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Match the event with its historical date 30 December 1965 30 December 1969 1970 1971 21 September 1972

September 1972 1973 7 April 1978 1980 17 January 1981 16 June 1981 21 August 1983 13 August 1985 1986 25 February 1986 28 September 1989

Unsuccessful constitutional Convention to change government system Second constitutional convention passed Marcos constitution Ferdinand Marcos died of multiple organ failure LABAN boycotted the first presidential elections in 12 years Pope John Paul II was scheduled to visit the Philippines; as a result martial law is lifted Student uprising; students demanded educational reforms; students stormed Malacanang Palace A resolution was signed to impeach Marcos for corruption such as appropriating U.S. aid to the Philippines for his personal use Ferdinand Marcos elected for a second term as president Martial law was declared as a result of the First Quarter Storm and lasted until 1981; Marcos suspended habeas corpus, imposed a curfew and imprisoned opponents Benigno Aquino was allowed to go to the U.S. for medical

treatment after having been imprisoned for 7 years Cory Aquino was sworn in as the first female president and eleventh president of the Philippines Marcos called for parliamentary elections; the LABAN party loses Assisted by the U.S., the Marcos family fled Malacanang Palace and went into exile in Hawaii Ferdinand Marcos inaugurated as tenth President of the Philippines Benigno Aquino Jr. is assassinated by Ronaldo Galman upon his return to the Philippines To keep the peace and to keep power, Marcos called for presidential elections to be held

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