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It is widely argued maintained that the best way to earn profits is creating your own

company. What s more! in time of crisis! when there is a "ot of unemp"oyment# it cou"$ be an opportunity to change your "ife an$ to see how you can manage your business. Nonethe"ess! there is some truth in the saying% &who $on t ris'! $on t win(! as becoming your own boss carries a great $ea" of responsibi"ity. On the one han$! being your own boss a""ows you to $o a"" the things that you want. In fact! you ha)e a f"e*ib"e timetab"e an$ nobo$y can as' you for gi)ing an e*p"anation! because a"" the wor'ers are your emp"oyees. +oreo)er! you ha)e the opportunity to tra)e" to other p"aces an$ 'now other cu"tures! as a resu"t of the business trip that you wi"" ha)e to $o. ,a'ing a$)antage of the $ifferent tra)e"s! you wi"" ha)e the chance to 'now $ifferent 'in$ of peop"e an$ $ifferent tra$itions. -urthermore! you wi"" obtain a"" the profits of the wor'ers of the business! becoming a rich On the other han$! it cannot be $enie$ that in spite of the he"p of the wor'ers! being your own boss carries some responsibi"ities. ,he e*ecuti)e $irector has to organi/e a"" the company# the number of wor'ers! the materia"s an$ a"" these things ta'e a "ot of time an$ effort. Besi$es! ha)ing you own business re0uires a "ot of money an$ 'now"e$ge about business! because bui"$ing a company is )ery e*pensi)e an$ if your aim is that your company operates an$ wor's proper"y! you nee$ to 'now $ifferent manners to pro$uce materia"s or obtain profits for e*amp"e. In conc"usion! $epen$ing on your circumstance! your 'now"e$ge! your persona"ity! your money an$ your "ife! it can be worth to $e)e"op a company. If you satisfy a"" these re0uirement! what are you waiting for1

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