Anglican High School Alumni Association Application Form

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Anglican High School Alumni Association

600 Upper Changi Road Singapore 487012 Tel: 6241 4866 Fax: 6441 4690
Email: Website:

会员申请表格 Membership Application Form

(All particulars will be kept confidential)

姓名 (中文): (English):

性别: 女 / 男 国籍: 手机:

Sex: F / M Nationality: HP:

Email address:


毕业年度: 19 / 20 _____ 班级 Class: ______ 课外活动 CCA:_______________________

会费 Membership Fee: $20 lifetime

付款方式 Payment:

现款 Cash PayNow (UEN Number: S66SS0010B)

若以现款支付会费,请于办公时间亲临母校办 Indicate your name as transaction reference



支票 Cheque

Bank & Cheque No.: ________________

支票划双线付给 Crossed cheque made payable

to: Anglican High School Alumni Association

Please send completed form and your cheque to:
Anglican High School Alumni Association
600 Upper Changi Road
Singapore 487012
申请者姓名 申请者签名 日期
Name of Applicant Signature of Applicant Date

Privacy Policy and Consent to Use of Data

By signing this membership application form, you agree that Anglican High School Alumni
Association may collect, use and disclose your personal data, as provided in this application form,
or obtained by our organisation as a result of your membership, for the following purposes in
accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act:
(a) the processing of this membership application;
(b) the administration of the membership with our organisation;
(c) the inclusion in the mailing list for events update.

Please visit our website at for

further details on our data protection policy, including how you may access and correct your
personal data or withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data.

办公处用 For official use

收款者姓名 Name of Cashier : ___________________________________________________

收款者签名 Signature of Cashier : ___________________________________________________

收据号码 Receipt number : ___________________________________________________
会员证号码 Card number : ___________________________________________________
批准日期 Date of Approval : ___________________________________________________
会员 Member Since : ___________________________________________________

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