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CEYCAs Strategic plan


Strategic plan

Centre for Youth and Childrens Affairs (CEYCA)


the rights and active participation of children and youths

[Strategic Plan]

Page 1

CEYCAs Strategic plan


Table of Contents
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................ 2 Statement from the oar! Chairperson........................................................................................4 "ntro!#ction.................................................................................................................................. 5 $ission Statement....................................................................................................................... % &ision Statement.......................................................................................................................... ' Core &al#es................................................................................................................................. ' Strategic (lan )rame*or+............................................................................................................, -b.ecti/e 1.10 -Contrib#te to*ar!s promotion of right to e!#cation........................................10 (illar 1.1.10- )acilitating comm#nit1 participation in school management............................11 (illar 1.1.20- S#pport comm#nities in earl1 chil! care an! e!#cation..................................11 (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................12 Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 12 -b.ecti/e 1.20- (rotect chil!ren from chil! labo#r2 sale2 traffic+ing an! ab!#ction. ................13 (illar 1.2.10- (#blic e!#cation abo#t the e/il of chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing. .......................13 (illar 1.2.20- S#pport sta+ehol!er coor!ination to protect chil!ren from chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing............................................................................................................................ 13 (illar 1.2.30- S#pport polic1 re/ie*s2 coor!ination an! implementation ..............................14 (illar 1.2.40- S#pport research2 !oc#mentation an! lesson learning...................................14 (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................15 Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 15 -b.ecti/e 1.30- Enhance the a!ministration of .#/enile .#stice. ..............................................1% (illar 1.3.10- Strengthen collaboration an! net*or+ing........................................................1' (illar 1.3.20- Con!#ct research an! !oc#ment .#/enile .#stice initiati/es............................1' (illar 1.3.30- S#pport legal representation of .#/eniles in conflict *ith the la*. ...................1, (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................1, Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 1, -b.ecti/e 1.40- (romote the right to leis#re2 recreation an! c#lt#ral acti/ities.........................14 (illar 1.4.10- 5e/elopment of Chil! frien!l1 Yo#th 6eso#rce Centers.................................20 (illar 1.4.20- S#pport sports s+ills !e/elopment .................................................................20 [Strategic Plan] Page 2

CEYCAs Strategic plan


(erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................20 -b.ecti/e 1.50- (rotect chil!ren from se7#al ab#se an! the sprea! of 8"& an! A"5S.............21 (illar 1.5.10- 5e/elop an 8"& an! A"5S 9or+ (lace (olic1 for staff an! its constit#ents ....22 (illar 1.5.20- $ainstream 8"& an! A"5S inter/entions in its programmes............................22 (illar 1.5.30- S#pport palliati/e care an! pre/ent the s#ffering of orphans an! /#lnerable chil!ren :-&C;.................................................................................................................... 23 (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................23 Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 23 -b.ecti/e 2.10- (romote 1o#th lea!ership an! c#lt#ral /al#es................................................25 (illar 2.1.10- (romote !emocrac1 an! h#man rights e!#cation...........................................25 (illar 2.1.20- Enhance social an! political participation........................................................2% (illar 2.1.30- Strengthen c#lt#ral i!entit1.............................................................................2% (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................2% Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 2% -b.ecti/e 2.20- (romote e!#cation2 s+ills !e/elopment an! 1o#th *ell-being.........................2' (illar 2.2.10- S#pport the promotion of a!#lt literac1 an! no-formal e!#cation....................2, (illar 2.2.20- Arts an! Craft 5e/elopment............................................................................2, (illar 2.2.30- (romote sports for health ...............................................................................2, (illar 2.2.40- &ocational an! technical s+ills !e/elopment ..................................................24 (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................24 Strategies an! $eans......................................................................................................... 24 -b.ecti/e 2.30- Enhance economic opport#nities an! self-!ri/e. ...........................................30 (illar 2.3.10- )acilitate the capacit1 b#il!ing of 1o#ths in b#siness management................30 (illar 2.3.20- S#pport "ncome <enerating Acti/ities.............................................................31 (illar 2.3.30- )acilitate 1o#th associations an! cooperati/es...............................................31 (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................32 Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 32 -b.ecti/e 3.10- !e/elop a comprehensi/e a!/ocac1 strateg1 to g#i!e its a!/ocac1 agen!a. .33 (illar 3.1.10- carr1 o#t research on critical iss#es an! prioriti=e a!/ocac1 matters..............33 (illar 3.1.20- !e/elop a phase! a!/ocac1 strateg1..............................................................34 (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................34 Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 34 -b.ecti/e 3.20- Coor!inate a!/ocac1 initiati/es at comm#nit1 an! national le/el....................35 [Strategic Plan] Page 3

CEYCAs Strategic plan


(illar 3.2.10- A!/ocac1 on c#lt#ral practices an! beliefs that affect the rights of chil!ren an! 1o#ths :intensi/e approach;................................................................................................35 (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................3% Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 3% -b.ecti/e 4.10- 5e/elop /iable technical2 polic1 an! management base.................................3' (illar 4.1.10- create effecti/e policies2 s1stems an! proce!#res in a!ministrati/e an! programme areas............................................................................................................... 3, (illar 4.1.20- Strengthen the capacit1 of boar!2 management an! staff teams ...................3, (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................34 Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 34 -b.ecti/e 4.20- Create a !i/ersifie! an! s#stainable financial an! reso#rce base..................40 (illar 4.2.10- 5e/elop an "ntegrate! 6eso#rce $obili=ation an! S#stainabilit1 (lan............40 (illar 4.2.20- "ncrease the capital an! material reso#rce base an! management thereof....41 (erformance meas#res.......................................................................................................41 Strategies an! means......................................................................................................... 41

Appendix 1: Annual work plan (2011

Statement from the Board Chairperson

[Strategic Plan] Page 4

CEYCAs Strategic plan


This Strategic (lan *ill g#i!e CEYCAs *or+ for the perio! 2011-2015. The Strategic (lan has been closel1 g#i!e! b1 international an! regional con/entions s#ch as the Con/ention on the 6ights of the Chil! :C6C; an! the African Charter on the 6ights an! 9elfare of the Chil!. The Strategic (lan has also been closel1 informe! b1 the $ala*i <ro*th an! 5e/elopment Strateg1 :$<5s; an! a set of !omestic 1o#ths an! chil!ren policies an! frame*or+s. CEYCAs 200%-200, Strategic (lan also pro/i!e! the necessar1 baseline. This Strategic (lan positions CEYCA to !irectl1 implement its programmes *ithin its constit#encies *hile also p#rs#ing its national a!/ocac1 an! lobb1ing agen!a. To f#ll1 implement this Strategic (lan2 CEYCA *ill nee! h#ge reso#rce inflo*s. As s#ch *e call #pon o#r tra!itional an! ne* partners to s#pport this Strategic (lan b1 i!entif1ing specific components *hich co#l! be s#pporte! on short or long term basis or in an1 other *a1 s#itable to o#r partners as *ell as CEYCA. CEYCA *ill in/est all its energies an! reso#rces to ens#re that the goals an! ob.ecti/es of this Strategic (lan ha/e been achie/e!.

!rs" Edit# !kawa $%A&' C(A)&*E&S%+-CEYCA

[Strategic Plan] Page 5

CEYCAs Strategic plan


)orme! in 14452 CEYCA *as registere! in 144' *ith the 6egistrar <eneral #n!er the Tr#stees "ncorporation Act of 14%2 as a not-for-profit ><-. "t *as also registere! *ith the ><oar! in 2004. CEYCA is affiliate! to The Co#ncil )or >on-<o/ernmental -rganisations :C-><-$A;2 an! >ational Yo#th Co#ncil of $ala*i2 *hich is a coor!inating bo!1 for all 1o#th organi=ations in $ala*i. CEYCA *or+s *ith 1o#ng people an! chil!ren in Central 6egion of $ala*i. "t is c#rrentl1 the largest Yo#th >.<.-. in the Central region. "t emplo1s nineteen staff an! is hea!e! b1 the E7ec#ti/e 5irector. CEYCA *or+s to promote an! protect the rights of the chil! an! 1o#th in $ala*i2 an! !ra*s its a#thorit1 from the Con/ention on the 6ights of The Chil! :C6C; an! man1 other relate! h#man rights instr#ments2 an! the Constit#tion of the 6ep#blic of $ala*i. "t also aims to empo*er 1o#th participation in the socio-economic an! political !e/elopment of $ala*i.

Mission Statement

[Strategic Plan] Page %

CEYCAs Strategic plan


9e promote the rights an! acti/e participation of chil!ren an! 1o#ng people thro#gh a!/ocac12 facilitation2 net*or+ing2 research2 e!#cation an! !oc#mentation.

Vision Statement
?9e see $ala*i as a societ1 that respects an! protects the rights of chil!ren an! 1o#ng people an! promotes their acti/e participation in social an! personal !e/elopment@.

Core Values Transparency

A$a+ing the organi=ational processes more

open so that the sta+ehol!ers can #n!erstan! ho* CEYCA operates e/er1 !a1 in e/er1 *a1.






constit#ents to shape an! impro/e ser/ices pro/i!e! b1 the






partners at all le/els in or!er to achie/e its strategic goals.

[Strategic Plan] Page '

CEYCAs Strategic plan

Ens#ring that the performance of all against the achie/ement of the

emplo1ees is


organi=ations strategic goals.

Constituents FocusA Ser/ing CEYCAs

!eli/ering programs that a!!ress their !i/erse nee!s.

constit#ents b1

Results Orientation

A $eas#ring performance an!

ma+ing !ecisions to !irect reso#rces to *here the1 are #se! most

Strate ic Plan Frame!or"

Chil!ren an! 1o#ths in $ala*i face a milliar! of social problems. Cases of chil! labo#r an! ab#se are still rife2 po/ert1 an! /#lnerabilit1 of 1o#ths an! chil!ren to 8"& an! A"5S still stan! critical challenges for $ala*i. 8#man traffic+ing is an emerging e/il that has not spare! chil!ren an! 1o#ths. The polic1 an! instit#tional frame*or+ to comprehensi/el1 a!!ress chil!ren an! 1o#th iss#es is 1et to be f#ll1 !e/elope! an! coor!inate!. To assist chil!ren an! 1o#ths to a!!ress to!a1s challenges2 CEYCA *ill0 Ens#re that chil!ren are protecte! an! free! from all forms of ab#se an! !epri/ation :<oal 1;B

[Strategic Plan] Page ,

CEYCAs Strategic plan


Empo*er 1o#ths so that the1 are self-s#staining an! acti/e participants in social !e/elopment processes :<oal 2;B S#pport processes to a!/ocate for an enabling polic1 an! instit#tional frame*or+ to a!/ance the *elfare of chil!ren an! 1o#ths :<oal 3;B 5e/elop the instit#tional capacit1 of CEYCA to effecti/el1 !eli/er its operational strategies :<oal 4;B These fo#r strategic goals artic#late CEYCAs priorities. The ob.ecti/es !escribe CEYCAs ma.or programmatic policies an! co/er the range of ser/ices that CEYCA *ill !eli/er for the coming 5 1ears. The strategic pillars !efine its specific programme areas an! (erformance $eas#res specif1 baseline information an! long-term performance targets. Strategies an! means !escribe the actions that nee! to be ta+en to accomplish the strategic goals. So#n! instit#tional go/ernance an! management is an inherent part of achie/ing the set goals. The organi=ation *ill ha/e separate plans that !etail CEYCAs strategies to achie/e its goals in the areas of h#man capital2 o#treach efforts2 f#n!raising an! s#stainabilit12 performance an! efficienc1 an! go/ernance.

Strategic Goal 1:
[Strategic Plan] Page 4

CEYCAs Strategic plan

Ensure that children are protected and freed from all forms of abuse and deprivation



recogni=es that the

leis#re2 recreation an! c#lt#ral acti/ities :-b.ecti/e 4; an! protect chil!ren from se7#al ab#se an! the sprea! of 8"& an! A"5S :ob.ecti/e 5;.

polic12 instit#tional an! c#lt#ral en/ironment in $ala*i !oes not f#ll1 safeg#ar! an! promote the rights of chil!ren. Altho#gh there are /ario#s pla1ers in the area of protection an! promotion of chil! rights the approaches an! initiati/es a!opte! ha/e not a!!e! #p to m#ch change. The chil! in $ala*i is still largel1 e7pose! to s#ffering2 ab#se2 an! e7ploitation. "n or!er to contrib#te to*ar!s promotion an! protection of chil! rights2 CEYCA *ill o/er the coming fi/e 1ears promote the right to e!#cation :-b.ecti/e 1;2 protect chil!ren from chil! labo#r2 sale2 traffic+ing 2;2 an! ab!#ction the :-b.ecti/e enhance

-b.ecti/e 1.10 -Contrib#te to*ar!s promotion of right to


$ala*i has one of the highest illiterac1 le/els. St#!ies sho* that $ala*is illiterac1 rate stan!s at 42C2 *ith %0C o*ing to *omen. "n a!!ition !rop o#t is high :10.4C;2 repetition rate :25.,C;1 an! s#r/i/al rate at 2'C.

a!ministration of .#/enile .#stice :-b.ecti/e 3;2 promote the right to

[Strategic Plan] Page 10

World Bank, 2004

CEYCAs Strategic plan

The pict#re abo/e is a serio#s threat to e!#cation rights for chil!ren. CEYCA *ill contrib#te to the f#lfillment of the rights to e!#cation thro#gh facilitating comm#nit1 participation in school management :pillar1; an! S#pport comm#nities in earl1 chil! care an! e!#cation :pillar 2;

thro#gh *or+ing *ith T5Cs to pro/i!e learning trainings to#rs on for the ne* c#rric#l#m. CEYCA *ill facilitate school management committees *ithin an! o#tsi!e the co#ntr1. CEYCA *ill empo*er comm#nities an! chil!ren to hol! go/ernment an! ser/ice pro/i!ers acco#ntable in the *a1 e!#cation ser/ices are manage!.

(illar 1.1.10- )acilitating comm#nit1 participation in school management

CEYCA *ill *or+ *ith go/ernment2 local assemblies an! comm#nities to s#pport comm#nities acti/el1 in to the participate

(illar 1.1.20- S#pport comm#nities in earl1 chil! care an! e!#cation

CEYCA *ill s#pport comm#nities in the pro/isioning of earl1 chil!hoo! care an! e!#cation. "t *ill *or+ *ith the Ministry of Gender,
Children and Community Development (MoGCCD) to facilitate training of

pro/isioning of basic e!#cation ser/ices. The Capacit1 of school boar!s *ill be b#ilt so that the1 ha/e the +no*-ho* to engage !e/elopment partners to s#pport school CEYCA !e/elopment *ill s#pport pro.ects. (CA6

caregi/ers an! repro!#ce training man#als2 s1llab#ses an! g#i!es. "t

[Strategic Plan] Page 11

CEYCAs Strategic plan

*ill also s#pport comm#nities to b#il! better str#ct#res for C CCs. *illar 1"1"1:


.acilitate in



(erformance meas#res
Ann#al n#mber of f#nctioning school sites. $aseline 2010 in ,arget in 201management committees in CEYCAs pro.ect

sc#ool /anage/ent )acilitating training of school management committees an! comm#nit1 lea!ers in school management an! school impro/ement plans S#pporting training of teachers on (CA6 thro#gh T5Cs -rgani=ing st#!1 to#rs for school committees *illar 1"1"2: Support management

Ann#al $aseline 2010 >#mber pro.ects $aseline 2010




caregi/ers in C CCs. in ,arget in 201-

co//unities in earl0 c#ild care of C CCs being and education )acilitating training for care in ,arget in 201gi/ers S#pporting repro!#ction of an! !issemination training s#pporte! b1 CYCA thro#gh its

man#als an! g#i!es

Strategies an! means

[Strategic Plan] Page 12

CEYCAs Strategic plan

S#pporting C CCs comm#nities. constr#ction in of

2011-2015 (illar 1.2.10- (#blic e!#cation abo#t the e/il of chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing.


-b.ecti/e 1.20- (rotect chil!ren from chil!

CEYCA *ill la#nch an e!#cation campaign a*areness in at or!er to create an! comm#nit1

labo#r2 sale2 traffic+ing an! ab!#ction.

Challenges to !eal *ith chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing of chil!ren are serio#s. To !eal *ith these2 CEYCA traffic+ing *ill con!#ct 1;2 p#blic s#pport e!#cation on chil! labo#r an! :pillar sta+ehol!er coor!ination to protect chil!ren from chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing :pillar 2;2 s#pport polic1 re/ie*s2 research2 coor!ination !oc#mentation an! an! enforcement :pillar 3; an! s#pport lesson learning :pillar 4;

national le/el. (rint an! ra!io programmes *ill be carrie! o#t to !isseminate p#blic. chil!ren messages Comm#nit1 themsel/es abo#t *ill to the le/el gi/e their

campaigns *ill be la#nche! *here testimonies

e7periences. Comm#nit1 for#ms *ill be establishe! to pro/i!e platform for !ebate. ch#rches str#ct#res an! an! other gro#ps Schools2 social *ill

!isseminate information.






[Strategic Plan] Page 13

CEYCAs Strategic plan to protect chil!ren from chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing.
CEYCA *ill enco#rage an!

labo#r an! generate !ebate on their rele/ance *ithin the c#lt#ral2 political an! social conte7t. international best ench mar+s *ill be set *ithin the practices.

s#pport form#lation of comm#nit1 an! !istrict net*or+s an! contin#e participating in national net*or+s. CEYCA *ill ens#re that the chil!ren themsel/es pla1 acti/e role in pro/i!ing sol#tions to these challenges. CEYCA *ill contin#e to *or+ *ith partners thro#gh .oint programmes an! pool reso#rces to benefit from economies of scale. CEYCA *ill .oin regional an! international net*or+s to ha/e cross-bor!er infl#ence.

CEYCA *ill *or+ *ith go/ernment an! other sta+ehol!ers to ens#re that there is clear polic1 !irection on traffic+ing.






an! lesson learning.

CEYCA *ill coor!inate research an! *or+ *ith appropriate !epartments to !oc#ment these cases. CEYCA *ill establish a

(illar 1.2.30- S#pport polic1 re/ie*s2 coor!ination an! implementation

CEYCA *ill enco#rage an!






labo#r an! traffic+ing iss#es. "t *ill form lin+ages *ith regional an! international bo!ies to strengthen its research capacit1. "t *ill hol! p#blic for#ms to share its research

s#pport re/ie* of policies on chil!

[Strategic Plan] Page 14

CEYCAs Strategic plan

reports an! engen!er national !ebates. Ann#al traffic+ing n#mber


!oc#mente! cases of chil! $aseline 2010 in ,arget in 201-

(erformance meas#res
Ann#al percentage increase in +no*le!ge abo#t the e/il of chil! labo#r practices $aseline 2010 in ,arget in 201-




net*or+s to !eal chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing iss#es $aseline 2010 in ,arget in 201-

(ercentage +no*le!ge traffic+ing $aseline 2010

increase abo#t

in chil! >#mber of research pro.ects carrie! o#t on chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing $aseline 2010 in ,arget in 201-

in ,arget in 201-

>#mber of !oc#mente! cases of chil! labo#r

$aseline 2010

in ,arget in 201-

Strategies an! means

*illar 1"2"1: *u1lic education a1out t#e e2il o3 c#ild la1our and tra33icking"

[Strategic Plan] Page 15

CEYCAs Strategic plan

Carr1ing o#t p#blic e!#cation on chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing (ro!#cing !oc#mentaries on chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing *illar 1"2"2:-Support stake#older coordination at national and co//unit0 tra33icking" Establishing 5ra*ing comm#nit1 net*or+s *illar 1"2"4:Support polic0 and an! s#pporting bet*een national le2el to protect c#ildren 3ro/ c#ild la1our and

S#pporting litigation of chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing cases Training of la* enforcers on chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing *illar 1"2"-:- Support researc#5 docu/entation learning" 6esearching on chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing 5e/eloping *ebsite an! post chil! labo#r an! lesson best traffic+ing learning practices !oc#mentaries -rgani=ing Carr1ing o#t sessions *ith partners s#r/e1s on initiati/e to protect chil!ren from chil! labo#r an! traffic+ing. and lesson

net*or+s at comm#nit1 le/el lin+ages an!



i/ple/entation A!/ocating for polic1

form#lation on chil! traffic+ing 5isseminate chil! labo#r la*s an! policies to comm#nities

-b.ecti/e 1.30- Enhance the a!ministration of .#/enile .#stice.

[Strategic Plan] Page 1%

CEYCAs Strategic plan

CEYCA *ill strengthen A!/ocac1 programmes !e/elope! the conte7t to of

*ill be

collaboration an! net*or+ing in the area of D#/enile D#stice :pillar 1;2 Con!#ct research .#/enile an! .#stice !oc#ment

infl#ence international

implementation of policies *ithin frame*or+.

initiati/es in $ala*i :pillar 2;2 s#pport legal representation of .#/eniles in conflict *ith the la* :pillar 3;.



Con!#ct !oc#ment


.#/enile .#stice initiati/es. (illar 1.3.10Strengthen an!

CEYCA *ill con!#ct action research on the .#!icial practices right from the tra!itional to the formal .#stice s1stem to !etermine CEYCA *ill lobb1 its partners to e7pan! the reach of the Eilong*e D#/enile for#m. "t D#stice *ill )or#m catal1=e an! the conseF#entl1 t#rn it into a regional form#lation of regional for#ms *ith the long-term /ie* of infl#encing the national D#/enile D#stice )or#m. Comm#nit1 monitoring the e7tent of .#stice for .#/eniles. S#r/e1s in .#/enile centers *ill be !one partic#larl1 to assess the c#sto!ial con!itions for .#/eniles. CEYCA *ill #se its *ebsite to pro/i!e fin!ings. #sef#l information on .#/enile .#stice base! on research

collaboration net*or+ing.

committees *ill be enhance! an! lin+e! to the regional for#ms.

[Strategic Plan] Page 1'

CEYCAs Strategic plan (illar 1.3.30- S#pport legal representation of .#/eniles in conflict *ith the la*.
>#mber of

organi=ations in .#/enile

participating .#stice for#ms $aseline 2010

in ,arget in 201-

CEYCA *ill *or+ to offer legal representation an! litigation on .#/enile cases. "t *ill engage probono la*1ers an! create a programme to s#pport .#/eniles. Test cases *ill be con!#cte! to e7amine the strength of some of the e7isting la*s. CEYCA *ill *or+ !oc#ment these cases an! generate !ata base of the nat#re of iss#es an! cases it too+ to co#rts. >#mber of .#/enile cases represente! $aseline 2010 >#mber $aseline 2010 of .#/enile test in ,arget in 201 >#mber of research reports p#blishe! on .#/enile .#stice $aseline 2010 in ,arget in 201-

(erformance meas#res
>#mber .#stice $aseline 2010 in ,arget in 201of f#nctional net*or+sGfor#ms on .#/enile

cases bro#ght before co#rts in ,arget in 201-

Strategies an! means

[Strategic Plan] Page 1,

CEYCAs Strategic plan

*illar 1"4"1:Strengt#en


colla1oration and networking" (articipating .#stice for#ms )#n!raising net*or+sGfor#ms -ffer e7pert a!/ice to net*or+s an! for#ms 5e/eloping strategies *illar researc# 1"4"2:and Conduct docu/ent e7pansion for in .#/enile

)orming $oHs *ith legal ai! an! pro-bono la*1ers )#n!raising for legal fees Establishing Establishing cons#ltation lin+ages *ith

!es+ in CEYCA office paralegal bo!iesGinstit#tions Training officers in paralegal iss#es

6u2enile 6ustice initiati2es" Carr1ing o#t .oint research *ith partners S#pporting Creating !atabase Training officers in action research *illar 1"4"4:- Support legal representation o3 6u2eniles in con3lict wit# t#e law"
[Strategic Plan] Page 14

-b.ecti/e 1.40- (romote the right to leis#re2 recreation an! c#lt#ral acti/ities
CEYCA *ill foc#s on the right to leis#re2 recreation an! c#lt#ral acti/ities as a stan!-alone ob.ecti/e. Specific areas of foc#s *ill be 5e/elopment of Chil! frien!l1 Yo#th 6eso#rce Centers :pillar 1;2 S#pport sports



CEYCAs Strategic plan

!e/elopment :pillar 2;2 Arts an! craft !e/elopment :pillar 3;.

2011-2015 (illar 1.4.20S#pport

sports s+ills !e/elopment

Specific programmes *ill be

(illar 1.4.10- 5e/elopment of Chil! frien!l1 Yo#th 6eso#rce Centers

CEYCA *ill contin#e to strengthen the Tsabango an! Eilong*e Hrban Yo#th Centers. These centers *ill be chil! frien!l1 *here chil!ren can mi7 *ith the 1o#ths. These centers *ill be lin+e! to similar centers *ithin $ala*i an! SA5C region to ens#re cross-sharing of s+ills an! c#lt#res. CEYCA *ill install internet connections so that the chil!ren /ital an! 1o#ths can an! access e!#cational

!e/elope! to allo* chil!ren to !e/elop their sporting s+ills. The Yo#th centers *ill be the primar1 sports foc#s points b#t CEYCA *ill also reach r#ral chil!ren. CEYCA *ill establish sports trophies for schools an! 1o#th centers. 8"& an! A"5S an! gen!er *ill be +e1 messages.

(erformance meas#res
>#mber $aseline 2010 of 1o#th centers operational in ,arget in 201-

c#lt#ral information. >#mber organi=e! $aseline 2010

[Strategic Plan] Page 20




in ,arget in 201-

CEYCAs Strategic plan

"!entif1ing an!


Strategies an! means

*illar 1"-"1:- 'e2elop/ent o3 c#ild 3riendl0 Yout# Centers" Establishing an effecti/e centre management str#ct#re Creating a s#stainable income base for 1o#th centers 5e/eloping programmes access Establishing lin+ages for crosssharing c#lt#res *illar 1"-"2:Support sports of practices an! "CT an! learning internet

sports talent.

-b.ecti/e 1.50- (rotect chil!ren from se7#al ab#se an! the sprea! of 8"& an! A"5S

St#!ies *orl!-*i!e sho* that half of the 8"& infections are happening to 1o#ths in the agegro#p 10-24 1ears. "n the case of $ala*i a total of '02000 chil!ren #n!er the age of 15 li/e *ith 8"&. To respon! to this2 CEYCA *ill !e/elop an 8"& an! A"5S polic1 :pillar 1; for its staff in an! its constit#ents2 mainstream 8"& an! A"5S inter/entions programmes :pillar 2;2 s#pport palliati/e care an! pre/ent the s#ffering of orphans an! /#lnerable chil!ren :-&C; :pillar 3;

skills de2elop/ent" 6#nning sports trophies )acilitating training for sports coor!inators an! officials

[Strategic Plan] Page 21

CEYCAs Strategic plan

are i!entifie! to

s#pport its

constit#ents *ho s#ffer from the

(illar 1.5.10- 5e/elop an 8"& an! A"5S 9or+ (lace (olic1 for staff an! its constit#ents
CEYCA recogni=es that 8"&GA"5S is not onl1 a health1 problem2 b#t also2 a social an! a *or+ place iss#e. *ill0 -ffer a frame*or+ of practice *ithin an! o#tsi!e the *or+place. Set stan!ar! of beha/ior for emplo1ees an! constit#ents. Eet emplo1ees an! constit#ents +no* *here to get s#pport. e a 1ar!stic+ for the assessment of its inter/entions. CEYCA *ill therefore

8"& an! A"5S.

(illar 1.5.20- $ainstream 8"& an! in A"5S its inter/entions programmes

CEYCA *ill mainstream 8"& an! A"5S inter/entions as *ell as its 8"& an! A"5S polic1 into *ill programmes. CEYCA

!e/elop a *or+place polic1 that

a!/ocate for a polic1 on chil!ren access to therap1 an! increase in n#mber of centers offering A6T. CEYCA *ill strengthen str#ct#res to offer ps1chosocial to ta+e to s#pport. co#rts infect CEYCA *ill !e/elop a litigation programme people *ho !eliberatel1

chil!ren *ith 8"&.

CEYCA *ill also mainstream this polic1 to ens#re that specific f#n!s
[Strategic Plan] Page 22

CEYCAs Strategic plan (illar 1.5.30S#pport

2011-2015 (erformance meas#res

8"& $aseline 2010 an! A"5S polic1 !e/elope! in ,arget in 201-

palliati/e care an! pre/ent the s#ffering of orphans an! /#lnerable chil!ren :-&C;
CEYCA *ill s#pport palliati/e care str#ct#res an! comm#nities to offer palliati/e care to chil!ren an! 1o#ths s#ffering from 8"& an! A"5S. CEYCA *ill also s#pport -rphans an! &#lnerable Chil!ren :-&C; as a ne* area of foc#s. "t *ill lin+ its s#pport to the >ational (lan of Action for -&C *hich pro.ecte! that b1 2010 *ill there *ill be that 121502000 -&C. CEYCA ens#re transparent stan!ar!s an! greater coor!ination bet*een national an! !istrict le/el efforts in -&C are p#t in place.

>#mber of infecte! chil!ren an! 1o#ths accessing A6T $aseline 2010 >#mber of palliati/e care centers being s#pporte! $aseline 2010 in ,arget in 201in ,arget in 201-

>#mber s#pport $aseline 2010




in ,arget in 201-

Strategies an! means

[Strategic Plan] Page 23

CEYCAs Strategic plan

*illar 1"5"1:- 'e2elop an ()7 and A)'S *olic0 3or sta33 and its constituents Setting committee #p a on *or+ing the

5e/eloping an $IE s1stem to trac+ 8"& an! A"5S mainstreaming *illar 1"5"4:- Support palliati2e care and pre2ent t#e su33ering o3 orp#ans and 2ulnera1le c#ildren Establishing lin+ages *ith

!e/elopment of the polic1 Setting #p an en!o*ment f#n! to s#pport the polic1 8ol! a*areness meetings *ith constit#encies on the polic1. *illar 1"5"2:- !ainstrea/ ()7 and A)'S inter2entions in its progra//es Setting #p a special !es+ on 8"& an! A"5S mainstreaming 5e/eloping a mainstreaming agen!aGframe*or+

(alliati/e Care Association 5e/eloping comm#nit1 le/el net*or+s on palliati/e care Establishing str#ct#res Strengthening comm#nit1 committees -&C iss#es. to to comm#nit1 s#pport an!

palliati/e care initiati/es !istrict liaison coor!inate

Strategic Goal 2:

[Strategic Plan] Page 24

CEYCAs Strategic plan


Empower youths so that they are self sustaining and active participants in social development processes


*ill ens#re that the

responsible citi=ens an! ma+e meaningf#l national *ill contrib#tions an! to comm#nit1 an!

1o#ths effecti/el1 contrib#te to $ala*is social2 economic an! political !e/elopment an! also !e/elop themsel/es. Specificall12 CEYCA lea!ership :ob.ecti/e :ob.ecti/e *ill an! 1;2 2; promote c#lt#ral strengthen an! an! 1o#th /al#es s+ills

!e/elopment. 9ithin this conte7t it promote !emocrac1 an! 2; h#man rights e!#cation :pillar 1;2 enhance social political an! participation 3; :pillar


*ell-being enhance

strengthen c#lt#ral i!entit1 :pillar

economic opport#nities an! self!ri/e :ob.ecti/e 3;.

(illar (romote an!


(romote h#man

!emocrac1 -b.ecti/e 1o#th 2.10lea!ership

rights e!#cation
CEYCA *ill restr#ct#re its h#man rights an! !emocrac1 e!#cation programme b1 !e/eloping a

c#lt#ral /al#es.

CEYCA *ill contin#e to !e/elop the lea!ership capacit1 of the 1o#ths so that the1 become

c#rric#l#m to a!!ress the e7act nee!s of the 1o#ths. CEYCA *ill start offering basic h#man rights

[Strategic Plan] Page 25

CEYCAs Strategic plan

an! !emocrac1 e!#cation to other organi=ations CEYCA *ill instit#tions to an! *or+ instit#tions. *ith other this

/al#es an! beliefs. "t *ill #se the e7isting 1o#th centers as ?points of sale@ *here /ario#s c#lt#res *ill be promote!. Ein+ages *ill be ma!e *ith go/ernment !epartments an! other instit#tions.


e!#cation programme.

(illar social


Enhance political

CEYCA *ill set a special !es+ to coor!inate acti/ities relate! to this pillar.

participation (erformance meas#res

CEYCA *ill *or+ *ith the 1o#ths to impart +no*le!ge in polic1 anal1sis an! p#blic !ialog#e. The 1o#ths *ill be strengthene! to ta+e acti/e political life an! lea!ership roles. CEYCA *ill strengthen >#mber of 1o#ths participating in political processes $aseline 2010 >#mber a ne* on c#lt#ral of ,arget 2011o#th centers 1o#th net*or+s an! !rill them in social an! political !isco#rse. Ann#al n#mber of !emocrac1 an! h#man rights co#rses carrie! o#t $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-




c#lt#ral i!entit1
CEYCA promotion *ill of !e/elop positi/e

promoting c#lt#ral /al#es $aseline 2010 ,arget 201programme component

Strategies an! means

[Strategic Plan] Page 2%

CEYCAs Strategic plan

)orming *illar education 5e/eloping a c#rric#l#m on 5emocrac1 an! h#man rights )#n!raise for implementation of ne* c#rric#l#m (#blici=ing clients *illar 2"1"2:- En#ance social and political participation Training in lea!ership2 social an! political participation Ein+ages *ith other str#ct#res Establishing political !ebates an! for#m for !isc#ssions *illar 2"1"4:- Strengt#en cultural identit0 "!entif1 promotion
[Strategic Plan] Page 2'

lin+ages *ith



appropriate !epartments


de/ocrac0 and #u/an rig#ts

-rgani=ing c#lt#ral e/ents

-b.ecti/e e!#cation2


(romote s+ills 1o#th

c#rric#l#m to



CEYCA *ill !e/elop an integrate! 1o#th s+ills !e/elopment programme to achie/e holistic approach. This integration *ill be g#i!e! b1 a mo!el *hich *ill g#i!e the programming an! implementation of acti/ities. The specific pillars *ill be s#pport the promotion of a!#lt literac1 an! non-formal e!#cation :for chil!ren an! 1o#ths *ho for misse! primar1 opport#nities




e!#cation; :pillar 1;2 arts an! craft !e/elopment :pillar 2; (romote

CEYCAs Strategic plan

sports for health :pillar 3; an! /ocation an! technical s+ills !e/elopment :pillar 4;

so that the1 can pro!#ce /ario#s artifacts *hich *ill be sol! on the local mar+ets. The f#n!s obtaine! *ill be plo#ghe! bac+ into the 1o#th centers. This pillar *ill be lin+e! *ith the /ocational s+ills an! the economic empo*erment pillars to achie/e a holistic approach.

(illar 2.2.10- S#pport the promotion of a!#lt literac1 an! no-formal e!#cation

CEYCA *ill *or+ *ith the $inistr1 of <en!er2 Chil!ren 5e/elopment an! to Comm#nit1

s#pport a!#lt literac1 efforts at comm#nit1 le/el. A non-formal e!#cation follo*ing the $inistr1 of e!#cation programme *ill also be intro!#ce! *here a formal c#rric#l#m *ill be #se! for nonschool goers an! integrate them into formal schools #pon choice.




sports for health

Sports for health *ill contin#e foc#sing on the ph1sical an! ps1chological *ell-being of the 1o#ths an! also !e/elop their sporting s+ills an! prepare them for sporting careers. CEYCA *ill establish sports trophies for

(illar 2.2.20- Arts an! Craft 5e/elopment

CEYCA *ill !e/elop arts an! craft s+ills for 1o#ths in 1o#th centers
[Strategic Plan] Page 2,

schools an! 1o#th centers. 8"& an! A"5S an! gen!er *ill be +e1 messages e/ents. !#ring s#ch sports

CEYCAs Strategic plan

>#mber of 1o#ths in/ol/e! in arts an! craft acti/ities $aseline in ,arget in 2012010

(illar an!


&ocational s+ills



C#m#lati/e re/en#e obtaine! thro#gh arts an! craft $aseline in ,arget in 2012010 >#mber organi=e! $aseline 2010 in ,arget in 201of sports trophies

CEYCA *ill contin#e its /ocational s+ills !e/elopment programmes an! foc#s more on organi=ing an! lin+ing the 1o#ths *ith /ocational an! technical s+ills centers s#ch as $E5". CEYCA *ill raise reso#rces an! sen! its 1o#ths to s#ch centers to gain +no*le!ge an! s+ills.

>#mber of 1o#ths traine! in /ocational s+ills $aseline in ,arget in 2012010

(erformance meas#res
>#mber of o#t of school 1o#ths atten!ing a!#lt literac1 classes $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

Strategies an! $eans

*illar 2"2"1: Support t#e pro/otion o3 adult literac0

[Strategic Plan] Page 24

CEYCAs Strategic plan

S#pporting !e/elopment of -rgani=ing )orming /ocational $E5" 1o#ths lin+ages centers

into *ith s#ch as

e!#cation materials for a!#lt literac1 classes )acilitating training of A!#lt literac1 e!#cators S#pporting establishment an! r#nning of comm#nit1 libraries an! st#!1 circles *illar 2"2"2:Arts and cra3t

/ocational gro#ps

$obili=ing reso#rces to f#n! Small Scale #siness /ent#res

-b.ecti/e 2.30- Enhance economic an! self-!ri/e.

CEYCA *ill facilitate the capacit1 b#il!ing of 1o#ths in b#siness management :pillar 1;2 s#pport "ncome <enerating 2;2 an! Acti/ities facilitate :pillar

de2elop/ent" Training 1o#ths in arts an! craft (romoting arts an! craft s+ills "!entif1ing pro!#cts Establishing a re/ol/ing f#n! *illar 2"2"4:Support sports in mar+ets for


skills de2elop/ent" 6#nning sports trophies schools an! cl#bs Training sports coor!inators (romoting sports talent *illar 2"2"-:7ocational and

organi=ation of 1o#th commo!it1 associations :pillar 3;.

(illar 2.3.10- )acilitate the capacit1 b#il!ing of 1o#ths in b#siness management

skills de2elop/ent"
[Strategic Plan] Page 30

CEYCAs Strategic plan

CEYCA *ill facilitate processes to empo*er 1o#ths in the area of b#siness management thro#gh trainings an! forming lin+ages *ith micro-financing cl#bs an! integrate instit#tions. b#siness CEYCA *ill #se the e7isting 1o#th management s+ills into its 1o#th s+ills !e/elopment programmes.

2011-2015 (illar 1o#th 2.3.30)acilitate an!


CEYCA *ill organi=e the 1o#ths into corporate entities so that an1 initiati/e !oes not .#st a!!ress in!i/i!#als an! their nee!s b#t meets the nee!s of the *i!er gro#ps. <ro#ps pro/i!e a base for sec#rit1 an! collateral2 ease of reach an! proper coor!ination. CEYCA *ill therefore facilitate processes to organi=e the 1o#ths into small gro#ps to carr1o#t .oint economic empo*erment /ent#res. 9hile the 1o#th cl#bs an! centers *ill be the main str#ct#ral frame*or+s2 CEYCA *ill establish specific teams *ith interest to impro/e their economic con!itions. These *ith gro#p. the teams an! aim an! of *ill form associations reso#rces cooperati/es accessing as a

(illar "ncome Acti/ities



S#pport <enerating




1o#ths to r#n "ncome generating acti/ities as a !irect economic empo*erment initiati/e. CEYCA *ill lin+ them *ith micro-financing organi=ations an! go/ernment programmes s#ch as the Yo#th 5e/elopment )#n! to obtain !irect s#pport to implement gro#p "<As.


[Strategic Plan] Page 31

CEYCAs Strategic plan (erformance meas#res

>#mber of o#t of 1o#ths traine! in b#siness management $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

$obili=ing reso#rces to f#n! training programmes in b#siness management *illar 2"4"2:- Support )nco/e 8enerating Acti2ities $obili=ing reso#rces to s#pport "<As )acilitating "<A gro#ps establishment of

>#mber of b#siness /ent#res being r#n b1 the 1o#ths $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

>#mber of 1o#th associations an! cooperati/es establishe! $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

)orming lin+ages *ith microfinancing instit#tions -rgani=ing s1stems 5e/elop a mar+eting strateg1 re/ol/ing f#n!ing

Strategies an! means

*illar 2"4"1:.acilitate t#e


2"4"4:o3 1o#ths

.acilitate 0out# to form into into

organi9ation capacit0 1uilding o3 0out#s in 1usiness /anage/ent "!entif1ing 1o#ths to be traine! in b#siness management )orming instit#tions
[Strategic Plan] Page 32

associations and cooperati2es "!entif1ing cl#bsGteams -rgani=ing associations )orming associations legall1 acceptable bo!ies cl#bs



lin+ages *ith micro-financing

CEYCAs Strategic plan

Ein+ing associations *ith microfinancing instit#tions "!entif1ing mar+ets


commo!ities pro!#ce!.

Strategic Goal !:
Support advocacy processes for an enabling policy and institutional framewor" to advance the welfare of children and youths


*ill *or+ *ith other -ne of the challenges in ci/il societ1 is that a!/ocac1 is onl1 !one in reaction to certain occ#rrences of /iolations or polic1 matters. CEYCA *o#l! li+e to act !ifferentl1 o/er the coming 5 1ears. "t *ill carr1 o#t research on critical :pillar 2; iss#es an! prioriti=e a!/ocac1 matters :pillar 1; an!

instit#tions to raise a common /oice on iss#es affecting chil!ren an! 1o#ths. To !o this it *ill !e/elop a comprehensi/e a!/ocac1 strateg1 to g#i!e its a!/ocac1 agen!a :ob.ecti/e 1; an! coor!inate at a!/ocac1 an! initiati/es comm#nit1

national le/el :ob.ecti/e 2;

-b.ecti/e 3.10- !e/elop a comprehensi/e strateg1 to a!/ocac1 g#i!e its





research on critical iss#es

a!/ocac1 agen!a
[Strategic Plan] Page 33

CEYCAs Strategic plan an! prioriti=e a!/ocac1


CEYCA *ill i!entif1 critical iss#es affecting the rights of 1o#ths an! chil!ren both at comm#nit1 an! national le/el. "t *ill prioriti=e accor!ing to reso#rce plan an! select onl1 /er1 important matters to la#nch its a!/ocac1 programmes. CEYCA *ill also a!!ress emerging iss#es after proper scr#tin1 an! anal1sis.

>#mber of i!entifie! a!/ocac1 iss#es at comm#nit1 le/el $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

>#mber of i!entifie! a!/ocac1 iss#es at national le/el $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

>#mber $aseline 2010



s#pporting a!/ocac1 strateg1 ,arget 201-

(illar 3.1.20- !e/elop a phase! a!/ocac1 strateg1

CEYCA *ill !e/elop a

Strategies an! means

*illar 4"2"1:- Carr0 out researc# on critical issues and prioriti9e ad2ocac0 /atters" 5ra*ing critical research agen!a on iss#es affecting the

comprehensi/e a!/ocac1 strateg1 an! a!/ocac1 reso#rce plan. "t *ill mobili=e reso#rces to s#pport the a!/ocac1 plan an! mar+et the a!/ocac1 strateg1 to its partners.

rights of 1o#ths an! chil!ren

(erformance meas#res
[Strategic Plan] Page 34

CEYCAs Strategic plan

Setting #p an internal research team )#n!raising for the research agen!a 5oc#menting research res#lts *illar 4"1"2:- de2elop a p#ased ad2ocac0 strateg0 Selecting priorit1 iss#es 5e/eloping a!/ocac1 strateg1 5e/elop reso#rce plan $ar+eting strateg1 Establishing e/al#ation s1stem the a!/ocac1

c#lt#ral iss#es that affect the rights of chil!ren an! 1o#th (intensi2e approac# (pillar 1 an! *or+ *ith organi=ations national thro#gh net*or+s (extensi2e an! partnerships to a!/ocate on iss#es approac# (pillar 2 "

(illar 3.2.10- A!/ocac1 on c#lt#ral of practices an! an! 1o#ths beliefs that affect the rights chil!ren :intensi/e approach;
CEYCA *ill !e/elop a targete! comm#nit1 a!/ocac1 agen!a to root-o#t negati/e practices affecting 1o#ths an! chil!ren. Je1 str#ct#res *ill be establishe! to coor!inate a!/ocac1 iss#es an! monitor progress. The 1o#ths an!

-b.ecti/e 3.20- Coor!inate a!/ocac1 le/el. initiati/es at comm#nit1 an! national

CEYCA programme. comm#nities

*ill "t to

!e/elop *ill *or+

a *ith on

chil!ren *ill be +e1 participants in these a!/ocac1 initiati/es.


a!/ocac1 a!/ocate

[Strategic Plan] Page 35

CEYCAs Strategic plan (illar 3.2.20- A!/ocac1 for polic1 an! la* reform :e7tensi/e approach;

Ann#al n#mber of a!/ocac1 iss#es a!!resse! $aseline 2010 ,arget 201comprehensi/el1

CEYCA *ill *or+ in partnership *ith others to !eal *ith iss#es i!entifie! at comm#nit1 le/el that nee! national attention an! reg#lation. CEYCA *ill !e/elop an a!/ocac1 strateg1 to g#i!e its a!/ocac1 operations. The national a!/ocac1 a!eF#atel1 *ill be base! on an!

Ann#al s#pport



$aseline 2010

,arget 201-

Strategies an! means

*illar 4"2"1:-Ad2ocac0 on


cultural practices and 1elie3s t#at a33ect t#e rig#ts o3 c#ildren and 0out#s (intensi2e approac# Establishing comm#nit1 le/el str#ct#res to coor!inate a!/ocac1 acti/ities. "mplementing an! e/al#ating the a!/ocac1 strateg1 A!!ressing agen!a critical emerging iss#es as part of a!/ocac1

prioriti=e! iss#es an! CEYCA *ill not react to matters *itho#t a researche! bac+ing.

(erformance meas#res
>#mber of partners s#pporting a!/ocac1 agen!a $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

[Strategic Plan] Page 3%

CEYCAs Strategic plan

*illar 4"2"2:- Ad2ocac0 3or polic0 and law re3or/ (extensi2e approac# "!entif1ing partners to s#pport national a!/ocac1 agen!a

(articipating in net*or+s an! .oin national a!/ocac1 agen!a Establishing an! s#pport Ein+ *ith necessar1 an! go/ernment !epartments instit#tions me!ia contacts

Strategic Goal #:
Develop the institutional capacity of CEYCA to effectively deliver its operational strategies

CEYCA is a*are that *itho#t a

strengthene! instit#tional capacit1 an! a /iable f#t#re2 it cannot effecti/el1 implement this Strategic (lan. s#pport CEYCA "n or!er the *ill to effecti/el1 plan 2 /iable strategic !e/elop





:ob.ecti/e 2;

-b.ecti/e 4.10- 5e/elop /iable technical2 polic1 an! management base

CEYCA *ill create effecti/e

technical2 polic1 an! management base :ob.ecti/e 1; an! create a !i/ersifie! an! s#stainable

policies2 s1stems an! proce!#res in a!ministrati/e an! programme areas :pillar 1; strengthen the

[Strategic Plan] Page 3'

CEYCAs Strategic plan

capacit1 of boar!2 management an! staff teams :pillar 2;

2011-2015 (illar the 4.1.20capacit1 Strengthen of an! boar!2 staff

(illar an!


create in an!

management teams

effecti/e policies2 s1stems a!ministrati/e programme areas

CEYCA *ill re/ie* the e7isting policies an! s1stems to ens#re that the1 are in line *ith strategic plan. >e* policies to be create! *ill be in the areas of 8"& an! A"5S2 <en!er2 staff pension an! retirement. CEYCA *ill also create s1stems in or!er to effecti/el1 !eli/er on its programmes an! the s1stems *ill be in the areas of $onitoring organi=ational an! E/al#ation2 an! learning

This strategic plan nee!s a strong go/ernance str#ct#re that is both acti/e2 reso#rcef#l an! sets clear policies for instit#tional gro*th. CEYCA *ill !e/elop oar! !e/elopment plan an! this *ill be s#pporte! b1 a boar! e/al#ation plan. be ase! on the res#lts of an restr#ct#re! to enhance e/al#ation process the boar! *ill performance. A management an! staff appraisal s1stem *ill be intro!#ce!. The management composition *ill also be re/ie*e! to allo* incl#si/it1. The !ecision-ma+ing hierarch1 *ill be streamline! to ens#re spee!1 attention to iss#es.

a!/ocac1 an! net*or+ing.

[Strategic Plan] Page 3,

CEYCAs Strategic plan

Staff !e/elopment *ill be !one to s#pport the implementation of this strategic plan. (articipation of staff to *or+shops o#tsi!e the office *ill be caref#ll1 scr#tini=e! to ens#re that staff sho#l! onl1 participate in *or+shops that a!! /al#e to this strategic plan. CEYCA *ill !e/elop a cost base! staff an! boar! !e/elopment plan *hich *ill be mar+ete! an! form the basis for f#n!ing raising *illar -"1"1:create s0ste/s in efforts.

Ann#al n#mber of staff an! boar! members traine! in strategic areas $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

Ann#al b#!get allocations to s#pport training plan $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

Strategies an! means

e33ecti2e and


(erformance meas#res
>#mber of policies re/ie*e! $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-



and progra//e areas

-rgani=ing meetings



>#mber !e/elope!




(rioriti=ing the policies to be re/ie*e! or !e/elope! )#n!raising to s#pport re/ie*s 8iring of e7perts to s#pport re/ie* processes

$aseline 2010

,arget 201-

[Strategic Plan] Page 34

CEYCAs Strategic plan

*illar -"1"2:Strengt#en t#e

CEYCA *ill ha/e to broa!en its financial an! reso#rce base to effecti/el1 implement this Strategic (lan. To achie/e this2 CEYCA *ill !e/elop a an "ntegrate! 6eso#rce $obili=ation an! S#stainabilit1 an! material Strateg1 :pillar 1; an! increase its capital asset reso#rce base :pillar 2;

capacit0 o3 1oard5 /anage/ent and sta33 tea/s Carr1ing o#t .ob re/ie*s Carr1ing assessment action o#t to capacit1 !etermine

capacit1 nee!s as basis for

(illar 4.2.10- 5e/elop an

#!geting for staff an! boar! !e/elopment processes )#n!raising for trainings an! !e/elopment processes CEYCA *ill !e/elop an "ntegrate! 6eso#rce $obili=ation an! S#stainabilit1 (lan that *ill aim at

"ntegrate! $obili=ation

6eso#rce an!

S#stainabilit1 (lan

-b.ecti/e 4.20- Create a !i/ersifie! an! s#stainable financial base an! reso#rce

le/eling #p its reso#rce base. CEYCA *ill also !e/elop a f#n!raising plan for o*n office accommo!ation. Je1 f#n!raising approaches *ill be forming partnerships *ith f#n!ing agencies *orl!*i!e an! some ser/ices to

[Strategic Plan] Page 40

CEYCAs Strategic plan

be pro/i!e! on hiring basis. Staff an! boar! *ill be challenge! to achie/e targets. certain f#n!raising $aseline 2010

,arget 201-

Ann#al increase in financial reso#rces base $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

(illar 4.2.20- "ncrease the capital reso#rce an! base material an!

Ann#al ratio of capital assets per staff $aseline 2010 ,arget 201-

management thereof

There *ill be a re/ie* of the state of repair of the capital assets an! reso#rces. ma!e. Tra!e-offs *ill of be ne* (roc#rement

Strategies an! means

*illar -"2"1:'e2elop an

eF#ipment *ill be on .#stifiable nee! an! a c#lt#re of sharing *ill be enhance!. Hse of telephone2 internet *ill be serio#sl1 cens#re! an! all personal #se *ill be on a pai! #p basis.

)ntegrated *lan


!o1ili9ation and Sustaina1ilit0 Setting #p an internal reso#rce mobili=ation team Carr1ing o#t internal capacit1 assessment Setting choices Costing the plan clear priorities an!

(erformance meas#res
>#mber of reso#rce

mobili=ation initiati/es
[Strategic Plan] Page 41

CEYCAs Strategic plan

"n!#ct the rest of staff on f#n!raising in!i/i!#als $ar+eting the plan $ainstream pro.ects *illar -"2"2:- )ncrease t#e capital and /aterial resource 1ase and /anage/ent t#ereo3 Assessing the stat#s of the plan in obligations for


capital eF#ipment 6ationali=ing the allocation of eF#ipment among staff 5e/eloping a sharing an! centrali=ation g#i!e (rioriti=ing ne* eF#ipment to be proc#re! Tra!e-off ol! eF#ipment

6ec1cle cons#mables s#ch as paper

[Strategic Plan] Page 42

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