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Project Comenius


8.ID - November 2013

Our Class
We are 24 pupils
We are a sports class, which means that we practise our sport in the morning three times a week.

We have a great community, because of our sports.

We win and loose together

Our System
We have old and new buildings at our school. We have an office, where our principal and his secretary work. We have a teachers room for all the teachers. There are around 80 teachers at the school. All pupils have their own locker. There are 427 boys and 392 girls at the school. Thats 819 pupils all together. So its a pretty big school.

Our System
At our school we have three kinds of classes. We have sports classes, classes for children with special needs, and then we have the ordinary classes. The school is divided into three areas. 0-3 grades are located in the first of the three buildings. 4-7 grades are located in the second of the three buildings, and the 8 -10 grades are located in the last building.

Key Values

The schools key values: An active and positive school board. A well-trained and dedicated staff. A school where school and home work well together. A school where daily life is characterized by tolerance, responsibility and respect for others.

How to behave at the school: All pupils and teachers must behave properly All pupils have to be ready for the lessons, when the lessons start. Every class has to clean their own classroom. All pupils have to be inside the school premises during the breaks, except for the 10. grade. People who arent attending the school may not be at the school during school hours. If you bring something valuable, its your own responsibility. Phones, computers and music may not be used, if the teachers havent allowed it. Smoking at the school premises is forbidden When you have been sick, you need to give the teacher a signed note from your parents or your parents must write a message at the intranet Its only allowed to throw with snow, in special areas

We have twenty-four lessons a week in our classroom: Math, Geography, Danish, English, History, Social studies and German. Besides the lessons, we have in our classroom, we have ten lessons in other surroundings. Our teacher in Math, Biology, Physics & Chemistry is Bodil Nymann In History, Danish and Geography our teacher is Thomas Gylling. Our English teacher, who is going to travel with us in this Comenius Project, is called Trine.

We have two breaks, each lasting 25 minutes and one, that lasts 10 minutes. During the breaks when it isnt raining, we usually go outside to play soccer. When its rainy and cold, we find something fun to do inside, e.g. we can watch videos on the smart board, or just play games on our smart phones. When we have our lunch break at 11:25, we have 10 minutes to eat our food in class, and then we can go, where we want to. If you havent brought any food with you to school, you can buy it in the school cafeteria. Only the pupils, who are in the 7th grade or higher can stay inside during spring and summer. We have a big grass soccer area, where we can go and play soccer, whenever we want. We also have a street area with a schedule, so everyone gets a chance to use it.

Last year the school invested in smartboards to every classroom. We think its a good thing, because you can save your files, and you cant do that with a normal blackboard. Some of us bring our own computers, and use them in the subjects, for example in Math for Wordmat, which is a program, which substitutes calculators. There are many schools, which have got the ability to buy Ipads for all the pupils at the school, but we dont. Instead the library have some, we can borrow to the different subjects.

IT - pictures

Team Denmark
We are a Team Denmark class and here is some knowledge about our Team DK classes. In Kolding municipality, we have collaboration with Team Denmark at the Brndkjrschool where athletics with special talents can attend in a sports class where they can practice their sports during school time. Team DK classes have three weekly workouts lasting two hours each instead of having regular PE as the regular classes in Denmark. Theres four Team DK classes. A 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th grade. Team Denmark cooperates with local sports clubs.

Team Denmark
From which year can we start?
-We can start at the school from 7th grade. Many join the classes in 8th and 9th grade. Maybe because they were insecure the year before whether they were ready to transfer to another school. We advise to start already in 7th grade, so you practice your sport on a higher level from an earlier age. How to get accepted into a Team DK class:

-To be able to get into the team Denmark you have to be at an elite level. After you have filled out an application form to the school, you have to go to an audition with other candidates who practice your sport. Coaches compare you with the others and see if you have a special talent. You dont only have to be good at your sport, you also have to be good in school.

Team Denmark - Sports

Football Handball Golf Swimming Wrestling Badminton Tennis Go-kart Judo Cycling Kick-boxing Bowling

A Year at Brndkjr
Holidays: Autumn holidays Christmas holidays Spring half term Easter holidays General Prayer Day Ascension Day + 1 day Constitution Day Whitsun holiday Summer holiday During a school year, we have 21 alternative days . On an alternative day, we only have one subject the entire day. An alternative day typically goes from 8 am to 1 pm. As we are a Team Denmark class we have more hours on the alternative days because of our morning practice.

A Year at Brndkjr
The day before the autumn holiday we have a day, where the whole school is active. You can choose between different activities. You can run 10 km., cycle 25 km. or conduct a triathlon.

The Active Day

A Year at Brndkjr
Right before December, we have a day where we decorate the school for Christmas .The Christmas Decoration Day is one of the cosiest days in the year. We eat our candy, which we have brought from home and listen to Christmas music. At the end of the day some of the teachers decide which classroom has the most beautiful decorations. The winning class, gets sodas for the entire class. We get Christmas holidays a couple of days before Christmas evening. The last day before the Christmas holiday the class and the class teacher are gathered. We visit the church and at the end of the school day, the whole school gets together in one of the gyms to wish each other Merry Christmas

Christmas Decoration Day

A Year at Brndkjr
In the end of may the pupils in 9th grade have their last school day before they leave to prepare for their final exams. The pupils from the 9th grade arrange some activities for the rest of the school. They start early in the morning throwing sweets, and they continue the rest of day. The last day before summer holiday in the end of June, we have a lot of different activities you can choose between. It takes about 3-4 hours, and then the whole school meets in our gym. Our principal gives a speech, and we sing one or two songs. Its a very exciting day.

The 9th Graders Last Day

A Year at Brndkjr
There are four parent-teacher meetings, during a school year. Some parent-teacher meetings are only for parents and teachers. Sometimes, we also participate, and then we talk about, how we are doing in school, social and marks.

Our Church
The church nearby our school is called Brndkjr-kirken. Once in a week, we visit the church to learn about the Christian religion. We are visiting the church because next year we are going to confirm our Christian religion. It is not a thing we have to say yes to. We decide either if we believe in God or not. We love to visit the church at Christmas time. It is a special tradition in Denmark to go to the church Christmas morning to hear the Christmas gospel. He tells us about the Christmas and how we celebrated it in the old days.

Our Church
Heres a picture of our church

Kolding a Good Place to Live

Kolding is Denmarks 7th biggest city, with a population of about 58.000. We think its a nice place to live, because neither too big nor too small. We have a lot of different opportunities, so we can do almost everything we want.

Kolding - Koldinghus
Long time ago, Kolding was the residence of the Danish king and his family. The Danish-German boarder was in the south of Kolding. Thats the reason, why we have a big castle in the middle of the city. It was built to protect, not only the city, but also the whole country from attacks from the south.
Today , Koldinghus is a museum. People visit Koldinghus to learn about the history of Kolding. This is one of the must-sees when youre visiting Kolding.


Kolding - Sports
In Kolding we have a lot of different opportunities to do the recommended exercises per day. Kolding city is stuffed with gyms and fitness centers. We have a huge gym, near our school, where you can play handball, do tumbling, wrestle, play basket or bowling. At the stadium in the middle of the city you can do athletics.

Kolding The Shopping Mall

In daily talk we call it Storcenteret . In Storcentret youll find more than 120 shops and its Jutlands biggest shopping mall. You can get everything you need there. Recently we also got a Starbucks in the mall, which we, as teenagers, are very fond of.

Kolding Spare Time Activities

In Kolding, you can do a lot of fun stuff. Weve just got a brand new skater park. You can visit the local theatre, Mungo Park, which always sets up new shows. There is a climbing park called Funky Monkey Park close to the city

Kolding Experiencing Nature

Even though Kolding is a modern city, we also have places where you can walk, sit down or relax. One of the beautiful places is Skamlingsbanken. The place is a part of Danish history, but most people get out there to enjoy the beautiful nature in all its pride. There are lots of great walking tracks in and around Kolding.

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