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By Abhilasha Kumbhat

India i.e. Bharat shall e a Uni!n !" States sa#s Art. $ !" the %!nstit&ti!n !" India. It is als! sti'&lated in the %!nstit&ti!n that India i.e. Bharat shall e a Uni!n !" States and the territ!ries and s&(h !ther territ!ries as )a# e a(*&ired. The (!nstit&ti!n th&s, '!st&lates India as a Uni!n !" States and (!nse*&entl#, the e+isten(e !" the "ederal str&(t&re !" ,!-ernan(e "!r this Uni!n !" States e(!)es a asi( str&(t&re !" the %!nstit&ti!n !" India. All the 'r!-isi!ns )ade in this %!nstit&ti!n are, there"!re, lia le t! e s! inter'reted as .ill 'r!te(t, i" n!t enhan(e, and (ertainl# n!t destr!# the asi( str&(t&re na)el# "ederal str&(t&re !" the Uni!n !" India. In this re"eren(e, ad!'tin, the test !" Pr!". Wheare .herein he sa#s that / any definition of federal government which failed to include the United States would be thereby condemned as unreal. There"!re, .e need t! see the (!nditi!n 're-ailin, in the U.S., the asi( 'rin(i'les !" "ederalis), and then in its li,ht anal#se the 'r!-isi!ns !" !&r %!nstit&ti!n. In an# (!&ntr#, the J&di(iar# 'la#s the i)'!rtant r!le !" inter'retin, and a''l#in, the la. and ad0&di(atin, &'!n (!ntr!-ersies et.een !ne (iti1en and an!ther (iti1en and et.een a (iti1en and a state. In a (!&ntr# .ith a .ritten %!nstit&ti!n, %!&rts ha-e an additi!nal "&n(ti!n !" sa"e,&ardin, the %!nstit&ti!n # inter'retin, and a''l#in, its 'r!-isi!ns and 2ee'in, all a&th!rities .ithin the (!nstit&ti!nal "ra)e.!r2. %ha'ter IV !" the %!nstit&ti!n !" India s'ea2s !" Uni!n J&di(iar#. Sin(e J&di(iar# is !ne !" the "&nda)ental !r,ans !" the ,!-ern)ent, there"!re its str&(t&re, .!r2in,, 'r!(ed&res et(. are als! "&nda)ental t! the .!r2in, !" the ,!-ern)ent. And i" the ,!-ern)ent t#'e is 3"ederal4, then th!se "ederal "eat&res )&st als! e re"le(ted in its 0&di(ial set5&'.

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

S!, "r!) here .e )!-e t!.ards anal#1in, as t! .hether the di""erent 'r!-isi!ns !" !&r %!nstit&ti!n ha-e 'r!-ided "!r the si)ilar "ederal (hara(teristi(s "!r the 0&di(iar# and ta2es &s t! en*&ire .hether there e+ists 3judicial federalism in India4. THE CONCE T O! !EDERA"I#$ 36ederalis)4 is !ne !" th!se ,!!d e(h! .!rds that e-!2e a '!siti-e res'!nse t!.ard )an# (!n(e'ts as de)!(ra(#, 'r!,ress, (!nstit&ti!n, et(. The ter) has een seen t! e a''lied t! )an# s&((ess"&l (!) inati!ns !" &nit# .ith di-ersit#, 'l&ralis) and (!!'erati!n .ithin and a)!n, nati!ns. When .e ela !rate &'!n the essential "eat&re !" "ederalis) that the s'e(ialists in the "ield !""er, it is n!ted that the# all see) t! (!ntain the "!ll!.in, asis '!ints7 6irst, in a "ederati!n the '!liti(al a&th!rit# is territ!riall# di-ided et.een t.! a&t!n!)!&s sets !" se'arate 0&risdi(ti!ns, !ne nati!nal and !ther 'r!-in(ial, .hi(h !th !'erate dire(tl# "r!) the 'e!'le. Se(!nd, the e+isten(e !" a sin,le, indi-isi le &t #et (!)'!site "ederal nati!n is si)&ltane!&sl# asserted. In this re,ard Pr!". Wheare )ade an i)'!rtant ! ser-ati!n that "!r the e+isten(e !" a "ederal 'rin(i'le, it is i)'!rtant that the '!.er !" ,!-ernan(e is di-ided et.een (!5 !rdinate and inde'endent a&th!rities. 6&rther, an e+a)inati!n !" the U. S. %!nstit&ti!n sh!.s that the 'rin(i'le !" !r,ani1ati!n &'!n .hi(h it is s& !rdinate t! !ne an!ther. It is als! said that "!r the in !rder t! e (alled 3"ederal4, it is n!t ne(essar# that the %!nstit&ti!n sh!&ld ad!'t the "ederal 'rin(i'le (!)'letel#. It is en!&,h i" the "ederal 'rin(i'le is the 'red!)inant 'rin(i'le in the %!nstit&ti!n. In India, .e sa# that the "ederal 'rin(i'le is d!)inant in !&r %!nstit&ti!n. :ee'in, this "ra)e.!r2 !" 3"ederalis)4 in )ind, .e ne+t )!-e t! state that there are three asi( !r,ans !" ,!-ernan(e, the# ein,7 E+e(&ti-e, Le,islat&re and J&di(iar#. N!. .hen .e sa# that a (!&ntr# has "ederal "eat&res !" ,!-ernan(e, it )&st e &nderst!!d that the "ederal 'rin(i'le is 'resent in all these three !r,ans !" the ; Jodh"ur National aw University! ased, 8the "ederal 'rin(i'le9 is that the "ield !" ,!-ern)ent is di-ided et.een a ,eneral a&th!rit# and re,i!nal a&th!rities .hi(h are n!t

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

,!-ern)ent. I" it e n!t s! then in a(t&al 'ra(ti(e the 'rin(i'le !" "ederalis) .ill e .atered d!.n. This is e(a&se i" the (!)'!nent &nits the)sel-es d! n!t "!ll!. the )andates !" the %!nstit&ti!n, then the entire "ederal str&(t&re .!&ld l!se its si,ni"i(an(e !r rather .!&ld n!t e-en *&ali"# t! e (alled as "ederal in nat&re.


a( In)redients *f 'udicial !ederalism In a (!&ntr# li2e India, .here there are a n&) er !" States, and .here the %!nstit&ti!n (!nte)'lates that it shall e 3Uni!n !" States4, t! 'r!-e that there is "ederalis) and that t!! in the 0&di(ial set &', then "irst !" all it has t! e esta lished that there is "ederalis) in the entire ,!-ern)ental set &'. That .e sa# sin(e there has t! e (!heren(e et.een the di""erent !r,ans !" the ,!-ern)ent, and !&t !" .h!se 'ra(ti(es the "ederal set &' !" the ,!-ern)ent (an e 'r!-ed. This is e(a&se, "ederal ,!-ern)ent !r "ederal %!nstit&ti!n and "ederal 0&di(iar# 8!r "!r that )atters and !r,an !" the ,!-ern)ent, e it e+e(&ti-e !r le,islat&re9, !th are (!rres'!ndin, ter)s. One "!ll!.s the !ther. I" there is n! "ederal ,!-ern)ent, then there (ann!t e a s&((ess"&l "ederal 0&di(ial set &' sin(e that "ederal set &' .ill e at s!)e 'la(es e dist&r ed !r its .!r2in, e ha)'ered # the 3n!n "ederal4 ,!-ern)ent and -i(e5 -ersa. Se(!ndl#, i" .e see in the Indian "ra)e, then "ederati!n has een esta lished in the le,islati-e d!)ain # rin,in, in di-isi!n !" '!.er "irst, # (reatin, le,islat&res at t.! le-els, !ne at the (entre and an!ther at the 'r!-in(ial 8State9 le-el, and the # di-idin, their areas !" .!r2 # (reatin, di""erent Lists, .herein s& 0e(ts &'!n .hi(h the di""erent le,islat&res (an e+er(ise their (!ntr!l are "i+ed. Pr!'er ite)i1ati!n ahs een d!ne in the 3la. )a2in,4 d!)ain. I" there"!re, .e in India tr# t! l!(ate "ederalis) in the Indian J&di(iar#, then .e need t! see, i" n!t the sa)e then si)ilar de)ar(ati!n !" '!.er in the 0&di(ial arena t!!. That (an e seen # l!!2in, at the str&(t&re !" the 0&di(iar#, its !r,ani1ati!n, its .!r2in,, et(. b( Efficacy fact*r

< Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

In this, .e tr# t! l!(ate as t! .hat is the need !" a "ederal 0&di(ial set5 &', h!. it (an e a(hie-ed, h!. sh!&ld the 0&di(iar# e !r,ani1ed in !rder t! a(hie-e the ,!al !" a "ederal 0&di(iar#, .hether 3"ederalis)4 in 0&di(iar# e esta lished # 2ee'in, the sa)e 'ara)eters t! 0&d,e the 0&di(ial s#ste) as .e ha-e "!r anal#1in, the "ederal (hara(ter !" the le,islat&re !r e+e(&ti-e, !r .hether there are need t! e seen s!)e )!re "a(t!rs "!r the '&r'!se, et(. There als! need t! e a *&esti!n that &'t! .hat le-els !" the 0&di(ial hierar(h# (an the 3"ederalis)4 (!n(e't e stret(hed t! and e stressed &'!n, is it &'t! the asi( line !" de)ar(ati!n !nl# !r it e+tends als! t! the l!.er le-els !" 0&di(ial hierar(h#, and then t! see that .hat a)!&nt !" e""i(ien(# (an e )aintained # all!.in, a -er# dee' r!!ted "ederal set5&'. c( C*ntr*l fact*r Sin(e in India, .e ha-e a hierar(h# !" (!&rts at the State le-el and the S&'re)e %!&rt at the (entre, there"!re, herein .e in the 3(!ntr!l "a(t!r4, .e need t! see the relati!nshi' !" these (!&rts et.een and .ithin the)sel-es. There need t! e anal#sed that .hat is the a)!&nt !" (!ntr!l the S&'re)e %!&rt 8Uni!n J&di(iar#9 e+er(ises !-er the Hi,h %!&rts and its s& !rdinate (!&rts 8Hi,h %!&rts in the States9, and "&rther .hat is the a)!&nt !" (!ntr!l that the Hi,h %!&rts (an e+er(ise !-er the (!&rts 3s& !rdinate4 t! it, sin(e there has t! e a (he(2 and (!ntr!l !n that t!!, t! )aintain a 'r!'er "ederal set &'. The s& !rdina(# !" (!&rts is itsel" a ter) that r&ns in (!ntradi(ti!n .ith the "ederal 'rin(i'le, sin(e there (ann!t e a(t&all# (!&rts that are s& !rdinate t! !r e"!re an!ther (!&rts, !r e-en e"!re an# !ther !&tside a,en(#. d( Inde+endence fact*r This "a(t!r is the )!st deter)inin, "a(t!r "!r the '&r'!ses !" 0&d,in, the (lai) ! a 0&di(iar# as ein, "ederal. This is the )!st hi,hl# held (!n(e't that has een re(!,ni1ed sin(e the -er# idea !" 0&sti(e deli-er# s#ste) has (!)e t! e+isten(e, sin(e it is al.a#s "elt that there (ann!t e 0&sti(e .ith!&t the 0&sti(e deli-erin, !d# ein, a "ree and a "air !d#. Sin(e in the 'r!0e(t, .e tal2 !" 0&di(ial "ederalis), there"!re the inde'enden(e that is ein, re"ereed t! here, is the inde'enden(e .ithin the internal str&(t&re, and n!t in re"eren(e !" the !ther !&tside a,en(ies !r an# !ther (!ntr!llin, !r ,!-ernin, !d#. = Jodh"ur National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

The (!&rts at di""erent le-els sh!&ld .!r2 inde'endent !" the !ther (!&rts a !-e the) in the 0&di(ial hierar(h#, !ther.ise 0&sti(e (ann!t e d!ne in a tr&e sense. I" there are )e(hanis)s t! ,&ide the de(isi!ns and 0&d,)ents !" the (!&rts !r the )e(hanis) !" .!r2in, !" the (!&rts !r (!ntr!l !-er the !""i(ers !" the (!&rts, then the (!&rts (ann!t e+er(ise their dis(reti!n t! the )atters, !r there )i,ht (!)e in an ele)ent !" 're0&di(e !r ias .hi(h .!&ld a""e(t the entire (!n(e't !" "ederalis) # snat(hin, the "reed!) !" the di""erent &nits !" the "ederati!n (alled 0&di(iar#. e( #u+erintendence fact*r Sin(e in India "!ll!.s a hierar(h# !" (!&rts, this "eat&re leads t! at ti)es the (!&rts in the &''er hierar(h# t! e+er(ise s!)e s!rt !" s&'erintenden(e !-er the (!&rts 'la(ed in the l!.er !rder !" the hierar(h#. There )i,ht e reas!ns "!r the sa)e, &t a *&esti!n still arises as t! .hether this "eat&re !" s&'erintenden(e &nder)ines the 'rin(i'le !" "ederalis) e(a&se "ederalis) (!nn!tes the (reati!n !" inde'endent &nits. I" the di""erent &nits are s&'er(eded # the !thers, then this .ill e a se-ere str!2e t!.ards rin,in, d!.n the s'irit !" "ederalis). T! anal#se this "a(t!r in the Indian re"eren(e, it needs t! e hi,hli,hted a,ain that sin(e India is 3Uni!n4 !" States, and there"!re t! )aintain the Uni!n and 2ee' it inta(t, (an the sl!,an !" 3n! s&'erintenden(e4 e "!ll!.ed in a -er# stri(t sense> It is 'r! a l# n!t '!ssi le in the stri(test !" the senses, sin(e a,ain it )i,ht at s!)e ti)e lead t! 3inde'endent4 &nits ,ainin, )!re inde'enden(e than .hat is re*&ired !r &sin, the inde'enden(e that the# en0!# t!.ards ad-erse (a&ses. f( #u+remacy ,ersus #u+eri*rity fact*r In India the S&'re)e %!&rt is 2n!.n as the A'e+ %!&rt. This (an e (alled as esta lishin, the s&'re)a(# !" the S&'re)e %!&rt. This '!int is "&rther stren,thened # the "a(t that its de(isi!ns are re,arded as 3la.s4 and (arr# a )andate .ith the) t! e "!ll!.ed # all the !ther 0&di(ial a&th!rities in the (!&ntr#. H!. "ar d!es this s&'re)a(# ha-e a r!le t! 'la# in 0&d,in, the (hara(teristi(s !" the 0&di(iar# and h!. "ar (an it e all!.ed in a "ederal 0&di(iar# is a *&esti!n .hi(h (an e ans.ered seein, t! the "a(ts and (ir(&)stan(es. ? Jodh"ur National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

The s&'eri!rit# "a(t!r asi(all# re"ers t! !ne (!&rt ein, )!re (!)'etent t! the !ther and als! t! the "eat&re that i" there is an# de(isi!n # a (!&rt .hi(h is n!t 'r!'er, then there is !ne a&th!rit# a !-e it .hi(h (an (!rre(t the said in"ir)it#. This (an e said t! in(l&de "eat&res as the a''ellate 'r!-isi!ns, et(. T! as(ri e "ederal (hara(ter t! the 0&di(iar#, !ne needs t! l!!2 int! the said "a(t!rs, sin(e, the# deter)ine the .!r2in, !" the s#ste). One als! needs t! see that d!es the s&'re)a(# (la&se and the s&'eri!rit# (la&se (!n"li(t .ith ea(h !ther !r are the# s#n!n#)!&s. Be(a&se, it (an e said that the 'resen(e !" a s&'re)e a&th!rit# is a )&st, .h!se sa# is a )&st t! e "!ll!.ed, 2ee'in, the inde'enden(e !" the dis(rete &nits inta(t, !ther.ise it )i,ht lead t! the disinte,rati!n !" the entire s#ste). It .ill e a !d# that .ill a(t as a indin, "!r(e. The s&'eri!rit# "a(t!r )i,ht at ti)es lead t! the dil&ti!n !" the "ederalis) 'rin(i'le, i" its .!r2in, it n!t (!ntr!lled t! )aintain the inde'enden(e !" the (!)'!nent &nits. )( C**rdinati*n fact*r This "eat&re is that indin, "!r(e .hi(h is )&st t! )aintain the 3&ni!n4. Unless the dis(rete &nits )aintain a 'r!'er (!!rdinati!n a)!n, !ne an!ther, there (ann!t e )ateriali1ed the idea !" a "ederati!n. T! 're-ent the s#ste) "r!) .itherin, d!.n t! the internal and e+ternal "!r(es, there is needed a )e(hanis) that all!.s "!r "&ll inde'enden(e, &t n!t at the (!st !" the "ederati!n, &t 'r!te(tin, and se(&rin, it t! 2ee' it as 3!ne4. This is needed t! ens&re the "l!. !" the strea) !" 0&sti(e.

OR&ANI#ATION O! 'UDICIARThe !r,ani1ati!n !" (!&rts, i.e. the 0&di(iar# is the asi( (riteri!n "!r deter)inin, the "ederal (hara(ter !" the 0&di(iar#. This ein, s!, sin(e, it is startin, .ith the str&(t&re !nl# that .e (an 'r!(eed t! l!!2 "&rther int! its .!r2in, and )e(hanis)s, .hi(h "!r) the "&n(ti!nal as'e(t !" the 0&di(ial set5&'. B!th the str&(t&ral and the "&n(ti!nal 'arts, and their (!!rdinati!n .ith ea(h !ther de(ide as t! .hether .hat t#'e !" 0&di(iar# it is, i.e. "ederal, !r &ni"ied !r an# else. @ Jodh"ur National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

The %!nstit&ti!n !" India 'r!-ides "!r t.! sets !" (!&rts, !ne at the (entre and !ther in the states. %ha'ter IV !" Part V and %ha'ter V !" Part VI s'ea2 !" Uni!n J&di(iar# and Hi,h %!&rts in states res'e(ti-el#. There are se'arate 'r!-isi!ns "!r 'res(ri e "!r their .!r2in, .hi(h )eans that %!nstit&ti!n. United #tates 'udicial #et.u+ T! (!)'are this set5 &' !" (!&rts in India .ith that !" the U. S., .here there e+ists a (!)'lete 0&di(ial hierar(h# !n !th the "ederal and the state le-els. In the "ederal (!&rt str&(t&re there are, in as(endin, !rder, distri(t (!&rts, (ir(&it (!&rts !" a''eal, and at the t!' !" the "ederal 0&di(ial '#ra)id the S&'re)e %!&rt. In ea(h state an!ther 0&di(ial '#ra)id !" state (!&rts (&l)inates .ith the state s&'re)e (!&rt. The t.! s#ste)s h!.e-er, are n!t /"ederall# "&ll# se'arateAB n!t !nl# is the "ederal S&'re)e %!&rt the hi,hest (!&rt !" a''eal "r!) !th the net.!r2s &t the t.! s#ste)s a(t&all# interl!(2 # a de,ree !" concurrent 0&risdi(ti!n, shared # !th the "ederal and the state (!&rts. There are se'arate )atters "!r the 0&risdi(ti!n !" !th the state and the "ederal (!&rts. S!)e )atters are &nder the e+(l&si-e 0&risdi(ti!n !" the "ederal (!&rts, s&(h as (ri)es and !""en(es a,ainst the United StatesB 'ri1e, 'atent, (!'#ri,ht, and s!)e an2r&'t(# (asesB (i-il (ases !" ad)iralt# and ti)e 0&risdi(ti!nB (ases t! .hi(h a state is a 'art#B and (ases in-!l-in, "!rei,n a) assad!rs. Alth!&,h the "ederal and states (!&rt s#ste)s are lin2ed t! the e+tent that in (ertain (ases the U. S. S&'re)e %!&rt has the '!.er t! re-ie. a de(isi!n rendered # the hi,hest (!&rt !" the state, state (!&rts are ,enerall# inde'endent !" the "ederal (!&rts. Als! a "ederal (!&rt !rdinaril# d!es n!t inter"ere e.,. # ha eas .ith the ad)inistrati!n !" the state la. # a state (!&rt &nless "&nda)ental ri,hts ,&aranteed # the "ederal %!nstit&ti!n are in-aded, !r .hen the en"!r(e)ent !" state la. a''ears !ther.ise re'&,nant t! the %!nstit&ti!n, la.s !r treaties !" the U. S. Th&s the !rderl# ad)inistrati!n !" 0&sti(e in a state (!&rt is n!t t! e inter"ered .ith, e+(e't in rare (ases .hen e+(e'ti!nal (ir(&)stan(es e+ist. With this a(2dr!' !" 0&di(iar# 'resent in the U. S., "!r .hi(h the (!n(e't !" 0&di(ial "ederalis) is said t! C Jodh"ur e tr&e, .e shall see t! the -ari!&s 'r!-isi!ns !" the Indian National aw University! !th .hi(h !th deri-e their '!.ers "r!) the

Judicial Federalism in India II India.

Constitutional Governance

%!nstit&ti!n, .hi(h s'ell !&t the str&(t&re, '!.ers and "&n(ti!ns "!r the 0&di(iar# in

%ha'ter IV !" Part V has the 'r!-isi!ns "!r Uni!n J&di(iar#. Art. $;= 'r!-ides "!r the esta lish)ent !" the S&'re)e %!&rt, Art. $;? t! $;D ha-e 'r!-isi!ns re,ardin, the 0&d,es !" the S&'re)e %!&rt, Art. $;E de(lares the S&'re)e %!&rt as a (!&rt !" re(!rd, Art $<F t! $<= G Art. $<D s'ell !&t the 0&risdi(ti!n !" the S&'re)e %!&rt, Art. $<=A t! $<@ ha-e 'r!-isi!ns "!r a''eal t! the S&'re)e %!&rt, Art. $<E (!n"ers '!.er &'!n the S&'re)e %!&rt t! iss&e (ertain t#'es !" .rits, Art. $<EA "&rther ,i-es the '!.er t! the S&'re)e %!&rt t! trans"er (ertain 'endin, (ases t! itsel" and Art. $=$ )a2es an# la. )ade # the S&'re)e %!&rt t! e indin, !n all (!&rts .ithin the territ!r# !" India, the S&'re)e %!&rt has !ri,inal 0&risdi(ti!n in )atters !" "&nda)ental ri,hts !" the (iti1ens &nder Art. <;B this arti(le ein, in Part III is itsel" a "&nda)ental ri,ht.

%ha'ter V !" Part VI has 'r!-isi!ns "!r Hi,h %!&rts in states. Art. ;$= G ;$@ ha-e 'r!-isi!ns "!r the esta lish)ent and (!nstit&ti!n !" Hi,h %!&rts, Art. ;$? )a2es Hi,h %!&rts als! (!&rts !" re(!rd 8si)ilar t! S&'re)e %!&rt9, Art ;$C t! ;;=A has 'r!-isi!ns re,ardin, 0&d,es !" the S&'re)e %!&rt 8 s!)e !" the) ein, si)ilar t! th!se "!r the S&'re)e %!&rt 0&d,es9, Art. ;;? G ;;@ are re,ardin, 0&risdi(ti!n !" the Hi,h %!&rts, Art. ;;C s'ells !&t the s&'erintenden(e !" the Hi,h %!&rts !-er the !ther (!&rts "allin, in its territ!rial 0&risdi(ti!n and Art. ;;D 'r!-ides "!r the trans"er !" (ases # the Hi,h %!&rts "r!) the (!&rts s& !rdinate t! it, Art. ;<? 'r!-ides "!r Hi,h %!&rts4 (!ntr!l !-er the (!&rts s& !rdinate t! it. Based !n the a !-e str&(t&re !" 0&di(iar# in India and, it in the li,ht !" the sa)e in the U. S., .e 'r!(eed t! e+a)ine that .hether there e+ists 30&di(ial "ederalis)4 in India !r n!t.


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Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

It has al.a#s een said a !&t Indian J&di(iar# that it is a &ni"ied !ne .ith the S&'re)e %!&rt at its a'e+ and he Hi,h %!&rts el!. it. Seein, the -ari!&s 'r!-isi!ns !" the %!nstit&ti!n, it (an e said that the S&'re)e %!&rt en0!#s the t!' )!st '!siti!n in the 0&di(ial hierar(h# !" the (!&ntr#. It is the s&'re)e inter'reter !" the %!nstit&ti!n and the ,&ardian !" 'e!'le4s "&nda)ental ri,hts. It is the &lti)ate a''eal in all (ri)inal and (i-il )atters and the "inal inter'reter !" the la. !" the land, and th&s hel's in )aintainin, a &ni"!r)it# !" la. thr!&,h!&t the (!&ntr#. 6irstl#, .hat is re*&ired "!r a "ederati!n is that there sh!&ld e a di-isi!n !" '!.er a)!n, the di""erent (!5!rdinate and inde'endent a&th!ritiesH(!)'!nent &nits !" a "ederati!n. When .e anal#se "ederalis) in 0&di(iar#, then the sa)e di-isi!n !" '!.er sh!&ld als! e re"le(ted in the 0&di(ial set5&' !r et.een the "ederal and the 'r!-in(ial (!&rts. It sh!&ld e de)ar(ati!n in the "ields !" .!r2in, !" the "ederal and 'r!-in(ialHstate (!&rts. A''l#in, the 'rin(i'le !" "ederati!n as ,i-en # :.%. Wheare "!r "ederal ,!-ern)ents7 /The di-isi!n (an e )ade either # )ar2in, !"" the '!.ers !" the ,eneral ,!-ern)ent and li)itin, it t! the), and then sa#in, that, .ith this e+(e'ti!n, the re,i!nal (!nstit&ti!ns are t! ,! !n as e"!re and that the '!.ers !" the re,i!nal ,!-ern)ents are li)ited t! .hat is le"tB !r the di-isi!n (an e )ade # )ar2in, !"" and li)itin, the '!.ers !" !th ,eneral and re,i!nal ,!-ern)ents and th&s (reatin, ne. (!nstit&ti!ns "!r all !" the).A N!. i" the sa)e 3"ederalis)4 'rin(i'le is t! e a''lied in re"eren(e t! 0&di(iar#, and then (!)'arin, it .ith that !" the Indian s#ste), then it (an e said -er# (!n-enientl#, sin(e it see)s -er# a''arent then that there e+ists n! 0&di(ial "ederalis) in India. This ein, s!, sin(e, in India there is n! di-isi!n !" '!.ers et.een the ,eneral and 'r!-in(ial (!&rts. There is n! ite)i1ati!n d!ne .ith re,ards t! their area !" .!r2in, and there see)s t! e n! e+(l&si-eness in their .!r2in, t!!, as there is there is n! (!n(l&si-e ar !n an# s&it "r!) rea(hin, the S&'re)e %!&rt. The entire s#ste) see)s t! e li2e 3!ne4. There (!&rts r&n in !ne -erti(al hierar(h# startin, "r!) the l!.er (!&rts and "inall# ter)inatin, in the S&'re)e %!&rt. %!)'arin, .ith the (!nditi!n 're-alent in the U. S. in this re,ard, .e ha-e seen that !th the "ederal and the state (!&rts ha-e their E Jodh"ur National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

!.n res'e(ti-e "ield !" 0&risdi(ti!n, and !nl# s!)e )atters ha-in, (!n(&rren(e et.een the !th. With this re"eren(e, it e(!)es (lear that the sit&ati!n in India d!esn4t )at(h .ith that !" the U. S., .herein !&r s#ste) "ails t! "&l"ill the asi( (!nditi!n re*&ired "!r 3"ederalis)4. C*nstituti*nal r*,isi*ns Startin, .ith the i, ,&n "irst, and the arti(le that 'la#s the )!st deter)inin, r!le t!.ards this. It is Art. $=$ !" the Indian %!nstit&ti!n. This arti(le ena(ts that the la. de(lared # the S&'re)e %!&rt shall e indin, !n 3all (!&rts4 in the territ!r# !" India. With this arti(le ,ets atta(hed a -al&e !" s&'eri!rit# .ith the S&'re)e %!&rt that its sa# has t! e "!ll!.ed as a )andate # all the !ther (!&rts !" the (!&ntr#. %!)in, then t! the 0&risdi(ti!n !" the (!&rt, .here S&'re)e %!&rt has the e+(l&si-e !ri,inal 0&risdi(ti!n as laid in Art. $<$. Re,ardin, a''ellate 0&risdi(ti!n, the S&'re)e %!&rt has a''ellate 0&risdi(ti!n as 'r!-ided # Art. $<; t! $<=A G Art. $<@. /A''ellate 0&risdi(ti!n is the 0&risdi(ti!n !" a s&'eri!r (!&rt t! re-ie. the "inal 0&d,)ent, !rder, !r de(ree !" an in"eri!r (!&rt !n the re(!rd )ade in the in"eri!r tri &nal G t! a""ir), re-erse, dis)iss, !r )!di"# that de(isi!n.A the .!rd a''ellate si,ni"ies the s&'eri!rit# !" the Su"reme Court and the de,ree !" all!.an(e !" s&(h a''ellate 0&risdi(ti!n als! "&rther deter)ined the "eat&res !" a 0&di(iar#. Sin(e in India, the "reed!) t! (ases is s&(h that every (ase is ca"able !" rea(hin, the S&'re)e %!&rt, the 3"ederalis)4 'rin(i'le "ades a.a#. The 'r!-isi!ns la#in, a''ellate 0&risdi(ti!n !" the S&'re)e %!&rt are t!! .ide and ,i-e a lar,e a)!&nt !" '!.ers t! the S&'re)e %!&rt in )atters !" a''eal. An# 2ind !" )atter (an rea(h t! the S&'re)e %!&rt in a''eal -ia these 'r!-isi!ns. Art. $<;8$9, an# a''eal (an lie t! the S&'re)e %!&rt "r!) any #udgment! decree or final order! .hether (i-il, (ri)inal !r !ther 'r!(eedin, !" the Hi,h %!&rt i" it (erti"ies that the (ase in-!l-es a s& stantial *&esti!n !" la. as t! the inter'retati!n !" the %!nstit&ti!n. Th&s a lar,e a)!&nt !" '!.er has een (!n"erred !n the S&'re)e %!&rt in (!nstit&ti!nal )atters. This see)s t! e as(ri in, &nitar# (hara(ters t! the 0&di(iar# es'e(iall# .hen $F Jodh"ur National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

!th Hi,h %!&rts and the S&'re)e %!&rt ha-e een esta lished # the %!nstit&ti!n, i.e. !th are (!nstit&ti!nal (!&rts &t the '!.er has een ,i-en t! !nl# !ne !" the). Then, enlar,e)ent !" the 0&risdi(ti!n !" the S&'re)e %!&rt # a la. )ade # the Parlia)ent is 'r!-ided -ide Art. $<D, .hereas n! s&(h si)ilar 'r!-isi!n is 2e't in "a-!&r !" the Hi,h %!&rts. 6&rther, '!.er is als! (!n"erred !n the S&'re)e %!&rt # Art. $<EA !" the %!nstit&ti!n t! trans"er (ertain (ases "r!) the Hi,h %!&rts t! itsel". This ! literates the 'rin(i'le !" "ederalis) as it i)'li(itl# )a2es !r sh!.s the S&'re)e %!&rt as ein, )!re (!)'etent than the Hi,h %!&rts. And "inall#, Art. $== .hi(h 'r!-ides that all a&th!rities (i-il and 0&di(ial in the territ!r# !" India shall a(t in the aid !" the S&'re)e %!&rt. This entire (!nstit&ti!nal s(he)e sh!.s that )!re i)'!rtan(e need e ,i-en t! the S&'re)e %!&rt, .hi(h is the hi,hest (!&rt !" the land. The entire 0&di(ial set5 &' is see)s t! e iased t!.ards the !ne Su"reme Court. ractices *f the #u+reme C*urt N!t !nl# the (!nstit&ti!nal 'r!-isi!ns, &t als! the de(isi!ns ,i-en # the S&'re)e %!&rt and the 'ra(ti(es "!ll!.ed # it sh!. that the 0&di(iar# in India is (entrall# !r,ani1ed and there e+ists n! (hara(teristi(s !" "ederalis) in it. This %!&rt (!nsidered the s(!'e and a)'lit&de !" 'lenar# '!.er &nder Art. $<@ !" the %!nstit&ti!n in $urga Shan%ar &ehta -. 'ha%ur (aghura# Sin,h 8$E??9, I&2her0ee, J. s'ea2in, "!r the %!&rt ! ser-ed JThe '!.ers ,i-en # Art. $<@ !" the %!nstit&ti!n h!.e-er are in the nat&re !" s'e(ial !r resid&ar# '!.ers .hi(h are e+er(isa le !&tside the '&r-ie. !" !rdinar# la., in (ases .here the needs !" 0&sti(e de)and inter"eren(e # the S&'re)e %!&rt !" the land. The arti(le itsel" is .!rded in the .idest ter)s '!ssi le. It -ests in the S&'re)e %!&rt a 'lenar# 0&risdi(ti!n in the )atter !" entertainin, and hearin, a''eals, # ,rantin, !" s'e(ial lea-e, a,ainst an# 2ind !" 0&d,)ent !r !rder )ade # a %!&rt !r Tri &nal in an# (a&se !r )atter and the '!.ers (!&ld e e+er(ised in s'ite !" the s'e(i"i( 'r!-isi!ns "!r $$ Jodh"ur National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

a''eal (!ntained in the %!nstit&ti!n !r !ther la.s. The %!nstit&ti!n "!r the est !" reas!ns did n!t (h!!se t! "etter !r (ir(&)s(ri e the '!.ers e+er(isa le &nder this arti(le in an# .a#.J This .as .ith re,ard t! the a''ellate 0&risdi(ti!n !" the S&'re)e %!&rt .herein &nrestri(ted '!.ers ha-e een read "!r it &nder Art. $<@. Als!, seein, t! the !ri,inal 0&risdi(ti!n !" the (!&rt, e.,. Art. <; !" the %!nstit&ti!n, .hi(h 'r!-ides "!r the a,,rie-ed 'arties t! in-!2e the 0&risdi(ti!n !" the S&'re)e %!&rt in (ase !" rea(h !" "&nda)ental ri,hts, is itsel" a "&nda)ental ri,ht. Th!&,h a si)ilar and a .ider 'r!-isi!n t! 'r!te(t the "&nda)ental ri,hts has een )ade -ide Art. ;;@ t! ta2e re(!&rse &nder the Hi,h %!&rts, &t still the 'r!te(ti!n ,i-en # Art. <; is a((!rded )!re i)'!rtan(e. The si,ni"i(an(e !" this ri,ht had een assessed in the (ase !" )rem Chand -. *+cise Commissioner! U. ). , .herein Ka0endra,ad2ar, J. held7 /The "&nda)ental ri,ht t! )!-e this (!&rt8 S&'re)e %!&rt9 (an e a''r!'riatel# des(ri ed as the (!rnerst!ne !" the de)!(rati( edi"i(e raised # the %!nstit&ti!n. That is .h# it is nat&ral that this %!&rt sh!&ld, in the .!rds !" Patan0ali Sastri, J., re,ard itsel" 3as the 'r!te(t!r and ,&arant!r !" "&nda)ental ri,hts4 and sh!&ld de(lare that /it (ann!t, (!nsistentl# .ith the res'!nsi ilit# laid d!.n &'!n it, re"&se t! entertain a''li(ati!ns see2in, 'r!te(ti!n a,ainst in"rin,e)ents !" s&(h ri,hts8 -ide (omesh 'ha""ar -. State of &adras9;. In dis(har,in, the d&ties assi,ned t! it, this (!&rt has t! 'la# the r!le !" a 3sentinel !n the -ui vive. 8-ide State of &adras -. /. G. (ow9<, and it )&st re,ard it as its s!le)n d&t# t! 'r!te(t the said "&nda)ental ri,hts 31eal!&sl# and -i,ilantl#4A. There ha-e een de(isi!ns .hi(h e-en disre,ard the alternati-e re)ed# that is 'resent in the (ase !" "&nda)ental ri,hts t! a 'ers!n e"!re (!)in, t! the S&'re)e %!&rt, that the# (an ,et their ri,hts en"!r(ed in the Hi,h %!&rts. In the (ase !" 0. 0. 0ochunni -. State of &adras1 it .as held that the ri,ht t! )!-e the S&'re)e %!&rt .as an a s!l&te ri,ht and that the e+isten(e !" alternati-e re)edies .as irrele-ant.
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AIR $E@< S% EE@, EEE AIR $E?F S% $;=, $;@ < AIR $E?; S% $E@, $EE = AIR $E?E S% C;?

$; Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II the (!&rt held that7

Constitutional Governance

This sa)e 'rin(i'le .as reiterated in the (ase !" 0hara% Singh -. State of U. ).2 in .hi(h /The "a(t that an a(t # the state e+e(&ti-e !r # a state "&n(ti!nar# a(tin, &nder a 'retended a&th!rit# ,i-es rise t! an a(ti!n at (!))!n la. !r e-en &nder a stat&te and that the in0&red (iti1en !r 'ers!n )a# ha-e redress in the !rdinar# (!&rts is .h!ll# i))aterial and irrele-ant "!r (!nsiderin, .hether s&(h a(ti!n is an in-asi!n !" a "&nda)ental ri,ht. It is .h!ll# err!ne!&s t! ass&)e that e"!re the 0&risdi(ti!n !" the S&'re)e %!&rt &nder Art. <; (!&ld e in-!2ed the a''ellant )&st either esta lish that he has n! !ther re)ed# ade*&ate !r !ther.ise !r that he has e+ha&sted s&(h re)edies as the la. a""!rds and #et n!t ! tained 'r!'er redress, "!r .hen !n(e it is 'r!-ed t! the satis"a(ti!n !" the S&'re)e %!&rt that # State a(ti!n the "&nda)ental ri,ht !" a 'etiti!ner &nder Art. <; has een in"rin,ed, it is n!t !nl# the ri,ht &t als! the d&t# !" the S&'re)e %!&rt t! a""!rd relie" t! hi) # 'assin, a''r!'riate !rders in that ehal".A It .as als! held in the (ase !" (omesh 'ha""ar -. State of &adras that there is n! (!n(&rren(e !" 0&risdi(ti!n &nder Art. <; .ith that &nder Art. ;;@. All the a !-e de(isi!ns d! n!t all!. the )!del !" a 0&di(iar# .ith "ederal "eat&res t! (!)e tr&e. N!t !nl# this, there ha-e een de(isi!ns !" the S&'re)e %!&rt .hi(h ha-e tried t! &s&r' the '!.er !" the Hi,h (!&rts &nder Art. ;;@. These de(isi!ns are n!t re,ardin, the an# a''ellate 0&risdi(ti!n &t the S&'re)e %!&rt has atte)'ted t! (!ntr!l the 'r!(ed&res and 'ra(ti(es !" the Hi,h %!&rts. S&(h de(isi!ns (an e l!. !n the "ederal (hara(ters !" an# 0&di(iar#, sin(e !ne (!nstit&ti!nal (!&rt (ann!t li)it the '!.er !" an!ther (!nstit&ti!nal (!&rt. In 'itagh"ur )a"er&ills Co. td. -. State of 3rissa4! the S&'re)e %!&rt relied !n !ld En,lish de(isi!ns, and a de(isi!n !" the Pri-# %!&n(il in (aleigh Investment Co. td. -. Governor5 General in Council6 t! (!n(l&de that, the Sales Ta+ A(t .as a (!)'lete (!de 'r!-idin, "!r a''eals, and re"errin, t! an En,lish de(isi!n !" $D?E, held as "!ll!.s7

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AIR $E@< S% DED AIR $ED< S% @F< C AIR $E=C P% CD

$< Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

/It is n!. .ell re(!,nised that .here a ri,ht !r lia ilit# is (reated # a stat&te .hi(h ,i-es a s'e(ial re)ed# "!r en"!r(in, it, the re)ed# 'r!-ided # that stat&te !nl# )&st e a-ailed !".A This 'rin(i'le 0&sti"ies the Hi,h %!&rt in n!t entertainin, a .rit 'etiti!n in a ta+ )atter. This a''r!a(h sh!.s t!tal indi""eren(e t! the -er# ! 0e(t !" Art. ;;@, .hi(h .as t! ,i-e (iti1ens a *&i(2 and e""i(a(i!&s re)ed#. The S&'re)e %!&rts relian(e !n 0&d,)ents ,!in, a(2 t! the $Eth (ent&r# "!r den#in, a (!nstit&ti!nal re)ed# is &ntena le, as n!ne !" these 0&d,)ents had t! ta2e int! a((!&nt a (!nstit&ti!nal 'r!-isi!n s&(h as Art ;;@, .hi(h !-errides all stat&t!r# li)itati!ns. The S&'re)e %!&rt has als! str!n,l# de're(ated the 'ra(ti(e !" the Hi,h (!&rts in ,rantin, interi) relie" t! the a''li(ants in ta+ )atters, e-en in (ases .here the interests !" the re-en&e .ere "&ll# 'r!te(ted # an2 ,&arantee. The %!&rt, in a S'e(ial Lea-e Petiti!nD, re-ersed the an !rder !" a sin,le 0&d,e, (!n"ir)ed .ith (ertain )!di"i(ati!ns in a''eal, &nder .hi(h a ta+ de)and .as sta#edB the interests !" the Re-en&e had een "&ll# sa"e,&arded # ens&rin, that the assessee "&rnished a an2 ,&arantee "!r the "&ll a)!&nt in dis'&te. The %!&rt did n!t (!nsider .hether the assessee had !r had n!t )ade !&t a "rima facie (ase, &t )erel# ,eld that in re-en&e )atters the alan(e !" (!n-enien(e .as al.a#s in "a-!&r !" the State. This 0&d,)ent has destr!#ed the -al&a le '!.er !" the Hi,h %!&rt t! ,rant interi) relie" in )atters relatin, t! ta+ati!n. As a res&lt !" s&(h de(isi!ns, the .rits !" 'r!hi iti!n and certiorari ha-e, at least in )atters relatin, t! ta+ati!n, een -irt&all#, een a r!,ated. Als!, the entire set &' s&""ers l!.s e-en "r!) !ne de(isi!n !" the S&'re)e %!&rt. The de(isi!n !" the S&'re)e %!&rt in the (ase !" $elhi Judicial Service 7ssociation! 'is 8a9ari Court -. State of Gu#arat: is !ne .herein the %!&rt said that the S&'re)e %!&rt has '!.er !" 0&di(ial s&'erintenden(e and (!ntr!l !-erall the %!&rts and Tri &nals "&n(ti!nin, in the entire territ!r# !" the (!&ntr#, it has a (!rres'!ndin, d&t# t! 'r!te(t and sa"e,&ard the interest !" in"eri!r %!&rts t! ens&re the "l!. !" the strea) !" 0&sti(e in the %!&rts .ith!&t an# inter"eren(e !r atta(2 "r!) an# *&arter. What the %!&rt .ent !nt! sa#in, re,ardin, the 3s&'erintenden(e4 is n!.here re"le(ted in the %!nstit&ti!nal

7ssistant Collector -. $unlo" ;India< td., AIR $ED? S% <<F AIR $EE$ S% ;$CE

$= Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II %!nstit&ti!n "ra)ers. S&(h de(isi!ns

Constitutional Governance

'r!-isi!ns, and there"!re (ann!t e said t! ha-e een intended !r (!nte)'lated # the rin, d!.n the 'rin(i'le !" "ederalis) and tend t! as(ri e &nitar#

(hara(ters t! the Indian J&di(iar#.

$? Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

'UD&E#/ Their a++*intment0 transfer0 dismissal0 etc(0 the re)ulati*n *f these fact*rs0 and the r*le these ha,e in determinin) the federal characters *f judiciary
The Indian %!nstit&ti!n has n!t indeed re(!,nised the d!(trine !" se'arati!n !" '!.ers in its a s!l&te ri,idit#$F. This )!ti-e ehind this .as s! that the di""erent !r,ans (an 2ee' a (he(2 !n ea(h !ther. It essential als! t! 're-ent !ne !r,an "r!) an# !&tside (!ntr!l. In the (ase !" 0&di(iar#, .hi(h is &nderst!!d as a 3sa"e,&ardin,4 !r,an !" the %!nstit&ti!n, there has t! e (he(2 !n its 'r!(ed&res t!!. I" .e see it in the li,ht !" the 'r!-isi!ns !" the %!nstit&ti!n re,ardin, the re(r&it)ent, trans"er, and dis)issal !" the 0&d,es, then at 'la(es there ha-e een .!r2s assi,ned t! the E+e(&ti-e and the Le,islat&re in this re,ard. B&t this has een d!ne 2ee'in, the san(tit# !" the str&(t&re (alled 0&di(iar# inta(t i.e. n!.here the !&tside (!ntr!l is all!.ed t! ,! e#!nd the sa# !" the 0&di(iar# itsel". Herein, i" .e re"er t! s!)e !" the 'r!-isi!ns !" the %!nstit&ti!n and the inter'retati!n !" the (!&rts !" the), .hi(h sh!. the (!ntr!l !" the 0&di(iar# itsel" in the a !-e said )atters, )i,ht at s!)e ti)e raise 'res&)'ti!ns *&esti!nin, the "ederal (hara(ters !" the 0&di(iar#. S!)e !" the de(isi!ns !" the S&'re)e %!&rts .hi(h ha-e 'r!)'ted t! the raisin, !" s&(h *&esti!ns are ein, dis(&ssed el!.. Transfer *f the jud)es *f the Hi)h C*urt( The 'r!-isi!n "!r this (an e seen in Art. ;;; !" the Indian %!nstit&ti!n. We (!nte)'late that it is in the li,ht !" the "ederal str&(t&re !" the %!nstit&ti!n !" India that the -ari!&s 'r!-isi!ns !" the %!nstit&ti!n are t! e read and i" ne(essar# inter'reted and there"!re .e e+'e(t the sa)e "!r Art. ;;; .hi(h ena les the President !" India t! trans"er a 0&d,e !" the Hi,h %!&rt. B&t, a"ter the 0&d,)ent !" S. ). Gu"ta -. U. 3. I.,, 8Se(!nd %ase9 rendered # the S&'re)e %!&rt, the .!rds /a"ter (!ns&ltati!n .ith the %hie" J&sti(e !" IndiaA !((&rrin, in Art. ;;; ha-e een ,i-en an inter'retati!n that the
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ein, s!

inde'endent s! as t! de(ide its all !r,ani1ati!n and "&n(ti!ns # itsel" and e i))&ne !"

(am Jawaya 0a"ur -. State of )un#ab, AIR $E?? S% ?=E AIR $EE= S% ;@D

$@ Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

President )a# !nl# a"ter the (!nsent !" the %hie" J&sti(e !" India trans"er a 0&d,e "r!) !ne Hi,h %!&rt t! an!ther Hi,h %!&rt. With dee'est res'e(t, it is s& )itted that this inter'retati!n )ilitates a,ainst the "ederal str&(t&re !" the %!nstit&ti!n, and hen(e als! the "ederal str&(t&re !" the Indian J&di(iar#. It is als! a,ainst the inde'enden(e !" the Hi,h %!&rts and see2s t! )a2e Hi,h %!&rts s& !rdinate t! the S&'re)e %!&rt !" India. #ub*rdinati*n *f the 1#ub*rdinate 'udiciary2 t* 3hat e4tent5 In India, the %!nstit&ti!n itsel" e)'l!#s .!rds as 3s& !rdinate (!&rts4. This has een d!ne in Art. ;<? !" the %!nstit&ti!n. The ter)in!l!,# itsel" is -a,&e as it raises 'res&)'ti!ns !" the 0&di(iar# ein, a 3s& !rdinate4 !d#. Th!&,h .hat it (!nte)'lates is n!t s& !rdinati!n t! an# se(!nd a,en(# !&tside the 0&di(ial en-el!'e, &t t! the !ther (!&rts 'la(ed hi,h in the 0&di(ial hierar(h#. It is this -er# 'ra(ti(e that dil&tes the 'rin(i'le !" "ederalis). Re,ardin, the a''!int)ent !" the 0&d,es !" the 3s& !rdinate4 (!&rts, the '!siti!n is all the )!re .!rse. The 'ri)a(# ,i-en t! the Hi,h %!&rts in the sa)e is n!t as 'er the n!r)s !" a tr&e "ederati!n, and esides the -er# hi,h inter'retati!n !" s&(h '!.er !" the Hi,h %!&rts # the (!&rts *&esti!ns the "ederal (hara(ter. This is e(a&se, i" "ederalis) has t! e r!&,ht in the 0&di(ial set &', then, it is n!t !nl# at the le-el !" the S&'re)e %!&rt and the Hi,h %!&rts, and # (reatin, t.! sets !" 0&di(iar# at t.! di""erent le-els, the (entral and the States, &t it has t! e )ade s&re that the "ederalis) 'rin(i'le is dee' r!!ted till the l!.est le-el !" (!&rts that is (reated. This (an e d!ne !nl# # 'r!-idin, the si)ilar a&t!n!)# t! the 3s& !rdinate4 (!&rts t!!. The de(isi!ns !" the S&'re)e %!&rt (an "&rther ela !rate the sa)e '!int. In the (ase !" Chandra &ohan -. State of U. ).,=, the S&'re)e %!&rt held that the a''!int)ent !" the Distri(t J&d,es !n the re(!))endati!n !" a Sele(t %!))ittee (!nsistin, !" t.! Hi,h %!&rt J&d,es and J&di(ial Se(retar#, and n!t in (!ns&ltati!n .ith the Hi,h %!&rts as a .h!le, .as &n(!nstit&ti!nal. Ne+t, the S&'re)e %!&rt held that the a''!int)ent t! the '!sts !" distri(t 0&d,es, and their "irst '!stin,, are t! e )ade # the K!-ern!r in (!ns&ltati!n !" the Hi,h %!&rt, and that the %!ns&ltati!n !" the Hi,h %!&rt is )adat!r#.$< It .as als! r&led that the (!ns&ltati!n .ith the Hi,h %!&rt has t! e
$; $<

AIR $E@@ S% $EDC )rem Nath -. (a#asthan, AIR $CC@ S% $?EE

$C Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II .ei,ht # the K!-ern!r.

Constitutional Governance

)eanin,"&l and '&r'!si-e, and that the !'ini!n !" the Hi,h %!&rt sh!&ld e ,i-en "&ll In relati!n t! restri(tin, the '!.er !" the Hi,h %!&rt in relati!n t! Art. <FE, it .as held !n(e that the (!ns&ltati!n .ith the Hi,h %!&rts is !nl# "!r )a2in, the r&les and n!t "!r a(t&al sele(ti!n !" a''!intees.$= H!.e-er, in this re,ard the La. %!))issi!n, has s&,,ested that the Arti(le e s&ita l# a)ended s! as t! 'r!-ide that the 'ers!ns a''!inted t! the s& !rdinate 0&di(iar# )a# e 'ers!ns re(!))ended # the Hi,h (!&rt. Als! there ha-e een de(isi!ns sh!.in, that the Hi,h %!&rt is the s!le (&st!dian !" the (!ntr!l !-er the 0&di(iar#. An en*&ir# int! the (!nd&(t !" a )e) er !" the 0&di(iar# (an e held # the Hi,h %!&rt al!ne and n! !ther a&th!rit#. $? Als! the '!.er t! trans"er s& !rdinate 0&d,es, in(l&din, distri(t 0&d,es, "r!) !ne 'la(e t! an!ther$@, and the '!.er t! 'r!)!te 'ers!ns "r!) !ne '!st in the s& !rdinate 0&di(iar# t! an!ther, and the '!.er t! (!n"ir) s&(h 'r!)!ti!ns$C -est in the Hi,h %!&rt and n!t the State K!-ern)ent. These de(isi!ns d! n!t (!n"ir) t! the "ederal 'rin(i'les and there"!re, ha)'er the "ederal (hara(ter !" the Indian J&di(iar#.

!EDERA"I#$ IN THE INDIAN 'UDICIARThe "ederal "eat&re is the d!)inant "eat&re !" the Indian %!nstit&ti!n. And this is re"le(ted in the "eat&res !" the %!nstit&ti!n als!. T! sa# that .e ha-e a "ederal ,!-ern)ent )eans i)'liedl# that the "ederal "eat&res are 'resent in the !r,ans !" the ,!-ern)ent t!!. The !r,ans are identi"ied as J&di(iar#. When tal2ed in re"eren(e !" the 0&di(iar#, there"!re, the a !-e "eat&re has e tr&e then. B&t as seen in the 're-i!&s (ha'ter that (ertain 'r!-isi!ns !" the %!nstit&ti!n d! n!t all!. "!r a "ederal 0&di(ial set5&' and e-en i" the 'r!-isi!ns !" the %!nstit&ti!n all!., ein, Le,islat&re, E+e(&ti-e and the

$= $?

Far9aad -. &ohan Singh, AIR $E@D S% $=;@ )un#ab > 8aryana 8igh Court -. 8aryana, AIR $EC? S% @$< $@ 7ssam -. (anga &ohammad, AIR $E@C S% EF< $C 7ssam -. Sen, AIR $EC; S% $F;D

$D Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II see)s t! e .aterin, d!.n.

Constitutional Governance

then the 'ra(ti(es !" the S&'re)e %!&rt ha-e een s&(h that the 'rin(i'le !" "ederalis)

B&t (an a )ere s&'er"i(ial readin, !" the 'r!-isi!ns !" the %!nstit&ti!n, .ith!&t ,!in, int! the a(t&al re*&ire)ents !" the sa)e, and d&e t! a "e. anti de(isi!ns !" the S&'re)e %!&rt, it (an e (!n(l&ded that there is n! 0&di(ial "ederalis) in India> We need t! read the 'r!-isi!ns !" the %!nstit&ti!n .ith a h!listi( a''r!a(h and n!t .ith a narr!. !&tl!!2, l!!2 int! the te(hni(alities and the 'r!(ed&res !" the (!&rts at the (entral and the state le-els and then "inall# as(ri e an# "eat&re t! it, e it then "ederal !r &nitar# !r an# !ther. Inter+retin) the +r*,isi*ns *f the C*nstituti*n Vari!&s arti(les !" the %!nstit&ti!n sh!&ld e read in "&ll (!l!&r and the ! 0e(t ehind sh!&ld e seen e"!re deri-in, an# (!n(l&si!n !n their asis. B# readin, the arti(les $<EA, $=$, $==, et(. it (ann!t e said that the Hi,h %!&rts are s& !rdinate t! the S&'re)e %!&rt. Be(a&se i" .e d! s!, it .ill e a,ainst the asi( str&(t&re !" the %!nstit&ti!n !" India. What is en-isa,ed # the %!nstit&ti!n is a "ederal str&(t&re in the Uni!n !" States .here the &ni!n shall ha-e hi,h %!&rt as its hi,hest 0&di(ial a&th!rit# .ith '!.er !" s&'erintenden(e !-er its s& !rdinate (!&rts .ithin the States. B&t n! s&(h '!.er is (!n"erred in relati!n t! Uni!n !" India .ith the S&'re)e %!&rt. The reas!n ! -i!&sl# is t! 'r!te(t the a&t!n!)# !r the inde'enden(e !" the State Hi,h %!&rts. There are !ther Arti(les t!!, .hi(h '!int t! the "a(t that the Hi,h %!&rts are n! in"eri!r (!&rts t! the S&'re)e %!&rt. Re"eren(e (an e )ade t! Art. ;$D !" the %!nstit&ti!n, .hi(h 'r!-ides "!r the

i)'ea(h)ent !" the Hi,h %!&rt 0&d,e. The 'r!(ed&re 'r!-ided "!r that '&r'!se is the sa)e as that 'r!-ided "!r i)'ea(hin, the 0&d,e !" the S&'re)e %!&rt. 6!r) these 'r!-isi!ns it is (lear that it .as ne-er the intenti!n !" the "ra)ers !" the Indian %!nstit&ti!n t! )a2e Hi,h %!&rts s& !rdinate t! the S&'re)e %!&rt !" India !r else, 'r!-isi!ns anal!,!&s t! Art. ;;C ,i-in, dis(i'linar# !r s&'er-is!r# a&th!rit# t! the S&'re)e %!&rt !" India !-er the Hi,h %!&rts .!&ld (ertainl# ha-e een )ade in the $E Jodh"ur National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

%!nstit&ti!n itsel". I" Art. $== is re"erred in this re,ard as ein, !ne anal!,!&s t! Art. ;;C then it has t! e )enti!ned here that the .!rds &sed in Art. $== are 3in aid !" the S&'re)e %!&rt4 and n!t 3&nder the S&'re)e %!&rt4. The *&ali"i(ati!ns "!r a''!int)ent !" the 0&d,e !" the S&'re)e %!&rt are n!t di""erent than th!se 'res(ri ed "!r a''!int)ent as a 0&d,e !" the S&'re)e %!&rt. A 'er&sal !" Arti(les <; and ;;@ als! rin,s !&t the "a(ts that the Hi,h %!&rt is n!t in an# )anner s& !rdinate t! the S&'re)e %!&rt and in "a(t is -ested .ith )!re '!.ers than the S&'re)e %!&rt # the %!nstit&ti!n itsel". Art. ;;@ (learl# 'r!-ides that n!t.ithstandin, an#thin, in Art. <; e-er# Hi,h %!&rt shall, ha-e the '!.er t! iss&e the .rits "!r en"!r(e)ent !" the "&nda)ental ri,hts and "!r an# !ther '&r'!ses, .hereas the 'r!-isi!ns !" Art. $<D and Art. $<E re*&ire a la. )ade # the Parlia)ent t! enlar,e !r (!n"er the 0&risdi(ti!n &nder the S&'re)e %!&rt !" India. There"!re, the %!nstit&ti!n )a2es !th the Hi,h %!&rts as .ell the S&'re)e %!&rt (!)'etent (!&rts "!r the '&r'!ses !" "&nda)ental ri,hts, rather, he Hi,h %!&rts ha-e )!re '!.ers sin(e it is (!)'etent t! hear )atters in relati!n t! all t#'es !" le,al ri,hts in Art. ;;@ .hereas the S&'re)e %!&rt (an hear !nl# )atters relatin, t! "&nda)ental ri,hts in Art. <;. Art. $<EA is als! (alled t! )a2e the S&'re)e %!&rt )!re '!.er"&l than the Hi,h %!&rts and als! tendin, t! en(r!a(h &'!n the "reed!) !" the Hi,h %!&rts. B&t in this relati!n, there is a 'ra(ti(e in the U. S. t!!, .here in (ertain (ir(&)stan(es, (ases "r!) the State %!&rts are trans"erred t! the 6ederal %!&rts, e.,. i" it is "elt at ti)es that l!(al "eelin,, senti)ents, 're0&di(es, !r 're'!ssessi!ns )a# 're(l&de a "ree trail in a State %!&rt, !r in (ases .here it is )ade t! a''ear that the 'arties (lai) title &nder ,rants "r!) di""erent States, et(. The si)ilar 'ra(ti(e has een ad!'ted in India .hen (ases in-!l-in, s& stantiall# the sa)e *&esti!n !" la. are 'endin, in the S&'re)e %!&rt and !ne !r )!re Hi,h %!&rts, !r .hen the (ases in-!l-e s& stantial *&esti!ns !" ,eneral i)'!rtan(e, et(.$D


?est @engal -. U. 3. I., AIR $E@< S% $;=$A S. ). Gu"ta -. )resident of India > others, AIR $ED; S% $=E

;F Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

This 'ra(ti(e d!es n!t )ean that there is n! "ederalis) 'rin(i'le in !&r %!nstit&ti!n, !r that it is .h!ll# ased !n &nitar# 'rin(i'les, &t that it is an atte)'t "!r the &ni"i(ati!n !" the entire s#ste) t! 're-ent it "r!) disinte,ratin, and als! t! 're-ent the (!)in, int! "!r(e !" )&lti'le and (!n"li(tin, de(isi!ns !n the sa)e s& 0e(t )atter. Had this een n!t the 'ra(ti(e, it .!&ld ha-e res&lted in (!ntradi(ti!n and (!n"&si!n, and .!&ld lead t! the sa)e la. inter'reted and a''lied in !ne )anner in !ne State and an!ther )anner in an!ther State. One an!ther (!nditi!n that is re*&ired "!r the a "ederal str&(t&re, esides the States4 ein, inde'endent is that the di""erent States 8(!)'!nent &nits !" the "ederati!n9 .!r2 in (!!rdinati!n .ith ea(h !ther. Art. ;@$ !" the %!nstit&ti!n "a-!&rs this. It 'r!-ides "!r the 3"&ll "aith and (redit4 (la&se. The States ein, inde'endent &nits, .ith!&t s&(h a 'r!-isi!n the a(ts, re(!rds, et(. !" !ne State .!&ld n!t ha-e een re(!,nised # an!ther. With!&t this (la&se the 30&d,)ents !" !ne State4 .!&ld ha-e een re,arded as 3"!rei,n 0&d,)ents4 in e-er# !ther State. B&t this (la&se 'r!-ides that a 0&d,)ent rendered # a (!)'etent (!&rt !" !ne State is (!n(l&si-e !n the )erits in an!ther State and that it .ill re(ei-e the sa)e (redit as the 0&d,)ents !" that !ther State itsel". ractices *f the c*urts Th!&,h it had een asserted in s!)e earlier de(isi!ns !" the S&'re)e %!&rt that the ri,ht t! )!-e the S&'re)e %!&rt .as an a s!l&te ri,ht and that the e+isten(e !" alternati-e re)edies .as irrele-ant$E, &t there has een a sea (han,e sin(e then. The S&'re)e %!&rt n!. de(lines t! inter"ere e+(e't in a "e. 3'& li( interest4 (ases tellin, the a''li(ant t! )!-e the (!n(erned Hi,h %!&rt. The sa)e 'ra(ti(e has als! een seen t! a''l# i" the a''li(ant has an alternati-e re)ed# that he (an e+ha&st e"!re (!)in, t! the S&'re)e %!&rt. The '!siti!n .as )ade (lear in the (ase !" 'ilo%chand &otichand -. 8. @. &unshi=B .here it .as held7 /The %!&rt re"rains "r!) a(tin, &nder Art. <; i" the 'art# has alread# )!-ed the Hi,h %!&rt &nder Art. ;;@. This (!nstit&tes a (!)it# et.een the S&'re)e %!&rt and the Hi,h %!&rts. Si)ilarl#, .hen a 'art# had alread# )!-ed the Hi,h %!&rt .ith a si)ilar
$E ;F

0. 0. 0ochunni -. State of &adras, AIR $E?E S% C;?B 0hara% Singh -. State of U. )., AIR $E@< S% DED. AIR $ECF S% DED

;$ Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

(!)'laint and "!r the sa)e relie" and "ailed, this (!&rt insists !n an a''eal t! e r!&,ht e"!re it and d!es n!t all!. "resh 'r!(eedin,s t! e started. The )!ti-atin, "a(t!r is the e+isten(e !" an!ther 'arallel 0&risdi(ti!n in an!ther (!&rt and that (!&rt ha-in, een )!-ed, this (!&rt insists !n rin,in, its de(isi!n e"!re this (!&rt "!r re-ie.. An!ther restraint .hi(h this (!&rt '&ts !n itsel" is that it d!es n!t all!. a "resh ,r!&nd t! e ta2en in a''eal. In the sa)e .a#, this (!&rt has re"rained "r!) ta2in, a(ti!n .hen a etter re)ed# is t! )!-e the Hi,h %!&rt &nder Art. ;;@ .hi(h (an ,! int! the (!ntr!-ers# )!re (!)'rehensi-el# than this (!&rt &nder Art. <;.A The 'rin(i'le !" res #udicata has als! started t! e "!ll!.ed in India, .hi(h 'r!-ides that .hen a (!&rt !" (!)'etent 0&risdi(ti!n renders a "inal 0&d,)ent !n the )erits, that 0&d,)ent is (!n(l&si-e !" the !" the (a&ses !" a(ti!n and !" the "a(ts and iss&es liti,ated in it in the sa)e !r !ther 0&di(ial tri &nals !" (!n(&rrent 0&risdi(ti!n. The iss&e !" res #udicata .as de(ided in the (ase !" $aryao -. U. ).=,, .herein it .as held that .hen a Hi,h %!&rt has dis)issed an a''li(ati!n &nder Art. ;;@, !n the )erits, and s&(h dis)issal is n!t set aside !n a''eal, the 'rin(i'le !" res #udicata !'erates and that, a((!rdin,l#, an a''li(ati!n &nder Art. <;, !n the sa)e ,r!&nds, .!&ld n!t lie. These sh!. that the Hi,h %!&rts are 0&st n!t any (!&rts, and a s&""i(ient i)'!rtan(e has een ,i-en t! the Hi,h %!&rts. Als! in (ases !" a''ellate 0&risdi(ti!n, th!&,h it is said that e-er# (ase is (a'a le !" rea(hin, the S&'re)e %!&rt t! hear its -erdi(t in the )atter in-!l-ed, &t there are s&""i(ient ars (reated in this re,ard. 6!r an a''eal t! lie &nder Art. $<;, it is essential that the Hi,h %!&rt sh!&ld 'r!-ide the ne(essar# (erti"i(ate "!r the sa)e and the )atter )&st ne(essaril# in-!l-e a s& stantial *&esti!n !" la. as t! the inter'retati!n !" the %!nstit&ti!n. This "!r)s an essential re*&ire)ent "!r the '&r'!se !" rin,in, an a''eal &nder Art.$<;. Als!, i" the a''eal is n!t (!)'etent &nder Art. $<;, the S&'re)e %!&rt .ill n!t hear it e-en i" the Hi,h %!&rt has ,ranted a ne(essar# (erti"i(ate. ;; The S&'re)e %!&rt has e)'hasi1ed that "!r ,rant !" the (erti"i(ate, the *&esti!n, h!.s!e-er i)'!rtant and s& stantial, sh!&ld als! e !" s&(h 'er-asi-e i)'!rt and dee' si,ni"i(an(e that in the
;$ ;;

AIR $E@$ S% $=?C Syedna 'ahir -. @ombay, AIR $E?D S% ;?<, ;??

;; Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

Hi,h %!&rt4s 0&d,)ent it i)'erati-el# needs t! e settled at the nati!nal le-el # the hi,hest (!&rt, !ther.ise the (!&rt .ill e "l!!ded .ith (ases !" lesser )a,nit&de.;< This 'ra(ti(e n!t !nl# hi,hli,hts Hi,h %!&rts4 i)'!rtan(e in the iss&e &t als! '&ts the '!int that Hi,h %!&rts are e*&all# (!)'etent (!&rts in settlin, )atters, and at s!)e ti)es the S&'re)e %!&rt has t! e (alled in t! 2ee' the entire s#ste) inta(t. Th&s, # l!!2in, int! the re)!te '!ssi ilit# that a (ase .ill e de(ided # the S&'re)e %!&rt, !ne (ann!t disre,ard the s&""i(ient sa"e,&ards (reated t! 2ee' the "ederal str&(t&re inta(t. A (l!se st&d# !" the s#ste) sh!.s that "ederalis) is tried t! e )aintained and 'r!te(ted at e-er# sta,e. I" in (ertain )atters it is t! e li*&idated, then the *&esti!n in-!l-ed in the (ase, the ,eneral i)'!rtan(e ass!(iated .ith the (ase needs t! e ,i-en -italit#, than res!rtin, t! hast# (riti(is) !" the .h!le str&(t&re !r )is&nderstandin, the idea !r the (!n(e't .hi(h had een )ateriali1ed s! )eti(&l!&sl# # the %!nstit&ti!n "ra)ers. A de(larati!n that the Hi,h %!&rts are inferior (!&rts .!&ld a)!&nt t! the, !" the .h!le s#ste) .ith a lenient 'ers'e(ti-e lea-in, less i)'!rtan(e t! the Hi,h %!&rts, .hi(h are als! %!nstit&ti!nal %!&rts and t! .h!) s'e(ial re(!,niti!n has een ,i-en # n!ne !ther than the %!nstit&ti!n itsel". 'ud)es/ r*,isi*ns and ractices 3hich decide the federal characters( P!siti!n as .e had seen in the )atter !" trans"er !" 0&d,es, that the '!siti!n !" the (hie" J&sti(e !" India .as )ade -er# str!n,, see)ed t! ! literate the "ederalis) 'rin(i'le, &t then a,ain there ha-e een instan(es .here the S&'re)e %!&rt has deli-ered 0&d,e)ents tr#in, t! 2ee' &' the 'rin(i'le !" "ederalis). This (an e seen t! e d!ne in the (ase !" In (eC Under 7rticle ,1D;,< of the Constitution of India =1 .here it .as held that i" the "inal !'ini!n !" the %hie" J&sti(e !" India is (!ntrar# t! the !'ini!n !" the seni!r J&d,es (!ns&lted # the %hie" J&sti(e !" India and the seni!r J&d,es are !" the -ie. that the re(!))endee is &ns&ita le "!r stated reas!ns, .hi(h are a((e'ted # the President, then the n!n5a''!int)ent !" the (andidate re(!))ended # the %hie" J&sti(e !" India .!&ld e 'er)issi le. This (ase li)its the '!.er !" the %hie" J&sti(e t! an e+tent. Th!&,h it
;< ;=

State @an% of India -. N. Sundara &oney, AIR $EC@ S% $$$ AIR $EEE S% $

;< Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II an e""!rt t!.ards the sa)e.

Constitutional Governance

(ann!t e said t! stren,then the "ederalis) 'rin(i'le t! )&(h e+tent, &t (an e seen as

Als! )a2in, a re"eren(e t! the '!.er !" the le,islat&re t! )a2e la.s re,ardin, the re(r&it)ent and (!nditi!ns !" ser-i(e !" 'ers!ns a''!inted t! '& li( ser-i(es and '!sts, this '!.er !" the le,islat&re (an e seen as a t!!l restri(tin, the '!.er !" the Hi,h %!&rts t!, i" n!t )&(h, then atleast t! s!)e e+tent. In the (ase i" State of @ombay -. Narottamdas Jethabhai=2 the '!.er !" the 'r!-in(ial le,islat&re t! de(ide &'!n the 0&risdi(ti!n !" the %it# %!&rt .as &'held. Als! in the (ase !" State of @ihar -. @al &u%und Shah=4!in .hi(h a *&esti!n ar!se re,ardin, the s(he)e !" reser-ati!n t! e )ade "!r the a''!int)ent !" the )e) ers !" the S& !rdinate J&di(iar#. There it .as held that the State Le,islat&re (ann!t &' set the )andate !" Art. ;<< .hile ena(tin, a la. re,ardin, the a !-e said. This sh!.s the le,iti)a(# !" the '!.er !" the le,islat&re "!r the '&r'!ses !" the S& !rdinate J&di(iar#. It .as there"!re held that !n(e Art. <<? has t! e ,i-en its "&ll 'la# .hile ena(tin, s&(h a s(he)e !" reser-ati!n, the Hi,h %!&rt, entr&sted .ith the "&ll (!ntr!l !" the S& !rdinate J&di(iar# as 'er Art. ;<?, has t! e (!ns&lted. These de(isi!ns s!) )aintain the "ederal (hara(teristi(s # n!t all!.in, the entire (!ntr!l !" the S& !rdinate J&di(iar# t! #ield t! !ne sin,le !d#, i.e. the Hi,h %!&rt.


In the li,ht !" the a !-e dis(&ssi!n .e (an (!n(l&de that sin(e India is a "ederati!n, there"!re, there e+ists a "ederal 0&di(ial set &' as .ell. It is n!t e(a&se !" this &t als! sin(e .e (an l!(ate the "ederal (hara(teristi(s !" the 0&di(iar# in its !r,ani1ati!n, its 'ra(ti(es, 'r!(ed&res, et(. Th!&,h at s!)e 'la(es, it is "elt that the "ederal set &' "a(es se-ere set %!nstit&ti!n.
;? ;@

a(2s, and

ein, d!ne either

# "a&lt# !r,ani1ati!n, !r s!)e !" the

(!nstit&ti!nal 'r!-isi!ns, !r d&e t! .r!n, inter'retati!n !" the 'r!-isi!ns !" the

AIR $E?; S% @E AIR ;FFF S% $;E@

;= Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

It has als! t! e &nderst!!d that !n (ertain !((asi!ns the (!)'lian(e .ith the "ederal 'rin(i'le )i,ht rin, in &ndesira le res&lts !r s!)ethin, that is n!t at all (!nte)'lated, !r )i,ht ha)'er the 0&sti(e deli-er# )e(hanis), then !n s&(h instan(es, there is needed t! e ad!'ted an a''r!a(h t!lerati-e en!&,h "!r in(!r'!ratin, s!)e an!ther "eat&res !" s!)e !ther t#'e !" 0&di(iar# !r 0&sti(e deli-er# s#ste). T! d! s! t! )eet the e+i,en(ies !" sit&ati!ns !n s!)e !((asi!ns .ill n!t e de(isi-e !" the "inal trait !" an# set &'. Herein .e e)'hasi1e !n the ad!'ti!n !" the "ederal "eat&res e(a&se this s&its t! the needs !" !&r (!&ntr#. B# 2ee'in, the "ederal (hara(ters, the %!nstit&ti!n "ra)ers (h!se t! retain the str!n, 3nati!nal4 (hara(ter. Th!&,h the ter) 3"ederal4 !r 3"erderalis)4 is n! .here in !&r %!nstit&ti!n, !r "!r that )atters in the A)eri(an %!nstit&ti!n as .ell. Had the ter) als! een &sed, then t!! it .!&ld n!t ha-e )ade a -ital di""eren(e e(a&se "ederalis) has se-eral )ani"estati!ns, de'endin, &'!n the l!(ati!n !" the de(isi-e a&th!rit# and the d#na)i(s !" relati!nshi' et.een the %entre and the States. We, in India ai) "!r a de)!(rati( s!(iet#, .herein, ,!-ern)ent e-en &'t! the ,rass r!!ts is (!nte)'lated, then "!r the )ana,e)ent !" s&(h a ,!-ern)ent, there 0&di(iar# has als! t! e !r,ani1ed !n si)ilar lines. Th!&,h the str&(t&re is s&(h that at (ertain 'la(es, it all!.s 'er(!lati!n, &t that d!es n!t see) t! e (a'a le en!&,h t! all!. the atte)'t t!.ards the (!n(e't !" 30&di(ial "ederalis)4 t! dis)antle # (ertain .r!n, de(isi!ns and s!)e )is5 inter'retati!n !" the %!nstit&ti!n. 6!r this the (!&rts sh!&ld deli-er de(isi!ns in the a(2dr!' !" the the)e !" !&r

%!nstit&ti!n. The# sh!&ld e (!herent .ith the %!nstit&ti!nal 'r!-isi!ns as .ell. As the %!nstit&ti!n d!es n!t e)'hasi1e !n a stri(t se'arati!n !" '!.ers, there"!re in the sa)e line .e (an sa# that the %!nstit&ti!n d!es n!t (ann!t en"!r(e stri(tl# "!r the "ederalis) 'rin(i'les as .ell. That .e sa# a"ter l!!2in, int! the li)itati!ns !" !&r (!&ntr#, its "eat&res, and seein, t! the -ar#in, and ,r!.in, needs !" ti)e, and th&s in !rder t! a-!id "ri(ti!n there needs t! e ad!'ted a "ederal a''r!a(h 2ee'in, the "ederal str&(t&re inta(t. This .!&ld als! 're-ent !&r str&(t&re either "r!) disinte,ratin, !r #ieldin, t! the &nitar# "!r(es. The (lassi(al the!ries !" se'arati!n !" '!.ers, "ederati!n,

;? Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II 're-ailin, in ea(h di""erent 'la(e.

Constitutional Governance

et(. (ann!t e ad!'ted as the# are. The# need t! e )!di"ied a((!rdin, t! the (!nditi!ns

There"!re, .hat 2ind !" "ederalis) d! .e ha-e and h!. d!es it res'!nd t! the asi( realities and 'ress&res and '&lls !" (!nte)'!rar# '!lit#, .hat ha-e .e learnt "!r) !&r e+'erien(e, .hat s!rt !" reali,n)ent .!&ld e 're"era le and e""i(ient, d! !&r %!nstit&ti!nal (!n-enti!ns and 'ra(ti(es detra(t "!r) this )!del !r ,! in its "a-!&r, .hat is the trend and h!. d! .e (atal#se the )!-e)ent t!.ards the desira le ,!als, all this needs t! e ,i-en a th!&,ht. This is, there"!re, a ,re# area !" (!nstit&ti!nal ,!-ernan(e .hi(h re*&ires a th!&,ht"&l deli erati!n. This 'a'er is there"!re, an a''raisal !" the e+istin, "ederalist 'a(2a,e !'eratin, in India, 'arti(&larl# in the (!nte+t !" the (!nstit&ti!nal 'r!-isi!ns and l!!2s at the 'r!s'e(ts "!r the "&t&re. It d!es n!t set "!rth 'r!'!siti!ns, &t see2s t! initiate a de ate.

;@ Jodh"ur

National aw University!

Judicial Federalism in India II

Constitutional Governance

Articles $. Palshi2ar, V. K., J., Federal Structure of the Constitution of India and Indian Judiciary, AIR $EEC Jl. $$<. B**6s $. Bas&, D. D., Commentary on the Constitution of India, V!l. :, 8 %al(&tta7 :a)al La. H!&se, $EE$9. ;. %!!le#, Th!)as I., 'he General )rinci"les of Constitutional aw in the U. S. 7., 8%al(&tta7 Hind&stan La. B!!2 %!., $EE=9. <. Datar, Ar-ind, Constitution of India, 8Na,'&r7 Wadh.a G %!., ;FF$9. =. D&(ha(e2, I-! D., Com"arative Federalism! $E$, 8Ne. Y!r27 H!lt, Rinehart G Winst!n, In(., $E@E9. ?. I#er, Ven2at, Constitutional )ers"ectives, 8Ne. Delhi7 ULP%L, ;FF$9. @. Jain, I. P., Indian Constitutional aw, 8Na,'&r7 Wadh.a G %!., ;FF;9. C. J!hn, A. Klenn, Et. al, 7merican Juris"rudence=d, 8Ne. Y!r27 La.#ers %!!'erati-e P& lishin,. $EE?9. D. :ne(2, Kert W., Iath&r, S&dhir %handra, Federalism and $ecentralisation, 8Ne. Delhi7 :!nrad Adena&er 6!&ndati!n, $EE?9. E. L!(hhart, Willia), :a)isar, Yale, Et. al, 'he 7merican Constitution, 8St. Pa&l, Iinn.7 West P& lishin, %!., $EE@9. $F. Pande#, J. N., Constitutional aw of India, 8Allaha ad7 %entral La. A,en(#, ;FF<9. $$. Seer-ai, H. I., Constitutional aw of India! V!l. $., ;D@, 8Ne. Delhi7 Uni-ersal B!!2 Traders, ;FF;9. $;. Sh&2la, V. N., Constitution of India, 8L&(2n!.7 Eastern B!!2 %!., ;FF$9. $<. Wheare, :. %., Federal Government! $, 8L!nd!n7 O+"!rd Uni-ersit# Press, $EC$9.

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