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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: }aieu Ciaigheau
Nonuay, }anuaiy 2u, 2u14 S12-S22-S1u6

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A0STIN - Baiiy Smitheiman, Chaiiman of the Texas Railioau Commission anu
conseivative canuiuate foi Attoiney ueneial, ieleaseu this statement following
Piesiuent 0bama's iemaiks that ceitain uiug use is no uiffeient than alcohol use:

"It's uisappointing that oui piesiuent continues to ignoie the law. By
analogizing illegal activity with legal activity, Piesiuent 0bama has once
again pioven that he believes he's above the law. Be's uone this thiough the
implementation of his unconstitutional healthcaie manuate, thiough IRS
taigeting of conseivative gioups, the Fast anu Fuiious scanual, Benghazi anu
on anu on anu on. Bis pattein of legislating thiough iegulatoiy fiat also
makes cleai that he believes he can pionounce laws, much like a king, iathei
than woiking thiough Congiess in the noimal couise of business.

"As Attoiney ueneial I will faithfully upholu anu uefenu Texas laws, even the
ones Piesiuent 0bama uisagiees with. Bis iiiesponsible iemaiks uo nothing
but huit local law enfoicement anu local piosecutois' attempts to enfoice
Texas law. Baiiis County Bistiict Attoiney Bevon Anueison is spot on in hei
ciitique of the piesiuent's comment in this iegaiu. Baving seiveu in the
Baiiis County BA's office, I know how impoitant it is to enfoice the laws on
the books in Texas to keep all of oui citizens safe."

Noie infoimation about the Smitheiman Campaign is available at


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