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Santiago Tarazona Moreno Diana Ortiz Manrique Raquel Pez Guzmn


Biology Lab Report

Change rom mil! to yogurt

Daniella Gar"ia


Results Boil The tea"her )oine* the mil! o the group+ an* boile* it, an* then it -a+ *i+tribute* equi.alently, the mil! -a+ really hot, an* it +till -hite/ 1e -aite*, +tir an* blethe mil! until it ha* a +lightly -arm temperature in -hi"h -hen in+erte* the inger it -oul*n2t be burne*, a ter we skimmed the milk because of the skin that was formed. 1e a**e* yogurt to the mil! an* mi4 it, a+ -e mi4e* it "hange+ it+ te4ture an* "olor, no- it i+ tangy an* pin!/



1e "o.ere* the )ar -ith ne-+paper an* .inipel +o no air -ill enter an* it -ill +tay -arm/


1e "o.ere* the )ar -ith a blan!et +o it -ill +tay in -arm temperature/


1e lea.e it in a pla"e -ere no +unlight "oul* rea"h it/


Mi4 the "ur* -ith a -oo*en +poon, +o that no "ur* -oul* +tay/


1e a**e* +ome +ugar to gi.e the yogurt a better ta+te/

Re rigerator

1e put the yogurt in the ri*ge +o that it -ill +tay "ol* an* li!e-i+e i+ pre+er.e*/

Data analysis


The mil! -a+ boile* to !ill all the ba"teriathat are able to li.e in it, -ith thi+ -e "an a++ure that the only ba"teria that +tay ali.e are the one+ that -e are going to intro*u"e in the yogurt/ 1e *on2t boil the yogurt a+ -ell be"au+e that -oul* !ill the ba"teria that are in "harge o "reating the ne- yogurt/ 1e -ait, +tir an* blo- the mil!, -ith thi+ -e -ant to get the yogurt to a temperature in -hi"h the ba"teria that li.e in it -ill be able to +tay ali.e/ Ba"teria nee* to be -arm an* nutrient+ to gro- an* repro*u"e5 the ba"teria gro- an* tran+ orm the mil! into yogurt/ 1e "o.ere* the )ar +o no more ba"teria -ill be allo-e* to enter the yogurt/ 6n* it -ill !eep a -arm temperature/ 1e "an2t put it in the +un be"au+e the +unlight -ill "hange the temperature an* it may !ill the ba"teria in the yogurt/ 1e mi4 the "ur* +o the yogurt -ill be a homogeneou+ mi4ture/ That mi4ture i+ pin! ha+ a thi"!, "reamy tangy "on+i+ten"y an* +mell+ a little bit ba*/ The +ugar i+ a**e* to the yogurt +o it -ill get a +-eet la.or/ The yogurt i+ intro*u"e* in the re rigerator +o it -ill be "on+er.e* or a longer time/ The yogurt nee*+ to ha.e a tight " on the "ontainer to !eep the ba"teria that are goo* in+i*e +o it -oul* bring bene it+ to your bo*y/






Sugar Re rigerator

78nl9nea: tulinea/e+0;til0art0in*e4<art/a+p4=art<i*>?@(99#A+">&$#%, re"upera*oB Co.ember # *e #$%& 78n l9nea: e4perimentar/go /an0nota/php=i*<nota>ba"teria+84p"ion, re"upera*oB Co.ember # *e #$%& Ob+er.ationB The yogurt turn+ it+ "olor rom 1hite to pin!, it+ te4ture "hange into tangy an* ta+te+ ba*/ The La" Operon 1e "an *e*u"e that in the "ontainer the ba"teria i+ gro-ing an* repro*u"ing -hile the la"to+e i+ being "on+ume*, thi+ mean+ that the repre++or in the La" Operon i+ o the +tru"ture +o it i++topping the pro*u"tion o mil!/

Conclusions The yogurt i+ pro*u"e* -hen t-o !in* o ba"teria are mi4e* -ith the mil!, thi+ ba"teria eat+ the natural +ugar in the mil! "alle* la"to+e/ The a++imilation o the +ugar+ in+i*e o the ba"teria pro*u"e+ an a"i* la"ti" that ma!e+ the +ugar2+ ba"teria to orm a "ur*/ The e e"t+ o thi+ "oagulation are an a"i* la.or an* a "reamy "ompo+ition/ Questions

1hat i+ pa+teurization=

Pa+teurization i+ a pro"e++ o heating liqui*+ to a +pe"i i" temperature to !ill mi"roorgani+m+ that "an "au+e *i+ea+e 78n l9nea: httpB00in e"tiou+*i+ea+e+/about/"om0o*0pre.ention0a0pa+teurization/htm, Dp*ate* Eanuary %@5 #$$9 o re./ Co.ember #, #$%&

Compare your Fhome'ma*eG yogurt to the F+tore'boughtG .ariety/ 1hat e e"t *o +ome o the other ingre*ient+ ha.e on the F+tore'boughtG yogurt=

The home'ma*e yogurt obtain+ it+ "olor rom the ruit you a**e* to it, al+o it *oe+n2tha.epre+er.ati.e+, an* it *oe+n2t ha.e +ugar/ Hn+tea* the +tore'bought yogurt ha+ arti i"ial "olor+ or gi.e the appearan"e that it ha+ a lot o ruit, al+o it "ontain+ pre+er.ati.e+ to in"rea+e unopene* +hel li e, an* it "ontain+ +ugar in or*er to remo.e a little bit the tangy ta+te/ 78n l9nea: httpB00-il+onpro"e+/blog+pot/"om0#$%#0%$0normal'$'#%' al+e' al+e' al+e'e+'e"' 4/htmlmate+, #& De O"tubre *e #$%#/

&/ 1hat are the # mo+t "ommon ba"teria u+e* in yogurt ma!ing= 1hi"h one *i* you u+e= The mo+t "ommon ba"teria u+e* in yogurt are La"toba"illu+ Bul"ari"u+ an* Strep"to"o""u+ Thermophilu+/ 1e u+e* both o the+e ba"teria be"au+e rom the La"toba"illu+ Bul"ari"u+ -e got the a"i* la.or an* rom the Strep"to"o""u+ Thermophilu+ -e got the "reamy "ompo+ition/ 78n linea: e4perimentar/go /an0nota/php=i*<nota>ba"teria+84p"ion, re"upera*oB Co.ember # *e #$%&

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