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Dystopia/Utopia: Critical Conversations on Hopelessness & Hope in 3 films

A collaborative & interactive Seminar/Workshop at UCBC

27th November - 3.00 - 5.00pm | UCBC Lecture Theatre

UCBC staff, students and invited guests are welcome to attend the following Lancaster University (LU) and University Centre Blackburn College (UCBC) collaboration on Film, Utopia & Dystopia. The LU / UCBC sociology collaboration will take the form of an interactive Seminar/ Workshop, to explore and discuss images, narratives and themes on Hopelessness & Hope in 3 films. Each presenter will take a film, and briefly dissect it as a cultural artefact and theoretical prompt, in order to draw out some utopian/dystopian themes and further points for elaboration and discussion (on hopelessness and hope).

Dr Bulent Diken will briefly analyse and discuss V for Vendetta Dr Graeme Gilloch will be discussing The Road Dr Craig Hammond will be exploring Total Recall (1990)
It is anticipated that this Seminar/Workshop will be an interactive event; the presenters will offer some philosophical, theoretical and sociological themes, clips and ideas on each of the films. The audience will then be invited to discuss and respond to these, and hopefully pose some of their own thoughts and ideas to the presenters and other audience participants.

Dr Bulent Diken (LU), Dr Graeme Gilloch (LU), & Dr Craig Hammond (UCBC)

Seminar/Workshop |

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