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ASEAN Secretariat Jl. Sisingamangaraja 70A Jakarta 12011

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Position applied : _________________________ Application Source: ASEA !e"site #!!!$opportunities% &nline ad'ertisement #(rom ot)er !e"site% Print ad'ertisement &t)ers: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________

I.PERSONAL ame : ____________________________________________ email address : _________________________ *ast ame +irst ame ,iddle ame Present Address : __________________________________________________________________________________________ Street -it. -ountr. /ip -ode 0elep)one : _______________ #o((ice% _______________ #residence% ___________________ #)and p)one% Date$mont)$.ear o( 1irt) : _________________ Place o( 1irt) : __________________ 2ender :________________________ ,arital Status : Single ,arried 6ido!#er% -iti3ens)ip : _________________ 4denti(ication -ard 50P$Passport % o.: ________________________ Place o( issue : _______________ 4ssued ". : _____________________ 4ssued date : ____________________ E7piration date : __________________


II. FAMILY BACKGROUND a. Parents Name Relati ns!i" +at)er ,ot)er &. Famil' ( De"en$ent Name Relati ns!i" Date O# Birt! E$%cati n Occ%"ati n


Date # &irt!

E$%cati n

Occ%"ati n

III. FORMAL EDUCATION Years atten$e$ Name # Sc! Start En$in+ l L cati n Ma* r De+ree +rante$ Main S%&*ects

I,. EMPLOYMENT RECORD -Start #r m t!e m st recent. 1. 9ears emplo.ed$duration +rom 0o ame o( &rganisation $ -ompan. Address$P)one Position et Salar. per annum #E7cluding allo!ances% Starting +inal


Description o( .our !ork :

:eason (or lea'ing :

Super'isor;s ame : 0elep)one : ame o( &rganisation $ -ompan. Address$P)one Position et Salar. per annum #E7cluding allo!ances% Starting +inal

2. 9ears emplo.ed$duration +rom 0o

Description o( .our !ork:

:eason (or lea'ing : <. 9ears emplo.ed$duration +rom 0o ame o( &rganisation $ -ompan.

Super'isor;s ame : 0elep)one : Address$P)one Position et Salar. per annum #E7cluding allo!ances% Starting +inal

Description o( .our !ork :

:eason (or lea'ing : 0otal !orking e7perience : __________ .ears

Super'isor;s ame : 0elep)one : Salar. e7pectation : __________________

Please note t)at in e'aluating .our candidature ASEA Secretariat reser'ed t)e rig)t to approac) .our pre'ious (or re(erences. 4t is not our polic. to approac) .our present at t)e e'aluation stage unless .ou e7pressl. aut)ori3e t)is. 8a'e .ou an. o"jections to our making in=uiries o( .our present> 9es o

Please note? )o!e'er? t)at "e(ore making an o((er o( emplo.ment ASEA Secretariat is re=uired to contact "ot) .our present and pre'ious emplo.ers. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ,. SKILLS Remar/s -omputer ,A4 0E A -E
#(or computer related position%



So(t!ares : *anguage +air Speak 2ood +luent +air :ead $6rite 2ood +luent


&t)er ,I. COURSE ( TRAINING RECORD -erti(ication$Seminar$-ourse Description$ &n t)e Jo" 0raining$0raining




8a'e .ou "een c)arged (or committing to an. crime> 4( .es? please e7plain.

Are .ou a mem"er o( la"our organi3ation or political part.> 4( .es? please state t)e name? address and .our position in t)e organi3ation.

Emplo.ment ". t)e ASEA Secretariat ma. re=uire assignment and tra'el to an. area. 8a'e .ou an. disa"ilities or reser'ations t)at ma. restrict .our acti'ities in t)is respect> 4( .es? please e7plain. Are .ou under an. o"ligation to return$sta. in t)e ser'ice o( .our compan. in recognition o( sponsored training or education> Please s)o! .our position at .our current jo" in an organi3ation c)art.



4( t)is space not enoug)? please use ne7t page. Please menti n t!ree -0. re#erences N . Name Occ%"ati n A$$ress 1 Email Tele"! ne

4 )ere". certi(. t)at t)e a"o'e in(ormation is true and correct. 4 agree t)at an. misinterpretation made in t)is application (or t)e purpose o( securing emplo.ment s)all "e grounds (or termination or denial o( emplo.ment. +inal appointment !ill "e su"ject to a p).sical e7amination.


Applicant;s Signature : ___________________________

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