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Bennett, SRTMS, Room 18: 9th Grade Short Story Reads [Links to short stories with qui es, !ry"s Reada#i$ity Le%e$ed& 9th Grade 'ntry()re* +The ,ine*ress,- #y .ose/ 'ss#er0er1 ori0ina$ 2a i 'hsan. !i3tion, short story, /a#$e1 !ren3h %ineyard horror with a twist. htt*:44www.en0$ish3$u#.3om4readin04story(wine*ress.htm [!ry"s Reada#i$ity 9th Grade, with tests& +5 6oward,- #y Guy de Mau*assant. !i3tion, short story, horror, sus*ense1 !ren3h due$, 'd0ar 5$$an )oe($ike sus*ense and horror. htt*:44www.en0$ish3$u#.3om4readin04story(3oward.htm [!ry"s Reada#i$ity 9th417th Grade& +The Metro,- #y .ose/ 'ss#er0er. !i3tion, short story, murder mystery1 !ren3h dete3ti%e story with a twist. htt*:44www.en0$ish3$u#.3om4readin04story(metro.htm [!ry"s Reada#i$ity 17th Grade, with tests&

Some o/ the 'd0ar 5$$en )oe($ike short stories ha%e %o3a#u$ary and 3om*rehension se$/( qui es. My su00estion is to take the qui es, re(read /or a33ura3y, and asso3iate any %o3a#u$ary words missed with $ike(words throu0h a Thesaurus. 8se the words as *ra3ti3e /or %o3a#u$ary e9*ansion. :otes /or in3omin0 9th Grader"s: 1.; See my 9th Grade summer *re* readin0 su00estions htt*:44www.*%sd.k1<.3a.us41=>?<7?@71=>91@8>A4$i#41=>?<7?@71=>91@8>A4SummerBReadsB/o rB9thBGradeB)re*.9$s. <.; Make sure you are we$$ *ra3ti3ed with ,ords < 2now /rom .unior Ci0h S3hoo$ ( htt*:44www.*%sd.k1<.3a.us41=>?<7?@71=>91@8>A4$i#41=>?<7?@71=>91@8>A4Student D<7Resour3es4Readin0D<75:ED<7Lan0ua0eD<76on%entionsD<7Resour3es4S*e$$in0D<7F D<7Go3a#u$aryD<7AthD<7FD<78thD<7Grades.)E! @.; !ina$$y, #e %ery *ra3ti3ed with Greek4Latin 5//i9es and their meanin0s H 3he3k out a$$ three se3tions o/ this site I*re/i9es, roots, su//i9es;: htt*s:44www.msu.edu4Jde/ores140re4roots40reBrtsBa/91.htm

6on0ratu$ations and kee* in tou3hK Ms. B

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