Intelligent Autonomous Safety Control On Mall Area Using Ir & LDR

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Synopsis: Safety plays a major role in todays world and it is necessary that good safety system be implemented in places of residents. The project aims to modify an existing safety model employed in domestic field. The aim of this project is designing a microcontroller based Autonomous System IR Sensor We using ntry and xit !e"el# its used for to control the Air $ircular !oad !%R Sensor used to Sense !ight Illumination le"el to adjust the !ight brightness &ire Sensor to sense the any fire accident itll flow the Water The ad"antage of this automated detection system is that it offers faster response time and accurate detection of an emergency in turn leading to faster diffusion of the situation# compared to manual methods. This is a "ery compelling reason that justifies designing such a safety system.

Problem S ! emen : Identify status when accident occurs 'anual operation for transferring information $ontrolling through man %ifficult to senses fuel lea(age Propose" Sys em: ffecti"e safety system

Systematic approach for monitoring and control asy way of sensing )uman &low and &ire Accident

#lo$% Di!&r!m

*ower Supply 0nit

IR IR 1 &IR Sensor ,pen !%R S .S,R 'icro $ontroller 0nit Relay

'otor -

'otor 1 Relay !amp

%IS*!A/ Re'(iremen s: )!r"*!re Tools: *ower Supply 'icrocontroller Actuator section IR Sensor &ire sensor !%R Sensor So+ *!re Tools: + I! I% &lash *rogrammer ,r$A% %esign


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