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This is Len the lion. Len is very big. Hes very strong.

This is Marty the mouse. Marty is very little. Hes very intelligent. Marty an Len live in the !orest. Len oesnt "no# Marty an Marty oesnt "no# Len. Len is aslee$ in the !orest. Hes very tire an he li"es to slee$ un er the hot sun. Marty oesnt li"e to slee$ un er the sun. He li"es to see his !rien s. He li"es to $lay in the trees. He li"es to run through the !orest. Su enly% the groun moves un er him. Marty sto$s. &'hat is this() oesnt move*) Marty loo"s !or its a very big he as"s. &It isnt the groun . The groun him behin a tree. Marty loo"s !or the lion. Marty is on an animals $a#. Its a very big $a# an animal* Marty in on Lens $a# an Marty on his le!t $a#. &+rrrr*'ho are you() he as"s. He $uts his right $a# on Martys hea . &The sun is hot an Im tire . I #ant to slee$*) Len roars. &An #hat o you o( ,ou #a"e me u$. Im angry no#. -ery angry**) Len roars an roars. &I #ant to eat you*) he says to Marty an he o$ens his big mouth. the lions eyes are o$en. He sees

&Oh% .lease% Mr. Lion. Dont eat me* .lease% let me go) Marty says. &Let you go() Len roars. &'hy( Im hungry an I ont li"e you.) &/ut Im not ni0e an goo !rien % Mr. Lion) &My !rien () roars Len. &A mouse isnt a lions !rien % but you are right% a mouse isnt a lions !oo . +oo bye little mouse.) Len $uts Marty o#n on the groun an Marty runs a#ay. Marty runs very !ast% hes a!rai o! the lion an he runs into the !orest. Then he enly% Marty sto$s% hes very tire an he sits o#n on the groun . Su an he #ants hel$* &Hel$* Hel$*) Len 0ries. &Dont 0ry% Mr. lion%) Marty says. &Im here an Im your !rien . Dont 0ry*) Marty 1um$s u$. He $uts his little teeth on a $ie0e o! the net. One $ie0e o! the net brea"s. T#o $ie0es brea"* Su on the groun . &Im !ree*Im !ree*) Len shouts. &,ou are a goo !rien an you are my !rien . Im very very ha$$y*) Len says. &My name is Len the lion. .lease% $lay #ith me% Marty*) enly% Len is Im very little. Im not goo !oo % but I am a

hears a noise in the !orest. Its the lion but the lion oesnt roar% he 0ries

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