tbe| 35 And he shall ake away all the fat] {the sinne offer and ° writ hereof asthe fat ofthe lambe is taken| [hin head hos hE: rocket Tay Shen t Jatonement for him concerning his ig-| jashes which the fire hath consumed] fnorance wherein. he erred, and wist {i [with the burnt oflering on the Altar, |ttay from the sacrifice of the peace of-| |diuide i asunder Inot : and it shall be forgiuen him. | [and he shall put them besides the A lar. fevines: and the Priest shall burnt them] | 9 And he shall sprinckle of the blood "to Tris « trespasse ofring: he hath] |" 1] And he shal put off his garment, jYpon the Altar, ‘according to the of} lof the sinne offeriog epon the side of the| lcertainly trespassed against the Lozp,| |and put on other garments, and any Altar, |offering TS ‘The fe shall euer be burning vp| lon the Altar: it shall neuer goe out. 14 4 * And this is the law of the| lmeat offering : the sonnes of Aaroa| shall offer it before the Lon, before] the Altar. 15 And he shall take of it his hand-| fall, of the flowre of the meat offering, | land ofthe oy therot, and all the frank lincense which is vpon the meat offing, land stall burne it rpon the Altar, fr - coups.» sweet sauour, euen the ® memorial of i |ynto the Loup. 16 And the remainder thereof s1 |Asron and sonnes eat: with val |uened bread shall it be eaten in the holy| ene gece” eae Seta aca 1 have given it rato them for] portion of my offerings made iinet ong e : ae ern ot Aaron shall eat of it: It shalbe a sta-| ltute for ever in i er na Jw ego cn Gre: *euery one that toucheth| ime tz 19 4 And the Loup spake vato 20 This is the offering of A is 4100, Jand of his sonnes which they shall offer Jato the Lonny in the day when be |. xs0t. 14 lis anoyated : The tenth ‘an * ~ hhah 0 Gne flowre for & meat offerng| » halfe of it in the morning, Ihalfe thereof at night. ai Ina it shalbe made with| ore, and when iti baker, thon sbaly bring it in : and the baken pieces of the meat offering shalt thou offer for Jeweet sauour vnto the Loxp. | 22 And the Priest of his sonnes that lis enoynted in his stead, shal offer it: It lia a statute for ever vnto the Loxp,| it shalbe wholly burnt. 93 For mest offering for the| > Red a. la y |Priest shal be wholly burnt : it shall not] be eaten. inne, shall eat it: In the holy place shall i be eaten in the cous ofthe Taber} Inacle of the Congregation. 21 Whateocuer shall touch the flesh princi of Ue’ lod theres. rit of the f Jy gurene, how shalt wash Iwhereon it was sprinckled, in the boly| ‘28 But the earthen vessell wherein ie ia sodden, *shall be broken : And if rinsed in water. 29 All the males among the Priests shall eate thereof : it i most holy. 90 *And no sinne offering ‘Tabernacle of the tion to re-| lconcile withall in the , shall be| Jeaten: it shall be burnt in the fire. CHAP. VIL The law of the trepasse oftzing, 11 and off the Peace oftringy, 12 whether it be fora ‘Thankeagiuing, 16 or » Vow, of s Free will-ofering, 22° The fat, "26 and the Tiood are forbidden. '20 The Priets por ‘toa in the Pence offerings. Tkewise this is the lave] of the fering: it is moot Holy. 2 In the place where| Te a7 et the at ng ‘loot thereof hall. hee sprinckle jroand about vpon the Alter. 8 And he shall offer of it, all the fat thereof; the rumpe, and the fat that co-| Juereth the inws ‘4 And the two Kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the flankes,| and the canle that és above the lives ! |with the kidneys, it shall he take away, Aba the Bison’ thall burns thea lepon the Altar, for an offering made lby fire Loxp: it is « tres-| lany of the blood is brought into the|" '9 And all the meate offering that is lbaken in the oven, and all that is dressed lin the frying panne, and jlin the panne, shall be the Priests that offereth it. jery meate offering ming.| led with oyle, and drie, shall all # Jsonnes of Aaron haue, one as much as another. 11 And this i the law of the sacrifice| lof peace offerings, which he shall of lvnto the Loup. V2 Tf hee offer it for a thankes| |giuing, then he shall offer with the sa. lcrifice of thankesgiuing vnleauened| lcakes mingled with oyle, and vnleaue- Ined wafers anointed with cile, and| Jcakes mingled with oyle of fine Aowre] fried. 18 Besides the cakes, hee shall offer| for his offring leauened bread, with the| sacrifice of juing of his peace| lofferings. ‘14 And of it he shall offer one out of| tbe whole oblation for an heave offe-| ring vnto the Loxp, and it shall bee| the Priests that sprinkleth the blood tbe peace offer 15 And the fleth of the sacrifice of his| pce fringe for thankesiuing, shal eaten the same day that itis offered: Ihe shall not leaue any of it vntill the| toring, 16 Bet if the sacrifice of his offering] lbe a vow, or voluntary offering, it shall be eaten the same day that he ofe-| reth fis sscriice and on the morrowe Jalso the remainder of it shall be eaten. ‘17 But the remainder of the flesh lehe sacrifice on the third day shall bee| barat with fie. Ee of his peace offerings be eaten at all] on the thi day. it shall not be acoepted, either shal it be imputed vavo ham that Jtereth it: it shall bean abomination, land the soule that eateth of it, shall] lbeare his iniquitie. 19 And he ch thas euchth oy lyncleane thing, shal not be eaten : lbe burnt with fire, and as for the fesh, lall that be cleane shall eate thereof. [Burnt offering. Leuiticus. Meat offering | [The cating of Chap.vij. Blood is forbidden | lfoorth the sshes without the Campe,| | 24 And the Lonp spake vnto) ; @ offering is, v0 i the] { 20 But the coule that eateth of the] ent = cleane place. |Moees, saying, ': there is one law for| |ftesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings, 12 And the fire ypon the Altar shalll | 25 Speake vnto Aaron and to his| them : the Priest that maketh stone |that pertaine nto the Loss|, |be burning in it : it shall not be put out;| jeonnes, saying, This és the law of the) ment therewith, shall haue it. * hauing his vncleannesse in, ome |And the Priest shall borne wood on it] |sinne offering: In the place where the| 'S And the Priest that offereth any| leven that soule shall be cut off from his} leuery morning, and lay the burat of-| |burnt offering is killed, shall che sinne| jmans burnt , euen the Priest [people. as fering in order vpon it, and he shalil offering be Killed before the Loxp: shall hane to the skinne of the| | 21 Moreouer , the soule lburne thereon the fatte of the peace| lit is most hol |burnt offering wt ‘he hath offered. | |touch any yncleane thing, as the vn-| Jcleannesse of man,orany vncleane beast, or any abominable encleane thing, and leate of the Aesh of the sacrifice of peace| loferings which pertaine vnto the Loup, even that soule shall be cut] Jott from his people. To's ae the Toxo spake ynto Moses, saying, 23 "ynto the children of Ie} acl, saying, * Ye shal xt no maner ft lof oxe, or of sheepe, or of goat. 4 And the fat of the 1 beast that! cor lieth oft self, and the fat of that which] is tome with beasts, may be vsed in any lother vse: but yee shall in no wise eate of it 25 For whosocuer eateth the fat the beast, of which men offer an offring lmade by fire mnto the Lop, euen Ithe soule that eateth it, shall be cut from his people. ‘26 * Moreouer ye shall eat no maner|* Gene». bf ood, whether it bee of foule or lbeast in any of your dwellings. "27 Whatzoeugr soule it be that ea lteth any maner of blood, even that| lsoule shalbe cut off from his people. 28 @ And the Lop spake ynto Moses, saying, 29 Speake vnto the children of Is- lracl, saying, Hee that offereth the sacri- lice’ of his peace offerings nto the| Loup, shall bring his oblation nto] kthe Lozp, of the sacrifice of his peace loferings 30 His owne hands shall hring the loferings of the Lozp made by fire, ithe fat with the brest, it shall hee bring, that the brest may be waued for a waue| loffering before the Loup. ‘31 And the Priest chall barne the fat |rpon the Altar: but tbe hrest shalbe Aa-| Jrons and his sonnes. 92 And the right shoulder chall yel jue vnto the Priest for an heaue of-| ng of the sacrifices of your peace of . 38 Hee among the sonnes of Aaroa that offereth the blood of the pesce of [cringe and the fe, shall haue the right lshoulder for his part. 34 For - ' e confecration Leuiticus. of Aaron, and { lof his fonnes. Chap.ix. Aarons offrings.| ‘34 For the waue brest and the heaue] [phod vpon him, and he girded him with] ; tbe whole ramme vpon the Aliar: Ix jthat la in the basket of consecrations Jchoulder haue I taken of the childrea| |the curious girdle of the Ephod, and| { leas a burnt sacrifice for a sweet sanour,| fas I commanded, saying, Aaron and| of Israel, from off the sacrifices of their} [bound i wnto him therewith. } fand an offering made by fie ento the) his connes shall et it Ipeace offerings, and have giuen them|| 8 And hee put the brest plate vpon| { Loan, as Lop commanded] | $2 And that which remaineth of the] nto Aaron the Priest, and vnto his| {him: also he ® put in the brest plate the| } Moses. ffesh,, and of the bread, shall yee burne} sonnes, by a statute for ever, from 2-| | Vrim and the Thummim. 1 jesotm.| 22 4 And * hee brought the other| with fre. rong the children of Israel. 9 And he put the miter vpon his] Js" “framme, the ramme of consecration | | 33 And ye shall not goe out of the 85-4 This isthe portion of the anoin-| [head ; also vpon the miter, euen vpon| land Aaron snd his sonnes layd their] |doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre-| king of Aaron, and of the anointing of] {his forefront did hee put’ the golden Ihands vpon the head of the ramme. | |gation in seuen dayes, vntill the dayes bie sonnes, out of the offerings of the| |plate, the holy crowne, as the Loxo| ‘And he slew it, and Moses tooke| [of your consecration be at an end : for Loan made by fre, in the day when| |* commanded Moses, geo. lof the blood of it, and'put it vpon the tip| |* seuen dayes shall he consecrate you. he presented them, to minister vnto the| | 10 And Moses tooke the anointing|™ * lof Aarons right eare, and vpon thel | 34 As he hath done this day, 20 the Loko in the Priests office : leile, and ancineed the tabernacle an| Ithumabe of his right hand, and vpon the| |Lonp hath commanded to doe, to| ‘86 Which the Lonp commanded] |all that was therein, and sanctified| | great toe of is right foot. make an atonement for you. jo be giuen them of the children of Is-| them. 24 And he brought Aarons sonnes,| | $5 ‘Therefore shall ye abide at the rae, in the day that hee anointed them,| | 11 And he sprinkled thereof pon the| | land Moses put of the blood vpon the| |doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre- lay & statute far ever, throughout their |sltar seuen times, and anointed the al : lippe of their right eare, and vpon the| gation day and night, seuen dayes, and] generations. tar and all his vessels, both the laver thumbs of their right hands, and vpon! the charge of the Loxo, tha] (ST This is the law of the burnt offe-| jand his foot, to sanctife them. : the great toes of their sight feete: and| lye die not: for so I'am commanded. ring, of the meate offering, and of the| | 12 And he * powred of the anointing] Pectes [Moses sprinkled the blood vpon the Al-| | 36 So Aaron and his sonnes did all sinoe offering, and of the trexpasse oft. [ele vpon Aarons head, and anoiuted|t, = = | tar round about. things which the Lon comman, ring, and of the consecrations, and of] |him, to sanctife him : 25: And hee iooke the fat, and the |ded by the hand of Moses, the sacrifice of the peace offerings 13 And Moses brought Aarons | lrumpe, and all the fat that was vpon 38 Which the Lonp commanded] {sonnes, and put coats vpon them, andl ! the inwards, and the caule afoue the Ii CHAP IX. lgirded them with girdles, and/+ put bon-|t 1c. tound luer, and the two kidneys and their fat : be Inets vpon them, as the Lono com, \ Jand the right shoulder. a The fia offerings of Aaron, fr himself an Jofer their oblations vnto the Loxp,| |manded Moses. i ‘26 And out of the basket of vnleaue-| |' the peonie. 8 The sinneoficring, ¥2 and in the wildernesse of Sinai. 14 © And he brought the bullocke for|* xo. { Jned bread, that reas before the Loan,| | {he Parnt offering fer himecle. 15 The of |the sine offering, and Aaron and his|' ' lhe tooke one vnleauened cake, and a} | fon'Glease the pecple. 24 Fire commeth| CHAP. vill. Jsonnes laid their hands vpon the head lcake of oyled bread, and one wafer, and | from the Lord, spon the Altar : of the bullocke for the sinne offering. i [put them on the fat, and vpon the right Mou, onmecratlb Aaron and his onoee| | 15 And he slew it, and Moses tooke | shoulder. Nd it came to passe on the The eerste etre! S| |the blood, and put it vpon the hornes of] [sree | 27 And hee put all *vpon Aarons} eight day, that Moses cal-| time of their consecration. the alter round about with bis finger, ("© hands, and vpon his sonnes hands, and| led Aaron and his sonnes,| Jena purified the altar, and powred the jraued them for a waue offering before and the elders of Ierael. Nd the Lozp spake vn. |blood at the bottome of the altar, and| the Lox. N 2 And hee aside vnto to Moses, saying, Jtanctified it, to make reconciliation ¥p- i 28 And Moses tooke them from off} |Aaron, * Take thee s yong, calfe for a* Raat. Eros. 2 *Take Aaron and| jon it | tbeir hands, and burnt them on the Al-| |sinne offering, and a ramme for a burnt Rip his sonnes with him, and] | 16 And he tooke all the fat that was i lar, vpon the burnt offering: They were| offering , without blemish, and offer s {be garments, and © the Jnpon the inwards, and the hall abe Jconsecrations for a eweet savour: It| [them before the Loxp. Jnotnting yl, and a bullocke for the |the liner, and the two kines, and thei | lin an offering made by fire vnto the| | 3 And vnto the children of Israel Jsinne offering, and two rammes, and| fet, and Moses burned it vpon the AL| i Loan. thou shalt speake, saying, Take ye a kid + basket of vnieuened bread tar. i ‘29 And Moses tooke the brest, and] lof the goats, for a sinne offering, and | And gather thou all the Congre-| | 17 But the bullocke, and bis hide, : lwaued it for a waue offering before the| |calfe, and a lambe, both of the first yeere lrtion together vito the doore of the} |his Qesh and his doung, he burns with i [Lonp: For of the ramme of consecra-| |without blemish, for « burnt offering. r of the Congregation. fire without the campe, as the Loxo| [rteot.m|tion it was Moses * part, as the Lomo] | 4 Also a bullocke and a ramme, for| ‘And Moses did ‘ss the Toxo |*commanded Moses, + mxoa. pe” leommanded Moses. offerings , to sacrifice before the Jcommanded him, & the assembly was| | 18 4 And he brought the ramme for|"" ‘90 And Moees tooke of the anoyn.| |Fronn, ands, meat offing mingled gathered togecher nto the doore off [the burt ofring: and Aaron and bia ling oyle, and of the blood which was| |with oyle : for to day the Lono| he Tabernacle of the Congregation. | Jeonnes laid theit hauds rpon the head| pon the Altar, and rprinekled it vpon| |will appeare vato you. suet on feb Attl Moses saide wnto. the Con| lo the ramme, |Aaron, and vpon his garments, and vp-| | 5 @ And he that which] eregption © This is the thing which] | 19 And he killed it, and Moses sprint. lon his sonnes, and pon his runes] {Moses commanded, before the Taber- he Loxp commanded to be done. | lied the blood vpon the Altar round 2 lgarmenta with him: and sanctified Aa |nacle of the Congregation : and all th jaf And Moses brought “Aaron and] {bout fon, ond bis gurments, and his sounes| [Congregation drew neee and sood be-| fi sonnes, and washed them with wa! | 20 And he cut the ramme into pieces land his sonnes garments with him. | fare the Lonp. rear land Moses burnt che head, and the pie. ST & And Moses said vnto Aaronl | 6 And Moses said, This is the end edad he eee im tbe costes lees, and the fat. jand to his sonnes, Boile the flesh at the| thing which the Loxo commanded| ena ged hie with the girdle, aod lo | 21 And he washed the inwards and| ldoore of the Tabernacle of the Congre-| |that ye should doe : and the glory of the| im with the robe, and put the E-| Ithe legges in water, and Moses hurnt [mst [gation and chere eat it wtb the hrend| [Loup call appearevmto you. thel ie (Aarons offerings. 7 And Moses said vato Aaron,| JGoe vnjo the Altar, and offer thy sinne| loffering, and thy burnt offering, and| |make ah atonement for thy selfe, and] foe the people: and offer the offering of] che people, and make an atonement fo| them, as the Lono commanded. 8 % Aaron therefore went vnto| the Altar, and slew the calfe of the sinne loffering, which mas for himselfe. 9 Aud the sonnes of Aaron brought| the blood nto him, and he dipt his fn. r in the blood, and put it ypon the| jornes of the Altar, and powred out the Pnlood at the bottome of the Altar 10 But the fat and the kidneys; and| the caule adgue the liver of the sinne of-| fering he burnt vpon the Altar, as the [oxo commanded Moses. 11 And the flesh and the hide he burnt |with fre, without the cam 12 And hee slew the burnt offering,| land Aarons sonnes presented rnto him| the blood, which he sprinckled round 2- [bout pon the Altar. 13 And they lrering vato him, lof, and the head Jon the Altar. 14 And he did wash the inwards, land the legs, and burnt hem vpon the burnt offering on the Altar. 15 @ And he brought the peoples of lfering, and tooke the goat, which was like ninne oféring for che people and few and offered it for sme, asthe rst, 16 And he brought the burnt offring, land offered it according to the jimaner. 17 And he brought the meat offring, land ttooke an handfull thereof, and| lourat it vpon the Altar, * beside the Journt sacrifice of the morning. 18 He clew also the bullocke and the| lramme, for a sacrifice of peace offerings, lwhich roas for the people: And Aaron nes presented roto btn the blod, (which hee sprinckled vpon the Altar| Jround about) = 19 And the fat of the bullocke and the ramie, the rumpe, and that which Jcouereth the inwards, and the kidneys, land the caule aboue the liuer, 20 And they put the fat vpon the| bnests,& fhe burnt the fat vpon the altar: 21 And the breasts and the right Jsloulder, Aaron waved for a waue of fering before the Loup, as Moses Leuiticus. 22 And Aaron lit vp his hand to] ards the people, and blessed them land came downe from offering of the ene fring, and the burat offering i 123° And Moses and Aaron went in lto the Tabernacle of the Congrege-| lion, and came out, and blessed the peo-| Jple: and the glory of the Loxo ap, [peared vnto all the people. ‘24 And *there came a fire out from| lbefore the Lono, and comsumed vp. jon the Altar the burnt offering , and theft: which when all the people ea, Ithey shouted, and fell on their CHAP. | Nadaband Abibu, fr offering of strange fire ‘are burnt by fire. ¢ Atron and his sonses| tre forbidden to mourne for them- @ The| Priests are forbidden wine when they are to igoe into the Tabernacle. 12 The law of ea-| fing the Roly things. 16 Aarons excuse for tranagressing thereof. Na ¢Nadab and Abi hy, the sonnes of Aaron, tooke either of them his} censer, and put fire there, in, and put incense there red strange fire before the| Lop, which hee commaunded them not. 2 And there went out fire from the Lox and devoured them, and they ldied before the Lop. 3 Then Moses said vnto Aaron IThis is it that the Lono spake, sa ling, I will bee sanctified in them that lcome nigh me, and before all the people| T will be glorified : And Aaron held) his peace 4 And Moses called Mishael and| Etsphan the sonnes of Vaviel, the vn lcle of Aaron, and said ynto them, Come| Incere , cary your brethren from before the Sanctuary, out of the campe. 5 So they went neere, and caried them in their coats out of the campe, a3 [Moses had ssid. 6 And Moses ssid vnto Aaron, and| lynto Eleazar and vnto Ithamar his lsonnes, Vncouer not your -heads, nei- lnerrnd your clothes lest ou de, and lest wrath come vpon all the people: Butler your brehfen de whole nese lof Israel, bewaile the burning which] the Lorn hath kindled. Jcommanded. 7 And ye shal not goe out from the| His fonnes burnt, lan doore| [Wine forbidden. ting jle of the Loun is 3} fd 2y te a Mc ldoore of the ‘Tabernacle of the Con, lgregation, lest you die : for the anoin-| 3/7 And the Loxp spake voto lAsron, saying, 9 Doe not drinke wine nor strong] ldrinke, thou, nor thy sonnes with thee, Iwhen ye goe into the Tabernacle of the| |Cong tion, lest yee die: ¢ shall bee a| etatate for euer, throughout your gene, rations : 10 And that ye may put difernce be] weene holy and vnholy, and betweene| |vncleane and clean T1 And that ye ay teach the children lof Israel all “the statutes which the| ox hath spoken vato them by the hand of Bfoves. 12 And Moses epake vnto Aaron, jand vnto Eleazar and nto Ithamar| Jhis sonnes that were left, Take thie] lmeate offering that remaineth of the| lofferings of the Loxp made by fire, jand eate it without leauen, beside the| Jaltar; for it is most holy. 13 And ye shal cat tin the holy place, |because it is thydue, and thy sonnes due} lof the sacrifices of the Loan, made| lby fire : for so T am commanded. 114 And © the waue breast and heaue| Jshoulder shall ye eate in a cleane place,| thou, and thy connes, and thy daugh.| ters with thee” For they be thy due and thy connes due, which are given out off the sacrifice of peace offerings, of the| children of Israel. 15 The heaue shoulder, and the waue] lbreast shal they bring, with the offrings| Imade by fire of the fat, to waue it for a |waue offering before the Lorn: and| Ke shall bee thine, and thy sonnes with] thee, by a statute forever, as the Loao| jhath com: aa 16 % And Moses diligently sought) line gonte ofthe sinne offering, and be Jhold, it was burnt: and he was angry! lwith Eleazar and Ithamar, the sonnes| lof Aaron, which were left aline, say. fing. : 17 Wherefore haue ye not eaten the| ine offering in the holy place, seeing it| ‘most holy, and God hath giuen it yon} to eare the iniquitie of the Can jtion, to make atonement for them, |fore the Lorn? 18 Behold, the blood of it was not} lscought in, within the holy place: yee Chap. should indeed hae eaten it in the holy place, “as I commanded. 19 And Aaron said vnto Moces, Be- hold, this day hane they offered thei lsinne offering, and their barnt offerin before the 2 and such thing haue befallen me: and if T had eatea| the sinne offering to day, should it haue| bin eccepted in the sight of the Loeb? 20 Ard when Moves heard that, he {ras content. CHAP. XL 1 What beasts may, 4 and what may not bee faten. 9 What fahea 13 What foules. 23 ‘The creping things which are roclesne Nd the Loup spake vn to Moses, and to Acron,| saying vnto them, % Speake vnto the chil dren of Israel, saying,| ‘These are the beasts which ye shal est} among all the beasts that are ou thelt, earth: 8 Whatsoeuer parteth the hoofe, and] is clouen footed, cheweth cud among| the beasts, that shall ye eate. ‘4 Neuerthelesse, these shall ye not eat, of them that chewe the cud, oF them that diuidethe hoofe: as the camel, because hee cheweth the cud, but dini-| Jdeth not the hoofe, he is vncieane vnto| ou. a 5 And the conie, because he cheweth| {the cud, but diuideth not the hoofe, he is| Imeleane vato you. 6 And the hare, because he cheweth/ ithe cud, but diuideth not the hoofe, he is| lvncleane vnto you. 7 And *the swine, chough he diuide the hoofe, and be clouen footed, yet sy Icheweth not the cud: he is vncleane to| P'S OF ther Heah aball ye not eat, an their carcase shall ye not touch : they are| lyncleane to you. 9% These shat ye eat, of all that arel lin the waters : whatsoeuer hath finnes| land scales in the waters, in the seas, and| im the rivers, them shail ye ea 10 And all that haue not finnes nor] lscales in the seas, and in the riuers, ofall that moue in the waters, and of any Ii ig thing which is in the waters, they| lshalbe an abomination vnto you: 11 ‘They shalbe euen an abomination lynto you: ye shall not eat of theie fcsh,| Jbut you shall have their carcases in s-| lborination. 12 What! Meates cleane, T2 Whatsoeuer hath no finnes nor] Jscales in the waters, that shalbe an abo-| Imination wnto you. 13 4 And these are they which ye| shall haue in abomination among the| fouls they shall not be eaten hey ar lan abomination : The Eagle, and the |Ossifrage, and the Ospray 14 And the Vulture, and the Kite,| after his kinde 15 Every Rauen after his kinde 16 And the Owle, and the fhauke, & the Cuckow, and the after his kinde, 17 And the little Owle, and the Cor-| lmorant, and the great Owle, ‘18 And the Swanne, and the Pelli-| cane, and the Gier-eagle, 19 And the Storke, the Heron after] lher kinde, and the Lapwing, and the] 30° AN foules tha creepe Al les that + gol Jou all foure, shalbe an shorinaticn a te you ' Hl Yet these may ye eat, of eu | thing chat goeth wpon of four ch have legges aboue their] fect, to leape withall vpon the earth. 22 Eucn these of them ye may cate: the Locust, after his kinde, and the| Bald-locust after his kinde, and the| Beetle after his kinde, and the Grasse-| hopper after his kinde. 25 Dut al other fying creeping things| ing which haue foure feet, shall be an abo-| mination vnto you. 24 And for 1 shalbe vacleave:| lwhosoeucr toucheth the carkasse them, shall be vnelesne vntill the euen, 25 ‘And whosoeuer beareth ought o the carkasse of them, shall wash his clothes, & be vncleane vntill the euen. 26 The carkassee of euery beast which] Jdivideth the hoofe, and i not clouen| footed, nor cheweth the cud, are vn, lcleane vnto you : euery one that touch, Je them, shale wnceane 27 And whatsoeuer goeth vpon his paves, among all mane of bear tha |goe on al! foure, those are vncleane vnto| you : who so toucheth their carkasse, shall be vneleane vntill the Euen. 28 And he that beareth the carkasse| lof them, shall wash his clothes, and be| jyneleane vntill the Euen : they are vn- Jcleane vnto you. 29 © These also shalbe vncleane vn, Leuiticus. to you, among the creeping things that! ercepe von the earahs due Weasel and ithe Mouse, and the Tortois, after hi kinde, 30 And the Ferret, and the Camele- lon, and the Lysard, and the Snaile, land the Molle. 81 ‘These are vncleane to you among| lall that cteepe : whosoever doth touch} them when they bee dead, shall be vn-| Jcleane vntill the Even. 32 And vpon whatsocuer any them, when they are dead, doeth fall, it Ishalbe vncleane, whether it be any vessel] lof wood, or raiment, oF skinne, oF sacke, lwhatsocucr vessell it be, wherein any lworke is done, it must be put into ws-| ler, and it shall be vncleane vntill the [Even : s0 it shalbe cleansed. ‘93 And cuery earthen vessel, where- into any of them faleth, whatsocuer jin it shall bee vncleane; and * yee shalll* lbreake it. ‘3¢ Of all meat which may be eaten, that on which such water commeth, shalt be vmeeane = And all drinke that bbe drunkein euery such vessell,s be vncleane : - ‘85 And euery thing, whereupon any lpart of their carkasse falleth , shall be| lyncleane, sohcther it Be ouen, oF ran} for pots, they shalbe broken downs: they are wncleane, and shall be vncleane| fynto you. 36 Neverthelesse, 2 fountaine or pit, leleane : but that whic Jearkasse shalbe vncleane. fer 87 And if any part of their carkasse ltl vpon any sowing secel which is to he somen, it shale eeane '38 But if any water be put vpon the| eced, and any part of thie carkaove fal thereon, it shalbe vncleane nto you. 89 And if any beast of which ye may leat, die, he that toucheth the carkasse thereof, shall be vncleane vntill the| Even. 40 And hee that eateth of the car, lkasce of it, shall wash his clothes, and| lbe vncleane yntil the Euen: he also that! lbeareth the carkasse of it, shal wash his lclothes, and bee yncleane vntill the] Even. 41 And euery creeping thing chat] erepeth spon the earthy sabe abo! mination: it shall not be eaten. 42 Whatsoeuer goeth spon the bel lie, and ‘whatsoeuergoeth. vpon all lmong all creeping things that creepel 21 pon and vncleane, +oherein there is plenty of water, shalbe| te. one| touclieth their} ders lfoure, or whatsoeuer thath more feet s-|1 Het, da oer [The purification ”leeiued seed, and borne a man child, then| lssemee|t fat yeere for a burnt offing, & a yong! jrpon the earth, them ye shall not eate, Hfor they are an abomination. 43 Yee shall not make your + clues} pbominable with any creeping thing that neither shall ye make| jour clues vocleane. with them, thal lye should be defiled thereby. ‘44 For I am the Lonp your) IGod : yee shall therefore sanctifie your lselues, and * ye shall be holy, for f a ety: nether salle defle your selues| leith any maner of creeping thing that lcreepeth vpon the earth. 45. For I om the cael) h you yp out of the land ‘| Be your Gor: ye shal therefore be holy for Tam holy. ‘46 This is the law of the beasts, and lof the foule, and of every liuing creature| lthat moueth in the waters, and of eue-| lie creature that creepeth vpon the Jearch: ‘47 To make » difference betweene| the vncleane and the cleane, & betweene| Ithe beast that may be eaten, and the| lbeast that may not be eaten. CHAP. XU. 1 The purification of women after childbirth 66 Her offerings for her purifying. Nd the Lonp spake vn, to Moses, saying, 2 ‘Speake nto thel children of Israel, saying, If a *woman haue con lhe shal be vnceane seven dayes: Aor ding to the dayes of the separation for| er infrmiie shall she be unclean. 3 And in the *eight day, the flesh of his foreskinne shall be circumcised. 4 And she shal then continue in the| lbiood of her purifying three and thirtie| liayes: Shee shall touch no hallowed 1g, mor come into the Sanctuary,| lyntill the dayes of her purifying be ful-| llled. 5 But if she beare # maid child, then] lche shalbe vncleane two weekes, as in| lher separation: and she shall continue| in the blood of her purifying threescore| land sixe dayes 6 And when the dayes of her fying are fulfilled, for a sonne, or for a| Jdaughter, she shall bring 2 lambe of the! lpigeon, or a turtle doue for a sinne offe- Chap.xij-xiij. (of the Congregation , vnto the Pricat 7 Who shall offer it before the| Lonp, and make an atonement for Iher, and she shall be cleansed from the| issue of her blood. ‘This is the law for Iher that hath borne a male or a female. lburnt offering, and the other for 2 sinne loffering: and the Priest shall make an| jatonement for her, and shee shall bee} elcane. CHAP. XIIL 1 The Lawes and tokens whereby the Preis qo be guided in diccering the Leproie. Nd the Lono spake| BAK vato Moses and Aaron,| Rep saying, Be When man shall haue in the skinne of his| |and it bee in Laratel bw ee the plague of leprosi, then hea roche nto Abron the Priest, or vato lone of his sonnes the Priests. 3 And the Priest shall Tooke on the lague in the skinne of the flesh : and fehen the haire in the plague is turned white, and the plague in sight be deeper ithen the skin of his flesh, it # a of] leprosie: and the Priest shall looke on lhim, and pronounce him vncles 4 If the bright spot be white in the| iskinne of his flesh, and in sight bee laceper then the skinne, and the thereof be not turned white, then the| [Priest shall shut vp him that hath the plague, seuen dayes. 3 And the Priest shall tooke on him the seuenth day: and beholde,, if the 1 in his sight be at a stay, and the} ees etad natin inne hen tel test shall shut him yp seuen days 6 And the Priest shall fooke on him lagaine the seuenth day and beholde, if] Ithe plague be somewhat darke, and the| plague spread nt inthe din the Ps [shall pronounce him clea lscab: and he shall wash his clothes, andl be cleane, 7 But if the scab g in the skinne after |seene of the Priest, for his cleansing hee| shall be scene of the Priest age 8 And if the Priest see, that behold, ring, vnto the doore of the Tabernacle] he seabspredeth inthe shin, shen che ies! of women. 8° And if +she be not able to bring a> Lakes lambe, then she shall bring two turtles‘. ser lor two yong pigeons, the one for the\daaigndea Aesh, a ising, seabbe or bright spot. met 7 7 ij the leprofie. How to difcerne Leuiticus. the Leprofie. Difcerning of Chap xii — a [Priest shall pronoance hima vacleane: it] [place, and Dot, Te « burning! be shall wath ia cots, nd'be cleans) 19, And 3 Plague be gros = se lero: ile; and the Priest shal! pronounce him| '95 But ifthe shall spread such inthe} Jredish in the gastoots we Toe '9 1 When the plague of leprosie is! |cleane. skinne after in leasing) eg of Liane, fi plague off aro ham man, ten he tell be brought eno] | 24°91 Or if there be any flesh in the 36 Then the Priest shall Tooke on| jin any tthing of Soest 8 Pe ela the Priest : lin whereot there is « thot burning, him, and behold, ifthe skal! be spread in} licprosie, 10 And the Priest shall nd the quicke flesh that burneth haue|tv ibe sinne, the Piet shall nocecke fey [Priest sake pon lbehold, if the rising be whit la white bright spot, somewhat reddish, low haire: he is vncleane-_ he ‘and shut vp if that hath the] land it haue turned the haire white, and] lor whites ‘37 Bur ifthe skall be in hi eight wt] |the plague, and shat |there be tquicke raw flesh in the rising:| | 25 Then the Priest shall looke vpon la stay, feted ae nl Peg: of he shall looke on the plague ita mo leprosein the akinne) |i: and Bold ithe baie the bright ren yp there the at itll oo the seuenth day” if che lag be Priest shall Jnounce him vacleane, and shal not chu him vp: for be is yncleane. 12 And if « leprosie breake out abroad lin the skin, and the leprosie couer all the skin him that hau he plague from i thead even to his foot, wheresoeuer thel |Priest looketh : , ie hawe cou al his feah, he shal pronounce Aim cleane] nas eaeh the » it is alll turned] Jwhites he 16 But 15 And the Priest shall see the raw] iflesh , and ounce him to bee Jeane: forthe cum flesh is wncleane: is a leprose. 16 Or ifthe raw flesh turne agxine land bee changed vnto white, hee shall lcome wnto the Priest: 17 And the Priest shall see him: and| lbehalde, if the bee turned into lwhite, then the Priest shall pronounce| [Aim cleane that hath the plague’; hee is] [cleane. 18-4 The flesh also, in which, euen in] the skinne thereof was & bile, and is| hhealed, 39 And im the pace of the hile thee 1 white rising, ora bright spot whi end samen Soddich, sed fb thee led to the Priest 20 And if when the Priest seeth it, it be in sight lower then the| lskinne, and the haire thereof be turned| |white, the Priest shall pronounce him| yncleane : itis a plague of leprosie bro-| ken out of the bile. 21 Rut if the Priest looke on it, and| lbchold, there be no white-haires there in, and if it be not lower then the skin, [but be somewhat darke; then the Priest hal shot him vp seuen dyes 22 And if it spread much abroad in| the akinne, then the Priest shall pro- Jnounce him yncleane : it is a plague. 23 But if the bright spot stay in his| then the skinne, it fen out of the burnin the Priest shal pronounce him vncicane: ic isthe plague of leprosie. 26 But if the Priest looke on it, and| behold, there be no white haire in thel bright spot, and it be no lower then the| akin, but be somewhat darke, then the Priest shal shut him vp seuen dayes. 27 And the Priest shall looke vpon| him the seuenth day : andif it be spread] ouch abroad in the skin, then the Priest shall pronounce him vncleane; it isthe [Plague of 28 And if the bright spot stay in his paceand spread not inthe skin, busi be somewhat darke: it is a rising of the burning, and the Priest shall pronounce him cleane: for it is an inflammation of the burnin 29 4 I man or woman bath plague vpon the head or the beard, kta tae ee eine lague: and behold, iF it be in sight dee prrtien the skin ond there teinitayel| m thin aire, chen the Priest shall pro: Inounce him vneleane, it is « dry shall, Jeuen a leprosie spon the head or beard. 31 “And if the Priest looke on the plague of the skal, and behold, it he not fn sight deeper then the skin and that there is no blacke haire in it: then the| Priest shall shut vp Aim that Aath the| plague of the skal, seven dayes. 38 And in the seuenth day the Priest Ishall looke on the plague: and behold, ifthe skall spread not, and there be in it Ino yellow haire, and the skall be not in| sight deeper then the skin; 83 He shall be shauen, but the skall il he not shaue : and the Priest shall shut vp him that hath the skal, seven ayes more. ‘Andin the seuenth day the Priest shall loake on the skall: and behold, i the skall be not spread in the skin, nor bein sight deeper then the skin, then the ranean sty sight] [Priest shall pronounce him cleane: and Hate ea Jnounce him cleane. in the skinne of their flesh bright spots, Jeuen white bright ae rite he is bald: yet is hee] ‘+llone, “without the campe shall his hab ‘98 If a man also or a woman haue| spots, ‘39 Then the Priest shall looke: and| lbchold, if the bright spots in the sit of their Rech bee darkish white, it Viceckled spot that groweth in the skin: Ihe és cleane. ‘90 And the man whose thaire is fal ee and he that hath his hair fallen loff from the part of his head toward! his face, he is forehead-bald : yet ix hee| lcleane. ‘42 And if there be in the bald head, ‘bald forehead a white reddish sore, it Teprosie sprung vp in his bald-hesd,| jor his bald forehead. ‘43 ‘Then the Priest shall looke jon it: and beholde, if the rising of the} lsore bee white reddish in his balde| Ihead, or in his hald forehead, as the} Neprosie appeareth in the skinne of the| ifesh, 44° Hee is « leprous man, he is vn licane: the Priest shall pronounce bi Icerly encleane, His plague iin hi head. ‘45 And the leper in whom the| ia, his clothes shall be rent, and is head Tare, and he call put » cove lring vpon his vpper lip, ay, |Wncleane, vncleane. 46 All the dayes wherein ¢ shall bee in him, he shall bee de-| Hcl “hee is wncleane: he atall dvel «| [tation be. ‘47 % ‘The garment also, that the] lplague of leprosic is in, whether it bee! fa woollen garment, or a linnen gar- ment, ‘48 Whether it bee in the warpe, or| \roofe of Tinnen or of woollen, whe-| ther in a skin, or in any +thing made of] Jskinne: jepread in Icleane. jwollen or the fire. chat they [Warpe, or in the woofe, or in a skin, or| fn Eny worke that is taade of the plague isa fretting leprosies ‘62 Hee shall therefore bume_ that |garment, whether warpe or woot, in + 08 any lekinne, wherein the i ‘58 And if the Priest shall looke, and| Ibehold the plague be not spread in the] grment, either in the wa [woofe, or in any thing of s 4 hen the Priest shall command| pneu and he shall shut it wp seven yes more Pca uber that is ir washed: and be} IEA the plague have not changed his lcolour, and the pl: is wncleane, thou a \Gre, itis fret inward, whether it be tbare|t et, whe. hin or without. louie ‘56 And if the Priest Jooke, and be hold, the plaine be somewhat darke af, er the washing of it, ‘then he shall rend|®"" it out of the or out of the skin, Hea oe wns or out of eh ea na i ill in the gar- 57 And if it still in | ment, eithe he or in the| fwoofe, or in any thing of skinne, it iz a Npreading plague, chou shalt burne that Jwherein the plague és, with fire. 58 And th yent, either warpe, oe noc or whetmcuc thing of it bee, which thou shalt w: be HRSA be weed the second cine, and |shalbe cleane. 59 ‘This isthe law of the, pag of leprosie in a garment of woollen or lin- lncn, either in the warpe, oF woote, of lany' thing of skinnes, to pronounce it Jeleane, of to pronounce it vncleane. the garment the inne, 2 Hane roe ber a ‘shall bee burnt in| - oF in the| rherein the| wash the thing the Priest shall looke on the] be not spread, it it burne tn the aL Hi » if the| from them, then it CHAP (Cleanfing of Leuiticus. [(Cleanfing of ~_Chap-xiij. the leprofie] 2 i it of the leper, in the di [sme hia cleansing: he *shall be fakes. in i wnto the Priest. 3 And the Priest shall goe forth out| lof the carmpe, and the Priest shall looke: land beholde, i the plague of leprosie be| healed in the leper, Liide-r90"!+ into the ea oa CHAP. XIIL ing ofthe Le-| ‘a house | Nad the Loxp spakel ‘rato Moses, saying, 2 This shalbe the lew 4 Then st the Priest command| \to take for him that is to bee cleansed, | {two [birds aliue, and cleane, and Cedar] Jwcod, and scarlet, and hysope. 5 And the Priest shall command] Jthat one of the birds bee killed in an| jearthen vessell, ouer running water. 6 As for the liuing bird, he shal take| lit, and the Cedar wood, and the scarlet,| land the hysope, and shall dip them and! |the liuing bird in the hlood of the bird| Iehat was killed ouer the running| TT And be shall sprinckle a inckle that is to be cleansed from the ie,| Jeeuen times, and shall pronounce him| eesne, and shall Jet she iuing bird looee 8 And be that is to be cleansed shall| wash his clothes, and shaue off all his| lhaire, and wash himeelfe in water, that| lhe may be cleane: And after that hee| Ichall come into the Campe, and shall ta ry abroad out of his tent seuen dayes. ‘9 Butt shall be on the seuenth day, ate shall shave ll hs ir of hi and his beard, aud his eyebrow jeuen all his haire be shal shaue off: "Ana he shall wash his clothes, also he a wash his flesh in water, and he shall leleane. 10 And on the eight day he shall take two hee lambes without blemish, and| Jone ewe-lambe of tthe firet yeere, with-| jout blemish, and three tenth desles off [fine flowre for a meat offering, mingled| with oyle, and one log of oyle. 11 And the Priest that maketh him] cleane, shall present the man that ia to fbe made cleane, and those things before the Loan, a the deore of the Ter} 2 And the Pres shall take one hee Jiambe, and offer him for fering, and the log of | them, Yor «wae ofring before tel nD. 18 And he shall slay the lambe in the Iplace where he aball ki the sin-offering, land the burnt offring in the holy place: lo is the trespasse offering: it ix most] Holy. 14 And the Priest shall take some Ithe blood of the offering, and| lthe Priest shall put it vpon the tip of the lright eare of him that is to be cleansed, land vpon the thumbe of his right! Jhand, and vpon the great toe of his| right Foot. 15 And the Priest shall take some of} the log of cile, and powre it into the| Ipalme of his owne left hand : 16 And the Priest shall dip his right] lfnger in the oile chat is in his left hand,| land shall sprinckle of the oile with his finger, seuen times before the Lox, 17 And of the rest of the oile that isin hhis hand, shall the Priest put vpon the| tip of the right eare of him that is to be| leansed, and vpon the thumbe of his right hande, and vpon the great toe of] Jhis right foot, rpon the blood of the] er offering. ‘And the remnant of the oile that| is in the Priests hand, he shall powre| the head of him that isto be clean-| lsed : and the Priest shall make an atone-| Iment for him before the Loxo. 19 And the Priest shal offer the sinne| loffering, and make an atonement for| |him that is to be cleansed from his vn-| Jcleannesse, and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering. 20 And the Priest shall offer the lburnt offering, and the meat offerin jrpon the Altar: and the Priest. shall ake an atonement for him, and he fete ech then he shall take one ‘8 trespasse offring +to be wa-| lued, to make an atonement for him, and| Jone tenth deale of fine flowre mingled| with oile, for a meat offering, and a log| of oile, 22 And two turtle doues, or two] rong pigeons, such as he is able to get: land the one shalbe a sinne offering, and| the other » burnt offering. 23 And hee shall bring them on the| leight day, for his cleansing vnto the Priest, the Leprofie, | for ®ar che snme ofeting in che Piety che 7. 21 And if he be poore, and teannot|t erm D. ‘24 And the Priest shall take lambe of the trespasse offering, and Nog of eile, and the Priest shall waue| them for 2 waue offering before the| Lom. 25 And he shall Lill the lambe of the| trespasse offering, and the Priest shall take some of the lod of che trespass Jedering, and pt it wpon th tp of the right care of him that is to be cleansed, land vpon the thumbe of his right hand, land pon the great toe of his right foote. ‘26 And the Priest sball powre of the| loyle into the palme of his owne left hand. 1 And the Priest sbal eprinkle with] his right finger, some of the oile that i in his left hand, seuen times before the| Loxp. : 28 And the Priest shall put ofthe oile| that is in his hand, vpon the tip of the right eare of him that is to be and vpon the thumbe of hia right hand, land vpon the toe of his right] lfoot; epon the place of the hlood of the| offering. . Pad And the rest ofthe cle that isin the Priests hand, he shall put pon the| head of him that is to bee cleansed, to] Imake an atonement for him before the| Loe ‘30 And he shall offer the one of the] lurtle doues, or of the yong pigeons, Jsuch as he ean get: 31 Euen such as he is able to get, thel lone for a sinne offering, and the other| for « burnt offering, with the meat of lfering. And the Priest shall make an| Istonement for him that is to be clean- sed, before the Loxp. 32 This i the law of him in whom is the plague fe, whose hand ia| fot able fo get that which pertincth to his cleansing. 98° And the Lono spake vnto] [Moses, and vnto Aaron, saying, 34 When ye be come into the land |Canaan, which I giue to you for a pos son, and F put the plague of Ie Ise in 2 house of the land of your pos Priest, vaio the doore of the Taber- Inacle of the Congregation , before the} Lox the ‘95 And hee that oweth the house] shall come, and tell the Priest, saying, Ife seemeth’ to me there is as it were al Jplague in the house: 36 Then the Priest chall command] that they llemptie the house, before Priest go into it to ace the Jail that isin the house be not made wn-| Jceane: and afterward the Priest sball |goe in, to see the house. ‘37 And he shal Jooke on the plague; Jand behold, ifthe plague be in the walls lof the bouse, with bollow strakes, ssh or redaahy which in ight ar lower then the wall; 38 ‘Then the Priest shall goe out of] the house, tothe doore of the haute, and| Jchuet vp the house eeuen dayes. 39 And the Priest shall come agsine the seuenth day, and shall looke : and] lbchold, if the plague bee spread in the] Jwalls of the how scraped within round about, and they shall powre out the dust that they| scrape off, without the citie into an va-| Jcleane place. 42 And they shall take other stoves, land put them in theplace of those stones:| land ‘hee shall take other morter, andl shall plaster she — : 43 And if # ie come againe, land brake out in the house, after tha fhe hath taken away the stones, and af ter he hath scraped the house, and after| itis plastered ; 44 Then the ¥ oe lee el tooke, and behold i in the house, itis a fretting lepro- sie in the house: it is yncleane. 45 And he shall breake downe the Ihouse, the stones of it, and the timber thereof, and all the morter of the house:| land he shall cary them foorth out of the] ity into an vncleane place. Moreouer, he that goeth into] the house all the whife thet it is shut lvp, shalbe vncleane vntill the Euen. 47 And hee that lieth in the house, Jshall wash his clothes : and hee that Jeateth in the house, shall wash his clothes. 48 And if the Priest shall come in and looke epon it, and behold, the plague| Rath pot spread n the house ‘ie fe house was : then the Priest Ichall pronounce the house cleane, be-| the Citi. he “And hee shall cause the house to lor, are. chat lb ete. lms der the is healed. lcause the plague is wand fefttcremes 1c. ene ind he phall ill the one of the [birds in an earthen veasell, ouer run-| ning water. ce, oe he shall take the Cedar-roo be hyssope, and the scarlet, and the hiuing bird, aod dip them in the blood| Jof the slaine bird, and in the running| Jwater, and sprinkle the house seuen| times. 52 And he shall clense the house with] the blood of the bird, and with the ran-| ning water, and with the Ting i land with the Cedar wood, and with| the hyssope, and with the scarlet. 53 But hee shall let goe the liuing bird out of the citi into the open field fand make an atonement for the house land it shall be cleane. Ee ‘This iy the Tew for ll manner lague of leprosie and *skall, ‘55 And for the leprosie of a garment, land of an house, ‘56 And for a rising, and for a scabbe, land for a bright spot: 57 To teach twhen i is vncleane, Jand when i¢ is cleane: this is the lawe off Neprosie CHAP Xv. The vncleannes of meni ther isms Geng f thew. 19 The toneagncar of ‘ther iues, 29 Their clanging. Ree Nd the Loz spake vn- BSI to Moses, ancl to Aaron, Fa saying, 2 Speake vnto the chil, dren of Israel, and say| lwato them, When any man hath 4| running issue out of his flesh, because of his issue he is wncleane. 8 And this shall be his encleannesse lin his issue : whether his flesh run witb| his iste, oF his fesh be stopped from his issue, it is his vicleannesse. 4 Euery bed whereon he lieth, that lbath the issue, is vneleane: and euery [bing whereon he sttth, shall beer lane. 5 And whosoeuer toucheth his bed, [shall wash his clothes, and bath bee fa rater, and bee wacleane vasil the m 6 And hee that sitteth on any thi fwhereon hoe sate that hath the iseue} {him thas hath the issue, shall wash his| |clothes, and bathe Ax ‘in water, and| Jbe vncleane vntill the Even. 8 And if he that hath the issue, sit |xpon him that is cleane, then hee shall |wash his clothes, and bathe himse/ft in| |water, and bee vncleane votill the| Een. 9 And what saddle soeuer he rideth| pone that hath the issue, shall bee vn-| feane. 10 ‘And whosoever toucheth any] thing that was wnder him, shall be ve Jeleane vntil the Euen: And he that bea | lreth any of those things, shall wash his lobes andthe hice in water, and be vncleane vatill the Euen, 11 And whomsoeuer hee toucheth Ithat hath the issue (and hath not rinsed| his hands in water) he sh: clothes, and bathe fimscfzin water, and |be vncleane wntill the Euen. 12 And the *vesscll of earth that hee| toucheth which hath the issue, shall bee lbeoken : and euery vessell of wood shall be rinsed in water. 18 And when hee that hath an issue, is cleansed of his issue, then hee shall number to himselfe seuen dayes for his lcleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe hhis'flesh in running water, and [shall be dleane. 14 And on the eight day hee shall jake to him two turtle doucs, or two lyong pigeons, and come before the Loup, vmo the doore of the Taber. Inacle of the Congregation, and giue them wnto the Priest. 15 And the Priest shall offer them, the one for a sinne offering, and the 0, ther for a burnt offering, and the Priest shall raake an atonement for hin before| the Loxo for his issue 16 And if any mans seede of copula, tion goe out from him, then hee shall rash all his flesh VT And every garment and cue skinne whereon te the see of copula tion, shall be washed with water, and| be vncleane vntill the Euen. 18 The woman also rth whom Iman shall Tie with seed of copulation, they shall both bath Lemselues in water, jaud be vncleane yntill the Even. shall wash his clothes, and bath Aimsed/| 19 4 And if a woman haue an issue, leleane vntil the Euea. 20 And every thing that she lieth vp lon in her passion hal ‘be vncleane:| leuery thing also that she sitteth vpon,| shade vacteane. 21 And whosoever toncheth her lbed, shall wash his clothes, and bathe| tein water, and be rnceane vail the Euen. 22 And whosocuer toucheth any| thing that she sate vpon, shall wash his clothes, and bathe himselfe in water, and| Jbe vncleane vntill the Euen. ‘23 And if it be on her bed, or on any] whereon she sitteth , when hee ltoucheth it, he shall be vncleane vntill the Buen. . 24 And if any man lye with her at all, and her flowers be vpon him, hee shall be vacleane seuen dayes: and all Ithe bed whereon he lyeth, shall be vn-| cleane. 25 And if a woman haue an issue of Iher blood many dayes out of the time lof her seperation, oF if it runne beyond| the time of her separation, all the dayes| of the issue of her vncleannesse, shall be| las the dlayes of her separation: she shal-| Ibe vicleane. ‘26 Euery bed whercon she lyeth all the dayes of her issue, shall be vnto he asthe bed of her seperation: and what | lsocuer shee sitteth vpon, shall bee vn-| Icleane, as the vncleannesse of her sepa, ration. 27 And whosoever toucheth those] things, shalbe vneleane, and shall wash his clothes and bathe kimslf in water| land be vncleane vntill the Buen. 28 But if she be cleansed of her issue, lthen she shall number to her selfe seuen| |dayes: and after that, she shalbe cleane. ‘And on the eight day she shall lake ento her two turtles or tro yong| & bring them vato the Priest Festinger gue te Fe the| |Congregation. 30 And the Priest shall offer the one| lor 2 sinne offering, and the other fora lburnt offering, and the Priest shall Jmake an atonement for her before the| \Loxn, for the issue of her vaclean- 31 Thus shall yee the ehil- laren of Israel from thett vncleannesse, [How to purge Leuiticus. vncleane iffue: Vncleane ilfues. Chap-xvj. The Scape goat. 40 And he shall take to cleanse the] Jin water , and bee vncleane wnilll the| Jand her issue in her flesh ee hee \when they, defile my Tabernacle that rds, and Cedar wc id} | Even. ly Hetr. in [shall bee + put seven dayes: anc among them. Hhouse, two birds, rood, an ‘1 And he that cheth the flesh of Hore | hoeocuer Louchith her, shall bee va-| | 32 ‘This is the law of him that hath lan issue, and whose seed goeth] [fom hc, ne defled therewith 83 And of her that is sicke of her ldowers, and of him that hath an issue, lof the man, and of the woman, & of him| that lyeth with her which is vncleane. CHAP. XVI. must enter into the Holy Hea hese te ea Teg tte atic ec] Beer ae el mise Nd the Lonp*g to Moses, after the death] Xe of the tee sonnes of An ton, when they offered be | fore the Lorp, and died. 2 And the Loup syd vatol Mosc, Speake vato “Aaron thy bro} ither, chat hee *come not at all tim Ito the Holy place within the Vs lbefore the Mercy seat, which is vpon| the Arke, that hee die not: for I wll lappeare in the cloud spon the Mercy sea 3 hs shall Aaron cone int the Holy place: with 8 yong locke for aj inne offering, and a ramme for a burn ofering. : ‘4 Hee shall put on the holy linnen| \coate, and he shall haue the linnen bree-| chee rpon his flesh, and shall be girded with a linnen girdle, and with the lin-| Inen Miter shall hee be attired. ‘These lave holy garments : therefore shall hel lwash his flesh in water, and so put| jthem on. 5 And he shall take of the Congre. tion of the children of Tora! , to iddes of the Goates for a sinne of-| fering, and one ramme for a burnt of fering. 6 ‘And Aaron shall offer his bul, locke of the sine offering, which i fr |himselfe, and * make an atonement for| |himselfe, and for his house. 7 And he shall take the two goats,| land. present them before the Lona at the doore of the T'abernacle of the] |Congregation. ‘8 And Aaron shall cast lottes vp, jon the two Goates : one lot for the] \Lomp, and the other lot for the she vn-}s Levit. 10 le, > ete. o.7 Ht. A and] that they die not in their vncleannesse, I+ Scape goa. ul 9 Andi [The Scape goat. Leuiticus. A finne offring] | {for atonement. Chap.x No bloodlesten) 9 And Aaron shall Gring the gosta] | 10 And he shall sprinkle of the blood| dat tbee cleane from all your) | 6 And the Priest shall sprinckle arlene ano i and it with hia finger seuen times, and] finncs before the Lox Jblood vpon the Altar of the Loup, at} him for « sinne offering. it, and hallow it fom the vo, ‘I Tt shall be a Sabbeth of rest vato} (the doore ofthe Tabernacle of the Coo] 10 Dat the goat on which the lot fll [eleannese ofthe children of Fora lyon, and ye shall aftice your soules by | Jgrogatin, and burne the ft fora "eee. Pa 2 to be the Scape goate, f Aad when bee hath made [statute fo r cree ir) laliue before the Loup, to make an at} of reconciling the holy place , and] ‘32 ‘And the Priest whom he shall an-| |" 7 And they shall no mote offer their 1d whom he shall tconsecrate to||escrifices vaio deuils, after whom they| Jonement with him, and to let him goe| [the Tabernacle of the Congregation, - vil, afer fir» Scape gorie into the wilder| land the Altar, hee shall bring the liue| { \2rnizer in the Priests office in bis fo fnawe gone « whoring: ‘This shall be ni, Per thr iad, shall make the atonement Jetta fr ener rato them throughout 1 And Aaron shal bring the bullocke| |°21 And Aaron shall is| land shal put on the linnen clothes, euen| |their gencrations. Leake ates sug aan ia italiana vee se ea or tine pone the holy garments ‘8 TAnd thou shalt say vnto them,| jselfe, and shal! make an atonement for| jand confesse ouer him all the iniquities| 93 And he shall make an atonement] |Whatsoeuer man there be of the house of Jhimselfe, and for his house, and shal kill] Jof the children of Israel, and all theit lor the holy Sanctuary, and hee shall| [Israel or of the strangers which so- the bullocke of the sinne offering which] |transgressions in all their sinnes, pat Imake an atonement for the Tabernacle| |iourne among you, that offreth a burnt] Me ne fing them vpon the bead of the gate] ot che Son, and for the Altar| [offering or sacrifice, 18 And be shall tke a censer falloff [and abal send ion weay bythe hand etd he shall ake an atonement for che| | 9 And bringeth it not ynto the doore coales of fire from off the Al-| [+a Gt man ino the wildernesse Bete Priests, and for all the people of the| lof the Tabernacle of the Congres. jar, before the Loup, and his handes| | @2 And the goate shall beare vpon|pernsiat [Congregation lion, to offer it vnto the Lox, euen| ell of prest incase besten small, and him ll heir iniguitie, wnt land Foti S8"And this shall be an eucanting| [hat man shal ‘be cut off from among! 1S And be shall pve th inhabited: anc |statute vnto you, to make an atonement) |his people. 13° And be shall put the incense rpoo| [in the ders B He oH fer the children of Taracl, forall thet| | 10-4 And whatsoeuer man there be] ithe fire before the Loap, that the! | 23 And Aaron shall come into the| + exod. 0, Isinnes * once a yeere. And he did as the| of the house of Israel, or of the stran- |cloud of the incense may couer the mer-| Tabernacle of the Congregation , and| js &"|Toxp commanded Moses. lgers that soiourne among yon, that ea-| [ce seate that isvpon the testimonie, that| [shal put off the linnen garments which fet any mancr of blood, il een he die not. Ihe put on, when he went in to the holy| CHAP. XVII etm face agsnat that sule that em eiisa%.1 | |14 And © he shall take of the blood off Jplace, and shall leane them there. eth blood, and will cut him off from 2 Cuup-s.« the bullocke, snd *sprinkle i¢ with his| | 24 And he shall wach his flesh with| A The blood of all slaine beasts must be offered] |mong his people. : ings wpon the Mercie seat Eastward | |water in the holy place, and pat on his toh Lord a he dowre ofthe Tabernace| {V1 For the life of the Gesh is inthe before the Mercie seate chall hee| |garments, and come foorth , and offer 7 They ust pot of to denis. 10 Al | |blood, and I have ginen it to you vpon| sprinkle of the blood with his finger se-| [hie burnt offering, and ‘the burat| oi alone, orla ne- the Altar, to male an atonement for] ree Jofcring of the people, and make an| oar soles: fort the Blood hat me ¢ Na the Lozp spake vn-| ‘an atonement for the soule. 15 & Then shall he kill the atonement for for the sine offering that is forthe people, lpeople. eee eres jand bring his within the Vaile,| | 25 And the fat of the sinne offeri land doe with that blood as he did with! |shall he barne ypon the Altar [the blood of the bullocke, and sprinkle it| | 26 And he that let goe the gost for] |vpon the Mercie seat, and before the] |the SSIpr gett. shal wash bis clothes,| jand e his to Moses, saying, 12 Therefore I said vnto the chil} "2 Specke vnto Aaron| {dren of Israel, No soule of you shall eat and vnto his sonnes, and| |blood, neither shall any stranger that! toll the children of Is-| |poioarneth among you, est blood. nd say vato them; This is the| | 13 And whatsoever man there be enone flesh m water, and after. iq which the Lop hath com-| |the children of Israel, or of the stran- 16 And he shall make ai atonement! ward come into the Campe ” jed, saying : |gers that soiourne among you, which| for the holy place, because of the vn-| | 27 And the bullocke for the sinne of| 8 What man soever thers bee of the} |t hunteth and eaicheth any beast or foulet sh! lcleannesse ‘of the children of Israel |ferng, and the goat for the sin offerin Ibouse of Israel, that killeth an oxe, or| |that may be eaten, he shall euen powrehisnrng- jand because of their ions in| Jwhose blood was brought in, to make llambe, or goat in the Campe, or that kil-} Jout the thereof, and couer it with} all their sinnes: and so shall hee doe for] |atonement in the holy shall one| lieth if out of the Campe, [dust. : Jthe Tabernacle of the tion} leary foorth * without the Campe, and|* Lews. 4 And ch it not vnto thel | 14 For it is the life of all flesh, the| [Le aee|that tremsineth among them, in the hal burme in the fre their Lines. = |Soore of the Ts le of the Congre-) |blood of it is for the life thereof: there- lmiddest of their vnclesnnesse. ie reas and their domg. | grtons ofl a, offering. te the lore T sid vate the cldren of Teal jase] 17 * And there shall bee no man in| |" 28 And he chat burneth whe’, shall ‘onD before the Tabernacle of the| |*Ye shall not eat the blood of no maner|* Gen.» «. the Tabernacle of the Congregation,| |wash his clothes, and bathe his fesh in ‘oun, blood shall be imputed vntol lof flesh : for the life of all flesh is thel Juben hee goeth in to make an ctone'| |water, and aherranl be sah see iat man: be hath shed blood, and that| blood thereof = whosoever eateth it, Jment in the holy place, wntill hee come| [to the Cam hall be cut off from among his||shalbe cut off fout and hane made an atonement for| | 29 % And this shall be a statute for| le: 15 And sonle that eateth that] |bimselfe, and for his houshold, and for| leuer ynto you : that in the seuenth 5 To the end that the children of In| |which t died of it seif, or that which was|t Ha. 0 lll the Congregation of Tersel, lneth, on the tenth da ofthemoneth yl nl may ring ther scien, nhch lene mth beat, wheter ite one off 16 And be shall gc out vato he AL [tall tie Reread cade they offer in the open field, euen that| |your owne countrey, or a stranger, he| |tar that is before the Loup, and make| lat all, whether it bee one of your ownel they may bring them vnto the Loxo,| [shall both wash his clothes, and bathe| lap stonement for it, & shall ake of the| leountrey, or a stranger that scious |wnto the doore of the Tabernacle off |kimselft in water, and be vncleane vntill [blood of the bullocke, and of the blood] |neth anong you. “| tke Congregation voto the Priest, and [th Eien: then call he be lean [of the goate, and put it vpon the bornes| | $0 For on that day hal he Pricst mak joffer them for peace offerings vnto the| | 16 But if he wash them not, not bathe| jof the Altar round about lan atonement for you, to cleanse you,| Tox. Ihis flesh, then he shal beare hi inguiy : cHal thai . Volawfull Leuiticus. ~___marriages| | [Diuers lawes, Chap.xix. and ordinances lkednesse of th law ishee aj r 50 Thrsfore aia ye expe mine Or] Y4 ¥ Thon salt not came the deaf" CHAP. xvIn. thy sonnes wife, thou shalt not neo, Haan cs menos ohich| {lied Sots fore Shy God: Tam the} 1 Vniewfall Marragen 19 Valawrull losin | [oer her nakedncsse these abominable customes, which (blind, bu Jwere commit ‘and that ye| |Lou, : yo lacs ho ‘15 1 Ye shall doe no vnrighteoumes| jim iudgement : thou shalt not *respect|* Exod. 2. ite pen ofthe pore, or bene hl f the mightie: Bnd in righteous-|!¢ [roo 8, Coe SDD neighbonr. 1A repetition of sundry Lewes, 16 Thou shalt not goe vp and| Nd the Lonp spake} |downe as a tale-bearer among thy peo nto Moses, saying, ple :ptter shale thou wand spxint ‘the| 2 Speake vnto all thel of thy neighbour: I am the t tion of the chil-| [Lonp. drew of Israel, and say| | 17-1 ®'Thow shalt not hate thy bro-f4 1-2 16 * Thou shalt not vncouer the na-|* cosp. 20. a RG NA the Loxp spake! lkednesse of thy brothers wife :it is thy| [defile not your selnes therein: I am PY voto Moses, saying, loothers nakednesse. : ‘Loxp your God. 2 Sy ynto the! ! 17 Thou shalt not vnoouer the na-| children of Israel, and] |kednesse of a woman and her daugh| say voto them, Tam the lter, neither shalt thou take her sonnes| Coup your God. shter, or her daughters daughter, 5 “After the doings of the land of E-| |to vncouer her nakednesse : For they| lgrpt mhercin ye dwelt, shal ye not doe:| fare her neere kinsewomen : it i wic| d after the doings of land of Canaan] |kednesse. |whither I bring you, shall ye not doe: 18 Neither shalt thou take a wife It0|! 0, one Incither shall yee walke in’ their ord:| {her sister tow era, fave om ; : in : PEE at ae ype ol PEROT | spay meee we rs Sg 4 Ye shall doe my indgements, and] | "19 * Also thou shalt rot approche va [* Chap. [sec iri: |LonD your God am holy. ia| lraffer sinne vpon hime inne Fo lcepe mine crdinancen to'eabe thee | fol? wen he wncoaer her nakednes |" PRN") 9 Yeo shall feare euery man his pre im jin : I am the Loo your God. jas long as shee is pat apart for her vn. lmother, and his father, and keepe my|| 18 % Thou shalt not not} the Lon, ‘TNone of you shall approche to} lany that is tneere of kinne to him, to acouer thir nakeduesse : I am the ORD. 7 The nakednesse of thy father, or the nakednesse of thy mother, ehalt |thou not wncouer : she is thy mother {thou shalt not yncouer her nakednesse’| 8 *The nakednesse of thy fathers wife shale chow not vacouer: i is thy fo thers nakednesse. 9 The nakednesse of thy siater, the] Jdaughier of thy tuber or daughter of |thy mother, whether shee be borne at} lhome,or borne abroad, ewen their naked-| Inesse ‘thou shalt not vacouer. 10 ‘The nakednesse of thy sonnes ldaughter, or of thy daughters daugh | ter, euen their nakednesse thou shalt not lyncouer : for theirs és thine owne na kecinesse. 11 ‘The makednesse of thy fathers |wines daughter, begotten of thy fa-| ther, (she is thy ister, thou shaltnoten.| Incither any of your owne nation. ne; file thy sclfe with her. 21 And thou shalt not let any of thy| Jeeed * passe through the fire to *Moleck, Jof thy God: I am the Loro. lkinde, as with womankinde: it is abo.| mination. ther shall any woman stand before a jbeast to lie downe thereto: It is con-| fusion. 24 Defile not you your selues in any lof these things: for in all these, the ne-| tions are defiled which I cast’ out be- fore you. 25 And the land is defiled : There-| fore 1 doe visit the iniquitie thereof vp fon it, and the land it selfe vomiteth out] her inhabitants. 26 Ye shall therefore keepe my Sta. tutes and my Tudgements, and shall not commit any of these abominations; lncither shalt thou prophane the Namel!;% 22 Thou shalt not lie with man-lAiSq? 23 * Neither shalt thou lie with any] ctap. 1, Ibeast, to defile thy selfe therewith ; nei-)'* 5 * Yee shall therefore keepe my sta-| lcleannease. Sabaths: am the Lox! your [bear any grudge pee ee ‘iy tutes, and my indy it : which if a] | 20 Morcouer, thou shalt not lie car- i nor| neighbor as thy selfe: I am the Lonp. man doe, hee shall ue in hem: Tam] loally wah thy nevghbores wine Gel 43 Turme ye mot voto ier nr Inighos a thy elles Lam the Lon Jmake to your selues molten gods: I ai the Lon your God. 5 And if ye offer a sacrifice of peace| lofferings vnto the Loup, ye shall Joffer it, at your owne will, 6 Tt shall be eaten the same day ye joer it, and on the morrow : and if] it Femaine wotill the third day, Ibe burnt in the fire. I And if it be eaten at all on the| third day, it is abominable; it shall not| be 8 Therefore every one that eateth it, chal beare his iniquitie, because he hath] lprophaned the halowed thing of the Loup; and thst soule shalbe cut off] from among his people. 9% And * when ye the har, juest of your land, thou shalt not wholly| Jreape the corners of thy field, neither| Jeblt chou gather the gleanings of thy baraest. 10 ‘And thon shalt not gleane thy vi neither shalt thou gather eue- ly eee of thy vineyard’ thou. shalt Meese tem Thou shalt not let thy cattell gender lrith a diuerse kinde: ‘Thou shalt not lcowe thy field with mingled seed: Nei- ther shall a garment mingled of linnen! land woollen come vpon tl 20% And whosoever lieth carnally| lwith « woman that is a bondmaid, ibe- lerothed to an husband, and rot at all lredeemed, not freedome giuen her, the! fahall be acourged: they shall not be purr to death, because she was not free: 21 And he shall bring his trespasse fering voto the Loxp, vnto the| ldoore of the Tabernacle of the Congre- lgation, even a ramme for a trespasse of Hering. ‘22 And the Prict shall make an osement for him with the ramme of 3 trespasse- offering before the Ton] ferns de which Ie bath done: an the sinne which he hath done shall bee iuen him. ‘And when yee shall come in to] the land, and shall have planted all ma. ranger:| ner F food, then ye shall count] feouer her nakednesse. lany stranger that sciourneth. among! for the poore and stranger:| |ner of trees for food, then ye shal ym it of it icised: three} },ou7-m | 12 * Thou shalt not vacover the na lyos FTg we hal doe meal ether eae} [yee shale be a creamed vo }kednesse of thy fathers sister: she is thy| | 27 (For all these abominations haue| falcly, neither Tie one to another. lyou: it shall not be eaten of. 18 Thee halt noe, che ee of e a subse + Bod. 20. 12 And ye shall not “sweare by my| | 24 But in the fourth yeere all the] a 1ou shalt not vncouer the na-| |before you, and the land is defiled . ther sl ea i hall be +holy to praise the|t Helines ede of hy mother str othe | [38 "Boa denen ete) EEE: [Name fay nies shat how pro [rt hero hl be holy to praie chee thy mothers neere kinewoman. liso, when ye defile it, as it spewed out fe ‘25 And inthe fift yeere shall ye eate| 4 * Thou shalt not vacouer the nz-| |the nations that were before ‘you. _ i it i : 1»| 15 4 * Thou shalt not defiaud chy| lof the fruit thereof, that it may yeelde lKednesse of thy fathers brother, thou| | 20 For whowoeuer shall’ commit. 2 TEE lacehtoos nether eb Mins the saps] (ate gon the eens thee cent i. lo him that is hired, shal not abide with| |Loxo your God. + crap. 20 ale ‘not approche to his wife : shee is Iny of these abominations, euen the n ine aunt soules that commit them, shall be cut of : 7 is thing, with| ja" ®- | 15 * Thou shalt uot vncouer the ns} |from among their people. [ thee all night, vntill the morning, 26-1 Ye shall oot ene amy thing with 380 There-| ~ iebatoner ‘36 © Iust ballances, iust + weights, a Hust Ephah, and a inst Hin shall yehave: I am the 'Loxp your God, which [brought you out of the land of 31 harcore shall ye ocrue ay ts, Statues, and all my I land doe them: I am the Lon. Nd the Loup spake vynto Moses, saying, 2 * Againe, thou shal say to the children of Is "__ tael; Whosoeuer he be the children of Inrael, or of the stran-| jgers that sciourne in Tsrael,~ that 10 T And *the man that committeth |adulterie with another mans wife, euen|t” fhe. that committeth aduleeric with his neighbours wife, the adulterer, and| the “adulteresse shall surely bee put to} ldeath. 11 * And the man that lieth with his lfsthers wife, hath vncouered his fa-(" |thers nakednesse: both of them shal-} [be put to death; their blood shalbe vpon| them. 12 And if a man lie with his daugh. ter in Inw, both of them shall surely be| it to death: they haue wrought con.| fusion; their hlood shall be vpon them. 18 *IF & man also lie with mankind, jas hee lyeth with a woman, both of them haue committed an ‘sbomins- tion : they shall surely be put to death;| their blood shatbe vpon them, 14 And if s man take a and her| it it wickednesse: They shalbe| fire, both he and they, that Ithere be no ickednesse amon, 15 * And if man lie with beast, he Irene Chap. aw hall Inesse, they shall be childlesse. 22 TYe shall therefore keepe all my| *Statutes, and all my Tudgements,| land doe them: that che lande whither| IC bring you to dwell therein, *spue you| fnot out. 23 And ye shall not wake in the ma lners of the nation, which T cast out be-| fore you : for they committed all these| things, & * therefore I abhorred them. 24 But I haue said vato you, Yee| shall inherit their land, and Iwill giue lit vnto you, to it, a land that fowech wish mike and bony: Lam the [Loan your God, which haue sepe| rated you from otler people. 25 *Ye shall therefore put difference| “* Ibetweene cleane beasts, and rncleane,| land betweene vncleane foules, and| Jeleane: & ye shall not make your soules labominable by beast or by foule, or by| Jany maner of lining thing, that [cree Ipeth on the ground, which I haue se from you as vncleane. crave cme te + beat 22 : S i = : [Diuers lawes, Leuiticus. and ordinances.| { [Divers lawes, Chap.xxj. and ordinances. ithe blood, neither shall ye vse inchant- |giueth any of his seed vnto Molech, he] | shall surely be put to death: and yeshalll /I the Loxp am holy, & haue seuered| ment, nor obserue times. all surely be pet death : the people| ! lslay the beast : jyou from other people, that ye should be| 27 * Ye shall not round the comers| [of the land shall stone hitm with stones. i 6 And if a woman approch vnto | [mine of your heads, neither shalt thou marre| | 3 And I wil set my face against that 3 Iny beast, and lie downe thereto, thou| | 27 4 *A man also or wom Dest the corners of thy beard. man, and will cut him off from among| alt kill the woman and the beast: they| |hath a familiar os: jy Devt. 4 | 28 Ye shall not * make any cuttings| is people because he hath giuen of his lshall surely be put to death, their blood| jzard, shall surely be put to death : in your ffesh for the dead, nor print any| laced vnto Molech, to defile my Sanctu, lehalbe vpon ther. lshali stone them with stones: their Jmarkes ypon you: I am the Loup.| lary, and to prophane my holy Name. 17 And if a man shall take his sister,| |blood shalbe vpon them. pie >), 29 4 Doe not tprontute thy dangh| | "And if the people ofthe land doe his fathers daughter, or his _mothers jter, to cause her to bea whore, lest the! |any wayes hide their eyes from the| |daughter, and see her nakednesse, and) AP XX1 lland fall to whoredome, aud the land] man, wl ineth of his seed vnto| lche see his nakednesse, it is a wicked| ones ae lbecome fall of wickednesse. /Molech, and kill him not Shing, and they shall bee cut off im the||1 OF she Prete mourning. 6 OF shee bot 30 4 Ye shall keepe my Sabbaths,| | 5 Then I will set my face against| |eight of their people: he hath vncouered| | pete. © Of thei eauimation. 7, (3 Of their jand reverence my Sanctuary: I am| |that man, and against his family, and] is sisters nakednesse, he shall beare his| | hes a€cxt not minister in the Sanctuarie. the Lon. will cut him off, and all chat goe a who- iniquitie. 81 9 Regard not them that haue fa {ring after him, to commit whoredome + coap. | 18 * And if « man shall lie with a wo-| Nd the Lozp ssid vato Imiliae spirits, neither seeke after Wi] |with Moleck » from among their ie Iman hauing her sickenesse, and shal vn-| ‘Moses ; Speake vnto the} ears, to be defiled by them: T are the| [pcople. | ,maielcouer her nakednesse: he hath tdiscoue'| Priests the sonnes of Aa, Lox your God. G4 And the soale that tumneth af} Jute. red her fountaine, and she hath wncoue| ron, and say vnto them, ‘32 % Thon shalt rise vp before the! lter such as haue familiar spirits, and af, lred the fountaine of her blood: and| ‘There shall nove be def hoary head, and honour the face of the| |ter wizards, to goe a whoring after lboth of them shall bee cut off from a.| |led for the dead among his people: Jold man, and feare thy God: I am the| |them, I will enen vet my face lmong their peopl 2 But for his kinne, that is neere Lo that soule, and will cut him off from a- 19 And thou shalt not vucouer the na-| |ynto him, that is, for his mother, and for 33° 4 And ¢if a st soioamne| |mong ple. lkednesse of thy mothers sister, nor of thy} |his father , and for his sonne , and for| lwith thee in your land, yee shall not] |'7"" * Sancuie your selues there lfthers sister: for hee vncouereth his| {his daughter, and for his brother, oraroreel vexe him. lfore, and bee yee holy : for I am the cere kina: they shal benee ther in| || 8 And for his ister ving. that i |zent-m | 38° Bus the stranger that dwelleth| [Lox your God. lauiti. Inigh nto him, which hath had no has with you, shalbe as one borne amongst] | 8 And ye shall keepe my Statutes, ‘2 And if a man shall lie with his} [band : for her may he be defiled. you, and thou shale loue him as thy] Jand do them: I am the Loxp which lyncles wife, be hath vncouered his vn-|| 4 But hee shall not defile himsetfe selte, for ye were strangers in the land of} lsanctifie you. [cles nakednesse: they shall beare their| ||being a chiefe man among his people, |t0réeinean Egypt: I am the Lox your God. || 9 4 *For euery one that curseth his|* Fx. 2. lsinne, they shall die childlesse. to prophane himselfe. he bo Ye shall doe no vnrighteousnes| {father or his mother, shalbe surely put}! Pe" 21 ‘And if 2 man shall take his bro-| | 5 * They shall not make baldnesse|2m 4, lin iudgment, in meteyard, in weight, or| |to death: hee hath cursed his father or|= © Ithers wife itis tan yncleane thing : hee their head , neither shall. they|ficsimed in measure. fais mother hhis blood shalbe wpon him. ath vncouered his brothers maked:| thane off the comer of their beard, mori 8 Imake any cuttings in their flesh : 6 They shalbe holy vnto their God, Jand not profane the name of their G for the offrings of the Loz nnde by| lite, and the bread of their God they doe loffer : therefore they shall be holy. 7 They shall not take a wife that is ls whore, or profane, neither shall they| take a woman pat away from her hus- Jband:: for he is holy vnto his God. 8 Thou shalt sanctifie him therfore, lfor he offereth the hread of thy God: he lshalbe holy wnto thee: for I the Loxp| lwhich sanctifie you, am holy. 9% And the daughter of any Priest, if she profane her selfe, by playing the| lwhore, she profaneth her father: shee shall be burnt with fire. 10 And he that is the high Priest «| mong bis brethren, vpon whose head ‘snointi was powred, an hae ie consecrated to put onthe gar ments, shall not ncouer his head, nor rent his clothes : TL Neither shall he goe in to any dead! 96 And ye shal be holy nto me: *for F or fat. cm = [ist nose, or any thing * sy lary of bis God; for the crowne of the| Janointing vile of his God i vpom him :| Tam the Lown. 13 And he shall take » wife in ber vir- lginitie. 14 A widow, or # divorced woman, lor prophane, or an harlot, these shall he Jnot take : but he shall take a virgine of} his owne people to wife. 15 Neither shal he prophane his seed lemong his for I the Lox doe sanctife him. 16 { And the Loup spake voto} |Moses, saying, YT Speake’ vnto Aaron, saying,| |Whosoeuer he Be of thy seed in thet erations chat hath eny blemial ie jim not approche to offer the l[bread of his God: : 18 For whatsoewer man Ace Be that] lhath a blemish, he shall not approche: a [blind man, or « lame, or he that hath a} luous, 19 Ora man that is broken footed, Jor broken handed, 20 Or crooke-backt, or a |}dwarfe, o| that hath blemish in his eye, ot be Jscuruy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken 21 No man that hath a blemish, of the seed of Aaron the Priest, shall come| nigh to offer the offtings of the Loap| lmade by fire: he hath a blemish; he ahall lot come nigh to offer the bread of his 22 He shall eat the bread of his G both of the most Holy, and ofthe iy 23 Onely he shall’ not goe in vnto| the Vaile, nor come nigh vnto the AL| tar, because he hath a blemish, that he Jprophane not my Sanctuaries : for I the Loup doe sanctifie them. ldren of Israel, and that they prophane| lnot my holy Name, in those things Ithey halow wnto me: Tam the Lorp, lof all your seed, among your generat fone, chat gocth ato the holy th jwhich the children of Israel jvato the Lon, hauing his mclean, Inesse vpon him, that soule shalbe cut off} from my presence: Tam the Lozn. JAaron ie a leper, or hath = trunning| zee rn issue, he shall not eat ofthe holy things (te? jem he becleane. And *who $0 toucl eth any thing that ie wncleane lend or man whose seed gost Fon '5 Or whosoeuer toucheth any cree, fl take |cleannesse he hath: 6 The soul any eel shalbe ae aw Euen,| land shall’not este of the holy thi false he wash bis flesh with waters | 7 And when the Sunne is downe,| Jhe shall be cleane, and shall afterward] leate of the holy things, because it is hi food. ‘8 * That which dieth of it selfe, or is| jtorne with beasts, hee shall not eate tolty Si” |defile himselfe therewith : I am the| [Lor. 9 ‘They all Ordinance, lest beare sinne for it land die therefore, if "7 |the Lorp doe sanctifie them. 10 There shall no stran, boly thing ; eo ‘seruant shall not eate of the| YBa Jt with his money, he shall eat of it, and|t srr. ua] {he that is borne in his house : they shall} purchase jeat of his meat. 12 If the Priests daughter also bee Jaan viet stra jeate of an offering of the holy things. 18 But if the vests ‘daagheee Ee a |widlow, or diuorced, and haue no childe,| |and is returned wnto her fathers house, J¢as in her youth, she shall eat of her fa- K that they separate them-| oar the holy tinge of the chil ‘which| 8 Say vnto them, Whosoeuer he be| things, 1 holy fed Rall 4 What man soeuer of the seed by the” thing, whereby he may be made| of a man of whom hee may| vncleannesse , whatsoeuer v1 which hath touched) Rol =. lkeepe mine they prophane it: I] ‘eat of the| soiourner of the Priests, But if the Priest buy any soule| loridinoney she may not Hc.0 men = Chap. 1. thers|"* ride He auite ‘of trespasse, when they eate their, aicr| ching vawittingty, then he « ef par thereof wnt it, and lmnto the Priest, with the holy thing. 15 And they shall not profane the| holy things of the children of Israel, Jwhich they offer vnto the Lox: 16 Or |isuffer them to beare the ini things! for I the Loxo do san, |ctifie them. ‘17 @ And: the Loxp spake rnto| Moses, saying, 18 Speake rato Aaron and to bis lsonnes, and ynto all the children of Is-| Jrech, tod aay vate them, Whatsocuc Ine be of the house of laraeh or ofthe scramgers in Tara, that will offer bis loblation for all his vowes, and for alll Ihis free will offerings, which they willl loffer rnto the Loup for a burnt offe-| ing: 18 Ye shal scyeuecmnerilamal without blemish, of the beeues, of the} |sheepe, or of the goats. 20" ut whatsoever hath blemish, that shall ye not offer: for it shall not be} for you. a a whosoever ee acl * fice of peace offerings vnto RD, | to accomplish his a or a free will of-| Jing in Beeues or sheepe it shalbe per ect, to be accepted: there shall be no ble- mish therein. 22 Blind, or broken, or maimed, of| Inauing « wenne, or scuruic, ot scabbed, \ye shal not offer these vnto the Loun,| tor make an offing by Bre of them vp | lon the Altar wnto the Loap. "25 Either a bullock, ora [lambe that a bath ay thi kn : Mires Till ofting: but for a vow it shall lat be accepted. 24 Ye shal not offer vnto the Loap| |that which is bruised, or crushed, or bro-| ken, oF eut, neither shall you make 93 loffering thereof in your I 5 lchall ye offer the bread of your God fs tm ther, and blemishes bee in them they shall not be accepted for you MS And the Loup spa Moces, saying, ‘superfluous or Iacking| iat = thou offer for lcither from a. strangers hand] lany of these; because their corruption| ce vate ‘ZT When a bullocke, ot a sheepe, or| Js goat is brought forth, then it shall bee [Diuers lawes, Leuiticus. and ordinances.| | [What oblations Chap -xxijj. muft be offred| 7 nat dei Rinaclfe Bo bis father BEDE Na the Lo hers meat, bat there dhall ho wtranger] fewen dayes vader the damme, and] or is mother: to Nits 7g “| eee thet. = = from "oe tt day tn tector fdther shal tee goe out "2 Speake mio At ad if « man eate scoepted foran offering made |Sanctlary, nor prophane the Sanctu-| ron, and to bis sonmen| see ee oe ena fee mothe Lorne '28 And whether it be cowe or Wlewe,|! Or. ster ‘shall not kil it, Sand her yong, both isa n.« in one day. '29 And when yee will offer a sacr-| lice of thankesgiuing vnto the Lorn,| lofer it at your one wil ‘80 On the same day it shall be eaten| vp. ye shall leaue * mone of it vntill the|",¢b. morrow: Cam the Lozp. ‘81 ‘Therefore shall ye keepe my Com, lmandements, and doe them: I am the] Low: ‘32 Neither shal ye ® profane my holy]: teu. 1 Name but t wil be hallowed tmong| the children of Israel: I amt the Lox} Iwhich hallow you, ‘93 ‘That brought you out of the land lof Egypt, to be your God : I am the| Lon. CHAP. XXII. 1h The feasts of the Lord._ 8 The Sabbath. 4} "The Fasseouer. 9 The Sheafe of first fruits 15 The Feast of Pentecost. 22 Gleanings to} ‘eleft forthe poore. 2 The Feast of Tram. Fe, The dy of stoenent 5 The rast of Tabernacles. Nd the Lonn spake vn-| to Moses, saying, 2 Speake vnto the chil aren of Israel, and say vn-| to them, Concerning the| feasts of the Lonp, which yee shall proclsime to be holy conuocations, euen| Ithese are my feasts. 3 *Sixe dayes shall worke be done,|: Z30,70,9 lbut the seuenth day is the Sabbath rest, an holy conuocation: ye shall doe Ino worke therein : it is the Sabbath of] the Lonp in all your dwellings 4° These are the feastes of thel Lon, euen holy conuocations, which lye shall proclaime in their seasons. '5 *In the fourteenth day of the frst lmoneth at euen, és the Lonps Passe’ Jouer. G And on the fifteenth day of the laame moneth, is the feast of vnlesuened| bread vnto the Lonp: seuen dayes| lye must cate vnleauened bread. "7 In the first day ye shall have an| Inoly convocation : ye shall do no seruile Jrorke therein. ‘8 But ye shal offer an offring made lby fire vnto the Loxo seuen dayes:| |2r-tand- |then ye shall bring a lisheafe of the first fe timee” |fruits of your haruest vnto the Priest : 10 Speake vnto the children of Is, lracl, and say vnto them, When yee be Jcome into the land which I giue vnto lyou, and shal reape the haruest thereof, 11 And hee shall waue the sheafe be- lore the Lonp to be 13 And the meat offring thereof shal/| le two tenth deales of fine flowre, min-| lgled with cile, an offering made by fire wnto the Lonp, for a sweet ssuow! land the drinke offering thereof shalbe off lwine, the fourth part of an Hin. 14 And ye shall eate neither bread, [nor ed corne, nor he eares,| vntill the selfe eame day that yee haue| lbrought an offring vato your God Tt shalbe « statute for euer, throughout| jour generations, in all your dwel, ngs. 15 @ And *ye shall count ynto from the moriow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheafe| Jof the waue offering; scuen Sabbaths} Ishalbe complete. 16 Eucn vato the morrow after the| Jscuenth Sabbath, shall ye number fifty [dsyes, and ye shall offer « new meat of| fering xnto the Lorp. 17 Ye shall bring out of your habits. tions two waue-loaues, of two tenth! Jdeales: they shalbe of fine flowre, they| shall be baken with leauen, they are the ae ; ynto the Lon: HC ‘shall offer with the bread] scuen lamtes without blemish, of tr frst yeere, and one yong bullocke and| two rammes : they shall be for a burnt! offering vnto the Lon, with their Jato. Ehen ye shal scree one bid e fora sinne offering, and two| lumber of he fist yecres ora Saati jsame day, that it may be an holy conuo-| leation vito you : ye shall doe no seruile| rorke therein. it shall bee statute foreuer| in all your dwellings throughout. your fgenerstions. 22 4 And *when ye reape the har Jaest of your land, thou shalt not make| @ riddance of the corners of the} field, when chou reapest, * neither shalt! thou gather any glcanin, lust thou shalt feaue them vnvo the re, and to the stranger : I am the| mp your God. 23 4 And the Loan spake vnto Moses, saying, 24 Speake unto the children of Ie, rect, saying, In the *seuenth moneth, lin the first day of the moneth shall yee| haue a Sabbath, a memoriall of blow. ng of erampets, an holy conoocain. 3? Keshall dono serail worke thre jin ;_but ye shall offer an offering made| by fre vito the Loup, 26 T And the Lonp spake vnto| Moses, saying, 27 * Also on the tenth day of this 5 Jonement, it shalbe an holy contocation lynto you, & ye shall afflict your soules,| land offer an offering made by fire vme| Ihe Torn. 28 And ye shall doe no worke in that Jsame day : for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement for you, before the Loxo your God. 29 For whatsoeuer soule if bee that shall not bee affficted in that same day,| hee shall bee eat off from among hrs [People 30 And whatsocuer soule i¢ Jee that Jdoeth any worke in that same day, the| Jsame soule will I destroy from among! his people. 81 Ye shall doc no maner of workes| it shail be a statute for ener throughout] jyour generations, in all your dveL| ings. 982 Te shaibe ynto yon « Sabbath off lest, and yee shall alice your soales in the ‘nth day of the moneth at Euen,| lbrate your Sabbath, |peace offerings. 33 ne 20 And the Priest shall waue shem| {Moees, saying, 1” COR? “PARE eae rith the bread of the first fruits, for a| | 34 Speake’ wnto the children o Isracl,} of thy har-|" luenth moneth, there shalbe 2 day of at-\z =" from Euen vnto Euen shall ye ‘sep mene + chap. 18, Deve 2 Js Num. 2. |b. rt “Ino seruil ‘35 On the frst day shalbe an holy con-| luocation: ye shall doe no seruile worke| therein. 86 Seuen dayes ye shall offer an of; ltring made by fire vnto the Lozn, on| the eight day shall be an holy conuocati-| mn vnto you, and ye shall offer an offe-| ling made by fire wnto the Lox: Ty lisa Fsolemne assembly, and ye shall doe| forke therein. ST These are the feasts of the Lono| lebich ye shall proclaime to be boly con luocations, to offer an offering made by| lire vnto the Lon, « burnt offering, aed ameat offering, a sarfic, & drink fering, euery thing vpon his day; 38, Beside the ‘Sabbaths of the Lorn, and beside your gifts, and be lside all your vowes, and beside all your| ce will oferings, which ye giue Yuta the Lono. 39 Allso in the fifteenth day of the se Juenth moneth when yee haue gathered| lin the fruit of the land, ye shall keepe a {east vnto the Loup seuen dayes. On| the first day shail dee a Sabbath, and on| the eight day shall bee a Sabbath. 40 And ye shall take you on the frst |day the + bonghes of goodly trees, bran-| Jehce, of Palme trees, and the boughes| lof thicke trees, and willowes. of the lbrooke,, and yee shall reioyce before the| [Loup your God senen dayes. ‘And yee shall keepe ita feast vnto the Lono seuen dayes in the yeere:| Tt shalbe a Statute for euer in your ge, Inerations, ye shall celebrate it in the se- luenth moneth. ‘42 Ye shall dwell in boothes seuen| ldayes: all that are Irraclites borne, Jshall dwell in boothes ; 43 ‘That your generations may} lknow that I made the children of Is- feel to ave in othe hen 1 Ibroaght them out of the lan pes are the icone ‘your God. 44 And Moses declared vnto the lchildren of Terael the feastes of thel Loa. CHAP. XXIII. 1 The oyle for the lampes._§ The Shewbeea! | 10 Shelomidhe soone Dlasphemeth. 13 The Law of Blasphemic. 17 Of Murther. 18 Of] lotiue, beaten, forthe light, to cause the Is to burne continually. |monie, lgregation, chal Aaron order it from the| Damage. 24 The blagphemer is stoned. (The firft fruites. Leuiticus. Solemne feafts, and] | {holy conuocations. Chap.xxiiij. The Shewbread]| fin the seuenth day i an holy conuocatl-| [waue-offing before the Lon, with] Nema jleracl, saying, ©The Gheenth day of Nd the Loxp spake vay Jon, Ye shall doe no seruile worke therein.| {the two lambs : they shalbe holy'to th Cima [i seversh tionet, shall be the feat of to Moses, saying, 9 % And the Lonp spake vnto| [Loxp for the Priests Tabernacles for seuen dayes vato the 2 Command the chil| Moses, saying, 21 And ye shal proclaime on the self ILoxp. den of Israel, that they bring ynto thee pure oy I ster. to lame cr 3 Without the Vaile of the Testi the Tabernacle of the Con-| leuening wnto the morning, before thel [Lon continually : Tt shail be a Sta/ ste for eae in Your generations. ‘4 He shall otder the lampes rpon| Je the pure Candlesticke ‘before the ILonp continually. 5. And thou shalt take fine flowre, land bake twelue *eakes thereof: two) Jenth deales shall be in one cake. @ And thou shalt set them in wd lrowes, sixe on a row vpon the pure Ts. MF And cate feanki 7 And thou in| eensevpon ech row, oat may tre on the bread for a memoriall, cuen an off. ring made by fire vnto the Loxp. ‘8 Euery Sabbath he shall set it in lorder belore the Loup continually, being taken from the children of Israel lby an everlasting couenant. ‘9 And *it shall be Aarons and hie? lconnes, and they shall eateitin the holy| place: for itis most holy vnto him, ofthe Joferings of the Lox made by fre] by a perpetual statute. “10 4 And the sonne of an Israclitish lwoman, whose father was an Egypti- ‘went out among the children of Is- acl: and this sone of the Israclitish| fwoman, and a man of Israel stroue to-| Igether in the cam 1 And the 1s Iblasphemed the name of the Lox, land cursed, and they brought him vnto IMoses: and. his mothers name was IShelomith, the daughter of Dibri, off the tribe of Dan. 12 And they * put him in ward, + tha the minde of the Lonp might beel lshewed them. 13 @ And the Lozp spake vnto Mo-|éte az ses, saying, 14 Bring forth him chat hath curved, Jwithout the Campe, and let all that Iheard him, * lay their hands vpon his lhead , and let all the Congregation| stone’ hirn 15 And thou shalt speake vnto the children of Isracl, saying, Whosocucr seo. 25 curseth| > exe. 21.8 + Nurs. Againft murder. Leuiticas. The Iubile, [Redeeming of Chap. xxv. lands and houfes, leurseth bis God, call beare his inne. | Jaccord of thy Taruest thou Té- Wherefore ye shall do my Sta-| [of their possession, may the Leultes re] 16 And hee ‘that blasphemeth the neithes shalt not cates, and Keepe my Tudgementa, and \leeme a any time. [,Bxod 1 IName of the Lox, be shall be put to death, and all the pase | tion shall certainely stone hi a the stranger, a8 he that is borne in the| liand, when he hlarphemeth the Name| lof the Lonp, shall be put to death. 17 4 * And he that tilleth any man, Jshall surely be put to death, 18 And he that killeth a beast, shall lmake it good; +beast for beast. man cause a blemish in| ‘she hath done, so shall 20 Breach, for breach, eye for eye tooth fr tooth: ashe hath cauoed le’ mish in 2 man, eo shall it be done to him| lagaine. ‘21 And hee that killeth a beast, heel hall restore it: and hee that killeth al lman, he shall be put to death. 22'Ye shall haue ‘one maner of law, Jaswell for the stranger, as for one your owne countrey': for I'am the sp Got foses spake to the ch of Israel, that they shout Ingo him that had cursed, out of the Cam Jand stone him with stones: and the ek Jaren of Yerael did ax the Lonp com-| Imanded Moses. CHAP. xxv. 1 The Sabbath of the eeaeath yeere Tatil inthe Efe yeere, 10 Ot appre =_ of obedience. 23 The| Felenpion of land, "29 OF boone bondinen. 47 The reeropten of sarin] Nd the Lomp to Moses in nai, saying, 2 Speake vnto the chil, ‘dren of Lerael, and say vn-| fed ben yee come into the land| [rhich F give you, then shall the land 3 fount Si| . nh mate the Loxay xe yeeres thou shalt ow thy field, and sixe yeeres thou shalt prune| thy Vineyard, and gather in the fruit Ithereof. 4 But in the seventh yeere shalbe a| [Sabbath of rest vnto the tand, a Sab fof yeeres, thou shalt lyeeres of the fruites d sell v cer ites doeth hee sell vnto| nto the land. 6 And the Sabbath of the land shall] |be meat foryou: for thee, and for thy ser-| luant, and for thy mayd, and for thy hi-| jred seruant, and for the stranger that so-| jiourneth with thee, ‘7 And for thy cattel, and for the beast| {that are in thy land, shal all the encrease| evar ‘And thou shalt namber seuen [Sabbaths of yeeres ro thee, seuen| times seuen yeeres, and of the| Sabbaths of yeeres, chall be vn. to thee fourtie and nine yeeres. 9 Then shalt thou cause the =a [pet tof the Tubile to sound, on che tenth| Jday of the seventh moneth: in the day of latonement shall ye make the trumpet! sound throughout all your land. 10 And ye shal hallow the fitch lyeere, and proclaime libertie through loutall the fand, wnto al the inhabitants ithereof: It shalbe a Tubile vnto you, land ye shall returne enery man ynto [his possession, and ye shall reeurnc eue, fo man vote hi fy. 11 A Iubile shall that fiftieth yeere| be wnto you: Ye shall not sow, neither rape that which groweth of it selfein it, nor gather the grapes init of thy Vis lrndressed nae 12 For itis the Tubile, it shall be ho, ‘nto you : ye shall eate the encrease| e ace the field. in the yeere of this Iubile Jshall returne euery man ynto his pos| PTs ‘Aod if thou sell ought e se nto th lncighbour, or buyest ‘ought of thy cighbours hand, ye shall not oppressc} Jone ancthe. 15 According to the number of. exo] ster the Tubile, thou cbalt buy of thy pcighbour » and fronding vnto the! laumber of the fruit fell vato thee ae Rad jAcording to the maltitude es, thou. chalt encrease the price thereof, and according to the fewheree iminish the pric Jofit: for accordimg to the number 9 the] I} Hetr. bath for the Lox : thou shalt nei| [fhe som thy Feld, nor prune thy Vine] | 17 Yee * shall not thereire oppresee : yne another: but thou shal 5 That which grometh of it ownel |God: For I am the Lone your ¢ ‘call 18 T Where! reape, neither gather the grapes * of thy]: 1 Vine vndressed fori is © yeere of rest osm mde Fe ei B ei E 8 ua “leaer : for the land is mine, for ye were 1 war. re- |the countrey : +they may ee redeemed, leak land they shall goe out in the Tubile. [eves ‘$82 Notwithstanding, the cities off ldoe them, and ye shall dwell in the land| lin safetie. 19 And the land shall yeeld her fruit, land ye shal cat your ill, and dwell ther- im in safetie. 20 And if ye shall say, What chal lwe eate the seuenth yeere? Behold, we Jshall not sow, nor gather in our in- Jerease : 21 Then I will command my bes- |sing vpon you in the sixt yeere, and it shall Wein forth fruit for thece yeeres. 22 And ye shall sow the eight yeere, Jand eat yet of old fruit, wntill the ninth lyeere : vntill her fruits come in, ye shall leate of the old store. 23. The land shall not be sotd [for strangers and soiourners with rae. 2¢ “And in all the land of your pa lession, ye shall grant a redemption the Tend. fe [ 95 © If thy brother be waxen poore, land hath sold away some of his posses sion, and if any of his kinne come to re- ldceme it, then shall hee redeeme that Jwhich his brother sold. 26 And if the man have none to re and thimselfe bee able to re-| ‘27 Then let him count the yeeres of the sale therof, and restore the ouerplus lynto the man, to whom he sold it, that Ihe may returne vnto his possession. 28 But if he be not able to restore it to him, then that which is sold, shall re- Jmaine in the hand of him that hath] lbought it, vntill the yeere of Tubile:| land in the Tubile it shall goe out, and| Ihe shall returne vnto his possession. 29 And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled citie, then le may redeeme within a whole yeere after it is solde jwithin a full yeere may he redeeme it. 90 And if it be not redeemed within] Ihe space of « full yeere, then the house lthat isin the walled citie, shall be stabi lshed for euer to him that bought it, throughout his generations : it shall Inot goe out in the Tubile. ‘31. Bat the houses of the villages lwhich haue no walles round about them, ehall bee counted as the fields the Leuites, and the houses of the cities |ses of the cities of the Leuites are their 83 And if |Ja man chase of the|t Or. one of | Leuites, then tbe house that was eold jeer land the citie of his possession shall goe en lout in the yeere of Lubile : for the hou-| posession among the children of Te] rae 34 Bot the field of the suburbs thsiciticamay not beso fortis ther Il possession. JPab a And if thy brother bee waxen lpoore, and +fallen in decay with thee,|t vce is ithen thou shalttrelieue him, yea though{ 74 lhc be u stranger, or a soiourner, that hee|tirespihen. Imay liue with thee. 86 * Take thou no vsurie of him, or|* ¥z02. 21, increase : but feare thy God, that thy| lbrother may line with thee. 87 Thow shalt not giue him thy mo- Jey, wpen. sure, wor Fed him thy vc} ltuals for increase. 388 1 am the Lonp your God, ich Peouehe you foorth ont of the land pt, to give you the Canaan, ad to be your God 89 9 And *if thy brother that dvel. lieth by thee be waxen poore, and be sold! voto thee, thou shalt not tcompell him jo serue as a bond seruant 40 But as an hited seruant, ond ascii in la soiourner he shall be with thee, andjem. |shall serue thee vnto the yere of Iubile, 41 And then shall hee depart from| thee, both he and his children with hin, ted shall retume vnto his owne fam lie, and wnto the possession of his fe thers shall he returne. 42 For they are my seruants, which] It brought forth out of the tand of E-| lgypt: they shall not be sold tas bon men, 43 *Thoo shalt not rule ouer him|* Eyhe.«.s lwith rigour, but shalt feare thy God. [0 “i+ 44 Both’ thy bondmen, and thy| lbondmaids, which thou shat haue| Ishall be of the Heathen, that are round| labout you: of them shall ye buy bond-| lmen and bondmaide. 45 Morcouer, of the children of the strangers that do soiourne among you,| of them shall ye bay, and otha lies that are with you, which they begat) fin your land : and they shalbe your pos-| session. 46 And ye shall take them as an it-} sey, Iheritance for your children after you, tole sre, oak Hers i] laesal a tondmen inherit thm for a possession, tthe shall [Of redemption. 1 Or by shre| > Baad Ia 3" eal ! or. pier. Hebe ie fhendotein| jbee your bondmen for ever : but our] jyour brethren the children of Israel, ye jshall not rule one ouer another with ms 37 And if « ssiurner or sre + waxe rich by thee, and thy brother that| ldwelleth by him waxe poore, and sell himselfe vnto the stranger or soiourner| bythe, ort the stocke of che stranger ily? 48 After that he is sold, hee may be redeemed againe : one of his brethren Imay redeeme him. 49 Either his vncle, or his yncles sonne may redeeme him, or any that i Inigh of kinne vnto him, of his family, lmay redeeme him: or if he be able, hee Imay redeeme himselfe. 50 And he shall reckon with him| that bought him, from the yeere that Ihe was sold to him, vnto the yeere of Htubile, and the price of his sale shale Jaccording vnto the number of yeeres,| ding to the time of an hited ser| saat shall it be with him If there be yet many yeeres be, inde, according wato them hee shall ue againe the price of his redemp-| tion , out of the money that hee was bough fr 5% And if there remaine but few lyeeres vnto the yeere of Lubile, then he| tall count with him and according vo to his yeeres shall he giue him againe the, price of his redem Lon And ss a yeerely hired seruant Jshall he be with him: and the other shall not rule with rigour ouer him in thy| sight. 54 And if hee be not redeemed jlin these yeercs, then he shall goe out in the| lyeere of Lubile, both he, and his children with him. PE Fee voto me the children of Tera, ‘are seruants, they are my seruant| lehom I brought fach se nf cera lof Egypt: Tam the Loxo your Ged. CHAP. xxvi. ) OF Ldoltey. 2 Religioumes. 3 A blemi to them that keepe the Commandcmnenae A curse to thee that breake then Gea ‘Promise to remember ther that repo Ee shall make you * no} Tdoles nor grauen 1} mage, neither reare you} pa listanding image ,nei-| Leuiticus. Blefsings [[Tmage of stone in your land, to bow] Jdowne wnto it: For I am the Lono| lyour God. reverence my Sanctuary : I am the 34 If ye walke in my Statutes, and keepe my Commandements, and] ldoe them ;, 4 Then I will giue you raine in |due season, and the Jand shall yeeld her lincresse, and the trees of the field shall lyeetd their fruit 5 And your threshing shall reach yato the vintage, and the vintage shall reach wnto the sowing time : and yee| shal eat your bread to the full, and *dwel| jin your land safely. 6 And I wil give pesce in the land, fand ye shall lye downe, and none shall make you afraid: and I will trid euill beasts out of the land, ® neither shall the Prerd eve throogh your land. 7 And ye shall chase your enemies, Jand they shall fall before you by the) |sword. 8 And *fiae of you shal chase an hun. [dred and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to fight; and your ene mies shall fall before you by the sword. 9 For I wil haue ynto you, jand make you fruitfull, and mattiply| lyou, & establish my couenant with you 10 And yee shall eate old store , and| [bring forth the old, because of the new. 11 *And I will set my ‘Tabernacle Jamongst you : and my soule shall not labhorre you. 12 *And I will walke among you, and wil be your God, and ye shall be Imy people. ST am the Loan your God, jehich brought you forth out of the land| lof Egypt, that yee should not be their| lbondmen, & I haue broken the bandes lof your yoke, and made you go vpright| 14 4 But if ye will not hearken vn. to me, and will not doe all these Com, Jmandements. 15 And if ye shall despise my Sta] utes; or it Your soule abhor om Hudgements, co that ye wil not doe all lmy Commaundements, But that yee lbreake my Couenant 16 I also will doe this vnto you, 1] Jwill even appoint touer you terrour, Jconsumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause| Gi ther shall yee set vp any| [sorrow of heart ; and ye shall sow your| seede! 2 *Ye shal keepe my Sabbaths, and|* cos. J rae Het cause Stoo. tosh. v. fe esech. 32 1 Het. epon| lvoe promifed] cee 6. Plagues threatned + Pra ae. [Deve o, s2.chm jscede in vaine, for your enemies shall leate it, . TT And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slaine before your e Inemies : they that hate you shall reigne| CC Ipursueth you. i 38 And if ye will not yet for all his Ihearken vnto me, then I will punish] fon seuen times more for your sinnes. 19 And T will benke the pride ff jour power, and I will make your mock os ftom and your earth aa brasse 20 And your strength shall be spent| in vaines fer your land shall nox yee her increase , neither shall the trees of] the land yeeld their fruits. 21° And if ye walke |Jcontrary nto Jme, and will not hearken vnto mee, I ill bring seuen times moe plagues vp- Jon you, according to your sinnes. 22 T will also send wilde beasts 2, lmong you, which shall rob you of your| children, and destroy your cattell, and| Imake you few in number, and your Aig Jwayes shall be desolate. 23 And if ye will not be reformed by Jthese things, but will walke contrary] Iynto me: 24 *'Then will 1 leg walks con] ‘ato you, and will punish you ye buen ies for our sbdaes. 25 And I will bring 4 svord vpon ou that shall auenge the quarrell of my| pee hal song tere ng ltogether within your cities, I wil send the pestilence among you, and ye shalbe| ldeliuered into the band of the enemie. 26 And when I haue broken the jstaffe of your bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one ouen, and they Jchall deliner you your bread againe by| lweight: and ye shall eate, and not bee satisfied. | 7 And if ye wil not for all this hear Hken vnto me, but walke contrary vnto| lmee, 28 Then I wil walke contrary vn-| to you also in fury, and I, even I will ustie you seven eso our cmes 29 © And ye shal eate the flesh of bonnes, andthe flesh of your daughter |shall ye cate. i 30 And I will destroy your high] ces, and *eut downe your images, Hn es your cacng vp the cer jses of your idoles, and my soule shall] Chap.xxvj. land for difobedience. ‘Si And I wil make your Gities waste, fing your sanctuaries rato deso-| lation, and’ will mot smell the sauouy lof your sweet odours. 82 And I wll bring the lana foto de Jsolation : and your enemies which dwel therein, shalt be astonisbed at it. 83 And T will seater you amon the heathen, and will draw out a swo lafter you: and your land shall be deso- late, and your cities waste. 34 Then shall the tande enioy her [Sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, land yee be in your enemies land, euen| Ithen shall the land rest, and enioy her) Sabbaths. ; 35 As long asit lieth desolate, it shal rest : beeause it did not rest in your Sab, baths, when ye dwelt vpon it 36 ‘And pon them that sre left a hiue of you, I will send a faintnesse into their hearts in the lands of their ene- lmies, and the sound of a tshaken leafe shall ‘chase them, and they shall fle, as ffecing from 2 sword: and they shall fall, when none pursueth. 37 And they shall fall one vpon ano, ther, a5 it were before a sword, when| lnone pursueth: and yee shall haue no Ipower to stand before your enemies. 88 And yee shall perish among the] Heathen, and the land of your enemies shall eate you vp. 89 ina they ae are left of you shalll lpine away in their iniquitie in your ene, lmies lands, and also in the iniquities of] their fathers shall they pine away with] hem. | 40 If they shall confesse the iniqui- lic of their fathers, with their trespasse| Iwhich they agunat me, an [hat also they hve walked. contrary lynto me: 41 And that I also haue walked con trary nto them, and haue hrought them into tbe land of their enemies : i then their vncircumeised hearts bee fumbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquitie: 42 Then will I remember my co/ juenant with Tacob, and also my coue-| lnant with Issac, and also my couenant lwith Abraham will I remember, and It will remember the lend. 43 The land also shalbe left of them, fand shall enioy her Sabbaths, while che lieth desolate without them: and Ithey ahall accept of the punishment of] Hes de Jabhorre you. their iniquitie : beeause , euen because they! juen vnto the yeere of the Iubile, and| _ > = 5 j rythes, [OF vowes, and Leuiticus. their redemption] [Redeeming of ; Chapj. the Tytl fey depised my Todgemeats, and bey |vowed, slall the Priest value him. Rh aot of the eld oF Bis poy [Leno ofall al Be Bak toh of Jeause their soule abhorred my’ Statutes! | 9 And if it be » beast whereof men “$3 "rben the Priest shall reckon vn.| possesion, shall be aold or redeemed k ewes Sas re hs fr Sen ot een wu obi the worh of thy esimation, | faery denoted thing is moet boy wate i ‘east them a1 7 45 But ber the coucnant of their Ancestours, Jwhom I brought forth out of the land| lof Egypt, in the sight of the Heathen,| that T'might be their God Tam the Loup. 46 ‘These ave the Statutes, and! Hludgements, and Lawes which the HLoxp made betweene him and the children of Terael, in mount Sinai, by| the hand of Moses. CHAP XXVIL Loup spake ‘nto Moses, saying, @ Speake vnto the chil ‘dren of Israel, and say ¥n-| en ed 8 singular vow, the persons shall be for the Loup, by ‘thy estimation. ‘3 And thy estimation shall be: Off [the male from twentie yeeres old, euen| nto sixtie yeeres old: euen thy estima ition shall be fiftie shekels of siluer, after| he shekel of the Sanctus 4 And if it bea female, chen thy eati-| mation shall be thirtie shekels. 5 And if it be from fiue yeeres olde, Jeuen vnto twentie yeeres old, then th; lestimation shall be of the male twentie jshekels, and for the female ten shekels. 6 And if it be from a moneth old, e- luen wnt fiue yeeres old, then thy esti }mation shall be of the roale, fiue lof siluer, and for the female, thy estima. ition ahal/ be three shekels of siluer. 7 And if if be from sixt yeeres old,| Jand aboue, if it de a male, then thy esti Imation shall be fifteene shekels, and for| the female ten shekela. 8 Bat if he bee then thy est, Imation, then he shall present himself before the Priest, and the Priest ue him : according to his abilite chat {Loxp, shall be hol 10 He shall not alter it, nor change it, 1s good for» bad, or a bad for 2 good. And if he shal all change beast for lbeast, then it, and the exchange thereof] hall be holy” ss 11 And if it be any encleane beast, of lwhich they doe not offer a sacrifice vnto ithe Loum, then he shall present the| beast before the Priest: 12 And the Priest shall value it, whe} jit who art the Priest: so shall it be. 13 But if hee will at all redeeme it, then he shall adde a fift part thereof vn. to thy estimation. 14.9 And when a man shall sancti, fie his house 2o Be holy vnto the Lorp,| then the Priest shal estimate it, whethes| jit be good orbad: as the Priest shall esti mate it, so shall it stand. 15 And if he that sanctified it, will re ldceme his house, then he aha adde the it part of the moncy of thy estimation| ese and it shall Ge he? 16 And if man shall sanctifie vnto] the Loan some part of « Geld of possession, then thy estimation shall be| SIF mer of barley ed shall Be wale at fifi lshekels of siluer. 17 If hee sanctifie his field from thel jyeere of Tubile, according to thy esti. Imation it chail stand. 18 But if hee sanctife his field after the Tubile, then the Priest shall reckon| lynto him ‘the money , according to the| jyeeres that remaine, euen vnto the lyeere of the Tuhile, and it shall be aba ted from thy estimation. ‘And if he that sanctified the field, will in any wise redeeme it, then he shal jade the fift part of the money of thy| lestimation vnto it, and it shall be assu,| lred to him. 20 And if hee will not redeeme the] Held, or if he haue sold the Geld to ano-| ther man, it shall not be redeemed any| more. | 21 But the field, when it goeth out] jin the Tubile, shail be holy vnto the [Loun, as 2 field deuoted : the posses. sion thereof shalbe the Priests. 22 And if a man sanctifie mnto the| Hon a ficld which he hath bought, which’ ther it be good or bad: as thou tvaluest| ter a good or bad: as alest| 1. a |according to the seed thereof: An Ho-}t or, we ota & Feed.» hee shall giue thine estimation in that lday, as a boly thing vnto the Lonp| H4 In the yeere of the Tubile, the Geld shall retame vnto him of whom it }eas baught, cuen to him to whom the] jon of the land did belong. 25 And all thy etimations shall be] laccording to the shekel of the Sanc- .}tuarie: Sewentie Gerahs shall bee the| shekel. 26 4 Onely the + frstling of the| Ibeasts which should be the Loxns| lfrstling, no man shall sanctfie it, whe-| lther it bee oxe, or sheepe : It is the| Loxps. ‘27 And if it be of an vncleane beast, then hee shall redeeme it. according to] thine extimation, and shall adde a Bfth lpart of it thereto: Or if it be not redee| med, then it shalbe sold according to thy estimation. 28 * Notwithstanding, no deuoted| thing that 2 man shall deuote vnto the! CHAP. 1. ht God commaundeth Moss to number the| Jes The Princes of the Taibes 17 Wet mamsber of euery Tribe, 47 The Leute are exempted forte Seruce of the Lord. Nd the Loan} nesse of Sinai, in| the ‘Tabernacle| of the second| BS mincthinthere| ond yeere, after they mere come out o ¢ land of Egypt, saying, 2 © Take yee the summe of all the| |Congregation of the children of Is-| qgTHE FOVRTH BOOKE of Mofes, called Numbers. rael, after their families, hy the house of] 29 None devoted, which shalbe de-| luoted of men, shall be redeemed : but} shall surely be put to death. 30 And all the tithe of the land, tohe_ ther of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Loxps : it és holy| lvnto the Lonn. 81 And if « man will at all redceme] Jought of his tithes, he shall adde there, to the fifth part thereof: 82 And concerning the tithe of the lherde, or of the locke, cuen of whatso-| jeuer passeth vnder the rod , the tenth| lshalbe holy vnto the Lorp. 88. He shall not search whether it be |goort or bad, neither shall he change it: land if he change it at all, then both it, land the change thereof, shall be holy: jshall not be redeemed. ‘34 ‘These are the Commandements Iwhich the Lomo commanded Mo, ses, for the children of Israel in mount| Sinai. their fathers, with the number of she lnames, euery male by their polle: 3 From twentie yeeres old and vp, , all that are able to goe foorth to jwarre in Israel: thou and Aaron shall lnumber them hy their armies. 4 And with you there shalbe a man) lof euery Tribe : euery one head of the| house of his fathers. 5% And these are the names of the| lmen that shall stand with you : of the tribe of Reuben , Elizur the sone o IShedeur. 6 Of Simeon: Shelumiel the son| jof Zurishaddai. 7 Of Iudah: Nahshon, the sonne| lof Amminadah. 8 OF Issachar: Nethaneel, the Jsoune of Zuar. 901 11 Of Beniamin : Abidan, the sonne| lof Gideoni. 12 Of Dan: Ahierer, the sonne of JAmmishaddai. 13 Of Asher : Pagiel the sone of lOcran 14 Of Gad: Eliasaph, the “rel Devel 15 Of Naphtali: Ahira the sonne nan. 16 These were the renowned of the |Congregation, Princes of the tribes off their fathers, heads of thousands in| Israel. 17 4 And Moses and Aaron tookel these men, which are expressed hy their| names. 18 And they astembed all the Con. leregation together on the first. day off the second moneth, and they declared their pedegrees after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to| the momber of the names, from even ty yeres old and vpward hy their polle, i As the, ono. ommaseled Moses, so he numbred them in the wil ldernesse of Sinai. 20 And the children of Reuben Te] reels eldest sonne, hy their generations| after their familice hy the howe of ltheir fathers, according to the number} f the naines, by their polle, euery male ffrom twenty’ yeeres old and vpward| al that were ahle to go forth to ware 21 ‘Those that were numbed off them, euen of the tribe of Reuben, sere fours and sie thousand and fue hur- 22 5 Of the children of Simeon hy| generations, after their families, lby the house of their fathers, those that Iwere numbred of them, according tol the number of the nainee, by thei Ipolles, euery male from twenty yeeres Jold and vpward, all that were able tol lgve foorth to warre: 23 Those that zecre numbred of them,| Jewen of the tribe of Simeon, were fiftic Jand nine thousand, and three hundred 24 © Of the children of Gad hy their er their families by the| fst tee the aec fo the 26 ¥ Of the children of Tudah by| their generations, after their families hy the house of their fathers, according| jto the number of the names, from ementy yeres old and vpward, al chat rere able to goe foorth to warre: 21 ‘Those that were numbred off them, euen of the tribe of Iudah, rere] threescore and fourteene thousand, and sixe hundred. 28 4 Of the children of Iasach: their generations, after their famil ly the house of their fathers, according] to the number of the names, from| twenty yeres old and vpward, all that jwere able to goe foorth to warre: 29 ‘Those that were numbred of Ithem, euen of the tribe of Issachar, were] [Sfiie and foure thousand, and foure hundred. 30 4 Of the children of Zebulun, hy| their generations, after their families, hy the house of their fathers, according! to the number of the names, from| erenty yeres old and rpward, all tha were able to goe foorth to warre: 81 ‘Those that wece numbred of them, ewer of the tribe of Zebulun, were fiftie and seuen thousand and foure Hundred. 32 % Of the children of Ioseph ; pramely of the children of Ephraim, hy| their generations, after their families, by the house of tir fathers, according| to the number of the names, from| renty yeres old and vpward all tha rere able to goe foorth to warre: 33 ‘Those that were numbed of them, cuen of the tribe of Ephraim, cere fourty thousand and fue hundred. 34° OF the children of Manasseh hy their generations, after shes fami lies, by the house of their fathers ac. lcording to the number of the names, |from twenty yeeres old and vpward,| Jall that were able to go forth to warre, ‘35 Those that were numbred them, euen of the tribe of Manasseh, were thirty and two thousand, and two| hundred. 36 OF the children of Benia joy their generations, after their fan number of the names, from twenty| les, hy the house of their fathers, accor. ding} [bundred. 7 ‘88 4 Of the children of Dan, by thei] snerations, after their families, by the} of their fathers, according to the| jnumber of the names, from twentie| res old and vpward, all that were | bie to ge forth to mare: 39 that were numbred off |them, euen of the tribe of Dan, were! ‘and two thousand, and seuen| hundred. '40 OF the children of Asher, by| it generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according} to the number of the names, from lewentie yeres old and vpward, all that ere able to goe forth to warre: 41 Those that were numbred them, euen of the tribe of Asher, mere fourtie and one thousand, and five hun, red. ‘42% OF the children of Naphtali, jout their generations, after| dr fens by the house of their fa Ithers, according to the number of the| Inames, from twentie yeeres olde and| lepward, all that were able to goe forth| to warre: 43 ‘Those that were numbred of] them, euen ofthe tribe of Naphitali, were] fiftic' and three thousand, and foure hundred. 44 These are those that were num-| lbred, which Moses and Aaron num-| lured, and the Princes of Israel, being| ltwelue men: each one was for the house| of his fathers. 45 So were all those that were| lmumbred of the children of Israel, by| |the house of their fathers, from twenty| lyeeres old and vpward, all that were| ble to goe forth to warre in Israel: 46 Even all they, that were num-| bred, were sixe hundred thousand, and| three thousand, and fiue hundred and) lie 47 4 But the Leuites after thel leribe of their fathers, were not num lbeed among them, 48 For the Lonp had spoken vn-| lio Moses, saying, 49 Onely thou shalt not number the [Men of warre Nunnbers. are numbred,| Leuites Chap.ij. office and charge.| 9 Of Zehulun : Bliab the sonne yeeres old and vpward, all that we fing to the number of the names from| lof them among the children of Israel. Helon. “ thle vo goe forth to warre “ at eres old and vpward, all that] | 50 But thou shalt t the Le 10, Of the children of Toseph : of E-} | 25 ‘that were oumbred off “tle to poe feorth to warre: ites ouer the Tabernacle of Tesino} pt, Eliaharca the sone of Ammi| [diem curn ofthe wibeof Gad, mere four St Those that wee named [and ove al he vent thero ac of Manass el the sonne| xe han tribe of Beniamin,| lou it: or Pedetee en Gam LULL ae sod Ge thovsand, and foure||rball Beare the Tabernacle, snd all the lvessels thereof, and they shall minister| rnto it, and shall encampe round about] lthe Tabernacle. 1 And when the Tabemnacle setteth] ltorward, the Leuites shall take it |downe : and when the Tabernacle is to| lbe pitched, the Leuites shall set it vp: lind the sttanger that commeth nigh lchall be put to death. 52 And the children of Israel shall pitch their tents euery man by his own| campe, and euery man by his owne standerd, throughout their hostes. '58 But the Leuites shall pitch round] lsbout the Tabernacle of Testimonie, that there be no wrath vpon the Con,| lgregation of the children of Isract; End the Leuites shall keepe the charge lof the ‘Tabernacle of Testimonie. ‘54 And the children of Israel did| lsccording to all that the Loxo com, anded ‘Moses, eo did they. CHAP. IL 1 The order of the Tribes in thei tents. Nd the Lonp spake AI vato Moses, and dha ep aron, saying, i 2 ‘Euery” ‘man of the| children of Israel shall pitch hy his owne standerd, with the Jensigne of their fathers house: + farre off! 1b. ower labout the Tabernacle of the Congre.|*™ lgation shall they pitch. 3 And on the East side toward the rising of the Sunne, shall they of the] standerd of the campe of Iudah pitch throughout their armies: and Nah, thon the sonne of Amminadah, shall bec aptaine of the children of Iudah. 4 And his hoste, and those that lwere numbred of them, were threescore land fourteene thousand, and sixe hun- ldred. 5 And those that doe pitch next vnto Inim, shall be the tribe of Issachar: and] INethaneel the sonne of Zuar, shail Bee lcaptaine of the children of Istachar. ‘And his hoste, and those that were| lnumbred thereof, recre fifiie and foure thousand, and foure hundred. 1 Then the tribe of Zebulun : and| tribe of Leui, neither take the summe| diabl |Campe of Tudah, were an hundred| thousand, and fourescore thousand, snd| Jixe thousand, and foure hundred, ies : these shal 10 4 On the Southside shall, be the| Jstanderd of the Campe of Reuhen, ac, cording to their armies: and the cap. taine of the children of Reuben shall [Elisur the sonne of Shedeur. TI And his hoste, and those that were| hogs and fue rondred. 12 And those which pitch hy him, shall bee the tribe of Simeon, and the lcaptaine of the children of Simeon shall Jc, Shelumicl the sonne of Zurishad, ai 15 And his hoste, and those that were| Inumbred of them, were fftie and nine thousand, and three hundred, It Then the tribe of Gad: and the| Jcaptaine ofthe sonnes of Gad shall de E-| lissaph the sonne of Reuel. 15 And his hoste, and those that rere numbred of them, were fourtie and] fue thousand, and sixe hundred and ite 1G AM that were numbred in thel Campe of Reuben were an hunds land foure hundred and fifie through, foorth in the second ranke. et [Congregation shall set forward with| the Campe of the Leuites, in the midst lof the Campe: as they encampe, co shall jnumbred thereof , cere fourtie and sixe| farmi Jand one thousand, and flue hundred. /Naphtali, Ea Jnumbred of them, were fiftie and three| thousand, and fiftie snd one thousand,| |thousand, and foure hundred Jout their armies : and they shall set| |the Campe of Dan, were an hundrall 17% Then the Tabernacle of the| and lmost with their standerds. inumbred of the children of Israel, by| they set forward, euery man in his place| |the house of their father 4 And his hoste, and those that were lnumbred of them, ere thirtie and fue Jthousand, and foure hundred. 24 All that were numbred of the Campe of Ephraim , were an hundred| thousand, and eight thousand, and an| hundred, throughout their armi end they shall goe forward in the thi lank. 25 5 The standerd of the Campe of Dan shall be on the Northside by their and the captaine of the children] Jof Dan shathe Ahiezer, the sonne of Arm-| mishaddai. 26 And his hoste, and those that were| Jnumbred of them, were threescore and| two thousand, and seuen hundred 27 And those that encampe by him, jshalbe the tribe of Asher : and the cap |tsine ofthe children of Asher, shalbe Pa.| giet the sonne of Ocran. 28 And his hoste, and those that Iwere numbred of them, were fourtiel 29 4 Then the tribe of Naphtali Jand the captaine of the children of ‘hall Oee’Ahira the sovine of 80 And his hoste, and those that were| 31 All they that were numbred in| thousand, and fifty and seuen t hundred : they shall goe hind 32 4 ‘These are those which were| those that Joy their standerds. 18 On the West side shall bee the jtanderd of the Campe of Ephraim, ac. rording to thei armies and the cap {a taine of the sonnes of Epliraim, shall bl hams the sonne of Ammihud. numbred of them, rere fourtie thousand| jand fiue hundred. 20 And by him shall be the tribe of /Manassch : and the captaine of the chil [dren of Manasseh, shalbe Gamaliel the| jsonne of Pedahzur. 21 And his hoste, and those thay Jwere numbred of the Campes Jout their hostes, sere sixe hundred thou.| sand, and three thousand, and five hun.| Jbred among the children of Israel, as| 19 And his hoste, and those that mere! {the Lomn Sommantied Moc. through, Ired and fiftie ‘93 But the Leuites were not num 34 And the children of Israel did leccording to all that the Loxp com, Imanded Noses: so they pitched by their| standerds, and so they set forward euc, ry one after thei families, according tl the house of their fathers CHAP Tail numbcy ae charge of te Slane Of the Kobus 39 Of the Merarites. $8 The place & chargeof Mo- SSE Aron: 40°The est borne ee ed Se Leute 46 The onerples wre redcemed| ex, im the day that the| Lon. spake with Mo tex in Mount Sinai. feb Rte” Nasa ie of Aaron : Nadah the * fret joe, and Abihu, Eleasar and the} "3 These are the names of the somnes lof Aaron the Priests, which were an- Jointed, + whom he consecrated to mini- ster in the Priests office. 4° And Nadab and Abihu died be-| lore the Lon, when they offered lerange fire before the Lomp in thel |wildernesse of Sinai, and they had Jno children : and Eleasar and Ithe- lar ministred in the Priests ofice in the| sight of Aaron their father. 5% And the Loxp spake vnto| [Moses, saying, 7 ing the tribe of Leui neere, and| resent em bere Aaron the Bien that they may minister vnto him, 7, And they shall keep his charge, id the chs the whole Congrege- fion bore the Taberance of tre Co lpresent 1! eens, ode the vere of the Te '8 And they shall keepe all the instru lments of the Tabernacle of the Con-| tion, and the charge of the chil [ie of Teel so doe the sruice ofthe | Tabernacle. : 9 And thou shalt gine the Leuites| |ynto Aaron and to his sonnes : they are| Jeholly giuen vnto him out of the chil. laren of Israel . 10 And thou shalt appoint Aaron Jand his sonnes, and they shall waite on! their priests office : and the stranger Ithat commeth nigh, shall bee put to death. 11 And the Loxo spake vnio Mo-| [ses, saying, Ta And’, behold, I haue taken the ' 7 i numbred. The order of Numbers. the Tents] ‘Leuites Chap.iij. : - —— i lish thesonne of Helon, shalbecaptaine] |were numbred of them, were thirtie and ices gesd fal Tarne ca lof the children of Zebulun. two thousand, and two hundred. CHAP. UI. Sree of lteecl s therefore She Teciter 8 And his hoste and those that were} | 22 Then the tribe of Beiamin :| ni -— Sane mum ed chorwet» fiftie and seuen| the capiaine ‘Auiden the sone 2 It The scones aaa Lenites are 6] ers on che first! are mine: g id foure hundred. hamin, shall bee Ahidan the sonne Beadle It in taed of the Best home. 14] a Deo first| 9 All that were numbred in the| |Gideoni. PAE Teka ab naamtred by chee ene] vf om the day that Uma he Br lborne in the land of 1 Jo mee all the frst borne in Teach both man, and beat mine they shall be: Tam the Loz. ee [Moses, in the wildernesse of Sinai, say. ings jl [5 Number the children of Leui, af- ter the house of their fathers, by their| families: every male from a moneth lold and vprard shale thou number| them. 16 And * Moses numbred them sc-|- lcording to the + word of the Low: las he was commanded. 17 And these were the sonnes of Le-| lui, hy their names : Gershon, and Ko- Ihath, and Merari 18 And these are the names of thel lsonnes of Gershon, hy their fami ibni, and Shim. ; To And the anes of Robath hay their faites: Amam, and char, He [bron and Vriel, 20 And the sonnes of Merari hy their families : Mahli, and Mushi : these are| the families of the Leuites, according! lo the house of their fathers. 21 Of Gershon was the familie of the| [Litnites, and the familie of the Shi lmites: these are the families of the Ger-| shonites. 22 Those that were numbred them , according to the number of all the males, from a moneth old and vp Jward, euen those that were numbred of them, zeere seuen thousand and fiue hun-| dred. 23 The families of the Gershonites |shal pitch behind the Tabernacle West-| \ward. ‘24 And the chiefe of the house of the| |father of the Gershonites, shall be Elia. Jsaph the sonne of Lael 25 And the ch of the sonnes of] |Gershon, in the Tabernacle of the Con-| tion, shall be the ‘Tabernacle, and| the tent, the couering thereof, and the] Ihanging’ for the doore of the ‘Iaberna.| jele of the Cong ition : 26 And the haaging of the Coury d the curtaine for the doore of the| court, w ich is by the Tabernacle, and| [Leuites from among the children of by! a aera {The Leuites ‘Numbers. feuerall charges. [The Leuites Chapa. feuerall charges. |shalbe Elisaphan the sone of Veziel. ‘$1 And their. jand the Table, land the altare, and the vemele of lof the Leuites, and have the ouersight Ithem that Keepe the charge of the San-| Jetuary. 33 4 Of Merari was the family of the |Mablites, and the ily of shites: these are the families of Mera 34 And those that were numbred Ithem, according to the number of all the| jmales from a moneth old & vpward,| lmere size thousand and two hundred, ‘85 And the chiefe of the house of [father of the families of Merari, was| |Zuriel the sonne of Abita: thes itch om the side of the lorthwards. 36 And tvnderthe custody end lof the sonnes of Merari, bee the |boards of the Tabernacle, and the| lbarres thereof, and the pillars thereof, land the sockets thereof, & all the vessels} |thereof, and all tha serueth thereto : ‘87 And the pillars of the Court] jround about, and their sockets, and| their pinnes, and their corde. 88 41 But those that encampe before) ithe Tabernacle toward the East, before the Tabernacle of the Congre, gation ane shall be Moses and| aron, an ‘sonnes, keeping the| lcharge of the , forthe charge 9f the children of Israel ’ and the stran-| ie ‘commeth nigh, shall be put to| father of the families of the Kohathites| shall be the Arke, the Candlesticke, ‘39 All that were numbred of the Le-| juites, which Moses and Aaron num-| [pred at the commaundement of the| ORD, fhroughout their families, jall the males from a moneth old and| pment. were twenty and two shoo 40 4 And the Lorp said vnto| |Moses, Number all the first borne the maler of the children of Isrel, from a moneth old and vprard, and! take the number of their names. 41 And thou shalt take the Leuites| ffor me, (Iam the Loxp) in stead off the first borne among the children of] Israel, and the cattell of the Leuites,| stead of all the firstlings among the| the children of And Moses numbred as the| Lop commanded hirm, all the first bene among the eile of Teac 43 And all the first borne males, the number of names, from « monet lold & vpward, of those that were num-| |bred of them, Lesher and two thou-| jsand, two hundred, threescore and] Ithirteenc. 44°@ And the Lonp spake ynto Mg take ae 45 Take Leuites in stead of all| the frat borne among the children of Is frael, and the cattell of the Leuites in {stead of their cattell, and the Leuites| lshalbe mine: I am the Lonp. 46 And for those that are to be re |deemed of the two hundred and three-| |score and thirteene, of the first borne ithe children of Israel, which are more| Ithen the Leuites ; 47 Thou shalt even take fue she-| oF a to be redeemed, vnto Aaron and tol his sonnes. 20 And Mates woke the redemp tion money, of them that were oucy Jand aboue them that were redeemed] by the Leuites. ‘50 Of the first borne of the children of Israel tooke he the money; a thou.| sand, three hundred, and threescore and| five shehels, after the slickel of the San-| fetuary. 51 And Moses gaue the money them that were redeemed, vnto Aaron! land to his sonnes, according to the| word! by the pole, after the shekel| jof the Sanctuary shalt thou take them :| |*the shekel is twenty gerahs. so. 2 48 And thou shalt giue the money,|} 22 therewith the odde number of them| 24. + aod. 2. |, teed. jword of the Loxw, a» the Lonp| Jcommanded Moses. CHAP. IIL t ‘The age and time of the Leuites seruice._ 4} ‘The carriage of the Kohathites when the Priests have taken downe the Tabernacle | Nd the Loxp spake BP Mio ‘Moun, sad Pm ARS Aaron, saying, CF “2 Take the summe of the sonnes of Kohat among the sonnes of Leui, after families, hy the house of their fa 3 From thirty yeeres old and lward, even vntil fifty yeres old, all that lenter into the hoste, to doe the worke in lthe Tabernacle of the Congregation. ‘4 This shall Bee the seruice of the| lsonnes of Kohath, in the Tabernacle] lof the Congregation, about the most Ho- ly things. ‘5% And when the Campe setteth| ltorward, Aaron shall come, and bis lsonnes, and they shall take downe the lcouering Vaile, and couer the Arke off Testimony with it: 6 And shall put thereon the cove| hing of skinves, & shall louer if a cloth wholly of blew, and shall [put in the staues thereof, 7 And vpon the *table of Shew- they shall spread a cloth of blew,| land put thereon the dishes, and the nes, and the bowles, and couers to IN couer withall: and the continual hread| 8 And they shall spread vpon them| ls clothe ofl, ah goer ‘he same h cour skinnes, Jand shall put in the staues thereof. 9 And they shall take a cloth Iblew, and couer the * candlesticke of the light, and his lampes, and his Jrand his smuffe dishes, and all the oyle| lvessels thereof, wherewith they mini, ter vnto it. 10 And they shall put it, and all the] ressels tere, within couring o Jbadgers skinnes, and shall put it ¥j rs the golden Al 2 11 And vpon the tar tl shall spreads cloth of blew, and covert iwith = coucring of badgers akinnes, and shall put to the staves thereof 12 And they shall take all the instru Jments of ministery, wherewith they| ter in the and pat them in x cloth of Ber, and cous the lwith « couering skinnes| ad shall oe om a ee. 13 And they shall take away. the lashes from the Altar, and spread a pur-| [ple cloth thereo 14 And |hookes, and the shouels , and the || ba-| |sons, all the vessels of the Altar: and] ey sha ‘spread-vpon it « couering off ers skinnes, and put to the staues| lof it. 15 And when Aaron and his sonnes| lhaue made an end of couering the San-| lctuary, and all the vessels of the San-| lctuary, as the campe is to set forward :| lafter ‘that, the sonnes of Kohath shall| |come to beare it : but heya ‘not toueh| lany holy thing, lest they die. ‘These| iloge ere the Kardon af te sonnes of ‘Kohath in the Tabernacle of the Con-| ation. 16 @ And to the office of Elearar| the sonne of Aaron the Priest, pertcineth \the oile for the light, and the *sweet lcense, and the dayly meat offering, and| the * anoynting oyle, and the ouersight] lof all the ‘Tabernacle, and of all that {therein is, in the Sanctuary, and in the| |vessels thereof. 17% And the Loxp spake vnto| /Moses, and vnto Aaron, saying, ‘Cut ye not off the tribe of the fa-| |milies of the Kohathites, from among jthe Leuites. 19 But thus doe vnto them, that| they may liue, and not die : when they| lapproche vnto the most Holy things,| |Aaron and his sonnes shall im, and| appoint them euery one to seruice, ca his burden. 20 But they shall not goe in to see| lehen the holy things are couered, lest ‘they div @ And the Loxp spake vnto] Moses, saying, 22 Take also the summe of the| jsonnes of Gershon, throughout the| lhouses of their fathers, hy their fami-| Hlies = 25 From thirtie yeeres old and vp |ward, vntill fiftie yeeres old shalt thou| Or, bot mum4t [The Leuites charge. Numbers. Their number. \ airs foes te tor, cr. are ete. ser [rare exo on jnumber chem: all that enter in Tto per, the seruice to doe the worke in ‘Tabernacle of the se 24 Thi the serie of he amg le Gershoniteg, to serue, and for burdens. 25 And they shall beare the cur txines of the Tabernacle, and the Ts lbernacle of the Congregation ; his co- lucring, and the couering of the badgert lskinnes that is sboue vpon ity and the banging for the doore of the ‘Taber 26 And She hanggy of she Cour tn the banging forthe, ore of, the of the Court which is by the Te, le, and hy the Altar round about, their cords, and all the instruments their seruice, and all that is made for| |them : s0 zhall they serue. 21 At the +appointment of Aaron! land his sonnes, shalt be all the seruice the sonnes of the Gershonites, in all ltheir burdens, and in all their seruice: land yee shall appoint vnto them in| [charge all their hurdens. 28 This is the seruice of the families Jof the sonnes of Gershon, in the Taber. lnacle of the Congregation : and their| Jcharge shalhe wnder the hande of Ith lmar the sonne of Aaron the Priest. 29 4 As for the sonnes of Merari, thou shale number them after their fs Imilies, by the house of their fathers: ‘90 From thirty yeeres old and vp, beard, euen vio Bitie yecres old ahah thou number them, every one that cn-| treth in to the teruice, to doe the worke| lof the ‘Tabernacle of the Congregs-| tion 31 And thiais the charge of their bur. [den according toall heir eruce, in the Tabernacle of the Congregation, * the| lboarde of the ‘Tabernacle, ard. the lbarres thereof, and the pillars thereof, land sockets thereof: 82 And the pillars of the Court round about, and their sockets, and] their pinnes, and their conrds, with all their instruments, and with all their| eric «al hy mime yee shall rekon the instruments of the char ir burden a 83 This is the seruice of the families lof the sonnes of Merari, according to all their seruice in the Tabernacle of thel ation, vnder the hand of 1 |thamar the sonne of Aaron the Priest. ithe chiefe of the Congregation, num-| |bred the sounes of the Kohathites, af-| jter their families, and after the house of} fa Re poe ‘rom thirtie old and vp Jeard, even vito Ae yere od, eucty Jone that entreth intothe seruice, fot the] lworke in the Tabernacle of the Con-| tion. [E36 And those that were numbred of lthem hy their families, were two thou. lsand, seven hundred and fftie. 37 These were they that were num, lbred of the families of the Kobathives Jadl that might doe seruice in the Taber. lnacle of the Congregation, which Mo lees and Aaron did number, according] lio the commandement of the Lono, lty the hand of Moses. ‘$8 And those that were numbred the sonmes of Gershon, throughout itheir families, and hy the house of thcir| frathers ; ‘89 From thirtie yeeres old and vp. Jward, even vnto fftie yeeres old, every] Jone that entreth in to the seruice, for the worke in the ‘Tabernacle of” the] [Congregation : 40 Euen those that were numhred| of them, throughout their families, hy| the houses of their fathers, were two thousand, and sixe hundred and thirtie. 41 ‘These are they that were num, Jbred of the families of the sonnes 0 |Gershon, of all that might doe seruice fin the Tabernacle of the Congrege. Jtion, “whom Moses and’ Aaron id Jaumber, according to the commande, lment of the Lonp. 42 4 And those that were numhred| of the families of the sonnes of Mera, throughout theie families, by the house lof their fathers: 48 From thirtie yeeres old and vp, Jward, euen vnto fiftie yeeres old, euery fone that entreth in to the seruice, for the worke in the ‘Tabernacle of” the ngregation : 44° Euen those that were numbred lof them after their families, were three| thousand and two hundred. 45 ‘These be those that were num, lbred of the families of the sonnes of Me, rari, whom Moses & Aaron numbred Jaccording to the word of the Loxp| by the hand of Moses. 46 All chose that were numbred off the Leuites, whom Moses and Aaron, 34 4 And Moses and Aaron, and land the chiefe of Israel numbred, after| thei! AAS AREER A NEE OTE reftitution. [pret J ewes, Lee [prea oe lor. srowe jrne their families, and after the house of their fathers: 41 From thirty yeeres old and vp ‘ward, euen vato fifty yeeres old, euery| lone thst came to doe ihe seruice of the| mi , and the seruice of the burden| iin the Tabernacle of the Congrega-| tion: 48. Euen thoce that were numbred| lof them, were eight thousand, and fue] hundred, aod fourescore. 49 According to the commandement lof the Loo, they were numbred by| the hand of Moses, enery one according| to his seruice, and according to his bur-| lden: ‘Thus were they numbred of him,| las the Lonp commanded Moses. CHAP. V. The rclene are remus out of the ere 55 Reatiution i to be made in trespasses. ‘The tral of Tealouse- Nd the Lonp spake ‘nto Moses, saying 2 Commaund the chil- dren of Israel, that they ‘put out of the campe eue-| ry leper and every one that hath 0 |" issue, and whosocuer is defiled by the| |* dead 8 Both male and female shal ye put lout, without the campe shall yee pull them, that they defile not their campes| jin the middest whereof I dwell. 4 And the children of Israel did so, Jand put them out, without the campe : las the Lop spake vnto Moses, so| ldid the children of Israel. 5 4 And the Loz spake ynto Moses, saying, 6 Speake vnto the children of Is, acl, * When a man or woman shall lcommit any sinne that men commit, ldoc a trespasse against the Lon p, an that person be 7 7 ‘Then they shall confesse theit lsinne, which they haue done: and hee} lshall recompense his Hy the principal thereof, adde vnto it] lthe fifth part thereof, and giue it vnto| him against whom he hath {respassed. 8 But if the man haue no kinsman| to recompense the trespasse vnto, let ithe be recompensed vnto the| ILonp, euen to the Priest: beside th jramme of the atonement, whereby an! atonement shall be made for him. 9 And euery {Joffering of all the| Chap.v. holy things of the children of Teraehy fehich they hring voto the Priest, shall be his. 10 And euery mans halowed things| lshall be his : whatsoeuer any man gi lueth the Priest, it shall be *his. | 11 4 And the Loxp spake ynto Moses, saying, 12 Speake ynto the children of Is. lrael, and say vnto them, If any mans wife goe aside, and commit a trespasse 2. lgsinst him 5 18 And a man lye with her carnally, land it be hid from the eyes of her hus- lband, and be kept close, and she be def. led, and there be no witnesse against her, neither she be taken with the maner: 14 And the spirit of ielousie come| lypon him, and he be ielous of his wife,| land shee be defiled: or ifthe spirit of ie- lousie come vpon him, and hee be ic-| lous of his wife, and she be not defiled: 15 Then shall the man bring his! ite unto the Priat, and he shall bring] Jher offering for her, the tenth part o lan Ephah of harley meale : hee shall Jpowre no oyle vpon it, nor put frankin.| Jcense thereon ; for it is an offering of ie. llousie, an offering of memorial, bring. ing iniquitic to remembrance : (6 And the Priest shall bring her| Incere, and set her before the Lon. 17 And the Priest shall take holy| rater in an earthen vessell, and of the| ldust that is in the floore of the Taber. lnacle the Priest shall take, and put it to the water: 18 And the Priest shall set the » lman before the Lox, and vncouer lthe womans head, and put the offering! lof memoriall in her hands, which is the Helousie offering : and the Priest shall Ihaue in his hand the hitter water that Jeauseth the curse. 19 And the Priest shall charge her by an othe» and say vnto the woman If no man haue lyen with thee, and if thou bast not gone aside to vnclean-| Inesse |[with another in stead of thy hus-| Iband, be thou free from this bitter wa, ler that causeth the curse. ‘20 Butif thou hast gone aside to an. lather instead of thy husband, and if thou lbe defiled, and some man hath lien with Ithee beside thine husband : 21 Then the Priest shall charge the| woman with an othe of cursing, and] lthe Priest shall say vnto the woman, |The Lox make thee a curse, and an othe! Of iealoufie, Js Lewi1e [The law of icloufie. Numbers. The law off J [the Nazarites. Chap. The Princes offer] jothe “among thy people, when the] Jor woman shall | scparate Uemaclucs toliov mole joffering, and one ewe lambe of the fits CHAP. VIL I} rete fox} Lon doth igh to trot, |vow # vow of a Nazsrite, to separate| lyeere without blemish, for a sinne offe-| . LL lthemselues vato the Loup: fring, and one lambe without Blemish] |t The firing of te Prinas at he dian ‘22 And his water that causeth the| | 3 Hee shall separate himeelfe from! for peace offerings, rings at the dedication of the Altar. 89 God] curse, shall go into thy bowels, to make| |wine, snd strong drinke, and shal drinke 15 And s basket of rnleauened bread,] | S273 Mons fom the Marts wae [ty belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot! |no vineger of wine, or vineger of strong! Jeakes of fine flowre mingled with oye, in jand the woman shall’ sy, Amen,} |drinke, neither shal he drinke any liquor| land wafers of vnleauened bread anoin-| 75 Nd it came to passe on the| Amen. jof grapes, nor este moist grapes, or] jted with oyle, and their meate offering,| day that Moses had fully] 23 And the Priest shall write these] |dried. fa chee drinks offerings. S the Tabernacle,|" Bred. curses in booke, snd hee shall hot] | 4 All the dayes of his lf separation 16 And the Priest shal bring them be RE sod had arent it and Jthem out with the bitter water: lshall he eat nothing thet is made of the lore the LonD, and shall offer his| GANS sanctified it, and all the in. 24 And he shall cause the woman to ldrinke the bitter water, that causeth the| Jcurse : and the water that causeth the| Jcurse shall enter into her, and become| bitter, 25 ‘Then the Priest shall take the} clousie offering out of the roman fhand, and shall waue the offering be. fre the Lon, and offer it vpon the| Altar. a find the Print aha tke an hand fall oft 1 euen the rmemoriall Jthereof, and burne it vpon the Altar, Jand afterward shall cause the woman| to drinke the water. 27 And when he hath made her to Jdrinke the water, then it shall come to Jpasse, that if chee be defiled, and haue| Jdone’ trespasse against her’ husband, tbat the water that causeth the curse, Jshall enter into her, and become bitter Jand her belly shall ewell, and her thigh| Jabal rot: and the woman shalbe « curse Jamong her people. 28 And if the woman be not defiled, but be cleane, then she shall be free, and| SSR ue «woes is is the law of iclousi jrben & wife gosth aside to another in stead of her husband, and is defiled : ‘80 Or when the spirit of ielousie com. lmeth vpon him, and hee be ielous ouer his wife, and shall set the wotnan before the Loko, and the Prieat shal execute| lypom her all this law ‘31 Then shall the man bee guiltless {rom iniquitie, and this woman shall lbeare her iniquitie. CHAP. VL hi sepa wan dele 1 The Law of the Nears And this is the Lawe of the or teming We people, TO INasarte: when the dayes of his sep ion ae falélled, he shall be broughy| |ento the doore of the Tabernacle of the| to the Loz, one hee lambe of the frst yeere without blemish, for a burnt H+vine tre, from the kernels euen to the huske. 5 All the dayes of the vow of his se patation, there shall no * rasour come] his head : head a 6 All the dayes that he separateth] lhimselfe wnto the Loup, hee shalll te 7 Hee shall not make himselfe vn-| [cleane for his father, or for his mother,| |for his brother, or for his sister, when} they die: because the + consecration Sof arm ieied (All the ye iis tion he| iis holy vnto the Loup. 9 And if any man die very suddenly by him, and he hath defiled the head |his consecration, then he shall shaue his| }head in the day of his cleansing, on the| as yl ee on right he shal brin; lero tures or ewoSrong Sigcare rl |Priest, to the doore of tt ‘Tabernacle] of the C A Priest sball offer the onel for sinne offering, and the other for a Journt offering, and make an atone ment for him, for that hee sinned by the Jdead , and shall hallow his head tha| same day. 12 And hee shall consecrate vnto the| Lox the dayes of his separation rat Yeere ng : but the dayea| ‘ongregation. 14 And he shall offer his offting vn-| trespasse offering that were before shall be tlost, because| Retr ate fronton offering, inne offering, and bis hurnt offering. 17 And he shall offer the ramme for Js sacrifice of peace offerings vnto the ILonp, with the basket of valesue, lned bread : the Priest shall offer also his Imeate offering, and his drinke offe, in 18 "And the Nesarte shal shave the jhead of his separation, at the doore off lthe Tabernacle of the Congregation, and shall eke the haie of che Head off his separation, and put it in the fire| Jwhich is vnder the sacrifice of the peace| loferings. 19 And the Priest shall take the sod. |den shoulder of the ramme, and one vn. Neauened cake out of the basket, and] lone vnleauened wafer, and shall put lthem vpon the hands of the Nazarite, lfter the haire of his separation is she. luen. 20 And the Priest shall waue them raue offring before the Lorn lthis is holy for the Priest, with the| lwaue breast, and heaue shoulder: and| lafter that, ‘the Nasarite may drinke| lwine. 21 This is the Law of the Nazar |who hath vowed, and of his offering| lento the Loxn for his ion, be- bides that, that his hand shall get : accor |ding to the vow which he vowed, so he| Janust do after the law of his separation, 22 4 And the Loup spake vnto| |Moses, sayis 23 Speake no Aaron, and vato bis lsonnes, aaying. On this wise ye shall tease the children of Irae, sing e. fo them 24 The Lonp Messe thee, and| thee 25 The Loup make his face shine| lypon thee, and be gracious vnto thee: 26 The Loan lift vp his counte lnance vpon thee, and giue thee 27 And they shall put my Name| lscruments thereof, both the Altar, and| Jal the vessels thereof, and had anoin-| ted them, and sanctified them : & That the Princes of Israel, heads the house of their fathers, (who Frere ouer them that were numbred ) joffered : 8 And they brought their offering| |before the Lorn, sixe couered wa] 4 And the Loup spake vnto Mo| /"5 Take sr of them, that they may bel ko doe the seruce of the Tabernacle of Moses tooke the wagons. land the oxen, and gaue thera vnto the! Leuites. T Two wagons and foure oxen he| Jgaue vnto the sonoes of Gershon , ac. cording to their service. and_eight| joxen he gaue nto the sonnes of Mera hi, according vnto their seruice, vader 9 But ynto the sonnes of Kohath] Ihe gaite none : because the seruice of the JSanctuary belonging voto them, ras lthat they should beare vpon their shou!-| er a 10 4 And the Princes offered for de- ldicating of the Altar, in the day that i }ras anointed, even the Princes offered| their offering before the Altar. 11_And the Lon» said nto Mo, ses, ‘They shall offer their offering eche| Prince on his day, for the dedicating of] the Altar 12 $ And he that offered his offring] the first. day, was Nahshon the sonne| pon the citdren of Teas, and Tw them. jof Amminadab, of the tribe of Indah. 13 Andl Jwere the Princes of the tribes, +and]t eh who The offerings Numbers. of the Princes] | [The offerings Chap.v' 15 And his offering was one sluer] |fetings, iva oxen, Noe tammes, i be of the Brat yeere, fore burny 7 both of them fall of fing charger, the weight thereat” was sn} |goute fue lester ot the hese |" eee ae age Jfowre mingled with oyle for « meate = Lewis. }*tewt.2..Joile for a * meat offering: hundred and thirty shekels, one siluer| lbowle of seuentie shekels, after the she-| kel of the Sanctuary: both of them were full of fine flowre mingled with 14 One spoone of ten shekels |gold, full of incense: 15 One yong hullocke, one ramme, Jone Lambe of the first ycere, for a burnt offering, 16 One kid of the goats for * a sinny offering: V7 And for a sacrifice of peace of lferings, to oxen, five rammes, fiue hee| 2u* the offering of Nahshon the sonnel lof Amminadab. 18 4 On the second day Nethaneel the sonne of Zuar, Prince of Issachar| did offer. 19 He offered for his offering one sil luer charger, the weight whereof was fan hundred and thintie akekels, one sil juer bowle of seuenty shekels, after the| Ishekel of the Sanctuary, both of them full of fine flowre mingled with cile, for + mens offering: 1¢ spoone of gold of ten she Full of incense: “ 21 One yong bullocke, one ramme, lone Lambe of the frst yeere for a burnt offering : 23 And for a sacrifice of peace of: erings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fue hee| lgoats, five lambes of the fret yeere:thig lwas the offering of Nethaneel the sonne| lof Zuar. 24 © On the third day Blish the |sonne of Helon, Prince of the children of Zebulun did offer. ‘25 His offering was one siluer char-| ae the weight whereof was an hun-| ed and thirtie shekels, one silver bowle| Jofseuentie shekels, after the shekel re Se tt 7 both of them full of fine| wre mit with oile, for 2 offering : 26 One golden spoone of ten shells, [full of incense: 27 One yong bullocke, one ramme,| Jone lambe of the frst yeere for a burai offering : 25, One kid of the goats for « sinne offering : ing : 29 And for » sacrifice of peace of goats, five lambes of the first yeere : this} loffering : 22 One kid of the goats for» sinne|lofon feats» fue lambes of the frst yee: is was the offring of Elish the sonne lof Helon. 30 4 On the fourth day Elizur the| Jsonne of Shedeur, Prince of the chil ldren of Reuben did offer. 381 His offering was one siluer char ger of rm hundred and thirty sheds, one lsiluer bowle of seuentie shekels,, after lthe shekel of the Sanctusry , both of them full of fine flowre mingled with oye for a meat offering: 82 One spoone of tenne she-| es, fal of incense 85, One yong tullcke one ramme, Jone lambe of the first yeere for » burnt] offering: 34, One kid of the goats for sinne offering : 85 And for # sacrifice of peace of ferings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue heel lgoats, fiue lambs of the first yere: ‘This| leas the offering of Elizur the sonne |Shedeur. 36 41 On the fifth day Shelumiel the| Jsonne of Zutishaddai Prince of the| [children of Simeon, did off 87 His offring teas one siluer charger, lite weight. wisreo? wat an hundred and thirtie shekele,one siluer bowle oft luentie shekels, after the shekel of the Sanctuary, both of them full of fine| lAowre, mingled with oyle, for s meate ng: 88 One golden spoone of ten shekels,| full of incense: 39 One yong tullocke, one ramme,| one lab Of the frat yeere fora barat lofering : 40" Ove Lidde of the goete for jsinne offering : 41 And for a sacrifice of peace offe| lings, two oxen, fue rammes, fue hee! + five lambes of the first yeere: is was the offering of Shelumiel the| jsonne of Zurishaddai. 4% 4 On the cixt day, Elissaph the| Jsonne of Deuel, Prince of the children lof Gad, " 4S Hi otcing wor one siler cher lger of the weight of an hundred and| thirtie shekels, a siluer bowle of seuentie| lshekels, after the shekel of the Sanctus >» both of them ful of fine flowre ming-| led with oyle, for a meate offering {44 One golden spoone of ten she. keds, fall of incense : 45 One yong bullocke, one ramme, one! eR NO er eR RP : i offering: : 4T And for a sacrifice of peace offe lrings, two oxen, five rammes, fiue hee] tes, fue Tatbes of the fist yeere. his sar the offering of Eliasaph the Jsonne of Deuel. 48-4 On the seuenth day, Elishamal the sonne of Ammiud, Prince of the chil Jaren of Ephraim offered. 49 His offering was one siluer char| + the weight whereof was an hun and thirtie ahekels, one siluer borle| lof seuentie shekels, after the shekel the Sanctuarie , both of them fall line flowre mingled with oile for a meat] offrin 150. One golden spoone often shkel Fall of incense : ‘BL One yong bullocke, one ramme, lone lambe of the first yeere, for « bur} offering 52 One kid of the goates for a sinne| offering : : 55 And fora sacrifice of peace offrings.| two oxen, fiue rammes, fue hee goats, ue lambs of the first yeere. ‘This was the offering of Elishama the sonne |Ammiud. ‘54% On the eight day offered Ga altel the sonne of Pedasur! Princ af the children of Manasseh. 55 His offering eas one siluer charge Jofan lundred and thirtie shekels,one'si-| lucr bowle of seuentie shekels, after the| shekel of the Sanctuary, both of them| fall of fine fowre mingled with oile,for| a meate offering 56 One golden spoone of ten shetels, fall of incense : BT One yong bullocke, one ramme, Jone lambe of the first yeere, for « hurt| lofering : 58 One kid of the goates for a sinne| Joffering : 59 And for a sacrifice of peace off. rings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee ts, Bue lambes of the first yeere! his was the offering of Gamalicl the sone of Pedazur 60 On the ninth day, Abidan the| Jsonne of Gideoni, prince of the children lof Beniamin fered 61. His offering war one siluer char ger, the weight whereof was an hun, 46 One kid of the goates for a sinne| |offerin 62 Ope golden epoone often sheet, fall of incense : 63 One yong bullocke, one ramme, lone lambe of the first yeere for a burnt| offering: G4 One kid of the goats for a sinne| lofering: 65 And for a sacrifice of peace off. lings, two oxen, fiue rammes, five hee| Jgoates, fine lambes of the first yeere [This was the offering of Abidan , the lsonne of Gideoni : €6 4 On the tenth day Ahieter the| lsonne of Ammishaddai, Prince of the| Jchildren of Dan land thirtie shekels, one siluer bowle of te-| juentie shekels, after the shekel of the| Sanctuarie , both of them full of fine lfowre mingled with oyle, for a meate| loffering : ‘68. One golden spoone of ten shekels, full of incense: 69 One yong bullocke, one ramme, Jone lambe of the Birst yeete, for a kurnt lofering 70 One kid of the goates for a sinne| offering : Tl And for a sacrifice of peace offe rings, two oxen, fiue rammes, five hee| + fiue lambes of the first yeere, his ‘car the offering of Aliecc the lsonne of Ammishaddsi. 72 § On the elcuenth day, Pagicl the sonne of Ocran, Prince of the chil- laren of Asher offered. ‘7S. His offering was one siluer char. , the weight whereof was an hun. red and thirtie shekels, one siluer bowle lof scuentic shekels after the shekel of the Sanctuarie, both of them full of fine flowre mingled with oyle, for a| Imeat offering: Tt One golden spoone of ten shekels, Full of incense : 75 One yong bullocke, one ramme, jone lambe of the first yeere for a burnt loffering : 76, One kid of the goates for a sinne offering: TT And for a sacrifice of peace offe. lrings. two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue lee lzoats, flue lambes of the first yeere. dred and thirtie shekels, a silucr bowle o This soar the offering of Pagiel the| seuentie shekels after the shekel of the Jsonne of Ocran. 78 4 Onl of the Princes.] bd ices offe 78 4 On the twelfth dren of Naphtali, 79 His of gc the weight whereof wat an hue loffering ‘80 One golden spoone of ten shekely, jfuull of incense : jone lambe of lofering : ing: [Eman lby the Princes of Israel: lgers of siluer, twelue siluer bowles,| rele epoones of gold: ch charger of silver mi lan hundred a jetuary. 26, Ede golden spoones were tneue fallofineente,meighingtenshekeleapiece, ster the sett af the Sanctuary ail le ! was an hundred| end weate sick fering, were twelue tullocks, the rams ltwelie, the lambes of the first yeere ltwelue, with their meat offering : and| the kids ofthe gots for sinne ‘fering, twelve. gi Ata al the oxen forthe strife the peace offerings, mere twenty and| foure Bullocks, the tammes ati, te hee sixtie, the Iambes of the| first yeere sixtie. This as the dedicat lon of the Altar, after that it was an loynted. ‘89 And when Moses was gone into| lthe Tabernacle of the Congregation,| to speake with thim, then he heard the| of one speaking vnto him , from! joff the Mercie seat, that was vpon the| lArke of Testimony from betweene| the tro Cherubims : and he spake vm. to him. > Abira) the sonne of Enan, Prince of the chil-| ng Sar ove elluer char. and thirtie shckels, one siluer bowle! lof seuentie shekels, after the shekel ofj the Sanctuary, both of them full of fine) Ifowre mingled with oyle, for # meate 81, One yong bullocke one rammey 3¢ First yeere for a burnt, ‘82 One kidde of the goats for s sinne| 83 And for « sacrifice of peace of-| |frings, two oxen, fiue rammes, five hee! |goats, fixe larobs of the first yeere. ‘This! lmas the offering of Ahira the sonne of; 84 This 2s the dedication of the AL. lar (in the day when it was anncinted)| | 6 twelue char inti ahekel ea |bowle seuentie : all the siluer vessels lreighed two thousand and foure hun-| shekels, after the shekel of the San-| 87 All the oxen for the burt of-| [gr Nd the Loup spake ‘ynto Moses, saying, 2 Speake vnto Aa BANG on, and say vnto him, EG When thou * lightest the light, ouer against the candlesticke. 8 And Aaron did s0; he lighted the therof, ower against the candle- Jtick, as the Lop * comanded Moses 4 And this worke of the candlestick, jwas of beaten gold, vnto the shaft there lof, vnto the Hlowres thereof was * bea ten worke: according lwhich the Loxp had shewed Mo ses, co he made the candlesticke. 5% And the Loxo spake ynto Moses, saying, ‘Take the Leuites from among| the children of Israel, and cleanse them| 7 And thus shalt thou doe wnto| them, to cleanse them: sprinkle water of shaue all their flesh, and let them wash] their clothes, and so make themselues let them take a yong bul, his meat offering , cuen fine| ingled with oyle, and an other| pone balock shal thou take fra sine 9 And thou shalt bring the Le} luites before the Tabernacle of the Con, tion; and thou shalt. gather the Ishate assembly of the childfen of Te| rae! together. 10 And thou shalt bring the Leuites| lbefore the Lono, and the children off Israel shali put their hands vpon the| Leuites. luites before the Loxp for an + offring| lexecute the seruice of the Loxi 12 And the Levites shall hands vpon the beads of the hullocks | land thou shalt offer the one for x sinne loffering , and the other for a hurnt of lfering vato the LorD, to make an| stonement for the Leuites. 13 And thou shalt set the Leuites| lbefore Aaron, and before his sonnes, land offer them for an offering vnto the| Loa. 14 Thus| | fismpes; the seuen lampes shall giue(2: gro the paterne|" fying spon them, and # Tet them. 11 And Aaron shall + offer the Let 1d, lof the children of Israel, that t they may |More comp. 3. ac. wp the Leuites. su cienla + gift to Aaron, and to his sonnes, from} 1.24.10 |waite vpon the seruice of the Taberna| leederety [ele of the Congregation. Ife. ,-. | 25 And from the age of fihie yeeres lararZoe= [they shall + ceane waiting vpon the scr. srwcreze|uice thereof, and shall serue no more : Th Thus shalt thou separate the ites from among the children ‘t ie| frael: and the Leuites shalbe * mine. 15 And after that, shall the Leuites ‘in, to doe the seruice of the Taber- ale of the Congregation: and thon Jshalt clense them, and offer them for an] offering. 16 For they are wholly given vnto len om wag te chil mf eae lin stead of such as open euery wi Ieuan in stead ofthe frst Born ofall te lchildren of Israel, have I taken them| jynto me. 17 For all the first borne of the chil, laren of Israel, are mine, both man snd lbeast : on the day that I smote every first borne in the land of Egypt, I sanc, tified them for my selfe. : 18 And I haue taken the Leuites lor all the frst borne of the children of] rac. 19 And I haue given the Leuites as Jamong the children of Israel, to do the fernice of the children of Israel, in the \Tsbernacle of the Congregation, and forake an atonement for he children Jof Tarael: that there bee no plague 2 Imong the children of Teracl, when the Jehildren of Israel come nigh vnto the [Sanctuarie. 20 And Moses and Aaron, and all lhe Congregation of the children of Is- frat did to the Leuites according vnto lall that the Lox commanded Mo, lees, concerning the Leuites, so did the [children of Isracl vnto thern. 21 And the Leuites were purified, land they washed their clothes : and Az Iron offered them as an offering before the Loxp, and Aaron made an 2t- Jonement for them to cleanse them. 92 And after that, went the Levites ln, to do their seruice in the Tabernacle lof the Congregation before Aaron and| land before his sonnes: as the Lono| Ihad commanded Moses concerning the] |Leuites, so did they nto them. 23 T And the Lonp spake vnto Moses, saying, ‘% This ia id that belongeth vnto the| Leuites: from twentie and five yeeres| lold, and vpward, they shall goe in + to Chap.ix. The Paffeouer| 26 Bat shall minister with their bre-| thren in the Tabernacie ofthe Conga on, to keepe the charge, and ‘no seruice : thus shalt thou doe ynto| |the Leuites, touching their charge. CHAP. IX Pameone ia commanded agrine. 6 A Tesod Pomest clawed fr ha dat we tea or dae. 75'The dowde guide ‘the remouings & incampings of the leraelites Na the Lop To Mey te wl dernease of Sinai, in the| frat moneth of the second| ere, after they ere ve lan saying) ‘@ Let the children of Israel sla] keepe *the Passcouer, at his appointed] season. 3 Ta the foutenth, day of. i lmoneth + at euen, ye shall keepe it in Jppointed cesson” according to all the rites of it, and according to al the cere Jmonies thereof shall ye keepe it. ‘4 And Moses spske vato the chil dren of Israel that they should keepe the Passeouer. 5 And they kept the Passeouer on the fourteenth day of the first moneth| lat Euen, in the wilderesse of Sinai; laccording to all that the Lox com, Jmanded Moses, so did the children of rael. 6 % And there were certaine men] jwho were defiled by the dead body of a man, that they could not keepe the| IPasscouer on that day: and they camel before Moses, and before Aaron on| chat day. 7 7 And those men said vato him, Wel lare defiled by the dead body of a man wherefore are we kept backe, that wee Imay not offer an offing of the Lon>| in his appointed season among the chil aren of Vernet? 8 And Moses exide nto them | Stand still, and I will heare mhat the! Lonp wil command concerning you. 9% And the Lonp spake ento| Moses, saying, 10 Speake into the children of 1s] lrael, saying, If any man of you, or of] [your posteritie shall be vncleane hy rea-| json of a dead body, or bee in a iourney| sfarre off, yet he shall keepe the Pasee- lover vate the Loa. 11 The fourtecath day of the second ahs it Hi ‘monetht RU NONEAARNER SP meme 2H oLaE ee (Cloud and fire. Num bers. Siluer trumpets] i + Fete a |moneth at Euen they shall Keepe ie, and] lr a nth vfensened tread fed bir [Aerbes. 12 They shall lesue nove of it vnto the morning, nor breake any boue of it: * according to all the ordinances of the [Passeouer they shall keepe it. 18 But the man that is cleane, and is lnot in a iourney, and forbeareth to cep the Passeouer, een the sme soul [shall be cut off from his people, because! Ihee brought not the offering of the| \Loxn in his appointed season : that| lman shall beare his sinue. 14 And if « stranger shall soiourne! jamong you, and will keepe the Passe ocer ao the Loup according. ta the ordinance of the Passeouer, und ac- lcording to the maner thereof, so shall he |doe: * ye shall haue one ordinance, both| for the stranger, and for him that was| borne in the lana 15 4 And * on the day that the Te, lbernacle was reared vp, the cloud coue/| red the Tabernacle, namely the Tent off the ‘Testimony : and at Even there| Jwas vpon the Tabernacle, ax it were! the appearance of fire, vatill the mor in 16 So it was alway : the cloud coue| ist it by day, and the appearance of fire! night. 17 And when the cloud was taken lwp from the Tabernacle, then after| that, the children of Israel iourneyed,| land in the place where the cloud abode,| there the children of Yerael pitched their tents. 18 At the commandement of the| Loup the children of Israel iour-| Incied, and at the commandement of the| Hon they pitched: * an loog as the mud abode vpon the ‘Tabernacle, the rested in the tots. ney 19 And when the cloud + taried long| Ivpon the Tabernacle many daies, then the children of Israel kept the charge lof the Loxb, and journeyed not. 20 And so it was when the cloudel Jwas a few daies vpon the ‘l'abernacle, according to the commandement of the |Lorp, they sbode in their tents, and| laccording to the commandement of the| Lon, they iourneyed. 21 And to it was when the cloude |tabode from Euen vnto the morning, land that the cloude was taken up in t Jmorning, then they ioumeyed : whe-| ther it was by day or hy night that the [clouds was taken vp, they fourm 22 Or wheter dere too dave Js moneth , or a yeere that the clonde jaried vpon the Tabernacle , remay. lbode in their tents, and iourneyed not: but when it was taken vp, they Sou, lneye 23 At the commandement of the| [Lon they rested in the tents, and at] he a of the’ Loxo| journeyed: t the charge off Kine’ Leno: at the corementonesy of the Loan hy the hand of Moses. CHAP. X The ae ofthe siuer 1 Thee ‘ebicsemaue fom Sint Para. Ye The Set iee mre metab ene ore ot 1 lente then. 3 Witte of Mon a he removing and Sing of the ake Nd the Lorp spake nto Moses, saying, 2 Make thee two trum, pets ofsiluer : of an whole| Piece shalt thou make| chem, that thou mayest vse them for the] [calling of the assembly, and for the iour-| Ineying of the campes. 3 And when they shall blow with] them , all the assembly shall assemblel Ithemselues to thee, at the doore of the| [Tabernacle of the Congregation. 4 And if they blow dut with one| trumpet then thePrinces,sehicharcheads| lof the thousands of Israel, shall gather Ithemselues vnto thee. 5 When ye blow an alarme, then| Ithe caropes that Tie on the East parts, lshall goe forward. 6 When you blow an alarme the se| lcond time, then the campes that lye on| » shall take their iourey:| low an alarme for their 7 Bit whan the Congregation i to be gat ther, you shal blow : nt you shall not sound an alarme 8 “And the sonnes of Aaron the| Priests shall blow with the trumpets; land they shalbe to you for an ordinance| for ever throughout your generations. 9 And if ye goe to watre in. your! land, against the enemie that oppresseth you, then ye shall how an alarme with ithe trumpets, and ye shalbe remembred| lbefore the Lono your God, and yee| shalbel lning thereon, the children of Tareel *2, Be 2 3 A LSS sme: Jr cea. cap. « [The remouings j,titis. |did set vp the Tabernacle against they| siiel came. |ArsrH | 22 5 And the standerd of the campe| [shalbe saued from your enemies 10 Avon the day of your giadnese land in your solemne dayes, and in the] lbeginnings of your monethes, ye shall] Iblow with the trumpets ouer your| barat oferings and over the teries ir pesce offerings, that they may| lee’ you for & memorial! before yout] God: Tam the Lox your God. 11 And it came to passe on the lewentieth day of the second moneth, in the second yeere, that the cloude was| taken vp from off the Tabernacle off the Testimony. 12 And the children of Israel tooke] their iourneys out of the wildernesse of] [Sinai ; and the cloud rested in the wil, |dernesse of Paran. 13 And they first tooke their iourney, laccording to the commandement of the! Lox, by the hand of Moses. en che fist place nent the ean lderd of the campe of the children of 1u-| ldah, according to their armies, and 0+ luer his hoste was® Nahshon the sonnel lof Amminadab, 15 And over the hoste of the tribe of] the children of Issachar, was Nethaneel| the sonne of Zuar. 16 And ouer the hoste of the tribe of] the children of Zebulun, reas Elish the| lonne of Helon. IT And the Tabernacle was taken] ldowne, and the sonnes of Gershon, and| the sonnes of Merari set forward, bes-| ring the Tabernacle. 18 $ And the standerd of the campe| lof Reuben set forward according tol their armies : and ouer his hoste zoas E-| lizur the sonne of Shedeur. 19 And ouer the hoste of the tribe off Ithe children of Simeon, was Shelumiel the sonne of Zurishaddai. 20 And ouer the hoste of the tribe the children of Gad, was Eliasaph the} Jsonne of Devel. 21 And the Kohathites set forward, Ibearing the *Sanctuary, and the +other| lof the children of Ephraim set forward,| laccording to their armies, and ouer his Ihoste sas Elishama the Sonne of Am- mind. 23 And ouer the hoste of the tribe tbe children of Manasseh seas Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur. ‘Chap.x. of the campe. [the children of Beniamin, was Abidan| the soune of Gideoni. 25 4 And the standerd of the cam lof the children of Dan set fo ,| which was the rere-ward of all the| Jcampes out their hostes: and joner his hoste was Ahieser the sonne of] | Ammishaddai, ‘26 And ouer the hoste ofthe tribe of] Ithe children of Asher, was Pagiel the| jsonne of Ocran. 27 And over the hoste of the tribe of the children of Naphtali was Ahira the| Jsonne of Ensn. . 28 + Thus were the iourneyings of|! er. ithe children of Israel, according to their| larmies, when they set forward. 29 4 And Moses said vnto Hobah| ithe sonne of Raguel the Midianite Mo-| lses father in law, Wee are iourneying| lynto the place of which the Lonp| Jeaid, I wil giue it you: come thou with] vs, and we will doe thee : for the| [Lox hath spoken concerning| Israel. 30 And he said wnto him, I will not » hut I will depart to. mine ofne land, snd to my kinred. 31 And he said, Leaue vs not, I ry |thee, forasmuch as thou knowest how| Iwe are to encampe in the wilderuesse, and thou mayest bee to vs in stead Se And it shall bee if thou goe with| Ivs, yea it shall be, that what goodnesse] the Lorp shall doe vnto vs, the same| Il we doe vnto thee. ‘93 4 And they departed from the} IMount of the Lown. three dayes| liourney : and the Arke of the Couenant} jof the Lor went before them in the| three dayes journey, to search out a re sting place for them. 84 And the cloude . on Loan} Iwas wpon thera hy day, when they went| ut ofthe camps, 85 And it came to passe when the JAtke set forward, that Moses said, * Rise vp Lon, and let thine ene- mies be scattered, and let them thet Ihate thee, flee befire thee. 36 And when it rested, he said, Re-| turne, O Lonp, vnto the tmany| 24 And ouer the hoste of the tribe off \thousands of Israel. CHAP. XL cae ey mete ets on layne of bi complayneth —| leat Manna is loatked. ie wae ‘charge, ‘wrath at Kibroth -Hatiasush. ho mere Le Yeom-} |r. imp lained ,tit displeased the] | 15 And if thou deale thus with mee,| heard it: and his anj [ster or Se was kindied, and the fire a7. ‘OnD humt * among them, 7 land consumed them that werein the vtter- most parts of the eampe. 2 And the people cried vnto Moses. Jena when Moe 1 gir. [Lonp, the fire + was quenched. ae 3 And hee called the name of the] Toei fplace I Taberah : because the fre of the! Loxp hurt amon; hem. to eate? Jonions, and the garlicke. 6 But now our soule is dried a1 there is nothing at all, besides thi [Manna, before our eyes. jr Fxod ie] 7 And * the Manna was as Cori-| ts.2. aye \ander seed, and the + colour thereof as| J-faccs&S lthe colour of Béelium: thered it, and ground it in tit in a morter, and haked it in pans, land made cakes of it: and the taste of it eas as the taste of fresh oyl 9 And when the dew fell vpon the Jcampe in the night, the Manna fell vp- Jom it. 10 4 Then Moses heard the people| Jweepe throughout their families, enery| Iman in the doore of his tent, and thel langer of the Loup was’ kindled| lgreatly, Moses also was displeased. 11 And Moves said vnto the Lono, [Wherefore hast thou afflicted thy ser- luant? and wherefore haue I not found fauour in thy sight, that thou layest thel burden of all this people vpon me? 12 Have I conceived all this people lhaue T begotten them, that thou shoul. ldest say vato me, Cary them in thy bo some (as a nursing father beareth the| sucking child) vnto the land which thou! Jswarest vnto their fathers ? 13 Whence should I haue flesh to] lgiue vnto all this people? for they weep] Numbers. seuentie HMders. 31 Quales are given in oxp : and the Loxo| joses prayed nto the| ‘4 5 And the *mixt multitude that leas among them, + fell a lusting, and| the children of Tsrael + also wept 2 [put it lgaine, and eaid, * Who shal giue vs flesh| 5 We remember the fish which wel \did eate in Egypt freely : the cucumbers tnd the melaga and the locken, and re | jsaying, 8 And the people went sbout. and| les, oF [ento me, safing, Giue va flesh, that we] may eate. T4 Tam not able to beare all this |people alone, because itis too hesnie for ee itl me, 1 pray thee oat of hand if I lhaue found fauour in thy sight, and let] Ime not see my wretchednesse. | | 16 % And the Lorn said mnto Mo| ses, Gather vnto me seuentie men, of lthe Elders of Isracl, whome thou | Jinowest to be the elders of the people Jand officers ouer them : and bring them| lmnto the Tabernacle of the C iam, that they may stand there with t 17 And I will come downe and| lalke with thee there, and I will takel lof the spirit which is vpon thee, and wil them, and they shal beare| Ithe burden of the people with thee, that thou Beare if nor thy self alone, 18 And say thou vnto the | sane youd sls agains or] lrom, and yee shall eate Resh: (for you! fave wept im the eares of the Lox ho shall giue vs flesh to eate?| for it was well with vs in Egypt: ) therfore she Lono wil give you flesh, land ye shall eate. 19 Ye shall not eate one day, nor two |dayes, nor fine dayes, neither ten dayes, Jnor twentic dayes loathsome vnto you, because that yee! lhaue despised the Loup which is mong you, and haue wept before him, Jssying, Why came we foorth out of E- lgypt? ‘21 And Moses said , The people #, monget whome I am, are sixe hundred thousand footmen, and thou hast said, Twill giue them ‘esh, that they may| leate a whole moneth. 22 Shall the flockes and the herds be alsine for them to suffice them? or shal all the ish of the sea bee gathered toge- ther for them, to suffice them ? 23 And the Lorn ssid vnto Mo} jes, * Is the Loxs hand waxed! lword shall come to pass vnto thee, or not. 24% And Moses went out, and ltolde the people the wordes of thel Loxp, and gathered the seuenty men} lof the Elders of the people, and set Seuenty Elders] 20 But cuen a +whole moneth, vntillt it, =. iit come out at your nostrels, and it bee|2iyee”_ i i i lchore? thou shalt see now whether my|*™! 2! ~_them| [Eldad and Medad. + aos 1c | SI z 7 \Gom the Lox, and brought > Pe. 70 brass, ie. land + abode at Hazeroth. ikem round about the Tabernacle. 25 And the Loup came downe in| a clude, and spake rte him, and tooke| lof the spirit that was vpon him , and gaze rato the scunoti Elders andi} \Exme to passe that wben the spirit rested| \wpon them, they prophesied, and did not lcease. "26 But there remained two of the lmen in the campe, the name of the one| twas Eldad, & the name of the other Me-_ Jdad: and the Spirit rested vpon them, (and they were of them that were writ, ten, hut went not out vnto the Taber. nacie) and they prophesied in the campe.| ‘ZT And there ranne = yong man, land tolde Moses, and ssid, Eldad and! [Meda doe prophesie in the eam) 98 And Toshua the sonne of Nan] the seruant of Moses one of his yong) eee, anemered and sid, My lord Mo Forbid them. \"£0. And Moses ssid wnto him, En-] lier thow for my sake? Would God that all the Lonps Perle fad, Prophets, and that the Lonp would| \put his Spirit vpon them he, and the Elders of Israel. ind there went forth lirom the sea, and let them the| lcampe, + as it were a dayes iourney on} arti thi side, anda it ere dayes our ‘and as it were two cubits high} fy on che other aide round \opor the face of the earth. B2 And the people stood \éay, and all chat night, and. chat gathered least, lmers: and they lfor themselues round about the camy ltweene their teeth, yer it was lthe wrath of the [Kihroth-Hattsauah, wnto Hazeroth CHAP. XIL iles| all that] oe and they gathered the quailes: ten hey ered he usin: them all abroad] 33 And while the * flesh was yet | ORD ayy ie inst. the people, and the I.oxo| IeSote the people with a very great 1 PS And he called the name of that] place, i Kihroch-Hattaauah : because] [2cfrm |there they buried the people that lusted.) ‘35 And the people iourneyed from| 1 God rebubeth the sedition of Miriam and Aa-| ‘Chap.xij. 3 (No lmeeke » 4 An ‘ynto, tron and \foorth. lwords : 30 And Moves qe him into the| Yrs 1 ehe Lon ‘wilt mal cnowen ls taitht 8 Wit lesinse 9 A parted. 10 A) [became ltas my lsinne lwhom +] |wombe. 13 on. "10 Miriam leprosie is healed at the Moses “of Moses. 14 Ged comaandeth her| Xo Be ut oat of the hoete. Ihe not spoken also by ve? And the TLoxp heard it the face of the earth.) roto Mira, Come out ye chee rat the ‘Tabernacle of the land they . ‘5 And the Loxp came downe in the pillar of the cloude, and stood in the| |doote of the Tabernacle, and called Aa-| 6 And hee side, Heare now my| ke vnto him in « dreame: ar ‘is not 90, who|* Hebe. 2, fll th even apparantly, and not in|" Karke speeches, ad the simitode of the Lonw shall hee behold : wherefore} then were yee not afraid to speake #-| lwas kindled against them, and he de- the Tabernacle, and behold, Miriam| [Aaron looked vpon Miriam, and be, hold, she mas leprous. 1" And Aaron said vito Moses, A- foolishly, and wherein we have sinned : 12 Let her not bee #1 one dead, off fehen he commeth out of his mothers Lorn, saying. |God, I beseech thee. Of anand the Lox ssid rat Miriam Teprous.| Nd Miriam and Aaron — cause of the || Ethiopian)! o,ce woman, Sod Shee Ted arvied: forhe had + mar. tr. te yw the man Moses was * very|* eco. aboue all the men which were id the Lon spake mdden-| ‘Moses, and mnto Aaron, and| gregnton | three came out. ‘Miriam : and they both came| Tf there be a Prophet among] my selfe| ‘nto him in a vision, and willl in all mine house. th him will T ke * mouth} Bet. Servant Moses? the anger of the Loxo| ind the cloud from Teprous , white as snow : and| Yord, I beseech thee, lay not the} vs, wherein we haue done| the flesh is halfe consumed,| "And Moses eryed ynto_ the Hale her” now, Tf her father had but spit her! [Spies are fent to Numbers. fearch the lan J revit in, her be receiued fn againe. the campe seuen da lourneted not, tl Mi ‘And afterward the |wildernesse of Paran, CHAP XIII sctes. 28 Their relation. Jeuery one a ruler among’ them. lment of the Loxp, sent them lsonne of Zaccur. 5 Of the tribe of Simeon, phat the sonne of Hori. lconne of Iephunneh. 7 OF the tribe of Issachar, the sonne of I the conne of Nap. the sonne of Raphu. the sonne of Sodi jof Susi. the sonne of V Jsonne of Machi, Nun, Tehoshus. [her face, should she not bee ashamed se-| luen dayes? let her be *shut out from the leampe seuen dayes, and after that let| 15 And Miriam was shut out fo and the people| riam was brought ple remo, lued from Hazeroth, and pitched in the 1 The names of the men who were sent to search| the land. 47 Their instructions. ‘21 ‘Their Na the Loxp spake! vnto Moses, saying, 2 Send thou men, tha they may search the lande] ‘of Canaan, which T gine rato the children of Israel : of euery| tribe of their fathers shal ye tend a man,{ 3 And Moses by the commaunde, the wildernes of Paran : all those men were heads of the children of Isracl. 4 And these were their names, Of] jthe tribe of Reuben, Shammua the! 6 OF the tribe of Iudah, Caleb the| 8 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea| 9 OF the tribe of Beniamin, Palti 10 Of the tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel] ‘TL OF the tribe of Iosepb, nar the tribe of Manaaseh, Gadi the tose 12 Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiel the| 14 OF the tribe of Naphtali, Nahbi 15 OF ue woke of Gad, Geuel the| 16 Theve are the names of the men! which Moses sent to epie out the land ; Jand Moses called Oshea the sonne of TT And Moses sent them to spie lout the land of Canaan, and said ynto them, Get you vp this way South-| ward, and goe vp into the mountaine :| 18 And see the lande what it is, and| the people that dwelleth therein, whe ther they bee strong or weake, fewe or| many : inde is that. they| in, whether it be good or bad, and ies they bee that they dwell in, Jwhether in tents, or in strong holds: 20 And what the land is, whether it lbe far or leane, whether there be wood| therein, or not. And be ye of good cou- rage, and bring of the fruit of the Land (Now the time zx the time of the Brat [ripe grapes) EL So they went vp, and searched lhe land, from the wildernesse of Zin, }ynto Rehiob, as men come to Hamath 22 And they ascended by the South, land came vnio Hebron : where Ahi Iman, Sheshai, and ‘Talmai, the chil} ldren of Anak were : Now Hebron| ras built seuen yeeres before Zoan in| from| | nd they came vnto the ifbrooke| lof Esheol, and cut downe from thence ja branch with one cluster of grapes, and| they bare it etweene wo vpon a safe, land they brought of the pomegranates| land of the figs. 24 The place was called the {| rooke| lt Esheol, because of the cluster of grapes| lwhich the children of Israel cut downe| From thence. 25 And they retumed from sear, Jching of the land after fourty dayes. 26° And they went and caine to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the [Congregation of the children of Israel Jynto the wildernesse of Paran, to Ka ldesh , and brought backe word vnto| them, and vnto all the Ci tion, Jand shewed them the fruit of the land. 7 And they told him, and said, Wel lcame vnto the land whither thou’ sen Sha. Teal off Jsonne of Gemalli. lest vs, & surely it floweth with * milke| 18 OF the tribe of Asher, Sethur the| jand hopie and this is the fruit of it. [> leone of Michael. 28 Neuerthelesse, the people bee scrang that dwell in the lands ane the | ties are walled and v« es an |moreouer, we saw the children of Anak| there 29 The Amalekites dwell in the] Hand of che South : and the Iittites,| land the Kebusites, and the Amorites| jdwell in the mountaines : and the C'a-| aanites + Exod = jp Dew Or, eat Or. sete. i } 2 Murmuring. ‘Chap.xiiij. Mofes prayeth, ites Gwel by the we, and byte) | T And Wey spake vaio wl ie com ordane. of the children of Israel, 30. and Calc tiled the people be hg lnd which neo pared honor tek mem (ator tore Moses, and sxid, Let vs goe ep at Jonce, and possesse it, for we are well able} to ouercome it. ' $81 But the men that went vp with fhim, said, Wee be not able to goe vp »- inst the people, for they are stronger| it vp an euill re, lport of the land which they had sear. Jched, vnto the children of Israel, eay. ing, ‘The land through which we haue| |gone, to search it, is a land that eateth| |"p the inhabitants thereof, and all the| lpeople that we saw in it, are +men of a| feature. ‘93. Apd there we saw the giants, the hounes of Anak, which come of the gi- lants: and wee were in our owne sight| Jaa grashoppers, and 60 wee were in| ther eight CHAP. XUIL h Trhe people murmure at the newes. 6 Io shus and Caleb labour to stil them. 11 God] Seo eS reminen hoes Roman Sine Paes Them wi rand tht call report by Bagae 40 The people tat would inde seuinnt te wilof Gad eresiten: Na all the Congregation| lifted vp their voyce and| cried; and the people wept] that night. 2 And all the children Jof Israel murroured agai |Congregation said vnto them, Would| [God that we had died in the land of E- expt, of would God me bad died in this Idernesse. 3 And wherefore hath the Loxo| it ve voto this land, to fall hy the| , that our wiues, and our chi Jshould be a pray? were it not better for vs to retumne into Egypt? 4 And they saide one to another, [Let ve make a captaine, and let vs re-| jturne into Egypt. 5 ‘Then Moses and Aaron fell on Itheir faces before all the assembl; pt te Ce ion of the children of Israel.| 69 Ned Toshus the sonne of Nun,| land Caleb the sone of Tephunnch,| Iwhich were of them that searched the| jland, rent their clothes. search it, is an good land. 8 If the Loup delight in vs, then he will bring vs into this land, and lgiue it va, a land which foweth with lmitke and hony. : 9 Onely rebell not yee against the| Loup, neither feare yee the ere lof the land, for they are bread for vs: ltheir +deferice is from them, land the Lonp iv with vs: feare them not. 10 But all the Congregation bade lstone them with stones: and the glory lof the Loxp appeared in the Taber-| Inacle of the Congregation, before all the chikdren of Israel. 11 4 And the Lonp aid vo Moses, How long will thi pro-| gor, How rg i pepe Fr they belecuerme, fr all the signes which IT haue shewed among them ? 12 T will smite them with the lence, and disinherite them, and will Imake’ of thee a greater nation , and| mightier then they. 18 4 And * Moses ssid vato the| Loxo, ‘Then the Egyptians shall Jheare i, (for thou hroughtest vp this| Ipeople in thy might from among| them: TE nd they wil tl it tothe inh Joitants of this land: for they haue heard| that thou Lonp art among this peo Je, that thou Loo art seene face to] Hacc ‘and tht sth cloud ceneth sur] as. them, and that thou goest before them,|"" Iby day time in a pillar of a cloud, and in a pillar of fre by night. 15 % Now if thou shalt Kill all chis| lpeople, a8 one man, then the nations| lwhich haue heard the fame of thee, will 16 Because the Loxp was not *a, ble to bring this people into the lande| lwhich he sware vnto thern, therefore he fhath slaine them in the wildernesse 17 And now, T beseech thee, let the| ywer of my Loxp be great, accor, ing as thou hast spoken, saying, 18 The Loxp is *long suffering, land of great mercie, forgiuing iniquiti| end tramegreston, and by nom lcleering the gucittc,*visiting the iniquity of the fathers wpon the children, wnta the third and fourth generation. 19 Pardon, I beseech thee, the ini js ter. ate la quitie| “6 + sod. 9. + Deut».

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