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Creative Interactive Technologist 765-543-6588

Interactive Experience Designs:

2012-2014 Mugic, network-streamed graphics
Qualcomm Institute Involved in grant-funded research to develop an extensible framework for platform-independent, configuration-independent multi-tiled display software for real-time network-streamed graphics. M.F.A. Thesis Project Constructing a tent-like structure to cover the busiest sidewalk on campus. Four projectors cover the structure, and a hand-built plexiglas/IR surface makes the screens touch-activated. Teams first build a fort, and then launch balls over the ceiling in an attempt to destroy the opponents fort. Purdue Theatre Programmed an Audio Unit sound plugin to send live music information to a web server. Web app interprets information and provides dynamic real-time phone visualizations for everyone connected. ArtPower Filmatic Fest Led a team of eight people to develop a 55-player multiplayer game in six weeks. Players controlled their own characters via html5 phone joystick and played through a 50-minute story. The game used Mugic to render graphics in 32-times-HD resolution on a 50-foot wall powered by 16 computers. UCSD Tiled huge images into 40 seamless segments & created a dynamic path with smooth endless camera panning and zooming. Via Kinect, users can view slightly ahead or behind along the path. CALIT2 Using Kinect tracking, two users explored a massive visual and aural space trying to discover musical elements and control their swarm of balls around the 50-foot tiled display wall to make the best music. Personal Project Using contact mics, we detected ball velocities and game outcomes, and played video-game-type musical effects when the ball hit a paddle, table, or neither (for a game over condition). CALIT2 Four users could walk up and down a video floor projection, fluidly controlling each ones playback.


Rama-Rama (in progress)


User-input and live crowd music visualization web app


Ad Infinitum (55-player arcade game)


8,000,000,000 pixel interactive image


Spellbound (user visual/aural exploration)


Sound-augmented real-life ping-pong

2012 2012

Body-based video contol with granulated audio Arduino-controlled puzzle box

Personal Project A three-stage puzzle box with live-updating clues on phone. Arduino sonar, light, bend, and pressure sensors determined success, then the box auto-shifted the clue, sound, and light into the next scene. Personal Project User wore a hand-built mask and used their hands to creepily change the sound of their voice through the built-in speaker and microphone, all powered via USB and tracked via Kinect. CRCA Fully-surround visual and sound installations in a 10-projector and 16-speaker cube configuration.


Dynamic voice-augmenting speaker/mask


Recombinant media lab cinechamber

Programs, Languages, and Frameworks:

c++, java, Unity, FMOD, OpenGL, MaxMSP, Pure Data, javascript, html5, Kinect, Leap Motion, Arduino, RasPi, Libavcodec, VST, Touch Designer, openFrameworks, node.js, kinetic.js, three.js, Ableton Live

Pursuing: Earned:
M.F.A. in Sound Design for Theatre; University of California, San Diego (graduating March 2014) B.S. in Computer Science; Minors: Theatre Technology & Design, Physics; Purdue University

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