Gain of The Three Op Amp Instrumentation Amplifier: V R1 R2 V

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by Paul J.


Gain of the Three Op Amp Instrumentation Amplifier

Figure 1. Consider the amplifier illustrated in Figure 1. The first stage is a balan ed input! balan ed output amplifier formed by A1 and A" #hi h amplifies the differential signal but passes the ommon mode signal #ithout amplifi ation. The se ond stage formed by A$ is a differential amplifier #hi h largely remo%es the ommon mode signal. The %oltage &O1 onsists of t#o omponents! the %oltage due to &1 and the %oltage due to &". If &" ' ( then point a #ill be a %irtual earth and amplifier A1 #ill a t as a non in%erting amplifier #ith a gain of V O1=V 1 R1 R2 R2

If &1 ' ( then point b #ill be a %irtual earth and amplifier A1 #ill a t as an in%erting amplifier #ith a gain of
V O1= R1 V R2 2

the output from amplifier A1 #ith respe t to ground )(%* #ill be

V O1= V O1=

R1+ R2 R1 V 1 V R2 R2 2 ( R1+ R2) V 1 R1V 2 R2 R1 R1 +1) V 1 V R2 R2 2

V O1=( V O1=

R1 {V V 2 }+V 1 R2 1

+imilarly the output from amplifier A" #ith respe t to ground #ill be V O2= R1 {V V 1 }+V 2 R2 2

These t#o %oltages are fed into a differential amplifier A$! the gain of this amplifier is gi%en by V O= R4 ( V V O1) R3 O2

If #e substitute the e,uations for &O" and &O1 #e get V O= R4 R1 R1 ({ {V V 1 }+V 2 }{ {V 1V 2 }+V 1 }) R3 R2 2 R2

-e an simplify this V O= V O= V O= R1V 1 R1 V 2 R4 R1V 2 R1V 1 { + V 2 +V 1 } R3 R2 R2 R2 R2 2 R1V 1 R4 2 R1V 2 { +V 2 + V 1} R3 R2 R2 R4 2 R1 2 R1 ( V 2 {1+ }V 1 {1+ }) R3 R2 R2 R4 2 R1 {1 + } R3 R2

V O =( V 2V 1)

Therefore the differential gain G is G= R4 2 R1 {1 + } R3 R2

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