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ATTORNEYS & LEGAL ASSISTANCE ABA Center for Pro Bono Florida Legal Services Florida Pro Bono

Attorney Website Free a! Preparation Sites *ational Association Cri(inal +efense Lawyers *inth -"dicial Circ"it Co"rt of Florida he Florida Bar RSO SITES Absol"te .ero /nites Clean /p the 1egistry +iane +ia(ond Florida Action Co((ittee 'llinois 2oices *ational Center for 1eason and -"stice *o %asy Answers 9nce Fallen 1efor( Se! 9ffender Laws 1egistration : 1easonable 2oices Se! 9ffender 'ss"es Se! 9ffender ;anage(ent Se! 9ffender 1esearch e!as 2oices he Ada( Walsh Act /nCivil he 'nnocence Pro3ect Florida Sex Offender Laws Florida Statutes 66@.48 he Florida Se!"al Predators Act. 66@.4= +"ty of the co"rt to "phold laws governing se!"al predators and se!"al offenders. 66@.4@ 67=.5>@ 7=<.5=< Prosec"tions for acts or o(issions. /nlawf"l place of residence for persons convicted of certain se! offenses. oll)free telephone n"(berA 'nternet notificationA se!"al predator and se!"al offender infor(ation. Se!"al offenders reB"ired to register with the depart(entA penalty. Search of registration infor(ation regarding se!"al predators and se!"al offenders reB"ired prior to appoint(ent or e(ploy(ent. Search of registration infor(ation regarding se!"al predators and se!"al offenders reB"ired when place(ent on (isde(eanor probation. he re(oval of the reB"ire(ent to register as a se!"al offender or se!"al predator in special circ"(stances. 1etention of cri(inal history records of (inors.

http// http// http// http// http//www.hf"!.php#pr$%arned&'nco(e& a!&Credit&)& a!&Sites https,//"lt.asp! http//www.ninthcirc" http// http,//absol"te0ero" http,//clean" http,//dianedi(!)offenders)the)other)view/ http,//floridaactionco(( http,// http,// http,// http,// http,// http,//www.registration!.net/ http,//voi!) http,//se!offenderiss" http,//www.cso(.org/ http,//se! http,//te! http,//</$8=7>7<=? http,// http,//"tes/4584/66@.48 http,//"tes/4584/66@.4=



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7=<.==<@< 7==.>5> 7==.>56

A"to(atic notification of registration infor(ation regarding se!"al predators and offenders. Se!"al offendersA notification "pon release. *otification to +epart(ent of Law %nforce(ent of infor(ation on se!"al offenders. Conditional release progra(. Additional ter(s and conditions of probation or co(("nity control for certain se! offenses. Se!"al offenders ad3"dicated delinB"entA notification "pon release. *otification to +epart(ent of Law %nforce(ent of infor(ation on 3"venile se!"al offenders.

http,//"tes/4584/7=<.==<@< http,//"tes/4584/7==.>5> http,//"tes/4584/7==.>56

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Florida Registration ualif!ing Offenses ) Listed below are the cri(inal offenses proscribed in Florida registration stat"tes for which registration is reB"ired in addition to si(ilar offenses or registration reB"ire(ents in another 3"risdiction. See registration stat"tes for co(plete criteria for registration, 6D6.58 6D6.54 6D6.54@ 67=.588 67=.5@ 67>.5< 67>.5<@ D55.5= D85.8=@ D4@.854@ D46.568 D=6.58<< D=6.58<@ D=6.58<6 D=6.58<D D=6.58=@ 7D@.658 EidnappingA Fidnapping of child "nder age 8<G aggravating circ"(stances. False i(prison(entAfalse i(prison(ent of child "nder age 8<G aggravating circ"(stances. L"ring or enticing a child. Se!"al batteryG e!cl"ding 67=.588H85I. /nlawf"l se!"al activity with certain (inors. Proc"ring person "nder age of 8D for prostit"tion Selling or b"ying of (inors into se! trafficFing or prostit"tionA penalties. Lewd or lascivio"s offenses co((itted "pon or in the presence of persons less than 8> years of age. 2ideo voye"ris( Lewd or lascivio"s offenses co((itted "pon or in the presence of an elderly person or disabled person. Se!"al perfor(ance by a childA penalties. Protection of (inorsA prohibition of certain acts in connection with obscenityA penalty. Co(p"ter pornographyA penaltiesG e!cl"ding D=6.58<@H=I. rans(ission of pornography by electronic device or eB"ip(ent prohibitedA penalties. rans(ission of (aterial har(f"l to (inors to a (inor by electronic device or eB"ip(ent prohibitedA penalties. Selling or b"ying of (inorsA penalties. Se!"al (iscond"ct prohibitedA reporting reB"iredA penalties. http,//"tes/4584/6D6.58 http,//"tes/4584/6D6.54 http,//"tes/4584/6D6.54@ http,//"tes/4584/67=.588 http,//"tes/4584/67=.5@ http,//"tes/4584/67>.5< http,//"tes/4584/67>.5<@ http,//"tes/4584/D55.5= http,//"tes/4584/D85.8=@ http,//"tes/4584/D4@.854@ http,//"tes/4584/D46.568 http,//"tes/4584/D=6.58<< http,//"tes/4584/D=6.58<@ http,//"tes/4584/D=6.58<6 http,//"tes/4584/D=6.58<D http,//"tes/4584/D=6.58=@ http,//"tes/4584/7D@.658

Sex Offender A"ts Ada( Walsh Act 455> -acob Wetterling Act 8776 ;eganJs Law 877> Pa( Lychner Act 877> S;A1 455> S91*A

http,// http,//! "ally&2iolent&9ffender&1egistration&Act http,//;eganKs&Law http,// http,//www.s( http,//www.s(

S91*A Sex Offender Sear"#es Fa(ily Watchdog FB' Florida *ational Se! 9ffender 1egistry /S +%P of -/S 'C% GO$ERN%ENT SITES FloridaG State of C'A Cri(eline FB' Florida Attorney Leneral Florida +ept of Children C Fa(ilies Florida Welfare Health +ept M Florida M 9range Co"nty 9range Co"nty Sheriff 9ffice 9rlando Police +epart(ent Social Sec"rity /.S. Attorney Leneral /.S. Cities /.S. Lovern(ent /.S. Law %nforce(ent Agencies /ne(ploy(ent and -obs 2eterans Ad(inistration &ails Florida -ails LaFe Co"nty FL -ail 9range Co"nty FL -ail 9sceola Co"nty FL -ail Se(inole Co"nty FL -ail /SA -ails 2inelinF

http,//'nfor(ation&Sharing/S91*A/ http,//www.fa(ilywatchdog."s/ http,// http,//offender.fdle.state.fl."s/offender/ho( http,//www.nationalse!</58/ http,// http//www.( https,// http,//www.cri( http// http,//( http,//www.(yflfa( http,// http,// http,// http,// http,// http,//www.3" http,//www." http,//www." http//www." http,// http,// http,//dlis.dos.state.fl."s/fgils/co" https,// http,// http,// http,//'nde!.asp! http,//"s)co"nty) https,//;

'alf (a! 'ouses What is a Half Way Ho"se# HWH 1eso"rces )risons Federal B"rea" of Prisons Federal Prisons M W'E' List Florida +ept of Corrections State Prisons ) WiFi List %inistries & T#rift S#o*s Brothers Eeepers O =56.D=7)56<@ =<@< %dgewater +riveG 9rlando FL <4D5= Ch"rch of Christ Prison ;inistry +irectory of Prison ;inistries Food Pantries M Food BanFs Fresh Start ;inistries Loodwill O =56. D@6)5>@7 <4<@ %dgewater +riveG 9rlandoG FL <4D5=

http,//fa((.org/wp)content/"ploads/458</5D/FAN)Halfway)Ho"se)=.4=.pdf http,//halfwayho""rces/ http,// http,// http,//www.dc.state.fl."s/ http,// *o website M b"t will help offenders o"t of prison with clothes http,// http,//www.bgcprison(!.php#id$85DCstate$FL http,// www.FreshStart; http,//

Habitat for H"(anity Eairos Prison ;inistry Salvation Ar(y O =56. 47@)7<88 <D77 W Colonial +r.G 9rlando FL <4D5D St 2incent de Pa"l -ail C Prison ;inistry r"e ;inistries

http,// http,// http,//salvationar(y" http,//

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