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ARTICLES A/ AN An se koristi samo kada imenica poinje sa samoglasnikom (a, e, i, o, u) (npr. an apple) ili sa onim H koje se ne izgovara (npr.

"hour"," honorable", "heir") A se koristi u svim ostalim sluajevima (a car, a mouse) An indefinite article is used !) kada se ne"to spominje prvi put. I have a cat. The cat is black. (u prvoj reenici se prvi put spominje a u drugoj se ve# zna da govori" o svojoj maki koja je crna) THE A definite article is used !) kada ne"to spominjemo po drugi put I got a cat for my birthday. The cat is white and has a black tail. She likes to wave with the tail. $) ako je ne"to neije ( a pogotovo dijelovi tijela moja ruka, tvoja noga, makin rep) She likes to wave with the tail. (umjesto: She likes to wave with her tail.) A stone hit him on the head. (% &A stone hit him on his head.') () ako je ne"to tono speci)icirano ( tono odre*eno) The street in front of your house. (ali+ A street in Paris is ) The school on Savska street is the best. (nije bilo koja! nego ba" ona na Savskoj# ,) kada imamo superlative (znai (. stupanj komparacije pridjeva) $y school is the best. -) .rdinal numbers (redni) The first! the second! the third /) kada postoji samo jedno (od neega) The king! the %olice


-imenice u mno0ini

1 like to 2atch tennis on the television. 1t is ......... ver3 good game. 43 brother 2on an a2ard )or being ......... best speller in our school. 1 couldn5t believe m3 e3es 2hen 1 sa2 ......... elephant crossing the road in )ront o) m3 school 3esterda3. Ho2 much 2ill it cost to go on ......... holida3 to 6ali7 ........ 8resident o) the 9nited :tates 2ill be visiting Australia ne;t 2eek. <an 3ou please help me pick out ......... birthda3 present )or m3 )ather7 =e)inite articles> the or zero article7 !) 43 grandmother likes ???? )lo2ers ver3 much. $) 1 love ???? )lo2ers in 3our garden. () 1 al2a3s listen to ???? radio in the morning. ,) Ale; goes to 2ork b3 ???? bus. -) =on5t be late )or ????school. /) 4ost children like ???? s2eets. Articles> the, a, an or zero article7 !. 1 2ant ???? apple )rom that basket. $. 1 borro2ed ???? pencil )rom 3our pile o) pencils and pens. (. .ne o) the students said, "???? pro)essor is late toda3." , @li likes to pla3 ???? volle3ball. -. 1 bought ???? umbrella to go out in the rain. /. ???? apple a da3 keeps the doctor a2a3. A. .ur neighbors have ???? cat and ???? dog.

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