Fnsacc604A Martin Bui (372770317)

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Martin Bui (372770317)

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. BUSINESS ANALYSIS & IMPLEMENTATION 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Business Structure 2.3 Expenditures & Resources 2.4 Investment & Funding Models 3. REQUISITES, RESPONSIBILITIES & RIGHTS 3.1 Duties & Responsibilities 3.1.1 Directors 3.1.2 Auditors 3.2 Due Diligence, Reports & Compulsory Filings 4. CONCLUSIVE STATEMENT & DISCLAIMER 5. APPENDICES


Martin Bui (372770317)

Appendix 01 Supplement: Corporations Act (2001), S 45A (1) A proprietary company is a company that is registered as, or converts to, a proprietary company under this Act, A proprietary company must: Be limited by shares or be an unlimited company with a share capital Have no more than 50 non-employee shareholders Not do anything that would require disclosure to investors under Chapter 6D (except in limited circumstances) (3) A proprietary company is a large proprietary company for a financial year if it satisfies at least two of the following paragraphs: (a) The consolidated revenue for the financial year of the company and the entities it controls (if any) is $25 million, or any other amount prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph (b) The value of the consolidated gross assets at the end of the financial year of the company and the entities it controls (if any) is $12.5 million, or any other amount prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph. (c) The company and the entities it controls (if any) have 50, or any other amount prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph, employees at the end of the financial year. -

Appendix 02 Share buyback will be offered pro rata in accordance to investment amount. Initial investors will be also given the option between exclusively ordinary and/or preference shares, or a combination thereof.

Appendix 03 Appendix 04

Appendix 05


Martin Bui (372770317)

Visit: www.asis.gov.au/asic.nsf/byheadline/1122AD+Decisions+in+ASICs+proceedings+against+parties+associated+with+fuel+technology+ company

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