Cappadocia - Turkey

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CAPPADOCIA - TURKEY This bizarre but beautiful place located in the ancient region of Anatolia in modern day Turkey may be one of the oldest examples of continuous human habitation in the world. It is an incredible example of how people have shaped and modified the already unusual geology and yet retained the natural mystery of its rocky spires and eye-twisting landscapes. It is a U !"#$ %orld &eritage "ite and there are records from the 'th century (# that describe it) even then) as one of the oldest regions of the *ersian !mpire. The best examples of this form of human habitation can be found in the town of +,reme where sandstone deposits have been eroded into hundreds of spectacular toadstool shapes. In turn) these have been carved into by the inhabitants and turned into homes) monasteries) churches and even a police station. It currently has a population of -).// people and is one of the most famous historic tourist destinations in Turkey. ROUSSANOU MONASTERY In the heart of central +reece and on the edge of the *lain of Thessaly are the 0et1ora) which literally means the rocks suspended in air. In reality they are pillars of harder than average sandstone that have survived the erosion of the softer material that once surrounded them. "ix religious retreats have been built on top of these pillars and one of the most famous is the 2oussanou 0onastery. "hortly after the azi occupation of +reece in 3453 it was stripped of its treasures by the occupying soldiers. 0ost of these have never been recovered. "ince the construction of a wooden bridge in 36//7s it has been relatively easy to visit the location and the nuns are said to be 8uite welcoming. '. #A"A 9$ *! !9$ - *$2TU+A: :iterally translated the name means &ouse of "tone and it is located in the ;afe mountains of orthern *ortugal. It is ten kilometres north-east of ;afe It was originally built as a mountain retreat around 34<5 by an engineer from nearby +uimar=es who was inspired by the natural space provided by four large boulders. 9ue to its isolation it has on occasions been the target of vandalism and robbery. Its unusual design has also stimulated a steady traffic of tourists who are not beyond peering through the windows or even trying to enter uninvited. The interior is larger than might be expected and is beautifully rustic with a large wooden bench-style table and balconies.

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