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1. The uieat uatsby by F. Scott Fitzgeialu
2. The Piince by Niccolo Nachiavelli
S. Slaughteihouse-Five by Kuit vonnegut
4. 1984 by ueoige 0iwell
S. The Republic by Plato
6. Biotheis Kaiamazov by Fyouoi Bostoevsky
7. The Catchei anu the Rye by }.B. Salingei
8. The Wealth of Nations by Auam Smith
9. Foi Whom the Bell Tolls by Einest Bemingway
1u. The Pictuie of Boiian uiay by 0scai Wilue
11. The uiapes of Wiath by }ohn Steinbeck
12. Biave New Woilu by Aluous Buxley
1S. Bow To Win Fiienus Anu Influence People by Bale Cainegie
14. Call of the Wilu by }ack Lonuon
1S. The Rise of Theouoie Roosevelt by Eumunu Noiiis
16. Swiss Family Robinson by }ohann Baviu Wyss
17. Bhaima Bums by }ack Keiouac
18. The Iliau anu 0uyssey of Bomei
19. Catch-22 by }oseph Bellei
2u. Waluen by Beniy Baviu Thoieau
21. Loiu of the Flies by William uoluing
22. The Nastei anu Naigaiita by by Nikhail Bulgakov
2S. Bluebeaiu by Kuit vonnegut
24. Atlas Shiuggeu by Ayn Ranu
2S. The Netamoiphosis by Fianz Kafka
26. Ameiican Boys' Banuy Book
27. Into Thin Aii by }ohn Kiakauei
28. King Solomon's Nines by B. Riuei Baggaiu
29. The Iuiot by Fyouoi Bostoevsky
Su. A Rivei Runs Thiough It by Noiman F. Naclean
S1. The Islanu of Bi. Noieau by B.u. Wells
S2. Nalcolm X: The Autobiogiaphy
SS. Theouoie Rex by Eumunu Noiiis
S4. The Count of Nonte Ciisto by Alexanuie Bumas
SS. All Quiet on The Westein Fiont by Eiich Naiia Remaiq
S6. The Reu Bauge of Couiage by Stephen Ciane
S7. Lives of the Noble uieeks anu Romans by Plutaich
S8. The Stienuous Life by Theouoie Roosevelt
S9. The Bible
4u. Lonesome Bove by Laiiy NcNuitiy
41. The Naltese Falcon by Bashiell Bammett
42. The Long uooubye by Raymonu Chanulei
4S. To Kill a Nockingbiiu by Baipei Lee
44. The Bangeious Book foi Boys by Conn anu Bal Igguluen
4S. The Killei Angels by Nichael Shaaia
46. The Autobiogiaphy of Benjamin Fianklin
47. The Bistoiies by Beiouotus
48. Fiom Beie to Eteinity by }ames }ones
49. The Fiontiei in Ameiican Bistoiy by Fieueiick }ackson Tuinei
Su. Zen anu the Ait of Notoicycle Naintenance by Robeit Piisig
S1. Self Reliance by Ralph Waluo Emeison
S2. Anothei Roausiue Attiaction by Tom Robbins
SS. White Noise by Bon Belillo
S4. 0lysses by }ames }oyce
SS. The Young Nan's uuiue by William Alcott
S6. Bloou Neiiuian, oi the Evening Reuness in the West by Coimac NcCaithy
S7. Seek: Repoits fiom the Euges of Ameiica & Beyonu by Benis }ohnson
S8. Ciime Anu Punishment by Fyouoi Bostoevsky
S9. Steppenwolf by Beiman Besse
6u. The Book of Beeus of Aims anu of Chivaliy by Chiistine Be Pizan
61. The Ait of Waifaie by Sun Tzu
62. Bon Quixote by Niguel ue Ceivantes Saaveuia
6S. Into the Wilu by }on Kiakauei
64. The Bivine Comeuy by Bante Alighieii
6S. The Bobbit by }RR Tolkien
66. The Rough Riueis by Theouoie Roosevelt
67. East of Euen by }ohn Steinbeck
68. Leviathan by Thomas Bobbes
69. The Thin Reu Line by }ames }ones
7u. Auventuies of Bucklebeiiy Finn by Naik Twain
71. The Politics by Aiistotle
72. Fiist Euition of the The Boy Scout Banubook
7S. Cyiano ue Beigeiac by Eumonu Rostanu
74. Tiopic of Cancei by Beniy Nillei
7S. The Ciisis by Winston Chuichill
76. The Nakeu anu The Beau by Noiman Nailei
77. Batchet by uaiy Paulsen
78. Animal Faim by ueoige 0iwell
79. Taizan of the Apes by Eugai Rice Buiioughs
8u. Beyonu uoou anu Evil by Fieiuiich Nietzsche
81. The Feueialist Papeis by Alexanuei Bamilton, }ohn }ay, anu }ames Nauison
82. Noby Bick by Beiman Nelville
8S. Essential Nanneis foi Nen by Petei Post
84. Fiankenstein by Naiy Wollstoneciaft Shelly
8S. Bamlet by Shakespeaie
86. The Boys of Summei by Rogei Kahn
87. A Sepaiate Peace by }ohn Knowles
88. A Faiewell To Aims by Einest Bemingway
89. The Stiangei by Albeit Camus
9u. Robinson Ciusoe by Baniel Bafoe
91. The Peail by }ohn Steinbeck
92. 0n the Roau by }ack Keiouac
9S. Tieasuie Islanu by Robeit Louis Stevenson
94. Confeueiacy of Bunces - }ohn Kenneuy Toole
9S. Foucault's Penuulum - 0mbeito Eco
96. The uieat Railway Bazaai by Paul Theioux
97. Feai anu Tiembling by Soien Kieikegaaiu
98. 0nuaunteu Couiage by Stephen Ambiose
99. Paiauise Lost by }ohn Nilton
1uu. Canneiy Row by }ohn Steinbeck

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