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The revenge of the Righteous Queen will do to shiver to the men with being able to.

This queen that with so much fight and sacrifice had attained to conceive this place, saw wrapped in the biggest conspiracy of the history.

Packed Of ire and are of revenge, the lady after having been trained by the big Quarter Sen Sey, turns into the queen ighteous and takes the !ustice by his own hands, goes out in search of all those men with being able to that they have conspired against her carrying his greater treasure. "is only aim was to achieve dismantle them, annihilate them and do with his more appreciated laurel that in a day belonged him.

The one who look for me will find me Shiver, shiver. Those that try to do with my more valuable treasure will arrive to know me well #all me the ighteous Queen



The reunion with his mentor&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*

+ords of ,ylin $aly&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.&&&)-

The Torture ( .The submissive humiliation/..&&.&&&..&&..&&.)*

The Torture (( .The avaricious man/..&&&&&..&&&&&&&&&&-'

The Torture ((( .The devouring rat/&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*'

The Torture (0 .The pruning shears/&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&..12

The reunion with his mentor

(n the afternoon the airplane off destination to 3ondon, ,ylin showed isolated, thinking in the thefts that had had. 4ut at the same time it was desirous to arrive and unburden with the gentleman 5rank 6etty all what there was him happened. She knew that 5rank was a good adviser and that would help him to endure and to surpass this so drastic situation by which was happening his life in this moment. To the few hours the airplane landed, the youngster did with his luggage and went out of the airport in search of a ta7i. The time was with appearance that it soon would begin to fall the first drops of rain. The sky showed grayish with few cdodges that it outline. ,ylin felt like the humidity of the time penetrated him by the clothes, causing him chill by all the e7tremities of his body sculptural. ushed went up in a ta7i and ordered him that it carried it to the direction of the gentleman 5rank. "e good man kindly gave him the welcome to the country and carried it to the destination indicated. 5ront the door of the mansion of the gentleman 5rank 6etty, at all was changed, the garden showed beautiful and very taken care. The youngster did with his luggage and sacked to the ta7i driver, while this moved away ,ylin approached to the door of entrance of the garden. 4ig nostalgias and memories formed part of the young, while it called to the bell waiting for that it went out the servant to receive it. (t did not take a lot it went out to his meeting the servant,

gladdening to go back to see it, after greeting it kindly took him of his hands the baggage driving it to the entrance of the mansion. 8eanwhile the gentleman 5rank found with big nostalgia drunk in the mini bar, without being conscious that the youngster was about to go in by the door of his residence. 9 ,nd "ow it finds the gentleman 5rank: 9 (t wanted to know the youngster walking by the gravel that gave way to the entrance of the main door of the house. 9 Since it arrived of his long trips of businesses, asks after you all the days. +hen ( am in the garden pruning the flowers, see him showed by the window of the room where you remained in his stay, is as if it had the hope to see it show by the entrance of his door to receive it& ( feel that feels big nostalgia to the not to have it& ,nd if this was little has changed a lot his form to dress, even left the peel longer, has a more !uvenile appearance 9 #ommented the servant. 9 Sure that like this it is better, so that so many suits, in any case think that the suits only have to use to attend to his businesses& ( also have missed him gentleman 9 eplaced the youngster smiling. 9 The year in that you happened the memorial dates with us have been able to witness, as you had given him back part of his !oy, you gives him life, energy 9 ,ffirmed the servant, tried reveal to the youngster that had noticed that the gentleman 5rank had enamoured of her. "owever this thought remained far of the ones of the young, ,ylin was full of interests. 9 (t knows he that arrive today gentleman: 9 (t asked the young. 9 ;o 8iss, and that is the best gift that goes to receive 9 eplaced the servant, giving e7plains that the youngster did not have noticed of his words. 5ront the door of entrance the servant gave step to the young and did him happen. 9 5orward it sees to gather you with him. (t finds in the mini bar. ( have obligations that do, will go going up the luggage 9 Said the servant with a smile in the lips, leaving it to alone with the gentleman 5rank. 9 Of agreement 9 ,dded the youngster directing to the meeting of the gentleman 5rank. To measure that the youngster approached to the mini bar, 5rank that was about to drink a sip of Scottish whisky with ice, detained this gesture and went back to situate the glass on the bar, not giving credibility to what witnessed. The same him happened to the youngster from the last time that it saw it, noticed that 5rank had changed a lot his form to dress. (t carried put clothes of sport and of good mark, elegant for his age and this gave him a !uvenile change. "is peel was more grown, with a flawless cut. "is big celestial eyes observed it to distance like her appro7imated . Smiling the youngster approached to greet it. 5rank like a boy e7cited when seeing it and heaved it on his arms adding a few sentences. 9 They are my years, are my eyes or am seeing the queen that steal part of the heart of this old curmudgeon 9 ecited 5rank remembering the day in that the ebullient youngster appointed him old curmudgeon, situating it in the floor and embracing it.

9 <ou are not seeing visions gentleman, am ,ylin $aly the queen that conquered you& <ou is not any old curmudgeon and am convinced that it has to have a lot of beau7 trying form part of his heart 9 Patched the youngster throwing to laugh, at the same time that it embraced it, remembering the day in that it had called him of bad forms. 9 +anted in my alone heart e7isted a woman 9 eplaced 5rank smiling. 9 (t e7isted gentleman 9 =7claimed the youngster smiling, missed with his attitude, leaving to embrace him. 9 (f queen, the time as ( said you healthy the wounds, however the remember prevails& This so deep love that a day felt have saved it in a corner of my heart, leaving step to that it went in another so deep love and with big intensity in east another side of my heart 9 Spoke the gentleman 5rank signalling to the youngster to both sides of his spirit. 9 So you has enamoured 9 Snapped surprised the young. (n this act, the gentleman 5rank laughed. 9 Sometimes the life offers you big surprises reigns, events and feelings that flower without that one e7pect it to him& +ho went to say that almost to my fifty years went to go back to feel the revive of a new love: So deep like which suffered in a past> 9 (t commented the gentleman 5rank. 9 ,nd who is the lucky 5rank> 9 (t wanted to know the young, gladdening to see it in that state of spirit, so hopeful and enamoured like the flowers of spring stroking the butterflies between himself. 9 This lady is sweetness, tenderness that reflects in each word that pronounces, has a touch of innocence and rebellion& Only a torero can tame it. (t has big intelligence that with wisdom escalate big stairs in the life. Of an incomparable elegance to any another woman. "is smile is soft, seductive& 9 "ad a conversation 5rank drunk, trying show to the young that the lady of the that he had enamoured, treated of her. "owever such as it mentioned 5rank, the innocence of ,ylin did not give to perceive that this lady of the that so much the suffered with appreciate, treated of her. The night had showed with the first drops of rain that began to fall. 5rank served him to the youngster a margarita for millionaires, while they chatted encouraged, the servant situated in the high of the bar a tray that came accompanied of some fine slices of ham, cheese, olives& So that they went tasting. ,nd like dessert served them strawberries and cherries in syrup, successively lit a few sails, leaving hardly some lights lit, to give a touch romantic to that watched. Showing the morning, ,ylin that it was not drunk such as it showed the gentleman 5rank, advised him that it would be better that both went to rest for the morning that was about to to show. 5rank that it put of agreement had big difficulties to go up the stair to the plant where found his room. ,ylin helped him to sustain a pair of times in the middle of the stairs, since in two occasions fell of knees. ,fterwards it guided him until his room and help him to remove the !acket of fine cloth, the elegant shoes and by ultimo him lay in his bed receiving him a bit. ,fterwards it observed him by some instants thinking in that lady that so

much did participant of the conversation this night and that surely had drunk celebrating with her his crush. 9 This lady, has a lot of luck& "owever ( still follow without having to anybody that occupy my heart 9Said the youngster in low voice withdrawing. 5rank, that could listen it in the middle of his drunkenness, gladdened a lot that anybody even occupied his heart and manifested a smile going back to conciliate the dream. (nside his room ,ylin, clothed to conciliate the dream, afterwards put to bed thinking that in the morning would have big pending sub!ects that comment to the gentleman 5rank. (n the morning both remained slept. The servant that already had arrived, had prepared them the breakfast, for when these woke up . 8eanwhile it ordered the mini bar and placed new sails for his ne7t watched. ,ylin was the first in waking up this morning& 5ill the !acu??i and en!oyed of a bathroom 5lavoured. ,fterwards it dressed of a tracksuit of sport that had brought achieve. "is tone was black, at all comparable with the fine changing room of sport of the gentleman 5rank. ;e7t it descended to the low plant, giving e7plains that 5rank still remained slept. The servant that felt it descend the stairs, received it and guided him so that it took seat in the table of the breakfast. (n this trice 5rank overflowing of !oy and recently gone out of a shower, covered by an bathrobe approached to the kitchen and did participant of the breakfast. So much ,ylin like the servant, began to laugh when seeing it in bathrobe, as if it was only by the house. 9 6ood morning 6entleman 9 Said the servant serving him the breakfast. 9 6ood morning 9 (t answered 5rank continuing 9 6ood morning queen, "ow have slept tonight: 9 6ood morning 6entleman. , pleasant night 9 ,nswered the youngster remembering the drunkenness of the gentleman 5rank. 5rom time to time the youngster observed the pectoral of the gentleman 5rank that to simple sight was discovered by the bathrobe. (t was a pectoral robust, to the equal that the one of a sportsman, seducer for the eyes of the young. 5rank noticed that the youngster did not remove him eyes, so to call him still more his attention, comported of a seductive way, moved a pair of times with the buds of the fingers of the right hand his beautiful hair, this covered part of his 6reat Ones penetrating eyes. The servant knew that 5rank tried to do notice in the table to seduce to the queen and with a smile put to sing while it went out of the canteen leaving them to alone. 9 Today we have a lot of what speak queen 9 4egan the gentleman 5rank to chat. 9 (f gentleman, to this have come 9 ,nswered the young knocked down. (n this act, 5rank fi7ed the look in her, giving account that something did not go well in the life of the young. +hen they finished the breakfast 5rank advised him that serious convenient converse in the living room, because outside in the garden in this wintry period of the year the outdoor of the cold would not accompany them. They took seat in the living room, 5rank wanted to know

each detail of what had been his life during the year in that it was alone progressing after his educations inculcated. 9 Say me queen that went of your life along the year, after the educations that you instilled 9 +anted to know 5rank suspecting that something did not work very well in the life of the youngster when seeing it so absent and demolished. 9 There is not at all that e7plain, that it serves me, speak for speaking, anybody can do at all neither you in these moments can heal or resolve what is going 9 Spoke the uncomfortable youngster. 9 ,nd that it is what is going young> 9 (t e7claimed 5rank missed. 9 The men with being able to have appropriated of my property 9 ,imed ,ylin nervous. 9 That wants to say me> (t e7cuse my clumsiness e7plain better queen 9 ,sked the gentleman 5rank a bit disorientated. 9 (t is a long history gentleman, do not want to bore him with my problems, neither want to fill him of worries doing that the happiness that has with this lady spoil by my fault, would not be !ust for you, after all my go through your house this time is short& "ave to undertake a long trip in search of !ustice 9 Spoke the young. 9 @ustice> 9 Snapped 5rank surprised at the same time that it raised of the armchair of the living room 9 eigns do not have to concern you in spoiling me at all, to be more e7act this lady of which spoke you, not even is conscious of the love that seat by her& ;ow go to talk a bit and to calm us. Say me that is going:, +hy this air of revenge: +hat was what did you these men with being able to: ,nd& To where you direct you in search !ustice: 9 (t asked 5rank confused and very concerned by the attitude of the young, going back to take assent front she. 9 eally these had to listen me: 9 (t asked the young. 9 Of course that if queen 9 #onfirmed the gentleman 5rank with powerful voice. 9 ,wait a moment 9 ,sked the young, heading to all tablet to the third plant where found his room. There it did with all the proofs that had brought achieve conforming the thefts that the men with being able to had appropriated and the losses that had had she. +ith all this material that hid in an file robust on the hands, the youngster went back to descend the stairs to !oin to the gentleman 5rank. (n front of him it launched it of brusque way also struck in the pectoral, the file that contained all the documentation of the facts, so that this was throwing an look while she e7posed him with a lot of detail what contained each one of the proofs. 5rank captured it as it could. Soon the ire contained of the youngster began to earn life with big impetus and this reflected in his tone of voice and in the tears that slipped by his pale cheeks, while it e7plained with great detail what there was him happened, 5rank did not give credibility to all this drastic event that was living the young. (t had to go throwing an look to each one of the proof with his own eyes to ensure that what had done him was true. +hen ,ylin finalised the e7planation,

5rank with tears in the eyes, ga?ed it, feeling big remorse, when knowing that the men with being able to had appropriated of his property, of his livelihood and of his prosper, because they saw with this right. 9 ;ow you comprise because it looked for !ustice 9 Snapped the youngster hardly being able to articulate words. 9 So the manager of all these crimes, is Pedro 9 Ob!ected 5rank, ama?ed. 9 <es gentleman, he was the only that had access to my materials, only he. ( sent him the translations of the works in seven languages, also realise them in audio rid in the seven languages and sent them to him 9 #onfirmed the <oung. 9 ,nd it had the gall of appropriate of the work of his customer& So this gentleman takes advantage of his title to steal to the customers& 9 ,ffirmed 5rank.

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