Topic: Keel Construction Learning Objectives

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Singapore Polytechnic MA1079 _____________________________________________________________________ TOPIC: KEEL CONSTRUCTION Learning Objectives : At the end of the lesson the student

should be able to do the following: 14 !nderstand the functions and construction of the centre "eel 1# 1 14 1 $riefly e%plain the pri&ary function of the "eel 14 ' $riefly e%plain how &aintenance or repair wor" is carried out on the "eel when the ship is in dry(doc" 14 ) S"etch and describe *a+ a fabricated plate "eel, and *b+ a duct "eel

_____________________________________________________________________ --./01. '00' 1 SMA

Singapore Polytechnic MA1079 _____________________________________________________________________ Types of Keels At the center(line of the botto& structure is located the "eel, which is often said to for& the bac"bone of the ship 0his contributes substantially to the longitudinal strength and effecti2ely distributes local loading caused when doc"ing the ship 0here are three &ain types of "eels: a b c 3lat plate "eel, $ar "eel, and 4uct "eel

lat Plate Keel 0he co&&onest for& of "eel is that "nown as the flat plate "eel, and this is fitted in the &a5ority of ocean(going and other 2essels 3lat plate "eel &ay be fitted on ships with either single or double botto& 0he plate "eel is also the thic"est botto& plate and it is thic"er than the ad5acent botto& shell plating *e g 6A7( stra"e plating+ by about 1 # && 8n the single botto& construction, the flat plate "eel for&s a strong 687 structure with a 2ertical plate along the centerline *also called the centre "eelson+ and a hori9ontal plate *also called the rider plate+ abo2e the 2ertical plate 8n the double botto& construction, the flat plate also for&s a strong 687 structure, the 2ertical plate co&&only called the centre girder, and the hori9ontal plate being part of the tan"(top structure !ar Keel 3irst used when shipbuilding changed fro& wood to steel 8t is a for& of "eel, found on s&aller 2essels li"e trawlers, tugs and ferries 8t is usually constructed only on single botto& 2essels supported by solid floors with or without the centre "eelson 0he bar "eel is &ade up of a flat bar or steel plate of depth and thic"ness built to classification rules re:uire&ents $ar "eel did not pro2ide sufficient strength for large 2essel, as there was no direct connection between the "eel and the floors 8t has been replaced by the flat plate "eel

_____________________________________________________________________ --./01. '00' ' SMA

Singapore Polytechnic MA1079 _____________________________________________________________________ lat Plate Keel 8t is the co&&onest for& of "eel, and this is fitted in the &a5ority of ocean(going and other 2essels "#ct Keels 4uct "eels are pro2ided in the double botto&s of so&e 2essels 0hese run fro& the forward engine roo& bul"head to the collision bul"head and are utili9ed to carry the double botto& piping 0he piping is then accessible when cargo is loaded, an entrance to the duct being pro2ided at the forward end of the engine roo& At the sa&e ti&e it is possible to carry oil and water pipes in the duct, pre2enting conta&ination, which could occur if the pipes passed through tan"s 1o duct is re:uired aft of the engine roo& as the piping &ay be carried in the shaft tunnel 3or safety reason, the access to the duct "eel should be closed and watertight at all ti&es unless in use 0he duct "eel is for&ed by two longitudinal girders up to a width of about ' 0 & apart 0his distance &ust not be e%ceeded as the girders &ust be supported by the "eel bloc"s when doc"ing 0he structure on each side of the girders is the nor&al double botto& arrange&ent 0he "eel and tan" top centre stra"e &ust be strengthened either by supporting &e&bers in the duct or by increasing the thic"ness of the plates considerably

_____________________________________________________________________ --./01. '00' ) SMA

Singapore Polytechnic MA1079 _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ --./01. '00' 4 SMA

Singapore Polytechnic MA1079 _____________________________________________________________________

(((0he ;nd of .hapter((( _____________________________________________________________________ --./01. '00' # SMA

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