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Scott N. Ward, Jr.

732-682-0034 411 Timber Ridge t. !e"t#ne$ !% 0777&3 '()

Summary Statement.

* am a +#siness )dministration ("ecia,ist with e-"erience in .anagement$ .ar/eting$ Trend Research$ and om"#ter Techno,ogy. * ha0e assisted 1oremen$ 2awyers$ and a ontro,,er 3or the ,ast 3i0e years at %( *n0estments whi,e r#nning a resa,e b#siness. .y recent endea0ors inc,#de s#ccess3#,,y mar/eting my b#siness name on *nstagram in order to dri0e tra33ic to my website$ dead, * am "#nct#a,$ a great omm#nicator and se,3-dri0en.

4wner and reator

2012 Present

5-"erience in .ar/eting thro#gh (ocia, .edia on *nstagram 3or "rod#ct se,,ing on website$ www.dead, #stomer ser0ice management thro#gh emai,$ ,ogistics$ website maintenance. +#i,ding and #"dating the website on a dai,y basis. Trend Research o3 !i/e$ %ordan +rand snea/ers$ as we,, as Reebo/$ !ew +a,ance$ and 2e+ron. .aintain e-ce,,ent re,ationshi" with distrib#tors o3 toys and shoes thro#gho#t 6 hina 7 '(8. .erchandise a""raisa,$ "#rchasing and resa,e. )d0ertising thro#gh the *nternet and on socia, media.

n n n

CJS n!estments, Neptune, NJ

)ssistant 9 *ntern

200" Present

)ssistant to the in0estment com"any and its: 1oremen$ 2awyers$ and )cco#ntants. ;or/ with each gro#" according to the day:s ",an. om",ete m#,ti",e dai,y jobs with 0ario#s "#r"oses thro#gh ,earned m#,ti-tas/ing$ timemanagement and 3ie,d management. .aintain b#i,dings$ ,andsca"es$ o33ices and homes.

Scott N. Ward, Jr.

732-682-0034 411 Timber Ridge t. !e"t#ne$ !% 0777&3 '()

1or/,i3t 4"erator

200% 200&

Res"onsib,e 3or a,, Tr#c/ <re"aration re,ated d#ties.

'ystic sland Casino

1ront-5nd .anager

200( 200%

ashier and res"onsib,e 3or stoc/.

)**ice 'ax, Eatonto+n, NJ

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2001 $ 200(

(#ccess3#,,y s#"er0ised and handed o#t dai,y tas/s 3or a gro#" o3 3i0e em",oyees. =and,ed 2ogistics. ;as res"onsib,e 3or designing$ dis",aying ",anograms and 3,oor ",ans. )nswered te,e"hones$ sent o#t orders and was res"onsib,e 3or hand,ing a,, o0ernight o"erations.

,i**in -ni!ersity '.# in Pro/ress
oncentration> ("orts .anagement om",etion ?ate 2014

0aplan -ni!ersity 2012

+( in .ar/eting @<) 2.&494.0

,ec1nical S2ills
.icroso3t 433ice (#ites *nt#it <rod#cts ;ebsite ?e0e,o"er and .aintenance 2ogo reation (ocia, .edia 5-"ert - 1aceboo/$ Twitter and *nstagram

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