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Activity 1 - ``HOW FAR CAN WE GO? . This activity will be based on Summerhill theories and practices.

Freedom and respect towards the others is one of the key concepts of Summerhill and we have chosen it to focus the activity we are going to develop, as this concept is directly related to the topic we are working on. e understand that, freedom tempered by respect to others, is essential to live in a peaceful community. For that reason, even if that e!ists individually, we must have into consideration thinking twice before acting as everything we make or decide has an impact on others. "ave in mind that our own freedom ends up when the others# starts is a basic premise to reach a healthy coe!istence. Also, as an activity related to Summerhill, we wanted them to be able to self-regulate not having adults interaction. $ethods First of all we will introduce to all the class what we are going to do but without saying what is the aim of it. To begin with the activity we will divide the class in two parts. %ach part will be formed by 1& students. %ach group of 1& will be brought to a different class in order to carry out the activity simultaneously with the two groups. From the twelve students of each group ten of them will have to adopt the role of a community#s character which will be distributed randomly and each of them will not know which character will represent the rest of the classmates. The profiles will be' $ayor, (everend, )oor man, (ich man, *hild, +ld man, ,mmigrant, Farmer, Shopkeeper and Teacher. e chose these characters because they are the principal key profiles that constitute a community of a small town. The choice of characters will be different depending on the type of community you want to build up. The remaining two students will be the observer and the moderator of the final debate. They will be taken a part of the other ten and we will instruct them about what is going to be their tasks. They will be the only ones who will know what is the aim of the activity and the entire process of it. The tasks of the observer will be taking notes, in an ob-ective way, of what is happening during the discussion that will take place during the debate and also make sure that everybody follows the guidelines. This person has to be able to recogni.e the different types of attitudes that the students may have during the session, i.e who is being assertive, empathic, etc/ or not. The task of the moderator will be moderating the debate and also make sure the guidelines are followed. Seated on a round table, each of these characters will have to write down some laws they want to apply in the small town they lived on, putting themselves inside the role on the community. The guidelines that will be given to them to make this part of the activity will consist in'

1.0uring this part of the activity they cannot communicate to each other, no debate is possible. &.%veryone has to make laws. 1.2 laws per person. 3aws will have to be based on' 4)ublic health system 4Ta!es 43eisure 4)rices 4%ducation 4(eligion 4"ousing 5.They will have ma!imum 16 minutes to do it. +nce they have made their laws they will have to e!plain them one by one to the mates of the community. (ight afterwards, the debate will start. The moderator will e!plain them what they will have to do which is making a debate to decide which laws will be accepted and used by the community. This means that some of the laws will have to be declined or changed. The way they have to agree on that will be left on their hands. To make an agreement they will have 17 minutes. +nce this time is over, the moderator will end up the debate. %ven if they arrive to a conclusion or not, they will have to think the reasons why, throughout some 8uestions, the moderator will make to them such as' 40oes everybody agree with the final laws9 0o you think these are respectful for everybody9 hy not9 40o you think you have though as a community9 40id you realise about the conse8uences that the fact of thinking selfishly will have on others9 4"ow far do you think you went on your own interests, in order not to affect others9 The observer, to help answering this 8uestions, as he has taken notes of everything, will be able to e!plain ob-ectively what has happened during the session in order to auto analyse the situation. Also, he will tell them if there has been empathy or assertivity. ,n other words, he will analyse the attitude of every member and will share it afterwards. hy9

+nce we made them reflect, the activity will end with an autoevaluation that will consist on making them 8uestions about respect, and what conclusions do they e!tract about it, with themselves and the others. The teacher, who is going to be -ust observing and not interacting during the activity, will be able to analyse it and on the ne!t session he:she will have to put in common to make them reali.e what have they e!perimented, asking them 8uestions related to the ob-ectives of the topic we are to focusing on. +b-ectives' To learn to respect the others To learn to respect themselves To learn abilities to approach respect such as empathy and assertivity $aterials needed' e need a round table and a blackboard for the children and for the teacher somewhere to take notes. *lass distribution' For this activity we will split the class into two groups' half of the class, it means 1& people. Time and Space' The duration of the activity will be of 1h and 17 minutes. e will use two classrooms ;a regular class<, because the group class will be split into two parts, each group will use one of this classrooms and the activity is going to take place simultaneously with both parts of the class, every group is going to have a teacher observing. ,t is going to be in that way because that activity needs a few group of people. ,n that way we could achieve the aim of it correctly and also because this activity has to be confidentially managed, as students must not be able to talk to each other about it, because if it will happen the result of the activity wouldn#t be as e!pected.

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