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I Scream, You Scream... We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Dear Parents, January 20, 2014 In third grade we work very hard on memorizing our multiplication acts 0!12" #his can o tentimes $e a daunting task% &e have ound that it can $e help ul to $reak the acts into groups 'i"e" to study (the threes) until they are mastered, then move on to (the ours)*" #his year your child will have the opportunity to chart his+her progress in the yummiest o ways% ,ttached you will ind a schedule o when each act amily will $e tested" -ou will notice that we test the act amilies out o order" #his is to help $uild con idence $y learning the (easier) acts irst" -our child will have our opportunities that week to score 100. on a /0 second test on that week0s act amily" 1nce your child passes that week0s group o acts, he+she will color in a part o an ice cream sundae to $uild his+her very own sundae% Please eel ree to work ahead with your child i he+she eels prepared or the current week0s tests" 1ur goal is that $y the end o the school year each child in third grade will have mastered all multiplication acts 0!12" #hen, at the end o third grade we will have an ice cream party cele$rating our knowledge o the multiplication acts% &e will $e sending home a note later asking or donations" It is our hope that this will help your third grader to study and learn the multiplication acts in a managea$le way" #hank you or your support, 2rs" 3ates and 2rs" 4oakes

Schedule of Fact Family Tests

&eek 1 'January 20* 5 0s 6 1s &eek 2 'January 27* 5 2s &eek 8 '9e$ruary 8* 5 :s &eek 4 '9e$ruary 10* 5 10s &eek : '9e$ruary 24* 5 11s &eek ; '2arch 8* 5 8s &eek 7 '2arch 10* 5 4s &eek < '2arch 17* 5 ;s &eek / '2arch 24* 5 7s &eek 10 ',pril 14* 5 <s &eek 11 ',pril 21* 5 /s &eek 12 ',pril 2<* ! 12s

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