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Subject Code : 927A Paper : Total quality management General Instructions: The student should submit this assignment

in the handwritten form (not in the typed format). The student should submit this assignment within the time specified by the exam dept. The student should only use the Rule sheet papers for answering the questions. The student should attach this assignment paper with the answered papers. ailure to comply with the abo!e our Instructions would lead to re"ection of assignment #

$pecific Instructions: There are four %uestions in this assignment . The student should answer all the four questions . &ar's allotted ()). *ach question carries equal numbers (+, mar's) unless specified explicitly.

%uestion ( a) -ow do you define T%&. *xplain the T%&*/ model. b) Illustrate each of the four types of quality. 0hat are the benefits of measuring system for cost of quality c) 0hat are the attributes of a quality auditor. %uestion + a) *xplain the power of 1234 in 2eming5s wheel b) *fficiency has been defines as 6doing things better7 and effecti!eness as 6 doing better things7. 2escribe how benchmar'ing can be used to impro!e both efficiency and effecti!eness. %uestion 8 a) *xplain the four tiers of quality documentation b) 2efine 9ano5s model of customer satisfaction c) *xplain the relationship between :1R and T%& %uestion ; a) 2efine the term 6statistical process control7 and discuss the steps used for implementing $13. 4lso mention its ad!antages b) <ou ha!e been as'ed to carry out a quality audit. *xplain how the entire audit process is carried out. =ame: :atch: 9indly submit hand written in two days

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