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The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra

(Taisho Tripitaka 2898) Homage to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Namo Buddha-yah. Namo Dharma-yah Namo a!gha-yah Due to the great relatio!ship "ith Buddhas# $orlds% a!d the i!terli!ked great &auses% There &omes the Buddha#s Dharmas% "hi&h is 'ter!al% Bliss% el(% a!d )ure* A!d "e have +e&ome the relatio!s o( the Buddha-Dharmas. Namo ,aha )ra-!a )aramita% the great sa&rosa!&t ma!tra* Namo ,aha )ra-!a )aramita% the great +rillia!t ma!tra* Namo ,aha )ra-!a )aramita% the u!surpassed ma!tra* Namo ,aha )ra-!a )aramita% the u!e.ualed ma!tra. Namo )ure /ight e&ret Buddha% Dharma Treasury Buddha% the Tra!.uil 0i!g Buddha "ith /io!#s roar a!d divi!e speed% the umeru /ight 0i!g Buddha a!!ou!&ed +y Buddha% Dharma )rote&tor Buddha% 1a-ra Treasury 2oami!g /io! Buddha% )re&ious 1i&tory Buddha% uper!atural )o"er Buddha% ,edi&i!e ,aster 3rystal /ight 0i!g Buddha% 4!iversal /ight ,erit ,ou!tai! 0i!g Buddha% ,erit 2etai!i!g 5e"el 0i!g Buddha% the seve! past Buddhas% the &omi!g o!e thousa!d Buddhas o( the 6ortu!ate kalpa% the (i(tee! hu!dred Buddhas% the (i(tee! thousa!d Buddhas% the (ive hu!dred 6lo"er 1i&tory Buddhas% the o!e hu!dred +illio! 1a-ra Treasury Buddhas% a!d amadhi /ight Buddha. The Buddhas o( i7 Dire&tio!s8 To the 'ast the )re&ious /ight ,oo! )ala&e 1e!era+le $o!der(ul 1oi&e 0i!g Buddha% To the outh the Tree-2oot 6lo"er 0i!g Buddha% To the $est the piritual )o"er 6lo"er Bla9i!g 0i!g Buddha% To the North the ,oo! )ala&e )urity Buddha% A+ove% the &ou!tless 1igor 5e"el 3ro"! Buddha% Belo"% the Tra!.uil ,oo! ou!d 0i!g Buddha. All the &ou!tless Buddhas% )ra+huta-rat!a(,a!y Treasures) Buddha% akyamu!i Buddha% ,aitreya Buddha% Aksho+hya Buddha% Amita+ha Buddha% All +ei!gs i! the 3e!tral 2ealm% a!d those i! the )ure /a!ds% "hile movi!g upo! the 'arth a!d

i! the Heave!s% &o!ti!ually sho"er &ompassio! upo! all livi!g +ei!gs% a((ordi!g them!imity a!d pea&e% that they might &ultivate day a!d !ight. By &o!sta!tly i!voki!g this sutra% o!e is li+erated (rom the pai! o( death a!d +irth% a!d (reed (rom all the ma!y ki!ds o( su((eri!g. Namo the :reat $isdom Avalokitesvara% the ;+serva!t Avalokitesvara% the No+le Avalokitesvara% the '7pa!sively-,i!ded Avalokitesvara% the ,edi&i!e 0i!g Bodhisattva% the upreme ,edi&i!e Bodhisattva% ,a!-usri Bodhisattva% ama!ta+hadra Bodhisattva% Akasagar+ha Bodhisattva% 0sitigar+ha Bodhisattva% the +illio!s o( 3lear 3ool Treasure ,ou!tai! Bodhisattvas% the 4!iversal /ight 1e!era+le 0i!g Tathagata Bodhisattva% 3ha!ti!g this sutra &o!ti!ually% the eve! $orld-Ho!ored Buddhas% re&ite this ma!tra8

/ee-poh-lee-poh-deh% kyo-ho-kyo-ho-deh% toh-loh-!ee-de+% !ee-ah-la-deh% pee-lee!ee-deh% mo-ho-kya-deh% -u!-le!-&ha!-deh% so-ha.

All the tra!s(ormatio! +odies o( Avalokitesvara a!d all the +odhisattvas have vo"ed to li+erate every +ei!g i! samsara% a!d to &lea!se all su((eri!gs "he! &alled upo!. ;!e "ho has !o!-dual (aith i! Buddha "ill +e greatly +lessed "ith guida!&e. By keepi!g i!ta&t the root o( virtue o!e "ill +e a+le to pra&ti&e this% a!d "ith o!e thousa!d re&itatio!s% the pra&ti&e +le!ds i!to o!e#s mi!d stream. The! o!e remai!s u!harmed +y (ire or "eapo!s% a!d a!ger is tra!s(ormed i!to happi!ess. 've! those "ho are le(t (or dead retur!s there+y to li(e. ;!e must !ot dou+t this% (or it is the "ord o( Buddha. The High 0i!g Avalokitesvara <! truth removes all o+sta&les. 've! i! the most grave plight ;!e is saved (rom death. This is the truth all Buddhas a!!ou!&e% There(ore pay them homage. By re&iti!g this praise o!e thousa!d times% ;!e puri(ies the most !egative o( karmas. Those (ortu!ate o!es e!do"ed "ith i!destru&ti+le (aith Are to al"ays uphold this sutra. 2e&ite the !ame o( the 'ight ,ahasattvas8

Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva ,ahasattva Namo ,aitreya Bodhisattva ,ahasattva% Namo Akasa-gar+ha Bodhisattva ,ahasattva% Namo ama!ta-+hadra Bodhisattva ,ahasattva% Namo 1a-ra-pa!i Bodhisattva ,ahasattva% Namo ,a!-usri Bodhisattva ,ahasattva% Namo arva-!ivaraNaviskam+hi! Bodhisattva ,ahasattva% Namo 0sitigar+ha Bodhisattva ,ahasattva% Namo all ve!era+le Bodhisattva ,ahasattvas.
,ay these merits a!d virtues +e spread u!iversally to everythi!g. 6ully re&ite this o!e thousa!d times% A!d serious si!s "ill +e puri(ied.

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