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FINAL TEST Academic Year Courses Semesters Time : 2013/2014 : Teaching of Mathematics :V : Monday, 13January 2014

1. The teacher would like to assess a student's conceptual understanding of the significance of the linear equation. Described the appropriate method to this! 2. Constructivist view of mathematics learningshowed that thelessons are structured to build on students prior knowledgeand Students should have prerequisite skills to perform the new skill. How to implemented the constructivist approach at Junior Secondary School (SMP)? 3. How to build teachers expertise at setting classroom conditions where students can move from their informal math understandings to generalizations and formal representations of their mathematical thinking? 4. Described and given the example the solving problems relevant to students lives that reflect the expectations in the Junior Secondary School (SMP) mathematics of curriculum 2013 5. Describe 3 strategies that you use to get students to share their mathematical thinking as they solve problems. 6. 1. Guru ingin menilai pemahaman konseptual siswa tentang pentingnya persamaan linear. Dijelaskan metode yang tepat untuk ini! 7. 2. Pandangan konstruktivis pembelajaran matematika menunjukkan bahwa pelajaran yang terstruktur untuk membangun pengetahuan siswa sebelumnya dan siswa harus memiliki keterampilan prasyarat untuk melakukan keterampilan baru. Bagaimana menerapkan pendekatan konstruktivis di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)? 8. 3. Bagaimana membangun keahlian guru di pengaturan kondisi ruang kelas di mana siswa dapat berpindah dari pemahaman matematika informal mereka untuk generalisasi dan representasi formal pemikiran matematika mereka? 9. 4. Dijelaskan dan diberikan contoh masalah pemecahan relevan dengan kehidupan siswa yang mencerminkan harapan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) matematika kurikulum 2013 10. 5. Jelaskan 3 strategi yang Anda gunakan untuk mendapatkan siswa untuk berbagi pemikiran matematika mereka saat mereka memecahkan masalah.

Note: Your assignment must be submit at the latest1PM, 15 January 2014

Good Luck

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