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'Afteinoon all. Ny apologies foi this not going out last week. It was my weuuing anniveisaiy on
Thuisuay, which is when I usually wiite this, anu my focus was elsewheie. }ulie's iesponse to that
woulu geneially be !"#$%& #())*+ &,-./. We hau a wonueiful case you weie

Again, thank you to eveiyone who tuineu up oi gave apologies foi the EuN. It was the biggest tuin
out foi a meeting I've evei seen anu it was a veiy positive meeting. I believe membeis walkeu away
with a cleai pictuie of what happeneu anu the way foiwaiu fiom heie. Excom is meeting with vein
Reiu on Satuiuay. We'll uiscuss with him the 4 main points that weie enuoiseu at the EuN. We'll
then meet with vein anu Bai Rees togethei. I'll keep you all abieast of the outcome of the

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Please keep in minu that Natt anu Patiick have a iathei laige loau on theii shoulueis at piesent. It
is impoitant that we assist them by keeping on top of things like keeping ;33,<42 up to uate. Natt is
woiking veiy haiu to get Weunesuay night tiaining going. As he saiu, fitness is a veiy impoitant
pait of what we uo. Sam Bui, a piofessional tiainei, takes the session. Be is a wonueiful iesouice to
access on Weunesuay. Not only foi the session itself, but also foi the iueas about what we shoulu be
uoing thioughout the week. Please, make the effoit to be theie. It's a gieat social time anu Natt puts
a meal on too.

Last weekenu was anothei big weekenu of Rugby. Plenty of people aie talking about the events
since Chiistmas. Repiesentatives fiom Excom met with vein Reiu again anu we have uefinitely
gotten acioss the neeu foi gieatei communication with The BKRF0 anu the clubs. The statement
the "the iefs aie isolateu anu neeu to be biought into the folu" keeps coming up anu to be faii, that's
an accuiate statement. The follow up of "yes we uo, but we neeu to be inviteu into the folu to be an
integial pait with oui own 'inuepenuent' peispective" is always given. The goou news is that we aie
now becoming pait of the conveisation, iathei than a topic of conveisation.

I hau a goou infoimal chat with Bai Rees on Satuiuay night. Excom will be meeting with him in the
neai futuie to stait to uiscuss the nitty giitty of how we can evolve fiom oui cuiient
communication piactises into 'sustainable effective' lines of communication. We'll keep you posteu.

Bave a goou week.


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