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A Summary of California Trustee Responsibilities, Beneficiary Rights, and Elder Law Issues


David W. Tate, Esq.; The followin discussion is a summa!y of the t!ustee !esponsi"ilities, "eneficia!y !i hts and !elated elde! law issues in #alifo!nia. $any of these discussions also apply to Wills. The followin topics a!e cove!ed in this pape!: %. '. ). +. -. &ve!view of t!ust inte!p!etation, !esponsi"ilities and !i hts. (nvestments and mana ement. *ccountin s and info!mation. ,nce!tainties and disputes. *dditional t!ust and elde! law issues: conse!vato!ships, elde! a"use, t!ansfe!s to p!ohi"ited people, and when a t!usto! dies.

.i!st, a few wo!ds of caution. These mate!ials do not p!ovide le al, accountin o! othe! p!ofessional advice o! se!vices, o! apply to any pa!ticula! pe!son, entity o! ci!cumstance, and a!e not a solicitation fo! o! en a ement of se!vices inside o! outside of #alifo!nia. These mate!ials a!e a summa!y of complicated topics. They do not cove! all of the info!mation that mi ht apply in a pa!ticula! ci!cumstance. *dditionally, these mate!ials do not !elate to any situation whe!e any of the !elevant facts a!e outside the #alifo!nia /u!isdiction. The law chan es all the time. 0ou cannot !ely on the info!mation in these mate!ials fo! you! pa!ticula! situation. 0ou should consult with an app!op!iate p!ofessional if you have questions a"out a specific situation. %. &ve!view of t!ust inte!p!etation, !esponsi"ilities and !i hts. T!ust te!ms and inte!p!etation. When dealin with t!ust issues always loo1 at the w!itten te!ms of the t!ust, #ou!t o!de!s, if any, pe!tainin to you! pa!ticula! case, applica"le statutes, and !elevant #ou!t opinions f!om othe! cases. *t times in this pape! ( will "e citin !elevant #alifo!nia 2!o"ate #ode sections. 0ou may find it useful to o"tain a copy of the 2!o"ate #ode. *t times in this pape! ( will also use the te!m 3t!usto!4 which !efe!s to the pe!son who si ned the t!ust. The 3t!ustee4 is the pe!son who mana es the t!ust. While the t!usto! is alive o! a"le to mana e his o! he! financial affai!s, the
* 5umma!y of #alifo!nia T!ustee 6esponsi"ilities, 7eneficia!y 6i hts, and Elde! 8aw (ssues David W. Tate, Esq.;;; 2a e % of 9

t!usto! and the t!ustee will typically "e the same pe!son. The t!ustee p!ima!ily administe!s the t!ust "y its w!itten te!ms, which e:p!ess the t!usto!;s intent <#al. 2!o"ate #ode ==%>???, '%%?% and '%%?'@. This can "e a complicated issue. The !ule most often stated is that the t!usto!;s intent is to "e followed, as e:p!essed in the t!ust, and that, ene!ally, evidence outside the plain meanin of the wo!ds used in the t!ust cannot "e used to dete!mine the t!usto!;s intent, unless the wo!ds used in the t!ust a!e am"i uous and suscepti"le to mo!e than one inte!p!etation. Aoweve!, mo!e and mo!e the #ou!ts a!e allowin people to p!esent outside evidence of the t!usto!;s intent even if the lan ua e used in the t!ust is clea! and cannot "e inte!p!eted mo!e than one way. 5o the "ottom line is that you should conside! whethe! the t!ust e:p!esses what the t!usto! would have wanted, and, if it does not, is the!e sufficient othe! evidence to p!ove what the t!usto!;s intendedB ( am not su estin that in these ci!cumstances the t!ustee decide what he o! she "elieves the t!usto! intended. To !esolve issues of this so!t you petition the #ou!t fo! inst!uctions and an o!de!. Do not dete!mine issues of this type on you! own. T!ustee standa!d of ca!e. T!ustee standa!d of ca!e also is a constantly evolvin a!ea of law. Cene!ally, #ou!ts const!ue the t!ustee;s standa!d to "e ve!y hi h. (nitially, the "eneficia!y does have the !i ht, in most, "ut not necessa!ily all ci!cumstances, to demand that the t!ustee disclose t!ustD!elated info!mation. *t that point, if the "eneficia!y "elieves that an imp!op!iety has occu!!ed, the "eneficia!y must, to the e:tent possi"le, e:p!essly state the natu!e of the dispute o! imp!op!iety. The #ou!ts a!e not unifo!m in dete!minin the e:tent to which the "eneficia!y must initially p!esent, if at all, evidence of the t!ustee;s alle ed w!on doin . *ssumin that the "eneficia!y has stated a potentially valid claim, it is then the "u!den of the t!ustee to !efute that claim with sufficient evidence. *ssumin that the t!ustee can p!esent sufficient evidence tendin to !efute the claimed imp!op!iety, the "eneficia!y will want to p!esent evidence esta"lishin t!ustee w!on doin . The ene!al standa!d of t!ustee ca!e is stated in #al. 2!o"ate #ode =%>?+?. The t!ustee should administe! the t!ust with the !easona"le ca!e, s1ill, and caution that a p!udent pe!son would unde! the cu!!ent ci!cumstances to accomplish the pu!poses of the t!ust as dete!mined f!om the t!ust wo!din . * t!ustee who has special s1ills is !equi!ed to use those s1ills. #al. 2!o"ate #ode =%>?%+. Cene!ally, the t!ustee should not dele ate !esponsi"ilities that the t!ustee can !easona"ly "e e:pected to pe!fo!m. Aoweve!, in p!actice it is not uncommon fo! t!ustees to dele ate ce!tain !esponsi"ilities, and, "y statute, in app!op!iate ci!cumstances a t!ustee can dele ate specific duties. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>??%<a@, %>?%', %>?-', and %>'+E. 5ome of the !esponsi"ilities that mi ht "e dele ated a!e investment, ta:, le al and accountin in natu!e. The t!ustee must p!udently select which a ents to use, and must ove!see those a ents.

* 5umma!y of #alifo!nia T!ustee 6esponsi"ilities, 7eneficia!y 6i hts, and Elde! 8aw (ssues David W. Tate, Esq.;;; 2a e ' of 9

(n some ci!cumstances the t!ustee will have a duty to p!ovide t!ust accountin and othe! info!mation to the "eneficia!ies. This topic is discussed in mo!e detail late! in this pape!. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =%>?>?D>%.- <!elatin to t!ust info!mation@, =%>?>%.E <!elatin to ce!tain !equi!ed t!ust notifications@, =%>?>' <!elatin to accountin s@, and =%>?>+ <!elatin to e:ceptions to accountin !equi!ements@. #onfidentiality, self inte!est, and impa!tiality. * t!ustee has a duty of confidentiality. The t!ustee has a ene!al duty, "ut not in all ci!cumstances, not to disclose to a thi!d pe!son info!mation a"out the t!ust and the "eneficia!ies. Aoweve!, the t!ustee mi ht need to disclose ce!tain info!mation to p!ope!ly administe! the t!ust. $o!e impo!tant, a t!ustee must not put his o! he! inte!ests a"ove those of the t!ust o! the "eneficia!ies, and should avoid conflicts of inte!est with the t!ust and the "eneficia!ies. This can "e a difficult a!ea "ecause it is a"solutely pe!missi"le and common fo! a t!ustee also to "e one of seve!al "eneficia!ies. *lthou h not a le al !equi!ement, it has "een my e:pe!ience that a t!ustee should t!y to avoid even the appea!ance of selfDdealin , o! that he o! she has placed his o! he! inte!ests a"ove those of the t!ust o! "eneficia!ies. (f potential conflicts e:ist, often disputes can "e avoided "y o"tainin p!io! "eneficia!y o! #ou!t app!oval of the action to "e ta1en. The t!ustee should act impa!tially "etween the competin inte!ests of the va!ious "eneficia!ies. ,nless the t!ust specifies othe!wise, the t!ustee should not favo! a pa!ticula! "eneficia!y o! class of "eneficia!ies. Disc!etiona!y powe!s. * t!ust will typically contain p!ovisions that ive the t!ustee disc!etiona!y powe!s, that is, the powe! to use his o! he! own /ud ment in specific ci!cumstances. The amount of disc!etion is st!ictly const!ued f!om the lan ua e in the t!ust document and the intent of the t!usto!. 7e cautious, howeve!Feven if the t!ust p!ovides sole, a"solute o! uncont!olled disc!etion, #ou!ts still !equi!e the t!ustee to act within the fiducia!y standa!ds and not in "ad faith o! in dis!e a!d of the pu!poses of the t!ust. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>?9?D9%. (n othe! wo!ds, if the issue of a t!ustee;s disc!etion is p!esented to the #ou!t, the Gud e will ma1e a dete!mination "ased on his o! he! own evaluation. ,nless limited "y the te!ms of the t!ust, the t!ustee also has othe! statuto!y powe!s. 0ou should !eview the powe!s and limitations specified in the t!ust document, and also the powe!s listed at 2!o"ate #ode ==%>'??D%>'+H. &ne a!ea in which a t!ustee mi ht "e !equi!ed to use disc!etion !elates to dete!minin the app!op!iate amount of income o! p!incipal to dist!i"ute to a "eneficia!y. .o! e:ample, should a t!ustee ive conside!ation to the "eneficia!yIs outside financial !esou!ces when the t!ust is silent on that issueB The!e a!e diffe!in opinions. Aoweve!, some #ou!ts have su ested that, if the t!ust does not state othe!wise, the t!ustee should conside! the "eneficia!yIs outside !esou!ces.
* 5umma!y of #alifo!nia T!ustee 6esponsi"ilities, 7eneficia!y 6i hts, and Elde! 8aw (ssues David W. Tate, Esq.;;; 2a e ) of 9

#oDt!ustees. * few wo!ds a"out t!usts that have coDt!ustees, that is, a t!ust that has two o! mo!e people actin as t!ustees at the same time. ,nless the t!ust p!ovides othe!wise, coDt!ustees must act unanimously. 6efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>?%) and %->'?. Aoweve!, the t!ust can allocate powe!s unequally "etween coDt!ustees. *nd, in limited ci!cumstances if a coDt!ustee is unavaila"le, the !emainin coDt!ustees may act. 6efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =%->''. (f the coDt!ustees a!e stalemated on a decision, one o! mo!e of the coDt!ustees can file a #ou!t petition fo! inst!uctions. 6efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =%E'??<"@<>@. * coDt!ustee can "e lia"le fo! a "!each of duty "y a coDt!ustee. 6efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>+?'<a@D<"@. Thus, if a coDt!ustee ta1es an action that the othe! coDt!ustee "elieves is a "!each of duty, the nonD"!eachin coDt!ustee should conside! filin a #ou!t petition unde! 2!o"ate #ode =%>+'?. Aostility "etween coDt!ustees can "e a !ound fo! !emoval of a t!ustee. 6efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =%->+'<"@<)@. (n some ci!cumstances, a coDt!ustee mi ht "e allowed to !esi n if the!e a!e disputes with the othe! coDt!ustee; howeve!, if the !esi nation allows the othe! coDt!ustee to commit an anticipated "!each, the !esi nation itself could "e conside!ed a "!each of duty to p!otect the t!ust. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>?%)<"@ and %>+?'<"@<+@. '. (nvestments and mana ement.

The t!ustee has the duty to invest t!ust p!ope!ty fo! the "enefit of the "eneficia!ies, su"/ect to !est!ictions o! limitations stated in the t!ust. The t!usteeIs investment powe!s a!e p!ovided "y the te!ms of the t!ust. (f not de!ived f!om the t!ust, the investment powe!s a!e also de!ived "y statute, case law and the factual ci!cumstances. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>'??<a@ and <"@ and %>?+E. Cene!ally, the t!ustee has the duty to ma1e t!ust assets economically p!oductive. The t!ustee is su"/ect to the ,nifo!m 2!udent (nvesto! *ct, unless the t!ust p!ovides fo! a !eate! o! lesse! standa!d of ca!e. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>?+- th!ou h %>?-+. The t!ustee should ca!efully !ead the t!ust te!ms and the ,nifo!m 2!udent (nvesto! *ct. * t!ustee must invest and mana e the t!ust assets as a p!udent investo! would, "y conside!in the pu!poses, te!ms, dist!i"ution !equi!ements, and othe! ci!cumstances of the t!ust. The t!ustee must e:e!cise !easona"le ca!e, s1ill, and caution. * t!usteeIs investment and mana ement decisions !elatin to individual assets and cou!ses of action a!e evaluated in the conte:t of the t!ustIs po!tfolio as a whole and as a pa!t of an ove!all investment st!ate y !easona"ly suited to the t!ust;s !is1 and !etu!n o"/ectives.

* 5umma!y of #alifo!nia T!ustee 6esponsi"ilities, 7eneficia!y 6i hts, and Elde! 8aw (ssues David W. Tate, Esq.;;; 2a e + of 9

2!o"ate #ode =%>?+E !equi!es the t!ustee to conside! such matte!s as economic conditions, inflation o! deflation, ta: consequences, the !ole of each investment o! action within the ove!all t!ust po!tfolio, the e:pected !ate of !etu!n f!om income and app!eciation, othe! financial !esou!ces of the "eneficia!ies 1nown to the t!ustee, needs fo! liquidity, !e ula!ity of income, p!ese!vation and app!eciation of p!incipal, and asset special value o! !elationship to the pu!pose of the t!ust o! the "eneficia!ies. The t!ustee has a duty to locate and ta1e possession of the t!ust assets, and develop an investment st!ate y suited to the pu!pose of the t!ust. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>??> and %>?+H. ,nless the t!ust states othe!wise, the t!ustee has a duty to invest t!ust p!ope!ty, p!ese!ve it, and ma1e it p!oductive. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>??, %>??>D%>??E and %>?+><"@. ,nless the t!ust states othe!wise, the t!ustee has a duty to dive!sify the t!ust investments unless, unde! the ci!cumstances, it is p!udent not to do so. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>?+><"@ and %>?+9. The t!ustee must conside! the inte!ests and needs of all "eneficia!ies, income and !emainde!, when ma1in investment decisions. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =%>??). The "eneficia!ies may have conflictin inte!ests. When two o! mo!e income "eneficia!ies have diffe!ent pe!sonal income ta: "!ac1ets, ene!ally the t!ustee should st!i1e a "alance "etween them when dete!minin how much to invest in ce!tain assets. Aoweve!, the t!ustee mi ht "e allowed to p!efe! one class of "eneficia!ies ove! anothe! if the t!ust te!ms di!ectFthis can "e a difficult a!ea and cause liti ation conce!ns. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =%>???. 5u"/ect to the te!ms and intent of the t!ust, the t!ustee has a duty to ma1e the t!ust p!ope!ty as p!oductive as possi"le unde! the ci!cumstances. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>??E and %>?+><"@. ,nde! the ,nifo!m 2!udent (nvesto! *ct, an asset may "e p!oductive eithe! "y p!oducin income, o! "y app!eciatin in value. * t!ustee has the autho!ity to ma1e investment decisions as p!ovided "y the intent of the t!ust, as p!ovided "y statute, and as !equi!ed "y the t!ustee;s le al standa!ds of ca!e, the inte!ests of the "eneficia!ies, and the 2!udent (nvesto! 6ule. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode ==%>'??, %>'?', %>''?D%>'++, %>?+? and %>?+E. ). *ccountin s and info!mation.

The ene!al !ule is that the t!ustee is !equi!ed to 1eep the "eneficia!ies !easona"ly info!med a"out the t!ust and its administ!ation. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =%>?>?. Aoweve!, the!e a!e impo!tant e:ceptions. ,pon !easona"le !equest "y a "eneficia!y, the t!ustee must p!ovide the "eneficia!y with a !epo!t of the info!mation !elatin to the assets, lia"ilities, !eceipts, and dis"u!sements of the t!ust,
* 5umma!y of #alifo!nia T!ustee 6esponsi"ilities, 7eneficia!y 6i hts, and Elde! 8aw (ssues David W. Tate, Esq.;;; 2a e - of 9

the acts of the t!ustee, and the pa!ticula! te!ms of the t!ust that a!e !elevant to the "eneficia!yIs inte!est. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =%>?>%. 2!o"ate #ode =%>?>' !equi!es the t!ustee to p!ovide an accountin at least annually, at te!mination of the t!ust, and upon a chan e of t!ustee to each "eneficia!y to whom cu!!ent dist!i"ution of income o! p!incipal is autho!iJed. Aoweve!, the accountin o! info!mation mi ht not "e !equi!ed if waived "y the te!ms of the t!ust o! the "eneficia!y, o! the t!ust in question is !evoca"le. 0ou can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =%>?>+. The t!ustee must maintain p!ope! accounts. *ccountin !equi!ements a!e "eyond the scope of this discussionFfo! e:ample, ene!ally, the !eco!ds mi ht "e !equi!ed to diffe!entiate "etween potentially confusin accountin aspects such as income and p!incipal allocations. 0ou can !efe! to the ,nifo!m 2!incipal and (ncome *ct at ==%>)'?D)E-. *ccountin s can "e complicated. Aoweve!, ( can assu!e you that maintainin p!ope! accountin and "ac1up documentation !eco!ds is e:t!emely impo!tant. 2!o"ate #ode ==%>?>%.- and %>?>%.E also !equi!e the t!ustee to p!ovide specific notices and info!mation to the "eneficia!ies when a po!tion of a !evoca"le t!ust "ecomes i!!evoca"le, o! the!e is a chan e of t!ustee of an i!!evoca"le t!ust. 0ou should consult an atto!ney a"out these notices. +. ,nce!tainties and disputes. The followin a!e some of the typical t!ust issues and disputes that a!ise: Dist!i"utions to and allocations "etween "eneficia!ies. (nvestment decisions. What assets a!e in t!ust, and the natu!e of those assets <such as sepa!ate p!ope!ty, o! community p!ope!ty@. Entitlement to info!mation, accountin s and !epo!ts. *sset valuation. *llocation of income, e:penses and ta:es "etween income and p!incipal. T!ustee selfDdealin . 6i ht to compensation. T!ust p!ovision and t!usto! intent inte!p!etation. T!ust modification and !evocation to confo!m to t!usto! intent.

* 5umma!y of #alifo!nia T!ustee 6esponsi"ilities, 7eneficia!y 6i hts, and Elde! 8aw (ssues David W. Tate, Esq.;;; 2a e > of 9

T!ust validity due to alle ed undue influence o! lac1 of mental capacity. The followin a!e typical ways to avoid o! !esolve dispute: (nfo!mal !esolution without #ou!t involvement. #ou!t petition fo! inst!uctions. #ou!t petition to compel accountin o! disclosu!e of info!mation. #ou!t petition to !emove and su!cha! e t!ustee. #ou!t petition to dete!mine validity of t!ust. #ou!t petition to inte!p!et the t!ust and the t!usto! intent. #alifo!nia 2!o"ate #ode ==%>-??D%>-?+ pe!mit a t!ustee to se!ve a Kotice of p!oposed action o! p!oposed inaction to !equi!ed people <"eneficia!ies and possi"le "eneficia!ies@, to o"tain clea!ance fo! a p!oposed action o! inaction. (n some ci!cumstances a t!ustee may want to conside! this p!ocess when a p!oposed action mi ht "e disputed. * few wo!ds a"out noDcontest clauses. (t is typical fo! a t!ust to contain what is called a noDcontest clause. (n essence, a noDcontest clause states that if a "eneficia!y initiates a ce!tain type of #ou!t p!oceedin , and if the "eneficia!y loses that p!oceedin , the "eneficia!y will "e deleted o! !emoved as a "eneficia!y of the t!ust. KoDcontest clauses a!e favo!ed "ecause they help to !educe liti ation. Aoweve!, some #ou!ts also na!!owly const!ue noDcontest clauses so that a "eneficia!y is not p!evented f!om "!in in a le itimate le al p!oceedin . Kot all le al p!oceedin s will t!i e! a noDcontest clause. This is a complicated su"/ect. (t is impo!tant to ca!efully analyJe the wo!din of any noDcontest clause and the !is1 to the p!ospective "eneficia!y. (t is also still possi"le at this time to fi!st file a petition to o"tain a p!io! #ou!t !ulin !e a!din whethe! the filin of the specific le al p!oceedin will t!i e! the noD contest clause. Aoweve!, this is a !apidly chan in a!ea of law, and new le islation enacted in Gune '??9 <57 %'>+@ will !evise po!tions of this a!ea of law "e innin Ganua!y, %, '?%? fo! t!ust and Will documents that "ecame i!!evoca"le on o! afte! Ganua!y %, '??%. &"viously, you should consult an atto!ney !e a!din these issues. Cene!ally, at this time you can !efe! to 2!o"ate #ode =='%)??D'%)''. -. *dditional t!ust and elde! law issues. The followin is a discussion a"out fou! additional impo!tant topics.

* 5umma!y of #alifo!nia T!ustee 6esponsi"ilities, 7eneficia!y 6i hts, and Elde! 8aw (ssues David W. Tate, Esq.;;; 2a e E of 9

.i!st, conse!vato!ships. * conse!vato!ship is when a petition is filed with the #ou!t, and the #ou!t appoints a pe!son to handle and "e !esponsi"le fo! anothe! pe!son;s financial and/o! daily livin affai!s and needs. * conse!vato!ship may "e necessa!y when a pe!son in need cannot handle his o! he! affai!s and has not nominated anothe! pe!son to help th!ou h a t!ust o! powe! of atto!ney document, when the pe!son nominated is not suita"le, o! in the case of physical o! financial a"use. 5econd, a few comments a"out elde! a"use. Elde! a"use ta1es many fo!ms: physical, financial, ne lect, isolation, emotional, and influential, pe!suasive o! coe!cive. #alifo!nia has enacted statutes to help p!ovide specific !emedies, "e innin at Welfa!e L (nstitutions #ode =%->??. ( have wo!1ed on elde! a"use cases involvin t!usts and Wills; theft; ne lect; nu!sin homes and elde! ca!e; and undue influence. These cases p!esent challen in issues of evidence and p!oof. 5ee1 assistance if you "ecome awa!e of a possi"le situation of elde! a"use. Thi!d, you should also "e awa!e of 2!o"ate #ode =='%)-?D->, which state that ce!tain t!ansfe!s in t!usts and Wills may "e unlawful, such as ce!tain t!ansfe!s of assets to atto!neys, ca!e ive!s fiducia!ies and othe! nonDfamily mem"e!s. .ou!th and finally, a few comments a"out what to do when a t!usto! dies. *s a ene!al matte!, when a t!usto! dies, you should consult with a t!ust administ!ation atto!ney to ca!!yout the necessa!y le al and administ!ation tas1s. .o! e:ample, if the t!usto!s a!e hus"and and wife, upon the death of the fi!st to die it is typical that the assets a!e valued, and then allocated o! t!ansfe!!ed into two, th!ee o! mo!e t!usts. Aoweve!, due to the inc!eased fede!al estate ta: e:clusion, sometimes a decision is made not to divide the t!ust. *lthou h the use of a t!ust may avoid a need fo! p!o"ate, most li1ely the!e p!o"a"ly will "e ta:, accountin , dist!i"ution, asset title, and le al issues to add!ess. .ollowin the second to die, simila! issues will also need to "e add!essed. ( hope the info!mation is helpful, and ( wish you success with all of you! t!ust matte!s. &"viously, the a"ove discussion is a summa!y, and does not apply to you! pa!ticula! situation. 0ou should consult an atto!ney o! othe! app!op!iate p!ofessional a"out you! pa!ticula! situation. MMMMMMMMM

* 5umma!y of #alifo!nia T!ustee 6esponsi"ilities, 7eneficia!y 6i hts, and Elde! 8aw (ssues David W. Tate, Esq.;;; 2a e 9 of 9

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