MA Account Format

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Typical MA Account Format & Work Flow

A few templates


Typical Cost Flows and Accounts



Finished Goods Warehouse


Raw Materials Beg !n"

# $urchases

Work+in+$rocess Beg !n" # Raw Mat &sed # 'irect (a)or # Man *"erhead %nd !n"

Finished Goods Beg !n"

Cost o, Goods Sold

Raw Mat &sed

Cost o, Goods Manu

# Cost o, Cost o, Goods Goods S*(' Manu

%nd !n"

%nd !n"


A Schedule o, Cost o, Goods Manu,actured

-*RT.%R- (!G.TS C&ST*M CAB!-%TS SC.%'&(% *F C*ST *F G**'S MA-&FACT&R%' F*R T.% /%AR %-'%' '%C%MB%R 012 3414 Beginning Raw Materials $10,000 Add: Raw Materials purchased 40,000 Raw Materials A aila!le "0,000 #educt: $nding Raw Materials ",000 Raw Materials %sed in &r'ducti'n $4",000 #irect (a!'r )",000 Manu*acturing + erhead 8",000 ,'tal Manu*acturing -'sts 19",000 Add: Beginning .'r/01n0&r'cess 1",000 210,000 #educt: $nding .'r/01n &r'cess 20,000 -'st '* 2''ds Manu*actured $190,000


Schedule o, Cost o, Goods Sold

-*RT.%R- (!G.TS C&ST*M CAB!-%TS SC.%'&(% *F C*ST *F G**'S S*(' F*R T.% /%AR %-'%' '%C%MB%R 012 3414 Beginning 3inished 2''ds 1n ent'r4 $30,000 Add: -'st '* 2''ds Manu*actured 190,000 2''ds A aila!le *'r 5ale $220,000 #educt: $nding 3inished 2''ds 1n ent'r4 ",000 -'st '* 2''ds 5'ld $21",000


The !ncome Statement

-*RT.%R- (!G.TS C&ST*M CAB!-%TS !-C*M% STAT%M%-T F*R T.% /%AR %-'%' '%C%MB%R 012 3414 5ales -'st '* 2''ds 5'ld: Beginning 3inished 2''ds 1n ent'r4 Add: -'st '* 2''ds Manu*actured 2''ds A aila!le *'r 5ale #educt: $nding 3inished 2''ds 1n ent'r4 2r'ss Margin (ess: 5elling and Ad6inistrati e $7pense 9et +perating 1nc'6e $"00,000 $30,000 190,000 $220,000 ",000 21",000 28",000 18",000 $110,000



Cost o, Goods Sold 56!T %n"ironment7

T.% CA(C&(AT!*- *F C*ST *F G**'S S*(' 8 6!T %-9!R*-M%-T Description Item Amount
Raw 6aterials purchased and used in pr'ducti'n #irect la!'r c'sts incurred + erhead c'sts incurred -'st '* 2''ds 5'ld #uring the &eri'd
Raw 6aterials purchased and used : #irect (a!'r : Manu*acturing + erhead -'st '* 2''ds 5'ld

$"0,000 :)",000 :8",000 $200,000


Merchandising Companies and the Cost o, $roducts: Changes in

the Schedule o, Cost o, Goods Sold
A Merchandising Company SC.%'&(% *F C*ST *F G**'S S*(' F*R T.% /%AR %-'%' '%C%MB%R 012 ;;;; Beginning Merchandise 1n ent'r4 $777 Add: $urchases 777,777 2''ds A aila!le *'r 5ale $777,777 #educt: $nding Merchandise 1n ent'r4 7,777 -'st '* 2''ds 5'ld $777,777


Merchandising Companies:
!ncome Statement
A Merchandising Company !-C*M% STAT%M%-T F*R T.% /%AR %-'%' '%C%MB%R 012 ;;;;
5ales -'st '* 2''ds 5'ld: Beginning Merchandise 1n ent'r4 Add: $urchases 2''ds A aila!le *'r 5ale #educt: $nding Merchandise 1n ent'r4 2r'ss Margin (ess: 5elling and Ad6inistrati e $7pense 9et +perating 1nc'6e $777,777 $77,777 777,777 $777,777 7,777

777,777 777,777 777,777 $777,777


Cost Flows in a Traditional Manu,acturing %n"ironment

Direct Materials As Products Are Produced Balance Sheet Inventories As Products Are SOLD Income Statement

Direct Labor

Manu,acturing *"erhead

$eriod Costs


%nd o, Slides


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