Position Profile: SM (Planning & Development), Lahore

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Position Profile: SM (Planning & Development), Lahore

POSITION V !SION D"T ! PO!TS TO DI! #T ! PO!TS LO#"TION "PP!OV D $% SM (Planning & Development), Lahore 03rd October 2011 M !et"or# Development, Lahore Manager$ & %$$i$tant Manager$ Lahore



1& 'echnical Pro(ect management and e)ec*tion o+ the 'ran$mi$$ion$, %cce$$ and S"itching related pro(ect$ in accordance to the alread, e$tabli$hed technical $tandard$ & $peci+ication$, pre-determined time-line$ and approved co$t$& 2& Plan and organi.e reg*lar progre$$ revie" meeting$ to en$*re /*alit, and implementation o+ propo$ed net"or# a*gmentation to achieve the capacit, and media enhancement$&


Position Profile: SM (Planning & Development), Lahore

!OL S & ! SPONSI$ILITI S Pro(e)t Management Pro(ect e)ec*tion Management regarding the e)ec*tion o+ t*rn-#e, pro(ect$ in !et"or# development Lahore& %rranging Progre$$ 0evie" meeting$ "ith the $ta#e-holder$ +or monitoring o+ on-going t*rn-#e, pro(ect$ "&r&t time-line$, /*alit, and co$t related to the bac#bone & $*b$idiar, tran$mi$$ion, Metro (1*nction) net"or#$ & 23 ! ! $"itching, PO! and e)pan$ion o+ the 4ibre Optic$ in+ra$tr*ct*re a*gmentation incl*ding D55, MS%! and 2*$tomi.ed +ibre-ba$ed corporate $ol*tion$ 6 connectivit,, ba$ed on the agreed re$pon$ibilit, a$$ignment matri), engineering de$ign and net"or# diagram$& S*pport +*nction$ +or proce$$ing the ca$e$ +or %dmini$trative %pproval$ and 'echnical Sanction$ +rom 7ead/*arter$ regarding the e)ec*tion o+ on-going t*rn-#e, pro(ect$& 8nventor, Management o+ 0egional Store incl& creation o+ P0$ & 0!$ 4inancial control o+ pro(ect$ +rom 8nitiali.ation to 2apitali.ation and clari+ication o+ %*dit ob$ervation$ i+ rai$ed b, 8nternal P'2L %*dit& Pre-$hipment 8n$pection & %pproval o+ material $ample$ 6 acce$$orie$, engineering dra"ing and "or# plan$ o+ the vendor$ Pro(ect Management +or the e)ec*tion o+ 9ac#bone, S*b$idiar, & Metro O&4 !et"or# SD7 6 D:DM 0ing$, 23 ! ! pro(ect$, MS%!, Metro ;thernet , PO! pro(ect$ in !et"or# Development 0egion Lahore& ;$timation$, preparation o+ 04P$, 9o< and 2%P;5 +or !et"or# e)pan$ion& 'echnical eval*ation o+ tender$ a$$igned b, Proc*rement :ing 7<tr$& Planning & implementation o+ the enhancement net"or# e)pan$ion and capacit,

Te)hni)al S*pport '*n)tions

2ollaboration "ith planning and engineering $ection +or net"or# de$ign, 9O<, $peci+ication$ , SO: , P8P and 04P preparation 2ollaboration "ith the $,$tem engineering "ing +or modi+ication$ in 'echnical Speci+ication$ & Standard$ according to the +ield re/*irement$& 2o-ordination & proce$$ing the P%2$ and 4%2 +or contract$ on completion& 8$$*ance o+ g*ideline$ to +ield *nit$ to en$*re the engineering /*alit, & $tandard$& Monitor and eval*ate reporting emplo,ee$&

&n+erta,e performan)e management


Position Profile: SM (Planning & Development), Lahore

-PI Primar. -PIs 'imel, e)ec*tion o+ pro(ect planning activitie$ (O&4& 'ran$mi$$ion, MM99 & D55) Monitoring & timel, 8mplementation o+ 8SP "or#$ related to n"# dev pro(ect$ 2apitali.ation o+ the completed "or#$ S%P related activitie$ a+ter $igning o+ contract$ 6 pro(ect$ Proce$$ing o+ re/*ired 04<604P$ +or the pro(ected "or#$ a$ per Proc& Man*al Se)on+ar. -PIs Providing timel, $ol*tion$ +or O&4& 6 MM99 connectivit, +or corporate c*$tomer$ ;val*ate per+ormance o+ all reporting emplo,ee$ - % ! L"TIONS/IPS Internal 0ternal

0elevant department head$ %ll department$

=endor$ 2on$*ltant$

Professional #ompeten)ies

S*pporting #ompeten)ies

>nder$tanding challenge$ $peci+ic to the

telecom ind*$tr,

>nder$tand problem$ and cla$$i+,

the$e into $impler ta$#$ and ta#e ade/*ate deci$ion$ on the ba$i$ o+ available in+ormation

?no"ledge o+ 9*$ine$$ Proce$$ 0eengineering

?no"ledge o+ the ne" advancement$

and technological change$ in the telecom $ector

;n$*re the need o+ the team

member$ are met and +o$ter team"or# e)pectation$

?no"ledge o+ 'echnical related +ield$ Planning and organi.ing "or# Pro(ect Management 'echnical $*pport development 9*ild 'echnical $*pport team =endor management

2on$i$tentl, meet e$tabli$hed Modi+, e)i$ting approache$ b,

identi+,ing critical relation$hip$

9*ild po$itive client relation$hip 2hange per$onal approach +or

and maintain clear comm*nication di++erent $it*ation$ and *nder$coring po$itivit, o+ change

D SI!"$L 0perien)e

1P !I N#

"ND 2&"LI'I#"TIONS +*)ational 2*alifi)ations

3 -@ ,ear$ o+ e)ten$ive e)perience in

relevant +ield&

Ma$ter$ degree in



Position Profile: SM (Planning & Development), Lahore


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