Benchmark Mode

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Benchmark Mode

The benchmark mode can be run in 3 ways: from the main menu from the command line as a benchmark from the command line as a looping demo

When running from the command line, exclusive fullscreen is automatically switched on and vsync is switched off. When not running as a looping demo, a file named benchmarkresults yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss.txt is created in the working directory.

Command line options


Run the benchmark on startup and quit the game when finished.
-benchmarkini filename.ini

Run the benchmark on startup and quit the game when finished. The ini file contains overrides for quality settings.

Loop the benchmark instead of quitting after it completes. This is a demo mode, so statistics are disabled.

Include dxdiag information in the benchmarkresults file.

Ini file options

All of these are optional, they override the settings from the game launcher. QualityLevel Fullscreen ExclusiveFullscreen AspectRatio VSyncMode FullscreenWidth FullscreenHeight FullscreenRefreshRate StereoEnabled TextureQuality BestTextureFilter HairQuality AntiAliasingMode ShadowMode ShadowResolution 0 to 4 for Low to Ultimate. Sets all settings to a quality level 0 or 1 0 or 1. Enable this when fullscreen is enabled for better performance but worse multitasking. Width / height x 10000 or 0 for Auto 0 - 2 for Off, Double Buffer and Triple Buffer In pixels In pixels In Hz 0 or 1 1 - 4 for Low to Ultra 0 for No Filtering, 1 for Bilinear, 2 for Trilinear, or 2 + the Anisotropic level 0 for Normal or 1 for TressFX 0 - 3 for None, FXAA, 2x SSAA or 4x SSAA 0 or 1 0 - 2 for Low to High

SSAOMode DOFQuality ReflectionQuality LODBias EnablePostProcess EnableHighPrecisionRT EnableTessellation

0 - 2 for Off, Normal or Ultra 0 - 2 for Off, Normal, Ultra 0 - 2 for Off, Normal or High 0 - 4 for Low to Ultra 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1

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