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Ein Massengutschiff, das mit einer Ladung mit sehr hohem spezifischen Gewicht beladen wird (z.B. Eisenerzkonzentrat), braucht nur einen Bruchteil seines Raumangebotes, um seine Ladungskapazittsgrenze zu erreichen. Um die Gefahr beim bergehen der Ladung zu reduzieren und um Reinigungskosten und Schwund zu minimieren, wird nur jeder zweite Raum beladen (alternierendes Beladen). Bei dieser Beladungsart treten an den Schotten vom vollen zum leeren Laderaum erhebliche Belastungen (Scherkrfte) auf.


(Naut.) A bending or sinking between the ends of a thing, in consequence of its own, or an imposed, weight; an arching downward in the middle, as of a ship after straining.


(Naut.) Drooping at the ends, arching;-in distinction from sagging.

Hogging Bending Moment

Hogging of a push barge

/Quelle: ISD/

Deformation of the hatch coaming

/Quelle: ISD/


und Querkraftverlauf


Hogging, a condition in which a hull is actually sagging with age, is an accurate indicator that a wood hull has reached the point of severe structural degradation and can no longer be considered safe. This condition is plainly evident on the above yacht.


MSC Carla (Structural Failure)

Lassia (Human Failure)

Mid-November 1999: The 139,800 dwt oil/ore carrier "Lassia" (St. Vincent & Grenadines) nearly sank in a southern Italian port after sagging three-quarters of the way through discharge of her cargo in the port of Taranto.

Lassia (Human Failure)

The ship was discharging some 126,000 tonnes of iron ore shipped from Mauritania when the incident occurred. First reports cast doubt on how well the operation to unload the ore from the ship, which has five holds, was planned and managed. According to the local maritime authority, after having emptied the bow and aft holds, the vessel's deck collapsed while the central hold was still full.

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