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deteriorating natural resources

Forest Produce- includes:a. The following whether found in or brought from a forest or not i.e. timber, charcoal, caoutchoue, catechu, wood-oil, resin, natural warnish, bark, lac, mahua flowers, mahua seeds, kuth and mayrobalans. b. The following when found in a brought from forest, that is to say i. Trees and leaves flowers and fruits and all other parts or produce of trees. ii. Plants not being trees (including grass, creepers, needs and moss) and all parts & produce of such plants. iii. Wild animals and skins, tusks, horns, bones, silk, cocoons, honey and wax, and all other parts a produce of animals and iv. Peat, surface soil, rock and minerals (including limestone, late rite, mineral oils, and all products of mines or quarries. (4A) owner includes a court of wards in respect of a property under superintendence or charge of such court. (5) river- includes any stream, canal, creek, or other channels, natural or artificial. (6) timber includes trees, when they have fallen, or have been felled and all wood whether cut up or fashioned or hollowed out for any purpose or not; and (7) tree includes palms, bamboos, stumps, brushwood and canes. Explanation(1) Though term forest has not been defined in IFA, 1927, it has recently been defined in Thirumalpad Vs Union of India & others case (writ petition no. 202 of 1995, in the judgement dt. 12.12.96 of the Hble Supreme Court of India, wherein it has been said that Forest shall be understood by its dictionary meaning). N.B. In the Oxford Dictionary of English language word forest has been defined as a. A large area covered with trees and undergrowth b. The trees growing in it.

Similar Penalty State Act under state Act. Sl. No.


Penalty prescribed



Minimum six months maximum 2 (42) Bihar Forest years or with Act fine, minimum Rs. 1000/maximum Rs. 5000/Sec. (42) Upto 2 years and fine upto Rs. 5000/Upto 1 years or with fine upto Rs. 2000/Upto 2 years or fine upto Rs. 5000/- or both. Upto six months or fine upto Rs. 500/-. Upto 1 years and fine upto Rs. 10,000/-





Sec. (42)



Sec. (42)



Sec. (42)


Tamil Nadu

Sec. (36)

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