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Standard Operating Procedure Guidelines

Standard No: Subject: %nitiated b&: (ppointed to: (ppro+ed b&: ,alidit&: PRD / FO / 01 / 01 / 2011 Ho to !egin "our S#i$t Retreat 'anager Personali)ed Retreat Depart*ent Resort 'anager Fro*: Dece*ber 1st 2011 -o: Dece*ber .1st 2012

STANDARDS %t is +er& i*portant to be ell prepared be$ore begin &our duties in order to ensure t#at &ou could per$or* &our tas/ per$ectl& and s*oot#l&0

PROCEDURES 10 1#en e2pecting c#ec/3in: t#ree #ours be$ore 4-( ti*e0 %t is al a&s essential to c#ec/ t#e bloc/ed roo*s a da& prior to ensure t#at t#ree #ours ill be su$$icient to *eet our standard0 20 1#en #andling guests: 15 *inutes prior to re6uested ti*e0 (s standard7 as/ guest as details sc#edule as possible $or t#e $ollo ing da&0 .0 80 4nsure &ou ta/e clean and ell pressed uni$or*0 1ear &our uni$or* properl& according to t#e standard deter*ined0 %$ an& de$ect or loss is $ound7 report to t#e Retreat 'anager i**ediatel&0 Follo all steps dictated on t#e groo*ing standards procedure0 50 90 :0 Na*e tag *ust be used properl& at all t#e ti*e during or/ing #ours0 Go to t#e o$$ice 15 *inutes be$ore &our o$$icial start or/ing #ours0 Read t#oroug#l& all in$or*ation contained on t#e logboo/0 Noted $or necessar& action or $ollo up #ene+er re6uired0

Standard Operating Procedure Guidelines


%nitiated b&: Na*e: 1a&an Sudiart#a Date o$ %ssue: 01/12/2011

(c/no ledged b&: Na*e:

(ppro+ed b&: Na*e:

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