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COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 1.

Link ABC: Assume clockwise Then, for point C

xC = (125 mm )
and for point D

xD = xC = (125 mm )
and for point E

xE =
Link DEFG: Thus

250 mm 2 xD = xD 3 375 mm

xD = ( 375 mm )

(125 mm ) = ( 375 mm )
1 3


G = 100 2 mm = 3 yG = G cos 45 =


2 mm

100 100 2 mm cos 45 = mm 3 3

Virtual Work:

Assume P acts downward at G

U = 0:

( 9000 N mm ) (180 N )( xE

mm ) + P ( yG mm ) = 0

2 100 = 0 9000 180 125 + P 3 3


P = 180.0 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 2.


FA = 20 lb at A
FD = 30 lb at D

Link ABC:

y A = (16 in.)

Link BF:

yF = yB

yB = (10 in.)
Link DEFG: or

yF = ( 6 in.) = (10 in.) = yG = (12 in.) = ( 20 in.)

d ED = 5 3

( 5.5 in.)2 + ( 4.8 in.)2


= 7.3 in.

D = ( 7.3 in.) = 7.3 in. 3 xD =

Virtual Work: 4.8 4.8 5 D = 7.3 in. = ( 8 in.) 7.3 7.3 3

Assume P acts upward at G

U = 0:
or or

FA y A + FD xD + P yG = 0

( 20 lb ) (16 in.) + ( 30 lb ) ( 8 in.) + P ( 20 in.) =0

P = 28.0 lb
P = 28.0 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 3.

Link ABC: Assume clockwise Then, for point C

xC = (125 mm )
and for point D

xD = xC = (125 mm )
and for point E

xE =
Link DEFG: Thus or Virtual Work:

250 mm 2 xD = xD 3 375 mm

xD = ( 375 mm )

(125 mm ) = ( 375 mm )
Assume M acts clockwise on link DEFG

1 3

U = 0:

( 9000 N mm ) (180 N )( xE

mm ) + M = 0

2 1 9000 180 125 + M = 0 3 3


M = 18000 N mm


M = 18.00 N m

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 4.


FA = 20 lb at A FD = 30 lb

at D

Link ABC:

y A = (16 in.) yB = (10 in.) yF = ( 6 in.) = (10 in.)


Link BF:

yF = yB

Link DEFG:

5 3

d ED =

( 5.5 in.)2 + ( 4.8 in.)2

5 3

= 7.3 in.

D = ( 7.3 in.) = 7.3 in.

xD =
Virtual Work: 4.8 4.8 5 D = 7.3 in. = ( 8 in.) 7.3 7.3 3 on DEFG 5 = 0 3 M = 28.0 lb ft

Assume M acts

U = 0:
or or

FA y A + FD xD + M = 0
( 20 lb ) (16 in.) + ( 30 lb ) ( 8 in.) + M

M = 336.0 lb in.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 5.


x A = 10 in.

yC = 4 in.
yD = yC = 4 in.


2 3 2

xG = 15 = 15 = 10 in. 3
Virtual Work: Assume that force P is applied at A.

U = 0:

U = P x A + 30 yC + 60 yD + 240 + 80 xG = 0
2 P (10 in.) + ( 30 lb )( 4 in.) + ( 60 lb )( 4 ) + ( 240 lb in.) 3 + ( 80 lb )(10 in.) = 0 10P + 120 + 240 + 160 + 800 = 0 10P = 1320
P = 132.0 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 6.

Note: xE = 2 x D xG = 3xD x H = 4 xD xI = 5 x D (a) Virtual Work:

xE = 2 xD
xG = 3 xD xH = 4 xD

x I = 5 xD

U = 0: FG xG FSP xI = 0

( 90 N )( 3 xD ) FSP ( 5 xD ) = 0
or Now FSP = k xI 54 N = ( 720 N/m ) xI xI = 0.075 m and FSP = 54.0 N

xD = x H = x I
xH = 4 4 xI = ( 0.075 m ) = 0.06 m 5 5 or xH = 60.0 mm

1 4

1 5

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System


Virtual Work:

U = 0: FG xG + FH xH FSP ( xI ) = 0

( 90 N )( 3 xD ) + ( 90 N )( 4 xD ) FSP ( 5 xD ) = 0
or Now
FSP = k xI FSP = 126.0 N

126.0 N = ( 720 N/m ) xI xI = 0.175 m From Part (a) xH = 4 4 xI = ( 0.175 m ) = 0.140 m 5 5 or xH = 140.0 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 7.

xE = 2 x D xG = 3xD xH = 4 xD

xE = 2 xD xG = 3 xD xH = 4 xD

xI = 5 xD
(a) Virtual Work:

xI = 5 x D

U = 0: FE xE FSP xI = 0

( 90 N )( 2 xD ) FSP ( 5 xD ) = 0
or Now
FSP = k xI

FSP = 36.0 N

36 N = ( 720 N/m ) xI xI = 0.050 m


xD = xH = xI
xH = 4 4 xI = ( 0.050 m ) = 0.04 m 5 5

1 4

1 5

xH = 40.0 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System


Virtual Work:

U = 0: FD xD + FE xE FSP xI = 0

( 90 N ) xD + ( 90 N )( 2 xD ) FSP ( 5 xD ) = 0
or Now
FSP = 54.0 N

FSP = k xI

54 N = ( 720 N/m ) xI
xI = 0.075 m

From Part (a)

xH =

4 4 xI = ( 0.075 ) = 0.06 m 5 5
xH = 60.0 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 8.

Assume y A

16 in.

8 in.

yC = y A

1 2

Bar CFDE moves in translation

yE = yF = yC = y A
Virtual Work:

1 2

U = 0: P ( y A in.) + (100 lb )( yE in.) + (150 lb )( yF in.) = 0

1 1 P y A + 100 y A + 150 y A = 0 2 2
P = 125 lb

P = 125 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 9.


y A = 2l cos ; CD = 2l sin ; 2

y A = 2l sin ( CD ) = l cos

Virtual Work:

U = 0: P y A Q ( CD ) = 0

P ( 2l sin ) Q l cos = 0 2
Q = 2P sin cos 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 10.

Virtual Work: Have

x A = 2l sin

x A = 2l cos
yF = 3l cos

yF = 3l sin
Virtual Work:

U = 0: Q x A + P yF = 0
Q ( 2l cos ) + P ( 3l sin ) = 0


3 P tan 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 11.

Virtual Work: We note that the virtual work of Ax , Ay and C is zero, since A is fixed and C is to xC .

U = 0:
xD = 3l cos yD = l sin

P xD + Q yD = 0

xD = 3l sin
yD = l cos


P ( 3l sin ) + Q ( l cos ) = 0

3Pl sin + Ql cos = 0


3P sin = 3P tan cos

Q = 3P tan

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 12.

x A = ( a + b ) cos yG = a sin

x A = ( a + b ) sin

yG = a cos

Virtual Work: The reactions at A and B are perpendicular to the displacements of A and B hence do no work.

U = 0:

T x A + W yG = 0
( a + b ) sin + W ( a cos ) = 0 T

T ( a + b ) sin + Wa cos = 0
T = a W cot a+b T = a W cot a+b

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 13.

Note: Where Then Also

yH = 2l sin l = 600 mm ( length of a link )

yH = 2l cos
1 1 1 W = mg = ( 450 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 2 2 2 = 2207.3 N

d AF

3 5 = l cos + l sin 4 4 = l 9 + 16sin 2 4

l 16sin cos 4 9 + 16sin 2

d AF =

= 4l

sin cos 9 + 16sin 2

Virtual Work:

U = 0:

1 Fcyl d AF W yH = 0 2

sin cos Fcyl 4l ( 2.2073 kN )( 2l cos ) = 0 9 + 16sin 2 Fcyl For = 30 sin 9 + 16sin 2 sin 30 9 + 16sin 2 30 = 1.10365 kN = 1.10365 kN or Fcyl = 7.96 kN


Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 14.

From solution of Problem 10.13: Fcyl Then for sin 9 + 16sin 2 = 1.10365 kN

Fcyl = 35 kN

( 35 kN )

sin 9 + 16sin 2

= 1.10365 kN

( 31.713 sin )2 = 9 + 16sin 2

sin 2 = 9 989.71 or

= 5.47

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 15.


yB = a sin yB = a cos yC = 2a sin yC = 2a cos

CDE: Note that as ABC rotates counterclockwise, CDE rotates clockwise while it moves to the left. Then or or Virtual Work:

yC = a
2a cos = a

= 2 cos

U = 0: P yB P yC + M = 0
P ( a cos ) P ( 2a cos ) + M ( 2cos ) = 0 or M = 3 Pa 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 16.

First note l sin +

3 l sin = l 2 2 (1 sin ) 3

or Then

sin =

2 cos = cos 3


2 cos 3 cos
= 5 + 8sin 4sin 2

Now Then

xC = l cos +

3 l cos 2 3 l sin 2

xC = l sin

2 cos 3 = l sin sin 2 3 cos

= l ( sin + cos tan )

= l sin + Virtual Work:

5 + 8sin 4sin

2cos (1 sin )

U = 0: M P xC = 0
M Pl sin + = 0 5 + 8sin 4sin 2
or M = Pl sin + 5 + 8sin 4sin 2 2cos (1 sin )

2 cos (1 sin )

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 17.

Have xB = l sin

xB = l cos
y A = l cos

y A = l sin
Virtual Work:

U = 0: M P xB + P y A = 0
M P ( l cos ) + P ( l sin ) = 0 M = Pl ( sin + cos )

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 18.


xD = l cos

xD = l sin
yD = 3l sin

yD = 3l cos
Virtual Work:

U = 0: M ( P cos ) xD ( P sin ) yD = 0

M ( P cos )( l sin ) ( P sin )( 3l cos ) = 0 M = Pl ( 3sin cos cos sin ) (a) For P directed along BCD, = Equation (1): M = Pl ( 3sin cos cos sin ) M = Pl ( 2sin cos )
(b) For P directed , = 90 Equation (1): M = Pl ( 3sin 90 cos cos 90 sin ) M = 3Pl cos (c) For P directed Equation (1): , = 180 M = Pl ( 3sin180 cos cos180 sin ) M = Pl sin 2


M = Pl sin

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 19.

Analysis of the geometry:

Law of Sines

sin sin = AB BC sin =


AB sin BC


xC = AB cos + BC cos

xC = AB sin BC sin
Now, from Equation (1) or From Equation (2)


cos =

AB cos BC

AB cos BC cos

xC = AB sin BC sin

AB cos BC cos

xC =

AB ( sin cos + sin cos ) cos

AB sin ( + ) cos


xC =

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Virtual Work:

U = 0: P xC M = 0
AB sin ( + ) M = 0 P cos


M = AB

sin ( + ) P cos


For the given conditions: P = 1.0 kip = 1000 lb, AB = 2.5 in., and BC = 10 in.: (a) When

= 30: sin =
M = ( 2.5 in.)

2.5 sin 30, 10

= 7.181

sin ( 30 + 7.181 ) cos 7.181

(1.0 kip ) = 1.5228 kip in.

= 0.1269 kip ft
or M = 126.9 lb ft

(b) When

= 150: sin =
M = ( 2.5 in.)

2.5 sin150, 10

= 7.181

sin (150 + 7.181 ) cos 7.181

(1.0 kip ) = 0.97722 kip in.

or M = 81.4 lb ft

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 20.

From the analysis of Problem 10.19, Now, with M = 75 lb ft = 900 lb in. (a) For = 60

M = AB

sin ( + ) P cos

sin =

2.5 sin 60, 10

= 12.504

( 900 lb in.) = ( 2.5 in.)

or (b) For = 120

sin ( 60 + 12.504 ) cos12.504

( P)
P = 369 lb

P = 368.5 lb

sin =

2.5 sin120, 10

= 12.504

( 900 lb in.) = ( 2.5 in.)


sin (120 + 12.504 ) cos12.504

( P)
P = 477 lb

P = 476.7 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 21.

Consider a virtual rotation Then B = a

of link AB.

Note that yB = B cos = a cos Disregarding the second-order rotation of link BC,

yC = yB = a cos
Then C =

yC a cos a = = sin sin tan

Virtual Work: U = 0:

M P C = 0

a = 0 M P tan or M tan = Pa Thus ( 27 N m ) tan30 = P ( 0.45 m ) P = 34.6 N

P = 34.6 N


Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 22.

Consider a virtual rotation Then B = a

of link AB.

Note that yB = B cos = a cos Disregarding the second-order rotation of link BC,

yC = yB = a cos
Then C =

yC a cos a = = sin sin tan

Virtual Work: U = 0:

M P C = 0 a = 0 M P tan or M tan = Pa Thus M tan 40 = (135 N )( 0.60 m ) M = 96.53 N m

M = 96.5 N m

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 23.

From geometry

y A = 2l cos ,

y A = 2l sin

CD = 2l sin
Virtual Work:

( CD ) = l cos

U = 0: P y A Q ( CD ) = 0

P ( 2l sin ) Q l cos = 0 2

Q = 2P

sin cos 2


P = 60 lb,

Q = 75 lb
sin cos 2

( 75 lb ) = 2 ( 60 lb )

sin = 0.625 cos 2


2sin cos 2 2 = 0.625 cos 2

= 36.42 = 36.4
(Additional solutions discarded as not applicable are = 180)

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 24.

From the solution to Problem 10.16 M = Pl sin + Substituting 13.5 N m = ( 60 N )( 0.25 m ) sin + or sin +
2cos (1 sin ) 5 + 8sin 4sin 2

5 + 8sin 4sin 2 2 cos (1 sin )

2cos (1 sin )

5 + 8sin 4sin

= 0.90

Solving numerically

= 57.5

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 25.


OC = r

cos =

OC r = OB xB

xB =

r cos r sin cos 2

xB =
y A = l cos ;
Virtual Work:

y A = l sin

U = 0: P ( y A ) Q xB = 0
Pl sin Q cos 2 = Qr Pl r sin = 0 cos 2

Then, with l = 15 in., r = 4.5 in., P = 15 lb, and Q = 30 lb

cos 2 =

( 30 lb )( 4.5 in.) (15 lb )(15 in.)

= 0.6

= 39.231

= 39.2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 26.


OC = r

cos =

OC r = OB xB

xB =

r cos r sin cos 2

xB =
y A = l cos ;
Virtual Work:

y A = l sin

U = 0: P ( y A ) Q xB = 0
Pl sin Q cos 2 = Qr Pl r sin = 0 cos 2

Then, with l = 14 in., r = 5 in., P = 75 lb, and Q = 150 lb

cos 2 =

(150 lb )( 5 in.) ( 75 lb )(14 in.)

= 0.7143

= 32.3115

= 32.3

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 27.

We have

x A = ( a + b ) cos yG = a sin

x A = ( a + b ) sin

y A = a cos

Virtual Work: The reactions at A and B are perpendicular to the displacements of A and B hence do no work.

U = 0: T x A + W yG = 0
T ( a + b ) sin + W ( a cos ) = 0

T ( a + b ) sin + Wa cos = 0 or We have

T =

a W cot a+b

sin =

( 42 in.) BD BD = = AB a + b ( 42 in.) + ( 28 in.)

sin = 0.600

= 36.87

T =

( 42 in.) (160 lb ) cot 36.87 42 in. ( ) + ( 28 in.)

T = 128.0 lb

= 127.99 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 28.

Note that

y A = ( 0.15 m ) tan yB = ( 0.15 m ) tan + ( 0.9 m ) sin


y A = ( 0.15 m ) sec2 yB = ( 0.15 m ) sec2 + ( 0.9 m ) cos

Virtual Work:

U = 0: Q y A + P yB = 0
2 or (135 N ) ( 0.15 m ) sec

2 + ( 75 N ) ( 0.15 m ) sec + ( 0.9 m ) cos = 0

or 20.25 sec2 11.25sec2 + 67.5cos = 0 or 31.5 + 67.5cos3 = 0 cos3 = 0.4667 or

= 39.1

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 29.

First note


BCD is isosceles

Then BCD = BDC = and BE = l sin = 2l sin or sin =

1 sin 2 1 cos 2

Then cos = or = Now

1 cos 2 cos

xC = 2l cos l cos = l ( 2cos cos )


xD = 2l cos + l cos = l ( 2cos + cos )

xC = l ( 2sin + sin )
= l ( sin cos tan )

xD = l ( 2sin sin )
= l ( sin + cos tan )

FSP = kxSP = k ( 3l xD )
= kl 3 ( 2cos + cos )
Virtual Work:

U = 0: P xC FSP xD = 0

Then P l ( sin cos tan ) kl 3 ( 2 cos + cos ) l ( sin + cos tan ) = 0

sin + cos tan or P = kl 3 ( 2cos + cos ) sin cos tan tan + tan = kl 3 ( 2cos + cos ) tan tan
Now sin =

1 1 sin = sin 25 2 2

or = 12.1991

N tan 25 + tan12.1991 P = 1600 ( 0.150 m )( 3 2cos12.1991 cos 25 ) m tan 25 tan12.1991

or P = 90.9 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 30.

yE =

x x x + = 3 6 2

yE =

1 x 2

Linear Spring: FSP = ks = ( 5000 N/m )( x 0.30 m ) Virtual Work: U = 0

U = FSP x + P E = 0
1 ( 5000 N/m )( x 0.30 m ) x + ( 900 N ) x = 0 2 5000 x + 1500 + 450 = 0 x = 0.390 m or x = 390 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 31.

yC =

x 6

yC =

1 x 6

Linear Spring: Virtual Work:

FSP = ks = ( 5000 N/m )( x 0.30 m )

U = 0
U = FSP x + P yC = 0
1 ( 5000 N/m )( x 0.30 m ) x + ( 900 N ) x = 0 6 5000 x + 1500 + 150 = 0 x = 0.330 m or x = 330 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 32.

First note:

yD = ( 250 mm ) sin x A = 2 ( 300 mm ) cos

yD = ( 250 mm ) cos x A = ( 600 mm ) sin ( )

Also, the spring force

FSP = k x A ( x A )0
= ( 2.5 N/mm )( 600cos 600 cos 45 )( mm ) = (1500 N )( cos cos 45 )

Virtual Work:

U = 0:

or Solving numerically

( 250 N ) yD FSP xA = 0 ( 250 N )( 250 mm ) cos (1500 N )( cos 5 72 tan ( cos cos 45 ) = 0

cos 45 )( 600 mm ) sin = 0

= 15.03 and 36.9

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 33.

From geometry:

xC = 2 (15 in.) cos yB = (15 in.) sin s = ( 30 30cos ) in.

= 30 (1 cos ) in. Then

xC = ( 30 in.) sin yB = (15 in.) cos ( )

FSP = ks = (12.5 lb/in.) 30 (1 cos ) in.

= ( 375 lb )(1 cos ) Virtual Work:

U = 0:
or or or Solving numerically,

P yB + FSP xC = 0

(150 lb )(15 in.) cos

+ ( 375 lb )(1 cos ) ( 30in.) sin =0

2250cos 11250 (1 cos ) sin = 0

(1 cos ) tan

= 0.200

= 40.22 = 40.2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 34.

From geometry:

xC = 2 (15 in.) cos yB = (15 in.) sin s = ( 30 30cos ) in.

= 30 (1 cos ) in. Then

xC = ( 30 in.) sin yB = (15 in.) cos

FSP = ks = (12.5 lb/in.) 30 (1 cos ) in.

= ( 375 lb )(1 cos ) Virtual Work:

U = 0:

P yB + FSP xC = 0
P (15 in.)( cos 25 ) + ( 375 lb )(1 cos 25 ) ( 30 in.)( sin 25 ) =0


P = 32.8 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 35.

s = r

s = r
Spring is unstretched at = 0

FSP = ks = k r xC = l sin

xC = l cos

Virtual Work:

U = 0:

P xC FSP s = 0 P ( l cos ) k r ( r ) = 0

Pl = 2 cos kr

Thus or

( 40 lb )(12 in.) ( 9 lb/in.)( 5 in.)2

cos = 2.1333


= 1.054 rad = 60.39

= 60.4

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 36.

y A = l sin

y A = l cos
Spring: Unstretched when so that For :
v = CD

v0 = 2l

90 + v = 2l sin 2

v = l cos 45 +
Stretched length:

s = v v0 = 2l sin 45 + 2l 2
Then Virtual Work:

F = ks = kl 2sin 45 + 2 2

U = 0: P y A F v = 0
Pl cos kl 2sin 45 + 2 l cos 45 + = 0 2 2

P 1 = kl cos = 1 cos

2sin 45 + cos 45 + 2 cos 45 + 2 2 2 2sin 45 + cos 45 + cos 2 cos 45 + 2 2 2

cos 45 + 2 =1 2 cos

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Now, with P = 150 lb, l = 30 in., and k = 40 lb/in.

(150 lb ) ( 40 lb/in.)( 30 in.)

or Solving numerically,

cos 45 + 2 =1 2 cos cos 45 + 2 = 0.61872 cos

= 17.825 = 17.83

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 37.

From geometry:

y A = l sin

y A = l cos
xC = l cos + l sin
= l ( cos + sin )

yC = l sin l cos
= l ( sin cos )
lCD = l

( cos

+ sin ) + ( sin cos ) ( 1)


= l 3 + 2sin 2 cos

lCD = l

cos + sin 3 + 2sin 2 cos

FSP = k ( lCD l )
= kl

3 + 2sin 2 cos 1

Virtual Work: or

U = 0:

P y A FSP lCD = 0

P ( l cos ) kl 1 1

cos + sin 3 + 2sin 2cos 1 l = 0 3 + 2sin 2cos


P (1 + tan ) = kl 3 + 2sin 2cos = 600 N ( 4000 N/m )( 0.8m )

= 0.1875 Solving numerically

= 10.77

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 38.


yC = ( 375 mm ) tan

yC = ( 375 mm ) sec2

S = ( 75 mm )
FSP = kyC = ( 0.8 N/mm )( 375 mm ) tan = ( 300 N ) tan Virtual Work:

U = 0:

P S FSP yC = 0

( 480 N )( 75 mm )
or 3.125 tan sec2 = 1 Solving numerically,

( 300 N ) tan ( 375 mm ) sec 2 = 0

= 16.41

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 39.

Have Virtual Work:

y A = l sin

y A = l cos

U = 0:

P y A M = 0 Pl cos K = 0

or Thus


= =

Pl K


( 2000 N )( 0.25 m ) ( 225 N m/rad )

cos Solving numerically

= 2.2222 rad

= 61.2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 40.


y A = l sin

y A = l cos

Virtual Work:

U = 0:

P y A M = 0 Pl cos K = 0



Pl K

Then or


( 6300 N )( 0.25 m ) = 7 rad ( 225 N m/rad )

5 reveals three points of intersection, and thus 2

= 7 cos

Plotting y = and y = 7 cos in the range 0 three roots:

Then, for each range

0 < < 90 0 < < : 2

3 270 < < 360 < < 2 : 2 5 360 < < 450 2 < < : 2

= 1.37333 rad = 5.6522 rad = 6.6160 rad

or or or

= 78.7
= 324 = 379

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 41.


d AC = 212 + 7.22 = 22.2 in.

tan =

7.2 21


= 18.9246

= +
2 d AB = 22.22 + 102 2 ( 22.2 )(10 ) cos

By Law of Cosines:
d AB = 592.84 444 cos ( in.)


d AB =
By Virtual Work:

222sin ( in.) 592.84 444cos

U = 0:

P yD Fcyl d AB = 0

(120 lb )(8 in.) Fcyl

Fcyl =

222 sin 592.84 444cos

in. = 0

4.3243 592.84 444 cos ( lb ) sin

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Given data: Thus

= 60, = 60 + 18.9246 = 78.9246

Fcyl = 4.3243 592.84 444cos 78.9246 ( lb ) sin 78.9246

= 99.270 lb
d AB = 592.84 444cos 78.9246 = 22.529 in.
By Law of Sines:
10 22.529 = sin sin 78.9246


= 25.824
Fcyl = 99.3 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 42.


d AC = 212 + 7.22 = 22.2 in.

tan =

7.2 21


= 18.9246

= +
2 d AB = 22.22 + 102 2 ( 22.2 )(10 ) cos

By Law of Cosines:

d AB = 592.84 444 cos ( in.)


d AB =
By Virtual Work:

222sin ( in.) 592.84 444cos

U = 0:

P yD Fcyl d AB = 0

(120 lb )(8 in.) Fcyl

Fcyl =

222 sin 592.84 444cos

in. = 0

4.3243 592.84 444 cos ( lb ) sin

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System


105 lb =

4.3243 592.84 444 cos ( lb ) sin

24.28125 sin = 592.84 444cos

589.5791sin 2 = 592.84 444 cos

589.5791 1 cos 2 = 592.84 444 cos

cos 2 0.75307 cos + 0.0055309 = 0


= 41.785 and = 89.575

= = 18.9246

= 22.9 and = 70.7

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 43.

First note

+ = 90 + = 90
= (length of cord unwound for rotation )

and Now and or

s = a

yO = a (1 cos ) (Distance O moves down for rotation ) yP = s + y yP = a + a (1 cos ) (Distance P moves down for
rotation )


yP = ( a + a sin )

By the Law of Cosines

2 lSP = ( 4a ) + ( 2a ) 2 ( 4a )( 2a ) cos 2 2

or and

lSP = 2a 5 4cos

lSP =

4a sin 5 4 cos

FSP = k lSP ( lSP )0 = k 2a 5 4 cos 2a = 2ka

5 4 cos 1

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

By Virtual Work:

U = 0:

P yP FSP lSP = 0 P ( a + a sin ) 2ka

4a sin 5 4cos 1 5 4 cos

= 0


P (1 + sin ) sin 5 4cos + sin = 0 ka 8 12 lb (1 + sin ) sin 5 4cos + sin = 0 8 (15 lb/in.)( 7.5 in.) 1 75 (1 + sin ) sin 5 4cos + sin = 0


Solving numerically,

= 15.27

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 44.

2a For Bar CD, using Law of Cosines

2 2 a 2 = lC + lD 2lC lD cos 55

For Bar ABC:


(where a = 15 in. )

Then with a = constant, we have 0 = 2lC lC + 2lD lD 2 ( lC ) lD cos 55 2lC ( lD ) cos 55


lC = yC :

( lC
Thus Then

lD cos 55 ) yC = ( lD lC cos55 ) lD and

For the given position of member CD, CDE is isosceles.

lD = a

lC = 2a cos 55
= a 2a cos 2 55 yD

( 2a cos 55 a cos 55 ) yC
lD =
cos 55 yC 1 2cos 2 55


By Virtual Work:

U = 0:

M P lD = 0
cos 55 y M C P yC = 0 2 2a 1 2 cos 55

or Thus for given data


M 1 2cos 2 55 2a cos 55


( 320 lb in.) 2 (15 in.)

1 2cos 2 55 = 6.3605 lb cos 55

P = 6.36 lb


Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 45.

We have x A = (10 in.) sin + ( 24 in.) cos

xA = (10 cos 24sin ) in.

Law of Cosines:

( CD )2 = ( BC )2 + ( BD )2 2 ( BC )( BD ) cos
= ( 20 in.) + ( 60 in.) 2 ( 20 in.)( 60 in.) cos
2 2

= 4000 in 2 2400 in 2 cos

2 = 400 (10 6cos ) in

) (


2 ( CD ) ( CD ) = 2400 in 2 sin

( CD ) =
or Virtual Work:

(1200 in )

20 10 6 cos in.


60 sin ( CD ) = in. 10 6 cos

U = P x A + FCD ( CD ) = 0

( 4000 lb ) (10 cos 60 24sin 60 ) in.

FCD = 3214.9 lb

60sin 60 + FCD in. = 0 10 6 cos 60

FCD = 3.21 kips

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 46.

Triangle ADE:

tan =

( 2.7 ft ) (1.5 ft )

= 1.800

= 60.945
AD =

( 2.7 ft )
sin 60.945

= 3.0887 ft

yC = (15 ft ) sin

yC = (15 ft ) cos

Law of Cosines: BD 2 = AB 2 + AD 2 2 ( AB )( AD ) cos ( + )

= ( 7.2 ft ) + ( 3.0887 ft ) 2 ( 7.2 ft )( 3.0887 ft ) cos ( + )

2 = 61.38 44.4773cos ( + ) ft

2 ( BD )( BD ) = 44.4773 sin ( + )

BD =

Virtual Work:

44.4773 sin ( + ) 2 ( BD )


U = 0: P yC + FBD BD = 0
44.4773sin ( + ) ( 500 lb )(15 ft ) cos + FBD ft = 0 2 ( BD ) cos FBD = 337.25 BD lb sin ( + )
We have = 20

BD 2 = 61.38 44.4773 cos ( 60.945 + 20 )

BD = 7.3743 ft

FBD = 337.25

cos 20 ( 7.3743) lb sin ( 60.945 + 20 )

FBD = 2370 lb

= 2366.5 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 47.

Input work = P x Output work = (W sin ) x


W sin x P x



W sin P
P = W sin + F

(1) (2)

Fx = 0: P F W sin = 0 Fy = 0: N W cos = 0


N = W cos

F = N = W cos
Equation (2): Equation (1):

P = W sin + W cos = W ( sin + cos )

W sin W ( sin + cos )


1 1 + cot

If block is to remain in place when P = 0, we know (see page 416) that s or, since

= tan s ,
Multiply by cot : Add 1 to each side: Recalling the expression for , we find

tan cot tan cot = 1

1 + cot 2

1 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 48.

Link BC:

xB = l cos

xB = l sin
or xB = l sin
yC = l sin

yC = l cos
Link AB: Thus

xB =

1 l 2

1 l = l sin 2 = 2sin

Virtual Work:

U = 0:

M max ( P + s N ) yC = 0 M max ( 2sin ) ( P + s N ) ( l cos ) = 0

P + s N l 2 tan Link BC Free-Body Diagram: M max =

+ M B = 0:

N ( l sin ) ( P + s N ) l cos = 0
N tan P s N = 0

or N = Substituting N into relationship for M max :

P tan s

P+ M max =

s P Pl ( tan s + s ) tan s l = 2 tan 2 tan ( tan s )

M max = 2 ( tan s ) Pl

For s tan , we have M max = ; the system becomes self-locking.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 49.

Largest value of M is obtained from the solution of Problem 10.48

M max =

2 ( tan s )


Thus M max =

( 400 N )( 0.500 m ) 2 ( tan 35 0.30 )

= 249.87 N m
M max = 250 N m

Smallest value of M occurs when the friction force in Problem 10.48 is directed upward instead of downward. The equations obtained in Problem 10.48 may be used if we replace s by s . Thus

M min =

P s N l 2 tan

N =

P tan + s
2 ( tan + s ) Pl


M min =


M min =

( 400 N )( 0.500 m ) 2 ( tan 35 + 0.30 )

= 99.98 N m
M min = 100.0 N m

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 50.

For the linkage:

M B = 0: x A +
Then: Now

xA P=0 2



P 2

F = s A = s
x A = 2l sin

P 1 = s P 2 2

x A = 2l cos

yF = 3l cos

yF = 3l sin
Virtual Work:

U = 0:

( Qmax

F ) x A + P yF = 0

1 Qmax s P ( 2l cos ) + P ( 3l sin ) = 0 2


Qmax =

3 1 P tan + s P 2 2 Qmax = P ( 3tan + s ) 2

For Qmin , motion of A impends to the right and F acts to the left. We change s to s and find

Qmin =

P ( 3tan s ) 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 51.

Using the results of Problem 10.50 with

= 30, l = 0.2 m, P = 40 N, and s = 0.15

We have

Qmax =

P ( 3tan + s ) 2

( 40 N )

( 3tan 30 + 0.15)

= 37.64 N
Qmax = 37.6 N

Qmin =

P ( 3tan s ) 2

( 40 N )

( 3tan 30 0.15)

= 31.64 N
Qmin = 31.6 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 52.

Recall Figure 8.9a. Draw force triangle

Q = W tan ( + s ) y = x tan so that y = x tan Input work = Q x = W tan ( + s ) x Output work = W y = W ( x ) tan

W tan x ; W tan ( + s ) x

tan tan ( + s )

From page 432, we know the jack is self-locking if

Then so that From above

+ s 2
tan ( + s ) tan 2

tan tan ( + s )

It then follows that

tan 2 =

tan tan 2


2 tan 1 tan 2


tan 1 tan 2 2 tan

) = 1 tan

1 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 53.

To determine Ay, consider a vertical displacement y A :

Note that y A = yB = yC

300 mm
240 mm



750 mm
360 mm


or yE = 2.5 y A or yG =



360 ( 2.5 y A ) = 3.75 y A 240

Virtual Work:

U = 0: Ay y A + ( 960 N ) yB ( 240 N ) yG = 0
Ay y A + ( 960 N ) y A ( 240 N )( 3.75 y A ) = 0

Ay = 60 N or A y = 60 N
To determine A x , consider a horizontal displacement x A : Virtual Work: U = 0: Thus the total force reaction is: To determine M A , consider a counterclockwise rotation A :
Ax x A = 0, or Ax = 0

A = 60.0 N

Note that

yB = 600 A

yC = 900 A

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

300 mm


750 mm


or yE = or yG =

750 ( 900 A ) = 2250 A 300 360 ( 2250 A ) = 3375 A 240

240 mm


360 mm


Virtual Work:

U = 0:

M A A + ( 960 N ) yB ( 240 N ) yG = 0 M A A + ( 960 N )( 600 A mm ) ( 240 N )( 3375 A mm ) = 0

M A = 234000 N mm,
or M = 234 N m

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 54.

To determine Dy , consider a vertical displacement yD :

Note that

300 mm

yD yE

1050 mm



yE = 3.5 yD

240 mm
Virtual Work:

360 mm



yG =

360 ( 3.5 yD ) = 5.25 yD 240

U = 0: Dy yD + ( 240 N ) yG = 0
Dy yD + ( 240 N )( 5.25 yD ) = 0

Dy = 1260 N

D y = 1.260 kN

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 55.

From the solution of Problem 10.41

Fcyl = 99.270 lb
By Virtual Work:

U = 0:

Fcyl ( d AB ) P yD = 0

( 99.270 lb )( d AB ) (120 lb )(1.2 in.) = 0

d AB = 1.45059 in.
or d AB = 1.451 in. ( shorter )

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 56.

From Problem 10.46

FBD = 2370 lb as shown.

By Virtual Work: Assume both yC and BD increase.

U = 0:

( 500 lb ) yC + FBD BD = 0 ( 500 lb )( 2.5 in.) + ( 2370 lb ) BD = 0

BD = 0.5274 in.
Thus BD = 0.527 in. Longer

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 57.

Apply vertical load P at C: M B = 0: (12 m ) J y ( 3 m ) P = 0

Jy =

P 4

Fx = 0: J x = 0 Fy = 0:

P 3 FFG = 0 4 5
5 P (T) 12

Virtual Work:

Remove member FG and replace it with forces FFG and FFG at pins F and G, respectively. Denoting the virtual displacements of F and G as rF and rG , respectively, and noting that P and yC have the same direction, have by virtual work.

U = 0: P yC + FFG rF + ( FFG ) rG = 0
P yC + FFG rF cos F FFG rG cos G = 0 P yC FFG ( rG cos G rF cos F ) = 0
Where ( rG cos G rF cos F ) = FG , which is the change in length of member FG. Thus

P yC FFG FG = 0
5 P yC P ( 30 mm ) = 0 12

yC = 12.50 mm
or yC = 12.50 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 58.

Apply a horizontal load P at C: Fx = 0: P J x = 0 J x = P M B = 0: (12 m ) J y ( 2.25 m ) P = 0

Jy =
Fy = 0:

3 P 16 3 3 P FFG = 0 16 5 5 P (T) 16

Virtual Work:

Remove member FG and replace it with forces FFG and FFG at pins F and G, respectively. Since P and xC have the same direction, and since
FFG tends to decrease the length FG, have by virtual work.

U = 0: P xC FFG FG = 0
5 P xC P ( 30 mm ) = 0 16

xC = 9.375 mm
or xC = 9.38 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 59.


s = x 0.3 m
yE = x x x = 3 6 2

Potential Energy:

V =

1 2 ks + WyE 2

1 2 x k ( x 0.3) W 2 2

For equilibrium:

dV 1 = k ( x 0.3) W = 0 dx 2

( 5000 N/m )( x 0.3) m ( 900 N ) = 0


1 2

x = 0.390 m

x = 390 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 60.


( xSP )0

= 300 mm

k = 5 kN/m
From geometry:

1 x yC = 3 2


x 6

sSP = x ( xSP )0

= ( x 0.3) m
Potential Energy:

1 2 1 k ( x 0.3) + FC x 2 6
k ( x 0.3) 1 FC = 0 6 1 6

For equilibrium:

dV = 0: dx

( 5000 N/m )( x 0.3) m ( 900 N ) = 0

or x = 0.330 m
x = 330 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 61.


k = 2.5 kN/m

( SSP )0 = 0


= 45

From geometry:

yD = ( 0.25 m ) sin

( xSP )0 = 2 ( 0.3 m ) cos 45

S SP = ( xSP )0 x A = ( 0.6 m ) cos 45 2 ( 0.3 m ) cos = ( 0.6 m )( cos 45 cos ) Potential Energy:

= 1 2 2 k ( 0.6 m ) ( cos 45 cos ) ( 250 N ) ( 0.25 m ) sin 2

For equilibrium:

dV = 0: d k ( 0.36 )( sin )( cos 45 cos ) + 62.5cos = 0

or or Solving numerically and

tan ( cos 45 cos ) =

( 2500 N/m ) ( 0.36 m 2 )

62.5 N m

tan ( cos 45 cos ) = 0.06944

= 15.03 = 36.9

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 62.

k = 12.5 s=0

lb in.

P = 150 lb

when = 0

From geometry: yB = (15 in.) sin s = 30 in. 2 (15 in.) cos = ( 30 in.)(1 cos ) Potential Energy:

V = VSP + VP
= = For equilibrium 1 2 ks + P yB 2 1 2 2 k ( 30 in.) (1 cos ) + P (15 in.) sin 2

dV = 0: d
or or Solving numerically,

k 900 in 2 (1 cos )( sin ) (15 in.) cos P = 0

lb 12.5 900 in 2 (1 cos )( sin ) (15 in.)(150 lb ) cos = 0 in. 11250 (1 cos )( sin ) 2250 cos = 0

(1 cos ) tan

= 0.200

= 40.22

= 40.2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 63.

k = 12.5 s=0

lb in.

= 25

when = 0

From geometry:

yB = (15 in.) sin s = 30 in. 2 (15 in.) cos

= ( 30 in.)(1 cos )

Potential Energy:

V = VSP + VP
= =

1 2 ks + P yB 2 1 2 2 k ( 30 in.) (1 cos ) + P (15 in.) sin 2

For equilibrium

dV = 0: d
k 900 in 2 (1 cos )( sin ) (15 in.) cos P = 0


lb 12.5 900 in 2 (1 cos 25)( sin 25) (15 in.)( cos 25) P = 0 in. or
P = 32.8 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 64.


90 + v = 2l sin 2

v = 2l sin 45 + 2
Unstretched ( = 0 )

v0 = 2l sin 45 =
Deflection of spring


s = v v0 = 2l sin 45 + 2l 2
V = 1 2 1 ks + Py A = kl 2 2sin 45 + 2 + P ( l sin ) 2 2 2

dV = kl 2 2sin 45 + 2 cos 45 + Pl cos = 0 d 2 2 P 2sin 45 + cos 45 + 2 cos 45 + = cos 2 2 2 kl

P cos 2 cos 45 + = cos 2 kl

Divide each member by cos

cos 45 + 2 P = 1 2 cos kl

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Then with P = 150 lb, l = 30 in. and k = 40 lb/in.

cos 45 + 2 150 lb 1 2 = cos 40 lb/in. ( )( 30 in.)

= 0.125

or Solving numerically,

cos 45 + 2 = 0.618718 cos

= 17.83

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 65.

From geometry:

y A = l sin
lCD = l

( cos

+ sin ) + 1 ( cos sin )


= l 3 + 2sin 2 cos

sSP = ( lCD l )

3 + 2sin 2 cos 1

Potential Energy:

For equilibrium:


kl 2 1

V = VSP + VP 1 2 = ksSP + Py A 2 2 1 = kl 2 3 + 2sin 2cos 1 + P ( l sin ) 2 dV = 0: d cos + sin 3 + 2sin 2cos 1 P l cos = 0 3 + 2sin 2 cos 1 P (1 + tan ) = kl 3 + 2sin 2cos 600 N = ( 4000 N/m )( 0.8 m ) = 0.1875

Solving numerically

= 10.77

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 66.

From geometry
yC = d AC tan d AC = 375 mm

yP = r
Potential Energy:

r = 75 mm
1 2 kyC PyP 2

V = VSP + VP = =
For equilibrium:

1 2 kd AC tan 2 P r 2

dV = 0: d

2 tan sec 2 P r = 0 kd AC

( 0.8 N/mm )( 375 mm )2 tan sec2 ( 480 N )( 75 mm ) = 0

3.125 tan sec2 = 1
Solving numerically

= 16.41

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 67.

Since Also Potential Energy:

xC = xD ,

125 = 375 ,


250 xE = ( 250 mm ) = mm 3
V = M + Q xE PyG

= M +
For Equilibrium:

250 100 Q P 3 3 250 100 Q P=0 3 3


dV =: d

M +

Thus at equilibrium, V is constant and the equilibrium is neutral.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 68.

First note For small , :

y B = yF yB = (10 in.) yF = ( 6 in.) 10 = 6


Also y A = (16 in.) yG = (12 in.) = ( 20 in.) h + xD ( h = constant ) = h + ( 8 in.) xD = ( 4.8 in.) = ( 8 in.) Potential Energy: V = VFA + VP + VW = FA y A PyG + Wyw
= ( 20 lb )(16 in.) P ( 20 in.) + ( 30 lb ) ( h + 8 ) in. = ( 320 20 P 240 ) 30 h ( lb in.)

5 3

For equilibrium:

dV =0 d

320 20 P 240 = 0 V is a constant therefore equilibrium is neutral. Q.E.D.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 69.

Potential Energy: l l V = W cos W sin 2 2 = Wl ( cos + sin ) 2

dV Wl = ( sin cos ) d 2

For equilibrium: dV = 0: d sin cos = 0 tan = 1

= 45 and = 135
Stability: d 2V Wl = ( cos + sin ) 2 d 2

= 45: = 135:

d 2V Wl = ( 0.707 + 0.707 ) > 0 2 d 2 d 2V Wl = ( 0.707 0.707 ) < 0 2 d 2

Stable Unstable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 70.

Potential Energy: l l V = WCD cos WAB sin 2 2

= WCD l WAB sin cos + 2 WCD

But Thus

WAB m AB g 300 = = = 0.6 WCD mCD g 500 V = WCD l ( cos + 0.6sin ) 2

dV l = WCD ( sin 0.6cos ) d 2 For Equilibrium: dV = 0: d sin 0.6cos = 0 tan = 0.6

= 31.0 and = 149.0

Stability: d 2V l = WCD ( cos + 0.6sin ) 2 2 d

= 31.0 :

d 2V l = WCD ( cos 31.0 + 0.6sin 31.0 ) > 0 2 2 d Stable d V l cos ( 149.0 ) + 0.6sin ( 149.0 ) = WCD 2 2 d

= 149.0:

l 0.8572 + 0.6 ( 0.5150 ) <0 2 Unstable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 71.

Let each rod be of length L and weight W. Then the potential energy V is

L L V = W sin + W cos 2 2 2

dV W = L cos WL sin 2 d 2
For equilibrium

dV W = 0: L cos WL sin 2 = 0 d 2
cos 2sin 2 = 0

Solving numerically or using a computer algebra system, such as Maple, gives four solutions:

= 1.570796327 rad = 90.0 = 1.570796327 rad = 270 = 0.2526802551 rad = 14.4775 = 2.888912399 rad = 165.522

1 d 2V = WL sin 2WL cos 2 2 2 d

1 = WL sin + 2cos 2 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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At = 14.4775

d 2V 1 2 (14.4775 ) = WL sin14.4775 + 2cos 2 2 d = 1.875WL ( < 0 )

At = 90
= 14.48, Unstable

d 2V 1 = WL sin 90 + 2 cos180 2 d 2 = 1.5WL ( > 0 )

At = 165.522
= 90, Stable

d 2V 1 = WL sin165.522 + 2cos ( 2 165.522 ) 2 d 2 = 1.875WL ( < 0 )

At = 270
= 165.5, Unstable

d 2V 1 = WL sin 270 + 2cos 540 2 d 2 = 2.5WL ( > 0 )

= 270, Stable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 72.

Potential energy

l l V = W cos1.5 + W cos 2 2
dV Wl Wl = ( 1.5sin1.5 ) + ( sin ) d 2 2 = Wl (1.5sin1.5 + sin ) 2

W = mg

d 2V Wl = ( 2.25cos1.5 + cos ) 2 2 d
For equilibrium

dV = 0: 1.5sin1.5 + sin = 0 d

Solutions: One solution, by inspection, is = 0, and a second angle less than 180 can be found numerically:

= 2.4042 rad = 137.8

Now At = 0:

d 2V Wl = ( 2.25cos1.5 + cos ) 2 d 2 d 2V Wl = ( 2.25cos 0 + cos 0 ) 2 d 2

At = 137.8:

Wl ( 3.25) ( < 0 ) 2

= 0, Unstable

d 2V Wl 2.25cos (1.5 137.8 ) + cos137.8 = 2 2 d

Wl ( 2.75) ( > 0 ) 2

= 137.8, Stable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 73.

Potential Energy

V =

1 K 2 Pl sin 2

dV = K Pl cos d
d 2V = K + Pl sin d 2
Equilibrium: For

dV K = 0: cos = d Pl

P = 2 kN,

l = 250 mm,
cos =

K = 225 N m/rad

225 N m/rad ( 2000 N )( 0.25 m )

= 0.450
Solving numerically, we obtain

= 1.06896 rad = 61.247 = 61.2

d 2V = ( 225 N m/rad ) + ( 2000 N )( 0.25 m ) sin 61.2 > 0 d 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 74.

Potential Energy

V =

1 K 2 Pl sin 2

dV = K Pl cos d
d 2V = K + Pl sin d 2
Equilibrium For

dV K = 0: cos = d Pl

P = 6.3 kN, l = 250 mm, and K = 225 N m/rad

cos = 225 N m/rad ( 6300 N )( 0.25 m )
cos =

or Solving numerically,

= 1.37333 rad, 5.652 rad, and 6.616 rad = 78.7, 323.8, 379.1
d 2V = ( 225 N m/rad ) + ( 6300 N )( 0.25 m ) sin 78.7 d 2

Stability At = 78.7:

= 1769.5 N m > 0
At = 323.8:

= 78.7, Stable

d 2V = ( 225 N m/rad ) + ( 6300 N )( 0.25 m ) sin 323.8 d 2

= 705.2 N m < 0
At = 379.1:

= 324, Unstable

d 2V = ( 225 N m/rad ) + ( 6300 N )( 0.25 m ) sin 379.1 d 2

= 740.37 N m > 0

= 379, Stable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 75.


ySP = r ( 0 ) , yB = l AB cos ,

r = 4 in., l AB = 18 in.

0 = 20 =


Potential Energy:
V = =

1 2 kySP + WyB 2 1 2 2 kr ( 0 ) + Wl AB cos 2

dV = kr 2 ( 0 ) Wl AB sin d d 2V = kr 2 Wl AB cos d 2

For equilibrium:
dV = 0: d

( 4.5 lb/in.)( 4 in.)2

W (18 in.) sin = 0 9 4 W = 2.47 lb

W = 2.4683 lb

d 2V 2 = ( 4.5 lb/in.)( 4 in.) ( 2.4683 lb )(18 in.) cos 2 4 d = 40.6 lb in. > 0 Stable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 76.


ySP = r ( 0 ) ,

r = 4 in.,

0 = 20 =


yB = l AB cos , Potential Energy:

V =

l AB = 18 in.

1 2 kySP + WyB 2 1 2 = kr 2 ( 0 ) + Wl AB cos 2

dV = kr 2 ( 0 ) Wl AB sin d d 2V = kr 2 Wl AB cos d 2 For equilibrium: dV = 0: d

( 4.5 lb/in.)( 4 in.)2

( 6.6 lb )(18 in.) sin = 0 9

Solving numerically: Stability:

1.65sin = 0 9 = 1.90680 rad

= 109.252
d 2V 2 = ( 4.5 lb/in.)( 4 in.) ( 6.6 lb )(18 in.) cos109.252 d 2 = 111.171 lb in. > 0

= 109.3


Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 77.

Note: y = 20

(11)2 ( 20 x )2 in.

= 20 x 2 + 40 x 279 in.

Potential Energy:
V =

1 1 2 2 k ( x 7.5 ) + k ( y 7.5) + WA ( 20 ) + WB y 2 2

1 1 2 k ( x 7.5 ) + k 12.5 x 2 + 40 x 279 2 2 Equilibrium Condition: =

+ 20WA + WB 20 x 2 + 40 x 279

dV = 0: dx

40 2 x k ( x 7.5 ) + k 12.5 x 2 + 40 x 279 2 x 2 + 40 x 279

WB Simplifying,

40 2 x 2 x + 40 x 279


12.5 k ( x 20 ) + 12.5k x 2 + 40 x 279 + WB ( x 20 ) = 0 Substituting

k = 1 lb/in.,

WB = 10 lb:

12.5 (1 lb/in.) ( x 20 ) in. + 12.5 (1 lb/in.)

x 2 + 40 x 279 in. + (10 lb ) ( x 20 ) in. =0

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

or or or or Then or Since

( x 20 ) +

x 2 + 40 x 279 + 0.8 ( x 20 ) = 0

x 2 + 40 x 279 = 1.8 ( 20 x )
x 2 + 40 x 279 = ( 36 1.8 x )

4.24 x 2 169.6 x + 1575 = 0 x= 169.6

( 169.6 )2 4 ( 4.24 )(1575) 2 ( 4.24 )

and x = 25.342 in. x = 14.66 in.

x = 14.6579 in. x 20 in.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 78.

Deflection of spring = s, where

s =

l 2 + y2 l

ds = dy
Potential Energy:

y l y2
1 2 y ks W 2 2

V =

dV ds 1 = ks W dy dy 2

dV =k dy

l 2 + y2 l

y l + y
2 2

1 W 2

= k 1
Equilibrium Now Then

y 1W 2 2 2 l + y
y = 1W 2 2 2 k l + y l

dV = 0: 1 dy

W = mg = (12 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 117.72 N, l = 0.75 m, and k = 900 N/m

0.75 m

( 0.75 m )2

y = 1 (117.72 N ) 2 ( 900 N/m ) + y2

or Solving numerically,

y = 0.0654 0.5625 + y 2 0.75

y = 0.45342 m y = 453 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 79.


We note that in ABC, 1 180 ( 90 + ) A = B = 2 = 45

Thus AB = 2a cos 45 2

= 2a cos 45 cos + sin 45 sin 2 2

= 2a 2 cos + sin 2 2 2

= Elongation of Spring:

2 a cos + sin 2 2

s = AB 2 a

= 2 a cos + sin 1 2 2
Potential Energy:

V = V =

1 2 ks W ( l sin ) 2 1 k 2a 2 cos + sin 1 Wl sin 2 2 2

( )

= ka 2 cos 2 + sin 2 + 1 + 2cos sin 2cos 2sin Wl sin 2 2 2 2 2 2

= ka 2 1 + 1 + sin 2cos 2sin Wl sin 2 2 Wl = 2ka 2 1 cos sin + ka 2 1 2 sin 2 2 ka

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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dV 1 Wl 1 = 2ka 2 sin cos + ka 2 1 2 cos 2 2 2 d ka 2

Wl = ka 2 cos sin + 1 2 cos 2 2 ka For Equilibrium:

dV = 0: d
(b) Given data:



Wl = 1 2 cos 2 ka


k = 75 lb/in., a = 10 in., l = 15 in., and W =100 lb

Using equation (1):


(100 lb )(15 in.) cos = 1 2 2 75 lb/in. 10 in. ( )( )

cos Letting Then Which yields cos


= 0.8 cos sin 2

cos = cos 2 cos


= 0.8 cos sin cos + sin 2 2 2 2

and cos = 45,



+ sin

= 1.25

The first equation yields In the second equation let x = cos or Solving

= 90.0
x + 1 x 2 = 1.25

and the equation becomes

x 2 1.25 x + 0.28125 = 0 x = 0.95572 and x = 0.29428

2 Stability:

= cos 1 0.95572 and

= cos 1 0.29428

= 34.2 and = 145.8

d 2V 1 2 Wl = ka sin + cos 2 1 2 sin 2 2 2 d ka 2 = 1 2 ka sin + cos 1.6sin 2 2 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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= 34.2: = 90.0: = 145.8:

d 2V 1 2 = ka ( 0.2940 + 0.9558 0.8993) > 0 d 2 2 d 2V 1 2 = ka ( 0.707 + 0.707 1.6 ) < 0 d 2 2 d 2V 1 2 = ka ( 0.9558 + 0.2940 0.8993) > 0 d 2 2

Stable Unstable Stable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 80.


xSPA = rA sin xSPB = xSPA xSP = xSPA + xSPB

= 2rA sin ,

rA = 150 mm

yBLOCK = r , V =
= 1 2 kxSP mgyBLOCK 2 1 2 k ( 2rA sin ) mgr 2

r = 200 mm

Potential Energy:

2 = 2krA sin 2 mgr

dV 2 2 = 2krA sin 2 mgr ( 2sin cos ) mgr = 2krA d d 2V 2 = 4krA cos 2 2 d

Equilibrium Condition: (1)

dV = 0: d
Thus or (a) (b) From Eq. (2),

2 2krA sin 2 mgr = 0 2

2 ( 2000 N/m )( 0.15 m ) sin 2 m 9.81 m/s 2 ( 0.2 m ) = 0

m = 45.872 sin 2 ( kg )
with m 0:

(2) 0 m 45.9 kg

For Stable equilibrium: Then from Eq. (1)

d 2V >0 d 2
cos 2 > 0 or 0 45.0

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 81.


xSPA = rA sin xSPB = xSPA xSP = xSPA + xSPB

= 2rA sin ,

rA = 150 mm r = 200 mm

yBLOCK = r ,
Potential Energy:

V =

1 2 kxSP mgyBLOCK 2 1 2 k ( 2rA sin ) mgr 2

2 = 2krA sin 2 mgr

dV 2 2 = 2krA sin 2 mgr ( 2sin cos ) mgr = 2krA d d 2V 2 = 4krA cos 2 d 2

Equilibrium Condition: (1)

dV = 0: d
Thus or

2 2krA sin 2 mgr = 0

2 ( 2000 N/m )( 0.15 m ) sin 2 m 9.81 m/s 2 ( 0.2 m ) = 0


m = 45.872 sin 2 ( kg )
20 = 45.872 sin 2


Solving Stability: Using Eq. (1)

= 12.9243


= 77.076

= 12.9243: = 77.076:

d 2V 2 = 4krA cos ( 2 12.9243 ) > 0 d 2 d 2V 2 = 4krA cos ( 2 77.076 ) < 0 d 2

= 12.92, Stable = 77.1, Unstable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 82.


sSP = l cos 0 l cos

= l ( cos 0 cos ) Potential Energy:

V =

1 2 ksSP mg ( 2l sin ) 2 1 2 2 kl ( cos 0 cos ) 2mgl sin 2 (1)

dV = kl 2 ( cos 0 cos ) sin 2mgl cos d

Equilibrium: dV = 0: d

kl 2 ( cos 0 cos ) sin 2mgl cos = 0

Since cos = 0 is not a solution of the equation, we can divide all terms by kl 2 cos and write

( cos 0 cos ) tan

2mg kl


The spring is unstretched for = 0 thus 0 = 0 in Eq. (2) and we have

(1 cos ) tan

2mg kl

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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For the given data

(1 cos ) tan
Solving by trial and error: Stability: Differentiating Eq. (1):

2 ( 5 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2

(800 N/m )( 0.250 m )

= 0.4905

= 51.96,

= 52.0

d 2V = kl 2 sin 2 + cos 0 cos cos 2 + 2mgl sin 2 d

2mg sin = kl 2 cos 0 cos cos 2 + kl For 0 = 0, = 51.96, and the given data


d 2V = kl 2 ( cos 51.96 cos103.92 + 0.4905sin 51.96 ) d 2

= 1.2431 kl 2 > 0

= 52.0, Stable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 83.


Law of Sines:

yA l = sin ( 90 + ) sin ( 90 ) yA l = cos ( ) cos

yA = l cos ( ) cos

From Eq. (1): Potential Energy:

yB = l

cos ( ) l cos cos

l cos ( ) cos ( ) l cos Ql V = PyB Qy A = P cos cos

sin ( ) sin ( ) dV = Pl + l sin + Ql d cos cos

Equilibrium: or

dV = 0: d

( P + Q ) sin (

) = P sin cos

( P + Q )( sin cos

cos sin ) = P sin cos

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Substracting P ( sin cos ) from each member yields

( P + Q ) cos sin + Q sin cos = 0

or Given data:

tan =

P+Q tan Q

= 30, P = Q = 400 N
tan =

( 400 N ) + ( 400 N ) ( 400 N )

tan 30

tan = 2 ( 0.57735 ) = 1.1547

= 49.1

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 84.


Law of Sines:

yA l = sin ( 90 + ) sin ( 90 ) yA l = cos ( ) cos

yA = l cos ( ) cos

From Eq. (1): Potential Energy:

yB = l

cos ( ) l cos cos

cos ( ) cos ( ) l cos Ql V = PyB Qy A = P l cos cos

sin ( ) sin ( ) dV = Pl + l sin + Ql d cos cos

Equilibrium: or

dV = 0: d

( P + Q ) sin (

) = P sin cos

( P + Q )( sin cos

cos sin ) = P sin cos

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Substracting P ( sin cos ) from each member yields

( P + Q ) cos sin + Q sin cos = 0

or Given data:

tan =

P+Q tan Q

P = 100 N, Q = 25 N, = 30
tan =

(100 N ) + ( 25 N ) ( 25 N )

tan 30

= 5 ( 0.57735 ) = 2.8868

= 70.9

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 85.

First note, by Law of Cosines:

2 d 2 = (16 ) + 16 sin 2 (16 ) 16 sin cos 2 2 2

d = 16 1 + sin 2
Also note Potential Energy:

sin in.

xSP = rA

V = =

1 2 kxSP + WD yD 2 1 2 k ( rA ) + WD ( yD )0 (16 d ) sin 60 2

1 2 2 krA + WD ( yD )0 16 16 1 + sin 2 sin 2 2

sin 60

Equilibrium condition:

dV = 0: d

2 krA

+ 16WD sin 60

1 sin cos cos 2 2 2 1 + sin 2



2 + 4WD sin 60 krA

sin 2cos 1 + sin



Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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( 2.5 lb/in.)( 2 in.)2


1 + sin 2

sin + 4 ( 25 lb ) sin 60 ( sin 2cos ) = 0

1 + sin 2

sin + 8.6603 ( sin 2 cos ) = 0

Solving numerically,

= 1.08572 rad

= 62.2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 86.

First note that cable tension is uniform throughout, hence

k1x1 = k2 x2

x2 =

k1 6 lb/in. x1 = x1 k2 3 lb/in.

x2 = 2 x1

Now, with C midway between the pulleys,

2d = 16 in. + x1 + x2

d =8+

1 ( x1 + x2 ) 2

y 2 = d 2 82
1 = 8 + ( x1 + x2 ) 82 2 1 2 = 8 ( x1 + x2 ) + ( x1 + x2 ) 4 1 2 = 8 ( x1 + 2 x1 ) + ( x1 + 2 x1 ) 4 9 2 2 in = 24 x1 + x1 4

( )

1 2 96 x1 + 9 x1 2 Potential Energy: y=

V =

1 2 1 2 k1x1 + k2 x2 Wy 2 2
1 2 1 2 1 2 k1x1 + k2 ( 2 x1 ) W 96 x1 + 9 x1 2 2 2 1 1 2 96 x1 + 9 x1 ( k1 + 4k2 ) x12 W 2 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Equilibrium condition:
dV = 0: dx1

( k1 + 4k2 ) x1 W

=0 4 96 x + 9 x 2 1 1 96 + 18x1

or or Solving, Then

6 + 4 ( 3) lb/in. ( x1 ) in.

1 2 96 x1 + 9 x1 in. ( 25 lb ) ( 96 + 18 x1 ) in. =0 4

2 18x1 96 x1 + 9 x1 600 112.5x1 = 0

x1 = 2.7677 in.


1 2 96 ( 2.7677 ) + 9 ( 2.7677 ) 2
y = 9.15 in.

= 9.1466 in.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 87.

Stretch of Spring
s = AB r

s = 2 ( r cos ) r s = r ( 2cos 1)
Potential Energy:

V = V =

1 2 ks Wr sin 2 2

W = mg

1 2 2 kr ( 2 cos 1) Wr sin 2 2

dV = kr 2 ( 2 cos 1) 2sin 2Wr cos 2 d


dV = 0: d

kr 2 ( 2cos 1) sin Wr cos 2 = 0

( 2cos

cos 2

1) sin

W kr

( 20 kg ) 9.81 m/s2 W = = 0.36333 kr ( 3000 N/m )( 0.180 m )

( 2cos
cos 2 1) sin = 0.36333

Then Solving numerically,

= 0.9580 rad = 54.9

= 54.9

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 88.

Have Then

l AD = 2r sin

y A = LAD sin ( 90 ) 45

= 2r sin sin ( 45 )
Also for spring

s = l AB r

= 2r cos r = r ( 2 cos 1)
Potential Energy:
V = VSP + Vm

1 2 ks + mgy A 2

For Equilibrium:

1 2 2 kr ( 2 cos 1) 2mgr sin sin ( 45 ) 2

dV = 0: d

kr 2 ( 2sin )( 2cos 1) 2mgr cos sin ( 45 ) sin cos ( 45 ) =0

or or

kr sin ( 2 cos 1) mg sin ( 45 2 ) = 0

sin ( 2cos 1) sin ( 45 2 )

( 20 kg ) 9.81 m/s2 mg = = kr ( 3000 N/m )( 0.18 m )

= 0.36333

Solving numerically

= 46.6

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 89.


xC = d sin

yB = h cos

Potential Energy:

1 2 V = 2 kxC + WyB 2 = kd 2 sin 2 + Wh cos


dV = 2kd 2 sin cos Wh sin d = kd 2 sin 2 Wh sin

and For equilibrium position = 0 to be stable, we must have

d 2V = 2kd 2 cos 2 Wh cos d 2


d 2V = 2kd 2 Wh > 0 d 2

or Note: For kd 2 =

kd 2 >

1 Wh 2


1 d 2V = 0, so that we must determine which is the first derivative that is not Wh, we have 2 d 2 equal to zero. Differentiating Equation (1), we write
d 3V = 4kd 2 sin 2 + Wh sin = 0 d 3 for = 0

d 4V = 8kd 2 cos 2 + Wh cos d 4

For = 0: Since kd 2 =

d 4V = 8kd 2 + Wh d 4

1 d 4V 1 Wh, = 4Wh + Wh < 0, we conclude that the equilibrium is unstable for kd 2 = Wh 4 2 2 d and the > sign in Equation (2) is correct.
With Equation (2) gives
W = 160 lb, h = 50 in., and d = 24 in.

k ( 24 in.) >

1 (160 lb )( 50 in.) 2

k > 6.944 lb/in.

k > 6.94 lb/in.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 90.

Using Equation (2) of problem 10.89 with

h = 30 in.,

k = 4 lb/in.,


W = 40 lb

kd 2 >

1 Wh 2
1 ( 40 lb )( 30 in.) 2

( 4 lb/in.) d 2


d 2 > 150 in 2

d > 12.247 in.

Smallest d = 12.25 in.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 91.

Consider a small clockwise rotation of the plate about its center. Then

V = 2VP + 4VSP


a VP = P cos 2
= 1 ( Pa cos ) 2 1 2 kySP 2




d = =

a 2 +a 2 a 5 2


= 180 + 90 2

= 90 2
Then a 5 sin ySP = 2 = = a 5 sin 90 2 2
a 5 cos 2 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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1 a k 5 cos 2 2 2 5 2 2 ka cos 2 8 2

V = Pa cos + Then

5 2 2 ka cos 2 2 2

5 dV = Pa sin + ka 2 2 cos 2 8 2 d

1 + 2 cos sin 2 2 2
= Pa sin + 5 2 1 ka 2 cos 2 + 2 sin ( 2 ) 2 2 2

5 d 2V = Pa cos + ka 2 2 cos 2 2 2 2 d

1 2 cos sin + sin ( 2 ) 2 2 2

1 2 cos ( 2 ) 2 5 2 3 ka 2cos 2 + sin ( 2 ) 2 2 2

= Pa cos +

1 2 cos ( 2 ) 2

1 5 3 d 3V = Pa sin + ka 2 4 cos sin + sin ( 2 ) 3 2 2 2 2 d 2 3 1 cos ( 2 ) cos ( 2 ) + 2 sin ( 2 ) 2 2 5 2 1 5 ka sin ( 2 ) cos ( 2 ) 2 2 2

= Pa sin + +

1 2 sin ( 2 ) 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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When = 0,

dV = 0 for all values of P. d

For stable equilibrium when = 0, require d 2V 5 > 0: Pa + ka 2 2cos 2 > 0 2 2 d

Now, when = 0,

cos =

a 5 2

a 2

1 5

1 Pa + 5ka 2 > 0 5 or When P = ka ( for = 0 ) : dV =0 d d 2V =0 d 2 d 3V 5 = ka 2 sin 2 > 0 unstable 3 4 d P < ka

Stable equilibrium for 0 P < ka

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 92.



L 2L sin = sin 3 3

For small values of and :

= 2

2L L 1 V = P cos + cos + ks 2 3 3 2
= PL 1 2L sin ( cos 2 + 2cos ) + k 3 2 3

dV PL 2 = ( 2sin 2 2sin ) + kL2 sin cos d 3 9 = PL 2 ( 2sin 2 + 2sin ) + kL2 sin 2 3 9

d 2V PL 4 = ( 4 cos 2 + 2cos ) + kL2 cos 2 2 3 9 d When

= 0:

d 2V 6 PL 4 2 = + kL 2 3 9 d

For stability:

d 2V 4 > 0: 2PL + kL2 > 0 2 9 d 0 P< 2 kL 9

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 93.

From geometry:

xC = a sin = 2a sin
For small values of ,

= 2
or = 1 2

y A = a cos + 3 a cos

= a cos + 3cos 2
For spring:

s = xC = a sin
Potential Energy:

V = VSP + VP

1 2 k ( a sin ) + Pa cos + 3cos 2 2

dV 3 = ka 2 cos sin Pa sin + sin 2 2 d

d 2V 3 = ka 2 sin 2 + cos 2 Pa cos + cos 4 2 d 2

For stable equilibrium: Then, with = 0

d 2V >0 d 2

3 ka 2 Pa 1 + > 0 4
or P< 4 ka 7

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 94.

Consider a small disturbance of the system defined by the angle . Have xC = 2a sin = a sin For small : Now, the Potential Energy is V = where 1 2 kxB + PyE 2 2 =

xB = a sin yE = yC + yE/C = 2a cos + 2a cos = 2a ( cos + cos 2 )


Then and

V =

1 2 2 ka sin + 2Pa ( cos + cos 2 ) 2

dV 1 = ka 2 ( 2sin cos ) 2Pa ( sin + 2sin 2 ) d 2 = 1 2 ka sin 2 2Pa ( sin + 2sin 2 ) 2

d 2V = ka 2 cos 2 2Pa ( cos + 4 cos 2 ) d 2 For = 0 and for stable equilibrium: d 2V >0 d 2 or
ka 2 2 Pa (1 + 4 ) > 0

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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1 ka 10 0 P< 1 ka 10

Check stability for


ka 10

d 3V = 2ka 2 sin 2 + 2Pa ( sin + 8sin 2 ) d 3 d 4V = 4ka 2 cos 2 + 2Pa ( cos + 16cos 2 ) d 4 Then, with




ka 10

dV =0 d d 2V =0 d 2 d 3V =0 d 3
d 4V 1 = 4ka 2 + 2 ka ( a )(1 + 16 ) 4 d 10

= 0.6ka 2 < 0 Unstable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 95.


xG = xC = a sin

tan = =

xG a + c a cos a sin a + c a cos

Differentiating both sides with respect to :

sin c 1 + cos a

1 d = 2 cos d

c cos 1 + cos sin ( sin ) a 2 c + 1 cos a

For = = 0:

c d a = a 2 = d c c a


Potential Energy:

V = W1 y1 + W2 y2 = m1gb ( cos 1) + m2 ga (1 cos )

dV d = m1gb sin + m2 ga sin d d
2 d 2 d 2V d = m gb cos m gb sin 1 1 d 2 + m2 ga cos d 2 d

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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For = = 0, and recalling Eq. (1),

d 2V a = m1gb 0 + m2 ga 2 d c
For stability we need

d 2V >0 d 2 m1 < m2 c2 ab



ba 2 < m2 ga c2


The smallest value of m1 for stable equilibrium is thus

m1 = m2

c2 ab

Note: To determine whether the equilibrium is stable when m1 has the exact value we found, we should d 3V d 4V m c2 determine the values of the derivatives and for m1 = 2 . In practice, however we shall want to 4 3 d d ( ab ) keep m1 below this value.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 96.

First note For small values of and :

A = a sin = b sin a = b

V = P ( a + b ) cos 2Q ( a + b ) cos
a = ( a + b ) P cos 2Q cos b a dV a = ( a + b ) P sin + 2Q sin d b b
a2 d 2V a a b = + ( ) 2 P cos + 2Q cos 2 d b b
When = 0:

a b

a2 d 2V a b = + 2 P + 2Q ( ) 2 d b


d 2V a2 > 0: P + 2Q > 0 d 2 b2 P<2 b2 Q a2

(1) (2)

or With

a2 P 2b 2 P = 600 N, a = 480 mm and b = 400 mm Q>

1 ( 480 mm ) Q> ( 600 N ) = 432 N 2 ( 400 mm )2

Q > 432 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 97.


xB = l sin
xC = l sin 1 + l sin 2

yC = l cos1 + l cos 2

V = PyC +

1 2 1 2 kxB + kxC 2 2 1 2 2 2 kl sin 1 + ( sin 1 + sin 2 ) 2

V = Pl ( cos1 + cos 2 ) +

For small values of 1 and 2 :

sin 1 1,

sin 2 2 ,

1 cos1 1 12 , 2

cos 2 1

1 2 2 2

2 12 2 1 2 2 2 V = Pl + 1 1 1 + (1 + 2 ) + 2 kl 2 2


V = Pl1 + kl 2 1 + (1 + 2 ) 1 V = Pl 2 + kl 2 (1 + 2 ) 2

2V = Pl + 2kl 2 12

2V = Pl + kl 2 2 2

2V = kl 2 1 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Stability For

Conditions for stability (see page 583).

1 = 2 = 0:

V V = =0 1 2

( condition satisfied )

2V 2V 2V <0 2 12 2 1 2

( kl ) ( Pl + 2kl ) ( Pl + kl ) < 0
2 2 2

k 2l 4 P 2l 2 + 3Pkl 3 2k 2l 4 < 0 P 2 3klP + k 2l 2 > 0

Solving, or


3 5 kl 2


P >

3+ 5 kl 2

P < 0.382kl

P > 2.62kl

2V > 0: Pl + 2kl 2 > 0 12



1 kl 2

2V > 0: Pl + kl 2 > 0 2 2
P < kl 0 P < 0.382kl

Therefore, all conditions for stable equilibrium are satisfied when

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 98.

From the analysis of Problem 10.97 with

l = 400 mm and k = 1.25 kN/m

P < 0.382kl = 0.382 (1250 N/m )( 0.4 m ) = 191 N

0 P < 191.0 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 99.


V =

1 1 2 2 k ( a 2 ) + k ( a sin 1 + a sin 2 ) + P ( 2a cos1 + a cos 2 ) 2 2

V = ka 2 ( sin 1 + sin 2 ) cos1 2Pa sin 1 1


1 = ka 2 sin 21 + cos1 sin 2 2 Pa sin 1 2


2V = ka 2 ( cos 21 sin 1 sin 2 ) 2Pa cos1 12

2V = ka 2 cos1 cos 2 1 2


V = ka 2 2 + ka 2 ( sin 1 + sin 2 ) cos 2 Pa sin 2 2

1 = ka 2 2 + ka 2 sin 1 cos 2 + sin 2 2 Pa sin 2 2

and When
2V = ka 2 + ka 2 ( sin 1 sin 2 + cos 2 2 ) Pa cos 2 2 2

1 = 2 = 0
V =0 1 2V = ka 2 2Pa 12 2V = ka 2 1 2 V =0 2

2V = ka 2 + ka 2 Pa = 2ka 2 Pa 2 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Apply Equations 10.24

V = 0: 1 V = 0: 2

condition satisfied condition satisfied

2V 2V 2V < 0: 2 12 2 1 2

( ka ) ( ka
2 2

2Pa 2ka 2 Pa < 0


or Expanding or or or Also

k 2a 2 ( ka 2P )( 2ka P ) < 0
k 2a 2 2k 2a 2 + 5kaP 2 P 2 < 0

2P 2 5kaP + k 2a 2 > 0


5 17 ka 4


P >

5 + 17 ka 4

P < 0.21922ka

P > 2.2808ka

2V > 0: ka 2 2 Pa > 0 12
P< 1 ka 2


2V > 0: 2ka 2 Pa > 0 2 2

P < 2ka



For stable equilibrium when 1 = 2 = 0:

0 P < 0.219ka

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 100.

Potential Energy:

V = =

1 2 1 2 kx1 + kx2 + Py 2 2 1 1 2 2 k ( a sin 1 + a sin 2 ) + k ( a 2 ) + P ( 2a cos1 + a cos 2 ) 2 2

V = ka 2 ( sin 1 + sin 2 ) cos1 2P a sin 1 1

1 = ka 2 sin 21 + cos1 sin 2 2Pa sin 1 2

2V = ka 2 ( cos 21 sin 1 sin 2 ) 2Pa cos1 12
2V = ka 2 cos1 cos 2 1 2

V = ka 2 ( sin 1 + sin 2 ) cos 2 + ka 2 2 Pa sin 2 2

1 = ka 2 sin 1 cos 2 + sin 2 2 + ka 2 2 Pa sin 2 2

2V = ka 2 ( sin 1 sin 2 + cos 2 2 ) + ka 2 Pa cos 2 2 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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1 = 2 = 0
V =0 1 2V = ka 2 2 Pa 2 1 2V = ka 2 + ka 2 Pa = 2ka 2 Pa 2 2 2V = ka 2 1 2 V =0 2

Apply Eq. 10.24:

V = 0: 1 V = 0: 2

Condition satisfied Condition satisfied

2V 2V 2V < 0: 2 12 2 1 2

( ka ) ( ka
2 2

2Pa 2ka 2 Pa < 0


k 2a 2 ( ka 2P )( 2ka P ) < 0

k 2a 2 2k 2a 2 + 5Pka 2P 2 < 0 2P 2 5P ka + k 2a 2 > 0

P< 5 17 ka 4 and P> 5 + 17 ka 4


P < 0.21922 ka

2V >0 12

P > 2.2808 ka
2V < 0: 2 2

ka 2 2Pa > 0

2ka 2 Pa > 0


1 ka 2

P < 2ka

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Thus, for stable equilibrium when 1 = 2 = 0:

0 P < 0.21922 ka
with k = 2 kN/m and a = 350 mm

0 P < 0.21922 ( 2000 N/m )( 0.35 m )

or 0 P < 153.5 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 101.

From sketch

y A = 4 yC
Thus, (a) Virtual Work:

y A = 4 yC

U = 0:
P= 1 F 4

P y A F yC = 0

F = 300 N:


1 ( 300 N ) = 75 N 4
P = 75.0 N

(b) Free body: Corkscrew

Fy = 0:

R+PF =0

R + 75 N 300 N = 0 R = 225 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 102.

First note, by the Law of Cosines

DB 2 = ( 3 ft ) + ( 2 ft ) 2 ( 3 ft )( 2 ft ) cos
= [13 12cos ] ft 2

( )
1 (12 )( sin ) 2 13 12 cos

DB = 13 12 cos

B = DB =
or Also Then Virtual Work

B =

6sin 13 12cos

y A = 4.5cos

y A = 4.5sin

U = 0: ( 8 kips ) y A FDB B = 0
Then or

6sin 8 ( 4.5sin ) FDB 13 12 cos

= 0

or For

(8)( 4.5sin )

13 12cos

FDB = 6 13 12cos

= 70
FDB = 17.895 kips

FDB = 17.90 kips

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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Chapter 10, Solution 103.


l AB = 3.6 in. lBC = 1.6 in. lCD = 1.2 in.

lDE = 1.6 in.

lEF = 1.6 in. lFG = 4.8 in.

Assume y A :

yC =

(1.6 in.) y = 4 y ( 3.6 in.) A 9 A

4 9

yD = yC = y A yG =

( 4.8 in.) y = ( 4.8 in.) 4 y = 2 y A A ( 3.2 in.) D ( 3.2 in.) 9 3

Virtual Work:

( 3.2 in.)


4 yA 9 ( 3.2 in.)

U = 0:

( 20 lb ) y A + P yG + (180 lb in.) = 0
( 20 lb ) y A + P

2 4 y A + (180 lb in.) yA = 0 3 9 ( 3.2 in.)

P = 67.5 lb P = 67.5 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 104.


l AB = 3.6 in. lBC = 1.6 in. lCD = 1.2 in. lDE = 1.6 in. lEF = 1.6 in. lFG = 4.8 in.
Assume y A :

yC =

(1.6 in.) y = 4 y ( 3.6 in.) A 9 A

4 yA 9 = 4 5 yA = y 9 ( 3.2 in.) ( 36 in.) A

yD = yC = =
Virtual Work:

( 3.2 in.)


U = 0:

( 20 lb ) y A + (180 lb in.) + M = 0
or Solving 5 5 20 y A + 180 y A + M y A = 0 36 36

M = 324.0 lb in.
or 27.0 lb ft

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 105.


xB = l cos

xB = l sin
yC = l sin


yC = l cos
Now Substituting from Equation (1) l sin = or Virtual Work: 1 l 2

xB =

1 l 2

= 2sin

U = 0: M + P yC = 0
M ( 2sin ) + P ( l cos ) = 0

M =

1 cos Pl 2 sin

M =

Pl 2 tan

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 106.

yE = l cos

yE = l sin
Spring: Unstretched length = 2 ( 2 l sin 30 ) = 2 l
x = 2 ( 2l sin ) = 4 l sin

x = 4 l cos
FSP = k ( x 2l ) = k ( 4 l sin 2 l )

Virtual Work:

U = 0:

P yE FSP x = 0

P ( l sin ) k ( 4 l sin 2l )( 4l cos ) = 0

or or
We have Thus Solving

P sin 8kl ( 2sin 1) cos = 0

P 1 2sin = 8kl tan P = 40 lb, l = 10 in., and k = 1.5 lb/in.

( 40 lb ) 1 2sin = 8 (1.5 lb/in.)(10 in.) tan

= 24.98

= 25.0

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 107.

xB =
C =
Virtual Work:

1 l 2

Cx xB l = = cos cos 2cos

M Q C = 0 = 0

U = 0:

l M Q 2cos or Thus M =
M =

Ql 2cos
1 ( 40 lb )(1.8 ft ) = 85.18 lb ft 2 cos 65


M = 85.2 lb ft

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 108.


it follows

yC =

120 y A = 1.5 y A 80

yE = yC = 1.5 y A yD = yG =
Then, by Virtual Work

180 yE = 3 (1.5 y A ) = 4.5 y A 60

100 100 yE = (1.5 y A ) = 2.5 y A 60 60

U = 0:

( 300 N ) y A (100 N ) yD + P yG
300 450 + 2.5P = 0
P = +60 N


300 y A 100 ( 4.5 y A ) + P ( 2.5 y A ) = 0

P = 60 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 109.

Apply vertical load P at D.

M H = 0: P (12 m ) + E ( 36 m ) = 0
E= Fy = 0: P 3

3 P FBF =0 5 3 FBF = 5 P 9

Virtual Work: We remove member BF and replace it with forces FBF and FBF at pins F and B, respectively. Denoting the virtual displacements ofuuu points B and r F as rB and rF , respectively, and noting that P and D have the same direction, we have Virtual Work:

U = 0: P D + FBF rF + ( FBF ) rB = 0
P D + FBF rF cos F FBF rB cos B = 0

P D FBF ( rB cos B rF cos F ) = 0

where ( rB cos B rF cos F ) = BF , which is the change in length of member BF. Thus,
P D FBF BF = 0

5 P D P ( 75 mm ) = 0 9

D = +41.67 mm D = 41.7 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 110.

Apply horizontal load P at D.

M H = 0: P ( 9 m ) E y ( 36 m ) = 0

Ey = Fy = 0:

P 4

3 P FBF =0 5 4


5 P 12

We remove member BF and replace it with forces FBF and FBF at pins F and B, respectively. Denoting the virtual displacements ofuuu points B and r F as rB and rF , respectively, and noting that P and D have the same direction, we have Virtual Work:

U = 0: P D + FBF rF + ( FBF ) rB = 0
P D + FBF rF cos F FBF rB cos B = 0

P D FBF ( rB cos B rF cos F ) = 0

where ( rB cos B rF cos F ) = BF , which is the change in length of member BF. Thus,

P D FBF BF = 0

5 P D P ( 75 mm ) = 0 12

D = 31.25 mm

D = 31.3 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 111.

Potential Energy

l l V = 3.5 kg 9.81 m/s 2 sin + 1.75 kg 9.81 m/s2 cos 2 2

= ( 8.5838 N ) l ( 2sin + cos )

dV = ( 8.5838 N ) l ( 2cos sin ) d
d 2V = ( 8.5838 N ) l ( 2sin cos ) d 2
Equilibrium: or Thus Stability At = 63.4:

dV = 0: 2cos sin = 0 d
tan = 2

= 63.4



d 2V = ( 8.5838 N ) l 2sin ( 63.4 ) cos ( 63.4 ) d 2 = ( 8.5838 N ) l ( 1.788 0.448 ) < 0

= 63.4, Unstable

At = 116.6:

d 2V = ( 8.5838 N ) l 2sin (116.6 ) cos (116.6 ) d 2 = ( 8.5838 N ) l (1.788 + 0.447 ) > 0

= 116.6, Stable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 10, Solution 112.

Elongation of Spring:

s = l sin + l cos l = l ( sin + cos 1)

Potential Energy:

V = =

1 2 l ks W sin 2 2 1 2 l 2 kl ( sin + cos 1) mg sin 2 2

dV 1 = kl 2 ( sin + cos 1)( cos sin ) mgl cos d 2

Equilibrium: or Now with

dV = 0: d

( sin

+ cos 1)( cos sin )

mg cos = 0 2kl

mg =0 cos ( sin + cos 1)(1 tan ) 2kl

W = mg = (125 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 1226.25 N

l = 320 mm, and k = 15 kN/m,

1226.25 N cos ( sin + cos 1)(1 tan ) =0 2 (15000 N/m )( 0.32 m )

cos ( sin + cos 1)(1 tan ) 0.12773 =0

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

By inspection, one solution is Solving numerically: Stability

cos = 0


= 90.0

= 0.38338 rad = 9.6883 and = 0.59053 rad = 33.8351

d 2V 1 = kl 2 + mgl sin ( cos sin )( cos sin ) + ( sin + cos 1)( sin cos ) 2 2 d

mg = kl 2 1 + sin + cos 2sin 2 2kl

(1226.25 N ) 2 sin + cos 2sin 2 = (15000 N/m )( 0.32 m ) 1 + 2 (15000 N/m )( 0.32 m )

= (1536 N m ) [1.12773 sin + cos 2sin 2 ]


At = 90: At = 9.6883: At = 33.8351:

d 2V = 1732.2 > 0 d 2 d 2V = 786.4 > 0 d 2 d 2V = 600.6 < 0 d 2

= 90.0, Stable = 9.69, Stable = 33.8, Unstable

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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