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S 604
It is time to finally bring accountability and
transparency to an institution that has helped to
reduce the value of our dollar by 95% since its
creation in 1913.

You can help achieve this historic goal:

l Call the Senate at (202) 224-3121 and urge your
Senator to cosponsor S 604 and to make
every effort to seek roll call votes.
l Recruit 10 friends to call the Senate and ask each of
them to recruit another 10 friends.
l Write a “Letter to the Editor” concerning S 604.
l Contact your favorite local/national talk radio
hosts and inform them about S 604.
Visit CampaignForLiberty.com for more information
on our efforts to audit the Federal Reserve.

o Yes! I want to join and contribute to Campaign

for Liberty’s fight to force the Fed to tell us the truth
about our money. The American people deserve to
know the facts about our monetary policy!
Please fill out this form:



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o $15 o $25 o $35 o $50 o $100

Mail to: Campaign for Liberty
5211 Port Royal Road, Suite 310
Springfield, VA 22151-2100
Because of Campaign for Liberty’s tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(c)(4) and its state and federal
legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as a
business deduction [(IRC § 162(e)(1)].

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