Limba Engleza V

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English language

2nd grade
1. This is a giraffe. Its very . A) strong B) long C) tall D) short E) small 2. I have a funny puppy. Its puppy. A) mai B) I C) Me D) My E) Mine 3. Choose A / AN to complete these situations: egg; Indian; owl; book; rose. A) an; an; an; a; a B) a; an; an; a; a C) an; a; an; a; a D) an; an; a; a; a E) a; a; a; a; a 4. Whats this? A) schoolyard B) playground C) orchard D) garden E) yard 5. Is this your father? A) No, he isnt. Hes my child. B) No, he isnt. Hes my grandfather. C) No, he isnt. Hes my nephew. D) No, he isnt. Hes my cousin. E) No, he isnt. Hes my grandson. 6. Shes a A) singer B) doctor C) vet D) nurse E) farmer 7. Choose the right sentence: A) Take the cup off the table. B) Put on the cup. C) Take off the cup. D) Put over the cup. E) Put the cup on the table. 8. Find the odd word: glass, fork, cloud, knife, spoon. A) glass B) fork C) cloud D) knife E) spoon 9. Where is the cat? A) in B) on C) under D) next to E) in front of

English language

2nd grade
10. What is this? A) shirt B) skirt C) T-shirt D) shoes E) tie 11. Translate into English: D-i geaca jos, Peter! A) peter, take your jacket off! B) Peter, put the jacket on! C) Peter, take on your jacket! D) Peter, put the jacket aside! E) Peter, take your jacket! 12. Write how many eggs can you count: A) five B) twelve C) eleven D) eight E) six 13. Find the mistakes: Jane have got eight fishes. A) eight, fishes B) Jane, eight C) Jane, have got D) have got, eight E) have got, fishes 14. Is the lemon orange? No, its A) purple B) white C) green D) yellow E) pink 15. What time is it? A) Its one oclock. B) Its half past twelve. C) Its twelve oclock. D) Its a quarter to twelve. E) Its eleven.

English language

3rd grade
1. This is a A) square B) line C) cicle D) triangle E) dot 2. Translate into English: Ci copii sunt acolo? A) Where are the children? B) How many children are there? C) How are the children? D) How do the children feel? E) Who are the children? 3. Whats this? Its a A) ruller B) sharpener C) rubber D) bell E) sponge 4. Whats this? Its a A) theatre B) window C) hospital D) schoolyard E) circus 5.What colour is the kite? A) red B) pink C) yellow D) purple E) green 6. These are A) a snake and a cake B) a cat and a hat C) a car and a star D) a mouse and a house E) a pen and a hen 7. Find the odd word: snake, elephant, rabbit, giraffe, sheep: A) sheep B) snake C) elephant D) rabbit E) giraffe 8. Where is the house? A) next to a tree B) behind the tree C) on the tree D) over the tree E) under the tree 9. Fill in with the correct form: . is green. A) they B) we C) he D) she E) it 10. They are old. They are A) tall B) young C) short D) ugly E) pretty 11. Where are the horses? A) under the see saw B) on the bike C) near the see-saw D) on the see- saw E) near the bike

English language

3rd grade
12. Fill in the text. Choose from: tail, ears, legs, nose. This is Boo Boo. Hes got short , a funny , long A) ears, nose, tail B)tail, nose, ears C) tail, ears, nose D) tail, nose, legs E) ears, nose, legs 13. Translate into English: Horace, hamsterul meu este maro i foarte jucu. A) Horace, brown and playful. B) Horace, playful and red. C) Horace, my hamster is brown and very playful. D) Is Horace brown and playful? E) Is Horace playful? 14. Odd man out: foggy, cloudy, white, windy, sunny: A) foggy B) cloudy C) white D) windy E) sunny 15. I go and A) play with snowballs B) running, play C) skiing, riding a horse D) sledging, skating E) climbing, skating 16. Fill in with the right season: Its cold. It snows. Its A) summer B) spring C) autumn D) winter E) cold 17. Translate the sentence: Cum este vremea? A) Why is the weather like? B) Whats the weather like? C) What does the weather like? D) Where is the weather like? E) What for? 18. Whats the weather like? Its . .. .. .. .. A) windy B) sunny C) foggy D) rainy E) cloudy 19. What can she do? A) She can skate. B) She can ski. C) She can sledge. D) She can draw. E) She can read. 20. He loves on the computer A) to working B) a working C) work D) works E) working

English language

4th grade
1. Sam and Kate ( to help) Professor Wallace to look for the Angel of the Forest at the moment A) help B) are helping C) helps D) helped E) will help 2. Choose the correct answer to this question: What does Jane like? A) She like skiing. B) She like ski. C) She likes skiing. D) She liked ski. E) She liking skiing. 3. Complete the question with the correct word: Are you afraid the dark? A) over B) for C) about D) in E) of 4. Choose the correct word to complete the question: blouse is this? A) Where B) Whose C) When D) Why E) Who 5. What lovely house! A) an B) some C) any D) a E) the 6. Which sentence is wrong? A) Do I speak too much? B) He doesn`t speak Italian. C) Mary and Doris don`t speak English correctly. D) I not speak German. E) Does he speak Romanian? 7. The T-shirt is made of A) cotton B) paper C) glass D) plastic E) wood 8. Dont come back late! Come back ! A) night B) tired C) later D) sad E) early 9. Complete the sentence: A fireman A) helps people who are ill B) helps students to learn E) drives buses C) looks after animals D) puts fires out 10. Choose the correct sentence: A) Michael love his girlfriend. B) Michael love`s his girlfriend. C) Michael are loving his girlfriend. D) Michael loving his girlfriend. E) Michael loves his girlfriend. 11. Odd-one-out: A) German B) English C) French D) Romania E) Romanian 12. Do you like French? A) No, I doesn`t. B) Yes, I do. C) Yes, I does. D) Yes, I know. E) No, I do.

English language

4th grade
13. The sun is sky. A) on B) in C) under D) at E) to 14. What is there? A) There is a glass on the table. B) There is a hug on the napkin. C) There is a rug on the napkin. D) There is a cup on the napkin. E) There is a water jug on the napkin. 15. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences: I rarely ( dive ) but now I ( swim ). She never ( cry ) but now shes ( laugh ). A) dives, am swimming, cries, laughing B) dive, am swimming, cries, laughing C) dive, swim, cries, laughing D) dive, swimming, cry, laughing E) dived, swim, cried, laughing 16. Translate into English: Sunt muli copii n clas. A) There is many children in the classroom. B) There is much childs in the classroom. C) There are many children in the classroom. D) There are many childrens in the classroom. E) There are much childrens in the classroom. 17. Work on the model: This is my pencil. Its mine. Those are our books. Theyre .. . These are my flowers. They are . This is their car. Its . . A) our, mine, theirs B) ours, my, theirs C) we, me, they D) our, mine, them E) ours, mine, theirs 18. The plural of mouse is: A) mouses B) mousers C) mice D) mauses E) mices 19. Fill in the blanks with the plural of the given nouns: Tom has got a small farm. Hes got three ( horse ), four ( sheep ), five ( goose ) and seven ( goat ). A) horse, sheeps, gooses, goats B) horses, sheep, geese, goats C) horses, sheeps, geese, goat D) horzez, sheep, gooses, goats E) horsiz, sheep, geese, goates 20. Whats the time? A) Its twenty past ten. B) Its twenty five to ten. C) Its twenty five minutes past ten. D) Its ten past twenty five. E) Its ten to twenty five.

English language

5th grade
1. Is it TO or AT? I must go ..the toilet. Lets go the opera. Where s Iani? Hes ..the police. A) to, to, to B) at, at, at C) to, at, at D) to, to, at E) at, at, to 2. Put the right object pronouns: Give ( I ) the guitar, not ( he ). Let ( we ) try to open the door. Ask ( she ) about the event. A) me, his, us, her B) me, him, us, her C) my, him, us, her D) me, his, us, hers E) me, him, our, her 3. Translate into English: Geaca lui Tom din dormitorul bunicului este murdar? A) Jacket Tom from grandpas bedroom is dirty. B) Toms jackets in grandfathers bedroom are dirty? C) Are Toms jacket dirty? D) Is Tom Jackets dirty? E) Is Toms jacket from grandpas bedroom dirty? 4. Some or Any? Have you got homework? Ive got .money. She hasnt got .. food. A) any, some, some B) any, any, any C) any, some, any D) some, some, some E) any, any, any 5. I write the adjectives, You write the adverbs of: slow, fast, good, brave. A) slowly, fastly, well, bravely B) slow, fastly, better, bravely C) slowly, fastly, the best, bravely D) slowly, fastly, goodly, bravely E) slowly, fast, well, bravely 6. Turn these sentences into Negative form: We were at school yesterday. They were on holiday last week. She was in London a year ago. A) werent, werent, wasnt B) were, were not, was C) werent, were, wasnt D) were, were, was E) werent, werent, was 7. Translate into English: Haidei pe litoral pe 3 august! A) Lets go to the seaside on the third of August! B) Lets go in the seaside in The third of august! C) Lets go to the sea over the three august! D) Lets run to the seaside on the third of August! E) Lets travel to the seaside! 8. Write the numbers below: 90th; 22nd; 15th. A) nineteeth, twenty second, fifteenth B) ninety, twenty, fifteen C) ninetieth, twenty second, fifteenth D) ninetieth, twelve, fifth E) niney, twenty, fifth 9. Complete with AT or IN: He came back the evening. She asked him the morning what had happened. half past six she gave a phonecall. A) at, in, at B) in, in, at C) in, in, in D) at, at, at E) at, in, in 10. What time is it? A) Its twenty-five past nine. B) Its half to nine. C) Its twenty minutes past nine. D) Its half past nine. E) Its twenty-five to nine.


English language

5th grade
11. Put ON or AT where s necessary: .Sunday; half past ten;..five oclock; .Thursday A) on, at, at, on B) on, on, at, on C) on, at, at, at D) on, on, on, on E) at, at, at, at 12. I collect A) letters B) envelopes C) papers D) stamps E) news 13.Complete with the Present Simple Tense: He ( do ) the music programme for a local radio station. He ( arrive ) at the radio station at midnight and ( go ) home at half past seven. His boys ( expect ) for him. A) does, arrives, go, expect B) do, arrives, goes, expect C) does, arrives, goes, expect D) does, arrives, go, expects E) does, arrive, go, expects 14. Fill in the question: Jane works in a bank. Where ? A) Where did she work? B) Where is she working? C) Where she work? D) Where do she work? E) Where does she work? 15. Translate into English: Ai cui sunt aceti dini? Ai lui Dracula. A) What teeth are these? Draculas. B) Why teeth are these? Draculas. C) Whose toothes are these? Draculas. D) Whose teeth are these? Draculas. E) Whose tooth are these? Draculas. 16. Choose the right sentence: Dans mother has got Marys letters. A) Dan, mama, are scrisorile lui Mary. B) Mama Dan are scrisorile lui Mary. C) Scrisorile lui Mary sunt la mama Dan. D) Dan al mamei are scrisorile lui Mary. E) Mama lui Dan are scrisorile lui Mary. 17. Complete the sentences with the correct tense: I cant do it now. I ( have ) my lunch.We ( go ) to school at half past eight every day. I ( Write ) at Maths at the moment. I cant hear you. I ( clean ) my teeth ( now ) A) am having, go, am writing, am cleaning B) have, am going, am writing, am cleaning C) has, go, write, clean D) have, go, write, clean E) am having, are going, cleans 18. My grandma usually ( iron ) my clothes. She ( iron ) my skirt at the moment. A) iron, is ironing B) is ironing, is ironing C) irons, is ironing D) ironing, iron E) irons, irons 19. Choose mens clothes: a bra, trousers, dress, shirt, skirt, tights A) a bra, trousers B) trousers, dress C) dress, shirt D) shirt, skirt E) trousers, shirt 20. Find the mistake: She knows. He like music. We go home. It eats seeds. I enjoy music.. A) She knows B) He like music C) We go home D) It eats seeds E) I enjoy music


English language

6th grade
1. Try to give a piece of advice this boy: Tom is ill. He ( go ) to hospital. A) d better go to hospital B) Went C) Goes D) Gone E) Is going 2. Huckleberry Finn is written by: A) Tom Sawer B) Adrian Mole C) Mark Twain D) Victor Hugo E) David Copperfield 3. Mark Twain is: A) a Russian writer B) an English writer C) a French writer D) an American writer E) a German writer 4. Choose the correct sentence from: A) Are you ever speak to Dan? B) Is you ever speak to Dan? C) Has you ever speak to Dan? D) Did you ever spoken to Dan? E) Have you ever spoken to Dan? 5. She never ( do ) any of those things, she has imagined them by reading books. A) is done B) have done C) has done D) is doing E) was doing 6. Complete: A ghost story is : A) meanings of words B) instruction how to use something C) a description of someones journeys to far away places D) a series of events taking place in the future E) a frightening story about the spirits of dead people 7. Choose the proper question for the answer: Jane bought a wonderful dress yesterday afternoon. A) When is Jane buying the new dress? B) When has she bought the new dress? C) When did she buy the new dress? D) When did she bought the new dress? E) When had she bought the new dress? 8. Find the mistake: A) since ten days B) for a long time C) since I came D) since 1st February E) for a week 9. Which of these words refers to an exact period in time? A) for B) after C) about D) since E) in 10. Complete with since and for: She has known him three month, but Tom has known her a long time. Ive known them both 1981. A) for, for, for B) since, since, since C) for, since, for D) since, for, for E) for, for, since


English language

6th grade
11. What shape is the fridge? A) white B) round C) square D) rectangular E) large 12.Which of these is the opposite form for turn up. A) turn down B) turn up C) turn on D) turn off E) unturn 13. The Prince and The Pauper describes the adventures of the two boys: Edward, the Prince, and Tom .., the poor boy, who look identical. A) Sawyer B) Sand C) Canty D) Sandy E) Morandy 14. Choose the correct tense: ( write ) ever a poem? A) Have you ever written a poem? B) Did you ever write a poem? C) Has you ever written a poem? D) Are you ever written a poem? E) Is you write a poem? 15. I ( write ) several times. A) write B) wrote C) writes D) am writing E) have written 16. Find the mistake: fight, gave, held, kept, drew. A) fight B) gave C) held D) kept E) drew 17. Tourists often go to the Houses of Parliament. The bell in the clock tower is called : A) Tower of London B) Trafalgar Square C) Big Ben D) Big Ban E) Big Bang 18. Which sentence is incorrect? A) We seldom go to the dentist. B) They used to wear glasses fifty years ago. C) Laura is swiming in the river now. D) We all can swim. E) He never dances. 19. Translate: Ploua cnd am vzut-o. A) Was raining when I saw her. B) It rained when I was seeing her. C) It was raining when I saw her. D) Rained when I saw her. E) It was raining when I was sawing her. 20. The negative simple past form of to think is: A) didn`t though B) didn`t thought C) did thought D) did not thinking E) didn`t think


English language

7th grade
1. Complete with WHO, WHERE, WHAT, WHEN, WHY in: A caf is a place you can get coffee. A) why B) what C) where D) who E) when 2. Complete with The Past Simple Passive in: How much money ( steal )? Who ( write ) the song by? A) was stolen, was written B) is stolen, was written C) was stolen, is written D) is stolen, is written E) stole, wrote. 3. Match the beginning with the ending: A doctor is a person who . A) reports news B) plays a musical instrument C) looks for sick people D) looks after sick people E) takes photos 4. Match agreeing: I dont mind working. A) yes B) No C) Not can I D) So do I E) Not do I 5. Answer the question: When are they visiting Spain? A) since September B) for a week C) on the first of August D) yesterday E) long time ago 6. Complete with a noun and WHO or WHERE: A is someone plays the bagpipes. A) football player, who B) doctor, who C) singer, where D) man, where E) piper, who 7. Correct the sentence: Marta dont mind washing up. A) doesnt B) didnt C) minds D) is E) was 8. Match agreeing: Im interested in Scottish dancing. A) So are you B) So am I C) Not can I D) Not do I E) So do I 9. Match the beginning with the ending of the sentence: When the phone is answered, A) it barks B) you feel sick C) it stops ringing D) you keep fit E) it melts 10. Complete with the right tense: When my mother entered the house, my little brother ( run ) around the table. A) run B) runs C) is running D) was running E) ran


English language

7th grade
11. Fill in the question with the right tense: When ( to be ) the last time I ( write ) to you? A) was, write B) is, writes C) is, wrote D) was, write E) was, wrote 12. Correct the sentence: They see a monster while they were fishing. A) are seeing B) seen C) saw D) is seeing E) sees 13. Find the odd word: quick, well, happy, sudden, easy. A) quick B) well C) happy D) sudden E) easy 14. If you meet somebody with an empty bucket in your way, you ( have ) bad luck. A) will have B) had C) has D) had had E) has been 15. If she ( work ) harder, she will have much money. A) work B) works C) is working D) are working E) worked 16. Find the odd word: awful, horrible, wonderful, terrible, ghastly. A) awful B) horrible C) wonderful D) terrible E) ghastly 17. If you ( take ) an umbrella, you ( not get wet ). A) take, not get wet. B) takes, doesnt get wet C) took, didnt get wet D) take, wont get wet E) will take, will not get wet 18. Jane ( walk ) home through the forest, when she heard a noise. A) walk B) is walking C) walks D) walked E) was walking 19. At eleven oclock last night, Ian ( learn English ). A) was learning B) were learning C) is learning D) learns E) learnt 20. If Jake ( hurry ), he will be late. A) hurry B) doesnt hurry C) is hurry D) hurries E) didnt hurry


English language

8th grade
1. Find the mistake: incredible, impolite, invisible, incorrect, inpossible. A) incredible B) impolite C) invisible D) incorrect E) inpossible 2. Complete this sentence: Alison answered the phone after she ( turn off the tap ). with the Past Perfect Simple: A) has turned off the tap B) have turned off the tap C) turned off the tap D) is turning off the tap E) had turned off the tap 3. Turn from Direct Speech into Reported Speech: Ill tell everyone about it. A) He said he tell everyone about it. B) He said he would tell everyone about it. C) He hes telling everyone about it. D) He said he has been telling everyone about it. E) He said he told everyone about it. 4. Complete with the right tense: Then it was the time to come up because I ( be ) underwater for half an hour. A) has been B) was C) had been D) were E) am 5. The man who carved The Infinite Column (Coloana Infinitului) is: A) Henri Coand B) Aurel Vlaicu C) George Enescu D) Constantin Brncui E) Jean Monet 6. Complete the sentence: I asked Tom if he had played football. He said A) hes playing on Sunday. B) he played on Sunday. C) he had played on Sunday. D) he plays on Sunday. E) he will play on Sunday. 7. Choose the right tense: If you ( win ) the lottery youd travel around the whole world. A) win B) wins C) won D) are winning E) will win 8. Working for Childrens Express has many changes for the young reporters. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box: A) looked on B) put off C) brought about D) switched on E) looked for. 9. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense: Mira was very tired when she arrived for dinner because she ( play ) tennis all day. C) is playing A) had been playing B) has been playing D) plays E) played 10. Lets change channels. I ( think ) this programme is really boring. A) am thinking B) think C) was thinking; D) had been thinking E) thought


English language

8th grade
11. You ( have ) a good time. ( You are enjoying yourself. ) A) had had B) have C) had D) are having E) has 12. My parents would let me become an artist if, but only if, I ( continue) my studies too. A) continues. B) continue C) was continuing D) had continued E) continued 13. Choose the correct condition in the past: A) If Lucia goes to Egypt, she will have the chance to see the Pyramids. B) If Lucia is going to Egypt, she has the chance to see the Pyramids. C) If Lucia hadnt gone to Egypt, she wouldnt have had the chance to see the Pyramids. D) Lucia had seen the Pyramids. E) Lucia saw the Pyramids. 14. Help me find the sentence which isnt in the Past Conditional: A) If he had eaten just vegetables, his teeth wouldnt be so worn now. B) If the man hadnt been rich and important, he wouldnt have owned those fantastic jewels. C) If he hadnt dug up his garden, he wouldnt have found treasure. D) Carlas father was very keen on history. E) If I hadnt pulled the dogs tail, it wouldnt have bitten me. 15. He analyses the remains and finally comes with a complete picture of the culture to which the man belonged. A) up B) in C) back D) over E) about 16. I ( think ) of going to watch The Lord of the rings. ( Im planning ) A) think B) am thinking C) thought D) was thinking E) thinks 17. Find the intruder: fish, teeth, geese, child, sheep. A) fish B) teeth C) geese D) child E) sheep 18. Find the uncountable noun: A) teacher B) bird C) pollution D) animal E) plant 19. Find the mistake: A) She is a friend of Janes. B) They went to their friendss chalet. C) This is a cousin of hers. D) Mary and Dans new house is wonderful. E) Toms book is as dirty as mine. 20. Legends are: A) Stories about real people who are famous for doing something extraordinary. B) Traditional stories occurring in a timeless past. C) Real events. D) Unimportant events. E) Events about science fiction news.


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