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Poezii n englez MY HAND This is my father short and stout This is my mother with children all around This

is brother tall you see This is sister with dolly on her nee This is baby! sure to grow And here is family all in a row" MY #$%& 'e are twins 'e wal together 'e ne(er )art 'e ma e a )air together" T'* #+TT#$ $Y$& Two little eyes to loo around Two little ears to hear each sound *ne little nose to smell what,s sweet *ne little mouth that li es to eat" P*$M *ne! two! three! four Mi e and -ohn wash the flour" .i(e! si/! se(en! eight Nic and Ann wash the )late" Nine! ten! ele(en! twel(e! Put your boo s u)on the shelf" N0M1$2& *ne! two! this is a shoe Three! four this is a door! .i(e! si/ this is a bo/! &e(en! eight this is a )late! Nine ! ten! this is a hen! $le(en! twel(e start again"

M2 " 3#*34 Here is Mr" 3loc ! 'ith one arm long and one arm short! .irst loo at my little hand +t tells the hours you,ll understand" The long hand tells the minutes after And you will see it mo(es much faster"

T2Y T* 1$ P*#+T$ Try to be )olite +n e(erything you do 2emember always to say 5Please56 And don,t forget 5Than You5 .#*'$2& All of them loo (ery nice Their colour will sur)rise +f you gi(e them to a girl &he will iss you in return" Their smell will ma e you crazy +f you now them! don,t be lazy7 Tell me 8uic ly what are they They are flowers! aren,t they9 'HAT D* Y*0 D* +N &P2+N% +n winter we )lay in the snow 'e are wery ha))y! you now! +n summer we )lay in the )ar 0ntil it gets (ery dar " And what do we do in the s)ring9 +n s)ing we )lay and sing" *N$! T'*! TH2$$ *ne! two! three! four! fi(e *nce + caught a fish ali(e &i/! se(en! eight! nine! ten! Then + let it go again"

'hy did you let it go9 1ecause it bit my finger so" 'hich finger did it bite9 This little finger on the right"

Try To Be Polite Try to be )olite +n e(erything you do 2emember always to say 5Please56 And don,t forget 5Than You5

Good Morning 'a e u)! wa e u)! +t,s morning time! &tretch yourself! .reshen u) your mind And go ahead for a new time"

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