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ASSIGNMENT The true manifestation of any companys offering is many times reflected in its communication strategy.

A study of the same can reveal tremendous insights into the firms marketing strategy. This study aims to uncover this fact. METHODOLOGY 1. Choose a product category for e.g. premium soaps, detergents, ice creams, fast food restaurants etc 2. Choose the top three brands in that category and analyze their advertising and sales promotion strategy for the past one year. ou can use secondary sources of data. !. Analyze the findings offering your recommendations and conclusion. ". All material collected or do#nloaded has to be submitted along #ith the report. GUIDELINES 1. $roup assignment. %ne report per group 2. &ord limit' 2()) #ords !. *lagiarism is a serious offence. +o cut, copy and paste. ANY VIOLATION WILL ATTRACT ZERO MARKS IN THE ASSIGNMENT. 4. Handwritten n!" #. D $i%e a detai!ed &i&!i $ra'(" in)!*din$ t(e we&+ite+ t(at " * ,i$(t (a%e *+ed. ,. -ast date 1(th .anuary 2)1" -. Wei$(ta$e. /0 ,ar1+. /haila0a 1anocha

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