Goanimate Story

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Name: Pakorn Wangsuekul Story Title Jebediah Kerman the Not Responsible Student [The word Not was

crossed out intentionally] Characters: Jebediah Kerman (A.K.A Jeb). Jebediahs friend, Bob. Jebediahs middle school teacher, Mr. Bill. Setting (Where did the story happened): The middle school where Jeb and Bill go to.

Class: Grade 6 D

Story: (Beginning) Today, at school, Jebediah and his classmate, Bob received a complicated and hard project to do at home. Normally, Jeb would do his homework, but since this project is a complicated one, he decides to not do the project and lie to Mr. Bill that Bob stole and destroyed his finished work. (Middle) On the day the project was due to be handed in, Jebediah stuck to his plan of lying to Mr. Bill that Bob stole and destroyed his recently finished project. Mr. Bill believed what Jeb said, since Jeb had no record at all which relates to lying to a teacher, and asked Bob, which had some records about bullying other students, to meet him in his classroom after school. (Ending) After school Bob ran up to Jeb angrily and asked him why he told the teacher that Bob stole Jebs work. Jeb ignored him and returned home. That night Jeb lay in bed thinking that lying to Mr. Bill and blaming Bob is completely unacceptable and decided he would tell the truth to Mr. Bill and Bob. The next day, Jeb walked up to Mr. Bill and told him the truth about him lying and blaming Bob. After Jeb finished, Mr. Bill said he was disappointed about what Jeb have done but decided not to tell his parents about it since it was his first violation. After school he met up with Bob and apologies to him and told him that he talked to Mr. Bill about it already. Jebediah Kerman feels a lot better and was relived now that he have told the truth to everyone he lied to. Moral: Take responsibility on what you did, and do not lie just because you are scared you will get into trouble. Generally speaking, lying will get you into more trouble when the person you lied to found out that you lied to them; therefore, telling the truth will generally be the best choice.

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