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GEOG 1103 200 Human Geography Reading Guide and Terms for Chapter 3

Chain migration Counterurbanization Emigration Forced Migration Guest workers Immigration Migration Net Migration Pull factor Push factor Quotas Refugees Undocumented immigrants

Reading Sections All sections of Chapter 2, which specific issues highlighted below: Section 3.2 - Be able to correctly identify the gender trend in migration historically and what it is now. Section 3.3 - Be able to identify the predominant flow of migrants at a global scale. In other words, what countries send migrants and which countries are the destinations. Section 3.5 Be able to tell me the regions of the world most immigrants to the US come from (top two according to the graph or text) Section 3.6 make sure you can tell me where most immigrants to the US are distributed. Section 3.9 Note the patterns of the map on page 68. Be able to describe itwhat areas are losing population, which ones are gaining?

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