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Week 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Monday: Workout A Tuesday: off Wednesday: Workout B Thursday: off Friday: Workout A Saturday: off Sunday: off Monday: Workout B Tuesday: off Wednesday: Workout A Thursday: off Friday: Workout B Saturday: off Sunday: off

Week 2

Workout A 1. Squats 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 2 minutes rest between sets. 2. Bench Press 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 2 minutes rest between sets. 3. Rows 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 2 minutes rest between sets. Workout B 1. Deadlifts 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 2 minutes rest between sets. 2. Pull-Ups or !at Pull-Downs" 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 2 minutes rest between sets. 3. #$erhead Shoulder Press 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 2 minutes rest between sets.

Sets% reps% wei&ht and pro&ression'

For ea ! e"er ise# $ou s!ou%& now use t!e same wei'!t ea ! set. (o# for e"amp%e# %et)s sa$ $ou)*e been %earnin' proper form on t!e ben ! press t!ose %ast few weeks an& foun& 50%bs to be prett$ %ose to t!e ri'!t wei'!t for $ou at t!is point +t!at)s ,ust a omp%ete%$ ma&e up e"amp%e amount# b$ t!e wa$-. .ou s!ou%& now be &oin' 3 sets of ben ! presses usin' t!at same 50%bs on a%% 3 of $our sets. /!en# w!en $ou are apab%e of &oin' 3 sets wit! 50%bs +a'ain# ,ust an e"amp%e- for t!e pres ribe& 8-10

reps ea ! set wit! perfe t form# $ou)& t!en in rease t!e wei'!t b$ t!e sma%%est possib%e in rement +usua%%$ 5%bs- t!e ne"t time $ou ben ! press. .ou)& t!en aim to &o 3 sets of 8-10 reps a'ain wit! t!is new s%i'!t%$ !ea*ier wei'!t +55%bs in t!is e"amp%e-. An& w!en $ou are apab%e of &oin' t!at# $ou)& in rease t!e wei'!t a'ain b$ about 5%bs +60%bs in t!is e"amp%e- t!e ne"t time $ou ben ! press an& t!en keep repeatin' t!is pro ess o*er an& o*er. A%% of t!e abo*e app%ies to ea ! e"er ise ,ust t!e same. .ou use t!e same wei'!t for a%% 3 sets of ea ! e"er ise# meet t!e pres ribe& set0rep 'oa% with perfect for(# an& t!en in rease t!e wei'!t in t!e sma%%est possib%e in rement t!e ne"t time $ou &o t!at e"er ise. As a be'inner# $ou s!ou%& be ab%e to pro'ress %ike t!is onsistent%$ for 1uite a w!i%e# part%$ be ause $ou are startin' a %itt%e %i'!ter to master proper form# an& part%$ be ause be'inners are ,ust more apab%e of pro'ressin' at a more onsistent rate t!an an$one e%se. (o# make sure $ou &o. /!e more a&*an e& $ou 'et# t!e s%ower t!e pro'ression wi%% be. /ake a&*anta'e of it w!i%e $ou an. 2n e a'ain 3)& %ike to remin& $ou to make sure t!e wei'!t $ou start off usin' %eans a %ot more towar&s bein' a %itt%e too %i'!t0eas$ for $ou rat!er t!an a %itt%e too !ea*$0!ar&. /o ensure t!e fastest an& most onsistent rate of pro'ression# t!e wei'!t $ou start off usin' for ea ! e"er ise nee&s to be a bit %i'!ter t!an $ou are tru%$ apab%e of %iftin'.

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