Elements of A Short Story

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Time and place are where the action occurs

Details that describe:

Furniture Scenery Customs Transportation Clothing Dialects Weather Time of day Time of year







Atmosphere Day




Word Choice


se as acti!ator to acti!ate prior "no#ledge$ Write the #e% on the %oard or o!erhead and students create one at their seats$ Then as class share and fill in$

We left the home place behind, mile by slow mile, heading for the mountains, across the prairie where the wind blew forever. At first there were four of us with one horse wagon and its skimpy load. Pa and walked, because was a big boy of eleven. !y two little sisters romped and trotted until they got tired and had to be boosted up to the wagon bed. That was no covered "onestoga, like Pa#s folks came West in, but $ust an old farm wagon, drawn by one weary horse, creaking and rumbling westward to the mountains, toward the little woods town where Pa thought he had an old uncle who owned a little two%bit sawmill.
Taken from The Day the Sun Came Out by D. Johnson

A writer reveals what a character is like and how the character changes throughout the story. Two primary methods of characteri&ation: Direct% writer tells what the character is like ndirect% writer shows what a character is like by describing what the character looks like, by telling what the character says and does, and by what other characters say about and do in response to the character.

don#t play the do&ens or believe in standing around with somebody in my face doing a lot of talking. much rather $ust knock you down and take my chances even if #m a little girl with skinny arms and a s'ueaky voice, which is how got the name ('ueaky.
From Raymonds Run by T. Bambara


The old man bowed to all of us in the room. Then he removed his hat and gloves, slowly and carefully. "haplin once did that in a picture, in a bank%%he was the $anitor.
From Gent eman of R!o en "ed!o by J. Sed! o

Fully De!eloped




&ot Fully De!eloped







Physical appearance of character Personality )ackground*personal history !otivation +elationships "onflict Does character change,

nciting incident - event that gives rise to conflict .opening situation/ Development% events that occur as result of central conflict .rising action/ "lima0% highest point of interest or suspense of story +esolution% when conflict ends Denouement% when characters go back to their life before the conflict

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#ntrodu$t!on #n$!t!n% !n$!dent& O'en!n% s!tuat!on


(uspense% e0citement or tension 1oreshadowing% hint or clue about what will happen in story 1lashback% interrupts the normal se'uence of events to tell about something that happened in the past (urprise 2nding% conclusion that reader does not e0pect

"onflict is a struggle between opposing forces 2very plot must contain some kind of conflict (tories can have more than one conflict "onflicts can be e0ternal or internal
20ternal conflict% outside force may be person,

group, animal, nature, or a nonhuman obstacle

nternal conflict% takes place in a character#s mind

There are four kinds of conflict:

3/4 Man !s$ Man .physical/ % The leading character struggles with his physical strength against other men, forces of nature, or animals. 5/4 Man !s$ Circumstances .classical/ % The leading character struggles against fate, or the circumstances of life facing him*her. 6/4 Man !s$ Society .social/ % The leading character struggles against ideas, practices, or customs of other people. 7/4 Man !s$ Himself)Herself .psychological/ %4 The leading character struggles with himself*herself8 with his*her own soul, ideas of right or wrong, physical limitations, choices, etc.

A central message, concern, or insight into life e0pressed through a literary work "an be e0pressed by one or two sentence statement about human beings or about life !ay be stated directly or implied

The title of the short story usually points to what the writer is saying and he may use various figures of speech to emphasi&e his theme, such as: symbol, allusion, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, or irony. 4 (ome simple e0amples of common themes from literature, T9, and film are: % things are not always as they appear to be % :ove is blind % )elieve in yourself % People are afraid of change % Don;t $udge a book by its cover

<2very man needs to feel allegiance to his native country, whether he always appreciates that country or not.=
From ) "an +!thout a Country by ,d-ard .a e '%. /01 !n 2rent!$e .a 3!terature book

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