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Brandwitz 2013 Final Round Briefing

Everyone in our country grew up with the fact that our country lives on Agriculture. Though the GDP contribution of Agriculture is now only 18%, the production increased many fold. Farmers of our country, with our scary limited land and regular natural calamities, have achieved self sufficiency in food production. Bangladesh has one of the highest yield rates of the world. They actually are the true heroes of this soil. However, the farmers are the most neglected section of the society. Unlike the developed countries, Farming is not considered as a superior profession here and the farmers are facing lots of economic and social problem, mostly the issue of Fair Price. The issue of Fair Trade is a critical issue for the Farmers. The price of agricultural goods is high in the urban markets, where only 5%-7% of the retail value is given to the producer. This pushes the farmer in such a position that he is forced to sell his products at a loss. To address this issue, Government of Bangladesh has formed an Agriculture Development Commission and the initiative is supported by World Bank and BRAC. The objectives of the commission are to: Improve the social status of the Farmers and change the mindset of general people about Farmers Aware and educate the farmers about their rights and how they can change their lives Attract Corporate and Foreign Investors to invest in the sector Create Bangladesh as a Global Agriculture Brand like Brazilian Coffee or Arabian Date

Your company will bid for the long term strategic consultancy for the commission. As per the EOI, you are supposed to develop a 5 year strategic plan from them considering and prioritizing the objectives in your own way. The commission is expecting to hear insight of the target group from you regarding the issue and your work should be backed by primary findings. The plan should include a story and media plan(s) of different campaigns. The commission has the following target: Minimum 70% of the people should be aware of the contribution of Farmers to the economy and value their contribution Farmers are more empowered and confident and has more access and knowledge about their options More Contract Farming and more quality contract farming A very positive brand image of Bangladesh Agriculture

The campaign should be efficient as it will be funded by Taxpayers money.

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